Connections on R-complex non-Hermitian Finsler spaces Gabriela Cˆampean Abstract. In this paper we extend the results on R- complex Finsler spaces by studying some properties of R-complex non-Hermitian Finsler spaces.We introduce two complex linear connections on a R-complex nonHermitian Finsler space, namely Berwald and Rund connections. Various descriptions of these connections are given related to their corresponding curvature and torsion tensors. M.S.C. 2010: 53B40, 53C60. Key words: R− complex non-Hermitian Finsler space; Berwald connection; Rund connection. 1 Introduction Bearing in mind a previous paper with important results on R− complex Hermitian Finsler spaces [7], we continue the study, making a similar approach to the R− complex non-Hermitian Finsler spaces. Since the complex linear connections are the main tools in the study of the geometry of the R− complex Finsler spaces, the aim of this paper is to introduce on a R− complex non-Hermitian Finsler space the notions of Berwald and Rund connections. The curvature and torsion tensors corresponding to these connections are obtained from the structure equations. Also, we derive the Bianchi identities which specify the relations among the covariant derivatives of the curvature coefficients and which are very useful in our next work. First step is to make a short introduction in the geometry of R− complex Finsler spaces, emphasizing properties of R− complex non-Hermitian Finsler spaces. Let M be a n - dimensional complex manifold and z = (z k )k=1,n be the complex coordinates in a local chart. The complexified of the real tangent bundle TC M splits into the sum of holomorphic tangent bundle T 0 M and its conjugate T 00 M . The bundle T 0 M is itself a complex manifold and the local coordinates in a local chart will be denoted by u = (z k , η k )k=1,n . These are changed into (z 0k , η 0k )k=1,n by the rules 0k ηl . z 0k = z 0k (z) and η 0k = ∂z ∂z l A R− complex Finsler space is a pair (M, F ), where F is a continuous function F : T 0 M −→ R+ satisfying the conditions: Differential Geometry - Dynamical Systems, Vol.16, 2014, pp. c Balkan Society of Geometers, Geometry Balkan Press 2014. ° 85-91. 86 Gabriela Cˆampean 0 M := T 0 M \{0}; i) F := L2 is smooth on T] ii) F (z, η) ≥ 0 the equality holds if and only if η = 0; iii) F (z, λη, z¯, λ¯ η ) = |λ| F (z, η, z¯, η¯), ∀λ ∈ R. We use the following tensors (1.1) gij = ∂2L ∂2L ∂2L ; g = ; g = . ¯ ¯ i j ¯ ij ∂η i ∂η j ∂η i ∂ η¯j ∂ η¯i ∂ η¯j Some consequences of the homogeneity condition iii), [10], are (1.2) ∂L i ∂L i η + iη ∂η i ∂η 2L ∂gik j ∂gik j η + η ∂η j ∂η j ∂L ; ∂η j = 2L ; gij η i + gj¯i η i = = gij η i η j + 2gij η i η j + gij η i η j ; = 0; ∂gik j ∂gik j η + η = 0. ∂η j ∂η j with their complex conjugates. 