ON THE INVISCID SOLUTIONS OF THE ORR-SOMMERFELD EQUATION D. A. Nield (received 19 January, 1971; Abstract. revised 14 July, 1971) Modified Heisenberg solutions which are analytic continuations of the Tollmien solutions are constructed. These Heisenberg solutions are then linked with the long wave-length solutions of Drazin and Howard for unbounded flows. Explicit solutions for symmetric channel flows and boundary layer flows are found. Earlier asymptotic theory for viscous flows by Lin and Reid is clarified and confirmed. 1. Introduction The Orr-Sommerfeld equation arises when one considers the stability of a basic parallel flow (i/Q/), 0,0), y 1 5 y 5 y , to disturbances with perturbation stream-function (p(y)eia(-x ~ . From the Navier- Stokes equation for an incompressible fluid one obtains (see e.g. [7 10]) the linearised equation (£/ - c) (Z?2 - a2) cp - £/"<p = (iai?)-1 (Z?2 - ot2)2<p, where D = d/dy. (1.1) For inviscid fluids the Reynolds number R is infinite, and the fourth-order Orr-Sommerfeld equation (1) reduces to the secondorder Rayleigh equation (U - o)(Dz - a2) cp - p = 0. (1.2) The solutions of the latter equation are of interest not only in their own right, but are required as a first step towards the solution of the OrrSommerfeld equation. A feature of the Rayleigh equation is that it is singular at any value yQ for which U = c, U" £ 0. Math. Chronicle 2(1972), 43-52. 43 Solutions of (1.2) as series in powers of a2 were introduced by Heisenberg [4]. They have the form [7] < 1K y ) = (U - o){qQ(y) + a 2q (y) + . . . qQ(y) = 1 or where + a2nqn (y) + . . . > (1.3) (V - o)~2dy and In each integral the lower limit is arbitrary, but traditionally it has been taken as y . The path of integration must then pass below the crit ical point for nearly real values of a. As shown by Lin [6], for finite values of y these Heisenberg expansions are entire functions of a2 . How- ever, they do not converge uniformly as y *■°°, and the implicit presence of the singularity has hindered efforts to relate them to other pairs of solutions of Rayleigh's equation but Georgescu [3] did manage to obtain some formal relationships. An alternative approach, used by Tollmien [ll], is to seek solutr ions of equation (1.2) in the form of power series in y - yq) where £/Q/c) = o and t 0. Then y is a regular singular point, and the method of Frobenius leads to expressions of the form <p1 (y ) = (y - yC.J and <p (?/) = 2 where p series with leading term unity. and <p2 , P2 (t/-z/c) be zero, which ensures that and P2 denote power one may specify that the coefficient of The series \y - yq \ = r, where P1 r and cp2 y - yQ in cp2 essentially contains no P2 are convergent within the is the distance from singular point, wherever that may be. singularity in Pj ( 1 . 6) In order to remove the ambiguity in defining circle (1.5) , iy - ycJ 1 U " (y - 2/ ) + jf-rvty) lQg (y - y J * 2 n a U ' = U '(y s) , U " = £/" (t/fl) multiple of p y^ to the next The presence of the logarithmic can cause difficulty. In the neutral case y is real, and care must be taken in selection of the correct branch. 44 Another set of solutions of the Rayleigh equation was used by Drazin and Howard [l] in their study of unbounded flows. These were of the form «P (j/) = e±ay {XQ(y) + X (i/)a + ... + Xn (y) a 1 + ... }, (1.7) where X («) = £/(° ° ) - o and X (° ° ) = 0, n > 1 . Under certain conditions 0 (see §3 below) these series were shown to be convergent. In this paper a modified form of the Heisenberg expansion is intro duced. The lower limit of integration is taken to be y . and where neces sary the singular part of an integral is explicitly extracted. Two part icular modified expansions are identified with the Tollmien solutions. The solutions for two-dimensional channel flows, and for plane Poiseuille flow as a special case, are treated in §2. Boundary layer flows, with the asymptotic suction profile as an example, are similarly considered in §3. Here the modified Heisenberg solutions are related to the appropriate Drazin-Howard solution. cid In §4 we make some comments on the use of invis- solutions in the study of viscous flows by Lin [6,7] and Reid [8]. In particular, the earlier work on the determination of the asymptote to the upper branch of a neutral curve is clarified and confirmed. (This involves determining the behaviour of expressions as a and o tend to zero). 