AEM Accepts, published online ahead of print on 17 October 2014 Appl. Environ. Microbiol. doi:10.1128/AEM.02654-14 Copyright © 2014, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved. 1 amoA gene abundances and nitrification potential rates suggest that benthic 2 ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) not archaea (AOA) dominate N cycling in the Colne 3 estuary, UK. 4 5 Running Head: Estuarine ammonia-oxidizing archaea and bacteria 6 7 8 Jialin Li,1,2,3 David B. Nedwell,1 Jessica Beddow,1 Alex J. Dumbrell,1 Boyd A. McKew,1 Emma 9 L. Thorpe,1 Corinne Whitby1* 10 1 11 United Kingdom. 12 2 13 266100, China. 14 3 15 Sciences, Yantai, 264003, China. School of Biological Sciences, University of Essex, Wivenhoe Park, Colchester CO4 3SQ, College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Ocean University of China, Qingdao Present address: Yantai Institute of Coastal Zone Research, Chinese Academy of 16 17 *Corresponding author 18 Tel: +44 (0)1206 872062 19 Email: [email protected] 20 21 Word count: 3286 22 1 23 ABSTRACT 24 Nitrification, mediated by ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) and archaea (AOA) 25 is important in global nitrogen cycling. In estuaries where gradients of salinity and 26 ammonia 27 ammonia-oxidizer populations. The aim of this study was to examine the activity, 28 abundance and diversity of AOAs and AOBs in surface oxic sediments of a highly 29 nutrified estuary that exhibits gradients of salinity and ammonium. AOB and AOA 30 communities were investigated by measuring ammonia monooxygenase (amoA) gene 31 abundance and nitrification potentials both spatially and temporally. Nitrification 32 potentials differed along the estuary and over time; with greatest nitrification 33 potentials occurring mid-estuary, (8.2 µmol N gdw-1 d-1 in June; increasing to 37.4 34 µmol N gdw-1 d-1 in January). At the estuary head, nitrification potentials were 4.3 35 µmol N gdw-1 d-1 in June; increasing to 11.7 µmol N gdw-1 d-1 in January. At the estuary 36 head and mouth, nitrification potentials fluctuated throughout the year. AOB amoA 37 gene abundances were significantly greater (by 100-fold) than AOA both spatially and 38 temporally. Nitrosomonas spp. were detected along the estuary by DGGE band 39 sequence analysis. In conclusion, AOB dominated over AOA in the estuarine 40 sediments with the ratio of AOB:AOA amoA gene abundance increasing from the 41 upper (freshwater) to lower (marine) regions of the Colne estuary. These findings 42 suggest that in this nutrified estuary, AOB (possibly Nitrosomonas spp.), were of 43 major significance in nitrification. 44 Keywords: ammonia-oxidizing archaea; ammonia-oxidizing bacteria; nitrification; estuary; concentrations occur, there may be a differential selection for 2 45 amoA gene 46 47 INTRODUCTION 48 Nitrification is central to the global nitrogen cycle, coupling ammonia production from 49 mineralization of organic matter with denitrification. In estuaries, discharge of domestic and 50 industrial waste as well as runoff from mineral fertilizers and nitrogen fixation may contribute 51 to ammonium enrichment. Ammonia oxidation is considered to be the rate-limiting step of 52 nitrification and is catalyzed by ammonia monooxygenase (AMO), which is encoded by the 53 amoA gene. It was previously considered that autotrophic ammonia oxidation was carried 54 out solely by ammonia oxidizing bacteria (AOB). However, the discovery of a marine 55 archaeon belonging to the thaumarchaea, which also oxidizes ammonia, showed that this is 56 not the case (1, 2). Ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA) belonging to the phylum 57 Thaumarchaeota (AOA) are widely distributed in terrestrial and aquatic environments (2, 3) 58 and thus may be more important contributors to nitrification than was previously considered. 