0 M is R− homogenous of degree p in the fibre We say that a function f on T] ∂f i ∂f i variables η iff ∂ηi η + ∂ηi η = pf. For example, L is R− homogenous of degree 2 in the fibre variables. An R− complex non-Hermitian Finsler space is the pair (M, F ) where F satisfies 2 L the regularity condition: gij = ∂η∂i ∂η j is nondegenerated, i.e. det (gij ) 6= 0 at any 0 ] point u ∈ T M , and defines a positive definite quadratic form for all z ∈ M , [11]. Consider the sections of the complexified tangent bundle of T 0 M. Let V T 0 M ⊂ 0 T (T 0 M ) be the vertical bundle, locally spanned by { ∂η∂ k }. V T 00 M is its complex conjugate. A complex nonlinear connection, briefly (c.n.c.), is a supplementary complex subbundle to V T 0 M in T 0 (T 0 M ), i.e. T 0 (T 0 M ) = HT 0 M ⊕ V T 0 M. The horizontal distribution Hu T 0 M is locally spanned by { δzδk = ∂z∂k − Nkj ∂η∂ j }, where Nkj (z, η) are the coefficients of the (c.n.c.), i.e. they transform by a certain rule (1.3) The pair {δk := Nj0i δ , ∂˙k δz k ∂z 0j ∂z 0i j ∂ 2 z 0i = Nk − j k η j . k j ∂z ∂z ∂z ∂z := ∂ } ∂η k will be called the adapted frame of the (c.n.c.) 0j 0j which obey to the change rules δk = ∂z δ 0 and ∂˙k = ∂z ∂˙ 0 . By conjugation every∂z k j ∂z k j 00 ˙ where we have obtained an adapted frame {δk¯ , ∂k¯ } on Tu (T 0 M ). The dual adapted bases are {dz k , δη k } and {d¯ z k , δ η¯k }. k We consider c (t) a curve on complex manifold M and (z k (t) , η k (t) = dz dt ) its extension on T 0 M. The Euler-Lagrange equations with respect to a complex Lagrangian L are µ ¶ d ∂L ∂L − = 0, (1.4) ∂z i dt ∂η i where L is considered along the curve c on T 0 M. Following the same arguments form concerning the complex geodesic curves, in [11] is obtained that: (1.5) gij ∂2L j ∂L d2 z j + η − i = 0, dt2 ∂z j ∂η i ∂z Connections on R-complex non-Hermitian Finsler spaces 87 which is equivalent with ¡ ¢ d2 z h + 2Gh z h (t) , η h (t) = 0, 2 dt (1.6) where Gh (z, η) (1.7) = = µ 2 ¶ ∂ L j 1 ih ∂L g η − 2 ∂z j ∂η i ∂z i µ ¶ ∂g¯ 1 ih ∂gri ∂gji ∂grj 1 g + − η r η j − g ih l¯is η¯l η¯s j r i 4 ∂z ∂z ∂z 2 ∂z µ ¶ ∂g ∂g j s¯ i¯ s +g ih − η j η¯s . ∂z j ∂z i The functions Gh are the coefficients of a complex spray on T 0 M and following the general theory of a complex spray [10] it results that Nkh = (1.8) ∂Gh , ∂η k is a complex nonlinear connection on T 0 M , which will be called canonical (c.n.c.). Next, we work only with the canonical (c.n.c.) and thus hereinafter δj is with respect to (1.8). Taking into account the homogeneity condition of L, we may state the following properties (∂˙j Gi )η j + (∂˙r¯Gi )¯ η r = 2Gi ; (∂˙j Nki )η j + (∂˙r¯Nki )¯ η r = Nki , (1.9) which means that Gi and Nki are R−homogeneous of degree 2, respectively 1, with respect with η, like in R− complex Hermitian Finsler spaces case. In [11] it is proved that there exists a unique complex linear connection D which is torsions free (hT (hX, hX) = 0, vT (vX, vX) = 0), metrical compatible (DG = 0) and G (DX¯ Y, Z) = G (DX¯ Z, Y ) , ∀X, Y, Z ∈ T 0 (T 0 M ) , where z i ⊗ d¯ z j + g¯i¯j δ η¯i ⊗ δ η¯j . G = gij dz i ⊗ dz j + gij δη i ⊗ δη j + g¯i¯j d¯ ³ ´ i , Cjik¯ , where Locally it is denoted by DΓ := Nji , Lijk , Lij k¯ , Cjk (1.10) (1.11) Lijk = Lij k¯ = 2 1 im 1 i g {δj (gkm ) + δk (gjm ) − δm (gjk )} ; Cjk = g im ∂˙j (gkm ), 2 2 1 im 1 im ˙ i g δk¯ (gjm ) ; Cj k¯ = g ∂k¯ (gjm ). 