Booklet SI No: 'TIme 90 Minutes Full Mark 90 No. of items: 90 No. of Pages: 24 (including rough work) (sss - <aHa 2014-15 ) : 90 ~~£' q4 <a"~ql : 90 PAPER - II g~ <a"~ql , : 90 £l~1 <a"~ql : 24 < < \7.... INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES €JQ1~I2Jl'l €JIQ~E)Qca1I~"l Read the following instructions carefully before you open the question booklet g~ Q~{ii'l E)~IQQIqQ~ ~E)Q~IQ~li~'i. ~~I~qQ{ii' 1. 2. 3. 4. m~I A separate OMR Answer Sheet is supplied for writing the answers. Write down your application from no. & 12 digit roll number on it as per your Admission Card and darken the appropriate circles on the answer sheet. 1. {ii'IQ~ ~~I~IQ~ ~"" ~~~ E)QIQ~AaQE)Q~ '<IQ"~GlQ g'QQ .;' 8. t ~g'J..'!l E)QIE)QQ~{ii'~1 {ii'QI Do not write anything in thisBooklet except the 12 digit Roll No. however you can use the blank pages provided for the rough work at the end of this booklet. 2. E)QIQ~AaQQ~g1g~~~ Q~ '<12Q~{ii'IE)QE)Q~ #"9- 0' _ ~12 {ii'~ Qq {ii'1f'lglQ ~Q'li {ii'IQ~E)QQq {ii'IYI {ii'QgIQI Start answering when you are told to do so. Do not turn the pages before that. 3. E)'lE)gE)QE)~ 'i.21'lQ ~6lQ E)~QI'i.~IQQ {ii'Qgl qQ~ Answer all the questions. Each question has four probable answers of which one is correct. You have to choose the correct one and blacken your choice in the OMR answer sheet by a black/blue ball point pen. Use of pencil is not allowed. If your choice is second response then answer like this. 4. q~1i~Q C3QG'IC3 ~121 , Qf'l~ g~Q ~6lQ ~~ I gE)g~Q g~Q 91E)QI~ ~QIQ~~6lQ ~~I'lIQ~ E)QeJ.~ E)QI~'<I 6't ~6lQ I 6't ~6lQ~ QI~ OMR {ii'IQ~E)QeJ.QIE)QIE)QQ~'i. {ii'~1QQ I '<IeJ.gIQ~ QAaI~Q QQg'<lt1E)g~ Q~Q2IQ {ii'QgIQI E)£J~~'l Q~Qi?IQQQglQQ ~121 'l~ ~E)f'l ~Q ~AaQE)QIE)QQ ~~Q ~6lQ E)QIE)QQ QI~ gli?1E)i?E)Q '<IgQ QQQI @e@@ For wrong answer, there is no deduction of marks. One mark shall be awarded for each correct response. 5. gE)g~Q6't ~6lQ glQ '<IQ~AaQ~~I~Q I ~Q ~GlQ glQ ~AaQQG'I~Q ~12 I will be awarded for a question if a candidate darkens more than one choice. 7. ~lq?1~~, < {ii'16'E)Q E)Q~IeJ..QI ~Q~I~ g'f'l ~AaQ'<IQ"QIQ 6. No mark \ I E)QeJ..E)Q ~f'lQ < @e@@ 5. ~GlQ E)QtC\lQI glQ ~i'<l ~QQI OMR ~GlQ 6. 6QI~'<I 6QI6QQ g~ mQ ~~ Qtii'l QQ GIt?16~6Q ~RQ ~~1'l9 Return the Answer Sheet only to the invigilator as soon as the final bell rings. 7. English version of the question paper will be considered as final if any dispute arises out of variation in translated version. 8. 6QI~'<I~ ~~Q 6Q1C1'l ~Irl E)~~ Qii~ QI~QI ~Q E)QQ~OMR ~6lQ QIQ~ ~Ql~Q'ii. ~~ I C3~~1 ~~QI~E)QE)~61~~~eJ,.E)Q Q'QI~1QI~IQ QQQ611'i.~~Ia{ii' E)QIQ~QI~Q I Ask for another booklet if it is defective, before you start answering. ~~'J.'!l Q~QI gIQeJ,.E)Q ~GlQ E)~QIqQ~ Q~"'Q ~~ I 1 SSS 2014-15 •• --/' t •••••• " SSS - 2014-15 (1) \..... A person is ~x~retingabout10_litres of urine per day. Which of the _ following endocrine ~... ~gland is resp'onsible . -.for- this? -......... A. Pituitary ~ P -Parathyroid 2. ~i~~IQ1? \ .. A. 8£!1£!IQ1 . B. eJIQQ'<I~ --- C. t:lIQleJ'IQQ'<I~ D. eJI6~<ii'IQ .B.~-! D. QE)6194~Q~~10 Q~Q £]QCS1g~I~~ '='_ w ~.~~~ I '<I2!£lIQ ~E)YJI~ E)~Q ~QCS191 1. Adrenal.--- . Which one of the following does not. . enteJ:';iritothe Calvin cycle? -, ,-'~~ ~ B. Carbon"d~i'd~ -:. """""" 0__ - 2. ~E)YJI~ E)~~~ E)~~Q~ / . Enzyme. . C. ATP D. NADP \ \ 3. Which one of the following applicable t~ vein? . J- A. is not 3. Valves present D. Transport deoxygenated Detoxification of drugs substances occur in: _.'_~ A. B. ''some D. _ Endoplasmic reticulum '<I1i\~IQq C. ATP D.. NADP A. Q~ f1~Q Q~6Q ~Q12g 621QeJl'<I B. t:lgQI ~1~1Q C. Gt:lI~GIl(]~ . .•.. ~6£! D. ~Yl~I<ii' Q21<ii' Q~t:lQQ2<ii' G6Q <31~~ (3 9~1~ . ~g1~IE)Q and toxic Lysosome ~Golgibody B. blood .4. 4. ~@,IQGIYl gE)YJI~ E)~Q~ ~QI £lIQ gstJ.Q4rrtE)~? I walled ~e. A. - Movement of blood is slow , B/hin ? ~E)Q ~12 .-; 9~E)Q gE)9~ £lQIe1 ~~~. E)~I~Q E)~~ g~Q E)2IQ2Uij? A. QIQ6«1I~q B. QIQ6QI6~lq C. QQQ D. 8~ . '<I6~IQJ~?lG 6Q~~Qq ' 5. E)QI~'<I gltJ1Q ~Q1Q E)~I~~ w.. 5. _. <aQ~1 £]IQ ~Q1Q .An animal with a soft body has .a hard cover for its protection. Name the phylum to which it belongs. _ .~19QtJ ~E)~ (3 . Q£]E)Q '<I~ ~O~ , \:I < ~~ I '<121 E)~Q £l9Q < ~~Q6' E)29 91~1 . A. . Echinodermata B. Arthropoda' ~ollusca D. . Annelida 3 A. '<IGIQ6<ii'lg~I£!1 B. «1~t:lQ C. 6f11~Q,1 D. ~~Q10.f1IQ SSS 2014-15 A person is' unable to swallow food . W6Ich partof the brain is responsible for this?' 6. <C 6. . .' .,......,..... ••••••. < Q ~ 916Q ~"~' ~c;a~2J CI I ~~~Q , .6gQ .W ~0ca1'<J2L£lIQ C&IQ1? hemispher~ B. Diencephalon" C. Midbrain. ' 'A. D. ~"Hindbrain l '. 