LA 3042 Funding Category PUBLICLY FUNDED STUDENT CURRICULUM HOURS (SCH) West Coast Institute Funding Category Diploma and above Apprenticeships and Traineeships (Certificate IV and below) Priority Industry Training (Certificate I to IV) General Industry Training (Certificate I to IV) CAVSS and USIQ Other foundation skills courses Other training (Not identifiable by level/not elsewhere classified) TOTAL Challenger Institute of Technology Funding Category Diploma and above Apprenticeships and Traineeships (Certificate IV and below) Priority Industry Training (Certificate I to IV) General Industry Training (Certificate I to IV) CAVSS and USIQ Other foundation skills courses Other training (Not identifiable by level/not elsewhere classified) TOTAL SCH 467,658 103,982 127,526 982,800 260 136,285 0 1,818,511 SCH 480,234 522,139 272,535 1,762,099 68,795 270,803 8,634 3,385,239 Central Institute of Technology Funding Category Diploma and above Apprenticeships and Traineeships (Certificate IV and below) Priority Industry Training (Certificate I to IV) General Industry Training (Certificate I to IV) CAVSS and USIQ Other foundation skills courses Other training (Not identifiable by level/not elsewhere classified) TOTAL Durack Institute of Technology Funding Category Diploma and above Apprenticeships and Traineeships (Certificate IV and below) Priority Industry Training (Certificate I to IV) General Industry Training (Certificate I to IV) CAVSS and USIQ Other foundation skills courses Other training (Not identifiable by level/not elsewhere classified) TOTAL SCH 2,285,410 140,633 120,510 2,274,587 174,135 582,723 0 5,577,998 SCH 89,566 132,176 56,215 594,618 32,475 87,015 0 992,065 Page 1 of 7 LA 3042 Great Southern Institute of Technology Funding Category Diploma and above Apprenticeships and Traineeships (Certificate IV and below) Priority Industry Training (Certificate I to IV) General Industry Training (Certificate I to IV) CAVSS and USIQ Other foundation skills courses Other training (Not identifiable by level/not elsewhere classified) TOTAL South West Institute of Technology Funding Category Diploma and above Apprenticeships and Traineeships (Certificate IV and below) Priority Industry Training (Certificate I to IV) General Industry Training (Certificate I to IV) CAVSS and USIQ Other foundation skills courses Other training (Not identifiable by level/not elsewhere classified) TOTAL SCH 100,107 99,371 125,556 395,490 23,230 76,563 0 820,317 SCH 103,908 254,248 92,113 669,713 8,680 44,165 0 1,172,827 Kimberley Training Institute Funding Category Diploma and above Apprenticeships and Traineeships (Certificate IV and below) Priority Industry Training (Certificate I to IV) General Industry Training (Certificate I to IV) CAVSS and USIQ Other foundation skills courses Other training (Not identifiable by level/not elsewhere classified) TOTAL C.Y. O’Connor Institute Funding Category Diploma and above Apprenticeships and Traineeships (Certificate IV and below) Priority Industry Training (Certificate I to IV) General Industry Training (Certificate I to IV) CAVSS and USIQ Other foundation skills courses Other training (Not identifiable by level/not elsewhere classified) TOTAL SCH 11,977 49,911 19,569 272,939 13,100 34,635 0 402,131 SCH 31,660 39,274 20,060 176,110 11,110 10,234 0 288,448 Page 2 of 7 LA 3042 Polytechnic West Funding Category Diploma and above Apprenticeships and Traineeships (Certificate IV and below) Priority Industry Training (Certificate I to IV) General Industry Training (Certificate I to IV) CAVSS and USIQ Other foundation skills courses Other training (Not identifiable by level/not elsewhere classified) TOTAL Pilbara Institute Funding Category Diploma and above Apprenticeships and Traineeships (Certificate IV and below) Priority Industry Training (Certificate I to IV) General Industry Training (Certificate I to IV) CAVSS and USIQ Other foundation skills courses Other training (Not identifiable by level/not elsewhere classified) TOTAL SCH 617,525 1,579,319 235,033 2,096,316 171,530 576,935 19,144 5,295,802 SCH 39,725 47,756 4,465 125,824 5,060 27,305 0 250,135 Goldfields Institute of Technology Funding Category Diploma and above Apprenticeships and Traineeships (Certificate IV and below) Priority Industry Training (Certificate I to IV) General Industry Training (Certificate I to IV) CAVSS and USIQ Other foundation skills courses Other training (Not identifiable by level/not elsewhere classified) TOTAL SCH 38,365 123,997 31,950 166,597 45,960 30,370 0 437,239 Registered training organisations that are not State Training Providers Funding Category SCH Diploma and above 721,321 Apprenticeships and Traineeships 4,061,206 (Certificate IV and below) Priority Industry Training 352,405 (Certificate I to IV) General Industry Training 1,002,595 (Certificate I to IV) CAVSS and USIQ 34,210 Other foundation skills courses 63,303 Other training 1,995 (Not identifiable by level/not elsewhere classified) TOTAL 6,237,035 Page 3 of 7 LA 3042 Certificate Level by Training Type PUBLICLY