tp-1 .0b rescode clause 54 assessment

The following is an assessment against the Objectives of clause 54 of the City of Yarra's
Planning Scheme:
The proposed alteration works pertain to the front portion of the existing dwelling, whilst the additions are to the rear of the property.
They can be summarised as follows:
>replacing existing front verandah roof sheeting with new steel corrugated sheeting and clear transparent sections. Profile to remain unchanged.
>replacing existing timber fence & gate with new fences & gates
>new paint colours to front elevation
>demolition of existing rear structures and associated roof coverings
>new single storey addition to rear with new lightwell along east boundary
>new roller door to rear boundary
54.01 Neighbourhood and Site Description and
Design Response
54.01-1 Neighbourhood and Site Description
Refer to the following:
tp-1.01 existing conditions photos 01
tp-1.02 existing conditions photos 02
tp-1.03 site analysis plan & site context plan
54.01-2 Design Response
Refer to the following:
tp-2.01 existing conditions & demolition plan
tp-2.02 existing & demolition roof plan
tp-2.03 proposed ground floor plan
tp-2.04 proposed roof plan
tp-2.05 existing elevations 01
tp-2.06 existing elevations 02
tp-2.07 proposed elevations 01
tp-2.08 proposed elevations 02
54.02 Neighbourhood Character
54.02-1 Neighbourhood Character STANDARD Al
The neighbourhood is characterised by a variety of residential dwellings built over the last
century. There is an eclectic mix of attached Victorian brick terraces: single and double storeys,
freestanding brick dwellings, two storey brick apartments from the 1970's to contemporary
town houses. These buildings vary in scale, materials, finishes and form. Allotment sizes also
vary, ranging from relatively narrow, single fronted blocks of approximately 5 metres wide to
wider blocks of up to 12 metres. Generally the allotments are without crossovers.
The subject property is a single storey brick terrace which shares a party wall and overall
roof line with the adjoining property no. 34 to its east. No.32 being effectively 1/3 of the
overall building and no. 34 being the remaining 2/3. To the west, no. 28 is a single storey,
double fronted brick dwelling probably built in the 1940s.
The proposed works which affect the front portion of the dwelling respond to and respect the
neighbourhood character. The new front fence and verandah will improve the appearance of
the property from the street view. They will compliment the existing fence and verandah of
the adjoining property: no. 34.
The rear addition works are single storey and will revitalise the amenities of the subject
property. The scale and design of the rear works respects the existing dwelling and general
neighbourhood. These rear works will not be visible from the street.
Conclusion: Complies
54.02-2 Integration with the Street: STANDARD A2
The orientation of the dwelling remains orientated to the front street and unchanged. The
height of the new fence will remain unchanged: 1.6m.
Conclusion: Complies
54.03 Site Layout and Building Massing
54.03-1 Street Setback: STANDARD A3
There is no change to the street setback of the subject dwelling.
Conclusion: n/a Complies
54.03-3 Site Coverage: STANDARD AS
The site area covered by buildings is 74%, which exceeds the noted standard of 60%. To comply to
this standard is difficult on a small site allotment of only 152sqm. The non building area coverage is
approximately 37.5sqm which is relatively generous and consistent with the surrounding properties
of the neighbourhood. The excess site coverage does not impact on visual bulk of the building.
Conclusion: Refer to decision guidelines.
54.03-4 Permeability: STANDARD A6
The permeability percentage of the existing property is less than 20%, as currently the rear outdoor
space consists of impermeable paving.
The proposed works result in the percentage of the permeable surfaces being approx.18% of the overall
site. These surfaces are made up of areas to the front garden, lightwell and rear outdoor space, which also
has the dual purpose of car parking. The proposed material for this rear outdoor space will be one that
allows permeability.
Conclusion: Refer to decision guidelines.
54.03-5 Enemy Efficiency Protection: STANDARD Al
Solar cells are to be installed on the new roof of the single storey rear addition. North facing glazing have
been incorporated to new rear living space addition to allow solar access and natural daylight entry. The
insertion of the central lightwell enables this, together with high level glazing. All new glazing will be
double glazed and will contribute to the insulation properties. Other passive energy saving measures to be
incorporated include the use of thermal insulation to all new external walls & roof structure. All lighting
will be of the low energy LED type.
Conclusion: Complies
54.03-6 Significant Trees: STANDARD A8
The front garden has been retained, which will allow landscaping and low level planting as per adjoining
properties. Two existing trees in the rear yard will be removed in the proposed works. These trees however,
are not deemed significant.
Conclusion: Complies
54.03-7 Parking: STANDARD A9
Existing on site parking for one car is retained.
Conclusion: Refer to decision guidelines.
