Runjie (Lily) Xu

Curriculum Vitae
Runjie (Lily) Xu
Department of Microelectronics and Nanoelectronics
Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, P. R. China
Tel: 86-13718289006
E-mail: [email protected]
Tsinghua University
Beijing, China
Aug, 2010 –July, 2014(expected)
Bachelor of Engineering Candidate, Major in Microelectronics and
) female students
Major GPA: 91.5/100 Ranking: Top 10% among total ,1st among
Selected Major Courses and Scores
Semiconductor Devices :99
Quantum Mechanics and Statistical Mechanics :97
Analog Circuit
Lab of Nanoelectronics
Washington University in St. Louis
Aug–Dec, 2012
Non-degree exchange student, Department of Electrical and System Engineering
GPA: 4.0/4.0 with A+s
Undergraduate Level:
Principles of Electronic Devices, Sensors and Actuators, Engineering Electromagnetics Principles,
Graduate Level:
Intro to Nano-photonic Devices
Department of Micro and Nanoelectronics, Tsinghua University
Sept – Dec, 2013
Independent Undergraduate Research
Advisor: Prof. Zhiping Yu
Ballistic Model of Mono and Multi-layer MoS2 FET
Conducted numerical simulation to calculate the self-consistent potential iteratively
Originally introduced quasi-square potential well to describe the barriers given by the gate oxide and substrate in the
channel depth direction, explained the band-structure bending in multi-layer MoS2 FET
Established analytical ballistic model to compare the I-V characteristics of mono- and multi-layer MoS2 FETs and
demonstrated that multi-layer MoS2 FET’s property is competitive with the monolayer FET’s
Department of Micro and Nanoelectronics, Tsinghua University
Sept, 2013 - present
Independent Undergraduate Research (In progress)
Advisor: Prof. Tian-Ling Ren
Etching of MoS2: Characterization and Material Investigation
Conducted oxygen plasma etching of MoS2
Conducting material characterization by AFM and Raman Spectroscopy to study the introduced defects and the etching
speed. (in progress)
Department of Micro and Nanoelectronics, Tsinghua University
Mar – June, 2013
Undergraduate Research
Advisor: Prof. Tian-Ling Ren
ZnO Nanogenerator
Studied the recipe of Zinc Oxide, Carbon Nanotube and PDMS and optimized voltage output of the nanogenerator
Established the bridge rectifier, taking the advantage of the low threshold of Ge diode, to harvest the generated electrical
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, MIT
Aug– Sept, 2013
Summer Research Internship
Advisor: Prof. Mildred Dresselhaus
Sculpting Carbon Bonds: Allotropic Transformation Through Solid-state Re-engineering of Sp2 Carbon
Demonstrated the morphological changes of CNTs by conducting AFM measurement
Observed and analyzed the reconstruction of C-C sp2 bond due to the Joule heating of current by conducting Raman
Spectroscopy measurement
Got the changes of the diameters and their distributions of CNTs by fitting the overlapped multi peaks in Radial
Breathing Mode
Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Notre Dame
July– Aug, 2013
Summer Research Internship
Advisor: Prof. Debdeep Jena and Prof. Huili (Grace) Xing
Fabrication of Multi-layer MoS2 Field Effect Transistors
Fabrication and Characterization of Multi-layer MoS2 FET: achieved 104 gate modulation and improved the Schottky
contact to be Ohmic by annealing
Using Ballistic Model Comparing Mono-layer and Multi-layer MoS2 Field Effect Transistors
Conducted simulation of MoS2 FET using Natori’s ballistic model
Demonstrated that mono-layer MoS2 FET has lager current density than the multi-layer ones, which indicates that the
effective mass is the major effective factor contributed to the current under room temperature
Washington University in St. Louis
Oct – Dec, 2012
Independent Graduate Course Project
Advisor: Prof. Jung- Tsung Shen
Photon Transmission Spectrum in One-dimensional Waveguide Coupled with Two-level Atom
Investigated the transmission probability of photon transport in one-dimensional waveguide coupled with a two level
atom by second quantization
Demonstrated that this system works as an optical switch
Medical School of Peking University
Independent High School Research
Sep, 2007-June, 2009
Advisor: Prof. Yu Qi
The Damage of the Cells of Goldfish After Ultralow Temperature Frozen
Conducted anatomy for the goldfish, made paraffin sections of the Brain samples, Myocardial and Skeletal muscle
samples, dyed with Hematoxylin and Eosin to distinguish the Nucleus and Cytoplasm
Observed the broken areas of the tissue samples, which appeared as white spacing between the purple blue nucleus and
pink cytoplasm
Demonstrated that broken tissue damage was due to the freezing and unfreezing process of H20 and tissue fluid in cells
Yi Yang, He Tian, Hui Sun, Run-Jie Xu, Yi Shu, Tian-Ling Ren, “A Spring-Connected Nanogenerator Based on ZnO
Nanoparticles and Multiwall Carbon Nanotube,” RSC Adv., 2014,4, 2115-2118
DOI: 10.1039/C3RA45482G
Can Wu†, Hao-Jun Zhang†, Xiao-Bin Chen, Run-Jie Xu, He Tian, Wen-Hui Duan and Tian-Ling Ren, “Computational Study
of Carriers Mobility in Transition Metal Dichalcogenides: Optical/Acoustic Phonon, FröhlichInteraction and Impurity
Scattering.” In preparation (2013). (†Equal contribution)
Programming Languages and Software:
Fabrication & Characterization:
MATLAB / Verilog/ PSPICE/ HSPICE/ Mathematica/ Origin/ L-Edit
Cleanroom Operation Experience, Atomic Force Microscope, Raman
English: TOEFL 105; GRE Verbal 159 (81%), Quantitative 170 (98%), AW 3.5
Outstanding Undergraduate Research Award
Tsinghua University, China
Oct, 2013
Outstanding Undergraduate Academic Award
Tsinghua University, China
Oct, 2013
Photo Shoot for Saks Fifth Avenue as a makeup artist
St. Louis, MO
Dec, 2012
Be a member of ‘Engineering Without Borders’
Designed the water storage systems for the children in Ethiopia
St. Louis, MO
City Volunteer for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games
Beijing, China
Aug, 2008
1st Prize of Drama Competition at Eton College Summer School
Berkshire, UK
July, 2008
Attended 1st International Science Youth Forum
Jan, 2009
Delivered a presentation on the project “The Damage of goldfish cells after ultralow temperature frozen” as the representative
of the high school research student of China.
Attended the discussion on the topic of the balance between science research and ethics among three Nobel Laureates, Sir
Anthony J. Leggett, Professor Douglas D. Osheroff and Professor Kurt Wuthrich and high school students from 19 countries