september 2014 aqc summary minutes - Charlotte

-Air Quality Commission Monday, September 22, 2014, 5:30 p.m.
Ed Wood Conference Room
First Floor, Hal Marshall County Services Center
700 North Tryon Street, Charlotte, NC
The monthly meeting of the Mecklenburg County Air Quality Commission was held Monday,
September 22, 2014, in the Ed Woods Conference Room, Hal Marshall Center, 700 N. Tryon St.,
Charlotte, NC.
Air Quality Commission Members Present
Keith Long
Peter McGrath
Jamie Watts
Gordon Miller
Lauren Billheimer
Marcus Hackler
Air Quality Commission Members Absent
Fern Paterson
Terry Lansdell
Mecklenburg County Air Quality Staff Present
Leslie Rhodes
Jason Rayfield
Ieshishua Pierce
Danielle M. Jones
Lexin Murphy
Megan Green
1. Call to Order
Chair Keith Long called the meeting to order at 5:32 p.m. without a quorum present.
2. Air Quality Permit Reviews
Per Mecklenburg County Air Pollution Ordinance, Regulation 1.5213 – “Action on Application;
Issuance of Permit,” Mecklenburg County Air Quality’s permit application approvals are placed on the
agenda of the Air Quality Commission (AQC), initiating the specified public comment period.
Inclusion on the AQC agenda does not imply or infer any action or opinion by the AQC or its
members regarding any permit.
Chair Long, opened the public comment period for the facilities below, providing notice of the
Mecklenburg County Air Quality’s intent to issue/modify their air quality permit(s):
Action Required: Open Public Comment Period
Stationary Sources
Public comment period for the permits below is 15 days.
1. None
Gasoline Dispensing Facilities
Public comment period for the permits below is 15 days.
1. Sam’s Mart #3, 1312 LaSalle St., Charlotte, NC 28216
Mecklenburg County will comply with the American Disabilities Act (ADA), which prohibits discrimination on the
basis of disability. Mecklenburg County will make reasonable accommodations in all programs to enable
participation by an individual with disability who meets essential eligibility requirements. Mecklenburg County
programs will be available in an integrated setting for each individual. If accommodations are necessary for
participation in any program or services, participants are encouraged to notify staff.
Air Quality Commission Summary Minutes
Transportation Facilities
Public comment period for the permits below is thirty days.
1. None
B. Action Required: Information Only
Stationary Sources
1. Martin Marietta-Mobile Concrete Crushing
11325 Texland Blvd., Charlotte, NC 28273
4. Norfolk Southern Railway Company
312 W. Liddell St., Charlotte, NC 28206
Gasoline Dispensing Facilities
1. None
Transportation Facilities
1. None
C. Action Required: Alternative Notice
The public comment period for the permits below opened by advertisement in The Charlotte
Observer according to MCAPCO 1.5223 (c)(1)(B)- “Action on Application; Issuance of
Stationary Sources
1. Mallard Creek Polymers, 2800 Morehead Rd, Charlotte, NC
Publication date: N/A
Gasoline Dispensing Facilities
1. None
Transportation Facilities
2. None
Jason Rayfield, Air Quality Program Manager was available to answer questions.
Peter McGrath arrives at 5:33 p.m. and with his arrival a quorum was present.
3. Approval of Minutes
Chair Long opened the floor for the Approval of the August AQC meeting minutes.
Action Taken:
Motion: A motion was made to approve the August AQC meeting minutes as written.
Made: The motion was made by Gordon Miller and seconded by Peter McGrath.
Vote: The motion was adopted unanimously.
4. Announcements
Chair Long opened the floor to receive announcements.
Air Quality Commission Summary Minutes
AQ Personnel
Jason Rayfield, Air Quality Program Manager, introduced Danielle M. Jones as the new
Environmental Specialist in the Permitting & Enforcement section. Danielle will report to Lexin
Murphy as her Air Quality Supervisor.
SEDC Award
Leslie Rhodes, Air Quality Director, informed the AQC that the EPA has announced that June
Blotnick will be awarded the Southeast Diesel Collaborative Award for Visionary Leadership.
Annual Forum
The AQC members were informed that the Annual Air Quality Forum will be held on Thursday,
November 13th at UNC-Charlotte. The AQC members will receive an invitation to attend the
annual forum.