59 Whilst previous studies of marine sediments showed different patterns of either AOA or AOB 60 dominance, in estuarine environments where gradients of salinity and ammonia 61 concentrations occur, there may be a differential selection for ammonia-oxidizer populations 62 along these gradients (4 - 9). It has been previously suggested that AOA are significant in 63 estuarine nitrogen cycling (6) and that AOA were more abundant than AOB along an 64 estuarine salinity gradient (8). 65 The focus of the current study is the River Colne estuary, a macrotidal, hypernutrified 66 estuary on the East coast of the United Kingdom (Fig. 1), which has very high inorganic 3 67 nitrogen levels in the upper estuary from inputs from the River Colne and a major sewage 68 treatment works, with decreasing gradients of both ammonium and nitrate downstream (10, 69 11). Benthic denitrification can remove ~44% of total oxidized nitrogen load (25% of total 70 inorganic nitrogen) from the estuary before it enters the North Sea, of which coupled 71 nitrification-denitrification accounts for about 25% of the total denitrification (12). However, 72 little is known about the benthic AOA and AOB communities along the estuary and their 73 potential links with biogeochemical function (10). 74 It has been suggested that AOA and AOB niches are defined by the concentrations of 75 ammonium present (13), with AOA dominating in low ammonium environments such as 76 some soils (14), the open ocean (15) and in some estuaries (6, 16). In the present study, we 77 hypothesize that in the upper estuary of the River Colne at the Hythe, where very high levels 78 of inorganic N occur (12), nitrification will be driven by AOB, which will predominate over 79 AOA. In contrast, as ammonium concentrations in the water column decline downstream, 80 the significance of AOA to nitrification might be expected to increase and AOA may become 81 proportionately more important towards the estuary mouth. In addition, the estuarine salinity 82 gradient might also tend to favor AOA over AOB as salinity increases down the estuary (6). 83 Our study aimed to examine the activity, abundance, diversity and distribution of these 84 different groups of ammonia-oxidizers (AOA and AOB) in the surface oxic sediments where 85 nitrification can occur. The overall goal was to test whether there is spatial and temporal 86 variation in the relative abundance of AOA and AOB amoA genes in relation to sediment 87 nitrification potentials in this hypernutrified estuary that exhibits gradients of salinity and 4 88 ammonium concentration. 89 90 MATERIALS AND METHODS 91 Field sampling 92 Samples were taken at approximately three monthly intervals to cover temporal 93 variations between June 2009-January 2010 at three sites along the Colne estuary, UK (Fig. 94 1): upper estuary at the Hythe (51º52.4′N, 0º55.5’E), mid estuary at Alresford Creek (51º 95 50.5′ N, 0º 58.4′E), and estuary mouth at Brightlingsea (51º45′N, 1º30′E), as described 96 previously (10, 12). At each site, triplicate surface sediment samples (from 0-1 cm depth) 97 were collected using a sterile spatula. (The oxic layer in which nitrification may occur is a 98 maximum of 1.5 mm in winter at the Hythe to approximately 5 mm in winter in the sandier 99 sediment at the estuary mouth at Brightlingsea: and in the summer oxic layer depths are 100 even shallower(10)). Collected samples were returned to the laboratory on ice within 1 h of 101 sampling. Each replicate was quickly homogenized by mixing and aliquots (1 g wet weight) 102 of sediment from each replicate were stored at -80°C prior to nucleic acid isolation. Nitrate 103 and ammonium concentrations in the pore water were measured colorimetrically (17) using 104 an autoanalyzer (Skalar Analytical, Netherlands). Sediment water content was determined 105 by oven-drying samples of sediment (5g wet wt.) at 85oC for 48 h to constant weight. 106 107 Nitrification potential measurements. 