MIDWAY COLLEGE ADN PROGRAM NURSING APPLICATION We are pleased that you are considering the Midway College ADN Program. Midway is accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing, Inc. (formerly National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission), 3343 Peachtree Rd., Suite 850, Atlanta, Georgia 30326, Phone: 404-975-5000, Fax: 404-975-5020, www.acenursing.org and has full approval of Kentucky Board of Nursing, 312 Whittington Pkwy., Suite 300, Louisville, KY 40222, Phone. 502-429-3300, Fax. 502-429-3311, http://kbn.ky.gov. The following application form should be filled out completely and accurately. All information is kept confidential and is used for the nursing Program Evaluation process only. This information will not be released to any other entities within or outside of the college unless a written consent is given by you, the applicant. Please return pages 3, 4 and 5 and retain the remaining pages for your records. Please mail the application and recommendation letters to: Midway College ADN Nursing Program 512 East Stephens Street Midway, KY 40347 NOTICE OF NON-DISCRIMINATION Midway College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national or ethnic origin, marital status, age, or disability in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other College-administered programs or in its employment practices. In conformity with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, 20 U.S.C. § 1681 and its implementing regulation at C.F.R. Part 106, it is also the policy of Midway College not to discriminate on the basis of sex in its educational programs, activities or employment practices. The admission of women only in the Traditional Day Programs is in conformity with a provision of the Act. For additional information, contact the College‘s Title IX Coordinator: Ann Elkin, Director of Human Resources, 11 Pinkerton Hall, 512 East Stephens Street, Midway, Kentucky 40347-1112, (859) 846-5408. Midway College is committed to providing an environment that is safe and provides appropriate motivation to insure a creative and productive work force and academic setting. To this end, Midway College endorses the philosophy that the campus should be free from the detrimental effects of drugs and alcohol. To insure student and worker safety and workplace and classroom integrity, Midway College prohibits the illegal manufacture, possession, distribution, or use of alcohol, controlled substances, and illicit drugs on its campus or as part of any of its activities. Further, except for employees and guests living in private residences of the college or college residences leased for private use, by authority of the Board of Trustees, possession and use of alcoholic beverages on the campus by employees, students, or guests is prohibited. The Midway College Alcohol Policy approved in 2003 limits the serving of alcohol only as approved by the college president. Retain for your records Effective fall 2011, all applicants seeking admission into the Midway College ADN program must complete an approved Kentucky Medicaid Nurse Aide training course. After completion of the course, applicants must then take and pass the State of Kentucky Medicaid Nurse Aide exam (SRNA). Proof of SRNA must be submitted to the Nursing Office. A copy of the course completion certificate is not sufficient documentation. The SRNA is part of the admissions criteria. Approved Nurse Aide Training Providers Contact: Vicki Barber, RN, NCI Cabinet for Health and Family Services Department for Medicaid Services Division of Healthcare Facilities Management Long Term Care Branch 275 East Main Street, 6 C-B Frankfort, KY 40601 (502) 564-5707 Email: [email protected] Bluegrass Community & Technical College Nurse Aide Training 164 Opportunity Way Lexington, KY 40511 859-246-6642 www.bluegrass.kctcs.edu/nursing/nursing_aide Campbellsville University-Hodgenville 813 Old Elizabethtown Road Hodgenville, KY 42748 270-789-54004 www.campbellsville.edu/srna1 Gateway Community & Technical College 500 Technology Way Florence, KY 41042 859-441-4500 www.gateway.kctcs.edu/academics/programs_of _study/mna Health Education Center, LLC 10508 Nanka Road Louisville, KY 40272 502-510-1363 www.healtheducationcenter.us KY Health Training 343 Waller Avenue, #204 Lexington, KY 40504 859-963-2901 www.khtnow.com Red Cross Nurse Aid Training 510 E. Chestnut Street PO Box 1675 Louisville, KY 40202 502-561-3771 www.redcross.org/ky/louisville/nat St. Catharine College 237 N. Spalding Avenue, Suite #108 Lebanon, KY 40033 270-699-2157 www.sccky.edu/academics/continuingcommunity-ed.php Revised Spring 2015 Bluegrass Nurse Aid Training Center 304 Southland Drive Lexington, KY 40503 859-273-0068 www.bgnurseaide.com Campbellsville University 1 University Drive Campbellsville, KY 42718 270-789-5400 