AIG INSURANCE SPORTS GENERAL LIABILITY APPLICATION Application Instructions A. Please type or complete the application in ink. B. If additional space is needed, please use your firm’s letterhead. A. Applicant Information 1. Applicant Company Name: _____________________________________________________ DBA: _________________________________________________________________________ 2. Additional Named Insureds: _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ 3. Mailing Address: _____________________________________________________________ 4. Physical Address 1:__________________________________ Physical Address 2: _____________________________________________________________ 5. C i t y : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ State:_______________ Zip Code: ___________ 6. Contact Name: ______________________ Phone:______________________ 7. FEIN Nu mber:________________________________________ 8. Type of Business (circle one): Individual Corporation Joint Venture Partnership Organization Limited Liability Corp University Other If Other, please describe: ______________________________________ 9. Effective Date: ______________________________ 10. Expiration Date: _______________________________ 11. Website: _____________________________ 12. Is this operation for Profit? _____________________ 13. Type of Group (circle one): Association Club Camp-Day Camp-Overnight Clinics Facility (Cheer/ Dance / Gymnastics / Martial Arts) Facility (Batting Cage)* Facility (Yoga) Facility (Other)* Facility Health Club / Fitness* Higher Education Intramurals / Academic Clubs* League National Governing Body Not-For-Profit Semi-Pro / Professional Team (contact underwriter)* Special Event State Athletic Association Team Tournament Other If Other, Describe ____________________________________________ *INDICATES SUPPLEMENTAL APPLICATION MUST BE EMAILED TO UNDERWRITER B. Sports Coverage 1. How many years has the organization operated? If less than 3, does the applicant have prior experience? Yes/No 2. BATTINGCAGEFACILITYGOTO#3 Age Sport Group*: Played: First Practice Date: Sport End Date: Total Managers Coaches, Volunteers: Total Players: (mm/dd/yyyy) Under 18 19 and over 3. Do you have trampolines Over 46”? YES/NO/N/A 4. Will activities include any of the following: Hang Gliding, Parasailing, Parachuting, Tobagganing, Luge, Skateboarding, Trampolines over 46” in diameter, Bungee Jumping, Hot Air Balloons, Mechanical Bulls, Saddle Animals, Velcro Jumps, Paintball, Race Track Risks, Boating, Motorsports, Rodeo, Mechanical Rides, Inflatables, Overnight Clinic/Camps, Ski Jumping, Freestyle Skiing, Snowmobiling, Cheerleading Pyramids over 2 ½ persons high and Cheerleading activities using trampolines and springboards, Saddle Animal Rides, Petting Zoos, Racing and Speed Contests involving Autos, Racing and Speed Contests involving Watercraft, Racing and Speed Contests involving Aircraft, Parades – Riding on Floats or Motorized Devices, Pep Rallies, Tug of War, Licensed Daycare / Preschool Operations, Open Water Activities, Repetitive Type Injuries to Horses / Ponies, Parkour Activities ? YES/NO 5. If applicable, will the standard safety gear for the sport be used? YES/NO/N/A 6. Does the organization require Waiver/Release forms from all participants or guardians, if appropriate? YES/NO/N/A 7. If not, will your institute a program for Waiver/Release