Conmonwealth Bank Commonwealth Bank of Australia AElN 46 123 123 124 AFSL 234945 St;;JtemE?nt 1 (P9ge 1 of 2) Statement begins 2 May 2008 1 1 11 1 111 1 1··11111 ,.. t. Statement ends 28 July 2008 INDUSTRY 2020 LIMITED PO BOX 14177 MELBOURNE VIC 8001 Closing balance $1341465.97 CR ·1 l h·In mI'I 13 2221 Enq1,.1iries (24 hours a Cheque Account Nam~: INOlJSTRY 2020 LIMITSD Br~mch: NORTH M~LBOURN8 VIC. ~ank, ( Note: day, 7 Qi!Y$ <;J- week) Account number 06 3158 1027~088 State & Branch number (BSB) 06 3158. Proceeds of cheques are not ~V9i!able until cleared. Plec:lse check that the entries listed on this statement are correct. If there are any errors, please contact the B;;~nk immediately on 13 2221 . Further information about your accot,mt, including det~ils of benefits or fees and charges, is available by telephoning the enquiry number listed above. If you have a complaint, information about our c;lispute resolution process is avaiiQble from the same enquiry number. Date Transaction --- Qredit Oebit Bal~nce 02 May 200~ OPENING BAI,ANCH 02 May ACCOUNT SERVICE fEE 16 May Fee Refund Nil 6.00 $5,00 DR 5.00 23 May DEPOSIT 11 '100.00 $0.00 $1 1,100.00 CR 28 May VIC CH~MICAL COM - VICCHEM INV103 550.00 10,550.00 28 May DEPOSIT 03 Jun PAP-ER AUST P-/1, M~RCH 6,000.00 $22.~00.00 CR $27,200,00 CR 06 Jun ACI GLASS AUST INVOICE 119 15,000.00 $42,200.00 CR 11 Jun DEPOSIT 10,000.00 $52,200.00 CR 10,000.00 2,200.00 $62,200.00 CR -- 19 Jun JUS HOLDINGS P/L IUS- lnv.1 06 25 J11n DEPOSIT 30 Jun HQwk~r Britton G Hawker Britton 550.00 30 Jun ETU !HU ·INV 125 30 Jun DEPOSIT 5,000.00 1,650.00 01 Jul CONTINENTAL PTY SIEMENS VDO AIMOTJ 01 Jul DEBIT INT TO 29 JUN 03 Jul 5.0QQ.QO 0.03 CONT!N~NTAL PTY SIEMENS VOO A/MOTI -- $94,400.00 CR $71 ,600.00 CR -- $76,599.97 CR • 6,036.00 $62,63~ .97 CR 07 Jul T061N 6ROTH~RS 550.00 T061N PAYMI:NT BALANC ~ CARRIED FORWARD $$3,1 8(:>. ~7 CR 003-0034 !!70807 (SAI.1) \ 328 46(l.11QH2 ZZ2~8R~ Q303 MU.R3.S151.D210.L V01.0Q,QQ Statement 1 (Piilge 2 of 2) At;:CQt,mt number 06 :3 158 10275088 Dl:lte Transactic;>n 0E;lt;lit Balance Credit $83,185,97 CR BALANCE BROl,JGHT FORWARD 07 Jul SDA VIC SRANCH PAYMENT 8689 10,000.00 07 Jul DEPOSIT 09 Jul POS 93287300 09 Jl,JL 10 Jul Schneider Aust Industry 2020 semi 4,400.00 $97,585.97 CR 10,000.00 $107,585.97 CR 1,650.00 10 Jul MCCONNELL DOWELL macciow 5,000.00 $1 14,.235,97 CR 14 Jul KQRI;>AMENTfiA INV 146 2,7!30.00 $1 16,98!Hl7 CR 15 Jul DEPOSIT 5,550.00 15 Jul NETBANKTFR forcomrego 770.00 I 650.00 17 Jul 611fBerg Srv0107 BILFINGER 08f,l139 650.00 - $ 1 ~~.3 1 5.97 CR 2,200.00 17 Jul OI;POSIT 17 Jul !?OS 93287300 17 JLJL 18 Jul BilfBerg Srv0107 B ILPING~R 088323 '- $121 765.97 CR 16 Jul POS 93287300 16 JLJL ' 22 Jul PWC SERVICE$ 14!3 24 Jul HUNTSMAN CHEM CO 111 HUNTSMAN 550.00 $125,615.97 CR 1,100.00 $126,715.97 CR 2, 750.00 $129,465.97 OR 5,000.00 $134,465.97 OR 28 Jul2008 CLOSING t3ALANOE $134,465,97 CR Opening balance Tqtal clebits Nil $77!?.03 + Total c redits $135,24 1.00 = Clqsing balance $134,465.97 CR 329 · Conmonwealth Bank Comrnoi'JW~i!lth Sank of A\J:>tralia ABN 48 123 123 124 .AFSL 234945 ' 1'11111 1'h''''rml·l'"lIIrh··'· Statement 2 (Page 1 of 3) Statement begins 29 July 2008 St9tement ~?nos 27 Ooto!;l~r 2008 Closing balance $205,221.69 CR INDUSTRY 2020 LIMIT~D PO SOX 14177 ME:LBOURNE VIC 8001 Business Transaction Account Name: Enquiries 13 2221 (24 ho\Jrs i3 day, 7 days a week) Account number 06 3158 10275088 INDUSTRY 2020 LIMITED Branch: NORTH MELBQl)RNE VIC. Bank, Note: '' St;;~te &Branch number (BSS) 06 3158. Proceeds of cheques !;Ire not !;lvailable until cleared. Please check that the entries listed on this statement are correct. If there are any errors, please contact the Bank immediately on 13 2221. Further information !;!bout yot,.~r ;;, inclvding d~tails of benefits or fees and charges, is available by enquiry nvrnber listed 9bove. If you have a complaint, information about our dispute resolution process is available from the same enquiry number. t~lephonin9 th~ Pate Transaction D~bit Credit 29 Jul 2008 OPENING BALANCE $134,46g,97 CR 29 Jul CPSVIC INV 159 CPSVIQ 01 Aug CBA MERCHANT FEE 5353109393975331 1,100.00 $135,342.62 CR 223.1 5 04 Aug Albright&Wilson 0051/ 51777 $135,565.97 OR 550.00 04Aug MMPCU INV 170 05 Aug DEPOSIT 06 Aug ALSTOM LIMITED 00304241 5,000,00 $140,892.82 CR 19,950.00 $160,842.82 CR 1,650.00 $162,492.82 CR 07 Aug CEPU PLUM FEDERA PTEU INV 157 08 Aug 000001 5,000.00 $.167,492.82 CR $11 7,742.82 OR 49,Y50.00 --------------------------------~~--~=-~--------~----~~~~ 11 Aug John Holland Gro 1676·104053E 5.000.00 12 Aug (;)!;;POSIT 21,050.00 1,650.00 12 Aug POS 93287300 12 AUG 13 Aug IFS IFS PAYMENT -· .-- ·14 Aug 00000,2 15 Ayg ~RH GROUP PTY LT -FHA VIC 1,100.00 - $145,442.82 CR $1 46,542.62 CR $141,711.16 CR 4,831.64 1 '100.00 s 1 Aug Al)f?tr91i;,:m$ uper 220434 5,000.00 $147,811.18 CR BALANCE CARRIED FORWARD $147,8 11 .18 CR OOJ-OI'lJ4 2701!07 (SA!,1) 741 .1764.1.2 22256R3 0303 SL.R3.$QQ1.0301.0 V01.00.00 330 2 (Page 2 of 3) Statement 06 3158 10275088 Date Transaction Debit Credit Balance $147,~11.16 CR BALANCE BROUGHT FORWARD 6,036.00 19 At,Jg 000004 $141,775.18 CR 20 Aug DEPOSIT . 22 twg Skilled Group Ll 377221000000000000 !;>,000.00 $146,775, 18 CR 4,950.00 $151,725,18 CR 28 Aug RACING VICTORIA RACING VICTORIA 1,100.00 28 Aug GASNET AIJST OP$ 004255 1,100.00 ~ ( \. $153,92!;>.18 CR ~ 29 Aug MEMSeRS gQL)ITY EFT290808 01 sep Q~mos 5,000.00 01 Sep CSA MJ;RQHANT PEE 5353109393976$31 09 Sep 5,000.00 2!;>.91 CHANO~ER MACLEOD EFT000788·00065 ~Qrro $158,92!;>.18 CR P,ty Ltc;J Qenos 20242176 05 Sep - $163,899.27 CR 1,100.00 $164,999.27 CR Group Pty 1,100.00 /99774 11 ,000.00 09 Sep POS 93287300 09 SEP 10 Sep DEPOSIT -- · - - 1o Sep 000003 $177,099.27 CR 2,200.00 $178,987.29 QR ~ 1 1.9{1 17 Sep Al,JST FINANCIAL A AFCC inv 107 10.000.00 23 Sep N!;T6ANK TFR HTC lnv 149 $188,987.29 QR 1,100.00 6,650.00 23 Sep O~POSIT $196,737.29 CR ~-- 24 Sep ooooo6 - 667.60 $196,069.69 CR ~ 25 Sep Oantas Airways 6 1016689 6,000.00 1,750.00 25 Sep 000005 01 Oct LOGICAL PROPERTY 01 0<;1 CBA MERCHANT FEE 5$!;>$ 10939397533 1 $199,319.69 CR 550.00 198.00 $199,671.69 CR 10 Oct AlA VIC ~iAutomotive Vic 550.00 BALANCE CARRieD FORWARD $200,221.69 CR 331 Date Transaction Statement 2 (Page 3 of 3) Account nl1mber 06 3158 