South Texas Open 2014 Taekwondo/Gumdo Championships Place: San Antonio College 1300 San Pedro Ave, San Antonio, TX 78212 DA • • E TE 27,2014 Events: Taekwondo Forms Taekwondo Olympic Sparring Gumdo Sword Sparring Gumdo Sword Forms 1st, 2nd, and two 3rd place winners. Groups of 4 in all categories. Texas Taekwondo Event of the Year. Rated #1 by the United States National Taekwondo Federation. Professional Referees and Judges. Electronic Scoring. Matted Rings for Safety. Sponsored by: The National School of Martial Arts 15700 Chase Hill Blvd, San Antonio, TX 78256 . ~ Call: 210-558-9644 for more information or go online to www.nsmatae SOUTH' TEXAS OPEN TAEKWONDO/ GUMDO CHAMPIONSHIPS 201 4 Saturday, September 27, 2014 San Antonio College, 1300 San Pedro Ave, San Antonio, Texas 782 12 $70.00 for 2 events, $75.00 for 3 events, $80.00 for 4 events Pre-Registration d eadline: 23 Sep t 2014 AT DOOR REGISTRATION $75 FO R 2 EVENTS, $80 FOR 3 EVENTS, $85 FOR 4 EVENTS General Admission: $7.00 per person; wld er 3 yrs are free. NO REFUNDS WILL BE GIVEN! NO EXCEPTIONS! MAKE CHECKS/ MONEY ORDER PAYABLE TO: NSMA MAIL TO: NATIONAL SCHOOL O F MARTIAL ARTS 15700 CHASE Hll.L BLVD, SAN ANTONIO, TX 78256 T EL 210-558-9644 ** FAX 210-687-1795 Participan~sNam e ____________________________________________________ Sex____________ Addres s_______________________________________ Ci~-----------------------State.____ _ Zip_ _ __ _ Home P hone._______ __ _ __ ____ _ __ Date ofBirth'-----_ __ _ _ ___ Age Belt Color_ _____ Weight_ __ _ Competit ors E-mail,_____________________________________________ School/Club N ame_____________________ Address___________ _____ __________ _ State Ci~ Zip._ _______ _ Phone._ __ _ __ _ ___ Ins tructors Name------------------------------------------------------------ Competing in: Taekwon do Forms:_ ___---3, Olympic Sparring:_ _ _ _ __ _ Gumdo Foans: , Gumd o Sparring:_ ____ __ _ C redit card reg istration (fax only) : VISA - Mastercard -American Express (circle one) Card # Exp Date: Amount $_ _ _ __ Name on card: Signature: ____ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ l, rite undersigned, hereby all claims against all perso n s coone ted with the Sou!h T exas Open Taekwondo Champion sh.ips, tbe National School of Martial An.~, N SMA LLC and San AnlOnio CoUcge for any in juries I m ay uSlain du ring my p a rticipation in the compet ition. I ass um.e full respons ib ility for any o f my actions d uring and in OOnD.,c tion wi th !he nid tourrunn ent. I acknnwlct.lgc that Taekwondo is an extrem e tes t of m y pbysical and mental limits and carries 'm it I.bc risk of s rio us injuty an d p ro perty loss. 1 here b y assume tm, risks nfpa rtidpariog in !his tournament. I certify ) am. p hys ically fit, have sufficiently trained for JYdrticipatioo in thjs e n t, and bave 0 0 1 been a d vised othcrwi>;" by a m ccli(',aj p CJ'Son. I hereby take a ction for m yself, m y execu tors, adminis trators, heirs, next of kin, successors a nd assigns as follows: waive, relca.~e, discbarge, and ag.