54.03-2 Building Height: STANDARD A4
The rear addition works are single storey and in keeping with the scale of the existing
neighbourhood character. The maximum building height does not exceed that specified.
Conclusion: Complies
32 Rowena Parade2Pichmond: Proposed Additions & Alterations
tp-1 .0b rescode clause 54 assessment
ARCHITECTS [email protected] 9818 0393
54.04 Amenity Impacts
54.05 On Site Amenity and Facilities
54.04-1 Side & Rear Setback: STANDARD A10
Proposed setbacks do not impact any further on adjoining amenity areas.
54.05-1 Daylight to New Windows: STANDARD A16
All new habitable room windows have access to adequate daylighting.
Conclusion: Complies
Conclusion: Complies
54.04-2 Walls on Boundaries: STANDARD All
There is an overall reduction of 1.52m of boundary walls. A 3.38m reduction to
the west & an addition of 1.86m to the east.
54.05-2 Private Open Space: STANDARD All
The total private open space area is 48sqm. The rear outdoor area attributes to 23sqm
of this overall area, which is only 2sqm less than 25sqm minimum required under this
standard. Again, given the small site allotment, the private open spaces proposed are
relatively generous.
The height of the new walls on boundary do not exceed an average of 3m and no
part is higher than 3.6m.
54.05-3 Solar Access to Open Space: STANDARD A18
The proposed private open space locations remain unchanged.
Conclusion: n/a Complies
Conclusion: Complies
54.06 Detailed Design
54.04-4 North Facing Windows: STANDARD A13
Proposed works do not affect the adjoining existing north facing windows.
54.06-1 Detailed Design: STANDARD A19
Proposed works to the front street elevation respect the existing neighbourhood
character. The details of the front verandah and front fence will be in keeping with the
design elements of the surrounding properties in scale, materials and articulation.
Conclusion: Complies
54.04-5 Overshadowing Open Space: STANDARD A14
Proposed rear addition works are single storey and overall increase the built area
of the subject dwelling by 7.3sqm. These additional works have a minimal additional overshadowing of the adjoining secluded open space areas.
The new rear roller door will be similar in scale and materials as the existing and
surrounding properties
Conclusion: Complies
54.06-2 Front Fences: STANDARD A20
The existing front fences of the surrounding properties in the neighbourhood vary in
styles, materials and height. They range from wrought iron on the two storey terraces
opposite the subject dwelling, to concrete blocks of adjacent no. 30 and a variety of
face, painted and rendered brickwork further along Rowena Parade, as well as timber
pickets. The proposed front fence will be the same 1.6m high which is the same height
as the existing. It will have a bluestone base and timber pickets The pickets will be
positioned 90deg to allow transparency but also privacy from passers by. The new gate
will also be constructed from timber pickets.
54.04-6 Overlooking: STANDARD A15
Proposed single storey addition works to the rear do not present any overlooking
views into the existing adjoining secluded open space areas or habitable room
Conclusion: Complies
32 Rowena Parade lies within Heritage Overlay (H0332)
of the City of Yarra Planning Scheme
The subject dwelling is a typical single fronted brick terrace dwelling within this overlay.
The scale, proportions and materials are typical of the tight urban fabric of the neighbourhood. The current alterations to the rear of the dwelling date from to the 1960's and are
overdue for an upgrade.
Conclusion: Complies
Conclusion: Complies
54.04-3 Daylight to Existing Windows: STANDARD Al2
The proposed lightwell will allow daylight to the existing window of subject
dwelling's bedroom 2. The existing habitable room windows of the adjoining
properties are not affected by the proposed works.
Conclusion: Complies
The alterations to the front street elevation of the subject dwelling is limited to the reconstruction of the front verandah and a new front fence and gate. Particular consideration
has be given to its relationship with the adjoining dwelling no. 34 to the east, as it shares
a common roofline. The dwellings to the east and west along this streetscape are mainly
single storey and similar in proportion and scale. There are some two storey dwellings
along Rowena Parade, notably a row of four two storey Victorian terraces opposite the
subject site.
The proposed works to the front elevation will enhance the subject property's street presentation and appearance. It will complete the 'upgrade' of the overall building.
The rear additions are single storey and complement the architectural integrity of the
original terrace. The additions are to the rear of the site and therefore they are not visible
from the street and fall within the requirements of the Heritage Overlay. The materials,
scale and proportions of the proposed works do not dominate the existing building.
Conclusion: Complies
Conclusion: Complies
32 Rowina
i9. RichMOn(t
Proposed Additiaris &Alterations
rescode cause b4
heritage overlay statements
ARCHITECTS [email protected] 9818 0393