FUNDED STUDENT CURRICULUM HOURS (SCH) Central Institute of Technology SCH AQF Level West Coast Institute EBT IBT SCH AQF Level Diploma and above Certificate IV Certificate III Certificate II Certificate I and below TOTAL EBT 17,940 5,327 95,934 2,721 0 121,922 IBT 449,718 479,861 494,503 235,967 36,540 1,696,589 All training types 467,658 485,188 590,437 238,688 36,540 1,818,511 Diploma and above Certificate IV Certificate III Certificate II Certificate I and below TOTAL SCH SCH AQF Level Diploma and above Certificate IV Certificate III Certificate II Certificate I and below TOTAL EBT 4,333 97,937 398,330 25,872 0 526,472 IBT 475,901 570,934 909,181 644,863 257,888 2,858,767 All training types 480,234 668,871 1,307,511 670,735 257,888 3,385,239 2,276,580 1,372,600 1,194,390 281,252 303,713 5,428,535 Durack Institute of Technology AQF Level Challenger Institute of Technology 12,112 89,528 36,695 11,128 0 149,463 All training types 2,288,692 1,462,128 1,231,085 292,380 303,713 5,577,998 Diploma and above Certificate IV Certificate III Certificate II Certificate I and below TOTAL EBT IBT 1,230 4,780 124,461 2,935 0 133,406 88,336 101,998 307,403 254,513 106,409 858,659 All training types 89,566 106,778 431,864 257,448 106,409 992,065 Great Southern Institute of Technology SCH AQF Level Diploma and above Certificate IV Certificate III Certificate II Certificate I and below TOTAL EBT 570 4,710 88,351 6,310 0 99,941 IBT 99,537 161,087 240,144 123,682 95,926 720,376 All training types 100,107 165,797 328,495 129,992 95,926 820,317 Page 4 of 7 LA 3042 C.Y. O’Connor Institute South West Institute of Technology SCH AQF Level Diploma and above Certificate IV Certificate III Certificate II Certificate I and below TOTAL EBT IBT 5,355 4,104 240,593 9,551 0 259,603 98,553 185,918 319,009 262,875 46,869 913,224 SCH All training types 103,908 190,022 559,602 272,426 46,869 1,172,827 Kimberley Training Institute AQF Level Diploma and above Certificate IV Certificate III Certificate II Certificate I and below TOTAL EBT 95 1,005 29,686 8,583 0 39,369 Diploma and above Certificate IV Certificate III Certificate II Certificate I and below TOTAL 31,565 39,162 68,581 74,888 34,883 249,079 All training types 31,660 40,167 98,267 83,471 34,883 288,448 Polytechnic West SCH AQF Level IBT EBT 355 6,078 26,969 16,864 0 50,266 IBT 11,622 24,279 103,954 145,647 66,363 351,865 SCH All training types 11,977 30,357 130,923 162,511 66,363 402,131 AQF Level Diploma and above Certificate IV Certificate III Certificate II Certificate I and below TOTAL EBT 8,671 83,321 1,477,544 18,454 0 1,587,990 IBT 608,854 974,557 753,362 1,043,570 327,469 3,707,812 All training types 617,525 1,057,878 2,230,906 1,062,024 327,469 5,295,802 Pilbara Institute SCH AQF Level Diploma and above Certificate IV Certificate III Certificate II Certificate I and below TOTAL EBT 470 2,797 42,323 2,636 0 48,226 IBT 39,255 37,063 29,853 64,864 30,874 201,909 All training types 39,725 39,860 72,176 67,500 30,874 250,135 Page 5 of 7 LA 3042 Goldfields Institute of Technology SCH AQF Level Diploma and above Certificate IV Certificate III Certificate II Certificate I and below TOTAL EBT IBT 1,870 4,908 116,395 2,694 0 125,867 36,495 46,098 73,154 101,993 53,632 311,372 All training types 38,365 51,006 189,549 104,687 53,632 437,239 Registered training organisations that are not State Training Providers SCH All AQF Level EBT IBT training types Diploma and above 283,859 437,462 721,321 Certificate IV 1,605,358 191,673 1,797,031 Certificate III 2,285,485 780,428 3,065,913 Certificate II 170,363 393,973 564,336 Certificate I and below 0 88,434 88,434 TOTAL 4,345,065 1,891,970 6,237,035 Page 6 of 7 LA 3042 Notes: Actual student contact hours are not recorded. The data provided is based on nominal student curriculum hours (SCH). The VET enrolment data collection is not designed to support semester based reporting as each collection point represents a stand alone year-to-date snapshot of activity. The Department of Training and Workforce Development only reports validated enrolment activity at periodic intervals that reflect enrolments recorded from the start of the calendar year. For comparability with previous Legislative Assembly Question on Notice 2557 regarding Semester 1 2013 delivery, figures reflect unvalidated VET enrolment data as at July 31 2014, noting that the classification of ‘entitlement’ and ‘non entitlement’ did not apply to 2013 delivery. Figures for registered training organisations that are not State Training Providers have been aggregated into a single group. Publicly funded refers to all training funded by or through the Department of Training and Workforce Development. Region – The geographic classification is not an activity based reporting construct and is only used for determining the funding levels of State Training Providers. It does not apply to registered training organisations that are not State Training Providers and is not used for reporting purposes. Page 7 of 7
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