www.campbellsville.edu/srna Emergency Medical Training Professionals, LLC 1141 Red Mile Road, Suite 101 Lexington, KY 40504 859-327-3687 www.emtpky.com/srna Georgetown Nurse Aide Training 804 S. Broadway, Suite #1 Georgetown, KY 40324 502-867-7283 www.khtnow.com Enrich Me Learning Center 96 Court Square Bardstown, KY 40004 502-349-1500 Kentucky Community & Technical College System (search by school) www.kctcs.edu Kentucky Health Care Training Institute 7400 New LaGrange Road, Suite #103 Louisville, KY 40222 502-426-3338 www.healthcareky.com Nurse Aide Training School, Inc. 370 Highland Park Drive, Suite 1-B Richmond, KY 40475 859-624-4068 www.natcrichmond.com Medical Career and Technical College 630 Eastern Bypass Richmond, KY 40475 859-624-1988 Spencerian College 1575 Winchester Road Lexington, KY 40505 859-223-9608 www.spencerian.edu Wisdom & Health Institution 3920 Bardstown Road, Second Floor Louisville, KY 40218 502-491-0492 www.wisdomandhealthinstitution.com 2 Healthcare Training School Bardstown, KY 502-507-3497 Spencerian College 4627 Dixie Highway Louisville, KY 40216 502-447-1000 www.spencerian.edu Rev9/2013, 2/2014 Kentucky Board of Nursing Policy on Requirements for Licensure Applicants with Criminal Convictions State law requires that licensed individuals report criminal convictions to the Kentucky Board of Nursing within ninety (90) days of the conviction, KRS 314.109. Kentucky Board of Nursing Administrative Regulations 201 KAR 20:370, application for licensure and registration, also require applicants to report criminal convictions and states what must be submitted when reported. I have read the Kentucky Board of Nursing Policy on the Requirements for Licensure Applicants with Criminal Convictions and understand these requirements. I also understand that individuals who have a felony conviction are not eligible for placement in clinical courses and so cannot be admitted. Signature Date Kentucky Board of Nursing 312 Whittington Pkwy., Suite 300 Louisville, KY 40222-5172 1-800-305-2042 or 502-429-3300, Ext. 238 or 243 http://kbn.ky.gov Revised Spring 2015 3 Midway College ADN Nursing Application _____Day Track _____ Evening Track NAME: (Last) (First) (Middle) (Maiden Name) ADDRESS: (Street or P.O. Box) (City) (State) (Apartment #) (Zip) (Cell ph. #) (Home ph. #) MIDWAY EMAIL ADDRESS: _________________________________________________________ OTHER EMAIL ADDRESS: __________________________________________________ Birthdate: / /_____ Student ID #: Social Security #: Please identify your ethnic background. Although this information is voluntary, it is requested to fulfill reporting obligations of the College. Information will be confidential. Native American African American/Black Asian/Pacific Hispanic Caucasian/White Non-Resident Alien Other Have you been accepted by Midway College? __ yes __ no Residential: Have you previously interviewed for the Nursing Program at Midway? When? ___________________________ Commuter: ____ yes ____ no SRNA ___ yes ____ no License number: ____________________________ Currently taking classes at Midway? __ yes __ no __ full-time __ part-time Cum. GPA: ______ Are you transferring from another college? (Where) (GPA) Colleges attended (Begin with the most recent.) Name and location of institution Dates of attendance Revised Spring 2015 4 Major/Degree(s) earned Have you ever been enrolled in a health sciences program which you did not complete? _____ yes _____ no Have you been enrolled in a nursing program in the past? If yes, a letter of explanation must be attached and page 7 must be completed and sent to the former program to be completed. _____ yes _____ no All required immunizations and health certifications must be submitted with the nursing application. Please see page 6 for details. Are you currently employed? (Where) (Phone #) List work experiences: _________ Have you ever been convicted of a crime? _____ yes If yes, a letter of explanation must be attached. _____ no Three letters of recommendation are required. These letters should be from professionals (ex. supervisors, teachers or ministers) and should address your character and personality. Letters can be included with the application or mailed separately. 1. 2. 