Fonts for Ads - The Forman School

FONTS to Use for Headlines
AHJ Antique Olive - This is 24 point and how your copy
would look in this font
AHJ Arizona - This is 24 point and how your copy would
look in this font
AHJ Deanna Script - This is 24 point and how your copy would look in this font
AHJ Paddington - This is 24 point and how your copy
would look in this font
AHJ Teresita Script - This is 24 point and how
your copy would look in this font
AHJ Palladio Small Caps - This is 24 point and how
your copy would look in this font
FONTS to Use for Body Copy (Your Message)
AHJ Sans - This is 14 point and how your copy would look in this font
AHJ Typewriter - This is 14 point and how your copy would look in this font
AHJ Times - This is 14 point and how your copy would look in this font