forms? YES/NO/N/A (IF BATTING CAGE FACILITY, YOGA FACILITY, HEALTH & FITNESS FACILITY OR STATE ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION, PLEASE SKIP THIS QUESTION AND GO TO #9) 8. Will accident and health coverage be in place for all participants? YES/NO 9. Are Cheerleading pyramids ever more than 2 persons high or are spring boards or trampolines ever used? YES/NO/N/A 10. Does the organization use or sell any type of Martial Arts/Tactical defense related weapon? YES/NO 11.Does the organization have and enforce written standards regarding Sexual Abuse and Molestation? YES/NO 12. Does the organization routinely request and receive criminal background investigations on all employees, volunteers and independent contractors? YES/NO 13. Does the policyholder conduct camps for non-league/member participants? YES/NO IF FACILITY, PLEASE ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 14. Do you have birthday parties? YES / NO Number of Birthday Parties: 15. Do you own any inflatables? YES / NO (CIRCLE TYPES) Bouncer Type Castles Combo Funland Obstacle Course Slides Tents Tunnels Water Games Other 16. Does the insured rent out the inflatables to others? Yes / No 17. Do you have overnight lock-ins or sleeping parties? YES/NO If Yes, How many per year? __________________________________ 18. Do you have a retail store on Premise? Retail Store Receipts: 19. Does the applicant have a Day Care License? YES / NO 20. Is there separate insurance for the Day Care Operations? 21. Total receipts from membership dues: 22. If Health/Fitness Club, Are all trainers certified? YES / NO / N/A 23. Is there a restaurant and / or Liquor Bar in facility? 24. Total restaurant/liquor bar receipts: 25. Please check additional exposures below: Booster Club Soft Play Climbing Wall (10 Ft high and under with pad) Climbing Wall (10 Ft to 20 Ft high with helmet and harness) Climbing Wall (over 20 Ft high with helmet and harness) Height of Wall: Proper supervision and controls in place? Yes/No Are helmets and harnesses used on those walls over 10 feet? Yes/No Swimming Pool: Fenced? Yes/No Rules Posted? Yes/No Lifeguards on duty when in use? Yes/No Diving Boards/Slides? Yes/No Are all instructors certified? Yes/No Zip Line (6 Ft high or under) Zip Line (Over 6 Ft) 26. Is any sports equipment sold or rented? YES/NO 27. Are any nutritional supplements sold or distributed? YES/NO 28. If Yes, under applicant’s label? YES / NO C. Policy Limits 1. Occurrence Limit: ________________________________ 2. General Aggregate Limit: ___________________________ 3. Personal & Advertising Limit: _______________________ 4. Products – Completed Operations Aggregate: _________ Deductible (CIRCLE ONE): NONE; $250; $500; $1,000; $2,500; $5,000; $10,000; OTHER D. Coverages and Endorsements 1. D a m a g e T o Pr e mi s e s R e n te d T o Y o u : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2. SML Limits: ___________________ 3. Add Additional Insured(s)Other:Name _______________________ 4. Add Additional Insured(s) - Managers or Lessors: Name: _________ ___________________________________________________ 5. Add Additional Insured(s) Designated Person or Organization: Name: _____ 6. Add Additional Insured(s) State or Political Subdivision Permits: Name: __________________________________________ E. Camp Info (IF BATTING CAGE FACILITY MUST COMPLETE) 1 . Age Sport Group*: Played: C a m p G R I D Start End Staff and Total # of # of Date: Date: Volunteers: Campers: Days: Events: Under 18 19 and over 2. Is this the director’s first camp? YES/NO If Yes, Describe experience? 