Alaska Olympic Gymnastics, Inc. Parent Handbook 2014-2015 Revised 08/30/2014 Find us at: or join AOG Parents on Facebook TABLE OF CONTENTS Table of Contents ............................................................................................................................................. 1 Welcome Letter ............................................................................................................................................... 2 Introduction ....................................................................................................................................................... 3 Board of Directors ............................................................................................................................................. 4 Guidelines for Team Families ........................................................................................................................ 5-6 Parent Responsibility & Commitment .............................................................................................................. 7 Participation Points ........................................................................................................................................... 8 Budget .............................................................................................................................................................. 9 Committees .................................................................................................................................................... 10 Fees, Dues & Billing Policies & Procedures ............................................................................................. 11-13 Competition and Scoring Information ............................................................................................................ 14 Team Travel Policy ........................................................................................................................................ 15 Required Forms ......................................................................................................................................... 16-23 1 August 1st, 2014 Dear Parents: Welcome to Alaska Olympic Gymnastics Parent Club. Some of you are new to competitive gymnastics and some of you have been around for years. Either way we welcome you! Our job at AOG is to help with fundraising, travel and communication. Gymnastics takes both a time commitment and a financial one. AOG organizes several fundraisers each year to help offset some of the cost. Your athlete will gain incredible strength, coordination, flexibility, balance and bodily/special awareness. These are all things that can go with her into whatever sport she chooses later on. Your daughter will face many challenges as a gymnast both mental and physical ones, how to manage her time, how to handle stress and how to overcome fears and defeats when learning new skills. She will also learn how to be a team player and how to encourage her teammates. There will be tears, smiles and laughter- sometimes all at the same time! As your athlete learns all of these things, what she learns here will stick with her throughout her life. Alaska Olympic Gymnastics, Inc. 2 Introduction Alaska Olympic Gymnastics, Inc. (AOG, Inc.) would like to welcome you to the exciting and rewarding sport of Competitive Gymnastics. Participation in the Competitive Program requires a serious commitment by both the gymnast and the parent. We hope that you will actively work with us as an essential part of the team, to help your child grow both physically and mentally. The rules and procedures listed below are vital to achieving maximum success and enjoyment of the sport. This handbook has been developed to assist and guide parents of competitive gymnasts at Arctic. The competitive program consists of Level 2 through Level 10 gymnasts. Parents of Pre-team and Level 1 through Level 10 gymnasts must meet certain requirements for participation that is outlined in this handbook. This handbook is produced by AOG, Inc., the non-profit parent booster club of the Arctic Gymnastics LLC team. The booster club’s mission is: AOG is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization affiliated with Arctic Gymnastics, LLC in Anchorage, Alaska. AOG’s mission is to advance public knowledge of the sport of gymnastics and Related Activities, to enhance the growth and development of young gymnasts and participants in Related Activities, and to facilitate fundraising activities to make the activities affordable to a broader range of participants. The Arctic Gymnastics coaching team is committed to providing an environment that produces top quality gymnasts competing at high-level national and local competitions. Your athletes’ coaches at Arctic are devoted and experienced. Their goal is to train and develop the athletes and to provide them with the necessary skills to compete safely and with confidence. The booster club is the most active one you will find. AOG, Inc. has provided the gym with new equipment that helps our athletes, sent coaches to national testing and training, and helped send coaches to many out of state competitions including national competitions, being among the first Alaskans to do so! All this talent, experience and dedication, creates one special team and a unique experience for the gymnasts. AOG disseminates a lot of information to our parents. Most of this information is by email but also is done by the Arctic Parent website, and AOG Parents on Facebook. We have parent communicators grouped by the gymnasts’ levels. It is extremely important that you keep AOG updated with email address and phone number changes. 