10275088 Dell it Credit $200,2.21.69 CR BALANCE BROUGHT FORWARD 10 O<;t !;lmt;l Con:;;(rt,Jction 900(?30710 5,000,00 $205,221.69 CR 27 O~;t 200~ CL,.OSING SA!,ANC!; $205,2,21,69 CR Tota! debit~ $134,465.97 CR $63,794.28 + $134,550.00 $205,221.69 CR "If you have any que~tions about yotJr new ;;~ccount. please drop into any branch or call us on 1800 020 631 between Bam .and 8pm (Sydney time) Monday to Friday. \ iiiiiiiiiiiiiii ~ ~ - --- - i iiiiiiiii Ple(:l$1,;) not~ th(:lt should your accot,mt bt?oome overdrawn, interest on the debit oal~noe will be charged quarterly on th~;J first bLJsiness. day of J~mLJary, April, July and October and not monthly c;JS. previously advised, The fourth dot point on page 21 of the Business Cheq ue and Savings Account General Information and Terms and Conditions is replaced by the following: - You must pay us. inter~st on that loan at the prev"!iling rate for debit balances. The interest will be calculated daily and charged to your account: for,Standard Susiness Cheque Accounts, Business Transaction Accounts, Society Accounts and Business Online Savers - q1,1arterly on thE? first Ql1$in ~$$ day in .J9nuary, April, July and October <:~nd wh~n the 9000t,mt is closed; - for PrernitJrn SIJ$iness Cheque Accounts • monthly on the first business day of each month and when the account is clo~ed ." Support a future without breast cancer. Each yem, The AL!stra!ian Women's H~~lth Di~!Y t1elps raise valuOJble runos for the fight against breast cancer. All pro<;:eec:fs frQm c;fi9!Y ~!es !;)Q to the Sreast Cancer Institute of Australia for much needed rese~ r<;:h. Sw 9 di~1y for only $12.95 and do your pc:ut in supporting a future without breli!st c<nncer. The 2009 Australian Women's Health Diary will be avai!Cl!Jie from 1st October 2008 at selected Commonwealth Bank branches, newsagents and most Woolworths and Safeway supermarkets. 741 .1765.2.2 V2~8R~ Q~Q:J SL.RS,$001,0301.0 VQ1 .00.0Q 332 Comnonwe..lth Bank Commonwealth Bank of Australia ABN 48 123 123 124 AFSL 23494/;i Statement 3 (F'age 1 of 1) Statement begins 28 October 2008 '·I1l'rl'u'lf·1'1"r I·r.,.'r·l·· 1r1• Statement ends 27 Janl!ary 2009 INDUSTRY 2020 LIMITE:D 72 SPRINGLAKE AVS CAROliNE SPRINGS VIC 3023 Closing balance $193,721.44 CR Enquiries Business Transaction Account Name; 13 22~1 (24 hours, 7 days) or your Relationship Manager Account nl)mber 06 3158 10275088 INDUSTRY 2020 LIMITED Branch: NORTH MELBOURNE VIC. Bank, State & Branch nt,Jmber (BSB) 06 3158. Note: \. Proceeds of cheques are not availc;Jble until cleared. Please check that the entries listed on this st9tement are correct. If there are any errors, please contact the Bank immedi9tely on 13 2221 or call your Rf;?l<:~tionship Manager. Further information 9l;>out your account, Including cletl'!ils of benefits or fees and charges, is available by telephoning the enqt.Jiry nurnber fisted ai;>Qve. If you have a complaint, information about our dispute resQIL!tion process is available from the s9me enquiry number. Debit Date Transi.lction Credit Balance $205,221.69 CR 28 Oct 2008 OPENING l;lALANCE 03 Nov CBA MERCHANT Fg£:: !:i~S~109393975331 $205,083.19 CR 138.60 19 Nov POS 93287300 19 NOV 25 Nov 000008 ~,300.00 $208,383.19 CR 1,6:?0.00 $190,264.19 Of{ $191 ,914.19 CR 18,119.00 26 Nov CJgi"OSIT 01 Dec CBA MERCHANT rgE o3o3109393975331 98.90 01 Dec 000009 825.00 $190,990.29 CR 09 Dec 000010 1,209.35 $189,780.94 CR 24 Dec V!$Y INDUSTRIES PMT AOV Q1S1074912 02 Jgn C!3A MERCHANT FEE 5,000.00 53531093939YS331 59.50 22 Jan CASHED CHEQUE 000031 1,000.00 27 Jan 2009 CLOSING BA!..ANCE OQ~-QD;l4 ~7QBO? $194,721.44 OR $19~,72 1.44 CR $193,721 .44 CR Opening bal~nce $205,2~1 ,69 $194,780.94 CR CR Total debits $21,450.25 t Total crec!its Closing balance $9,950.00 $193,721.44 CR (SAL1) 121'1.2638.1.2 ZZ~!?6R3 0303 Mi,J,R3,S1!?1 ,0027.l. VQ1.00.00 333 Conmonw•alth Bank Commonwealth Sank ot Austrlilia ABN 48 123 123 124 AFSL 234945 Statement 4 (Page 1 of 2) Statement begins 28 January 2009 I'Jlfllf'111fj.f11 11Jf•J '1"1'''' Ill' Statement ends 27 April 2009 INDUSTRY ;2020 LIMITED 72 SPRINGLAKE AVE: CAROLINE SPRINGS VIC 30.23 Clo~ing $169,060.08 CR Enquiries Business Transaction Account Name: ~ balance 13 2221 (24 hours, 7 days) or your Relationship M~nager Account number 06 3158 10275088 INDUSTRY 2020 l..IMITIW Branch: NORTH MELBOURNE VIC. Bank, State & Branch number (8SB) 06 3158. Proceeds of cheques are not f!V~ilable until cleared. Please check that the entries listed on this statement flre correct. If there are any errors. please contact the f3ank immediately on 13 2221 or call your Relationship Manager. Note: Further Information about your account, including details of benefits or fees and ch13rges, Is available by telephoning the enquiry number listed above. If you have a complaint, information about our dispute resol!.ltion process is available from the same enquiry nvmber. Date Transaction Debit ealance Credit $19~,721.44 28 Jan 2009 OPENING BALANCE - CR 02 Feb CBA M~RCHANT F!i=E 53~3109393975331 00003~ 59.50 1,146.56 19 Feb 000033 5,000.00 25 Feb 000034 1,420.00 12 Feb $193,661 .94 OR - $192,91~.38 - - CR $187,515,38 CR OR $ 186,09~.36 ~~---~ - ~ - ~-~ - ~.~~~~~--~~~--------~~~~------~--~~~~----- 02 Mar CBA MSRCHANT FEE: 5353109393975331 $186,03~.88 CR 09 Mar 000035 2,276.30 $183,759.58 CR --~~--~~~--~~--~~--~~--~~--~~~------~--~~~~ - ~~~ . 2.0 Mar WITHORAWAL 3,000.00 $180,759.58 CR . - 01 Apr CBA MERCHANT FEf,: 535310939397{)331 59.50 $180,700.08 CR 03 Apr 000036 877,80 $179,822.28 CR 06 Apr 000013 10,762.20 $169,060.08 CR 59.{)0 - - ~--~~~~~~~---~--~--~~~-=~~~--~~~~~------~~~~- '?7 Apr 2009 CLOSING BALANCE $169,060.08 CR Opening bal~n6e $193,721.44 CR 003-0034 270807 (SAL1) Total c$ $24,661.36 Nil ,.. Closing !>~lance $169,060.08 CR Conmonwealth Bank Comrnonwealth Bank of Australia ABN 48 123 123 124 AFSL 234945 ~1 1 rl u 1H 1111 rl·r'J''t'I·· 1J1• 1 1 1 1 1 INDUSTRY 2020 LIMITE;D 72 SPR INGLAK~ AVE CAROLINE SPRINGS VIC 3023 5 (Page 1 of 1) St9tement begins 28 April 2009 Statement ends 27 July 2009 Closing balance $165,447.76 CR Enquiries Business Transaction Account Narne: StC1tement 13 2221 (24 hours, 7 days) or your Rei<Jtion$hip Manager Account number 06 3158 10275088 INDUSTRY 2020 LIMIT!::D Branch; NORTH M!;;LSOURNE VIC. B~nk, State <S< Bran<;:h number (BSB) 06 3158. I Note: Proceeds of cheque? 