6i?Q~~ .~, ~~rebr~1 ! ,..... ~6~'9\f~:;(~f1'C&~ ~~@~ B. 8~~~~@~ C" ~ClY ~@~ D. 8~~@~ )\ 7.// \. Whicl1.oneofthe following organisms' secretes from' its body sirllpllfythe coinpTex" food "for enzyme; , ~~!~on-?'~" L"K.~.Round """",-_ " B. ..•. - worm 7. to ".. ~~I~{.l B. ~~ D. ~Qlg ••••• B. Vessel and Seive tube , A;:" . ~.:--"Compariion cell and Seive tube /~ !'" •••,:~- D. """'~ Vessel and Companion cell :~,~,:.;.'., Ta~'i1~ their, number into account, selecfthe correct pair. , 6- ~6-;' "",' >., 9. ) Ureter and Urinary bladder B. Kidney and Urinary bladder C. Urethra and Urinary bladder ~r~thra and Kidney, , 10. Pick up the incorrect pairing. A. .' Mouth cavity di~esti6n . -, Carbohydrate . B. Small intestine - Fat digestion C. .Pancreas -Fat /,~jver .,..... 6qJ'<I~ ~<iQ Q£lIC&I~ A £'IQg (3 Q~I~1a~ B. ,GQG«l~ (3 Q~£'iQ --I '\. G<;(]Q ,,'\. C. Q~I~1a~ G<;(]~(3 Q~£'iQ D. 6Q6«l~(3 Q~I~1a~6«l~ 6c;a~1~'Gil'c;ao~~I~ 99IQ~6~Q Q£l'l~ 6s(]1~~ 91~ I":~'" A. (0_ 6g~~ ~6~?' Tracheid and. Companion cell , Q~~ Yl~@~611 8;' :', ~6Y]1~ Which of the following are the components of Phloemtissue ?._ . 9. '<J~,QIQY1. lSQ61 gQ A. 'C. . L,oranthus , A. .,..... ~9 ~IC&~~ c;aQ~1~G' gQ2JI'<I1 " C.~-' '"Head louse \. 8. ~ . calQ1Q~ '.•Mushroon\ D". ...•. ' ~6Y]1~ 6gQ Q19 ~IC&~~i?61 696~ digestion ~ B. ~Q,Q (3 ¥1~I'5la C. ~--2~IQ (3 ¥1~I'5la D. ~~IQ (3 ~Q~ '. 10. "" «lIQ611(3 ~1'5la A. ~Q 6s(]1~~91~ I A. Yl~ Q~Q-6.qjg«lIQ B. ~~lij-6<;J~«lIQ C. ~<o.lI'5la-6<;J2«lIQ8~~ D. fl~g-Q.ij«lIQ 8Qg . 8~~ 8~~ . - Protein digestio~ 4 SSS 2014-15 11. In whi~h of th~:following pair, Uric acid is p~esent in the excreta ? 11. Frog-Lizard B. 6QQ'-«1Q1«l8 C~ Man -Insect C. ~1cr?Q-89Q' D. Insect - Shark D. 89Q'-~QQ~I~ ""'" 12. c. D; Oxygen and Concentration .Carbon dioxide Temperature and Food of A ball is dropped from the top of a tower of height 100m. Simultaneously, another ball was thrown upward fr!lm the bottom of the tower with a ~peed of 50m/s.(g=1 0 m/s2). These two balls w'ould cross each other after a time;- B. ~IQ4 (3~Q'IQ~lijQ «11~91 C. ~ij91cr?(3~Q'IQ~lijQ. «11~91 D. 918~1~1(3~IQ4 '<IQ Q~~ ~l~i ~QIQQII '~ 6'~i Ei~2 ~f1QEiQ fJglf Q~~Q ~I~ Ei~~i ~£]Qi 50ml s Ei9QEiQOOIQQII (g=10 m/s2) 9~ ~~ EiQEi6'~f1Q £]EiQ£]Q~Qi fJ~ A. 1 6«16~~ B. 2 6«16~~ C. 3 6«16~~ D. 4 6«16~~ QQG9 ? " ,: 14. ,~.-;~~~\~r 980J \ O\))( \ "..... '--. -,kEf" Q) .~-r . ~~ \\ -V ~, \" \\." ", . ,I'Ll' EiQEi6'QI$(]1f~~I~~ 15. 980J B. 1000 J G. 20J D.. 100J ~19~li <', 6'1i?IQ • I , 5 5c.c B. 10c.c C. 15c.c D. 20c.c 9£]laEiQ <3~~ 91qEiQ Q6'EiQ 15 gm. '<Ii?IQ 5gm/c.c. Eii?EiQ,'<Ii?IQ g'~1 ~I~Q ~~g'~ A. 9~ Eii?QI? (g=10 m/s2) '<IQ g'~1 EiQIQIQIQ 9~Q 9~-~1~6'1 () ' A. 25gm '<19" ~~ ~% ... ~" -' fJlg6' ~f16'~ 9i~ '<IQ9i. •..•••• ., (t ~,'~, - •..•••• ,... f1~61 ~2lQII Ei6'Ei9 Q~~ ~=-- -:"' .. q9 ~"9Ii~~Q Q6\Ei9Q 2J.QI14 m/s.1 fJl~6' ~f16'~~ 0 . \Jf" 10 ~~ ~~ fJl~ ~f1 ~~ QQI Ei9~i A hollow spherical object weighs 25gm in air. Its material density is 5gm/c.c. If it . weighs 15gm in water, find the volume of the hQllow space in it. ,r(J) ~?10Ii ~£]EiQ 10kg 9i.~ . \00 "- ., 100 f1~~ ~"9IQ '<IQ9~ A' body of mass 10kg slides down an inclined plane from rest. Its height from the ground level is 10m. The inclined plane is not smooth. When the body reaches the ground its speed is 14 m/s. ~Then how much work is done against friction? (g=10 m/s2) 20 c.~, . 9~ (3~ij91cr? 9~ A. ~econd .•~' 2 seconds C. 3 seconds D. 4 seconds D. . EiQ~ Ei$(]I~~ '3.1~~Q ~£]I~I~ •... 13. A. '., ,5c.c B. 10c.c ~ ...~ C. 15c.c\.- •... '<J~~ eJl'<I? A. "~ A. w,... ~Eiijl~ <itEitl? dioxide 14. ,... 8~1-~QQ~I~ - \ 12. Whicb one of the following pair is not a factor for respiration ? '. . . ~ A." Water and Oxygen B.Foodana Concentration of Carbon 13. ., A. ~ ~' EiQ~ Ei$(]I~IEiQ 2J.91gl611__Q EiQ~~ ~~leJEiQ Q~Q~ " A.' ~-:::"'Shark .. '" ,... gEiijl~ EiQEi6'? SSS 2014-15 16. Fo~r resistances each of value R n are. connected as shown in the figure below. 16. ~E)6\'4QR n 9~~ .,......,.... ~~ ~IQE)Q@ ge6QI~Qi < ~~6Q ,/ QQIl(]IQ~ I 6'1' 6i?6QA What would be the net resistance between A and B ? D. 17. 4 R/3 B. R/4 R/2 C. R/2 3R/2. D. 3R/2 Six resistances are to be connected to a battery. After connecting a parficular set ofrfive resistances with values R1,R2, R3, R4 and Rsas shown in the figure, the sixth one R6 was. to be connected between A and B. It was observed that the curreht in the circuit is independent ofthe value of R6• Then what should have been the relations between these resistances. 