3 ALASKA OLMPIC GYMNASTICS, INC BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2014 – 2015 President Wendy Shamburger ‘15 [email protected] Vice President Andrea Stearns ‘15 Secretary Kea Cuaresma '15 Treasurer Katherine Carlton '15 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Amanda Tuttle '15 [email protected] Brittany Hernandez ‘15 Trina Campbell ‘15 [email protected] [email protected] Numbers indicate year term expires A quorum consists of a majority of Directors. 4 Guidelines for Team Families Always address your athlete’s coach as “Coach (name)”. Calling them by their first name shows a lack of respect for their position in the gym. Your athlete should also address their coach and visiting coaches in this manner. Show support and approval of your athlete's efforts. Leave critiquing to the coaching staff. You should never attempt to correct or coach your athlete while watching practice. It is frustrating to both your athlete and their coach. Be proud of their efforts as much as their accomplishments. Do not compare your athlete with any other athlete in the gym. Each athlete is unique in regard to their development, their natural ability and their drive to improve on their skills. Support your athlete by continuing to encourage them to be the best they can be at their current level of development. A high confidence level in our coaches is imperative. If you do not have it, you should find another program. Address any issues or concerns with the coach by setting up a meeting or leave a note at the front desk. Do not approach a coach on the floor during a meet or practice. It is NOT acceptable to engage a coach in conversation during the time the team is in the gym. It is a disservice to everyone. Arctic Gymnastics LLC allows parents to view the practice sessions, unlike many other gyms, which prohibit viewing except on certain days. However, if your presence is distracting to your athlete you should limit your observation. Parents must stay in the viewing area, not in the gym area. Siblings accompanying parents into the gym must sit in the viewing area with parents. They are not allowed on the equipment or in the training area for their own safety and that of the athletes. Feel free to mention this rule to parents who are letting their children run around. Snacks should be healthy and not messy. Avoid foods that are high in grease and sugar. Try to stay with fruit, vegetables, sandwiches, cheese, etc. as much as possible. The meets at which we compete are the decision of the Arctic Coaching staff. Athletes will not compete unless they are ready to compete. The Arctic Coaching staff sent to meets will be determined by the Arctic Head Coach. Input from athletes and/or parents will not be accepted. Parents are welcomed and encouraged to attend meets and competitions. However, there are some rules, which must be followed: Parents must conduct themselves properly in the stands at all times. This includes no criticism of your child, other athletes, coaches, judges or teams. Parents may not coach or instruct any child in gymnastics at any time. Parents may not approach their athlete from the time your athlete enters the competition area until the end of competition. Your athlete is to stay with their coach and teammates until their session has been completed. All concerns or score inquiries will be handled by the coaching staff. Parents must NEVER approach a judge or coach during a meet. This is industry protocol and a USAGA rule. There are no exceptions! Our team can be disqualified if a parent approaches either a judge or coach on the floor at a meet. If you are upset by a score or other incident, please wait until a later time away from the meet to discuss it with the coach. It is not appropriate to go to the coaches immediately after a meet or competition and inquire as to why your athlete/team did not get a better score or any other concern. Please make an appointment with the coach for another day and discuss it then. 5 We are lucky enough to host some local gymnastics meets. These meets are hosted by Arctic Gymnastics LLC and involve a lot of parent participation. You will be asked to assist. Please do so when asked, if at all possible. Our meets are very tightly run and have received compliments in the past regarding our parent involvement. When traveling to meets, parents accompanying the team may be asked to drive athletes, do room checks, take the athletes to eat, etc. Please help whenever possible. Keep in mind when reviewing these policies that we are striving for a consistent structure to keep our gym a special place. Your child is expected