APM Accelerator - Fruition Partners UK

APM Accelerator
Application Performance Management (APM) –
A Business Issue
When application performance is poor, the effect on a business or organisation is
tangible, with end users unwilling to accept slow response times. Therefore
improving application performance is a key objective for IT Service Management
as it provides lower running costs, increases revenue and drives efficiencies by
improvements in End User Application Experience. Understanding application
performance is key to managing an IT service and ensuring end users and
customers alike have high performing IT Services.
Quality and performance of a live application requires management from the end
users perspective. Compuware, rated by all major Industry Analysts as leaders in
APM, delivers on this requirement and in dynaTrace, Compuware provide a tool
that is used throughout the application life cycle to ensure high performing apps
are delivered and maintained in live Operations. The importance of addressing
performance early on in the development process is a major business benefit of
APM – dramatically reducing the time needed to identify and fix problems.
“APM is a way to provide a quick
return on investment in a very
critical and visible part of IT.”
The Challenge – Resolving Performance Issues
at the Service desk
Forrester Research
Measuring the quality and performance of an application is key for delivering a
true baseline of a live IT service. APM delivers on this requirement and in
Compuware dynaTrace, rated by industry analysts as leaders in APM, provide a
tool that is used throughout the application lifecycle enabling a transformation to
an agile DEVOPs function. In which business requirements can be delivered and
realised in a shorter elapsed time than ‘traditional’ Service Lifecycles.
“The benefits of Compuware
APM mounted up quickly. It went
from weeks to identify a problem
and fix it to about a day. We’ve
never had that kind of visibility
before. By ‘baking’ the tool into
our development and QA
processes we can identify
problems before they cause any
issues and move us closer to
100% uptime goals”
DEV Pass
back to SD
DEV Create
New Release
DEV Pick up and
use dynaTrace
to diagnose
Problem and
INC closed
SD raises Problem
Record and assigns
to DEV
SD kicks off release
or rectification
Raises Event
SD uses cross launch to Change request raised
dynaTrace to triage event
to release fix
& determine user impact
End user
Change approval
The Gap – Linking to the Service desk
To realise the full benefits of Compuware dynaTrace, a gap exists in linking events
detected in APM and resolving them using established ITSM processes
underpinned by the Service desk.
New Jersey
Manufacturers Group
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Is a 21st century approach to
bringing agility and automation to
the Software Development
Lifecycle. It is a popular movement
to bring improvements in
organizational culture, greater
automation and delivery /
management of key applications.
Our plugin allows organisations to
realise the benefits of Application
Performance Management at the
Service desk.
Incident and Problem management functions are transformed by analysis
of dynaTrace performance alarms and the sharing of diagnostic 'session'
files, capturing actual errors detected. This allows rapid root cause
analysis within lines of code or issues within the physical devices in the
host environment as they are identified in Compuware dynaTrace.
The Solution
To address this gap, a Compuware dynaTrace to ServiceNow integration
has been developed by Fruition Partners to enable Incidents to be
automatically raised in the industry leading ServiceNow platform, utilising
the ServiceNow Web services interface. This provides the following
 'Early warning' of performance affecting events, providing valuable fix
time before they become incidents. APM analytics are passed
automatically into ServiceNow incident categories.
 Access to 'laser like' application analytics, with contextual information
allowing rapid triage and assignment to the correct resolver group
 Enhanced Problem Management capability, with the cross launch to
'deep dive' application and environmental analytics within Compuware
dynaTrace root cause analysis is dramatically accelerated
 Cross launching and access to real time APM dashboards allow the
baseline application performance 'envelope' to be established.
 Visibility of end user satisfaction and informed reporting to enable
management of 3rd party outsourcers or applications against
agreed SLAs
The Integration comprises two components, an “Action Plugin” for
dynaTrace and an “Update Set” for ServiceNow.
The plugin is installed and configured by a Service Management specialist
from Fruiton Partners. The installation and configuration is a short
exercise, providing real value to customers within days.
Further Information
Please contact Fruition Partners for further information around this exciting
new integration, enabling DEVOPs capability within your organisation.
UK Office
7 Bracknell Beeches
Old Bracknell Lane
RG12 7BW
[email protected]
T: +44 (0) 1344 488123