Workshop Applied Antineutrino Physics 2014 December 15-16, 2014 at APC-Paris SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM Duration include 5 min. for discussion 09:30 Registration and welcome breakfeast Monday December 15 ==> Amphi TURING in building Sophie Germain Neutrino detectors - Chairman : 10:00 10:25 10:50 11:15 11:40 12:05 12:30 00:25 00:25 00:25 00:25 00:25 00:25 Neutrino-‐4 Hanaro DANSS Nucifer and Stereo Solid Prospect Lunch Anatolii Serebrov (St Petersburg Nucl. Phys. Inst.) Eunju Jeon (Inst. of Basic Science, Korea) Viacheslav Egorov (Joint Inst. for Nucl. Research) Maxime Péquignot (CEA Saclay) Nicholas Ryder (Oxford Univ.) Karsten Heeger (Yale Univ.) Neutrino detectors (cont.) - Chairman : Mikhail Skorokhvatov 14:00 14:10 14:35 15:00 15:25 15:50 00:10 00:25 00:25 00:25 00:25 00:20 Welcome Idream Angra KamLAND Borexino Coffee break Stavros Katsanevas (APC Director, Paris) Alexander Chepurnov (Lomonosov Univ.) Joao dos Anjos (CBPF) Hiroko Watanabe (Tohoku Univ.) Romain Roncin (LNGS) Antrineutrinos as a tool - Chairman : Cristina Volpe 16:10 00:30 Communication with Neutrinos 16:40 00:30 GeoSciences 17:10 00:30 Studies on directionality 17:40 End 19:30 Daniel Stancil (North Carolina Univ.) Stephen Dye (Hawaii Pacific Univ.) Vincent Fischer (CEA Saclay) Conference dinner at Restaurant Bo:inger, near Bastille Tuesday December 16 ==> Amphi 12E in Halle aux farines Coherent scattering - Chairman: 09:00 09:25 09:50 10:15 10:40 11:05 00:25 00:25 00:25 00:25 00:25 00:30 Coherent scattering RED-‐100 NuTops Above ground MeV detector Wylfa, Magnox Nuclear Power Coffee break Phil Barbeau (Duke Univ.) Dmitry Rudik (MePhI) Anselmo Meregaglia (IPHC Strasbourg) Nathaniel Bowden (Lawrence Livermore) Matt Murdoch (Liverpool Univ.) Technical developments - Chairman : 11:35 11:55 12:20 12:45 13:10 00:25 00:25 00:25 00:25 MiniTime Cube / NuLat Segmented detector Water based liquid scintillator Juno (emphasis on new PMTs) Lunch Glenn Jocher (NGA) Dave Reyna (Sandia) Minfang Yeh (Brookhaven) Anatael Cabrera (APC) Theoretical session - Chairman : David Lhuillier 14:30 00:30 Reactor neutrino spectra (incl. 5 MeV bump) 15:00 00:30 Theoretical talk 15:30 00:30 Coffee break Bryce Littlejohn (Illinois Inst. Of Tech.) Patrick Huber (Virginia Tech) Neutrino detectors and Safeguards - Chairman : 16:00 16:30 17:00 17:10 Antineutrino Geolocation and NUDAR or "Neutrino 00:30 Detection and Ranging" 00:30 Watchman 00:10 Concluding remarks 00:45 Discussion on perspectives on Antineutrino applications in Safeguards Usman Shawn (NGA) Nathaniel Bowden (Lawrence Livermore) Thierry Lasserre (APC & CEA Saclay) Sergey Zykov (IAEA)
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