to arrive on time and be ready to work, be disciplined, dedicated and committed. Exhilaration and excitement are shared by parent, child and coaches when all the long hours of commitment and dedication have finally paid off. It is very important for parents to be supportive of our gym, coaches, and all our athletes. If an athlete or parent’s behavior conflicts with our coaching, the family may be dismissed from the program. Please be sure that you and your child understand this. For an athlete to get the best of what we have to offer, we need total cooperation and trust of all the athletes and their parents. Parents and / or athletes who do not follow these rules or the general rules of good sportsmanship will be reported to the Head Coach. Decisions or consequences will be made on a case by case basis by the Head Coach. Facebook It is the policy of Arctic Gymnastics that Coaches are not to engage in Facebook friendships with athletes or families of athletes. Please do not send your athlete’s coach a Facebook friend request, and ensure you athlete knows it is not acceptable to send friend requests to their coach. Additionally, Facebook Messages are not an acceptable means to communicate with your athlete’s coach. 6 Parent Responsibility & Commitment As parents of gymnasts, and booster club members, we have responsibilities. Please read and familiarize yourself with the following guidelines. Knowing these will help your child and will improve your understanding of the booster club and gym. Parent Responsibilities Provide nutritional meals to help the athletes become strong and have the energy to practice. Bring your child to all practices on time and with all their equipment. Promote your child's commitment and devotion to the sport through volunteer work with the booster club and gym. Educate yourself about gymnastics so you can help your child understand the requirements and know what to expect. Communication Gymnastics is complicated sport. There are many things to learn about conditioning, training, practice schedules, levels of competition, scoring, and volunteering. The workability of team athletics is based on the assumption that we communicate our needs and questions to others. Without communication people are left out of the loop, they do not know what to expect, which causes disappointment and, at times, animosity. The gym, coaches, and AOG Parent Club want to stress the importance of communication. Whenever you have a question, you are free to contact any of us. There is a designated parent communicator assigned for every level. They will do their best to answer your questions, resolve your conflicts or offer your suggestions. This handbook contains the information you need to find the answers to your questions including names, schedules and phone numbers for you to use. Commitment There is a certain level of commitment that must be made in this sport; First, your athlete must commit to the hours of practice and training plus show a devotion to the sport and a desire to grow. No athlete can succeed without this type of commitment. Along with the athlete's commitment, comes a commitment from the parent(s) of that athlete: Nurture: Nurture the athlete’s devotion to the sport. Volunteer: Be willing to put a certain level of time and energy into the gym and booster club to make the experience a good one. Financial: Being a gymnast in Alaska can be expensive due to the amount of travel required to ensure the gymnasts have a well-rounded exposure to gymnastics both in and outside their competitive region. Be sure to take advantage of the many fundraising opportunities offered by AOG. 7 Participation Points Arctic Gymnastics with the support of the AOG Booster club is requiring the participation points. In the past, the AOG Booster club has required and maintained the point records. This information is included in the handbook as a reference and guide to help parents satisfy their participation point requirement. What are participation points? In order to reduce costs to Arctic Gymnastics Center and be an active supporter of the gym and its athletes, parents/guardians are asked to participate in various activities that promote the competition schedule and the welfare of the gym. What is required? Families of Arctic Gymnastics are required to earn “points” as follows: Pre-team / Level 1 = 3 participation Level 2-10 = 20 participation Parents/guardians can earn one point for each hour volunteered in support of an Arctic Gymnastics event/function. st st Points for a given year must be earned between September 1 and May 31 , roughly the duration of the competition season. What if I have two or more athletes on the team? The point requirement is per family, the total points required would be 20. What if I don’t earn 20 points in a season? You will be billed $20 for each participation point not earned by the end of the season. Who can earn points for me? Only parents and guardians may work hours to fulfill the Points Requirement. Points are not transferrable and cannot be carried over to the next season. How do I report my time? Reporting is on the honor system. Points are reported on the AOG website What if I am on a committee or a board member? Committee Chairs receive points as designated in this handbook. If a committee has more than one chair, the points are split among the members. Board members receive a 3 point credit for the time they dedicate throughout the year to AOG, Arctic Gymnastics, and athletes. 