here. - Yongtao Guan

Haplotype Quatitative Loci (hapQTL)
User Manual v0.99
Yongtao Guan
Baylor College of Medicine
[email protected]
July 7, 2014
1 What hapQTL does
2 Example
3 Input File Formats
3.1 Genotype file format . . .
3.2 SNP Location File Format
3.3 Phenotype File . . . . . .
3.4 Covariates File . . . . . .
3.5 Individual Filter File . . .
4 Running hapQTL
5 Output Files
5.1 Log file: prefix.log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.2 SNP information file: prefix.snpinfo.txt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.3 Bayes factors file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6 Choice of parameters
What hapQTL does
The software, Haplotype Qutatative Loci (hapQTL), is developed and maintained by Yongtao Guan
at Baylor College of Medicine, with help from Hanli Xu. Please refer to the paper for details of the
method ( The hapQTL is designed to perform
between haplotype association test with phenotypes at each core marker. Comparing to existing
haplotype association methods, hapQTL has the following advantages.
• It can directly work with diploid data, no phasing required.
• It doesn’t require arbitrary window to define haplotypes, instead, the extend of haplotypes is
learned from an LD model.
• Each SNP is a core marker for its local haplotypes and its associated test statistics are
computed (both Bayes factor and P-value). Thus, our haplotype analysis has the same
number tests as the single-SNP analysis.
Untar the downloaded file, and one finds executables for Mac (hapQTL) and Linux (hapQTL-lin),
and two subfolders src/ and example/. In the example/ subfolder, there are six example files.
geno.txt, geno-raw.txt, pos.txt, pheno.txt, cov.txt, and filter.txt. As their names stated, these are
genotypes, raw genotypes, SNP positions, phenotypes, covariates that need to be controlled for,
and indicators to remove individuals, respectively. The genotype, position and phenotype files are
mandatory, and the cov.txt and filter.txt are optional.
One may perform a testing run using the following command line:
./hapQTL -g example/geno.txt -p 1 -pos example/pos.txt \
-FILE example/pheno.txt -o test
This will generate three files with prefix ’test’ in a newly created subfolder ./output. There four
files are test.log.txt, test.snpinfo.txt, and We will explain these in detail later.
Input File Formats
Genotype file format
Genotypes should be for bi-allelic SNPs, all on the same chromosome. The first two lines should
each contain a single number. The number on the first line indicates the number of individuals;
the number in the second line indicates the number of SNPs. Optionally, the third row can contain
individual identifiers for each individual whose genotypes are included: this line should begin
with the string IND, with subsequent strings indicating the identifier for each individual in turn.
Subsequent rows contain the genotype data for each SNP, with one row per SNP. In each row the
first column gives the SNPs “name” (which can be any string, but might typically be an rs number),
and subsequent columns give the genotypes for each individual in turn. Genotypes must be coded
in ACGT while missing genotypes can be indicated by NN, ??, or 00 (zero). Example Genotype
file, with 5 individuals and 4 SNPs:
id1, id2, id3, id4, id5
AT, TT, ??, AT, AA
CC, ??, ??, CG, GG
Note: The popular software plink can graciously convert genotype files into bimbam format.
The option is --recode-bimbam.
SNP Location File Format
The file contains three columns: the first column is the SNP ID, the second column its physical
location, and the third column its chromosome number. Note, it is OK if the rows are not ordered
according to position, the program will order SNPs according to their positions. But the position file
must contain all the SNPs in the genotype files, or one invokes --exclude-nopos option. Otherwise,
those SNPs who have no position information will be placed at the beginning, which misguides LD
inference. If the genotype files contain SNPs across different chromosome, hapQTL will sort SNPs
based on its chromosome and position. However, we recommend users to analyze data chromosome
by chromosome.
Example file:
rs1, 1200,
rs2, 4000,
rs3, 3320,
Phenotype File
Each individual’s phenotype value occupies a row. The individuals should have the same order as
those in the genotype file. No missing data are allowed. For case control design, use 1 for cases
and 0 for controls; we treat the binary phenotypes as quantitative ones in association testing. An
example file that contain 5 phenotypes is below:
Covariates File
Same as phenotype file, each individual occupies a row in the covariates file. The difference is that
there are usually multiple columns in this file. The individuals should have the same order as those
in the genotype file. No missing data are allowed. If there are missing values for some individuals,
we recommend to replace the missing value with the mean of that covariate. An example file that
contain three covariates for 5 individuals is shown below:
-0.6493242, 1.4506556
0.4436516, 0.6158216
-1.6376914, 0.7719995
-1.4223895, -0.5368858
-1.2909029, 1.9088563
where the first column may represent sex, and the last two columns may represent two principal
Individual Filter File
This file consists of 1 and 0, each occupies one row, and each row corresponds to one individual in
the genotype file. If the filter file were used (see an example below), those individuals whose corresponding rows are 0 will be removed. Note, this filtering only affects genotype file, not phenotype
nor covariate file. Thus it is user’s responsibility to remove the corresponding rows in phenotype
and covariates files. This appears to be inconvenient, however, the consideration is following. During the QC procedure, individuals are removed according to genotypes alone, and covariates, which
often contain principal components of the remaining individuals, often need to be recomputed accordingly. In addition, the phenotypes of the remaining individuals are usually renormalized after
Running hapQTL
First some general comments:
• hapQTL is a command line based program. The command should be typed in a terminal
window, in the directory in which hapQTL executable resides.