2. Solutions for channel flows The Tollmien solutions are Vo" 1 <p (zd = 0/ - yQ) + 2jj- t & " V * 2 + * (rr iy - y J 3 +.• • ( 2 . 1) and U " Q <P (*/) = --- <P (#) log (z/ - y ) + 1 + 2 77 r 1 U (U ,;)2 O C -----------+. i 9 2U ' (U ')2 a a iy - yc V +--- • (2 . 2) As a preliminary to finding modified Heisenberg expansions which are iden tical with <p and (p near w . we note that 1 2 ^ 45 (2.3) v - O = Uo ’ ty - yQ) + UQ"(y - yQ) 2 + 0(y - yQ) 3; and V " a C«c ') (U - a )2 (y - yQ) 2 (2.4) + 0 ( 1). VQ '{y - yQ) Hence we define (2.5a) ?,„W - 20 \y J < V >2 1 (U - a ) 2 U " c , (y - yQ) 2 u " + ^Z/ dy + - »«> y - y, i/ " l0 8 (» * •y (£/ - o )‘ 2 dy - 2^ (2.5b) ' (U - a )2 q > (y) dy, Jn (j = 1 ,2 ), (2.5c) and 'V 0' 5 = V o7 1 + ^ + “2<7'7'1 * qjn + K U = 1>2)' (2 . 6 ) (The final constant in equation (2.5b) is determined by the requirement that <p must contain no multiple of <p .) the cp 2 1 and <p 2 One may now verify that l defined by equations (2.5) and (2.6) are identical with the Tollmien solutions (2.1) and (2 .2 ). The modified Heisenberg expansions for cp tions of y in any domain D and <p are analytic func which is bounded and does not contain y 3 ° since each is a uniformly convergent sum of analytic functions. The uni 1 form convergence follows since constants K and L can be found such that |a2n q | < K\a(y-y ) |2n/ ( 2 n ) ! ° in 46 and \° -2n 4oJ 2n' < L \a (y - y J 12n_1/C2n - i)! A general solution (normalized so that its value at y is unity) of the Rayleigh equation is $(2/) = Ay (y) + (p (2/), (2.7) 1 2 where A is independent of y. For symmetric channel flow the boundary condition $'(i/ ) = 0 must be satisfied. Thus cp 1 Cy ) A = - — 2___ 2_ *•(*) 1 2 (2-8) After some algebra, one finds that A(a,c) = a(o)£2 - b(c) + 0( a2). (2.9) (IM) where a(c) = rz/2 (£/-<?)2 dy Vi '{U - a y q20 (y)dy and He) = •y2 (U - o')2 dy ty CV )2jzi {U ~ c)2 dy ( 2 . 10 ) | J*2 (17 - a)2 dy^ 47 Further manipulation leads to the result V Ai a,a) = y — oT2 1 + 2 2 a - b u 2 • (S,') 2___ ™ 2 J. av) (2.11) *2 U2 dy, and where /-»2 o nj n 2 ^ ■MO). (2.12) For plane Poiseuille flow, for which V{y) = l - y2, y = -l, y - 0 , one obtains 719 11575 3. 2 log 2 15 a2 + 0 ( a \ c 2j .(2.13) Solutions for boundary layer flows For a flow occupying the space y > 0, the disturbance amplitude function cp(^) must be bounded as y -*■ iently slowly as y -» ° ° , then cp ~ e °^. In fact, if Uiy) varies suffic Hence Drazin and Howard [l,2] introduced the 'long wave-length expansion' cp+ U/) - (3.1) I n= o where x„(») = £ % ) - o, Xn+I(y) - (£/ - e) (1/ - o)~2dy 2(U - o)Xn ' dy. (3.2) It follows from their work that <p (z/) is an analytic function of y within 1 a domain D2 throughout which (V - a) is bounded and |d[(£/-e)2] / dy | - < Me ^ , y > 0 (where M and a are positive constants), provided that a<ha. For values y of v within the domain D = D fl D , wherein cp and the y m i 2 + modified Heisenberg expansions (p and cp are analytic and the Rayleigh 1 2 equation is regular, there exist A and B (independent of y) such that 48 Alp (y) + cp (y) = B<p (y). (3.3) 1 2 + The values of A and B can be found by satisfying equation (3.3), and its derivative, at some fixed y , One thus obtains, using the abbreviations W(.y) = U(y) - e and ^ A = M2 (V) 1 + aW | - W(°°) , that f ( y ) d y + | ml f i . y) + 0 '( & ) ] < & - S’ G^ )} 01 + 0 (<*2) (3.4) and U 5 = ' r~ r fm ° 'l +1 aW 1 W2 dy - y a W2 o (a2) (3.5) 0 where fiy) = W 2 _2_ W2 - W2 — W 2 and giy) (V )2 --- + _c_ log [y~y _) - _o_ y-y u ' c 2U a 3a o a(3.6) (It is readily seen that A is indeed independent of y .) For the case of the asymptotic suction profile, £/(z/) = 1 - e equation (3.4) gives / ! = £ ♦ § + 