Generalized Regular Interval Valued Fuzzy Matrices

International Journal of Fuzzy Mathematics and Systems.
ISSN 2248-9940 Volume 2, Number 1 (2012), pp. 29-36
© Research India Publications
Generalized Regular Interval Valued Fuzzy Matrices
A.R. Meenakshi and P. Poongodi
Department of Mathematics, Karpagam University
Coimbatore -641021, India.
E-mail: [email protected],
[email protected]
In this paper, the concept of k – regular Interval Valued Fuzzy Matrix(IVFM)
as a generalization of regular Interval Valued Fuzzy Matrix and as an
extension of k – regular fuzzy matrix is introduced and some basic properties
of a k – regular IVFM are derived.
Keywords: Fuzzy matrix, k – regular matrix, Interval Valued Fuzzy Matrix,
Generalized Inverse.
AMS Subject Classification: 15B15, 15A09.
We deal with Interval Valued Fuzzy Matrices(IVFM) that is, matrices whose entries
are intervals and all the intervals are subintervals of the interval [0,1]. Thomason
introduced fuzzy matrices and discussed about the convergence of powers of a fuzzy
matrix [5]. Recently the concept of IVFM a generalization of fuzzy matrix was
introduced and developed by Shyamal and Pal [4], by extending the max.min
operations on fuzzy algebra ₣ =[0,1], for elements a,b∈₣, a+b = max{a,b} and a.b =
min{a,b}. In [2], Meenakshi and Kaliraja have represented an IVFM as an interval
matrix of its lower and upper limit fuzzy matrices. In [3], Meenakshi and Jenita have
introduced the concept of k – regular fuzzy matrix as a generalization of a regular
fuzzy matrix and discussed about various inverses associated with a k – regular fuzzy
matrix. A matrix A∈ ₣ n, the set of all nxn fuzzy matrices is said to be right(left) kregular if there exists X (Y) ∈ Fn , such that Ak X A = Ak (AYAk = Ak), X(Y) is
called a right (left) k-g inverse of A, where k is a positive integer. In [3], it is
exhibited that right and left k – g inverses are distinct. In particular for k = 1, it
reduces to a regular matrix and set of all its g – inverses. By a k- regular matrix, we
A.R. Meenakshi and P. Poongodi
mean that it is either right or left k- regular. If A is k- regular, then it is h- regular for
all h ≥k.
In this paper, we introduce the concept of k – regular Interval Valued Fuzzy
Matrix as a generalization of regular Interval Valued Fuzzy Matrix and as an
extension of k – regular fuzzy matrix. In section 2, we present the basic definitions,
notations on IVFM and required results on k - regular fuzzy matrices and regular
IVFM. In section 3, we introduce the concept of k – regular IVFM. The row and
column ranks of a k – regular IVFM are determined.
In this section, some basic definitions and results needed are given. Let (IVFM)n
denotes the set of all nxn Interval Valued Fuzzy Matrices.
Definition 2.1
An Interval Valued Fuzzy Matrix (IVFM) of order mxn is defined as A=(aij)mxn,
where aij = [aijL, aijU], the ijth element of A is an interval representing the membership
value. All the elements of an IVFM are intervals and all the intervals are the
subintervals of the interval [0,1].
For A =(aij) = ( [aijL, aijU]) and B = (bij) = ( [bijL, bijU]) of order mxn their sum
denoted as A+B defined as ,
A + B = (aij + bij) = ([(aijL + bijL), (aijU + bijU)])
For A = (aij)mxn and B =(bij)nxp their product denoted as AB is defined as,
i=1, 2, …, m and j=1, 2, …, p
AB = (cij) = Σ aik bkj
= [ Σ (aikL . bkjL), Σ (aikU . bkjU) ]
i=1, 2, …, m and j=1, 2, …, p (2.2)
In particular if aijL = aijU and bijL = bijU then (2.2) reduces to the standard max. min
composition of Fuzzy Matrices [1].
A ≤ B if and only if aijL ≤ bijL and aijU ≤ bijU
In [2], representation of an IVFM is introduced as in the following:
Definition 2.2
For a pair of Fuzzy Matrices E = (eij) and F=(fij) in ₣ m,n such that E ≤ F, let us define
the interval matrix denoted as [E, F], whose ijth entry is the interval with lower limit eij
and upper limit fij, that is ([eij,fij]). In particular for E = F, IVFM [E,E] reduces to E ∈
₣ m,n .