17. 6i?9 ? B A. . 4 R/3 J~B./R!4 ~ '<19' B Y1~46Q £1QtJl~1 ~6'6QI~Q6Q66' R A. ,.... ~'811SClIQ2!91QQ ~6SClIQ ~~6QI~ ~6i6QI~Q~'<IQ 9416~Q1 ~~6' ~6SClIQ QQ91Q ~~ I R1, R2, R3,R4 . '<19' Rs <3i?qQ . 9416~Q1 £1186QI£t. g~6QI~Q~ .•....•• ~ ",... ~i?6' ~~ ~~ ~'816' Y166' .•....•• ((f6f(]IQ QQI£J6QA '<19' B 9'1. Y1~46Q ~~ ~6i6QI~Q R6 ~ ~6fC]IQ QQIQQII 6~tC11IQQI 6f(], 9q4~-£JQ£12J6Q 9q4~- •..• ....< 6~16' <y6'6QI~Q R6Q ~Q4 Q£J6Q ~QQ ,.,,;I ,... ,...,.. Q~~Ii? I 66'69 '<Ii?<y6'6QI~Q Y11~{jjI"Q .•.•..•• <, . ~Q46Q Q ((f£JQ 2JIQ£J16Q? c... R4 A 1. A. B. ~O: ~ R1 R2 R3 =R 4 Rs R6 1 1 1 1 Rs R6, Rj +Rz R3 +R4 -+-=--+--- = R1 R4 . R2 R3 =R R1 R2 R3 B. -+-=---+--- 4 Rs R6 A. 1 1 1 1 Rs R6 Rj +Rz R3 +R4 C. 6 SSS 2014-15 ~' Resistance of a plat'inum wire ~s20 at Then at what l:emperature its' res'istance would be 2.30 .!?~ - 18. OOC and 2.50 at 100°C. 19. ..., " B. 30° C C. 50°C D. 45°C ~" 4 times B. 2 times ',. . Half 1 D. -th \ ~~ ,'- .\, 19. \ ' ••...•••. -C. D. ~ 6{ji\6~ 629 D. '<IG ~~eljo'51 '<I{ji\~~1Y1 ~QCC\t'<I~ ~91W r"'., -- 'I B. Zero C. ..,....- i -tesla 4n r D. 4i -tesla 4n r 110 < '<I{ji\ ~GlQ CC?£JQ~~6~16Y119IQ~ A. £Jii' £J~Q ~~4 B. C. D. {ji\QlfCll'<l, {ji\IQQ I ' '<121«1QQIQI@Q, C3Q£'1 '<I~ ~I~~Q I C3Q£'1 '<IQo '<121 «1QQI (jIQI«11, Q&91~9Q 7 6CC?~91£JUiil '<121 «1Q QI 'QI@Q, «1Q~ '<IQo ,.., ~~ Q~9IGIQ ~9Q~ £1O~ G6Q I ~9Q~ £1O~ G6Q _ it"always produces virtual, inverted and magnified images. ~ QI~. '<121«1QQI~IQI«11, «1Qi '<I~ ~~1~9 ~9Q~ £1O~ G6Q diminished images. always produces real, inverted 9nd diminished images. - - - ? 110 ~£J'J.(ji) ~U~ 94921Q . ~it ~q4~-6cgl~ 2' --.!..tesla 4n r 110 ~~{ji\6Q ~~!!w; - it always produces virtual, erect a..'2.d it ah~ays produces teal, erect and magnified images. - < 'r' 941~I6i'Q £J~QI ~Q1 Y1~46Q 6fCl 6QlQ~ A. f' [%~ ? SJ~Q ~{ii\1Q 6~g'Q £J~I61 6{ji\()~ 629 A convex spherical mirror is considered as a suitable rear view mirror for auto- . mobiles, because, ~ 626Q, 94921Q {ji\'<I~tql ?l~2!91 ~Q1 Y1~4 6CC?Q"i' ~I~QQ 4i -tesla 4n r / ~I£J ~Q~16Q ~ClI 21. 21. ~~~ij~ C. . ~Q~ 62~2!91 '<I2!6Q \.'>/ '~)I~'r .•..,.. ~ ~Q6Q 6'1£JQ £JQYlIQ . Zero i -'-tesla 4n r fClQ'<I{ji\i?~Q {ji\'<I~~ ~Y1I~ qQ ~tg {ji\Q 2 ~61 cu~nt of 'j' ampere flows along an ~..... ' infinitely long straight thin walled tu~e ' of radius r.. Then the _magnetic induction at /(lny-point inside the tu~e is; ~ . ~ 45°C B. ",:a.JA B. D. \ 1'1 ' \.\ 60° C 30° C 50°C 4 £161 .•.. 20. A. A. B. C. ? A. ~,~\) \ 2.30 629 {ji\QlfCll'<l, 6~69 ") 2i ~ -testa 4n r ~4 ... '. ~ '"'1'(' 6{ji\66' ~1£JYlI~16Q '<I21Q g6i6QI~{ji\Q 6~11~ '<I ~tg{ji\ \: \. \ ( .• 6Q 2.50 626Q, ' A heater coil is cut in to two equal parts and only one part is now used in the heater instead of the original one. Heat 'generate~~ on~ half 9f ~hecoil would be how much in comparison to that of the \ '~ . full length coil? , A. ~6i6QI~{ji\ ~Q4 OOC 100°C 6Q 20 '<I~ \ '\ ' ~7~00C ~~~q ~IQQ ~6tg ~9Q~ QO~ G6Q I SSS 2014-15 22.' The. image of a candle formed by a convex lens is found to be real and inverted. What change would be found in the nature of this image if the lower half of the lens is covered by black paper? .. f1~f1~6'lQ ~I~~ .,.....,.....,.... A. B. There would be no change in the image Qf any kind. B. c.. T e im~ge W.OUldnow be real and erect at the same location. ;r ?( <~ ,...,... Q9QA.Q 23. ~Iq f11~1ff1tCi.~I~ ~IE)QI~ 7.8cm B < 24. perpen~icular to the plane of the circle. E)lS~E)Q 1 ~FA~ E)lS~Q ~Qf1IQ B '<19''<I~I~61I~IQ~Q~e1Q~f16'Q 6 . the motion of the charged ~e ~QQFAQIQE)Q~E)QIQ ~QI~IQi 1 ~Q (B + MJ). Then .~~~ E)lS~Q~Qf1IQ B i A (B + MJ) ~ ~Ol~ «,... .,....,.. Radius of the circular path remains ~QQ616'~Q ~~I~I'<I; E)6'E)Q ~I~~Q ~Q~IQ unchanged QeE)Q'" ~Q~~~ QlSlf ~QI~~ 7 but the frequency A. ~ the frequency B. remains C.~@I~IQ and radius of the circular path would change , Both frequency ~@I~IQ ~Q~elQ Q41cal~QCfi: 6l!1IQ~Q, G~ ~I~~ unchanged Both frequency ~@I~IQ ~Q~elQ' Q41cal~ca~lg Q2Q, G~ ~1~~6Q ~QQ@~ 62Q I Radius of the circular path changes but, D. ~ '<I~ ~Q~I '<I~ ~Q ~a~ what to changes. .... C. ~ ~I~~Q "... B. ~I~E)Qi~IQ Q~QI ~61I~IQ ~Qm~JE)QQe ~ii of B. is suddenly particle will be noticed ? A. __ 1.53 '<I~ ~I~ E)QE)Q,6'1~IQE)al~~ ~Q6'1 E)~Q; D. change~in ~lg6Q QI¥lQ f11~1ff1~ QQIE)QE)Q eJ.