• The command line should be all in one line: the line-break (denoted by back-slash) in the
example is only because the line is too long to fit on one page.
• Unless otherwise stated, the “options” (-g -p -pos -o, etc.) are all case-sensitive.
Now we illustrate how to use hapQTL through examples.
1. A minimal example
./hapqtl -g example/geno.txt -p 1 -pos example/pos.txt -FILE example/pheno.txt \
-DOC example/cov.txt -C 2 -c 8 -o pref -e 2 -w 40
The command line will run EM 2 times, each EM run has 40 steps, uses 2 upper-layer clusters
and 8 lower-layer clusters, and use all individuals and all SNPs . The output files will start
will pref.
2. A more complicated example
./hapqtl -g example/geno-raw.txt -p example/filter.txt -pos example/pos.txt \
-w 50 -o pref -C 3 -c 10 -mg 200 -exclude-maf 0.01 --exclude-nopos \
-sem 1 -FILE example/pheno.txt -DOC example/cov.txt
This command line takes genotype data, filter out individuals according to the file filter.txt,
run EM once (default) with 50 steps, 3 upper-clusters and 10 lower clusters, and the prior
LD length is 0.5 centi-Morgan (1/200 Morgan), remove SNPs whose minor allele frequencies
are less than 0.01 and who are missing in pos.txt, save the EM run, compute test statistics,
and produce output files with prefix “pref.”
3. Use saved EM parameters.
./hapqtl -g example/geno.txt -p 1 -pos example/pos.txt
-o pref -C 3 -c 10 -mg 200 -exclude-maf 0.01 --exclude-nopos \
-rem output/pref.em.txt -w 1 -FILE example/pheno.txt -DOC example/cov.txt
This command line will read EM parameters saved in the previous example, run 1 more EM
step, and compute test statistics. Note when reusing saved EM parameters, -C and -c should
be kept unchanged.
Output Files
hapQTL will create output files in a directory named output/. If this directory does not exist then
it will be created. Output files will be produced, each with a name beginning with “prefix” that
was specified by the -o option. We now describe the contents of these output files.
Log file: prefix.log
A log file includes details of the run parameters used and any warnings generated. When sending
in a bug report, it is important to include the log file as an attachment.
SNP information file: prefix.snpinfo.txt
This file contains 6 columns: the SNP rsID, minor allele, major allele, minor allele frequency,
chromosome, and position.
Bayes factors file
This file was generated by default. The file has the same number of rows as the number of SNPs,
and the SNPs are in the same order as those in prefix.snpinfo.txt file. The file contains four
columns with header bf2, pv2, bf1, pv1, and they are log10 BFhap , − log10 Phap , log10 BFsnp ,
and − log10 Psnp , respectively, where BF denotes Bayes factors and P denotes p-values, and the
subscript hap denotes haplotype method and snp denotes single-SNP method. Note that when
multiple EM runs were invoked (for example, -e 5), the reported log10 BFs are log10 of mean
BFs averaged over multiple EM runs, however, the reported − log10 P-values are log10 of minimum
P-values over multiple EM runs.
Choice of parameters
For the EM steps (specified with -w), a number between 20 and 50 is recommended, and 30 is
default. Note -w invokes the linear approximation algorithm and is much faster than the quadratic
algorithm which can be invoked by -s. And the two options have similar power. Note, however,
because of the approximation, the likelihood of EM steps, if invoked by -w, is not strictly increasing,
and may oscillate towards the point of convergence. For the upper layer number of clusters (specified
with -C), 2 (default) or 3 seems working well. For a case/control design, 2 is recommended. For
the lower layer number of clusters (specified with -c), 10 is recommended and is the default value.
Appendix A: hapQTL Options
Unless otherwise stated, arg stands for a string, num stands for a number.
File I/O related options:
• -g arg
can use multiple times, must pair with -p.
• -p arg
can use multiple times, must pair with -g. arg takes either integer values or a string.
• -pos arg
can use multiple times. arg is a file name.
• -o arg
arg will be the prefix of all output files, the random seed will be used by default.
• -FILE arg
specify a phenotype file.
• -DOC arg
specify a file containing covariates to be controlled for.
EM Parameters:
• -e num
specify number of EM runs, default is 1.
• -w num
specify steps in EM run using linear approximation, default 30.
• -s num
specify steps in EM run using quadratic method, default 0.
• -C num
specify number of upper clusters, default 2.
• -c num
specify number of lower clusters, default 10.
• -mg num
specify number of mixture generations, default 100.
• -R num
specify random seed, system time by default.
• -sem num
save EM results to prefix.em.txt.
• -rem file
read EM from a file.
Other options:
• -v(ver)
print version and citation
• -h(help)
print this help
• -exclude-maf num
exclude SNPs whose maf is less than num , default 0.
• --exclude-nopos
exclude SNPs that has no position information
• --exclude-miss1
exclude SNPs that are missing in at least one file.
• --silence
no terminal output.
Appendix B: hapQTL source code
If you want to compile an executable from the source code, the first thing to do is to install an gsl
library, which can be obtained from Remember the path
to which the gsl is installed and modify the Makefile, the one in the src directory, substituting the
old path with the correct path. Then you may type make to compile.