108 Nitrification potential is the maximum capacity of a soil or sediment’s population of 109 nitrifying microorganisms to transform NH4+-N to NO3−-N. Changes in nitrification potentials 110 provide quantitative information on how nitrifying communities respond to changes in 111 environmental conditions and reflect potential changes in the in situ nitrification rates. 5 112 Nitrification potentials were measured with sediment slurries from each site by mixing 113 triplicate 10 g [wet weight] samples of sediment from the 0-1 cm depth layer each with 100 114 ml of sterile EASW medium (18) amended with 300 μM NH4Cl and 60 μM KH2PO4. A further 115 triplicate slurries containing allylthiourea (ATU) (172 μM final concentration) were also set up 116 as controls to differentiate autotrophic from heterotrophic nitrification and examine the 117 relative contributions of AOA and AOB to nitrification activity. All slurries were incubated in 118 the dark at 25oC with gentle shaking (110 rpm) to maintain aeration. Sub-samples were 119 removed and analyzed for NH4+ at intervals over 48h (19). Ammonium concentration in 120 sediment pore water was analyzed by the indophenol blue spectrophotometric method (20). 121 Rates of ammonium removal were determined by linear regression analysis of the 122 concentration of ammonium with time. 123 124 Real-time quantitative PCR (Q-PCR) of AOB and AOA amoA genes 125 Total nucleic acids were extracted from 0.5 g [wet weight] sediment samples (21, 22). 126 Unfortunately, the October (autumn) samples for measurements of gene abundances were 127 lost through equipment malfunction, so only three such temporal samples were available, 128 which none-the-less covered seasonal extremes of temperature. Abundance of amoA gene 129 copies per g of sediment [dry weight] was measured using the primers amoA1F and 130 amoA2R (23) to target the amoA gene from AOB, and the primers CrenamoA23F and 131 CrenamoA616R (24) for the amoA gene from AOA. DNA standards were created by 132 PCR-amplification of sediment DNA extracts. The resulting amplicons were purified using a 133 QIAquick PCR purification kit (Qiagen), prior to quantification using a Nanodrop® ND-1000 6 134 spectrophotometer. The target abundance for standards was calculated assuming a 135 molecular mass of 660 Da for double stranded DNA using the following formula: 136 Gene abundance = 6.023 x 1023 (copies mol-1) x standard conc. (g ml-1) / MW (g mol-1) 137 Standard curves were created using a dilution series of each DNA standard ranging from 138 102 to 106 target genes ml-1 for AOB amoA and from 101 to 105 target genes ml-1 for AOA 139 amoA. Standards, samples and no-template controls (NTC) were amplified in triplicate with 140 each primer set. Reactions were performed on a CFX96 Real-Time System (Bio-Rad) with 141 initial denaturation for 5 min at 95°C, followed by 40 cycles of 95°C for 10 sec and 60°C for 142 30 sec. Each 20 μl reaction contained 20 ng of DNA template, 10 μl 2x SensiFASTTM SYBR 143 No-ROX Master Mix (Bioline) and 100 nM of each primer. A dissociation curve was run at the 144 end of each reaction to verify amplification of a single PCR product. The samples were 145 quantified against the corresponding standard curve using CFX Manager version 2.0 146 software (Bio-Rad). 147 148 PCR-DGGE analysis of the AOB 16S rRNA and amoA genes. 149 PCR amplification of the amoA gene was undertaken (to further define the AOB 150 present) using the primers amoA-1F-GC/amoA-2R and PCR cycling conditions as described 151 previously (23). PCR amplification of the AOB 16S rRNA gene used the primers 152 CTO189f-GC/CTO654r and cycling conditions as previously described (25). All PCR 153 amplifications were performed in a Gene Amp® PCR system 9700 Thermocycler (Applied 154 Biosystems). RNA extraction and reverse transcription PCR (RT-PCR) reaction was as 155 previously described (26). Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis (DGGE) was as 156 previously described (27) except gels were silver-stained (22). DGGE bands were excised 7 157 and sequenced using the reverse primers (either amoA-2R or CTO654r) (23, 24) by 158 Geneservice Ltd (Cambridge, UK). Phylogenetic analysis of amoA and 16S rRNA gene 159 sequences was performed using PHYLIP 3.4 (28) with Jukes-Cantor DNA distance and 160 neighbor-joining methods (29, 30). Bootstrap analysis was based on 1000 replicates. Trees 161 were constructed using Treeview (WIN32 version 1.5.2) (31). Sequences were submitted to 162 GenBank under the following accession numbers: JX567314 to JX567343. 163 454-pyrosequencing 164 In order to quantify if the total microbial community followed similar spatiotemporal 165 patterns to the AOA and AOB taxa, we used a broad community screening approach 166 targeting 16S rRNA phylogenic marker genes. Samples were PCR amplified and 167 pyrosequenced by the Research and Testing Laboratory (Lubbock, Texas, USA) using a 168 Roche 454 FLX instrument with Titanium reagents for tag-encoded FLX amplicon 169 pyrosequencing based upon their standard PCR methods and protocols. For bacterial 16S 170 rRNA gene libraries, the primers Gray28F and Gray519R were applied, producing a 171 fragment of 491 bp (32). For archaeal 16S rRNA gene libraries, the primers ARCH349F and 172 ARCH806R were applied, producing a fragment of 457 bp (33). 173 High-throughput community pyrosequencing was analyzed using the QIIME pipeline 174 and its associated modules (34). All sequences were checked for the presence of correct 175 pyrosequencing adaptors, 10-bp barcodes and taxon-specific primers and those containing 176 errors in these regions were removed. Sequences less than 450bp were removed and 177 sequences over 550bp were removed. Sequences, with low quality scores (<25), and 178 sequences containing homopolymer inserts were also removed. All pyrosequence reads 179 were clustered into operational taxonomic units (OTUs) at the 95% similarity level using the 180 UCLUST algorithm (35) and any chimeras were removed using ChimeraSlayer. 181 Representative sequences from each OTU were identified using RDP classifier (36). Finally 8 182 all singletons were removed before further analysis (37). 183 184 Statistical analysis 185 Bacteria and archaea amplicon libraries were analyzed separately, treating these taxa 186 as two distinct assemblages. Data were analyzed via Non-Metric Multidimensional Scaling 187 (NMDS) based on Jaccard’s index as a measure of community dissimilarity. NMDS was 188 supported by Permutational Multivariate Analysis of Variance (PERMANOVA) also based on 189 Jaccard’s index. Species richness was calculated using rarefaction, normalized to the 190 sample with the fewest amplicon reads. All community analyses were conducted using the R 191 statistical language version 2.7.2 using the R standard libraries and the community 192 analysis-specific package ‘vegan’ (38). 193 A Paired Samples t-test was used to compare AOB and AOA amoA gene abundance, 194 Two-Way ANOVAs and Tukey HSD Post-hoc analysis at 95% confidence interval were used 195 to determine the effect of site and season on AOB and AOA amoA gene abundance (39). 196 Pearson’s correlation analyses were performed to determine whether there was a 197 correlation between AOB and AOA amoA gene abundance and NPR (39). 198 199 RESULTS 200 Potential nitrification rates 201 There were significant differences between nitrification potentials, both spatially and 202 temporally, along the estuary (P<0.001, Tukey HSD) (Fig. 2 A-C). In the absence of ATU 203 nitrification potentials tended to be greatest in mid estuary and lowest in the upper estuary at 204 the Hythe where oxic layer depths were shallower than at the other sites. Nitrification 205 potentials were significantly (P<0.009, Tukey HSD) higher in January than in the warmer 206 summer and autumn months when the surface oxic layers were shallow (Fig. 2A). 9 207 In the presence of ATU, nitrification potentials decreased significantly compared to 208 controls (P<0.001, Tukey HSD) and were only detectable in the summer months at all sites 209 and also from Brightlingsea in October (Fig. 2B). During winter, the nitrification potentials 210 were completely inhibited by ATU in October and January, decreasing to about 80% in June 211 and August. 