~1'<I~Q61Q~Q~I~~ circular path of radius R in a regi(?n of changed qQ 6'1'E)~E)Q ~Iq f11~1ff1E)Q20cm E)al~~ ~Q6'1 70.49cm magnitude QI¥lQ f11~1ff1~QQIE)QE)~'<I~IQ~~~QQI'ii" 1.331 C. The 6ca2 ~IQ g~~QQI in a field ~QQ@g Q~~6'1 glca~IQ qQl6~lSl ~~I 621Q~QI 3.9cm magnetic Q~IQ '<19'(3QGtI QIQ6Q~~QQ616'Q2Q, '<I21Q B. constant 6~l61~ ~G'QA.~~Q(3 D. .7 ; is moving ( (3ca~1diQIQ6Q 6Qldi16QQI ~ particle 6~Q~ ~~I ~G'QA.~Q6kUg 6ca2 qQ ~lg6Q C. ' A charged .,...... 62Q gl21 20cm 7.8cm 6'~QIQ « ~l!I~ Q6'1Q Q~Q A. oi ,.,. ~G'QA:6' 6l!1QI The image would now be real and inverted at the same location but its intensity would be reduced to half. ,~f?.49cm e. '<I~ C3Q~1 ~6'~a~E)Q ~QQ ~QQ61~ QlSlf ~QI~Q ,7 Only the upper half of the candle will be found in the image . g~9a~ '<I~ , ~~I~ ~QI ~IQ~E)QQI~ ~~I~I'<I, E)6'E)Q '<12 . 24. ~IQIQ6'6' QI~E)QE)~~I~IQi 1 ~~ ~~~I~Q The refractive index, of glass with raspect to air is 1.53 and that of water with respect to air is 1.33. Then a convex lens whose focal length in air is 20cm, when fully immersed in water' would have the focal length; , "-,,. ... - _._--~~~=-.=;:-\ \ ~~ ~"A 20 . ;~'9cm., 'S .-/ ~~. ,'~-,~' B. .-:V-". em /: . '-- . '<I~ Q61Q ~Q"I~ A. . ~ 22. ca~lg Q2Q I ~Q~el6Q Q~Q l()Q~eI Q41cal~ '<19'QOO~I~, I D. and radius of the QQQ£10000 621Q~QI ~@I~IQ ~Q~el6Q Q~Q ~Q£leI Q41«lIQ 6'ell ~I~~ QQQ ~£IQQ616'Q2Q I circular path remain unchanged 8 SSS 2014-15 25. Pick up the odd ~me out. /'Air B. 25. .,' Brass-.,. ""'r-.~..• -~ . C:" A crystal of green vitriol" ~:._ ••••.•.-'_ ~ D. 7. '~unpowder~ '.'. "7/ '. 26~.PHOf107,r~ . KOH solution is: . ,._.;;:7/'1',6<' 26. " :~,-' , . B. ~~. ...Q.6 .-0~8 D. . "0.8 An example olthe condensation method 27. B. ~6'l~ C. ~~ Q~~Hiil.Q'<IQ VJ~Q D. £l~ t:l1@gQ 10-6N KOH, ~961Q pH 6'1'66'? A. 6 B. 0.6 C. 8 D. 0.8 'l'QQ~ ~i.6' 'l'Q91 £JIQ<erQ~~gei'ijQ Hydrolysis A. ~~ ~t:lQ~eri' B. Mechanical disintegration B. 6YlQI~QIQ QQI~eri" Electrical dispersion C. 6QCfi4~Q Q~Q61 Peptization . D. 6t:lq~IQ6~Q~ A. ",,,,,,-- - '~~', -.. - 28. 6<C1~lg'ii" ~~46Q ?1~~li . A. their Citomic sizes are nearly the their ionization D. th..eyareaU metals , ,I 'B. C. ;;... '--::-;"t='~.="- -'" ~:.-~'.-~.;!'. - -~.~_...... . ~.. D. 2 FeU and Mn4+ D. Fe3+ and Mn2+ . 30. ~~ 6QYlIeri'g'Q~IQeri'1Q~~.QQQ '<IQIt:lQ 6QYl16eri'Q~ ~I~ ':~'" ~ .. -<1~ Mn2+ qel'l' QI69 ~i?6' gij~QI 'l'Q '1'61 H202 A. Fe3+ '<I~ Mn4+ B. Fe2+.'<1~ G. Fe2+ '<I~ Mn~+ D.' Fe3+ '<I~ Mn2+ Destructive distillation of soft co?1 polymerization of ethylene 9 .. Mn2+ ~6~1~ 6'1'~ gei'ij6Q -<1Q~~t1ij, ~i.6' 'l'QI~IQgI6Q ? A. Oxidation of ethanol .D. ~1~H1eri' 6QQell-<1 ? Acetic acid may be prepared by the: ~A./ Reducti'on of aceto~e C. 6QYlIeri'g'Q~SCJ.~ Q9~~~ + C. ~ 6QYlIeri'Q'Q t:lQyj'I,~QQ ~IQ1Q ~9616Q Fe3+ Fe3+ and Mn4+ d . Fe2+ anMn ~ie(ftIQeJ@, (ftIIQ61 '," ?9. In alkaline medium H202 reacts with Fe3+ and Mn2+ separately to give / B, i~(ftI t:l1~1t:l1t6! QYlIeri' .:. \ C. 'i!.::" .: ;:,,:: grcl41Q <C1IQ6116Q 'd' ~~;6~~(ftI /ame ... A ;.,,:~,,'" 1,-', tdX/ ./!~ons . Qlq A. ". 30. A. -<1'1' ~QIi?Q61 6i?QI: The 'd' block elements in the Periodic Table form alloys among themselves .. ~." because: 29. . for the preparation of a colloid is.: 1 28. <.... t1<er~~£JQleI~~~~ 'I'.~ ,. . '<I~ 6~I~Q Q~IQ61 ' B. QeJleri'~Q ~IQ61 C. eri'QYl6QIQQIQ ~~~91 t:l19eri' D. '<I~Q~Q Q~~1 QQ61 SSS 2014-15 31. .•....• Which of the following statements is false abQ..ut-asoap? . 31. A. . Q11~~Q~~1Q ~Q61 ~<5W1Cd '<19' ~611 621Qe(QI Q1~ ~QIQ Q~ 6CJIQQI6Q Q4Q21Q 621Qt:l16Q I .:.Soap forms lather only in soft water .. C. .Q .. D. Soap is a metallic salt of higher fatty acids.'-'" 4 . 33. C. c(}1~g~CJ.Q~QXJ.~~ijQ tllGQ1Q QQGlI D.. ~@ )! _HN02 CH3COOH ~q;1Q~~6Q lY. 32. ~Ei~I~ QlcaIQ~Q ~6i~QIEiQ .~ ~~~ CU/573K••.. )Z . CH CN 3 . )X Na/C2HsOH A. CH3COOH . HN02 CH3CHzNHOH B. CH3CHzNHOH C. CH3CONHz. C. CH3CONHz D .. ,CH3CHO D. CH3CHO 33. Jto EiQli' )Y )2 CU/573K ~Q,caIQ~, (Fe203) ~Ei~~Q '<IQ ~£]I~I~I (Fe203),.lts functio. n is : impart soundness to cement ~ql~ (Z) . <il'Q I B. is ~OXide Q11~£I Q4Q21Q 621Qt:l16Q £112 I acidic medium.- One of the constituents in Portland Cement Ei.~I~QlfllQ '<Ii'IQ QI~ Eii'QI : . A. ~~ £1Q~I616Q <'.L6Q ~6~~~ g~61 Q6Q I when present in small amount. B. '<121Q6~~~ B. to make the cement high quality C. '<121Q6~~~ C. !o impart characteristic grey colour~ b. g~g ~1£lQ Q6Q I ~IQIQQ CJ,.Q1Q QOQ QQIQ <51~<511~1 (3 QO£l QQell'<l I strength and hardness to the cement D. .to increase the strength.and reduce . ''<121 Q6~~Q <51~QQIQell'<l '<19' £'161' .. 62QIQI~Q~ the setting time. 34. c(}1~g,6QQQ q~~Q6Q 6(f61 ~ijQ6QI .