For A = (aij) = ([aijL, aijU]) ∈ (IVFM)mn, let us define AL = (aijL) and AU = (aijU).
Clearly AL and AU belongs to F m,n such that AL ≤ AU and from Definition (2.2) A
can be written as A = [AL, AU] …(2.3).
Generalized Regular Interval Valued Fuzzy Matrices
For A ∈ (IVFM)mn, AT, Ai*, A*j, R (A), C (A), ρr(A), ρc(A) denotes the transpose
of A, ith row of A, jth column of A, row space of A, column space of A, row rank of A,
column rank of A respectively.
In the sequel we shall make use of the following results on Interval Valued Fuzzy
Matrices found in [2].
Lemma 2.3
For A = [AL, AU] ∈ (IVFM)mn and B = [BL, BU] ∈ (IVFM)np, the following hold.
(i) AT = [ALT, AUT]
(ii) AB = [ALBL, AUBU]
Lemma 2.4
For A, B ∈ (IVFM)mn
(i) R(B) ⊆ R(A) ⇔ B = XA for some X ∈ (IVFM)m
(ii) C(B) ⊆ C(A) ⇔ B = AY for some Y ∈ (IVFM)n
Lemma 2.5
For A ∈ (IVFM)mn and B ∈ (IVFM)np, the following hold.
(i) R(AB) ⊆ R(A)
(ii) C(AB) ⊆ C(B)
Lemma 2.6
Let A = [AL, AU] be an (IVFM)mn
Then, (i) R (A) = [R(AL), R(AU)] ∈ (IVFM)1n
(ii) C(A) = [C(AL), C(AU)] ∈ (IVFM)1m
Generalized Regular Interval Valued Fuzzy Matrices
In this section, we introduce the concept of k – regular IVFM. The row and column
ranks of a k – regular IVFM are determined as a generalization of the results found in
[2] and [3].
Definition 3.1
A matrix A ∈ (IVFM)n is said to be right k – regular if there exist a matrix X ∈
(IVFM)n , such that Ak X A = Ak , for some positive integer k. X is called a right k – g
inverse of A. Let A r{1k} = { X / Ak X A = Ak }.
Definition 3.2
A matrix A ∈ (IVFM)n is said to be left k – regular if there exist a matrix Y ∈
(IVFM)n , such that A Y Ak = Ak , for some positive integer k. Y is called a left k – g
inverse of A. Let A ℓ{1k} = { Y / A Y Ak = Ak }.
A.R. Meenakshi and P. Poongodi
In general, right k – regular IVFM is different from left k – regular IVFM. Hence
a right k – g inverse need not be a left k – g inverse. This is illustrated in the following
Example 3.3
[0, 0]
Let us consider A = [0, 0]
[0, 0]
For this A, A = [0.1, 0.5]
[0, 0]
[0.2,0.5] [0.2, 0.5]
[0.5, 1] [0.3, 0.5]
[0.1, 0.5] [0, 0]
[0.1, 0.5]
A3 = [0.1, 0.5]
[0, 0]
[0.2,0.5] [0.2, 0.5]
[0.5, 1] [0.3, 0.5]
[0.1, 0.5] [0.1, 0.5]
[0.2,0.5] [0, 0]
[0.5, 1] [0.3,0.5]
[0, 0] [0, 0]
[0.4, 0.5]
X = [0.2, 0.5]
[0, 0]
∈ (IVFM)3x3.
[0, 0]
[0.3, 0.5]
[0.5, 1] [0, 0]
[0.4, 0.5] [0, 0]
A3 X A = A3 . Hence A is 3 – regular. For k = 3, A3 X A = A3 but A X A3 ≠ A3
Hence X is a right 3 – g inverse but not a left 3 – g inverse.
Remark 3.4
In particular for k =1, Definitions (3.1) and (3.2) reduce to regular IVFM found in [2],
and in the case AL = AU, Definitions (3.1) and (3.2) reduce to right k – regular and
left k – regular fuzzy matrix found in [3].
Theorem 3.5
Let A = [AL, AU] ∈ (IVFM)n. Then A is right k – regular IVFM ⇔ AL and AU ∈₣n
are right k – regular.
Let A = [AL, AU] ∈ (IVFM)n.