3. Are there any other activities outside of the sports listed such as arts/crafts, field trips, inflatables, etc.? 4. Number of Pitching Machines: 5. Do you have any other amusement devices and / or activities such as but not limited to inflatables, go-carts, arcade, etc? If Yes, explain. 6. Do you have Baseball field(s)? If Yes, How Many? 7. Any safety equipment modification made by you? If Yes, explain. F. Operations 1. If the organization owns a venue, do they allow other organizations to use their facility? YES/NO/N/A 2. Does the organization have a Code of Conduct, Written Regulations and/or By-Laws? YES/NO 3. Is every league in this body required to provide liability insurance? YES/NO 4. How are league participants transported to events? ___________________________________ 5. If buses are used, does the bus company provide a certificate of insurance? YES/NO/N/A 6. Who is responsible for maintaining the field/facilities? G. Concussion Protocol: 1. Does your organization have a written concussion policy that is in compliance with current state legislation? YES NO 2. Do you distribute the written policy to coaches, parents and players and require parents acknowledgement that they have received and reviewed? YES NO 3. Does your concussion policy require a medical doctor’s release prior to the child returning to play? YES NO 4. Does your concussion policy mandate that all coaches participate in concussion training at least once every two years? YES NO 5. Does your organization utilize base line testing? YES NO H. Claims History 1. Has the organization had any G/L and/or Sexual Abuse and/or Molestation claims and/ or incidents in the last 3 years? YES/NO If yes, total amount incurred?__________________________________________________________ I. SML Coverage (IF APPLICABLE) 1. Does the organization have and enforce written standards regarding Sexual Abuse and ANSWER SHOULD CARRY OVER Molestation? 2. Does the organization routinely request and receive criminal background investigations on all prospective employees, volunteers and independent contractors? ANSWER SHOULD CARRY OVER 3. Does the employment application for your paid staff and volunteers include questions about whether the individual has ever been convicted for any crime, including sex- related or child-abuse related offenses? YES/NO 4. How do you verify employment and/or volunteer related references? IN Person / By Telephone Do Not Verify 5. Do you discuss child/sexual abuse including how to recognize the signs, and what to do if a staff personnel child and/or volunteer reports someone molested him/her at your staff orientation? YES/NO 6. Do you document it? YES/NO/N/A 7. Do you have a plan of supervision that monitors staff including volunteers in day-to-day relationship with the children? YES/NO 8. Do you have a crisis management plan for dealing with staff personnel, including volunteers, victim, parents, authorities and media if you have an incident of abuse? YES/NO J. Policy History 1. Current Insurance Carrier: ___________________________________________ 2. Is there prior insurance coverage? YES/NO 3. Has insurance coverage been denied, cancelled or non-renewed