9re not (:lvailable until cleared. Plea?e check that the entries listed on this statement are correct, If there are any errors, please contact the Bank immediately on 13 2221 or call your Relationship Man~ger. Further information about your account, including details of benefits or fees and chan;~es, i~ ~vailable by telephoning the enquiry number listed above. If you have a compl~int. information about our dispute r~solution process is available from the same enquiry number. -. = iiiiiiiiiiiiiii - ~ Debit Balance 28 Apr 2009 OPENING SALANCE $169,060.01.3 CR 01 May CBA MERCHANT f'E::c 5353109393975331 $ 169,000.58 CR !!!!!'!!!!!!!!! ~ Cre<:lit 11.3 May 000037 01 Jun Cf3A MERCHANT FEE 5353109393975331 1,395.86 $167,604.72 CR 59.50 $167,54!;>.22 CR 22 Jun ATO AT0161 31494427R173 315.00 30 Jun WITHDRAWAL $167,860,22 CR 2,000.00 $165,860.22 CR 59.oo $165,800.72 CR 08 Ju! 000038 2,700.00 $ 163,100.72 CR 1~Ju! 1,152.94 $161,947.78 OR 01 Jul C!3A MERCHANT FEE 53531093939/5331 000015 - 24 Jul Downer E;OI Engin OIND143625180 3,500.00 $165,447.78 CR $195,447.78 OR 27 Jul2009 Cl,Q$1 NG BALANCE Opening balance Total debits $169,060.08 CR $7,427.30 + Total credits CJQ!?ing balance $3,815.00 $165,447.78 CR 003-0034 270807 (SAI..1) 7!16 .12 ~2.1.1 ZZZ58R3 0303 MU.R3.S151.D208.L V[)1,0Q,Q 1 335 Conmonwealth Bank Commof]wealth Bank of Au&tralia ABN 48 123 123 124 AFSL 234945 1 11 1 1 •1 1 11 II 11 6 (Page 1 of 2) StaternE;lnt begins 28 July 2009 Statement ends 26 October 2009 Closin~ balance $135,081.17 CR ,II 111 1l•I'I''I·1··1r1• INDUSTRY 2020 l,IMITED 72 SPRINGLAKE AVE CAROLINE SPRINGS VIC 3023 Enquiries Business Transaction Account Name; Statement 1~ ~221 (24 hours, 7 days) or your Relationship Mana~er Accownt number 06 3158 10275088 INDUSTRY 2020 LIMITED Branch; NORTH M!;!..BOURNE VIC. Bank, State & Br~n ch nvmber (B$8) 06 3158, Proceeds of cheques are not gVailable ~ntil cleared. Please check th at the entries listed on this statement are correct. If there are any errors, plec;Jse contact the Bank immediately on 13 2221 or call yo1,1r Relationship Manager. Note: Further inform<;~tion 9bout your account, including details of benefits or fees and charges, is available by telephoning the enquiry number listed above. If you have a complaint, information about our dispute resolution process is available from the samCil enquiry number. Date Triln$action Debit Credit 28 Jul 2009 OPENING 6AkANCE = Balance $165,447.78 CR $162.447.78 CR ~------~--------~~--------------~~~~~----------~~~~~ 29 Jul 000018 281.95 $1()2,195,83 CR 03 Aug CBA MERCHANT FEE - 5353 1 09~93975331 87.50 $162,078.~3 CR 05 Aug 000014 40.00 $162,038.33 CR 10 Aug 000019 o,ooo.oo $157,038.33 CR 30 Jul 000017 -- 27 Au9 ATO AT016131494427R239 978.00 01 Sep CBA M~RCHANT FEE 5353109393975331 $158,016.33 CR $157,956.83 CR 15 sep 000020 5,000.00 $152,956.83 OR 18 Sep 000021 5,000.00 $147,956.83 CR 59.50 $147,897.33 CR 05 Oct CASHED CHEQUE 000022 .. 08 Oct WITHDRAWAL 5.000.00 $142,897,33 CR 08 Oct WITHDRAWAL 7,500.00 -·. - 01 Oct CBA MERCHANT FEE !;>3!>3109393975331 356.16 --- 23 Oct ATO ATO 16131494427R296 $139,04 1.17 CR 40.00 CR $135,081.17 CR 29 Oct 2009 CLOSING BALANCE Total debits $165,447.78 CR $1~S .08 1 . 17 $31,384.61 Closing bal~nce + $1,018.00 $135,081.1Y CR 003-0034 270807 (SAL1) 600.1403,1, 1 ZZ2!?8R$ 0303 MU,~3 ,$1(;1.1:l299.1- V01.00.01 336 Comnonwealth Bank Commonwealth B~u·Jk of Avstr~lia AE'lN 46 1 Z3 123 124 AFSL 234945 1·1'11111I'''"''"''',,.,.,,.JI,,,,, INDUSTRY 2020 LIMITED 72 SPRINGLAKE AVE CAROLINE SPRINGS VIC 3023 Statement 7 (Page 1 of 2) Stateml;!nt begins 27 Octobl;!r 2009 Statement ends 25 January 201 o Q!o~ing $85,455.86 CR balance Enquiries 13 2221 (24 hours, 7 days) or yoLJr Relationship M<:~n9ger Business Transaction Account Name: Account number 06 315810275088 INDUSTRY 2020 LIMITED 8ranoh: NORTH M~LBOURNE VIC. Bank, State & Branch number (SSB) 06 3158. ( Note; Proceec;fs of cheques are not available until cleared. Please check that the entries listed on this statement ere oorrt;Jot. If there are any errors, please contact the sank imm!ildiately on 13 2221 or call your Relationship Manager. Further information about your acco1.1nt. including details of benefit~ or fees and charges, i~ aveilable by telephot"ling the enquiry number listed above. If you have a complaint, information about our dispute resolution prooes~ is available from the st;~me enquiry number. Pate Debit Tr~nsaction 27 Oct 2009 OPENING !3ALANCE - ~ iiiiiiiiii Balance Credit $13t:i.081.17 QR 29 Oct WITHDRAWAL 9,500.00 $125.581.17 CR 59./;iO $125.521.67 CR 25.00 $125,496.67 CR OZ Nov CBA MERCHANT FSE 63q3109393975331 17 Nov 000023 30 NovATO AT016131494427R334 937.00 01 Dec CBA MERCHANT FEE 5353109393975$31 $126,433.67 CR 59.50 $126,374.17 CR 02 Dec 000024 6,726.50 $119,648.67 CR 08 Dec 000025 15 Dec; 000026 6.9(;15.00 $112,663.67 CR 1,720.96 $1 10,942.71 CR 21 Dec 000027 11 ,500.00 $99,442.71 CR 22 Dec VVITHP.RAWAL 10,000,00 2,310.00 $89,442.71 CR $87,1 32.71 CR 59.50 $87,073.21 CR 1,617.35 $85,455.86 CR - 24 Oec oooo29 04 J~n C6A MERCHANT fgE 5353109393975331 15 Jan 000030 ·- $85,455.86 CR 25 Jan 2010 CLOSING BALANCE Opening balance $135.0~1.17 ·- - CR Total debits $50,562.31 + Closing $937.00 o~!~nc;;e $8S.455.86 c~ Q03.Q034 270f!Q7 (SAU) 819.14:14.1.1 ZZZ58R3 0303 l'v1V.R3.S1 51.P025.l- V01.0Q,01 337 Comnonwealth Bank Commonwealth Ban!< of Australia ABN 48 123 123 124 AFSL 234945 '·1111111u11Huu,,.,.,..,., .. ,,,, INDUSTRY 2020 LI MITEW 7'2 SPRING!.,AKE AVE CAROLINE SPRING$ VIC 3023 8 (Page 1 of 1) Statement begins 26 January 2010 Statement end$ 27 Aprll2010 C!Ql?ing balance $35,897 ,6~ Enquiri(!l? Business Transaction Account Name: Statement CR 13 2221 (24 hours, 7 days) or yo ~r Relationship Manager Acool,lnt number 06 3158 1027508$ INDUSTRY 2020 LIMITED !?ranch: NORTH MelSOURN E VIC. Bank, State & Branch number (BSI?) 06 3158. Note: Proceeds of cheques are not available until cleared. Please cheok that the entries listed on this statement are correct. If there are any errors, please contact the Sank immediately on 13 2221 or call your Relationship Manager. Ft,Jrther Information about yol)r ~ccount, including details of benefits or fees and chClrges, is avaii<;Jble by telephoning the enquiry number listed above. if you have a complaint, information about our dispute resolution process is available from the same enquiry number. D~te Transaction -- ---: Debit Balance Credit $$5,455.