G. BUGHBRT. APPARATUS FOR REMOVING SUPERFLUOUS METAL FROM METAL COATED BODIES. APPLICATION rum) 11311.24, 1911. 1,034,687. _ ' 1 _'Patent‘edAug. 6,1912. 3 SHEBTS—SHEET 1. E. 1 (4 I20 7,19 20/ G. BUGHB‘RT. _ v. ' \ APPARATUS r011 REMOVING surnnrnuous METAL mom METAL COATED BODIES?“ \7 ‘ _ APPLIOATIOI FILED FEB. 24,1911. 1,034,687. i ~ I Patented Aug. 6,1912. 3 SHEETS-SHEET 2. I ?/lreuey. w ‘.0 a I M 7'5 "74 78 i ' Jnr n" G. BUGHERT. 1 _ APPARATUS FOR REMOVING SUPERFLUOUS METAL PROM METAL COATED BODIES. APPLICATION FILED FEB. 24,1911. 1,034,681 Patented Aug. 6, 1912. 1 3 SHEETS-SHEET 3‘ ,UNITE? sTATEs PATENT OFFICE,’ corrraian nucnan'r, oii mumnum, 'cnmnr. mnmrus roa aexcvme surnrtuocs nun no! nu'rmcoa'ran nomuav 1,034,687.‘ Speci?cation or Letters 1mm. Patented Aug. 6» 19116. i Application ma l'ebrury a4, 1011. mm to. nude, Todlwkomitmay concern: a . . ~ and belowrportions of the horizontal-rails, Be 1t known that IE Gon'rnmu Bucnmx'r, -9, there is arranged a tray' 11 adapted to re a, subject of the King oflBavaria, and re ceive the su r?uous- coating metal knocked Sldmg at Laurehutte, Germany, have m out of the. interior of tube 5. Tray 11 is vented a new and improved Apparatus .for ~ ‘provided: near its top with a plurality of Removing $uper?uous Metal from Metal spaced horizontal grate bars 10, cohstitub Goated Bodies, of which the following is a ing tapping devices. As tube 5 is drawn over t e tray by tong 24, its freely sus speci?catiou. This invention relates to a new ‘and im pended lower end will strike the successive 10 65 proved apparatus fcr removing super?uous grate barsysovthat the super?uous coatmg I metal coated bodies, the inven !metal is loosened and may readily fall out tron being particularly ads.pted for remov-v of the tube into said tray. ' the super?uous metal from the interior" .~ 15 60 UpenI rails? travels a carnage 17 adapted 01 coated. tubes or similar‘ hollow ,bodies 1 to be take; nlongby rod 28. and connected‘ 70 such an zinc-coated iron tubes. " b ‘ chain “running under pulleys 16‘ to The‘invention is applicable to the coat the forward end of ‘a platform 14 oscillable ing of tubes or tube‘like bodies of vvarious on inlet/1551i‘ ‘of ‘the machine frame; This cross sections, which can be treated all by platform ‘ii to balanced by counterweight 14h as to normally assumeahorizontal_posi~ .75. *tion; but‘ is by carriage 17 and chain 16 adigetme'nt of the same. ‘ ‘the accompanying drawing: Figure 1 swung amp anwiaolined position during the his aflongitudiual SGCtlO?V of an‘ apparatus ‘forward travel of the carriage, so as to be‘ embodyin' my invention; Fig. ‘2 an end ready for‘ the reception bf tube 5. Near the view art y in section thereof‘; ‘Fig; 3 a jends of rails 9,..there is ‘provided at the side 80 the same apparatus without requiring a re 20 of one. of the chains 7, an inclined abutment 35' plan; conveymg _ ig. 4means; a side view Fi . of 5 apart plan of thereof; d?'ada ed'to be engaged by red 23. When ‘ Fig. 6 a detail of the ' ocking outdcviee; the ro , strikes this‘ abutment, it will be so~ Fig. 7 a cross section thereof, and Fig. 8 a tilted during, the further advance of the detail of a modi?cation of the‘ knocking chain, that it becomes dislodged from "tap pets?“ and thus becomes released from the 80 vout device. ' : The apparatus comprises essentially a chain, whlllg' lcarriage 17 becomes simultane 35 ously rel ' ' ' frdm the rod.' The carria e' frame 1 supported on casters and cm ' a pair of horizontal rails 95 which ‘at vtheir thus‘libera ed willcease to exercise a p forward end connect with a pair" of in on' latfor 14, while the uncoupling of rod 96 clined rails B,"the latter being secured at 23 ltd-om chains 7 will cause tong 24 to release their lower ends'to a bracket 2 of the frame. 'tube 5. The tube which had previously been Above each rail pair 9, 8 extends the upper laid by the tongs against platform 14 will run of an endless conveyer chain 7-pass1 ‘ now be swung into a horizontal position, over dpulleys 7'”, 2'”, T° and provided wi " Rod 23 will dro together with tong 2% aline tappets 7“, the chaixiz bein driven in through achute 2 upon an endless conveyer suitable manner (not shown). g‘appets 7‘. 