3,178,338 United States Patent 0 "ice Patented Apr. 13, 1965 l _ _ _ 2 following additives: Solvents with a boiling point of at least 100° C., solidv carriers, dispersants, wetting or ad 3,178,338 METHOD OF COMBATING NEMATODES, AND NEMATOCIDAL PREPARATIONS hesive agents, fertilizers, and other pesticides. Particularly valuable. preparations. for combating nema todes—-more especially nematodes that cause damage in Adolf Emil. .siegli?t, Basel, and. Rudolf Anliker, Biuningen, Switzerland, assignors to Ciba Limited, Basel, Switzer land, a company of Switzerland ‘ agriculture or horticulture-are those which contain as the active principle a compound of the general, Formula 1 in No Drawing. Filed Dec. 18, '1962, Ser. No. 245,433 Claims priority, application Switzerland, Dec. 28, 1961, 15,‘113/ 61 5 Claims. (Cl. 167-63) The present invention provides nematooidal prepara tions containing as active principle 1:13 :4~thiadiazo1e-thio phene compounds of the general formula (1) ‘which R1 represents a hydrogen atom or a methyl group or the group 10 vin which X represents an oxygen or sulfur atom; R; stands RFO‘—C_R3 S 15 tor a hydrogen atom, R3 for a hydrogen or chlorine atom ‘or a methyl group, and R4 represents a phenyl radical which may be substituted by at- least one alkyl or alkoxy group with l to 4 carbon atoms or by at least one chlorine in which vR1 represents a hydrogen or chlorine atom, or atom, or represents a, thienyl, furyl, pyridyl, diphenyl or an alkyl group with l to. 4 carbon atoms, or the group 20 naphthyl' group. ' Furthermore, there deserve spe'cialmentipn as the active principle those of the general formula HF-FH /S- HF-—~. CH in which X is an oxygen or sulfur atom; R2 and R3 may be identical or different and each represents a hydrogen 25 atom or an alkyl group with 1 to 4 carbon atoms, and R4 S CH——.-CH Hd\X/é—f|3N—-N ‘ \(?-—-(]J\s /d-.o/ \?—g \x'v/tlH N——N represents a mononuclear or binuclear aromatic radical in which X stands for an oxygen or sulfur atom. which may be substituted by one or several lower .alkyl As examples of compounds of the general Formula 1 to be used according to invention, there may be men or alkoxy groups or halogen atoms, or a S-menrbered or 6-membered hetero‘cyclic radical and at least one of the 30 rtioned the compounds listed in the following ‘Table 1: Table 1 Anal sis molecular weight N0, Formula Properties .. y . ( Qalculated 1 _______ -_ H.C—OH [1 HC,_CH / \ n' C—~C \ / C-C II S 2 _______ __ H S, n H0 I! needles, M.P., 1512-15187 0. - H, 2.42 ______ ._ H, 2.724. .(ethan'ol). 5., 38-42-------- S, 33-34 > S Colorless, very ?ne needles M.P.,168.6-:=169.2° c. I . Cl H S HC_CH n / \ S ?—0\ /C—€[) I] S u ("3—C\ /GH N———N ‘ ?-e N_N CH3 ____ OH; / \ > HO\ /CH— H —— H- N, 10.05; ____ _. N, 10.03. 278.79 Yellow shiny, ?ne ?akes, C 46. ' ) _____ __ | _ (ll-CH3 CH: ____. C, 45.85. memiig above 300° 0. (ortho- H’, 1.94 dichlorobenzene). N, 13. N,3829. 13.67. S, 38.49__-__... S, S H, 1.93. ($16.60) C, 60., _____ __ C, 60.57. 137.2-138" c. (e haploid-Water 11,3.90 , H, 3.93. 2:1). N, 10. N, 10.91. 2 ( v58 6) S n n Pale-yellow, ?akes, M.P., / \ 5 _______ ._ HC—— H [[ HC——-CH S HC\ /C——(“3 S S / \ ' C, 51161. H’, 2.53 ______ __ H, 2.34. ( ' u N———N 4 _______ _- HC—————CH H ‘ u HO\ /C~%I) ’ (dioxane+wa_ter 2:1). ~ ' (250.37) 0 51.70 _____ __ . N.——-N 3 _______ _- HC——CH N', 11.19 ..... -. N, 11.30. S — S C, 47:97-_____ .. C, 47.92. n H 11 / \_ _/ HC\ /C+~(“J ("3 g. a Eound CH \ / N- ——CH Lightyyellow, ?ne, shiny . Colorless, felted needles,M.P., " 0, 62,96_ 0, 63,71. 109.4—110° C. '(ethanQl-l-water H, 5,37- H, 54s 4:1). N’, 955%.; ( ' ) 5 N, 9.20. CH3 6 _______ __ HC——— |[ H0 S || I Colorless, shiny ?akes, M.P., / \ C—0 \ / II N C, 61.96. 