2 2 Berwald connection First, we associate to the canonical (c.n.c.) a complex linear connection of Berwald type ³ ´ i BΓ := Nji , Bjk := ∂˙k Nji , Bji k¯ := ∂˙k¯ Nji , 0, 0 88 Gabriela Cˆampean with its connection form i ωji (z, η) = Bjk dz k + Bji k¯ d¯ zk . (2.1) Using (1.9), we deduce that i i (∂˙j Bhk )η j + (∂˙r¯Bhk )¯ η r = 0, i i.e. Bhk are R−homogeneous of degree 0 and i Nki = Bjk η j + Bji k¯ Bki m ¯m ¯η Note that Berwald connection is not metrical compatible. The connection form of BΓ satisfy the following structure equations d(dz i ) − dz k ∧ ωki = hΩi ; d(δη i ) − δη k ∧ ωki = vΩi ; dωji − ωjk ∧ ωki = Ωij (2.2) and their conjugates, where d is exterior differential with respect to the canonical (c.n.c.). Since d(δη i ) 1 i K dz k ∧ dz j + Θij k¯ d¯ z k ∧ dz j 2 jk i +Bjk δη k ∧ dz j + Bji k¯ δ η¯k ∧ dz j = dNji ∧ dz j = i i and Bjk = Bkj , the torsion and curvature forms are hΩi vΩi Ωij = −Bji k¯ dz j ∧ d¯ zk ; 1 i = − Kjk dz j ∧ dz k − Θij k¯ dz j ∧ d¯ z k − Bji k¯ dz j ∧ δ η¯k − Bji k¯ δη j ∧ d¯ zk ; 2 1 i 1 i = − Kjkh dz k ∧ dz h − Kjik¯h¯ d¯ dz k ∧ dz h z k ∧ dz h + Kjhk 2 2 i i i dz k ∧ δη h − Bji k¯h¯ d¯ z k ∧ δ η¯h − Bjhk −Bjkh dz k ∧ δη h + Bjhk δη k ∧ dz h , where i Kjk := δk Nji − δj Nki ; Θij k¯ := δk¯ Nji ; and i i i l i l i Kjkh := δh Bjk − δk Bjh + Bjk Blh − Bjh Blk ; i l i l i i i Kj k¯h¯ := δh¯ Bj k¯ − δk¯ Bj h¯ + Bj k¯ Blh¯ − Bj h¯ Blk¯ ; i l i l i i Kjikh ¯ Bjh + Bj k ¯ := δh Bj k ¯ − δk ¯ Blh − Bjh Blk ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ are hh-, hh- and hh- curvature tensors, respectively; B i := ∂˙h B i ; B i ¯ ¯ = ∂˙¯ B i ¯ ; B i ¯ := ∂˙h B i ¯ jkh jk j kh h jk j kh jk ¯ v - and h¯ are hv-, h¯ v - curvature tensors, respectively. Taking the exterior differential of the third structure equation from (2.2), it results −Ωlj ∧ ωli + ωjl ∧ Ωil = dΩij , (2.3) which identities: P leads toi sixteen iBianchi l } = 0; K {K − B b jrl hk r,k,h jkh |r Connections on R-complex non-Hermitian Finsler spaces Ki b jkh | r¯ l = Bji r¯l Khk − Ahk {K i b j r¯k |h 89 m ¯ i l i m ¯ i l + Kjimk ¯ Br¯h − Kjlk Bh¯ r − Bj mk ¯ Θr¯h + Bjlk Θh¯ r }; i l i ¯ m ¯ i l m ¯ i K i b = Bji mr B¯m + Bji m ¯ Br k ¯ − Kj k ¯m ¯ Θkr ¯ − Bj kl ¯ Θr h ¯ }; ¯h ¯ − Ahk {K b + Kj hl ¯ Kk ¯ hr ¯h ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ j hr | k Pj kh |r i i m ¯ ¯h ¯ {K ¯ Kr¯h ¯ } = 0; b − Bj m r¯,k, ¯k ¯h ¯ | r¯ jk Akr {B i b b jkh |r i } − Kjkr | h = 0; b Akr {B i b i m ¯ i + Bjrl Bkl h¯ + Bji mk ¯ = 0; ¯ } − Kjkr | h ¯ Bhr i Ah¯ ¯ r {B b m ¯ i + Bji r¯l Bkl h¯ + Bji m ¯ Br¯k } + Kj h¯ ¯ r | k = 0; ¯h i Ak¯ ¯ r {B b ¯ |r j hk b ¯ j r¯k | h b ¯k ¯ | r¯ jh Bi b − Bi b − Bi jkh | r¯ Bi } − Kjik¯ ¯ = 0; ¯r | h ¯k ¯ |r jh b i Bjkh |r b Bji hk ¯ | r¯ b Bji hk ¯ | r¯ b B j r¯h | k + Kjir¯k | h + b P P i l r kh {Bjlh Bk¯ i m ¯ ¯k ¯ {Bj m ¯ Bkr ¯ h ¯h ¯ |k ¯ j hr b b b i i − Bjkr | h = 0; Bjkh | r¯ − Bji r¯k | h = 0; b b b i i − Bji h¯ ¯ − Bj h ¯k ¯ | r¯ = 0; ¯ r | k = 0; Bj r¯k ¯ |h b b b i − Bji r¯k | h¯ = 0; Bji hk ¯ |k = ¯ | r − Bj hr b − Kjikr ¯ + ¯ |h m ¯ − Bji mh ¯ Br¯k } = 0; l − Bji hl ¯ Br k ¯ } = 0; b 0, where ’b ’ and ’ | ’ are horizontal | P and vertical respectively, covariant derivatives with respect to BΓ and and A are symmetric and antisymmetric operators. 