8 Alaska Olympic Gymnastics, Inc. 2014-2015 Budget TO BE DISTRIBUTED UPON COMPLETION 9 Committees AOG is always looking for the following chair positions to help the season run smoothly. AOG President – 20 points The President is responsible for organizing and running all board and parent meetings, USAG membership for the athletes, facilitating and organizing all committees. Awards Picnic/Dinner Chair – 8 points The awards picnic is held at the end of May every year. It is to celebrate the end of the competitive season, hand out participation awards and is also a general AOG meeting. The Chair is responsible for coordinating the food, grills and assigning potluck food for parents to bring, as well as selecting/ordering the trophies. The chair must work with the meet-scoring chair & coaches in getting trophies/plaques ordered and handed out at the picnic. Communication Coordinator – 8 points Communicators are responsible for disseminating information from the coaches and/or AOG to the parents. They assist in contacting parents for volunteer opportunities and travel information. Fundraising Chair – 8 points The Fundraising Chair is responsible for seeking out corporate donations & organizing fundraising events (the raffle) for AOG. Gaming License Chair - 3 points The Gaming License Chair is responsible for taking a test and being named as one of two persons on the license that will ensure gaming laws and rules are adhered to by AOG. This permit is required to conduct raffles and door prize drawings a well as bingo and pull tabs. Gift Wrap Chair – 20 points The Gift Wrap Chair is responsible for securing the opportunity to operate a gift wrapping booth at Fred Meyer and other local stores/malls during the Christmas season. Will need to post signup sheets and ensure the booth is staffed at all the required times. Participation Points Chair – 20 points Responsible for keeping track of participation points by member. Should notify people of their balances on a consistent basis and submit a final tabulation at the end of the season to Arctic Gymnastics. Nominations Chair –actual time spent The Nominations Chair solicits people to run for the Board and conducts the election every May. Poinsettia Sales Chair - 20 points The Poinsettia Sales chair is responsible for purchasing the poinsettias and wreaths to be sold during the annual holiday sale. Must also distribute information and order forms to members to order the plants they want to sell. Collect the money and distribute the plants. Is responsible for record-keeping and supplying the treasurer with complete and accurate financial information. Team Pictures Chair - 20 points The Team Pictures Chair is responsible for coordinating with photographer to time as well as getting informational flyers out to all members. Travel Chair – 20 points The Travel Chair is responsible for coordinating the travel for the coaches and the athletes at each level, for booking trips for the coaches and for providing that information to athlete families. Banners – 20 points This person is responsible for obtaining the list of athletes who should be listed on the banners following State, Regional and National Meets. This person has provided the sewn banners to other people to paint, and then helps coordinate the hanging of the banners with Coach Dan. Raffle Chair – 20 points The Raffle Chair is responsible for the organizing, distribution, communicating and collection of raffle tickets. 10 Alaska Olympic Gymnastics, Inc. 2014-2015 Basic Fee Structure Basic Fee Requirements Pre-Team Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Level 8 Level 9 Level 10 $35 $35 $300 $400 $500 $600 $700 $800 $900 $1000 $1000 The following schedule is a very rough estimate of AOG billed expenses for meets, State clinic, basic fees and other costs that may be accrued outside those listed above. Items not included in yearly expenses include (but are not limited to) uniforms, warm-ups, spirit wear, travel expenses, out of state meet fees and fundraising obligations. Arctic Gymnastics related costs are NOT included and are billed through Arctic Gymnastics and NOT AOG. This schedule is provided for your budgeting purposes only. Approximate Yearly Expenses per athlete: Pre-Team $35 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Level 8 Level 9 Level 10 $35 $1,155 $1,255 $1,455 $1,555 $1,655 $1,755 $1,855 $1,955 $1,955 11 AOG, Inc. Fees, Dues & Billing What are AOG fees used for? The basic team fees paid to AOG cover general expenses that enhance the entire competitive program and support our team coaches. The budget included in this handbook provides more detail. In addition to the basic fees, AOG collects meet fees and coordinates the logistics and financial details of travel meets. Who is subject to AOG fees? AOG basic team fees apply to Level 1 through 10 girls team gymnasts of Arctic Gymnastics LLC, whether