1701-1112" 0. (ethanol+ C 11 N , . CH; water 3:1). . H, 4.40. ' N, 10.14. , Cl 7 _______ _. HC———CH 11 S u | Colorless, shiny needles, M.P., / \ 122.2-122.s° 0. (ethanol). HC\ S /o-<l? —N("1 0, 51,70 _____ _. C, 51.82. H, 2.53 ...... __ H, 2.39. N, 13,053“--. N, 9.80. ( , 8.7 ) Cl 8 _______ __ — ll HO S H \ / I Colorless, very ?ne needles, / \ C—-—C ll C 1% -—Cl 0, 46.01 _____ __ C, 46.41. M.P., 179.5?180D 0. (ethanol 11, 1.93 ______ -. H, 1.88. +Water 9:1). N, 8.94 ______ .. N, 8.98. (313-24) ) 3,178,338 Table 1-Continued m 8 m ...m. g 0F 0H m N 03l0 am _ ~ . _ _ ‘I04 GUNCNNsS0"OH H Hm “mmw,M+hw?+wmWM+wé.27sM+MM+My;umm?Pmym mmow Hm /mum wHm mmum mm.» VMW mum mwm .m@ mwq“Mm vMm Km ymm$0vmmm £065mmrma?mm?EBw.‘5wwmhmm““mhawk.suwwgmHum)2%cb$3»CH0.53M00nuqob5H10dmmea,owaeow1.xe,m01r mmm H H H H H H H H n u m m n o. n u n u n n u u . Ccol"HNnoec n u n n N u u n u n u n u . n u 0“ n u n n n n n u n u mu w“ m ~11 m H M n .19 n n n " u n u n u n n n / \ / \ / mErumamMme.Emawmmm?Wm.M».+ ev11IO2\1((\1 . 3w H _ 3 _ C 3C3_ Cl.CI:.uH1H C o .l1I\ l/ / \ wma,a.m.CHC0H0 CCICSHC0SI.1C0 _, H \ _ H H \ _ H \ _ _ _ _ /S a” /s H w m i /s / 953% “M.mawmin“ 9 5 m "D u “n, n h M m m H RN.QHN1%mmH?mmmF ..h we .t ,0 .y a v9 .v71ye 1...y1 .15 3..6e .or .t.E y6 \)e1 r2 P .6 C 1_. o0.Hcclclc _ H _ / H _ H _ / / H _ ma .0. u mwlo‘ .P. do. 0...are 0. 4 ru. 1°m mm M .2: m? m5mum.5PM Hmwm “[email protected],.a:mmm mmn. M07mm ..lm \u/“Hm 6L,1“mm 6%t.7Mwm kmun .mmm Y(16mm», .my smm F.111 @1 MI Q Am 0Am 537.07.60wo H I6 V\. CNNa2CNNSaCHIN3S NS\ 1C 1H _ H a NCIN0clNGINoIN 0|0 m ..azc oEGENQHNo?NN,A 3,178,338 Table 1-Continued Analysis (molecular weight) No. Formula Properties 7 _ V V Calculated OHa l 22 ______ -_ 0 CH3 ———C H S H H3C-0 /C—.- H S l / \ HC_—C II II HzC-O S S n needles, M.P., 1s2-1s2.5° o. —-0 CH; (dioxane+water 1:1). ' HC.———-CH / \ C—-/ Pale-yellow, very ?ne, felted t]? —————N (‘BBQ 23 ______ __ 7 Found ll Pale-yellow, ?ne crystalline 1] powder, M.P., 142.8-144.2° 0-0 CH n \ / ——N C. (methanol-l-water 2:1). > 0 0 CH3 24 ______ __ HC—-—- H S H | M.P., 158.8-159.1° 0. (ethanol HC\ /C—(|% S 25 ______ -- El] N CH II HO H Colorless, very ?ne needles, / \ is H H3C——O S Light-yellow, shiny needles, (IJHa II H3C—C S . ., 163.2—165.2° o. G I! (ethanol+water 2: 1). ~ N-f V _——-—.N H / S II II ———-N (ethanol+water 1:2). _N HC—CH / \ I! needles, M.P., 133.2—135° 0. C S H 0-0 Pale-yellow, very ?ne, felted / \ C-C 28 ______ -_ HC——-—C \O/ +water 1:1). ~-_- / \ C—C H M.1>., 134.94354‘1 0. (ethanol 0 [I (3-0 / ll S HG +water 3:4). N —N HC—. 2,7 ______ _- ——0 CH5 S [I C—0 \ / [I S 26 ______ __ Pale-yellow, very ?ne needles, / \ 11 II 8 ll C-0 \S/ HC_ / \ C—0 i! II 0- 11 OH Yellow, ?ne, crystalline powder _ . . (2 . C, 49.98 _____ -_ C, 49.98. [I melting above 300° 0. (ortho- n, 2.10 ______ __ H, 2.25. CH dichlorobenzene). N, 1 .57 ..... __ N, 14.68. \O/ The manufacture of the active principles of the general Formula 1 incorporated with the agents of the invention has been described in detail in British Patent No. 900.815, granted October 31, 1962 to Ciba Limited. (384.47) acid, or of mixtures of these acids, or the sodium salt of petroleum-sulfonic acid. Suitable cationic dispersants are, for example, quater nary ammonium compounds, such ascetyl pyridinium The active principles of the general Formula 1 may be 45 bromide or dihydroxyethyldodecyl ammonium chloride. For the manufacture of solutions for direct spraying there may be further added organic solvents boiling agents, by themselves or in admixture with the afore used as solutions, emulsions or dispersions or as dusting mentioned additives, for example in conjunction with fer above 10Q° C. for example, mineral oil fractions, such tilizers, ammonium salts, phosphates, calcium cyanarnide as Diesel oil or kerosene, also coal tar oils and oils of or urea, and also with