-< . '32; . Ident;fy the final P~OductZ in the series of chemical r~actions, . ~ B. / "'"'"Soap c~nnot be used in slightly . CH3CN/~J,C2H~OH .•....•.•....• ,... EiQ~ ~~~f1eJlfl ~Ei~ ? .. A~e soap solution in wateris neutral ~ ~~~ can be used to wash all kinds . ~riCs. .' ..~ w cal~~ caa~EiQgEi~I~ 34. .Which of the following is not a suspension? Q~IQell'<ll .•...•• . . ~Ei~I~ ~~lf~ EiQ~~ ~Q€I ~~leJ ~Eii' A. ~1~~~Qq B. CJ.9 ~~ ~ <.:I ? 6t:l~ C.Q~~I'ii)~~ D. The number and type of 35.QlfIQ~Q~ bonds One sigma ( a) and one pi < gQIQ 9~ Ei~~IXlI'<l ? (n ) . A. bond /. One sigma (a) and two pi (n) C. One sigma (a ) and one half pi ( n D. bond . CJr Two sigma (a ) bonds and one pi ~ ).... r .0 \.. '\ C~C 10 6QI~'<I QQ~I (a ) '<I~ 6QI~'<I t:lIQ (n) . bonds (n) bond Q191Q~ (Ca CJ EiQ ~Q'IQQ ~Q~I~{ij;' ~~lfEiQ EiQEiG\Q1O~lfQ ~ EiQfM between carbon atoms in Ca C2 are: A. lCllQ Q@ B. 6QI~'<I~£t~1(a ) '<I~ tliQ~ £1IQ(n )Q~ C. 6QI~'<I Q£t~1 ((J') '<I~6QI~'<I D. t:lIQ( n ) Q@ ~Q~ Q£t~1 t:lIQ(n) ((J' )Q@ ~~ '<IQO6QI~'<I Q@ SSS 2014-15 36. A copper length rod of diameter 8cm is drawn 1cm and 36. into a wire ~f '<J(ii'.G«J:f1: 941c:a<3 8 G«J:f1: Qa 9~~ Ggl~'<J length 18m of uniform thickness.' The ~aIQ~~ Gf1IG~QQ thic~r.'"ess of the wire is Qa Gf1IG~Q 0.67mm c</ B.1/30 em A. 0.67mm B. 1/30 em C. 0.5 mm C. 0.5 mm D. 0.7 em D. 0.7 em • < "....,,.... 5 cm 94IQI~. 9~~ ,.... Ggl~'<J ~~GQ ~41Q GQQ4 8 cm. P <3 Q <.... ~IQ2!91 ~~(ii' ~Q~ ...• .~/' 38. A. 2 107 B. 24.5 em C. 20 -," em Dj PQ OIGQ ~611 £JQ~Q~ .... T 9qGQ ...< G~Q (ii'QQ I G~E)9 T P Q GQQ4 G(ii'GG'? em 3 12 em A. 10~ 7 B. 24.5 em C; -em D. 12 em A. 4 B. 6 em 20 3 The value of ~8+2~8::2J8+2J8+2lsls . , / 4 C. 8 C. 8 D. 10 D. 10 . . B 39. «Jf1I~ G'IQGQ £JQ61~ (ii'QlgQII G~G9~IQQ ~ 18m . " '" "'.' 0: c' ~ 6' ~ .. ~//. __ ~ :/ .9' The sum of the deviations of a set of n scores x1' x2' ••••• , •• , xn measured from 50 is .10 and when measured from 46 is Then the mean is ' 39.. 50 ~ C'JIQQ9q Gcr?QIn' c;ao~4(ii'Q~I'il' . xi' x2 •••••• ,xn 9~46\Q 70: 46 ~ C'JIQQ9q c:af1ij • 10 ~'<J '<JQO G~GQ Q£JGQI~ Q~I'il' fll~{;i1'Q c:aflij 70~'<J I G~G9 bc:af1I~'il'Q A. 46 B.~ J D. f11~4f11~ G(ii'G~? . .49.5 50 A. 46 . B. 48 C. 49.5 0.'50 11 SSS 2014-15 I " '40.,' .TheascEmding "': - order of ,~i -' 40. rs " . . , C. VA., Ji, .if6 D. .if6, if4,Ji t ~ ~t Ik,\ ~ - ~-~ ~.......,.. ~.•.. . 41. The angle of depression of a Car moving with uniform speed towards the building as observed from the top of the building is found to be 30°. The same angle of depression changes to 60° after 12 seconds. Then at what time it will reach the base. 42. , c. if4,Ji,.if6 D. ( .if6 ' if4;J2 '<IQ E)QIOIQQ Q£]tW. caf1Q~Q 12 sec The value of . ~9~e 42. A. 6 sec B. 8 sec C. 4 sec D. 12 sec S=_l_+_l_+_l_+ ...+ 2x7 1 . ... +--252x257 A. 5 C. ~ . ~-: 35 -2x257 x+ J3 y= 4 and J3 43. x+y=4 are 1 252><257 5 2x257 C. 35 2x257 D. 51 2x257 x+ 12x17 25 51 2x257 The lines 7x12 ? 257 B. 25 B.:"-'> 2 x 257 43. - 257 \- QIQQ E)Q1i;Q~9~e I E)6'E)9 E)(ft\E)6' caYlQ £]E)Q 60° ~ is A. E)QIOIQQ QIQ~ E)(ft\IOIQQQ£]I~ E)~c81E)Q £]i'~9 '.4 sec 1 1 1 . S=-+--+--+ 2x7 7x12 12x17 Ji,~,if4 30° ~E)~ I 12 E)caE)QlQ£]E)Q '<12 E)Q1i;", .8sec D. B. ~19i~1<ieJ.91E)QI~ A/~e~ 7 C. Ji,if4, .if6. A. \ . 41. \/2, :if4 rl.if6 _/...~_ .. is ~ '~~',~ " ,..;~ '. J3 y=; 4 ('l J3 x+y=4 ~IQI ~ ~ 6' caQ~E)Q~1 CCi:Q A parallel to each other., B. perpendicular to each other. C. identical. ~,!Uidistant A ~QYJQ Q9II~Q B. 6QI£1'<1~~4 c. ~62 Q9II~ ~g QYl. . from the ~rigin. 12 SSS 2014-15 f 44. ..,..... The radius of a-cylindrical box is 8cm and the height 'i's 3cm. The number of cm that may be added to either the radius or the height so that in either case the volume of the cylinder increases by same magnitude is A. 44. , ••• D. G The 24 Ix +nx+n=0 of the equation are in the ratio p:q. 45. rP + rq +rn =0 . Vq Vp Vi " 1 B. 5! 3 c. 7! 2 D. 24 c. C .. D. 46. segmeni1oTi,Tn~rthe'pOints (2~7)inthe rat~",_,,_ 2:4 ,B. 4:2 .~ ~., ' 4:3 D. ,~,'\ , '.-' -v "> X\" ~ ./ 3:4 .J999x1000x1001x1002+1 r ' v..~f; eX\ /; (--::- v\.,v- .r;,) A. .,-» J is (1,3) C3 (2, 7) 9'1. 6Q~I~~~'t 3x + y ~Q~ 6'lIQ' Q~2J.91 = 9 ~Q~6Q~1 6~~Q6Q 6~~Q~~£1I6' A. 2:4 B. 4:2 C. 4:3 D. 3:4 ../999 x 1000 x 1001 x 1002 + 1 Q~I~ 1001001 A. B. C.' D. 1000999 D. ~/ \ V\..~./) B/1001999 ~. ~IQ6'~ ~~I~ Ix2 + nx + n = 0 ~~1~Q61Q 91~ ~QQ B. The straight Iin~,3x!y~9 divides tl1e '(1,,3)~nd , ~.._'.' ~"..... -_ ..:..:.-.=-- 47. A. B. A. 6'l,IQ ~6Q A. H-l+j¥=o H-l-j¥~o /H+l+j¥=1 /(j ~~£116'p:q. 6i!'6Q , Then A < £1Q~I6'16Q 9i' £1IQ9? . 6 7! 