-cc nol to s ue, from a oy a nd a ll liability for my personal injuries, disabilities, p on,,1 theft, Or action o f any kind. ) a lso bo ld harmless frum an and alIliabilitjes or claim s m ade b y other ind.ividuals or entities a s a n:sult of my actions durin g !his tourname nt, the fo llowing: sponsors, directors, event p rodu.cers, o r eyent YO lunlecrs and San Antonio C olleg e. I fu rther ag.-ee thai :Illy pic rures taken of or by me in connection with thc said fourrnuncnt can be used by !he tournament diJeCU)r for puhlicity or p romo tion without compensation at this or any other time. P arti cipa n~s signature _ _____ _ _ __ __ __ _ __ _ __ ___ Date_________ ___ Signature of Parent/Guardian______________________ Date_____ __________ __ (if participant is under 18 years of age) L-- FOR MORE IN FO RMATION CONTACT: National School of Martial Arts 15700 C hase Hill Blvd. San Antonio, TX 78256 Phone: 210-558-9644 Fax: 210-687-1795 ~ww.n s _ CEN.E RAL ADMT~SION: $7.00 FOR ALL SPECTATORS C HILDREN UNDER3 ARE FREE. *REGISTRATION AT THE DOOR: $75 FOR 2 EVENTS $80 FOR 3 EVENTS $85 FOR 4 EVENTS TOURNAMENT FEES: *PRE-REG ISTRA TION: $70 FOR 2 EVENTS $75 FOR 3 EVENTS $80 FOR 4 EVENTS PRE-REGISTRAnON ENOS REGISTRATION: 7:30 - 9:00 AM COMPETITION STARTS: 9:30 AM - LIGHT H-EAVY LIGHT HEAVY LIGHT HEAVY LIGHT HEAVY LIGHT HEAVY - - - - - - Note: All divisions will be divided into Male and Female Divisions. Divisions may be combined if there are less than 4competltors. Modified WTF Sparring Rules apply. White/yellow/orange Green/blue/purple Brown/red/red-black Black White/yellow/ora nge G reen/blue/pu rple Brown/red/red-black Black White/yellow/orange G reen/ bl ue/pu rple Brown/red/red-black Black White/yellow/orange Creen/blue/p u rple Brown/red/red-black Black White/yellow/orange Green/blue/purple Brown/red/red-black Note: All divisio ns will be divided into Male and Female Divisions. Divisions may be combined if there are less than 4competitors. _A-,! l'aekwondo Forms are acceptable. 15 16 yrs 13 J4 yrs 11 - 12 yrs 9- 10 yrs 7 - 8 yrs 6 & under boys/girls mixed SPARRING DIVISIONS White/yellow/orange Creen/blue/ purple LIGHT B rown/red/red-blac k HEAVY Black 17 32 y rs Wh ite/yellow/ora nge Green/blue/purple LIGHT Brown/redl red-black HEAVY Black 33- UP WhHe/yellow/orange Green/blue/pu rple LIGHT Brown/red/red-black HEAVY Black KU 1 ~ , 2:"1U, (TWO) 3 PLACE AWARDS WnJL BE GIVEN IN ALL SPA RRING DIVISiONS. White/yellow/orange Green/blue/purple Browolred/red-black Black White/yellow/orange Creen/blue/purple Brown/red/red-black Bla ck White/yellow/orange C reen/blue/pu rple Brown/redlred-black Black White/yellow/orange Creen/ blue/ purple Brown/redl red-black Black White/yellow/orange Green/blue/ purple Browolred/red-black FORMS DIViSIONS White/yellow/orange Cree n/blue/purple Brown/red/red-black Black Wbite/yellow/orange 17 - 32 yrs Green/blue/purple Brown/red/red-black Black White/yellow/ora nge 33- UP G reen/blu e/pu rple Brownlred/red-black Black RU l~T, i ljD, (T WO) 3 PLACE AWARDS WILL BE GIVEN LN ALL FORMS DIVISJONS. 15 16 yrs 13 14 yrs 11 12 y rs 9 - 10 yrs 7 - 8 yrs PLAC E: SAN ANTO NIO COLLEGE 1300 SAN PEDRO AVE . SAN ANTONIO, TX 78212 TIME: 6 & under boys/girls mixed DATE: 27 SEPTEMBER 201 4 CEN ERAL INFORMATION 2014 SOUTH TEXAS OPEN TAEKWONDOIKORYO GUMDO CHAMPIONSHIPS
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