they compete or not. Are there any other team costs? Other AOG team costs, which are billed separately from the basic fees include: Travel costs which vary by meet USAG fee USAGA State fee Uniforms, leos, warm ups Fundraising costs Additional costs are not limited to those listed above When and how does AOG bill me? Bills are e-mailed on a monthly basis. You can pay by auto-bill on credit card, check or you can place your payment in the AOG lock box next to the team mailboxes in the front entrance. What happens if my account is delinquent? Basic fees will be billed as follows: 1/3 in October, November and January. Payment for other charges appearing on your statement is due by the end of the month. All accounts will be reviewed one month prior to a competition date. In order for you gymnast to compete or be registered for upcoming meets or participate in any upcoming team travel plans, you account must be paid in full, including any basic fees due before the date of the first meet or you must be set up on a payment plan, coordinated with the AOG treasurer. Your account with Arctic Gymnastics LLC must also be current. Any accounts past due may disqualify your athlete from competing and any accounts 90 days past due may be sent to a collection agency. All accounts that over a $500 balance and two months of non-payment, will be contracted to a payment plan for the duration of the season and until the balance is paid in full. What if I don’t receive a statement or it is lost or misplaced? You may contact the Treasurer (see contact information the Board of Directors listing) to receive a new bill or find out your account status. It is your responsibility to keep current. Also, parents, not the gymnasts, should check mailboxes for important information and billing. Can payment be made by credit card? Yes. AOG accepts Visa and MasterCard. Payments can be set up on an auto-bill basis. Auto-bill accounts will be run on the 20th of each month. You will have adequate time between receiving a statement and the auto-bill date to contact the treasurer to discuss any charges to you account. Authorization forms can be obtained from the treasurer. If you would like to pay by check you can place your check in the AOG lock box in the front entrance. What is the difference between AOG and Arctic Gymnastics? Arctic Gymnastics is the after school program, after school pick up, home school, recreational classes and competitive team instruction. AOG is the Parent Club that is responsible for the fundraising, communication, and travel for competitive team gymnasts. 12 How do we pay for travel? Athletes are billed for the meet fees when AOG commits to the meet by paying the fees. Athletes that are required to attend the meet will be billed unless we receive notification that your athlete has received the permission of the Arctic head coach to not attend the meet. Airfare and hotel expenses, as well as individual meals and other personal expenses associated with the trip are the responsibility of each individual athlete. What if my daughter is injured or can’t go to the out of town meet? Once you have committed to out of town travel by completion of the travel commitment form, your AOG account will be billed and the meet fees paid to the out of town gyms. These fees are normally non-refundable. If your athlete does not attend the meet, AOG will request a refund. All refunds will be credited to your AOG account in accordance with the meet’s guidelines for refunds. You will not be responsible for any other team expenses associated with any meet not attended. You are responsible for purchasing you own airline tickets and making you own hotel reservations, changes and/or cancellation. What if my daughter is injured or can’t go to a local meet? Registration for all in-state meets will be completed at least 30 days prior to the competition date. If you know prior to that time your athlete will not be competing, please inform your coach who will inform AOG. Failure to do so may result in you being financial responsible for that meet fee. If your athlete is not cleared through her coach, you will be responsible for all meet fees. We do attempt to get refunds, however there is no guarantee we will be successful in receiving refunds. Can I fundraise to offset my AOG fees? Yes. Credits from individual fundraisers throughout the year can be used to pay for fees billed to your AOG account (basic fees, travel deposits, meet fees, team uniforms, USAG fee, etc.) How do I withdrawal from a program? There are no verbal withdrawals. You must fill out a form that is attached below to give 30 days’ notice. You are responsible for all costs that are accrued during that time. Please cut off and complete and turn into the AOG Payment Box. AOG Competitive Program Withdrawal Notice Form (30 DAY NOTICE IS REQUIRED) Athletes Name: Date of Notice: Last Day Financially Obligated: I understand that by withdrawing my athlete from the competitive year round program, upon return, I will be required to repay the state fees and will be obligated to either meet the participation points and other mandatory fundraising obligations. Reason for Withdrawal: Parent Signature: Front Desk Signature: 13 Competition The competition schedule will be determined by the Head Coach of Arctic Gymnastics. Meets generally take place between November and May (depending on competition level). Once the schedule is known, it will be shared for planning purposes. Athletes are expected to compete in all meets. Please note the travel requirements set for each level of competitors: Level 2 must attend any meet in the Anchorage/Mat Su area Level 3-5 must attend any meet in the State of Alaska Level 6 must attend any meet in the State of Alaska, and out of state meets as determined by Coach Dan Level 7-8 must attend any meet in Region II (Alaska, Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Hawaii) Level 9 must attend any meet in the Western Region Level 10 must attend any meet in the United States Coach Dan’s Group (regardless of level) may be subject to additional requirements Scoring Information Level 2-3 Achievement Awards Event Awards: All Around Awards: Blue Ribbon – 9.0 + Blue Ribbon – 40.0 – 35.0 Red Ribbon – 8.0 – 8.99 Red Ribbon – 34.95 – 33.0 White Ribbon – 7.5 – 7.99 White Ribbon – 32.95 – 31.0 Yellow Ribbon – 7.0 – 7.49 Yellow Ribbon – 30.95 – 29.0 Level 4 -10 Awards Ribbons based on placement according to USA Gymnastics guidelines (Age group and level) Meet Entry Fees These fees are ONLY guidelines and are approximate: Compulsory: Optional: Anchorage – Regular Out of Town $55 $100 $55 $100 14 Fairbanks $55 $55 Invitational/Special Meets $65 – 95+ $65 – 100+ Team Travel Policy Team gymnasts are expected to travel to all meets according to their level. Level 2 are encouraged to travel to Fairbanks meets, if they are invited to compete. Levels 3-5 are expected to travel to Fairbanks meets. They may, but are not required, to attend out of state meets as chosen by the Head Coach. Level 6 are expected to travel to Fairbanks meets. They may be expected to attend out of state meets as chosen by the Head Coach. Level 7- 8 must travel to any designated meets in Region 2. Region 2 includes Alaska, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Oregon and Washington. Level 9 must travel to any designated meet in the Western United States. Level 10 must travel to any designated meet in the United States. Coach Dan’s Group (regardless of level) may be subject to additional travel requirements It is the responsibility of the parent to ensure that their unaccompanied minor gymnast traveling to an out of town meet is put in the care of an adult who has agreed to assume responsibility of the gymnast for the entire trip. This person could be a coach or another traveling parent. While on the trip, athletes must always travel in groups of three. Any athlete under the age of 12 must have a parent or coach chaperone wherever they go. All athletes are expected to travel in team attire as designated by Coach Dan. At all other times athletes are expected to dress in a wholesome manner. No belly rings, half shirts, tattoos or unnaturally colored hair are permitted. Each athlete is expected to represent the Arctic Gymnastics Center team and be a goodwill ambassador for Alaska. Air Transportation The team athletes are expected to travel to and from any competitions outside of Anchorage/Wasilla as a team. The coaches’ itineraries along with competition times will be made available to the team as soon as possible so that athlete and their families can make their travel arrangements. Each athlete must arrive either with or before their coach to ensure that they do not miss any practice or competition times while on this trip and may not leave until their competition, including awards ceremony, is complete. If travel with the team is not possible, please obtain approval from your athletes coach prior to purchasing tickets. Athletes are highly encouraged to cheer on their teammates competing at other levels at these outside meets. Gymnasts may travel to the Fairbanks meets by car, so long as they arrive at a time and place designated by Coach Dan. If there is a problem with complying with this policy, confer with Coach Dan. Hotel All traveling athletes must stay at the hotels designated by the travel coordinator. Many meets have host hotels or a group rate has been arranged, so it is likely more cost effective. The hotel information will be distributed along with instructions prior to each meet/competition. Room rates are based on three (3) athletes occupying and paying their share of the room. Parents are responsible for their athlete and if unable to travel with them must make sure prior to travel, who is assuming responsibility of their athlete. No parents are allowed to stay in the same room as the athletes. Ground Transportation Vans are for gymnasts and coaches to travel to and from the meet, team functions and meals. Parents can ride if there is room and there is time and a driver to carry them. Otherwise, parents should rent their own car for other travel. Any parent volunteer driver must abstain from alcohol while serving as the van driver during the entire trip. The team vehicles will be made available based on the coaches’ itineraries. If you are arriving before the coaches, it is your responsibility to be at the designated spot to utilize the team transportation. If this does not work for you, please consider renting your own vehicle. 