during the last 3 years? YES/NO 4. If Yes, please explain: If No, enter N/A : ____________________________ 5. Who will the A&H Medical coverage be placed with? _______________________ 6. What is the deductible amount on the A&H Medical? _______________________ IMPORTANT NOTICE IN GRANTING COVERAGE TO ANY OF THE INSUREDS, THE INSURER HAS RELIED UPON THE DECLARATIONS AND STATEMENTS IN THIS APPLICATION FOR COVERAGE. ALL WRITTEN STATEMENTS AND MATERIALS FURNISHED TO THE COMPANY SUBMITTED IN CONJUNCTION WITH THIS APPLICATION ARE HEREBY INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE INTO THIS APPLICATION AND MADE A PART HEREOF. NOTHING CONTAINED HEREIN OR INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE SHALL CONSTITUE NOTICE OF A CLAIM OR POTENTIAL CLAIM SO AS TO TRIGGER COVERAGE UNDER ANY CONTRACT OF INSURANCE. THIS APPLICATION DOES NOT BIND THE APPLICANT TO BUY, OR THE COMPANY TO ISSUE THE INSURANCE. THE UNDERSIGNED APPLICANT DECLARES THAT THE STATEMENTS SET FORTH IN THIS APPLICATION ARE TRUE. THE APPLICANT FURTHER DECLARES THAT IF THE INFORMATION SUPPLIED ON THIS APPLICATION CHANGES BETWEEN THE DATE OF THIS APPLICATION AND THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THE POLICY, SHOULD A POLICY BE ISSUED, THE APPLICANT WILL IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY THE COMPANY OF SUCH CHANGES, AND THE COMPANY MAY WITHDRAW OR MODIFY ANY OUTSTANDING QUOTATIONS AND/OR AUTHORIZATIONS OR AGREEMENT TO BIND THIS INSURANCE. NOTICE TO ARKANSAS APPLICANTS: “ANY PERSON WHO KNOWINGLY PRESENTS A FALSE OR FRAUDULENT CLAIM FOR PAYMENT OF A LOSS OR BENEFIT, OR KNOWINGLY PRESENTS FALSE INFORMATION IN AN APPLICATION FOR INSURANCE IS GUILTY OF A CRIME AND MAY BE SUBJECT TO FINES AND CONFINEMENT IN PRISON.” NOTICE TO COLORADO APPLICANTS: “IT IS UNLAWFUL TO KNOWINGLY PROVIDE FALSE, INCOMPLETE OR MISLEADING FACTS OR INFORMATION TO AN INSURANCE COMPANY FOR THE PURPOSE OF DEFRAUDING OR ATTEMPTING TO DEFRAUD THE COMPANY. PENALTIES MAY INCLUDE IMPRISONMENT, FINES, DENIAL OF INSURANCE, AND CIVIL DAMAGES. ANY INSURANCE COMPANY OR AGENT OF AN INSURANCE COMPANY WHO KNOWINGLY PROVIDES FALSE, INCOMPLETE, OR MISLEADING FACTS OR INFORMATION TO A POLICYHOLDER OR CLAIMANT FOR THE PURPOSE OF DEFRAUDING OR ATTEMPTING TO DEFRAUD THE POLICYHOLDER OR CLAIMANT WITH REGARD TO A SETTLEMENT OR AWARD PAYABLE FROM INSURANCE PROCEEDS SHALL BE REPORTED TO THE COLORADO DIVISION OF INSURANCE WITHIN THE DEPARTMENT OF REGULATORY AUTHORIES.” NOTICE TO DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA APPLICANTS: “WARNING: IT IS A CRIME TO PROVIDE BY THE APPLICANT.” NOTICE TO FLORIDA APPLICANTS: “ANY PERSON WHO KNOWINGLY AND WITH INTENT TO INJURE, DEFRAUD, OR DECEIVE ANY INSURER FILES A STATEMENT OF CLAIM OR AN APPLICATION CONTAINING ANY FALSE, INCOMPLETE OR MISLEADING INFORMATION IS GUILTY OF A FELONY IN THE THIRD DEGREE.” NOTICE TO KENTUCKY APPLICANTS: “ANY PERSON WHO KNOWINGLY AND WITH INTENT TO DEFRAUD ANY INSURANCE COMPANY OR OTHER PERSON FILES AN APPLICATION FOR INSURANCE CONTAINING ANY MATERIALLY FALSE INFORMATION, OR CONCEALS FOR THE PURPOSE OF MISLEADING, INFORMATION CONCERNING ANY FACT MATERIAL THERETO, COMMITS A FRAUDULENT INSURANCE ACT, WHICH IS A CRIME.” NOTICE TO LOUISIANA APPLICANTS: “ANY PERSON WHO KNOWINGLY PRESENTS A FALSE OR FRAUDULENT CLAIM FOR PAYMENT OF A LOSS OR BENEFIT OR KNOWINGLY PRESENTS FALSE INFORMATION IN AN