0(a), (3.7) which agrees with the result of Hughes and Reid [5]. is here independent of a is peculiar (The fact that A to this special profile.) One also finds that 1 +1 B = aTT^o) + ITT- 4. * • ^3.8) Applications to viscous flows Two independent solutions <p and cp of the Rayleigh equation are 1 2 -1 also approximations (with error of order (a/?) ) to two solutions (com- 49 monly called the 'inviscid solutions') of the Orr-Sommerfeld equation. A basic set of solutions of the latter equation is completed by the ad dition of two ’ viscous solutions' cp and cp . The one usually labelled 3 4 <p becomes exponentially large as y increases, and hence must be rejected. The solutions of the Orr-Sommerfeld equation must thus be of the form cp = $ + Cep , (4.1) 3 where $ = Ap + cp is an inviscid solution. For symmetric channel flow l 2 the boundary conditions are <p = tp1 = 0 at the wall {y = y ), and * <pw = 0 in the middle of the channel (v = y ). implies that (w ) = 0. 2 As in §2 above, A 2 can be chosen so that $'(w ) = 0. For an even solution, symmetry then Also <p is exponentially small as y -*■y *and 2 3 so $ + Cep also satisfies these conditions. 3 C using the boundary conditions at y 2 Elimination of the constant leads to the characteristic equation QO cp ' (y ) ---- L = _2--- L_ . *ty ) <p (y ) 1 3 (4.2) 1 The left hand side depends only on the inviscid solutions; hand side depends only on the viscous solution cp^. the right An identical equation, but with a different inviscid solution $, holds for boundary layer flows. (The previously existing difficulty of expressing $ in terms of Tollmien series for cp and cp has, as we have seen in §3, been overcome.) Dependl 2 ing on the approximation used for cp , one then obtains a characteristic equation relating the inviscid solution $ to a single viscous function such as the Tietjens function F(z) or the function G(Z) used by Reid [8]. Here 1 z = (aM/J )3 Q/^-^ ) ancl z = 5 (cxP/C^j')2) equations are r, , ™ where 1 • The alternative •, • -<■ . U ' X = _J_ {y -y ) - 1, C" 1 50 «.»> or V *Q/i) G(Z) -------------a $' (z^ ) (4.3b) To investigate the asymptotes of the neutral curve it is first nec essary to examine the behaviour of the inviscid solutions for small val ues of a. Lin [6;7,p .43-45] did this by re-ordering the terms in the (old) Heisenberg solutions. A somewhat simpler (but still non-rigorous) treatment by Reid [8] was based on a transformation of the Rayleigh equa tion into a Riccati equation. With the aid of the modified Heisenberg expansion, we can proceed in a more systematic way. For example, it is a straightforward, if somewhat tedious matter to find an expression for G(Z ) for small a and a, and hence to calculate the asymptote to the upper branch of the neutral curve. The results of Reid are confirmed. Further, the calculation can now be carried out to higher order. The author wishes to thank Professor W.H.Reid for many suggestions and for arranging his stay at the University of Chicago. Financial sup port came from National Science Foundation Grant No. GP-8620. 51 1. P.G. Drazin and L.N. Howard, The instability to long waves of unbounded parallel invisoid flow, J. Fluid Mech. 14(1962), 257283. 2. P.G. Drazin and L.N. Howard, Hydrodynamic stability of parallel flow of invisoid fluid, Advances in Applied Mechanics 9(1966), 1-89. 3. A. Georgescu, solutions, 4. 5. Uber Stabilitat und Turbulenz von Flussigkeits- Ann. Physik 74(1924), 577-627. T.H. Hughes and W.H. Reid, suction 6. Rev. Roumaine Math. Pures Appl. 14(1969), 991-998. W. Heisenberg, stromen, On a relationship between Heisenberg and Tolhnien On the stability of the asymptotic boundary layer profile, C.C. Lin, J.Fluid Mech. 23(1965), 715-735. On the stability of two-dimensional parallel flows. Parts I, II, III, Quart. Appl. Math. 3(1945), 117-142, 218-234, 277-301. 7. C.C. Lin, The theory of hydrodynamic stability, Cambridge Univers ity Press, London, 1955. 8. W.H. Reid, The stability of parallel flows, in M. 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