Lists About the Town Roll s* Honor Township SAWYER HIGHLANDS B A P T I S T CHURCH Members of the Jolly Bunco club met Friday for a potluck supper and the home of club men ber, Mrs. William Nutting in Bangor, Mich. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Conklin, of Hartford and M m Eugene Wells and Mr. Fred Hoadley, of Three Oaks. Prises were w o n by Mrs. Agnes Swanstrom and Mrs. Mar- Roll of School, ML Gloria Pox, JanAlice Grosse, Joe Hampton, Peggy fonna Martin, Norma Betty Tarwater, DiMary Vollman, Roi, Pat Nottingham, ...£old, Sherry Hoadaeckathorn, Roberta fall, / Ruth Payne, Edwin R * garet McGuire. Mrs. Herbert Flick won the door prise and p r i s e s were awarded t o Mrs. Wells and Mrs. Conklin. The next meeting will be held at the Rolling Prairie horn* of Mrs. Frank Sauers on May 26. Su*anne Sheldon, Mark Helieng*. ,„ Susan Dummer, fiWatera, Eunice AdArndt, Billie Behler, Beverly Mitchell, ire, Sarah Newlander, . t t , Judi T w e k , Jen[Oarrie Kramer, DavCharlotte BwrtaCollins, Cathy Donf Dxiepak. Marlene Ricky Brif«rs, Cfca*Judith McCarten, j n g e , Duane Hoadley, [Hampton. Karen | Ptt- S t Agnes Church, Sawyer Summer Schedule Sunday Masses: 7, 9 & 11 Weekday Mass: Thurs. A Sat., 18 a.m. Winter Schedule Sunday Masses: 8 & 10 Confessions Sat.: 7 * 0 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Williams were feted with a housewarming for their new home on Paw Paw St. on Friday evening. A potluck supper was served and the evening spent playing cards. A white elephant gift exchange was held and the Williams* were presented a gift of money from their friends. 10th Grade: l i n d * Vollman, Richard Wahll, Nancy KvapiL 11th Grade: Ted Drier, Nancy Brandt, Sandra Frasier. Richard Brown, Patricia Grannis, Carol Mayton, Mary Ellen Heward, Martha Rose Potts, Tony Veseof the imported ley, Peggy Portinga, Robert Ry- * " Winners Dutch dolls in a recent drawing den. 12th Grade: Edward Ander- at Warden's Bakery, were Mrs. son, Felicia Dsiadana, Alice Robert Martin and Mrs. John Gowdy, Cathleen McCarten, Versaw. Mr. Warden reports Jeanette Payne, Linda Arndt, that Jtwo of the dolls are a s y e t Pamela Behnke, Jack Lintner, unclaimed. The dolls which have Rex Warburton, Bob Thatcher, been on display in the bakery, Cathy Schneider, Roger Robin- are dressed in their native Dutch costumes. son, Karen Miers. m. Reuben L. Anderson, f a s t e r BshSe School I t AM Morning Worship 11 A . M Evening Gospel Service 7 p.'n. Bihle Study and Prayer meeting, Wednesday 7 * 0 pan. N E W TROY COM CHURCH Three Oaks Churches FREE METHODIST CHURCH Rev. J. B. Graybill, Pastor Sunday School 10 a.m. Morning Worship _ 11 a.m. F.M.Y. Service — , 6:30 p.m. Evening Worship 7 p.m. C.Y.C. Tues. after school % Thurs. Prayer Service 7:30 p.m. W J I . S . - Sec. Saturday 2 p.m. • • • * > Get in on Chevy's brand of savings CHURCH OF CHRIST Warren Hostetler, Minister * Sunday School 10:00 A.M. Communion St Worship 11:00 A M . Prayer Meeting, Thurs., 7:30 p.m. • • METHODIST* CHURCH R«v. E. J. Brinnon, Paator \ Western star Roy Rogers spreads the good word for your local dealer! "Right now he's making it easier than ever to own America's easiest riding truck. That's C h e v y —the t r u c k t h a t saves you plenty with its special brand of Independent Front Suspension.'* CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Rev. Reginald N. Drydtn, Pastor Sunday School 10 Worship Sorvico I t a.m. (Nursery for small children) Pilgrim Fellowship 6 p.m. Ck«vy*»keftyJ<*«astere;stand. are in Series 60 middleweight*, is known far end wide for its fuei-eavmg performance. CHEVROLET 111. TRUCKS ST. JOHN'S E A R CHURCH (United Church of Christ) \ ^^ ** — ^** d e p e n d a b i l i t y - f o r pulling more toads o v e r the years than any other truck engine. T h e 136-horsepower 235-cu.4n. Thriftmaster's standard i n all Chevy pickups. See your local authorized Chevrolet dealer 8 . Worker's »~J i 1 0 sum. No Job too Large or too Small 104 N. Elm Street THRcE OAKS INC i n v. Phone 5731 CONNELLY. FUNERAL HOME Three Oaks, Mich. la chaaxh rtfuiarly aad read yaar Bibla daily. Phone 3831 e " • L 0SELKA CONSTRUCTION Union r W . ^ c h . . . . Phone Lakeside 4231 When someone says, "It's for you," our minds begin to buzz with questions. Who is it? What do they want? Good news? Bad News? Work? Pleasure? It's for you! Commanding words that summon our immediate attention. And those words apply as well to the Church as they do to a telephone call. The Church is for you! Its services of worship, its program of religious education, its comforting ministration in time of spiritual crisis... all for you! And foe Church has a vital message— good news for a discouraged world. It has a glorious work before iWa happy fellowship for men, women, and children of noble purpose. The Church deserves your support Jtft for you! Post 204, Amer. Legion The Dunes Furniture Co. THREE OAKS, MICH. «••'—*••a.^11 • CRANE — TRUCK — BULLDOZER SERVICE " LINTNER CHEVROLET SALES, Monuments and Markers eanh for ihe building of character and food citiicniriip. I l it • atordwaac of spirited valuei Without a tlroat Church, •either democracy nor civilization ca» aairviv*. There a n four t w n d reawnt why ettfjr penea *hould altead anvicat IHilaaly aad aapport the Church. They am ( I ) Far hi» awa aakc. ( 2 ) Far hia c h i k W s take. ( 3 ) For the take of hia coauaaaity aad M O M . ( 4 ) Far kVt uk< • f aW Q a r c h itaelf. which x e d . hU 3rd Men. 7:00 English Service — 11 a . m p.m. German Service, First Sunday of 4th Mon. 7 * 0 month a t 1 0 a.m. with n o Adult Bible class. EXCAVATING and GRADING i i • — OXYGEN EQUIPPED Junior Worship 11:00 F u n d s * Fellowship _ 7 * 0 pan. Skylail's—Wednesday . 4 * 0 p.m j t t j e Fishermen 4 p-m. Orioles s ——, 4 p-m n Cirele 2 & 4 Thursday 2:30 p.m. Evening Circle 1 ft 8 Thursday 7 * 0 pan. FIRST REFORMED CHURCH LAKESIDE METHODIST Rev. Donald Jansma, Minister CHURCH Morning Worship 9:30 A.M. Rev. Robert Carson, Pastor Sunday School 10:45 A J f . Sunday School 1 0 * 0 AJf Evening Worship 7 * 0 P J L Worship Servica 11*0 Choir Practice Thursdays English Service 8:46 • 7:30 p.m. Family Worship Service Wed- CHIKAMING SEVENTH-DAY nesdays 7:15 p.m. ADVENTIST CHURCH Women's Guild -for Christian m E. H. Knanft Eldor Service, Second Toes.. 7.30 P- * 9*0 Sabbath School Men's Brotherhood Third Men. 11*0 S pan. Worship Service Couples Club . Third Fri.-* p.m. i Mid-week Servica Lydia League Fourth Tues.1 8 * 0 pan. 7 * 0 van.' Visitors always Consistory • L e s t Mon. - 8 • • ^a^'ar^a*' - 24 Hour Ambulance Service - G a lien Churches Chikaming Churches Church Council, t doss the It's the most put under a for economy aenndd Sunday, 9:45, Sunday School; Thursday: 7:30, Senior Choir 11:00, Worship Service; Holy rehearsal; First Thursday of each Communion' first Sunday of each month, 10:00, Ladies Aid; Third month. Thursday of month, 8:00, Women's Service Guild. Tuesday, 6:30, Junior Choir rehearsal; 7:30, Instrumental EnFriday, 7:00, Boy Scouts. semble rehearsal. TY ST7 MARY'S Douglas