pesticides, for example chlorinated 50 vegetable or animal origin, as well as hydrocarbons such as alkylated naphthalenes or tetrahydronaphthalene, if hydrocarbons, carbamates, thiocarbamates, phosphoric acid esters and the like. desired with concomitant use of mixtures of xylene, cyclo The new agents may further contain identifying agents, hexanols or kctones; also chlorinated hydrocarbons such bactericides, fungicides and additional nematocides. as tetrachloroethane, trichloroethylene or trichloroben Aqueous sprays containing active principles of the zenes or tctrachlorobcnzenes. general Formula 1 may be prepared from emulsion con centrates, pastes or wettable spray powders by the addi For the manufacture of dusting or strewing materials there may be used as solid vehicles talcum, kaolin, ben tion of water, for example by grinding with sul?te cellu tonite, calcium ‘carbonate, calcium phosphate or coal, lose waste liquor. Further suitable emulsi?ers or dis cork meal or wood meal or other materials, of vegetable persants are non-ionic products, for example condensa 60 origin. It is very advantageous to prepare the materials tion products of aliphatic alcohols, amines or carboxylic in the form of granulates. The new products in their acids containing a long-chain hydrocarbon radical con. various forms of application may be admixed in known taining about 10 to 30 carbon atoms with ethylene oxide, manner with substances that improve the distribution, such as the condensation product from octadecyl alcohol adhesion, stability towards rain or the penetration power. with 25 to 30 mols of ethylene oxide, or from soybean 65 As such substances there may be mentioned fatty acids, fatty acid with 15 mols of ethylene oxide, or from soy resins, glue, casein and alginatcs. bean fatty acid with 30 mols of ethylene oxide, or from The following examples illustrate the invention. The commercial olcylamine with 15 mols of ethylene oxide, parts are parts by weight. or from dodecylmercaptan with 12 mols of ethylene oxide. EXAMPLE 1 From among suitable anionic emulsi?ers there may be 70 mentioned: the sodium salt of dodecyl alcohol sulfuric The compound shown under (1) in the above Table 1 acid ester, the sodium salt of dodecylbenzenesulfonic acid, was mixed with aqueous sul?te cellulose waste liquor and very ?nely ground. A series of dilution from 200 parts the potassium or triethanolamine salt of oleic or abietic 3,178,338 . 7 8 per million downwards with the dilution factor 2 was prepared by mixing the microdisperse preparation thus consisting of the hydrogen atom, the chlorine atom, alkyl containing 1 to 4 carbon atoms, and obtained with water. 10 ml. each of the liquor were dropped through a pipette into a Petri dish and 10 ml. of a suspension of the nematodes Anguina tritici, Ditylen- 5 Hi chus dipsaci and Heteroa'era schachtz'i respectively were H added. The Petri dishes were covered and kept for 6 days in di?use daylight. The broth was then ?ltered off, FE /S\ ~C — \X/ the ?lter residue rinsed with 1 liter of water and then placed for 24 hours on a cotton wool ?lter infested with 10 in which X represents a member Selected from the group nematodes. The surviving nematodes were able to work their way through the ?lter and to collect in a pipette and were then counted. The nematocidal effect achieved is shown in the following Table 2: consisting of the oxygen atom and the sulfur atom, R2 and R3 each represents a member selected from the group consisting of the hydrogen atom and alkyl containing 1 to 4 carbon atoms, and R4 represents a member selected Table 2 ACTIVE PRINCIPLE: 2:5-[DITHIENYL-(2’)]~1:3z4-THIADIAZOLE Active principle in parts per Control million ...................... __ 100 50 25 12. 5 6. 25 3. 125 1. 6 0. 8 0. 