2 roots 6~66' g66''1~ 6~~6QijQ~QQ 1 2 ••• ~"6'16Q 3 c. '< 91~Q 9'11~16I'8 6~.~. '<JQO ~"6'1 3 6~.~.1 9'11«1161' 91 ,/5! ~-, "......"......"...... 6QI~'<J ~Q~QI~6' 1000989 13 1001001 1001999 1000999 1000989 SSS 2014-15 48. Two dice are thrown at the same time. Then the probability of getting the total of at least 8 is t.,\ 5 /1 2 a A. ~. ',,1\. 6(ii\6~ ? ~. .. '\" '\ a B. - C. ;- D. - 5 / - --. 36 ~ I \ \ ~.c\ . (. ,~- " . (~, The value of ~ 49. a 1 ~''J 1 . D. -1 •. 6 5 36 A. a B. - C, 1 D. ...,.1 /"'2 //. 5 tan 6°. tan 42°. tan66°. tan78° '. B. 12 '. \ ,to .. '.',-" tan 6°, tan 42°. tan 66°. tan 78° is A. 5 ( \' 6. D. 49. A. V 5 C. '<J(ii\~Y1Q6Q£1(ii\IQ6~ «1ij,QIQ ~G'(ii\~6Q 8 ?1Q9IQ «191949\ \' " qQ~ ~~6QI~ 48. Q ~~4 1 2 Co sec 10° - J3Sec1 0° Q ~\~ . 50. 51. 51. .'A motor cycle and a scooter were sold fo!Rs~.12000 each; The motor cycle was sold at loss of 20% of the cost and the scooter at a gain of 20% of the cost. The entire transaction resulted in: /f"",oss flO loss or gain \ gain of RS.1000 D. gain of RS.2000 B. 2 C. 1 D. - 6QI~'<I 6Y1I~Q ~IQ6(ii\~ B. .C. \, D. ." .E' \ <3 <fi~Q 20 g9~~ QIQ6Q 9~ 6i?QII «1ij,QIQ 6Q6116~61IQ ~~I£1"~ : --:XA. ~ A.. "" 4 lSG'6Q <3~~Q~ . "\ "_ 1 6~I~Q «1IQ6(ii\~~Q61\ ~~4Q 20 gG'~9 of RS.1000 C. 4 g6~4(ii\~ 12000/- ~{ijl'16Q9~ (ii\QIQQII a A. A. ~Gl ~12 1000 £'g'1 ~Gl QI~QI 1000 £'g'1 QIQ 2000 £'g'1 ~g 1 14 SSS 2014-15 ~. .~/ A man invested part of RS.4500 at 4% interest and the rest at 6% interest per annum. If his annual return on eacn investment is the same, th.en the average rate of interest which he gets on the whole of RS.4500 is 52. ,. ~661 9q~' 4500 ~'il'IQ ~~ U~ . 91CB~ ~~ ~e~~1 4 . """'" ~IQ6QQQIQ6Q'<I~ ~9~~ ~ •... t31e~~16 91CB~~~ ~IQ6Q QQIQ6Q I ~~ ~ el'il'Q 91CB~ ~I£lq ~6eq~~'il'1 QQI616Q '. <C1Y1lg 6~IQ2JI'<I,'6e69 6<C1 <C1ij~IQ4500 ~'il'1 \ A. Q£l6Q ~IQI~IQ 6~6e ~~ £lIQ2J.69? 5% /4.8% .~ V C. 5.2% D. 4.6% A boat whose speed is 18 km/hr in still w~ter takes 1 hr more_ to go 24km upstre-am than to return downstream to thesame spot. Find the seed ofJl:le stream-. . • - -...-- 53. J .G'\ 4.8% C. 5.2% D. 4.6% ~Q ~Q6Q 18 km/hr 69Q6Q Q6\ ~~2J.91 6~leQ ~............ •.....• ~91mQ km/hr 6Ql61~ ~Ig~ •....• <C1Y1Qg'<l, ••••••• ••••••• 6~leQ tQ 24 k.m ~91£lIQ 1 hr ~~~ <C1Y1Q 9'<116e69 6~leQ 69Q 6~6e? A. 8 km/hr C. 10 km/hr B. 6 km/hr D. 5,~ km/hr C. , 10 kmthr D. 5.5 km/hr In ~~'tQ6Q 6~e~ ~e'tQ6Q ~f'".~ 6ABC, LA = 2LB The,~ AB.AC B. ~(ABtAC). 54. ~ ~ ~ ~f ~~,::~BqG ,~~~ ~~tle B.' 6km/hr A. U" 5x ~Q'I~ ->--A. ./ A. ~ given figure, the incircle touches the sides of the quadrilateral ABCD at the points P, Q, Rand S. If BC=38cm,. CD=25cm and BP= 27cl1J thetl the radius of the inci~cleis: . ABC ~~~6Q LA = 2LB6~6Q A. AB .AC B~ AB (AB+AC) C. AC (AB+BC)" D. AB2+AC2 •••• 55. Be2 = ? •••• ~61 9~6Q, ....... 91~i~{[ <: ~~8~61~ABCD "'""" 9~~~Q <........- P,Q,R <3 5 9q6Q ~~ ~~~ I ~~ BC=38cm CD=25cm <3 BP=27cm ~'<I, 6e69 <: •••• ~~8~61Q 9ql<C1I~~: o A . , ?ey-,\ C B A. 19 em 14 em B. 14 em 13 em C. '13 em 12 em D. 12 em 15 C SSS 2014-15 56; The old alluvial soil found in the Ganga Valley is called A. 56. , Regur "A. .Bhangar D. Loess' Which one of the following states of india is the leading producer of paper? Bihar B. Kerala 57. C/diSha ~ West Bengal B. Lithium C. Uranium D. Plutonium, is extracted from 58. A., B. Wall map '--:;::..::-'\----~-,' 60. 61. 59. . ~pogra~~l~ap"~' Cadestral map C. ~IQ'Q, D. 6QI'<IQI QIQ9Q ~Eiijl~ QI~4 <i~Q QIQ~ ~~J~/f?EiQ ~~6'11? A. Q21Q B. 6QQQ tJij.YlQQ' EiQQ .~~~~ Eifil/f?I~IQ9,tOl, 91i?IQ A. 6eUQaYl B. QeJ.aYl C. qQI~aY1 D. tl6£11~~Yl .•.. ~Ei~I~ EiQ~ '<IQ~~61 f11s;'Qf11/f?~~? A. ~1£1Q1Q1 YllgQ~ B. QI~YllgQ~ C.' ~-~I~G1a YllgQ~ D. Q~16~~IQYllgQ~ 60. Ei~~OIEiQ 100 C3200 Eicaij.?i9Q f1~4EiQ ~~£119 Ei~IQ2II~, Alpine A. ~1~tJ1a B. Coniferous B. QlQQQQ1a C. Evergreen C. QQ 2Q~ Deciduous D. tJ46YlI~1 What type of ro~~marble is J , B. C. ......;:.~- Volcanic \ 61. -'. : Me~mor~hi2 Plutonic ._.!J~dimentary EicaOIEiQ'EiQQ ~QIQQ,~Q6'14 Ei~~I~I'<I? A. A. f1~4~ .. Which type of for~st is found where the, rainfa,1I' is betw!,-en 100, and 200 centimeters ? 'ft I ~IQQ QQI~I'<I? Which one of the following is a large scale map? D." B. D. ~orium / " 'C.(3~<511 58. ,Which mineral Monazites? ""'. Q6'1~~I~I'<I .6QCCil.Q EiQ~ .. ~,~~ A. , qQ19/f? £]~~6lQI~ .. B. ~adar / ~;Hii1"I~~1"~eJG\'4QIEiQEi~~I~I~2L91 \ 16 < ''"w •••.••. f119Q EiQ~ .~QIQQ~~I? A: ~IQIYl~1a B. 6ltJl~QG C. tJIGI9Q D. @Q1~G SSS 2014-15 It M ... ,' n' W~iCh. riv~,r:,:bed. t~~.S_ata~~siC!