3 Rund connection In this section we consider a new complex linear connection ¢ ¡ RΓ := Nji , Lijk , 0, 0, 0 , where Lijk is given in (1.11). By analogy with real case we call this the Rund connection. It is only h - metrical compatible, i.e. gij|k = 0, where ’| ’ is horizontal covariant derivatives with respect to RΓ. The connection RΓ satisfies the following structure equations (3.1) ˜ i ; d(δη i ) − δη k ∧ ω ˜ i ; d˜ ˜ ij , d(dz i ) − dz k ∧ ω ˜ ki = hΩ ˜ ki = v Ω ωji − ω ˜ jk ∧ ω ˜ ki = Ω where ω ˜ ji (z, η) = Lijk dz k is connection form of RΓ. The torsion and curvature forms corresponding to RΓ are ˜i hΩ ˜i vΩ ˜ ij Ω = 0; 1 i i dz j ∧ dz k − Θij k¯ dz j ∧ d¯ z k − (Bjk − Lijk )dz j ∧ δη k = − Kjk 2 −Bji k¯ dz j ∧ δ η¯k − Bji k¯ δη j ∧ d¯ zk ; 1 i i i i = − Rjkh dz k ∧ dz h − Rjhk dz k ∧ dz h − Pjkh dz k ∧ δη h − Pjhk dz k ∧ δη h , 2 90 Gabriela Cˆampean where i Rjkh := δh Lijk − δk Lijh + Lljk Lilh − Lljh Lilk ; i ¯ curvature tensors, respectively; Rjhk := δh¯ Lijk are hh- and hhi i i i Pjkh := ∂˙h Ljk ; Pjhk := ∂˙h¯ Ljk are hv- and h¯ v - curvature tensors, respectively. Taking the exterior differential of the third structure equation from (3.1), it results ˜ il = dΩ ˜ ij , ˜ lj ∧ ω ˜ li + ω ˜ jl ∧ Ω −Ω (3.2) which leads the following group of Bianchi identities P i l i r,k,h {Rjkh|r − Pjrl Khk } = 0; i i l m ¯ i l Rjkh|¯r − Pj r¯l Khk + Ahk {Rji r¯k|h − Pjimk ¯ Θr¯h + Pjkl Θh¯ r } = 0; i i l i m ¯ Ahk {Rj hr| ¯ k ¯ − Pj kl ¯ Θr h ¯ } − Pj mr ¯h ¯ = 0; ¯ Kk i i l i Akr {Pjkh|r + Pjkl (Llhr − Bhr )} − Rjkr |h = 0; i i l i Akr {Pj hk|r + Pjrl Bkh¯ } − Rjkr |h¯ = 0; ¯ i Ah¯ ¯ r {Pj r¯k|h ¯ } = 0; i i i i l l i m ¯ Pjkh|¯ ¯ Br¯h = 0; r − Pj r¯h|k + Rj r¯k |h + Pj r¯l (Bhk − Lhk ) − Pj mk i m ¯ m ¯ i l i i Pj hr| ¯ − Pj mr ¯k ¯ − Lh ¯k ¯ ) + Pj kl ¯ Br h ¯ = 0; ¯ k ¯ + Rj kr ¯ |h ¯ (Bh i i i i Pjkh |r − Pjkr |h = 0; Pjkh |r¯ − Pj r¯k |h = 0; i i i i Pjihk ¯ = 0; Pj hk ¯ |r − Pj hr ¯ |k = 0, ¯ |r¯ = 0; Pj hk ¯ |r¯ − Pj r¯k |h where ’ | ’ is vertical covariant derivatives with respect to RΓ. An example. We consider the function q ¡ ¢4 4 F 2 = L(z, w; η, θ) = e2σ (η + η¯) + θ + θ¯ , with η, θ 6= 0, on C2 , where σ(z, w) is a real valued function,and we relabeled the usual local coordinates z 1 , z 2 , η 1 , η 2 as z, w, η, θ, respectively. It is R− complex Finsler metric with the tensor gij invertible. After a direct computation we obtain the local coefficients of the canonical (c.n.c.) ¡ ¢4 θ + θ¯ ∂σ 2θ − θ¯ ∂σ 1 N1 = [η + ; 3 ] ∂z + 3 ∂w 3 (η + η¯) ¡ ¢3 −2 θ + θ¯ ∂σ 2 (η + η¯) ∂σ 1 N2 = + ; 2 3 ∂w 3 (η + η¯) ∂z ¡ ¢ 3 2 θ + θ¯ ∂σ 2 (η + η¯) ∂σ 2 − ¡ ; N1 = ¢2 3 ∂z 3 θ + θ¯ ∂w 4 N22 = 2η − η¯ ∂σ (η + η¯) ∂σ + [θ + ¡ . ¢3 ] 3 ∂z 3 θ + θ¯ ∂w References [1] M. Abate, G. Patrizio, Finsler Metrics - A Global Approach, Lecture Notes in Math., 1591, Springer-Verlag, 1994. Connections on R-complex non-Hermitian Finsler spaces 91 [2] N. Aldea, G. Munteanu, On complex Landsberg and Berwald spaces, Journal of Geometry and Physics, 62 (2012), no. 2, 368-380. [3] N. Aldea, G. 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