Since A is right k – regular IVFM, there exists X ∈ (IVFM)n , such that Ak X A =
Let X = [XL, XU] with XL, XU ∈₣n
Then by Lemma (2.3) (ii),
Ak X A = Ak ⇒ [AL, AU] k [XL, XU] [AL, AU] = [AL, AU] k
[ALk, AUk] [XL, XU] [AL, AU] = [ALk, AUk]
[ALkXLAL, AUk XUAU] = [ALk, AUk]
ALkXLAL = ALk and AUk XUAU = AUk
Generalized Regular Interval Valued Fuzzy Matrices
Therefore AL is right k – regular and AU is right k – regular ∈ ₣n . Thus A is right
k – Regular IVFM ⇒ AL and AU∈₣n are right k – regular.
Conversely, Suppose AL and AU∈₣n are right k – regular, then ALk XL AL = ALk
and AUk XU AU = AUk for some XL and XU ∈₣n . XL ∈ (AL)r (1k}, XU ∈ (AU)r (1k}.
Since AL ≤ AU, it is possible to choose at least one V ∈ (AL)r (1k} and W ∈ (AU)r
(1k} such that V ≤ W.
Let us define the interval valued fuzzy matrix Z = [V, W]. Then by
Ak Z A = [ALk, AUk] [V, W] [AL, AU]
= [ALk VAL, AUkW AU]
= [ALk , A Uk]
= Ak.
Thus A is right k – regular IVFM. Hence the theorem.
Theorem 3.6
Let A = [AL, AU] ∈ (IVFM)n. Then A is left k – regular IVFM ⇔ AL and AU ∈₣n
are left k – regular.
This can be proved along the same lines as that of Theorem (3.5).
Lemma 3.7
For A , B∈ (IVFM)n, and a positive integer k, the following hold.
(i) If A is right k – regular and R(B) ⊆ R(AK) then, B = BXA for each right k – g
inverse X of A.
(ii) If A is left k – regular and C(B) ⊆ C(AK) then, B = AYB for each left k – g
inverse Y of A.
(i) Since R(B) ⊆ R(AK), by Lemma (2.4), there exists Z such that B = ZAK. Since A is
right k – regular, by Definition (3.1), Ak X A = Ak for some X∈ Ar{1k}
Hence B = ZAK = ZAKXA = BXA. Thus (i) holds.
(ii) Since C(B) ⊆ C(AK), by Lemma (2.4), there exists U such that B = AKU. Since A
is left k – regular, by Definition (3.2), A Y Ak = Ak for some Y∈ Aℓ{1k}
Hence B = AKU = AYAkU = AYB. Thus (ii) holds.
Theorem 3.8
For A , B∈ (IVFM)n, with R(A) = R(B) and R(Ak) = R(Bk) then A is right k – regular
IVFM ⇔ B is right k – regular IVFM.
Let A be a right k – regular IVFM satisfying R(Bk) ⊆ R(Ak) and R(A) ⊆ R(B). Since
R(Bk) ⊆ R(Ak), by Lemma (3.7), Bk = BkXA for each k – g inverse X of A. Since
A.R. Meenakshi and P. Poongodi
R(A) ⊆ R(B), by Lemma (2.4), A = YB for some Y∈ (IVFM)n.
Substituting for A in Bk = BkXA, we get,
Bk = BkXA = BkXYB = BkZB where XY = Z.
Hence B is a right k – regular IVFM.
Conversely, if B is a right k – regular IVFM satisfying R(Ak) ⊆ R(Bk) and R(B)
⊆ R(A), then A is right k – regular IVFM can be proved in the same manner. Hence
the theorem.
Theorem 3.9
For A , B∈ (IVFM)n, with C(A) = C(B) and C(Ak) = C(Bk) then A is left k – regular
IVFM ⇔ B is left k – regular IVFM.
This is similar to Theorem (3.8) and hence omitted.
Theorem 3.10
For A = [AL, AU] and B = [BL, BU] ∈ (IVFM)n, with R(A) = R(B) and R(Ak) = R(Bk)
then the following are equivalent:
A is right k – regular IVFM
AL and AU are right k – regular fuzzy matrices
B is right k – regular IVFM
BL and BU are right k – regular fuzzy matrices
(i) ⇔ (ii) and (iii) ⇔ (iv) are precisely Theorem (3.5).