$6 CR 26 Jan 2010 OPENING 6Al..ANQE 01 Pet> CBA MERCHANT FEE 53531 0939~~7~331 $85,396.36 23 Feb NET6ANK TRANSF!;R C.R 420.00 $64,976.$6 CR 50,000.00 $34,976.36 CR 59.50 $34,916.86 CR 05 Feb 000039 01 Mar CBA MERCHANT FEE 5353109393975331 05 MClr ATQ AT016131494427RQ64 '· $39,376.86 CR 4,460.00 01 Apr QSA MERCHANT FEE 59.50 $39,317.36 CR 07 Apr NETSANK TFR p'ly master card 1,869,67 $37,447.69 CR 16 Apr 1,550.00 $35,897.69 CR 535310939~975331 000026 $35,897.69 CR 27 Apr 2010 CLOSING BALANCE Tota l debits $85,455.86 CR 003-0034 ~70807 $54,018.17 + Total c re dits $4,460.00 = $35,897.69 CR (SAL 1) 94:1.1952.1.1 1!42:iBR3 0303 MU.RS S151.01 17.L V01,QM 1 338 Comnonwealth Bank Commonwealth l!!ank of A\lstr<Jii<I Af3N 48 123 123 124 AFSL 234~4 5 J,jl jlJIIJJIIHIIIlJf'l' p•pfulII! INDUSTRY 2020 liMITED 72 SPRINGLAKE: AVE CAROLINE SPRINGS VIC 3023 Name: 9 Statement begins 28 April 2010 Statement ends 26 July 2010 Closing balance $24,461.19 CR Enguiries Business Transaction Account (Pc;~ge Statement 1 of 1) 13 2221 (24 hours, 7 days) or your Relatipnship N!anQg~r Account number 06 3156 10275088 INDUSTRY 2020 LIMIT~O Branch: NORTH MELBOURNE VIC. Bank, State & Branch number (BSB) 06 3158. Note: \ Proceeds of cheques are not available until cleared. Please check that the entries li$ted on this statement are correct. If there are any errors, please contact the Bank immediately on 13 2221 or calf yow Relationship Manager. further informc;~tion about your account, including dE;Jtc;~ifs of benefits or fees and char~es, is avc;~ifable by telephoning the engviry nt,Jmber fisted above. If you h<we Q complaint, information about our dispute resolution process is available from the same enquiry nurnber. Date Dellit Trans~ction Credit $35,897.69 CR 28 Apr 2010 OPENING BALANCE = Balance 0:3 May CBA MERCHANT F~t; 59.50 !5363109393975331 $35,838.19 CR 50,000.00 17 May NETBANK TRANSF!;R 17 May oooo4o 52,723.50 $33, 114.69 CR 24 May 000041 5,000.00 $28,114.69 CR 27 May CASHED CHEQUE 00004? 3,600.00 $24,614.69 CR 31 MayATO 16,00 AT016131494427R161 \. 01 Jun CBA MERCHANT FEE 5353109393975331 23 Jun CAN rE~9393975331 $24,630,69 CR !j9.50 $24,671.19 CR 110.00 $24,461.19 CR $24,461.19 CR 26 Jul 2010 CLOSING BALANCE 003 ·00~4 Opening b~lance Total debits $35,897.69 CR $61,452.!)0 + Total cred it$ $50,016.00 "" Closing balance $24,461.19 CR 270807 (SAL1) 64~.1$7~ , 1.1 ?,Z25BR3 0303 MU.R3.S151.D207.L V01.0Q.01 339 Conmonwealth Bank Commonw~al th Bank of Australia ABN 46 12:;!1 23 124 AFSL 234945 Sta tement 10 (Page 1 of 1) · Statement begins 27 July 2010 1,(1(11jl111fH II I1r(• l'l ,. I+ .111. Statement ends 25 October 20 10 INDUSTRY 2020 LIMITED 72 $PRINGLAKE AVE CAROLINE SPRINGS VIC 3023 Closing balance $26,465.54 CR Business Transaction Account Account number 06 3158 102Y5088 Name: Enquirie~ 13 2221 (24 hours, i days) or your Relationship Mana9er INDUSTRY 2020 LIMITED Branch: NORTH MElBOURNE VIC. Bank, State & Branch number (BSB) 06 3158. Proceeds of cheques ;;~re not <;~V('lilat;>le until cleared. Please check that the entries listed on this statemE;Jnt are correct. If there are any errors, ple('lse contact the Bank immediately on 13 2221 or call your Relc;~tionship Manager. Note: Further information about yovr account, including details of benefits or fees and charges, is available by tE:J!ephoning the enquiry number listed e~bove. If you have a complaint, information about our dispute resolution process is available from the same enquiry number. Date Transaction Debit · Credit 27 Ju! 2010 OPENING BALANCJ; - iiiiiiiiiiiiiii 6alance $24,461,19 CR 30 Aug ATO AT0 161 31494427R242 $24,487.19 CR 29.00 14 Sep 000044 629.00 $23,858. 19 CR 17 Sep 000045 318.00 $23,540.19 CR 4,500.00 $19,040. 19 CR 74.65 $ 11;!,965.54 CR 04 Oct CASHED CHJ::Ql)E 000046 05 Oct NET!3ANK TFR to master c~m;J 13 Oct BRI.)NEL ENERGY P/ 137 $26,465.54 CR 7,500.00 $26,465.54 CR 25 Oct 2010 CLOSING BALANCE Opening ba!!:ll'"!ce T<;>tal debits $24.461.19 CR $5,521.Q!;i + Total cretfits $7,526.00 = Closing balance $26,46~.54 CR 003·0034 270807 (SAL1) 779.1556.1.1 ZZ258R3 03Q3 Ml,J,R3$151,EI29!!.:.L V01.0Q.o1 340 Conmonwealth Bank Commonwealth Bank of Al.lstralia ABN 48 123 123 124 AFSL 234945 ,,,,,,,,,II 'II·I 1111"'' ., .. ,.,.. ,,,, INDUSTRY 2020 LIMITED 72 SPRINGLAKE AVE Statement 11 (Page 1 of 1) Statement peg ins 26 October 2010 Statement ends 24 January 2011 Clo~ing balance $20, 5~2.54 CR CAROI,.INE SPRINGS VIC 3023 Enquiries Business Transaction Account Nc;lme: 13 2221 (24 hours, 7 days) or your Relationship M~ni,igE;lr Accol)nt number 06 3158 10275081;1 INDl)STRY 2020 LIMITED Branch; NORTH MELBOURNE VIC. sank, St9te & Branch number (BSB) 06 3158. ( \ Note: Proceeds. of cheques are not available until cleared. Please check th9t the entries listed on this statement are correct. If there are any errors, please contact the Bank immediately on 13 2221 or call your Relationship Manager. Fwrther informc;Jtion about your account, inQil)ding details of benefits or fees and charges, is c;JVc;Jilc;Jbi~P by telephoning the enql)iry number listed above. If you have a complaint, information about our dispute rl'psolution process is available from the same enquiry number. Date Transaction · Debit · Credit 26 Oct 2010 OPENING BALANCE -= Balance $26,46~ .54 CR 30 NovATO S7.QO AT016131494427R$34 $26,522.54 CR $20,522.54 CR 6,000.00 03 Dec 000047 24 Jan 2011 CLOSING BALANCE $20,S22.!?4 OR bal~nce Total debits $2f;i,4r;l5.54 CR $6,000.00 Opening + Total credits $!;)7.00 = C!osing balance $20,522.54 CR 003-0034 270807 (SAL 1) sn 1470.1.1 zz2ssR3 o3o3 MU.RJ.S 151.DD24.L V0 1.00.Cl1 341 Comnonwealth Bank Commonwealth Baq!