212 ATU-insensitive nitrification was of greatest significance (up to 33% of measured 213 nitrification potential) in the upper and mid estuary sediments, during high temperature 214 periods (e.g. June-August) (Fig. 2C). Within the oxic layer of all the sediments, nitrification 215 was almost entirely ATU-sensitive in October and January (Fig. 2C). 216 217 AOA and AOB amoA gene abundances 218 AOB amoA gene abundances were significantly higher (by approximately two orders of 219 magnitude) than AOA amoA gene abundance across all sites and seasons (Fig. 3; paired 220 samples t-test; t(25)=3.92, P=0.001). Moreover, AOB amoA gene abundance differed 221 significantly across sites (F(2, 25)=42.28, P<0.001) and seasons (F(2, 25)=14.86, P<0.001), and 222 there was a significant interaction effect spatially and temporally on AOB amoA gene 223 abundance (F(4, 25)=16.68, P<0.001). Post-hoc analysis revealed significantly higher AOB 224 amoA gene abundance at the estuary mouth at Brightlingsea compared to Hythe (P<0.001) 225 and Alresford (P=0.001). In addition, AOB amoA abundances were significantly higher 226 across sites in June compared to August (P<0.001). In contrast to AOB, there were no 227 significant differences in AOA amoA gene abundance either spatially or temporally. In 228 general, the ratio of AOB:AOA amoA gene copies in surface sediments increased strongly 229 from the upper to lower regions of the estuary throughout the seasons (Table 1). In the 10 230 present study, there was no significant correlation between potential nitrification rates and 231 AOB amoA gene abundance across the different sites in the Colne estuary (r=0.044, 232 P=0.831). 233 234 AOA and AOB community structure 235 Since AOB were dominant over AOA both temporally and spatially in the Colne estuary, 236 AOB communities were further analysed by DGGE band sequencing of the amoA and 16S 237 rRNA genes from extracted DNA and reverse transcribed RNA from the ammonia-oxidizing 238 bacteria. In total, 30 bands with distinct positions in the DGGE fingerprints (14 bands: amoA 239 gene, 16 bands: 16S rRNA gene) from across sites and sample time points were obtained 240 (Supplementary Figs S1 and S2). Based on both DNA and RNA profiles from amoA and 241 16S rRNA genes, AOB communities from the Hythe were more distinct than those from 242 Alresford and Brightlingsea (Supplementary Figs S1 and S2). In general, the DNA profiles 243 of the amoA gene, showed there were a greater number of bands at the Hythe, which 244 decreased downstream and with time (Supplementary Fig S1). In the RNA profiles for both 245 the amoA and 16S rRNA genes, there were a number of unique fragments which were 246 absent in the DNA profiles and had high sequence identity to Nitrosomonas spp. (bands 5-7 247 Supplementary Fig S1 A; bands 4-5 Supplementary Figs S1 B; band 4 Supplementary Fig 248 S1 C; bands 5-6 Supplementary Fig S2 B and band 6 Supplementary Fig S2 C), suggesting 249 that there was a less complete picture of the AOB community in the DNA fingerprints. 250 Phylogenetic analysis of amoA gene sequences revealed that several DGGE bands 11 251 retrieved from Hythe and Brightlingsea in June and August grouped with 100% bootstrap 252 confidence to a Nitrosomonas spp.clade (Supplementary Fig S3 A). In addition, amoA 253 gene sequences recovered from the Hythe (in June and October) and Brightlingsea (in 254 August and October) formed two discrete clades which grouped with Nitrosomonas 255 cryotolerans (Supplementary Fig S3A). Phylogenetic analysis of the 16S rRNA gene 256 sequences from DGGE bands corroborated the amoA gene sequence data showing a 257 clustering with Nitrosomonas spp. (with the exception of one DGGE band recovered from 258 Brightlingsea in August which clustered within a Nitrosospira spp. clade) (Supplementary 259 Fig S3B). 