15 Please turn in this page with the attached forms as applicable: Pre-Team / Level 1 athletes: Acknowledgement of receipt of handbook Financial Contract USAG Form Media Release form Compulsory athletes: Acknowledgement of receipt of handbook Financial Contract Athlete Travel Contract Copy of front and back of insurance card USAG Form Media Release Form Optional athletes: Acknowledgement of receipt of handbook Financial Contract Athlete Travel Contract Driver Contract as applicable Copy of front and back of insurance card USAG Form Media Release form Athlete Name: Parent Name: Date: RETURN FORM TO AOG PRESIDENT 16 I have received a copy of the AOG (Alaska Olympic Gymnastics, Inc.) 2014/2015 Competitive Program Parent Handbook. I acknowledge that I have read the handbook and that I am responsible for knowing its contents. My signature below indicates that I agree to follow the policies outlined in this handbook. I have signed the pages in the handbook. I also understand that each competitive year (usually every September) I will be receiving a new handbook with that season’s fees, schedules and policies and procedures and agree to read and follow that handbook. Signature of Parent Date Please print the name(s) of your athlete RETURN FORM TO AOG PRESIDENT 17 AOG, INC. Financial Contract For Parents of Team Members Athlete's Name Please read this form carefully before signing it. AOG will keep a copy on file. We encourage you to keep a copy for your records. This form needs to be signed in order for your daughter to compete during the 2014/2015 competitive season. It states that you are aware of the following rules, financial requirements, AOG basic fees and time commitment requirements. While we will provide fundraisers and will try to acquire corporate sponsors to help with some costs, please do not count on any reductions in fees and plan your budget accordingly. By signing you are agreeing to the following: 1. AOG Basic Fees - All families with a competing athlete are members of AOG and are required to pay AOG fees. These basic fees will be $ for the 2014/2015 season. Basic fees appear on your statement as follows; one third on October 2014, November 2014 and January 2015. This fee covers accounting fees, awards banquet, coaches’ training, coaches’ travel and other travel expenses and other basic operating expenses. This amount is assessed per athlete. New athletes who join the competitive levels mid-season will be pro-rated. 2. USAG & State Membership Fees - In order to compete, each gymnast must be registered with USA Gymnastics. The USAG registration fee is $54 for level 2-10 and $20 for level 1 and 2. The State Registration Fee is $30 for all competing gymnasts. These are fees set at the State and National levels and do not go to our organization at all. It is paid on behalf of your gymnast and will be billed to your AOG account. 3. Travel Fees - Gymnasts who travel to meets are responsible for their own plane fare, hotel, meals and any fees not covered under the basic fees. Athletes with accounts past due will not be eligible to compete until your balance is paid. Accounts 90 days or more past due will be charged to the following credit card, turned over to a collection agency and/or legal action may be taken. Athletes balances that exceed $500 and have two months of non-payment are considered delinquent and will be set up on a payment plan until paid in full. Card Name Account # Exp. Acknowledgement & Agreement of Contract Terms & Conditions I have received a copy of this financial contract and understand the policies and procedures. I understand that I will be billed each month for fees incurred that month. I understand that I owe the basic fee in its entirety. If my child leaves the team, I will pay what I owe entirely and must have a current account in order to participate in meets. My signature indicates that I have thoroughly read and agree to these terms and conditions as outlined above and that this is a binding contract between AOG, Inc. and me. I agree to honor the terms of this contract and will be held responsible for the financial obligations outlined above. Signature of parent responsible for payment Date RETURN FORM TO AOG PRESIDENT 18 AOG Athlete Travel Contract The purpose of this contract is to ensure that athletes and parents know what the expectations are for behavior while traveling to out of state meets. Please read, sign and return to AOG President by December 1, 2014. First and foremost, as an athlete, you are representing Arctic Gymnastics. You are expected to conduct yourself in an appropriate manner in airports, on planes, in hotels, in restaurants, at meets and while out in the community you are visiting. You should show respect to your coaches, chaperones and team mates. Many parents are able to travel with their athletes, however some athletes may be unaccompanied on trips and it is appropriate to expect some supervision, depending on the age of the athlete. There will be a designated contact parent on each trip for the unaccompanied athletes. You