< of At,~slralia ABN 48 123 123 124 AFSL 234945 1 11 1 •Pl tl r1 IJ •lllllrl•pr··r·l" '''' Ststernent 12 (Page 1 of 1) Statement begins 25 January 2011 Statement ends 27 April 201 1 C!o$jng balance $11,188.54 CR INDUSTRY 2020 LIMITED 72. SPRINGt.,AKI; AVE. CAROl-INE SPRINGS VIC 3023 Enquirie~ Business Transaction Account N~me: Account number 06 3158 10275088 INDUSTRY 2020 LIMITI;;D Branch: NORTH MELBOURNE VIC. S~nk, State & Branch number (BSS) Note: 1~ 2221 (24 hours, 7 days) or your Relationship Manager 09 3158. Proceeds of cheques are not available until cleared. Please check that the entries listed on this statement gre ·correct. If there are any errors, pleas~ contact the Bank immediately on 13 2221 or call your Reli3tionship Manager. Further information about your aocot,mt, including details of benefits or fees and charges, is available by telephoning the enquiry number listed above. If you have a complaint, information about our dispute resolution process is available from the same enquiry number. Date Transaction · Debit Credit 26 J~n 2011 OPENING BALANCE ealance . $2Q,S22,Q4 CR 27 Jan NElTSANK TFR masterq:m;J 3,21 5.00 $17,307.54 CR 4,800.00 $12,507.54 CR 1,319.00 $11,188.54 CR 21 Feb NETBANK TFR master card 28 Feb TAX OFFICE PAYMENTS NETBANK I;lPAY Tax 27 Apr 2011 C!,.OSING BALANCE $11, 188.54 CR Opening balance $~0,522 . 54 CR Total debits $9,334,00 + Tota! credits Nil = Closing balance $11 ,188.54 CR 003-0034 270a07 (SAL1) 1831.2638.1.1 2Z?5BR3 0303 MlJ.R~.$ 1 51.0117.!- V01.00.01 342 Conmonwealth Bank Commonwealth Sank of Av~tr~lia ASN 4!3 123 123 124 AFSL 234945 INDUSTRY 4020 LIMIT~D 72 SPRINGLAKE AVF;, Statement 13 {P<;~ge 1 of 1) Statement begins 28 April 2011 Statement ends 25 July 2011 Closing p~lanQ~ $45,659.54 CR CAROLIN E SPRIN GS VIC ~02:? Enquiries 13 2221 (24 hovr$, 7 d9ys) or yovr Relationship Manager Business Transaction Account Account number 06 315$ 10275088 Name: INDU STRY 2020 LIMITED Branch: NORTH Note: Proceeds of cheques are not available until c leared. Please check th<;tt the entries listed on this If there are any errors, pl?aS(il contact the B~mk immediately on 13 2221 or call your Relationship Manager. MRBQU RN~ VIC. Bank, State & Branch number (BSB) 06 3158. sta tem~nt ~ re correct. Further information abol)t yot,Jr account1 Including details of benefits or fees and ch arges, is available by telephoning the enql)iry number list(ild above. If you have a complaint, information about our dispute resoll!tion process is availi3ble from the same enquiry number. Date TramHtction Debit Credit 28 Apr 2011 OPENING SA ~AN CE - ~ $1 1. Hl$,o4 CR 17 May TAX OFFICE PAYM e;NT$ NIHSANK BPAY ATQ 30 June 10 $11,1 10.54 CR 78.00 07 Jun 000048 5,346.00 $5,764,54 CR 05 Jul NETSANK TRAN$fi;R 3,055.00 $2, roe.o4 cR 06 Jul ST AUSTRALIA REF WP8·1El$006~4 5,500.00 06 Jul OV!CK DEP-OSITS 16,!)00.00 $24,709.54 CR 11 Jul ASU VIC A & S SR PAYM !;NT 1557 5,000.00 $29,709.54 CR 13 ,Jul QUICK DEPOSITS 10,450.00 $40,1 59.54 CR 5,500.00 $45,659.54 CR 15 Jul BMD BMD Payment 043192 2~ .,Jvl 201 1 CLOSING BALANCE 00;3·D034 $45,659.54 QR Opening balance Total debits $11,188.54 CR $8,479.00 t Total credits = $45,659.54 CR noaa? (SAL-1) 101~. 1543. 1.1 ZZ4S6R~ Q3Q;l MU.R3.S11:!1.D20(l.L V02.02.01 343 ~ Conmonweallh Bank Commonwealth Bank of Australia AEIN 46 123 123 124 AF'SL :?34945 f,jfj1 1p11 1jftf11111j.1•1..1•Jul 11, INDUSTRY 2020 LIMITED 72 SPRINGLAKE AVE CAROliNE SPRINGS VIC 3023 Business Transaction Account Statement 14 (P~g!;! 1 of 2) Statement begins 26 July 2011 Statement end$ 25 October 2011 Closing balance $100,588.54 CR Enquiries 13 2221 (24 hovrs, 7 o~y$) or your Rel~!ionship Manager Account number 06 3158 10275088 INDUSTRY 2020 LIMITED N9me: Sranoh: 51 -53 Errol Street North Melbourne VIC Bank, State & Sranch number (BSB) 06 3158, ( I " PrOC!;!I;lc;l$ of cheques ~re not available until clec;~r~d. Please check that the entries listed on this statement ~re correct. If there 9re ~ny errors, please contact the Bank immediately on 13 2221 or call your Relationship Manager. Note; FIJrther inform<;~tion about your account, including details of benefits or fees and oh9rges, Is available by (!;*!phoning the enquiry number listed above, If you have a complaint, information g~bout our dispute resolution process is available from the same enq1,1iry number. -- 26 Jul 2011 OPENING BALANCE ~ 26 Jul Ql,JICK DEPOSITS 11,000,00 $56,659.54 CR 01 Aug CEPU TRAINING & . 20112 1 N MURPHY 5,500.00 $62,159.54 CR 02 Aug TRANSFIELD SC.RV. . 20111f;l 5,500.00· $67,659,54 CR 3,300,00 $70,959,54 CR $70,9 18,g4 CR 5,600.00 $76,418.54 CR iiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiii -- Debit D"te Transaction 6al~nce Cr~~it $45,659.64 CR -- --· 04 Aug WORKFORCE INH:RN WORKFORCEINTERNAT 41.00 04 Aug 000049 ·-· ·-- 05 Aug SUGAR AU$TRALIA 132305 09 Aug QUICK DJ;POSITS 12 Aug NBT~ANK TFR . TO MASH: RCARO 16,500.00 3,000.00 $92,~11;1.54 CR $89 , ~1f;l.54 CR 16Aug ATO AT0161~1494427R228 486.00 - 16 Aug Qantas Airways 1... 1224168 5,500.00 16 Aug Ql,JICK DEPOSIT$ 5,500,00 $90,404.54 CR $~5.~04.54 CR $101,404.64 CR 23 Aug NETBANI< TPR SLACK TIE CATERING - $91,404.64 CR -- 10,000.00 24 Aug CONTINeNTAL PTY ~408 11/S$01/3969 24 At,Jg NETBANK TF-R BLACK TIE CAT~RING 5,500.00 V;l!;iO.OO $96,904.54 CR $94,054.64 CR BALANCE CARRIED FORWARD $94,054.54 CR 003,0034 270807 (SAL1) ;mq9s.1.1 zzz:;e~3 0303 MU.RJ.S1S1.D296.L V02.D3.!l7 344 \ ' 14 (Page 2 of 2) Statement 06 3158 10275088 !.)at~ Transaction Debit Credit Balance $94,054.54 CR BALANCE BROUGHT FORWARD 01 Sep ACI GLASS AUST ACI ( '' OP~RATION$ P/L 11 ,000.00 $105,054.54 CR 11 ,000.00 1,500,00 $111,188.54 CR -$109,688.54 CR 5,000.00 $104,688,54 CR 4,100.00 $100,588.54 CR 4,1;lf;l6.00 06 Sep 000050 20 Sep Chq Dep Branch 06 3770 26 Sep Wdl Branch North Melbourne 29 Sep Tran?f{lr to xx9137 NetBanl< TO MAST~RCARD $100,11;lf.l.o4 CR 11 Oct Tran?fer to xx9137 NetBank TO MAST~RCARD 25 Oct 2011 CLOSING BALANC.E $100,58tHl4 CR Total debits $45,659,54 CR $31,357.00 + Total credits $86,2$6.00 - Closim;J !;lalang~ .. $100,588,54 CR A future without breast cancer is something worth planning for. By the 2012 Women's He~lth Diary, you're supporting life-saving research Into breast cc;~noer. To date, sales of this. diary have helped Commonwe<;~lth Bank and Breast CQ.ncer Institute of Australia rai$e over $7 million. Buy a dia.ry for jP$t $14.95 in..branch today, or visit<:er 345 Conmonwealth Bank CommQI')wealth Sank of Austral!;;~ ABN 48 123 123 124 AFSL 234945 Statement 15 {P<;lge 1 of 2) Statement begins 26 October 20 11 1·111 1111nlll·l 1111 d•J• 1"1'1''111' Statement ends 25 INDUSTRY 2020 LIMITED 72 SPRINGLAKE AVF; CAROLINE SPRINGS VIC 3023 Closing Q~Jance $3,945.54 CR Enquiries Business Transaction Account ( \ Jan~J~ry 2012 13 2221 (24 hour$, 7 d~ys) or yow Relationship Manager Account number 06 3158 10275088 Name: INDUSTRY 2020 LIMITED Branch: 5 1 - 53 Errol Street North Melbourne V IC Bc.lnk, State & !3rr;mch number (BSB) 06 3158. Note: Proceeds of che~wes are n ot available until cleared. Please check that the entrie$ li~ted on thi~ statement are correct. If there 9re ~my errors, please contact the Bank Immediately on 13 2221 or call your Relationship Manager. f urther inform<;ltion about your account, including details of benefits or fees and charges, is available by telephoning the enquiry number listed above. !f yov h<;lve a complaint, inform<;~tion <;!bout our dispu te resolution process is av!:lilable from the same enquiry number. Date Debit Transactic;m 26 Oct . 