APPLICATION FOR INSURANCE IS GUILTY OF A CRIME AND MAY BE SUBJECT TO FINES AND CONFINEMENT IN PRISON.” NOTICE TO MAINE APPLICANTS: “IT IS A CRIME TO KNOWINGLY PROVIDE FALSE, INCOMPLETE OR MISLEADING INFORMATION TO AN INSURANCE COMPANY FOR THE PURPOSE OF DEFRAUDING THE COMPANY. PENALTIES MAY INCLUDE IMPRISONMENT, FINES OR A DENIAL OF INSURANCE BENEFITS.” NOTICE TO MINNESOTA APPLICANTS: “A PERSON WHO SUBMITS AN APPLICATION OR FILES CLAIM WITH INTENT TO DEFRAUD OR HELPS COMMIT A FRAUD AGAINST AN INSURER IS GUILTY OF A CRIME.” NOTICE TO NEW JERSEY APPLICANTS: “ANY PERSON WHO INCLUDES ANY FALSE OR MISLEADING INFORMATION ON AN APPLICATION FOR AN INSURANCE POLICY IS SUBJECT TO CRIMINAL AND CIVIL PENALTIES.” NOTICE TO NEW MEXICO APPLICANTS: “ANY PERSON WHO KNOWINGLY PRESENTS A FALSE OR FRAUDULENT CLAIM FOR PAYMENT OF A LOSS OR BENEFIT OR KNOWINGLY PRESENTS FALSE INFORMATION IN AN APPLICATION FOR INSURANCE IS GUILTY OF A CRIME AND MAY BE SUBJECT TO CIVIL FINES AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES.” NOTICE TO NEW YORK APPLICANTS: “ANY PERSON WHO KNOWINGLY AND WITH INTENT TO DEFRAUD ANY INSURANCE COMPANY OR OTHER PERSON FILES AN APPLICATION FOR INSURANCE OR STATEMENT OF CLAIM CONTAINING ANY MATERIALLY FALSE INFORMATION, CONCEALS FOR THE PURPOSE OF MISLEADING, INFORMATION CONCERNING ANY FACT MATERIAL THERETO, COMMITS A FRAUDULENT INSURANCE ACT, WHICH IS A CRIME, AND SHALL ALSO BE SUBJECT TO A CIVIL PENALTY NOT TO EXCEED FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS AND THE STATED VALUE OF THE CLAIM FOR EACH SUCH VIOLATION.” NOTICE TO OHIO APPLICANTS: “ANY PERSON WHO, WITH INTENT TO DEFRAUD OR KNOWING THAT HE IS FACILITATING A FRAUD AGAINST AN INSURER, SUBMITS AN APPLICATION OR FILES A CLAIM CONTAINING A FALSE OR DECEPTIVE STATEMENT IS GUILTY OF INSURANCE FRAUD.” NOTICE TO OKLAHOMA APPLICANTS: “WARNING: ANY PERSON WHO KNOWINGLY, AND WITH INTENT TO INJURE, DEFRAUD OR DECEIVE ANY INSURER, MAKES ANY CLAIM FOR THE PROCEEDS OF AN INSURANCE POLICY CONTAINING ANY FALSE, INCOMPLETE OR MISLEADING INFORMATION IS GUILTY OF A FELONY” (365:15-1-10, 36 §3613.1). NOTICE TO PENNSYLVANIA APPLICANTS: “ANY PERSON WHO KNOWINGLY AND WITH INTENT TO DEFRAUD ANY INSURANCE COMPANY OR OTHER PERSON FILES AN APPLICATION FOR INSURANCE OR STATEMENT OF CLAIM CONTAINING ANY MATERIALLY FALSE INFORMATION OR CONCEALS FOR THE PURPOSE OF MISLEADING, INFORMATION CONCERNING ANY FACT MATERIAL THERETO COMMITS A FRAUDULENT INSURANCE ACT, WHICH IS A CRIME AND SUBJECTS SUCH PERSON TO CRIMINAL AND CIVIL PENALTIES.” NOTICE TO TENNESSEE APPLICANTS: “IT IS A CRIME TO KNOWINGLY PROVIDE FALSE, INCOMPLETE OR MISLEADING INFORMATION TO AN INSURANCE COMPANY FOR THE PURPOSE OF DEFRAUDING THE COMPANY. PENALTIES INCLUDE IMPRISONMENT, FINES AND DENIAL OF INSURANCE BENEFITS.” NOTICE TO VIRGINIA APPLICANTS: “IT IS A CRIME TO KNOWINGLY PROVIDE FALSE, INCOMPLETE OR MISLEADING INFORMATION TO AN INSURANCE COMPANY FOR THE PURPOSE OF DEFRAUDING THE COMPANY. PENALTIES INCLUDE IMPRISONMENT, FINES AND DENIAL OF INSURANCE BENEFITS.” Signature of Owner, Partner, Member, Principal, or Officer Authorized to Sign as Applicant Applicant’s Printed Name: _________________________________________ Title: __________________________________________________________Date: Producer Name:_________________________________________________ License #:
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