Air Quality Plan
It was stated that Chair Long and Vice Chair McGrath will present the Air Quality Plan (issue
paper) to the Mecklenburg County Board of County Commissioners at the October 7th BOCC
Smoking and Choking program
Megan Green, Mobile Source Program Manager, informed the AQC members that the Mobile
Source staff will be promoting the smoking vehicle program to increase awareness of the
program. The smoking vehicle program is an existing program that allows citizens to report
smoking vehicles to help improve local air quality. Smoking vehicles represent potential
mechanical problems.
The AQC members were informed that you can report smoking vehicles with visible tailpipe
emissions by calling 311, contacting Iesha Pierce or online. The following information is
required to report a smoking vehicle:
North Carolina License Plate Number;
Make and model of Vehicle ;
Location, date, and time of observation
GRADE for Landfills
The AQC members were informed that the Mobile Source program was selected by US EPA
Region 4 to receive DERA grant funding for the GRADE for Landfills project. GRADE for
Landfills focuses on replacement and repower of landfill equipment. The grant amount will be
for $500,000 and this will allow applications to be received for three repower and four
Air Quality Commission Summary Minutes
replacements of landfill equipment throughout the Charlotte Metro region. Staff is planning to
roll out an open call for projects in Spring 2015.
5. Air Quality Update
Ozone Update
The AQC members were given a handout that provided an update on monitored ozone values
year to date. There have been no exceedance days in the region since the start of the ozone
season. It was stated that North Carolina Division of Air Quality (NCDAQ) has already asked
MCAQ staff to provide certification of the ozone data by December. NCDAQ are planning to
submit redesignation for attainment for the Carolinas Metro region.
[Written handout: Maximum Ozone Levels Carolinas Metro Region]
Lauren Billheimer arrives at 5:45 p.m.
Revisions to Arsenic AAL & TPER in NC
Lexin Murphy, Permitting and Enforcement Supervisor, gave a presentation on the revisions to
the Arsenic AAL & TPER in NC. The presentation provided information on the history of the
Arsenic AAL and what led the North Carolina Science Advisory Board (NCSAB) to examine
the Arsenic AAL. Based on the recommendation from the NCSAB, the Environmental
Management Committee (EMC) approved revising the AAL to 2.1 x 10-6 mg/m3 and the TPER
to 0.053 lb/year for the state of North Carolina effective July 7, 2014.
The AQC members were informed how the revision to the AAL and TPER would affect
stationary facilities within Mecklenburg County. The revisions would have an impact on
concrete plants, asphalt plants and combustion sources such as boilers. It was stated that there
are seventy permitted stationary sources that reported arsenic emissions. Fifteen out of the
seventy sites have been reviewed under the State Toxic program, have some type of emission
limit. Five out of the fifteen sites reported higher actual emissions than the old TPER but less
than the new TPER. The five sites have shown compliance with both AAL standards through
modeling. The MCAPCO proposed revisions will be presented to the BOCC at the October 7th
BOCC meeting.
6. Riverbend Steam Station Coal Ash Removal Discussion
Leslie Rhodes informed the AQC members that she and Jason Rayfield were selected to be a
part of an advisory team known as the Coal Ash Strike Team (CAST) to discuss the potential
moving of coal ash to Charlotte Douglas International Airport at the August AQC meeting. The
AQC members were given a handout that included some questions and answers related to air
quality as well as a link for the full Coal Ash Due Diligence Study. They were asked to review
the document for discussion at the September meeting.
Air Quality Commission Summary Minutes
The AQC members and staff had a discussion on the City of Charlotte’s Coal Ash Due
Diligence Study with a focus on questions contained in the report related to air quality. It was
stated that there have been no updates since the August AQC meeting. MCAQ staff informed the
AQC members that Air Quality could only regulate the potential dust nuisance. Several AQC
members stated that there should be some type of visual observation or monitoring that provided
data on how the coal ash affects the air quality. Leslie informed the AQC members that she
would update them once information has been received concerning this action item.
Gordon Miller departs at 6:38 p.m.
7. Public Comment
8. Other Business
9. Next Meeting
October 27, 2014
10. Adjournment
6:41 p.m.