22.- The latter runs along the side of the machine and carriesthe rod and tong back versely disposed rod 23, from which a tong within reach of the starting point 6. On that side of the machine frame oppo 24 is suspended; sothat the tong is taken 45 along by the chains Tong 24 is adapted to site to conveyor 22; there isarranged a water‘ 95. are adapted to removably engage a trans 109 grasp the upper end of a tube or other tank 15. Within tank 15 is mounted a ro body, 5 from the interior of which the‘ tary shaft 19 provided‘ with a lurality of super?uous coating metal is to be removed, wings 20, that are adapted to 1p into the ' 105 a said tube being received by the tong at the tank and grasp the tube which had till bottom of the inclined rails 8. , Herethcre rolled from the platform 14 into the tank. is arranged in front of the apparatus a ves The tube after being properly cooled will thus' be lifted by the wings out'of the tank eel 4: containing the zinc or other coati bath, and provided with a‘ wiper 6, throng which tube 5 55 drawn by the tong. Below and thrown into agcart or other receiver. The operation of the'machino will be ap 11c the forward portion of: the frame, 1'. -e. be ,parent 5 ,entire length of inclined rails >8 om the above description. After by the tong24= out 2 . 1,034,687 of the coating bath 4, it will be carried in a comprising a tapping device, a chain con freely suspended state over grate 10, so as veyer, a tongjcarried thereby andadapt'ed to successively strike the grate bars with to drag a. hollow coated body over the tap its lower end. Owing to‘ the substantial ping deviee, and means for f’eleasing the weight of the tube and to the inclined posi tong from said conveyer. , v 40 tion of the latter, these'rapidly following 3. A device of the character described, blows will cause the surplus zinc remaining comprising a tapping device, a pair of in the tube to be loosened up and to drop chains, a rod removably engaging the freely out of the same into tray 11. In this chains, :1 tong suspended from the rod and, . Way the interior of the tube is cleaned out in adapted to drag a hollow coated body over a simple manner, and ‘waste of coating metal thetapping device, and means for releasing 45 is avoided. The tube emptied as described the rod from the chains. 1 is placed by tongs 24 against the, platform .4. _A device of the character" described, ' 14,while the latter is held in an inclined p07 ‘comprising a tapping device, a chain con 15 sition by carriage 17. VVhe'n bar 23 carry-l veyer, a tong carried thereby and adapted to ing tongs 24"strikes abutment 18‘, the pull drag a hollow body over ‘the tapping device, on the platform ceases and the latter is lneans for releasing the tong from the con swung back into a horizontal position. The veyer, and a tiltable platform arranged back tube 5 is now rolled sidewise off the platform of the tapping device. into cooling tank_15 from which it ‘is ulti mately ejected by wings 20. 30 > I 1 5. A device of the character described, 55 comprising a tapping device, a pair of._ Fig. 8 illustrates a modi?cation of the chains, a rodremovably' engaging the chains, knocking out mechanism. Here grate 10 is a tong suspended from the rod, a carriage supplanted by a rotating shaft 13 ‘carrying operated by the rod, means for disengag beaters 12 that are adapted to successively ing the rod from the chains, and a tilt-able 6.0 strike the sides of the tube to be cleaned, the platform“ operably connected toy-the‘ car' latter being suspended in a vvertical posi riage. ‘ tion. ', . '. " Y‘ ‘ i It witness whereof I have hereunto signed’ I claim? . ~ my name in. ‘the presence of two subscribing 1. Aldevice of the character described, witnesses. comprising a tapping device, a t-iltable plat form, and means for carrying a hollow coat ed body into contact witlr'saidtapping de- _ vice and upon the platform. 35 50 I I 2. A device of the‘ character described, GOTTFRIED BUCHERT. _Witnesses : JULiUs SoHwnuN'nR, ' ERNST KATZ.
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