_ ..... "" V~o~geIS_fOu~~ .1, ,' ,62.' A. Mahanadi A. ~21<i1Q1 B. Brahmani B. ~1~611 C. 6Q~Q611 D. Q~~Q41 ~., Rushikulya 63.. 'What type of agriculture':is ~Practised in India? A. mostly . 63. C. . Intensive subsistence D. <'. '," "'~;'~~~ '\:I :", QIQe6Q6Q~g~I,~Q~~:~6~~ Q16~ QQI~I'<l ? Commercial ,.........e~shifting Q~ ' ' 6~~1~1'<l? c~aitarani 64. '~~n ~~IH6Q'~I~~"I~~.n ,'6QQ' Plantation, A. Q4IQ~IQQ B. ¥l1<i1I1QlQ~ C. ' ~Q<i1~6QI~<i1 D. 6Q1861 Q@Q ' Which one of the following crops is different from others ,according to its type? "-'~ 64. , ,.". , . '.. I" ~6~1{jj), ~~4 ~~Q ~4~~IQ ' ~ij~ ~~4~ ',. \:I" -.. -6~~ ~~4~ ~~4 ~~4 ~~901~ Q~ ?, " A. Groundnut A. 9<i1IQIQI~ B. Mustard B. 6~IQ~ C'~,,' oyabin, ~ ,'Maize c. G~IQIQ~ D. ~QI t:::\, Q , I A.. /anpur \ 65.~6fJl{jj) A. C. Ahmedabad,' D. Mumbal Where was Ferdinand, the Crown Prince of Austria, murdered ? ~, _ r .. _' __ ..i.~ \ 66. .. _-..;:iI'-"""'" Vienna ,-~Sarajevo r D. What was the name of the revolutionary party fofmedby Mazzini'? ----. ' •.... A. Jacobin club B. Girondist club C. Carbonary Organization f . B. 6~1~<i1IQQQ C. Gl2~QIQIQ D. ~~IQ .... -.. ~~~IQ ....< 67. ~Q6~Q6<i11 B. Q'<I<i11 , 17 w . :: . .,.~.. ~1.QI6~6~1 ' QQ<i1 f11~~'" ~IQI Q06'9q~1 ~QQ A. ~16QIQ<i1~Q B. 9Q@~~Q C. QI6Ql<i1IQ1~QO<i1 D. QgQ~IQ1 • J~UngltalX '. $CJ.~QI~g~~I~,,6Q~OI6Q A. ,C. Berlin 6~IQ ,QI<i1QQ D. 67. ? "~ 'QIQe~htta~' ~e41 QQI~IQ21QI ? A:---Solferino B. 6Q~~~ Q~I~I'<l .... . YChhotnagpllr. 66. .:~;....~... , WhiC,h o~e of the f.ollowing is called the 'Ruhr of India'? ' ~1f1Q61'/ 68. Which Organization was formed on 24th ~. October 1945? ~ - '. ,...,.-- - -A.-~I.@" ~ """- A. D. League of Nations . Who had introduced .Glasnost? Perestroika '<:"" B. Stalin ~ .- and . • 69. . 70. Yeltsin D. 71. XVI \ Louis XVIII . Who was the 1stPresident of USA? A. Thomas Jefferson B. aenjamin Franklin ~eorge D. 72. ca~16£'1 D. QQ ~g 6<r?<a<r?Qt 6CCl6QI6~I~QI ~~<a~c<\~ .Q'(]" g9~~ . 6Q~~ B. ~IQ<r? C. 6QIQI6QI~ D. 6QQ~ca<r?~ '6Y1ICCl6Q g~Q' , ,(]Gl~~ Q'(] Q22J,6Q? A. Q?iQc51~Q' B.' t:n~.lQc51~Q C. 6~1~c51~Q D. ~~IQc51~Q 71. . 'J.~QI~ t116f1QQIQ getYi QI~£]~ . Washington Abraham Lincon 72. Rabindranath Tagore gave up his Knightho,od because of'-.-' ~Iianawalla 73. 70. Louis XV .,,€0..ouis ~lg«fQ C. A. Who had told 'Aft~r me deluge'? ~ ", A. t-ouis XIV B. 6~IQ2J,QI? QQ2J,6Q? ~~GOrbaChov D. w <r?16£'1 B.?l~9 ) SEATO Lenin ,~ 24 eIQ~6Q6QGl , C. A. . 1945 YI<ai?1t16~9Q cao~o~ ~56' .f' United Nations Organization . 69. __ ~ 68. . A. 21YlI<a6~gQ<a~ B. . 6QtJ1I~<r?glg'Q<r?~ G. 9~ C3YlcaQ'£'<r? D. ~1~12Yl Qg'<r? 6Q~ QIQ€I 9'816'8Q~1~~let OI~Q6'I __ '~IQ~'Gl£]I~ Bagh Tragedy. Q'<I ? £]Q6'lIl~ QQ2!6Q? A. 9IQ~I<r?IC3YIQIQIQ 29YI~I~. B. SUPr?ressionof Civil Disobedience. B. ~IQ<r?~YlI<r?Y ~16~1~<r?QQYl<r? C. ~xecution of Bhagat Singh. C. ~Q9 <ao2~ q?iYC(j)~ D. Chauri Chaura incident. D. 6QlQ 6QlQI Q£'611 The woman regiment of INA was founde~:Lunder the leadership of ~apt. Laxmi. . B. Anita Bose. C. ArunaAsafAIi. D. Rajkumari Amrit Kaur. 73. (il)IQ6'1Q'G?16'1Q ~12~1Q Yl2~1 6Q~6H4 QIi?IQ 6~~~6Q . . A. 18 g~~1 QQI~jQ2J,QI? . ~41t]6£'<r?Q~1 B. ~<r?ml 6QI~ C. ~~611~I<ag ~~ D. QI9~YlIQ1 ~~9 ~I@Q : SSS 2014-15 \, , 74; _ ~. A~ert fSj ~ ''-. Which of the following-:.l:icts as the 'Black act'? .. -. ,. ' C. D. is known bill ~owlatt act Hunter act Act of 1909 Whic_"..!as ~first <nJlt~al ne>ys. agency of India? '";-~-.....---- - - ~1 A. The Indian Review B/The Free Press of India ~ The Hindustan Review . D. The Associated Press of India 76. Read the following ,...statements and indicate which one is correct (i) India is called a 'Quasi Federal State' ~ecause mor~ power has been given to the Uf)ion Governme,rit ~ (ii) -'74.{?ijQtel~ 6QGl ~IQ~~ QI69 ~Q~~ ? - - - , 75. 76. (i) (ii) (i) is true, (ii) is false Both (i) and (ii) are true D. QI(3QI~ ~I~~ -, C. 2~Q~I~~ , D. _ 1909 Q ~I~~, ~IQ~' QIQ~Q ~eJYI ~1~1a «1fAIQ~~.~ A Q~~lg Q~@ B. g 6~<;(]~«)' Q~~I C. 2'l~lg Q~@ D. ~16<;(]1~"<I6~~6~Ql PJ,QI? ':.' ..•. ~xt Q~~I <i~~£110QQ -<i9' 6Q~ {?6~1~ 9~9lf ~IQ -Cl.~~1 Q~ I 6~~ <;(]Q~IQ~ ~CL~ ~~gl «]Qlg ~21f(]1"<I1 QIQ~6Q 6~£ (3 QI~4 <;(]Q~IQtql~~<;(]~Ig - ~~~I @«)6QIQ ~Q~ I f C. - B. ~QIf(]IQfJ.QI~ QIQG'~ ~~QI~QfQ In India the Union and 'the State Gover" ents enjoy co-equal powers. - (i) is false, (ii) is true QQQ~QQ 6~, A B. A '"~~I , .;:.;. Both (i) and (ii) are false 6~ A (i) (ii) ~Q 8. (i) ~Q (ii) C. @QQ (i) (3 (ii) D. @QQ (i) 6~ 6~ 't .:. (3 (ii) ~Q ' '.~""'~ 77. QIQ~~ ~.,~~ «11~IQ6'1~Ei)QI~ ~i?I~I'<I QIQ6'1- A ~21 "<I~ Q61~I~~ QI~ B. "<I21QQI~~~4 C. "<IOI6Q«f'<;(]Q1QQ61G'61~~ D. '<IOI6Q~IQ~g1G ~IQI~9~~~,:~~ell ~~ I ~~69'81~ ~IQQ .