E. Mitcholl, Pastor Memorial Garden 10:00 Church School Heston, Ind. Morning Worship ,— 11:00 Daily Masses 8:30 a.m Youth Fellowship, 1st d 3rd Wednesday 7 pm—Sunday 7pm Sundays Devotions Jr. Youth Fellowssip Sr. Youth Fellowship r Wednesday Evening Choir Rehearsal - Wed., 7p30 p.m. EVANGELICAL U N I T E D Child. Choir - Thurs., 3 | 8 0 p.m. BRETHREN Thursdev Afternoon Rev. James Timmons, Paster. Telephone 503 Church School 10:00 ONAL Worship Service — .11:00 CHURCH • 'hriet.ian Endsrvor 7-80 Jr. Christian Endeavor, Satur- Rev. Ralph Unrub, 11 A M day 3 p.m. Morning Service 0 AJt S".. PLTZT. : E Ci .. «-nwiiCH Church School (United Church o l ChrUt) Rev. A . J. Habermehl, Psrtor Worship Service 9:00 a.m. Sunday School 10:00 a.m. S.S. Workers and Church Council, 1st Mon. 7:30 pan. Women's Guild, 1st Thurs. All Day E S T . A. J. Habermehl, Pastor Sunday School 9:80 a.m. Worship Service 10:45 son. SAWYER TRINITY LUTHERAN Brotherhood, 1st Wed. 7 * 0 p.m B. G. Mueller. Pastor Women's Guild, 2nd Wed. 7:30 Sunday school, Adult Bible Class a Chevy's saving in tins highly hood. It's beet Wednesday: 7*0, Midservice of song, prayer and Bihle study. Morning Worship _ 1 1 amSunday School . 9:45 a m Olivet Class - Wed., 7:30 p.m. WSCS - 1st Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. METHODIST CHURCH Methodist Youth Fellowship Rev. Philip Brown, Pastor Business meeting - Sunday 6:30 Telephone 879 Worship service - Sunday 7:30 Church School 10:00 Worship Service 11:00 CATHOLIC CHURCH (Nursery Service) I'M Rev. Charles Buescber, Pastor Youth Fellowship 2g W. Ash S t . f h o n e 2041 Prayer and Bible Study, Wednesday 8:00 pan. Sunmer ScheduU Sunday Masses: 6:30, 8 4k 1 0 W.S.C.S. Circle 1, Thursday S Winter Schedule Thursday Sunday Masses: 8 & 10 Weekday Mass: 7:30 A.M. RGANIZED CHURCH OF Devotions Saturday 7:30 P.M. SUS CHRIST OF LATTER Confesstocs Saturday following DAY SAINTS Devotions, Melvin Stoner, Priest Pastor CALVARY TABERNACLE Buchanan, Phone OXbow 5-3008 Kevin Olmstead, Galien 604 N. Eton St. Assistant Pastor George E. Heimutn. Pastor Phone Linden 5-2404 bible Class - Wed. evening 7:46 Youth Night Fri. Evening 7:45 Jhurch School 9:45 son. Sunday School 10 KM) A.M. Worship Service 11:00 Sunday Evening Service 7 * 0 P J L (Notsery) atyour Chevy dealers ) ast pick the model thatfitsyour job and you can sue you're putting your truck dollars where .-eyll do the most good. You'll get a superefficient power to capacity ratio, a truck that's di-Bilt clear through, a king-size cab to keep «.• driver happy. And savings that just naturally . along with Chevrolet's I.F.S. ride. You save on maintenance costs. I.F.S. lengthens tick life and protects cargoes by soaking tip as uch as 78% of all objectranabk road shock and vibration. Your truck keeps working for extra (thousands of miles! How in the world can you go [wrong! Especially now—during truck roundup time! HARBERT COMMUNITY CHURCH R w . Arnold R. Bolin — — I . . — • aaafa—•'•• Three Oaks Lumber Co. THREE OAKS. MICH Robert E. Warren Agency, Inc. The— Oalw —- . Htm Baffala US-12 at Sawyer Road SAWYER, MICH. Thvee Oaks Co-Ops, Inc. Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 Weldun Tool and Engineering THRIVE OAKS. MICH THREE OAKS. MICH THE °£$g GAZETTE Downtown Drugs THREE OAKS. MICH THREE OAKS, MICH. *atf\d%fta^»^*»*%r^^V^rV%»F»> % S ^ U r % A A a v \ # % a V ^ A a V % A A A ^ W \ l % f t A i r \ f t A A ^ » ^ ^ Grosse Bros. PLUMBING a HEATING THREE OAKS. MICH. '
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