2011 QP~ NIN G Credit BALANCE 13alance $100,588.54 CR 16 Nov TAX OFFICE PAYM~NTS NetBank BPAY 75556 161314944277360 BAS July to Sept 11 10,228.00 $90,360.o4 CR 16 Nov Transfer to C6A Nc NetBank 75,000.00 $15,360.54 CR 420.00 $14,940.54 CR 19 Dec Chq 0000o2 presented 20 Dec Transfer to xx9137 NetBank master card 10 Jan Tr~ nsfer to xx9137 Ne!Bank 10 .,Jan Transfer to other 6;;mk NetBank 1,000.00 $13,940,54 CR ~.800.00 $10,140.~4 CR $~.945.54 6,195.00 GR $3,945.54 CR 25 Jan 2012 CLOSING BALANCE Opening balance Total gebits $10Q,S88.S4 CR $96,643.00 + Total cred.iW = Closing balance Nil QQJ-0034 270807 (SAL1) 229.348.1.1 ZZ258R3 0303 MlJ.R3.S151.D0;?5.L V02.03.07 346 15 (Page 2 of 2) Statement 06 3158 10275088 Transaction Summary during 1st September 2011 to 31st December 2011 Transaction Type 01 Sep 30 Sep 31 Oct 01 Nov to 31 Dec 1 0 0 1 0 0 to Staff assisted withdrawc;~ l s '- C6A ATM . . withdrc;~wa l in Aust 01 Oct tc;> Free Chargeable Stanc;J~rd Fee Oharge(f Price $0.95 $0.00 0 $0.55 $0.00 $0.20 ·-· · $0.00 0 0 0 CBA ATM transfers in Aust .. 0 0 0 0 0 EFTPOS in Australia 0 0 0 0 0 $0,20 $0.00 0 0 0 0 0 $0.20 $0 .00 Netl?ank transfers and SPAY 1 1 3 !,? 0 $0.20 $0.00 Dir~ct debits/Periodicc;~ l ~a~ments 0 0 0 0 $0,20 $0.00 2 $0.00 - Self service ~hone withdrawals C he g~e_s written Cnegue oe..egsit 0 0 .. Debit Mas te r~a rd creoi! o~ tion 0 $0.55 0 0 0 0 0 $0.55 $0.00 0 0 0 0 0 $0.20 $Q,OQ 0 0 0 0 $0.9Q $Q,QQ 0 0 $0.20 $0.00 0 $0.55 $0.00 0 $0.20 $Q.OO $10.00 $0.00 Over the count~r deeosit 0 Quick deposits 1 Cl1eg de~os it in gujck de~osit box 2 0 0 0 Electronic credits 1 0 0 2 1 Total 7 1 4 12 Account Fee De~osits 2 0 .. 0 $0.00 0 347 Conmonwealth Bank Commonwealth Sank of Australia ABN 48 123 123 124 AFSL, 234945 1 11 1 1 ·1 1rl u 11·1 111111'1'1.'1' I"111' INDUSTRY 2020 b.IMITED 72 SPR INGLAK~ AVE CAROLINE SPRINGS VIC 3023 16 (Page 1 of 2) Statement begins 26 January 2012 Statement ends 25 April 2012 Closing bal~nce $4,808.63 CR Enquiries Business Transaction Account Name: Statement 13 .2'21 (~4 hours, 7 c;tays) or your Relationship Manager Account nvmber 06 3158 10275088 INDUSTRY 2020 LIMITED ( Branch: 51 53 l;;rrol Street North Melbourne VIC Bank, State & Branch nvmber (BSB) 06 3158. \ NotE?: Proceeds of cheques ar~ not available until cleared. Plea~~ check that the entries listed on this statement are correct. If there are any errors, please contact thl;l Bank immediately on 1~ ?221 or call your Rel9tionship Manager. Purther information about your account, including details of benefits or fees and charges, is available by telephoning the enquiry number listed above. If you have a complaint, information 1;3bout our dispute resolution process is availablE? from the same enquiry number. ~ -- - - ........ iiiiiiiiiiiiiii - iiiiiiiiii Date Transaction Debit Credit 26 Jan 2012 OPSNING 6ALANCE Balance $3,945.54 CR 14 FE;lb ASIC Net8ank SPAY 1n01 229 1 ~ 14944276 $3.9513.54 CR 287.00 02. Mar Direct Credit 012721 ATO AT016131494427R062 170.00 ATO 08 Mar Chq 000053 presented Northcote 09 Mar Transfer frorn $S,828.54 CR $20,171.46 DR 24,000.00 Nete~nk 25,000. 00 12 Mar Overdrawing Approval Fee 01 Apr Oebit Excess Interest $4,828.54 CR 10.00 $4,818.54 CR !;).91 $4,8013.63 CR $4,808.63 CR 25 Apr 2012 CLOSING 8ALANC!= Openirl!;l balance $3,945,54 CR 003 -0~ 4 Total debit$ $24,306.91 + Total credits $25,170.00 = OIQ$ing balance $4,808.63 CR ;?70807 (SAL 1) Australian credit lic;:enQe 2 34945 ~19.1 .1 030~ 3 4 8 Q2'(.1 ZZZ58R3 MU.R3.S11i1.0117.L V04.03.09 16 (Page 2 of2) Statement 06 3158 10276088 Trans~ction Summary during 1st J~nuary 2012 to 31st March.2012 Transaction Typ~ ( \ 01 Feb to 29 Feb 31 Mar 0 0 0 0 0 $0.95 $0.00 CBA ATM withdrawal in Aust 0 0 0 0 0 $0.55. . . $0,00 CBA ATM transfers in Aust 0 0 0 0 0 $0.20 $Q,QO EFTPOS in Australia 0 0 0 0 $0.20 $0.00 0 0 3 0 $o.;w $0.00 0 0 $0.20 $0.00 0 0 $0.20 $0.00 0 $0.~ $0.00 0 Staff assisted withdrawals 01 Mar to Pric;:~ Self service ehone withdrawals 0 0 NetBank transfers and BPAY 2 Direct debits/Periooi!41eal:me_nts 0 0 0 Cnegues written Q 0 1 0 Free Chargeable Standard Fee Charged 01 Jan to 31 Jan Chegue deeosit 0 0 0 0 $0.55 $0.00 Debit MasterCar<;l <;:red it oetion 0 0 0 0 0 $0.20 $0.00 Over the CQI,mter c;Jeeosit 0 0 0 0 $0.95 $0.00 Qvick c;Jeeosits 0 0 0 0 0 0 $.0.20 $0.00 Che9 ~eeosit in guick deeosit box 0 0 $0.55 $0.00 $0.20 $0.00 0 0 0 Electronic credits 0 0 2 2 0 Tot~ I 2 1 3 6 0 Account Deposits Fee $0.00 $10.00 0 Q $0.00 2 Our hospitals need more Clown So do sick kids. Doctors~ Sick kids need a special kind of tre~tment to lift their spirits; the kind provided by the amazing Olown Doctors. With skill, empathy and a whole lot of fun, these profes$ionally trained entertainer$ do so much for kids in ho$pitals around the country. Commonwealth Bank has been a princ;;ip~l partner of the Clown Doctors since 1997. You can help us help the Clown Doctors deliver more emergency fun by donating today. Donate at any Commonwealth 6ank bn:mch or visit to find out more. 349 · Comnonwealth Bank CommQnwealth Bank of Austrg.lia ABN 48 123 123 124 AFSL 234945 Statement '·1'1'''''''II ·l''''rl·t·r··,·l··'t'' 17 (Page 1 of 2) Statement begins 26 April 20 12 Statement ends 25 July 2012 INDUSTRY 2020 l iMITED 72 SPRINGLAKE AVE Closing CAROLINE SPRINGS VIC 3023 Enquiries $3,1 OZ.91 CR b~!ance 13 2221 (24 hours~ day, 7 days a week) Business Transaction Account Name; INDUSTRY 2020 Accot,~nt number 06 3 158 10275088 LIM IT~P Bra11ch: 51 53 Errol Street North Melbourne VIC Bank, State & Branch number (SSS) 06 3 158, Note: Proceeds of cheQVes are not 13Vailable wntil cleared. Plec;~s e check that the entries listed on this statement are corre¢t. If there are any errors, please contaot the Bank immediately on 13 2221 or Q911 yovr Rf;ll!'ltionship Mana9er. Further information about your ac;:count1 inclw;ling details of benefits or fees and charges, is available by telephoning the enquiry number listed above. If you have a complaint, information about ot,Jr <;lil?pl)te resolution process is available from the sarne enquiry numl;>er. · D~te D~bit Transaction Credit 26 Apr 2012 OPgNING BALANCE Balance $4,808,63 CR 5,000.00 03 M\IY Chq 000054 presented 06 7205 $191 .37 DR 04 May Direct Crec;lit 012721 ATO AT0161S1494.427R125 ATO 14 M~yTransferfro m NetBank l?l)siness account 14 M\IY Transfer to CBA Ale NetBank A<;<;Qunting fees 2, 1 ~3.00 $1,991 ,1;i;3 CR 5,000.00 $6,991.