~''':'' ~~6Y1IQ~ A 2 <;(]£]12 B. 4 <;(]£]12 C. 6 <;(]£]12 D. 8 «1£]12 .. I- ,..... 6i?91Q' GCiii'66\ Q~ Y1~lf6Q «JD«1Q QI~~~ ~~lfI6Q'81~ 1- ~Q1Q~ ~~~ I . 78. "':\1 ~QI ~IQ 6i?IQP[Q'1 6~9IQ~~? 1.~~~' QI~lf 6QI Ciii'6«19I ~16QIQ~ «1Q«1lf<iil' ~'<I co. .f'.•. 79. 79. Who can remove a member of the State Public Service Commission? ~--- 't. A ~ ~. "'/ __ 9~~IQ .------.,---~~ President Prime Minister ~ Governor Chief Minister 19 QQ ~IQ69? A QI~tJ~ B. ~CJlg~611 C. QI~4«)1~ D. ~~4~611 I :., SSS 2014-15 .80. 'Which of the following Union Territories 80. l1as a Legislative Assembly? E)QOO9~.II~ A. The Andaman and Nicobar Islands A. ~1E2JlfWii' (3 g6GIQQ ~18QtJ1 B. Lakshadweep B. Qllal~18 C. Dadtaand Nagar Haveli C. QIQI(3 gQQ 216Q~1 D. 8~6£lQ1 D00ndicherry /~ 1ii~;ls,the Chairpersonof the Natio~1 l-.- ??~Q<cie E)Q~ca1I~6\ ~8QYlI~ __ YI~lfi ~r Devetopment Council? Prime Minist~r7c 81. , ,~ '\ B. Union Finance Minister. \ C'. '. Union Home Minister" ? . ...;J ~16\lQ Q~Q~ g ellgfl 611 B. . 6G£ ~clfl611 6G£ ~QI~fl611 . D. Q6QICl1Q~6gG'1 8.",. Leader oUhe Oppositiont ) 82. 82. Which of the following ~dd~d to the Preamble 1976? words was. in the year «IIQ6Q1fl Sovereign B. ~1Cl1gG'1 .B. " Liberty C. «IIClIQ61G'61 D. «I"2~ E)~IQ QQI~IQ2!~1 ? Integrity 83. Which of the following system? ,~ . has 'Recall' " ". . ??E)~I~ E)Q~2!E)Q '<cJ6\lfl~IQ' 9119C?11 ~~? A. iX::~011arCh~ ' ~ A. A. ~~ 83. •••.... . ??~Q<cl6\calQYlI~__ YlCJlI~ E)QQ~~1976 YI~~IE)Q ~~9~E)Q C. ~'<I ? £JQ~QQ ~~lf~ A. C. \ ~QI ~~ QlgG'61 . B. Directpemocracy gG'4la Q61G'61 c; ','Dictatorship C. '<IG~~QIQ 6. ~._" Indirect D. 86Qlla Q61G'61 Democracy ~~'.~';' '~: 84. Which of the following is not a funs~ion i>f the opposition ~party? ....• Formation of PublicOpinion - ,f;';~ s::;";'; Creati~n of political instability 85. Government respo~t>le Criticising the Government ,.. Which one is not a feature of India's ( , •••.. t f:.orQign Policy,? . B P-eaceful Resolution of Conflicts .••,.......e0ormation D. of Military Allianc~ 9E)QI~lQQQ '" ~ij A. ggflG' B. Qlg6g~G C. «IQGIQ~ QI~~Qlg D. «IQGIQ~ «Ifll6QI£lgi 85.E)QQ~ GQQI ~~QG'I QIQ6'Q ~ij GQQI E)9E)QiQ GQQI GQQI ~l6'Q Q~Q '" ~E)~? ~;~ Pe~ceful co-existenc~ "YI~"ItCiE)Q~~ QI~"I ~E)~? . A. ~E)ijl~ < '"",,- ~-"- ~Q>rMa~g~the D. 84. -. Principle of Non-interferenc~ 20 A. <8I1~~~«I2IQ~lg B. QQIQQ <8I11@~~ QfllCllg C. «IlflQG 6fl~ D. ~612@6la8 g1~ - . - '< QOg SSS 2014-15 86. Which of the following is not taken into account in the measure of human ~developmentas given by UNDP? 86. ~IQI .-. \':I tyQil .•••••••...•••••••. f11~91Q eJQ~f.ii' £JQY1I£J£JIQ ~~~~6' •••••• ,q ~Ii'? B. Literacy rate A. YJ.~8~1~IQ C. Lif~ expectancy at birth B. Q1lla£19121£1 C. ~~ Q191Q6£1~lq Q1gIQ~1 D. Q'9l~ £I1~1Q ~'iii' £IIQ'Q4Q<i11 . ~......... . of safe drinking yv~ter is true of .•....... 87. MGNREGA? A. ~t' '?" A. '<121'<IQ ~1Y1gXl~ QIX]4~91 is a C~ntral Governm~nt B. '<121£11~4Q1£1QI£1'ii£1 QIX]4~91 C. .'<I216Q~ Q1£1QI£1'ii£1 QIX]4~91 ," ' It provides employm~nt to a ~iIIing worker for 300 days in a ye~r . ~ ~..-.... . , D. JlVhlch of the following credit? . banks create.s 88. " A. The, Central Bank B. Commercial BanRs A. railways. B. hospital ??f]Q~6' 9'11__ Y11~__ Y1~'ItCi '?'Q Q61 A. 6Q~1Q Q41'ii B. QI~g4Q Q41'ii Q1Yl2 C. Q191QIQQ41'ii «lYl2 D. Q'&]Q41'ii ~......... 89. . C:~oOIS\ cinema halls ."..- '. E)~Q£' ~lflltG?~ QfQ9~IQ A. 6Q'iii'QIQ B.. gl@~~I~1 C. QQ41'iii'Q D. ~6~911 Q£1 .. Which of the following sectors contributes the least to India's national income? A. Q~ The World Bank. Social infrastructure does not include: , \ ~. Gf)o 0 ~ij: ~Q2JI'Q ? Co-operative Banks D. '<121~1C2121 '2l?1Q~ Q~6£1 QI916£llgIQ21I'<l1 . ~ w,..... Y1~'ItCi E)~Q£' , MGNREGA is a State Government programme ~rogramme ~ ,.... ~~Q~6' E)~~E)Q 6~? It is a self employment programme 90. .•••••••. f1~'ItCi E)~Q£'~ 99IQ~~eJl~I'Q Which of the following 89. < ~1~'I~f1 ~~ A. Per capita \income ,_••,'p~ov~n Q ~ .-. ... 87. . tG?16'QfQQ~Q~ 90. QIQ6'Q <~ ~dustry A. Gt~ B. ~~ w <q,E)i'? w tG?16'1QeJIQ'i eJ9QI~ ~9~f] Agriculture U~ C. Services C. 6Q1QI D. Foreign trade D. Q2QI~~4 E)~Q E)~~Q ? f OOO 21 SSS 2014-15 ~.. .' ", .,' -.j . ,~.'." / . ,. . ~ ... ~ ','" " 'f' I', ',' • • ~ •• . ,.,' :> , ~-... ~ '..j.'\~":' 22 SSS 2014.,.15 --. j r\~ '\ \, -, "- (:.- "'-. ", I 1. l .. I ' I, -( t J ( '/ ; 1- I. 1_. ! 'f I l. I \ . I 24 SSS 2014-15
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