260 Observed differences between AOB and AOA communities; may also be accounted for 261 by their respective proportion of the total bacterial and archaeal communities. While DGGE 262 analysis provided putative identification of potential key AOBs, it does not provide a robust 263 analysis of total bacterial and archaeal communities. In order to examine whether AOB and 264 AOA populations follow general trends of bacterial and archaeal communities, we examined 265 total bacterial and archaeal communities using 454 pyrosequencing of 16S rRNA genes. 266 NMDS analysis of total bacterial and archaeal pyrosequencing libraries (6904 bacterial 267 OTUs and 234 archaeal OTUs from 118,800 and 3381 amplicon reads respectively; 268 following quality control checks), showed that both total bacterial and archaeal communities 269 changed in composition along the estuary (Supplementary Fig. S4 A & C; PERMANOVA; 270 (bacteria; F(2,9)=1.31, P=0.054; archaea; F(2,8)=1.19, P=0.084) but not across seasons 271 (Supplementary Fig. S4 A & C; PERMANOVA; P>0.1 in all cases). In general, the total 12 272 bacterial communities were twice as rich as those of the archaea (Supplementary Fig. S4 273 B & D), even when normalized (rarefied) for differences in sequencing intensity across 274 kingdoms. 275 OTUs that were assigned to known AOB represented only a very small fraction of the 276 total 16S rRNA bacterial libraries. Nitrosospira-like sequences assigned to a single OTU 277 were detected across all samples and comprised <0.07% of the bacterial libraries. A further 278 OTU assigned to the family Nitrosomonodaceae was found in most libraries but was more 279 abundantly detected in August in Arlesford (0.11%) and Hythe (0.05%). Nitrite oxidizing 280 bacteria were generally more abundant than AOB with seven OTUs assigned to the genus 281 Nitrospira and six to the genus Nitrospina which together represented up to a maximum of 282 0.66% and 0.85% of 16S rRNA sequences in the January Hythe and Brightlingsea samples 283 respectively. AOA sequences were undetected in the Archaeal 16S rRNA libraries 284 suggesting they represent only a very small proportion of the total Archaeal communities at 285 each site and this supports the lower abundance of AOA amoA genes measured compared 286 to AOB. 287 288 DISCUSSION 289 Nitrification potentials measured in the Colne estuary sediments in the absence of ATU 290 increased in winter commensurate with increases in sediment oxic zone depth stimulating 291 nitrification. Indeed, previous work (10) has reported sediment-water export of nitrate from 292 sandy sediments at the mouth of the estuary during winter when, despite the low 293 temperature, the oxic layer depth is maximal. Addition of 172 µM ATU resulted in a drastic 13 294 reduction of nitrification potentials at all sites and times: virtually complete inhibition in 295 October and January and 60-80% inhibition in warmer months. AOB are reportedly more 296 sensitive to ATU than AOA, while heterotrophic nitrification is also uninhibited by ATU (40). 297 This would suggest that the largest part of nitrification potentials in the sediments of the 298 Colne are due to AOB, virtually 100% during winter, with the small residual potentials in the 299 presence of ATU due to AOA and heterotrophic nitrifiers which are not inhibited by the 300 concentration of ATU used. In the more highly organic sediments in the upper estuary 301 ATU-insensitive nitrification was 30-40 % of the total during June and August. AOB seem to 302 be more sensitive to ATU than AOA, with AOA being able to maintain the ability to oxidize 303 ammonium in the presence of 100 µM ATU (41), while the AOA ‘Candidatus Nitrososphaera 304 viennensis’ required 500 µM ATU to stop nitrification (42). This suggests that nitrification in 305 the Colne estuary was largely attributable to ATU-sensitive AOB, rather than AOA. 306 In the Colne estuary, generally AOB were dominant over AOA both spatially and 307 temporally