0 It Nematodes surviving after 6 ays: Angui'na tritz'cz' _____________ __ Heterodera schachtii _________ -_ 0 4 0 2 O 1D 1 13 0 4 0 3 0 27 0 18 356 110 from the group consisting of phenyl, a phenyl substituted by at most 2 chlorine atoms, a phenyl substituted by at most 2 alkyl containing at most 4 carbon atoms, a phenyl EXAMPLE 2 substituted by methoxy, a phenyl substituted by methoxy The test for nematocidal effects described in Example 30 and alkyl containing at most 4 carbon atoms, thienyl, di 1 was performed, using as active principle the compound phenyl, naphthyl, pyridyl and furyl. (2) in Table 1. The nematocidal e?ect thus achieved 2. A method as claimed in claim 1, wherein the objects is shown in the following Table 3: which are to be protected from the nematodes are treated Good nematocidal effects were also achieved against Ditylenchus dipsaci. Table 3 ACTIVE PRINCIPLE: 2-[THIENYL-(2’)]-5-[4'-CHLOROPHENYL-(1')-1:3:4 THLADIAZOLE Active principle in parts per Control million ______________________ __ 100 50 25 12. 5 6. 25 3. 125 1. 6 0. 8 0 0 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0. 0 Nematodes surviving after 6 ays: Anguina tritici _____________ -- 0 0 Heterodera schachtz'i _________ -_ Good nematocidal e?ects were also achieved against Ditylenchus dipsaci. 104 29 with a nematocidal amount of the compound of the formula EXAMPLE 3 nc—on The test for nematocidal eifects described in Example 50 HQ) 1 was performed, using as active principle the compound (3) in Table 1. \ The nematocidal effect thus achieved is shown in the following Table 4: s H -— a ii-o/ \G-ii " lit IH / 3. A method as claimed in claim 1, wherein the objects which are to be protected from the nematodes are treated Table 4 Active principle in parts per Control million- _____________________ -_ 100 50 25 12.5 6. 25 3. 125 1. 6 0. 8 20 15 2 29 58 46 77 0.0 Nematodes surviving after 6 days: Anguina tritz'ci _________ _- 43 What is claimed is: 1. A method for combating nematodes which are harm ful in agriculture and horticulture, wherein the objects which are to be protected from the nematodes are treated Wtih a nematocidal amount of a compound of the formula 70 Rr- \ / S —G C—R4 224 with a nematocidal amount of the compound of the formula HC_CH S at\S/LG/ \C@_a l_l II II N—"—N 4. A method as claimed in claim 1, wherein the 0b in which R1 represents a member selected from the group 75 jects which are to be protected from the nematodes are 3,178,338 9 10 treated with a nematocidal amount of the compound of in which X represents a member selected from the group consisting of the oxygen atom and the sulfur atom, R2 and R3 each represents a member selected from the group consisting of the hydrogen atom and alkyl containing 1 \ / _ii s to 4 carbon atoms, and R4 represents a member selected u_ from the group consisting of phenyl, a phenyl substituted by at most 2 chlorine atoms, a phenyl substituted by at most 2 alkyl containing at most 4 carbon atoms, a phenyl N———-—N 5. A composition for combating nematodes harmful in agriculture and horticulture, which comprises a nema substituted by methoxy, a phenyl substituted by methoXy tocidal amount of a compound of the formula 10 and alkyl containing at most 4 carbon atoms, thienyl, di phenyl, naphthyl, pyridyl and furyl, and in addition thereto a member selected from the group consisting of an organic solvent boiling above 100° C., water, a dispers ing agent, a wetting agent and a solid carrier. in which R1 represents a member selected from the group 15 References Cited by the Examiner consisting of the hydrogen atom, the chlorine atom, alkyl FOREIGN PATENTS containing 1 to 4 carbon atoms, and 900,815 10/62 Great Britain. 20 JULIAN S. LEVI'IT, Primary Examiner.
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