(;);3 CR 4,180,00 18 M(ly Direct Credit 058986 DOWNER ~ DI ENGIN OIN01431385146 DOWNER EDI ENGIN $2,811 .1;i;3 CR 5,500,00 01 Jun Debit Excess Interest 0,09 - 01 Jun Loan Service Pee 65.00 $8,311,63 CR $8,3 11.!?4 CR $~,256.54 CR ~- 13 Jun Chq Q0Q055 presented 15;3.93 $8,102,61 QR l'.OOO.OO $3,102.61 CR 01 Jul DEBIT INTEREST CHARGED on this account to June ~ o~ 2012 is 10.00 20 Jul Tr(lnsfer to xx9137 NetBank ma.ster <;;;~ rd 25 Jul2012 CLOSING BALANCE Opening balance $4,608,63 CR $3, 102.61 CR Tot~! debits $14,389.02 + Total credits Closing p~lance $12,683.00 $3.1 02.61 CR 003. 0034 270(.307 (SAL1) Austmlian cr!ildit licence 234945 Hl0.29?. 1.1 ZZ2!iBR3 030~3 5 Q MU.R3.S151.P.207, L V03.00.03 17 (Page 2 of 2) Statement 06 3158 10275088 Transaction Summary during 1st April 2012 to 30th June 2012 ' 01 Apr 01 Jun to 30Apr 01 May to 31 May 30 Jun Stclff assisted withdrawals 0 0 0 CBA ATM withdrawal in Aust 0 Q Tr"'nsaction Type 0 0 $0.00 $0.00 0 0 0 $o.os $0.00 $0.00 CBA ATM transfers in Aust 0 0 0 0 0 $0.20 EFTPOS in Australia 0 0 0 0 0 $0.20 $0.00 Self servic~ ehone withdrawals 0 0 0 0 0 $0.20 $0.00 1 0 $0.20 $0.00 0 0 0 0 0 $0.:20 .1 2 0 $0.00 $0.00 . $0.00 0 0 0 $0.00 $0.00 $p.20 $0,00 NetBank transfers and BPAY 0 - Direct debits/Periodical!2a~rnents 0 Chegues written 0 Chegue deQosit 0 0 Debit MasterCard credit oetlon 0 0 0 0 0 Over the counter deeoslt 0 0 0 0 0 $0.00 $0.00 0 0 0 $0.00 $0.00 0 0 $0.00 36 0 $0,20 $0.00 $().00 $0.00 $0.00 (;lt,Jick d~!)Sits Cheg deeosit in guick de8osit box 0 0 0 0 Electronic Qredits 0 3 0 0 Tot111 0 0 1 Account Fee \_ Free Chargeaple Unit Price fe(:l Charg(:lg to Deeosits 0 3 0 $0.00 0 351 Conmonwealth Bank Commonwealth B<~nk of Austr;;!li~;~ ASN 48 1:?3 123 124 AFSL 234945 18 (P9ge 1 of 2) St9tement Statement begins '·1 111111II 1IH11 II,,.,., •• ,.,.,,,,. Statement ends INDUSTRY 2020 LIMITED 72 SPRINGLAKE AVE CAROLINE SPRINGS VIC 3023 Closing balance Enquiri~!? Business Transaction Account Nc;~me ; . 26 July 2012 25 October 2012 13 2221 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week) Acco1,1nt number 06 3158 10275068 INDUSTRY 2020 LIMITI:ZD Branch: 51 -53 Errol Street North Melbourne VIC Bank, Stc;tte & E?r9nch number (SSB) 06 3158. Note: Proceeds of cheques 9re not available until cleareq. Please check that the entries listed on this statement are correct. If there are any errors, please cont~ct the Bank imrnedic;~tely on 1$ 2221 or c91i your Relationship Manager. F1,1rther information about your account, including details of benefit!;> or fees and charges, is available by telephoning the t;Jnquiry number listed above. If yo1,1 have a complaint, information about our dispute resolution process is available from the same enquiry number. Pate Tr~ll!?~Qtion Debit Credit 26 Jul 2012 OPE:NING BALANCE $3,102.61 CR 15 Aug TAX OFFICE PAYMENTS NetBank BPAY 75556 161314944277360 22 Aug Chg 0000;;19 presented 06 3770 30 Aug Tr~msfer to Balstnce CBA Nc NetBank 12 Sep Chq 000057 presented Footscray 39.00 $3,063.61 CR 1,000.00 $2,063.61 CR 2.000.00 $9~. 91 CR 10,000.00 $9,f;l~6.39 DR 13 Sep Transfer frorn NetBank 17 Sep Overc;Jr~wing Approval Fee ;2q Sep Direct Credit 301600 NL)W VIC BRANCH INV 201206 28 Sep Qhq 000058 presented North Melbourne 01 Oct Debit Excess Interest 10,000.00 $63.q1 CR $53.91 CR 5,500.00 $5,553.61 CR 10.00 3,000.00 $2,553.61 CR 4.88 $2,548.73 CR 05 Oct Transfer from NetBank cheque account 4.000.00 $2,541U:? CR 4,000.00 05 Oct Tnmsferto xx9137 NetBank $6,548.73 CR 08 Oct Direct Credit 301500 WINDSOR MANAGEME INV- 201207 - . 5,500,00 $8,046.73 CR 5,500.00 $13,5.46.73 CR 1,500.00 $15,048.73 CR 11,000.00 $;29,048.73 CR 10 Oct Direct Credit 066321 THIESS DEGREMONT 01224542 19 Oct Direct Credit424852 ML)$HROOMEXCHANGE 2000066291 MUSHROOM EXCHANGE 19 Oct Direct Credit 015925 COVSRFORCE-OPERA Coverforce 201216 COVERrORCE:,OPERA SA!..ANCE QQ3-00:,l4 270807 (SA61) Australian credit licence 234945 CAR~ I~ D FORWARD $26,048.73 CR 352 178.311.1.1 ;1:2~5BR~ 0~0:;! MU.R3,6161.0Z99.L VQ3.00.03 Statement 18 (Page 2 of 2) Accol)nt number 06 3158 10275088 Credit Balance -$26,048.73 CR 25 Oct Direct Credit 06S16G SDA VIC BRANCH PAYM ENT 17975 5,500.00 $31 ,546. 73 QR 25 Oct Direct Credit 419346 QhifiE;ly Financia CHIFLEY FINGAL PMT 5,500.00 $37,046.73 CR Date Transaction BALANC~ ( ~ Debit SROl,JGHT FORWARD 25 Oct 2012 CLOSIN<3 SALANCE Qp~ning $37,048.73 CR t:Jalance Tot~!l l;!ebits $3, 102.61 CR $20,053.88 + Total credits = Closing balance $~7,048.73 ' $54,000,00 CR Transaction Summary during 1st J~ly 2012 to 30th September 2012 Transaction Type 01 Jul to 01 A1,19 01 Sep to to 31 J~l 31 Aug 30 Sep 0 Staff assisted withdrawals 0 0 Chegues written 0 0 Chegue de~osit 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 over the counter deposit Quick deposits Free Charg1;1aple l)nit Price Fee Charged 0 0 $0.00 2 2 0 $0,00 $0.00 0 0 0 $0.00 $0.00 0 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0 0 0 0 $0.00 $0.00 Cheg dE;Jeosit in ,g_ uick de_posit box 0 0 Q 0 0 $0.00 $0.00 Tot!