1 CODEX ALIMENTARIUS PESTICIDE RESIDUES THE CENTRAL LAB THAI PESTICIDE MULTI-RESIDUES TESTING ON: POTATOES Class Type Category Processed Food of Plant Origin Derived Products of Plant Origin Root and Tuber Vegetables Commodity Category: Category Code: Root and tuber vegetables VR 0075 Specific Commodity: Commodity Code: Sweet Potato VR 0508 Specific Commodity: Commodity Code: Potato VR 0589 Specific Commodity: Commodity Code: Ginseng VR 0604 Specific Commodity: Commodity Code: Yams VR 0600 Examples of Related Varieties or other products included in the definition to which the same MRL applies: Important Notices: The Multi-Residue Testing is tasked on the Department of Agriculture (DOA) regulated pesticides which are grouped to : Organophosphates, Carbamates, Pyrethroids, Organochlorines, and Others. While CODEX Pesticides and MRLs are highlighted brown and appear all over the above groups, other CODEX Pesticdes are separately grouped according to the current capabilities of the CENTRAL LAB THAI, hereto as: 1. With CENTRAL LAB THAI mutual capabilities 2. Requiring future CENTRAL LAB THAI capabilities Tables arranged on 29/08/2014 2 Chemical Family Organophosphates # 1 Pesticides AZINPHOS-ETHYL 2 AZINPHOS-METHYL 3 CHLORPYRIFOS 4 5 CHLORPYRIFOS-METHYL DIAZINON 6 DICHLORVOS 7 DICROTOPHOS MRLs mg/Kg Year of Adoption Symbols Notes Not in the List of Chemicals Chemical Family Pesticides MRLs mg/Kg 14 METHIDATHION VR 0589 Potatoes 15 MEVINPHOS Not in the List of Chemicals 16 MONOCROTOPHOS Not in the List of Chemicals Organophosphates (*) # 0.05 1995 2 2005 VR 0589 Potatoes 2010 (*) VR 0589 Potatoes (*) VR 0589 Potatoes OMETHOATE 18 PARATHION There are currently no MRLs There are currently no MRLs 19 PARATHION-METHYL Not in the List of Chemicals 20 PHOSALONE 0.01 1995 17 0.05 There are currently no MRLs Symbols Notes Adoption 0.02 There are currently no MRLs 0.01 Year of 1997 (*) VR 0589 Potatoes (*) VR 0589 Potatoes 3 8 DIMETHOATE 9 EPN Not in the List of Chemicals Not in the List of Chemicals 21 PIRIMIPHOS-ETHYL 22 PIRIMIPHOS-METHYL There are currently no MRLs 23 PROFENOFOS There are currently no MRLs Not in the List of Chemicals ETHION There are currently no MRLs 11 FENITROTHION There are currently no MRLs 24 PROTHIOFOS 12 MALATHION There are currently no MRLs 25 TRIAZOPHOS There are currently no MRLs 13 METHAMIDOPHOS ISOPROCARB Not in the List of Chemicals 10 Carbamates VR 0589 Potatoes 0.05 1 ALDICARB 0.05 0.1 2005 VR 0589 Potatoes VR 0508 Sweet Potatoes Carbamates 7 4 METHIOCARB 0.05 2006 (*) VR 0589 Potatoes There are currently no MRLs 9 METHOMYL 0.02 2004 (*) VR 0589 Potatoes CARBOSULFAN There are currently no MRLs 10 OXAMYL 0.1 2004 