3. I have read and understood all the above questions. My answers to these questions are true to the best of my knowledge. (Applicant’s Signature) Revised Spring 2015 (Date) 5 IMMUNIZATIONS & HEALTH CERTIFICATIONS All required immunizations, certifications, and other items listed below are to be submitted to the Nursing Office for students entering NSG 115, transfer students, or returning students. No student will be allowed to attend clinical rotations until these requirements are met and appropriate documentation is on file in the Nursing Office. The clinical absence policy is within the ADN Student Handbook, which each student receives at the beginning of the NSG 115 course. MMR (Measles (Rubeola), Mumps, and Rubella) 1. Official immunization record containing 2 documented MMR vaccination dates or; 2. Titer results showing positive immunity for each component of MMR Varicella (Chicken Pox) 1. Official immunization record containing 2 documented varicella vaccination dates or; 2. Titer results showing positive immunity for varicella -- Students may be required to provide titer results showing immunity to varicella before attending clinical rotations at particular facilities. These students will be notified at the time of clinical assignment, if documentation of a titer is not already on file. Hepatitis B 1. Official immunization record containing dates of all vaccinations or; 2. Titer results showing positive immunity for Hepatitis B Surface Antibody or; 3. If a student does not wish to obtain the Hepatitis B vaccine or is not complete with the series, the Hepatitis B Waiver form should be signed and placed in the student’s file. The form is available in the Nursing Office. Should the student complete the vaccine series or obtain a titer, it is the student’s responsibility to submit documentation to the Nursing Office. TB skin test or T-Spot test 1. Students must retest and submit documentation annually. 2. Students testing positive for TB the first-time should be re-evaluated by chest x-ray and submit results. Documentation of symptom screening for TB performed by a primary healthcare provider must be submitted annually thereafter. CPR 1. 2. 3. Infant, Child, and Adult Resuscitation are required for certification. Acceptable certifications: American Heart Association (preferred) = Basic Life Support for the Healthcare Provider American Red Cross = Professional Rescuers and Healthcare Providers -- Many certifications completed through an online format are not acceptable (i.e., ProCPR, ASHI, HIS). Please call the Nursing Office with questions. It is the student’s responsibility to recertify and submit documentation prior to the expiration date provided on the front of the CPR card. Influenza Vaccination Most clinical sites, contracted with Midway College’s ADN program, require employees and students to provide documentation of influenza vaccination during the flu season. Any deferments would need to be approved by the contracted site. Those who are not vaccinated will be required to wear a mask while on the unit during flu season. A copy of the vaccination should be provided to the Nursing Office. Student Health Insurance Midway College requires students registering for internships, practicums, clinical and student teaching to purchase their own health insurance and provide evidence of current insurance card. A copy of the insurance card must be submitted to the Nursing Office prior to attending clinical rotation. See College Catalog at http://www.midway.edu/academic-programs/college-catalog for more information. Revised Spring 2015 6 Midway College Associate Degree Nursing Program Applicant Information Form Name: School Name: ID Number: Telephone: Date enrolled: __________/__________ Month Year to __________/__________ Month Year I request that the following information be provided to the Midway College Associate Degree Nursing program. I do/do not (circle one) waive my right under the Buckley Amendment to inspect this reference which will be filed in my student record. _________________________________________ Signature ____________________________ Date To be completed by the nursing program director: The above student has applied for admission to the Associate Degree Nursing program at Midway College and requested the following information be provided to Midway. Was the student’s performance satisfactory in all areas while in your program? _____ yes no _____ If no, please indicate any deficiencies by checking the appropriate category(ies) below. _____ _____ _____ _____ Nursing theory grade below passing. Clinical performance unsatisfactory. Withdrew from course(s) in which performance was deficient at the time of withdrawal. Other (Please describe). ____________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Did this student apply for readmission to your program? _____ yes _____no Is this student eligible for readmission to your program? _____ yes _____ no If not eligible for readmission, please list reason(s): ____________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Please comment on your opinion of the applicant’s potential for success: ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________ Signature _______________________ Date Please return this form to: Midway College, Nursing Department, 512 East Stephens Street, Midway, Kentucky 40347 Revised Spring 2015 7
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