RGP cases within the Contact lens clinic at the National District

RGP cases seen
within the National
District Hospital
Lauren Coetzee
OSSA Congress
T: +27(0)51 401 9111 | [email protected] | www.ufs.ac.za
Academic clinic
1/3 patients in 2013 were RGP. Average number of visits is
Service 4 provinces & Lesotho for RGPs in the low income
sector. Patients come from 300km away.
Started Clinic on 22 January; Wednesday afternoon,
students divided into 2 groups: 13 clinics sessions each
8 Keratoconics have had appointments; 4 aphakes (2
school going); 2 prosthetic Px, progressive myopic (-24.00)
Case 1
Px O
Px O
26 year old male from Hartswater
2011 diagnosed with keratoconus
Mother has keratoconus
Px diagnosed in 2012 with glaucoma, and uses
medication, is under control
Can feel vision deteriorating
Wants to renew drivers licence
He drove off the farm gate
Px O
Lenses 2011
OD K5 6.9 BC / 9.5mm TD/ -6.00
OS T S/C 7.9 BC/ 9.4mm TD/ -2.50
Was told by a practitioner in Kimberley to
discontinue use; reason unknown- most likely due
to poor fit
Rx 2011
-8.75/ -2.25 x 25
-10.75 / -3.00 x 35
Patient did not receive spectacles, VA’s not given
Px O
SL revealed grade 1 blepharitis, education was
given on lid hygiene
Ophthalmoscopy showed 0.6 C/D (OU)
Unaided VA
OD FC @1m
OS 6/60
-13.50/ -2.25 x 15
-11.50/ -1.00 x 50
PH no improvement
Px O
Px O insisted he does not want to wear RGP
lenses; this patient was educated on his
condition, and piggy backing was decided upon
His main motivation was for comfort
Two weekly lenses instead on dailies were fitted,
due to cost
8.4 BC
-0.50 D
Px O
2.8 D corneal
0.97 e
Best AA was 57%
5.3 D corneal
0.90 e
Best AA was 53%
Topography after SCL
2.9 D
0.87 e
AA 32%
4.5 D
0.80 e
AA 48%
Px O
11 lenses were fitted to OD
10 had central bubbles
Accepted fit was
6.6 BC 1.0e
10.5 mm TD
-2.50 DS
VA 6/6
Unfortunately there were no photos of the fit
taken, we had 8 mini power failures and digital
photos were sub standard
Px O
2 Lenses were fitted to OS
First lens had central bearing and peripheral bubble
superior temporally
Accepted lens was
7.1 BC 1.0e
-5.25 DS
VA 6/7.5
OU VA 6/6 +3
Patient was satisfied with his vision
Px O
The patient was quoted for both lenses, and the
patient has paid for them.
A purchase order has been received and the
lenses have been ordered
On average turn around time for patients from
date of payment to receiving lenses is 4 weeks.
Case 2
Px D
Px D
23 year old male from Bloemfontein, student
Diagnosed in 2012 with Keratoconus
Our diagnosis was changed after seeing him
On waiting list for corneal graft
Patient has apical scarring on OS, visible without
aid of a SL
No surgeries
Only medication for allergies
Px D
OD +2.75 -0.75 X 180 6/15
OS no reflex
SL showed mucus strands and blepharitis grade
1 OU, education was given on hygiene
Ophthalmoscopy showed a tessellated fundus
Px D
Topography revealed negative e values in OU,
OD: showed the kissing doves pattern
DDx Pellucid Marginal Degeneration
8D corneal astigmatism
Low minus e values: periphery is steeper than
centre cornea
Px D
8 lenses were fitted to OD
7 had large central bubbles
Final fit was 7.00 BC, 1.1 e
-6.25 DS
VA 6/6
This lens was low riding but did not cross the limbus
PMD often have a lower fit, as lens ‘sits’ on steepest
area of the cornea
2 lenses were fitted to OD
Accepted lens was 6.0 BC 1.0e -16.50 DS VA 6/20
Pooling along vertical meridian and good edge lift
Px D
Px D received his lenses and is happy with his
vision, he obtains (after settling) 6/5 OU.
He wears his lenses 6 days a week and is
currently building his wearing time, now at 6
hours a day.
He states they are better than his spectacles
No photos taken
Case 3
Px K
Px K
28 year old female from Segopi Township
Currently wearing spectacles (2012), and CC is
poor distance and near vision
Sinusitis and dry eyes, medicated
Rx spectacles
-3.00/ -1.50 x 90
-5.00 /-1.25 x 105
VA 6/20
VA 6/30
New refraction shows no change in 3.00 jumps,
will re-refract on next visit
Motivation of patient poor
Px K
SL showed grade 1 hyperaemia
Ophthalmoscopy within normal limits
10.5 D corneal astigmatism
1.15 e
6.8 D corneal astigmatism
1.31 e
Px K
OD has had 10 lenses fitted
Accepted fit was
6.4 BC 1.2e
10.5mm TD
-10.00 DS
VA 6/9
OS has been fitted with 6.2 BC 1.8e, however has a
small inferio-central bubble and obtains 6/12.
On her next visit OS will continue to be fitted
Thank You
T: +27(0)51 401 9111 | [email protected] | www.ufs.ac.za