1 ADAPT (Ag Data Application Programing Toolkit)
InfoAg 2014 July, 31 2014 10:00AM-­‐11:00AM CST St. Louis, MO ADAPT – Objectives •  Provide API s to translate various ag data formats eliminaEng the need for soGware providers to create proprietary data conversions for every format in the industry. •  Provide a governance model for an open source ApplicaEon Data Model (ADM), which will be the core deliverable of ADAPT. •  Create a framework to support data conversion plugins, developed by hardware and soGware providers, which support the translaEon of current ag data formats. ADAPT – An AgGateway Project AgGateway’s Mission • AgGateway is a non-­‐profit consorEum of businesses serving the agriculture industry, with the mission to promote, enable and expand eBusiness in agriculture. • AgGateway’s long-­‐term vision is to become the recognized internaEonal source for enabling the use of informaEon and communicaEon technologies for agriculture. • For more informaEon about AgGateway visit ADAPT – An AgGateway Project •  AgGateway Precision Ag Council chartered Summer 2010 •  AgGateway Field OperaEons Working Group in November 2011 demonstrated data exchange between various companies. •  SPADE (Standardized Precision Ag Data Exchange) project was chartered in August 2012 to develop use cases and idenEfy gaps in ISO11783. •  SPADE Conversion Toolbox proof of concept was started in June 2013 to create a data model and plugins for conversion of data between applicaEons…tested at Plugfest in Lincoln, NE May 2014. •  ADAPT charter being wri]en to kick off development for a producEon level, open source tool to be consumed by the precision ag industry. ADAPT – Current Contributors •  Ag ConnecEons •  Land O Lakes •  AGCO •  Raven •  AgLeader •  TopCon •  CLAAS •  SST SoGware •  CNH •  Wilbur-­‐Ellis •  John Deere 2014 AEF Plugfest Each table labeled with a number indicaEng test staEon Test Matrix to determine when/
where to test systems 2014 AEF Plugfest CNH Pro700 Display AgLeader Liquid Controller AgGateway toolbox ISOXML Export MyJohnDeere using toolbox for ISOXML Export 2014 AEF Plugfest ISOXML export with fields and boundaries. SecEons turning on/off using imported boundary. Examples below on an AGCO implement and Deere 900 pull behind sprayer ISO .bin file saved for return back to FMIS Customer Perspective – Current State Cooperative Operation – Send Work Orders • Different formats/contents ExisEng ISO TC Standards A B On/Off & Variable-­‐Rate Control Customer Perspective –Future State Cooperative Operation – Send Work Orders • Reduce FMIS Effort • Data Model with Common Contents ExisEng ISO TC Standards A B On/Off & Variable-­‐Rate Control Customer Perspective – Current State Work Records in a Cooperative Operation •  Received with different formats/contents Customer Perspective – Future State Work Records in a Cooperative Operation •  Reduce FMIS Effort •  Data Model with Common Contents Customer Perspective – Future State Cooperative Operation – Send Work Orders • Reduce FMIS Effort • Data Model with Common Contents 14 15 ADAPT – Closing Statements •  NOT an interface •  Toolset used by soGware and hardware providers •  For use via desktop soGware or deployment via web services •  ApplicaEon Data Model will be open source •  Plugins created to convert data formats: •  Open source plugins for ISO and SPADE formats •  Licensed plugins created by hardware and soGware providers to convert proprietary formats. Questions? For More Information Contact: Jill Stanford: [email protected] or Patrick Sanders: [email protected]