5 FENOBUCARB There are currently no MRLs 11 PROMECARB 6 INDOXACARB 0.02 1 BIFENTHRIN 0.05 5 DELTAMETHRIN 0.01 2 CYFLUTHRIN/betaCYFLUTHRIN 6 ESFENVALERATE There are currently no MRLs CARBARYL 3 CARBOFURAN 4 Pyrethroids VR 0508 Sweet Potatoes 8 2 0.02 0.01 2004 (*) VR 0589 Potatoes Not in the List of Chemicals VR 0589 Potatoes 2006 2011 VR 0075 Root and Tuber Vegetables 2008 VR 0589 Potatoes (*) Pyrethroids 2004 (*) VR 0589 Potatoes 5 3 CYHALOTHRIN (includes lambda-CYHALOTHRIN) 0.01 2009 4 CYPERMETHRINS (including alpha- and zeta-CYPERMETHRIN) 0.01 2009 (*) VR 0075 Root and Tuber Vegetables 7 FENVALERATE There are currently no MRLs (*) VR 0075 Root and Tuber Vegetables 8 PERMETHRIN 0.05 Organochlorines (*) VR 0589 Potatoes Organochlorines 1 ALDRIN and DIELDRIN 0.1 1997 E VR 0075 Root and Tuber Vegetables VR 0589 Potatoes 6 ENDOSULFAN 0.05 2007 (*) VR 0508 Sweet Potatoes 2 3 4 CHLORDANE There are currently no MRLs DDT There are currently no MRLs DICOFOL There are currently no MRLs 7 8 9 HEPTACHLOR BHC LINDANE There are currently no MRLs Not in the List of Chemicals There are currently no MRLs 6 Others 5 ENDRIN 1 ABAMECTIN 2 ACEPHATE There are currently no MRLs Not in the List of Chemicals 13 FORMETANATE HYDROCHLORIDE There are currently no MRLs 14 IMIDACLOPRID 0.5 ACETAMIPRID There are currently no MRLs 15 METALAXYL 0.05 AMITRAZ There are currently no MRLs 5 6 3 4 0.01 2001 (*) VR 0589 Potatoes Others 16 METHOXYCHLOR CARBENDAZIM There are currently no MRLs 17 PROCHLORAZ CHLORFLUAZURON There are currently no MRLs 18 PROCYMIDONE Not in the List of Chemicals There are currently no MRLs Not in the List of Chemicals VR 0075 Root and tuber vegetables 2009 (*) VR 0589 Potatoes 7 7 CLOTHIANIDIN There are currently no MRLs 19 PROPICONAZOLE 8 DIFLUBENZURON There are currently no MRLs 20 QUINALPHOS Not in the List of Chemicals 21 TETRADIFON Not in the List of Chemicals 22 TRIADIMEFON There are currently no MRLs 23 TRIADIMENOL There are currently no MRLs 24 TRIFORINE There are currently no MRLs 11 DIQUAT 9 Other CODEX PESTICIDES with CENTRAL LAB THAI mutual capabilities DIMETHOMORPH 0.05 10 DINOTEFURAN There are currently no MRLs 11 ETOFENPROX There are currently no MRLs 12 FIPRONIL 1 2,4-D 0.02 0.2 2008 2003 VR 0589 Potatoes VR 0589 Potatoes VR 0589 Potatoes Other CODEX PESTICIDES with CENTRAL LAB THAI mutual capabilities There are currently no MRLs 0.05 1995 VR 0589 Potatoes 8 VR 0075 Root and Tuber Vegetables 1 2 2009 VR 0589 Potatoes 12 AZOXYXTROBIN ETHOPROPHOS 0.05 2005 VR 0508 Sweet Potatoes Note # 3 0.1 2012 (*) VR 0604 Ginseng 13 IMAZALIL VR 0589 Potatoes 14 METHOXYFENOZIDE 0.02 2010 5 Po 3 BENALAXYL 0.02 2010 4 BENTAZONE 0.1 1997 VR 0589 