(i) ⇔ (iii) This follows from Theorem (3.8).
Theorem 3.11
For A = [AL, AU] and B = [BL, BU] ∈ (IVFM)n, with C(A) = C(B) and
C(Ak) = C(Bk) then the following are equivalent:
A is left k – regular IVFM
AL and AU are left k – regular fuzzy matrices
B is left k – regular IVFM
BL and BU are left k – regular fuzzy matrices
(i) ⇔ (ii) and (iii) ⇔ (iv) are precisely Theorem (3.6).
(i) ⇔ (iii) This follows from Theorem (3.9).
Theorem 3.12
Let A = [AL, AU] ∈ (IVFM)n, and k be a positive integer, then the following hold.
if X = [XL, XU] ∈ A r{1k} then ρc(ALk) = ρc(ALk XL), ρc(AUk) = ρc(AUk XU)
and ρr(ALk) ≤ ρr(XLAL) ≤ ρr(AL), ρr(AUk) ≤ ρr(XUAU) ≤ ρr(AU)
Generalized Regular Interval Valued Fuzzy Matrices
if X∈ A r{1k} then ρc(Ak) = ρc(AkX) and ρr(Ak) ≤ ρr(XA) ≤ ρr(A)
if X = [XL, XU] ∈ A l{1k} then ρr(ALk) = ρr(XL ALk), ρr(AUk) = ρr(XU AUk)
and ρc(ALk) ≤ ρc(ALXL) ≤ ρc(AL), ρc(AUk) ≤ ρc(AUXU) ≤ ρc(AU)
if X∈ A l{1k} then ρr(Ak) = ρr(XAk) and ρc(Ak) ≤ ρc(AX) ≤ ρc(A)
Let A = [AL, AU]
since X = [XL, XU] ∈ A r{1k}, By Definition(3.1) and Lemma (2.3)(ii),
ALk XLAL = ALk and AUk XUAU = AUk
By Lemma (2.5),
C(ALk ) = C(ALk XLAL) ⊆ C(ALk XL) ⊆ C(ALk ) -------------and C(AUk ) = C(AUk XUAU) ⊆ C(AUk XU) ⊆ C(AUk ) -------------ρc(ALk) = ρc(ALk XL) and ρc(AUk) = ρc(AUk XU)
Since ALk XLAL = ALk and AUk XUAU = AUk we have,
ALk = ALk XLAL = ALk (XLAL)2 = ………… = ALk (XLAL)k
AUk = AUk XUAU = AUk (XUAU)2 = ………… = AUk (XUAU)k
Therefore, ALk = ALk (XLAL)k, Hence by Lemma (2.2),
R(ALk ) = R(ALk (XLAL)k ) ⊆ R((XLAL)k ) ⊆ R(XLAL) ⊆ R(AL )
Therefore R(ALk ) ⊆ R(XLAL) ⊆ R(AL )
ρr(ALk) ≤ ρr(XLAL) ≤ ρr(AL)
Similarly, AUk = AUk (XUAU)k, Hence by Lemma (2.2),
R(AUk ) = R(AUk (XUAU)k ) ⊆ R((XUAU)k ) ⊆ R(XUAU) ⊆ R(AU)
Therefore R(AUk ) ⊆ R(XUAU) ⊆ R(AU)
ρr(AUk) ≤ ρr(XUAU) ≤ ρr(AU) Thus (i) holds.
since A = [AL, AU] ∈(IVFM)n. From (3.1) and (3.2)
C(Ak) = C( [ ALk, AUk ] )
= [ C( ALk), C( AUk ) ] [By Lemma (2.6)]
= [C( ALk XL), C( AUk XU) ] = C(AkX)
And ρc(Ak) = ρc(AkX)
Similarly From (3.3) and (3.4)
R(Ak) = R( [ ALk, AUk ] )
= [ R( ALk), R( AUk ) ] [By Lemma (2.6)]
⊆ [R(XL AL), R( XU AU)]
⊆ [R(AL), R( AU)] = R(A)
Therefore, R(Ak) ⊆ R(XA) ⊆ R(A).
ρr(Ak) ≤ ρr(XA) ≤ ρr(A). Thus (ii) holds.
A.R. Meenakshi and P. Poongodi
Proof is similar to that of (i) and hence omitted.
Proof is similar to that of (ii) and hence omitted.
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