with the ratio of AOB:AOA amoA gene abundances increasing from the upper 308 (freshwater) to lower (marine) regions. Within the AOB, several sequences relating to 309 Nitrosomonas spp. were recovered from all sites and months, suggesting that members of 310 this genus were dominant in the AOB community. In a study of the Schelde estuary, 311 Nitrosomonas spp. were also found to be dominant over Nitrosospiras (43). A selection for 312 Nitrosospira spp. with increasing salinity in an estuary system has also been shown 313 previously (9). In another study, Nitrosospira spp. were also found at the marine sites of an 314 estuary (7). In the Colne estuary, one DGGE band which was recovered from the marine site 14 315 at Brightlingsea in August had a high 16S rRNA gene sequence identity (99%) to 316 Nitrosospira sp. The lack of sequences recovered relating to Nitrosospira spp. in the Colne 317 estuary was supported by the pyrosequrencing analysis whereby Nitrosospira spp. 318 represented <0.07% of the bacterial libraries. 319 It has been suggested that AOA and AOB niches are defined by ammonium 320 concentrations (13). Indeed, differences with respect to niche and response to ammonia 321 concentration may also exist between different lineages of AOB and AOA. For example, the 322 thaumarchaeon, Nitrosopumilus maritimus SCM1 appears to have a much higher affinity for 323 ammonium than other AOA (13). The available data suggests that thaumarchaeal AOA have 324 extremely low Km values for ammonium; in the nM range (13) and that higher ammonium 325 concentrations may also inhibit them (41). While low Km values may make AOA highly 326 competitive at low ammonium concentrations, they may be outcompeted by the AOB at 327 higher concentrations. Such nM ammonium concentrations are greatly exceeded (at µM 328 levels) in both water column and sediment pore water (this study, 10, 11) in the Colne 329 estuary, conforming with the predominance of AOB found in this study. Similarly, it has been 330 previously shown that AOA grew at all concentrations of ammonium added to soil 331 microcosms, but AOB grew only at the highest ammonium concentration added (44). AOA 332 have also been shown to dominate over AOB in low ammonium environments such as some 333 soils (3), the open ocean (15) and in other estuaries (6). In the present study, if the AOA 334 niche was strongly influenced by lower ammonium concentrations, as previously proposed 335 (13), we might hypothesize a trend in favor of AOA down the estuary as ammonium in the 15 336 water column declines due to dilution with low nutrient sea water. However, this was not 337 observed as in general the ratio of AOB:AOA amoA gene copies in surface sediments 338 increased strongly from the upper to lower regions of the estuary throughout the seasons; 339 possibly because even at Brightlingsea ambient ammonium concentrations in the water 340 column exceeded that favoring AOA. Furthermore, ammonium concentrations in the 341 sediment pore waters are even greater than in the water column due to ammonification from 342 breakdown of organic matter in the sediments under anoxic conditions (45). In the present 343 study, there was no significant correlation between the combined AOA and AOB amoA gene 344 abundances, nitrification potentials and ammonium concentrations both spatially and 345 temporally. The difference in relationship between AOA and AOB abundances and 346 nitrification potential rates may also be explained by the presence of ammonia-oxidizing 347 microorganisms not targeted by the amoA assays used. 348 Salinity is also considered important in controlling the community structure (16) and 349 abundance of ammonia-oxidizers (46) and nitrification rates (46, 47). Good correlations 350 between AOB amoA gene abundance and nitrification rates in marine and saltmarsh 351 sediments (48) and between AOA amoA gene abundance and potential nitrification rates in 352 the open ocean and some estuaries (6, 9) have been