should always travel in groups of three or four, NEVER alone. Your safety is our biggest concern. If you have a cell phone, have it with you. You will be provided with a cell phone list for parents on the trip. Please have the cell phone numbers of your team mates with you as well. When in team vehicles, be respectful of the driver and limit your noise level. Most drivers will be in unfamiliar places and will need to concentrate on where they are going. Maps, or the AOG GPS Unit will be provided and we ask that an athlete or other parent volunteer help with the directions. If you are relying on AOG provided transportation, most activities will be done in a group. The driver is not expected to be your personal chauffeur. “Team Rooms” will be used for athletes traveling without a parent. Those athletes will be billed for their share of the room and we will attempt to have no fewer than three athletes in the room. The room is not to be used for sleepovers or parties. Any athlete who sleeps in the unaccompanied room will be billed for a portion of the room. On these trips, many athletes will have homework and will want some “quiet time” to get it done. Be courteous to their requests. If at any time an athlete is not complying with the above rules, or displaying inappropriate behavior, it will be up to the coach attending the meet to determine the consequences. Athlete Signature Parent Signature Date RETURN FORM TO AOG PRESIDENT 19 AOG Parent Driver Contract As a parent driver of an AOG rented vehicle, I understand that I am at no time during the trip, to consume alcoholic beverages, or engage in the use of any illegal drugs. It is also my responsibility to be prepared to transport the coaches and athletes to the meet, meals and other locations as determined by the group. I have agreed to the above requirements as an AOG parent driver for the following meet: Meet Name Parent Signature Date Please complete this form and turn in to the travel coordinator prior to traveling. RETURN FORM TO AOG PRESIDENT 20 ARCTIC GYMNASTICS, LLC CONSENT FOR TREATMENT OF A MINOR In the event that neither parent/guardian is available at the time medical consent of treatment if it is needed, this authorizes: Arctic Representative or Coach to give consent for medical or surgical treatment of our child/children, names and dates of birth listed below: Name Date of Birth Name Date of Birth The authorized adult(s) listed above should be prepared to verify his/her identity to accord with the names stated above. This authorization is in effect from: September 1st, 2014 through May 31st, 2015 Signature of parent/guardian Date Witnessed by Date Home address and phone number of Parent/Guardian who signed above Health Insurance Information Health Insurance Company: ___________________________________________________ ID# or Group #: _____________________________________________________________ Chronic Illness or Allergies: ____________________________________________________ Regular Medial Doctor and phone number: Doctor Name/Clinic Name Phone Number PLEASE ATTACH A COPY OF YOUR INSURANCE CARD TO THIS FORM RETURN FORM TO AOG PRESIDENT 21 Media Release Form I grant permission for my child to participate and appear in video or audio recordings, films, photographs, written articles, or on websites and social media sites. This consent includes the use and editing of my child’s image, voice and name in media projects by Arctic Gymnastics LLC to print, broadcast or Internet media outlets, such as brochures, newspapers, radio / television stations and news websites. In consideration of the opportunity for my child to participate, I release Arctic Gymnastics LLC, including its employees and contractors, from all claims resulting from the use and editing of my child’s image, voice or name, and the use, sale, editing and release to media outlets. _______________________________________________________ Date: (day, month, year) _______________________________________________________ Gymnast name: _______________________________________________________ Gymnast signature: _______________________________________________________ Parent or legal guardian name: _______________________________________________________ Parent or legal guardian signature: RETURN FORM TO AOG PRESIDENT 22 *** IMPORANT *** AOG’s primary method of keeping you up to date is via email. We use Parent Communicators who forward information regarding topics such as practice changes, fundraising opportunities, meet information, camps, clinics and much more. For this reason, it is critical we always have a current email address on file for you. Please detach and return the below information via Amy Shamburger’s folder in the foyer or email me the below information at [email protected]. Thank You, Wendy Shamburger AOG President Gymnast: ______________________________________ Gymnast Level: _______________ Parent 1 Name: _________________________________ Parent 1 eMail Address: __________________________ (optional) Parent 2 Name: _________________________________ Parent 2 eMail Address: ___________________________ RETURN FORM TO AOG PRESIDENT 23
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