Potatoes 15 NOVALURON 0.01 2006 5 BOSCALID 2 2010 VR 0075 Root and Tuber Vegetables 16 PARAQUAT 0.05 2006 6 CAPTAN 0.05 2003 VR 0589 Potatoes 17 PHOSMET 0.05 2001 VR 0589 Potatoes VR 0508 Sweet Potatoes (*) VR 0589 Potatoes VR 0075 Root and Tuber Vegetables (*) VR 0589 Potatoes 9 7 8 9 10 CHLORANTRANILIPROLE CHLOROTHALONIL 0.02 VR 0075 Root and Tuber Vegetables VR 0075 Root and Tuber Vegetables 18 PIPERONYL BUTOXIDE 0.5 2004 Note # 3 19 PYRACLOSTROBIN 0.02 206 (*) VR 0589 Potatoes 2009 0.3 2011 VR 0075 Root and Tuber Vegetables 20 SPINOZAD 0.01 2003 (*) VR 0589 Potatoes 0.5 2011 VR 0604 Ginseng 21 THIACLOPRID 0.02 2007 (*) VR 0589 Potatoes 0.02 2008 VR 0589 Potatoes 22 THIAMETHOXAM 0.3 2011 VR 0075 Root and Tuber Vegetables VR 0589 Potatoes 23 TOLCLOFOS-METHYL 0.2 1997 VR 0589 Potatoes DIFENOCONAZOLE DIMETHENAMID-P 0.01 2006 (*) VR 0508 Sweet Potatoes 10 Other CODEX PESTICIDES requiring future CENTRAL LAB THAI capabilities 16 METAFLUMIZONE 0.02 2010 (*) VR 0589 Potatoes VR 0589 Potatoes 17 OXYDEMETON-METHYL 0.01 2006 (*) VR 0589 Potatoes 2003 VR 0589 Potatoes 18 PENTHIOPYRAD 0.05 213 VR 0589 Potatoes 2013 VR 0589 Potatoes 19 PHORATE 0.3 2013 VR 0589 Potatoes VR 0589 Potatoes 20 PIRIMICARB 0.05 2007 VR 0075 Root and Tuber Vegetables VR 0589 Potatoes 21 PROPAMOCARB 0.3 2007 VR 0589 Potatoes c, m, n, VR 0589 Potatoes p 22 PROPARGITE 0.03 2007 VR 0589 Potatoes 1 AMETOCTRADIN 0.05 2013 2 CHLORPROPHAM 30 2006 3 CLETHODIM 0.5 4 CYCLOXYDIM 3 5 DICHLOFLUANID 0.1 6 DIMETHIPIN 0.05 2003 7 DITHIOCARBAMATES 0.2 2005 VR 0589 Potatoes Other CODEX PESTICIDES requiring future CENTRAL LAB THAI capabilities Po (*) 11 8 9 FAMOXADONE 0.02 2005 0.02 2006 10 2011 (*) VR 0589 Potatoes 23 PYRETHRINS 0.05 2003 (*) VR 0075 Root and Tuber Vegetables VR 0589 Potatoes 24 PYRIMETHANIL 0.05 2008 (*) VR 0589 Potatoes VR 0600 Yams 25 SPIROTETRAMATE 0.8 2009 VR 0589 Potatoes 0.03 2013 VR 0075 Root and tuber vegetables 20 1997 Po VR 0589 Potatoes FLUDIOXONIL Po 10 FLUOPYRAM 0.03 2013 VR 0589 Potatoes 26 SULFOXAFLOR 11 FLUXAPYROXAD 0.03 2013 VR 0589 Potatoes 27 TECNAZENE 12 FOLPET 0.1 2003 VR 0589 Potatoes 28 TEFLUBENZURON 0.05 1999 (*) VR 0589 Potatoes 13 GLUFOSINATEAMMONIUM 0.1 2013 VR 0589 Potatoes 29 THIABENDAZOLE 15 2003 Po VR 0589 Potatoes 12 14 MALEIC HYDRAZIDE 50 15 MANDIPROPAMID 0.01 2009 (*) VR 0589 Potatoes 30 TRIFLOXYSTROBIN 0.02 2006 VR 0589 Potatoes 31 ZOXAMIDE 0.02 2008 Notes: (*) At or about the limit of determination E (only for MRLs) The MRL is based on extraneous residues. Po The MRL accommodates post-harvest treatment of the commodity. c, m, n, p NOTELINKS (*) VR 0589 Potatoes VR 0589 Potatoes
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