found. In the Colne estuary, AOB 353 amoA gene abundances generally increased down-estuary (Table 1). In contrast to the 354 present study, AOA amoA gene abundance has been shown to be greater than AOB along a 355 different estuarine salinity gradient (8). Although potential rates did not correlate significantly 356 with salinity, generally AOB amoA gene abundance was significantly higher at the marine 16 357 end of the estuary (at Brightlingsea) where salinities are typically between 28-32 compared 358 to brackish water at the top of the estuary (Hythe) with salinities typically between 2-17 (12). 359 Salinity variations also play a major role in ammonium adsorption/desorption in sediments 360 (47, 49), and ammonium efflux to the oxic layer from deeper, high ammonium estuarine 361 sediments will be enhanced by tidal changes in salinity (47, 49); in which salinity variation 362 will be greater at the estuary head than at the estuary mouth. This will again tend to favor 363 AOB over AOA. However, other environmental variables such as trace metals and pH could 364 also be significant in shaping AOB and AOA communities and potential nitrification rates. 365 In conclusion, differences in nitrification potential rates occurred in the Colne estuary 366 both spatially and temporally, with greatest potential autotrophic nitrification rates occurring 367 mid-estuary in January. Although several factors might selectively promote autotrophic 368 activity by AOB or AOA in an estuarine environment (such as trace metals, pH and salinity), 369 the sensitivity of AOA to high ammonium concentrations (13, 44) might explain the 370 dominance of nitrifcation by AOB in this highly nutrified estuary. Furthermore, the greater 371 abundance of AOB amoA genes, both temporally and spatially, suggests that AOB (possibly 372 Nitrosomonas spp.), rather than AOA were of major significance in nitrogen cycling in the 373 Colne estuary. 374 375 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 376 This research was supported by the Chinese Scholarship Council Fund, Natural 377 Environment Research Council (NERC) (NE/H525289/1) and the University of Essex. We 378 thank Mr John Green and Mr Farid Benyahid for technical assistance. 17 379 REFERENCES 380 1. Venter JC, Remington K, Heidelberg JF, Halpern AL, Rusch D, Eisen JA, Wu D, Paulsen I, 381 Nelson KE, Nelson W. 2004. Environmental shotgun sequencing of the Sargasso Sea. 382 Science 304:66-74. 383 384 2. Francis CA, Roberts KJ, Beman JM, Santoro AE, Oakley BB. 2005. Ubiquity and diversity 385 of ammonia-oxidizing archaea in water columns and sediments of the ocean. Proc. Nat. 386 Acad. Sci. USA 102:14683-14688. 387 388 3. 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Map of the Colne Estuary showing sample locations, Hythe, Alresford, 575 and Brightlingsea. (modified from (50)). 576 577 Fig. 2. Mean (±SE, n=3) nitrification potential rates along the Colne estuary. A: without ATU 578 (allylthiourea), B: with ATU; C: Percentage autotrophic nitrification to total nitrification. 579 580 Fig. 3. AOB and AOA amoA gene abundance (mean ±SE, n=3) at Hythe, Alresford and 581 Brightlingsea in June (Jun), August (Aug) and January (Jan). 582 583 Table 1. Ratio of AOB: AOA amoA gene abundance and physicochemical characteristics of 584 the estuarine sites 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 27 Fig. 1 Table 1 Site (Month) Ratio AOB:AOA Salinity Water Content (%) Hythe (June) 10.0 3.0 64.3 Alresford (June) 16.5 20.0 51.2 Brightlingsea (June) 121.0 33.5 70.0 Hythe (August) 15.0 3.0 66.6 Alresford (August) 6.9 20.0 53.2 Brightlingsea (August) 18.2 33.5 61.4 Hythe (January) 5.6 3.0 70.3 Alresford (January) 15.8 20.0 57.5 Brightlingsea (January) 1340.6 33.5 34.9 a Sediment pore water was used to measure nutrient concentration NH4+-Na (μM) NO2--N + NO3- -Na (μM) 14.13 4.46 2.10 6.69 6.31 3.21 4.48 5.01 3.68 20.11 3.52 0.94 6.56 2.99 1.30 4.98 2.53 1.39
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