~ I 0 0 2 2 0 Account Fee Dee\?slt~ $0.00 $0.00 0 0 $0.00 2 Statement message Your statement i~ changing We're o\Jr b~nk!ng system to provide YQY wit!l a fa:;;ter, more responsive service. As part of this process, we're making some c;;tl<II'Jge~ to ~ccoul']t statements to give customers clearer, more detailed Information about their tra11sactions. These changes will t~ke pl~ce ~radually as we move <tc;;<;:ounts over to our new system. The chan~es you rn<tY notice include: • Transactions fisted In tile or9er they're made. • Qlearer oreakdowns of fees fi!ni;l charges. • Summary of interest rmes for yovr (lCCount To find o\lt more about the changes th<tt <!Pply to your account, go to;;~y/sta terne ntc han(!es 353 Conmonwealth Bank Cornmor!'•'Ve9!1h Bank of Austrl'llia ,ABN 4e 12~ 123 124 ArSL 234945 19 (Rage 1 of4) Statement Statement begins 26 October 2012 '·1 111rllr rill ·1 1111 rl·r·r"t'l·· 1r1• Statement en<;ls 25 January 2013 INDUSTRY 2020 LIMITED 72 SPRINGLAKE AVE CAROUN!; $PRINGS VIC 3023 Q!osing balance 13 2221 Enquiries (24 hours a day, 7 days <J week) Business Transaction Account Account number 06 3158 10275088 INDUSTRY 2020 LIMITED Name: sranch: 51 -53 Errol Street North Melbourne VIC Bank, State & Branch number (BSB) 06 3158. ProQet;J<;Is of cheques are not availabl~ until cleared. Please check that the entries Hstfild on this st~tement are correct. If there are ~ny errors, please contact the !3<;mk Immediately on 13 2221 or call your RelationshiP Manager. Note: Further information about your account. incli,.Jding dfiltails of benefits or fees and charges, is available by telephoning the enquiry number listed above. If you have a complaint, inform:;~tion about our dispute resolution process is available from the same enquiry number, D~te Transaction Debit Credit 26 Oc;:t 2012 OPENING 6AL,ANCE Balance $37,046.73 CR 26 Oct Oirect Credit 098909 INDEP~NDENT CEME 2340 INDEPENDI;:NT Ct:ME 750.00 $37,79$.73 CR 26 Oct Direct Credit 010942 AUST FINANCIAL A CCS inv 201 2 10 AUST FINANCIAL A o,5QQ.OO $43,298.73 CR 30 Oct Direct Credit 1341;>12 Bora! CMG l.,td 3304719 Sor~l CMG Ltd 5,500.00 $48,198.73 CR 31 Oct Direct Credit 396833 CAPRAL LIMITED 2012 14 CAPRA!:- l,!MITED 5,500.00 $54,291;!.73 CR 5,500.00 $5~,79$ .73 31 Oct Direct Credit 301500 John Ho!l;;~nd Gro 271 6·502084t: . -02 Nov TAX OFFICE PAYMENTS NetB~n k BPAY 75556 161314944277360 BAS QTR SEP1? 271,00 CR $59,527.73 CR 05 Nov Salary NIOA NIQA INV 201232 NIOA . 07 Nov Chq 000059 presented Pascoe Vale 1,500.00 700.00 $61,027,73 CR $60,327.73 CR 08 Nov Direct Credit 4 11 310 SMD BMD P~ym e nt 070817 BMD 12 Nov Chq (')ep QDB 06 3770 5,500.00 $65,827.73 CR 5,500.00 $71,327.73 CR BALANCE CARRIED FORWARD $71,327.73 CR 00~-00911 270607 (Sf\\, 1) Australian credit licence 2.34945 354 s93.9o1 .1.2 m~eR3 0303 MU.R3.s1-~ 1 .DQ25.L V04.00.00 Oat~ Statement 19 (Page 2 of 4) Account number 06 3158 10275088 Debit Transa(:tion Credit BALANCE BROUGHT FORWARD $71,327.73 CR 14 Nov Transfer to other B~nk NetBank ZINC INV444375 \ Balance $61,327.73 CR 10,000.00 14 Nov Direct Credit 4381?36 C?EOTECH GROUP SE INVOICE 201234 <;i)gOTECH GR()!JP SE 14 Nov Direct Credit 128594 The Shannon Co lnv 201230 The Sh;:mnc;>n Co -- .. 14 Nov Direct Credit 037819 ZOOM NATIONAL PT Zoom 2012311 ZOOM NATIONAL PT 15 Nov Transfer to other Bank NetBank ZINCINV444379 3,000.00 $64,327.73 CR 790.00 $65,077.73 CR 3,000.00 $68,077.73 CR 10,000.00 $98,077.73 CR 15 Nov Qgntgs Airways L 1306809 9.500.00 $63,577.73 CR 15 Nov Direct Credit 198277 TRI,,energy Servic IN DIJ8-000000000 TRIJenergy Servia 2,2!10.00 $65,827.73 CR 15 Nov Oireot Credit 208250 CEPU VIC PT~IJ INV 201220 .. . - -· 15 Nov l:lireot Credil124845 BOM6AROI~R AI,,ST R6f WP8-19605919 BOMBARDII!R AIJST 5,oQO.OO $71,327.73 CR 5,500.00 $76,827.73 CR 15 Nov Qirect Crer;fil426571 MAURICE BLACKSIJR INVOICE MAURICE BLACKBUR 5,500.00 $82,327.73 CR - 19 Nov Transfer to other !:.lgnk NetBank ZINCINV444375 8,771.81 $73,555.92 CR 16 NQv Transfer to other B~mk NetBank ZINCINV444375 1,228.1~ $72,327.73 CR ... 16 Nov Direct Creoit 301500 AWU VICTORIA OFF REFUND CURR~NCY 19 Nov Direct Credit 06E.!579 EXECUTIVE MEDIA Exec Media (PTEU) 750.00 $73,077. 7~ CR 5,500.00 $78,577.73 CR 16 Nov Direct Credit140167 DOWNER EDI WORKS INV:201213 OOWNER EDI WORKS 5.500.00 $84,077.73 CR 17 Nov Transfer to other 6<;Jn!< NetBgnl< ZINCINV444375 ' 19 Nov Wdl Branch North Meloovrne I 1,.271 ,81 $82,805.92 CR 1;>,000.00 $76,805.92 CR - BALANCE CARRIED FORWARD $76,805.92 CR 355 Statement 19 (Page 3 of 4) Account nt,Jmber 06 3158 10275088 Date TramHIQtion SALANCE BROUGHT rORWARD -- Balance Credit Debit $76,805,92 CR .-, 19 Nov Direct Credit 199296 Skilled Group Ll 20121 1191-0002 Skilled Group Li 19 Nov Direct Credit 12{1594 Maximum Capital lnv Z01244 Maximvm Capital 5,500.00 $82,306.92 CR 5,500.00 $87,805.92 CR 750.00 $88,555.92 CR 1,500.00 $90,055.92 CR 5,500.00 $95,555.92 CR 4,000.00 $99,555.92 CR 5,500.00 $105,055.92 CR 750.00 $105,805.92 CR ZO Nov Dlrec;:t Credit 301500 A$l) VIC A & S BR INV NO 201237 20 Nov Direct Credit 39479$ A & L WINDOWS PT IND0006-15444 A & L WINDOWS PT 21 Nov Chq Dep QDB 06 ~770 22 Nov Direct Credit 141000 NSG Plumbing NSG f?lumbing NSG Plvmbing 23 Nov Clirec;:t Credit 301500 ME Bank Ef'T2~1 11 2 23 Nov Direct Credit 20839~- SUGAR AUSTRALIA 132~0!;) 26 Nov VE:NTRAIP GROVP NetBank SPAY 556407 . 11~44~89 VENTRAIP !;MAILAC 17.8§ $105,788.07 CR 29 Nov Direct Credit 437229 CDC INVESTMENT CDC!NVESTMENTGROVP CDC INVeSTMENT 5,500.00 01 Dec Loan Service Fee $1 11 ,288.07 CR $5.00 $111,253.07 CR 99!;).00 $110,258.07 CR 4.7~0.00 $105,528.07 CR 05 Dec;: Transfer to other Bank Net8ank FLOWER INV454 18 Dec Transfer to CBA Ale NetBank event by Claire 20 Dec Direct Credi\360162 TRIO PLUMBING A TRIO PLUMBING TRIO P!..l,JMBING A 11,000.00 08 Jan Transfer to xx9137 Nf;lt6~nk master c~rd paymen $11 6,528.07 CR $115,428.07 CR 1,100.00 10 Jan Oirec;:t Credit 358927 RACING VICTORIA RACING VICTORIA RACING VICTORIA --23 Jan Direct Credit 067596 MOSIL OIL AUSTRA 201228_ MOBIL OIL AUSTRA 750.00 $116,178.07 CR 1,oQO,OO $117,671;!.07 CR ;25 Jan 2013 CLOSING BALANCE $117,678.07 CR Opening bal<mcE.! Total c;fel::lits $37,048.73 CR $45,120.66 + Total c,:rec;fits = Closin~ balance $1 17,678.07 CR 356 593.902.2,2 ZZ~58R3 O:JO~ MU.R3.S151.D025,L V04.00.00 $t~t«?rnent 19 (Page 4 of 4) Accou nt number 06 3156 10275088 Transaction Summary during 1st October 2012 to 31st December 2012 Tran~action Type 01 Nov 01 Dec 01 Oct to 31 Oct to 30 Nov to 31 Dec 0 1 0 Cheques written 0 1 Chegue degosit Staff assisted withdrawals Free Chargeable l)nit Price Fee Charged 0 $0.00 $0.QQ ·\·. 0 0 $0.00 $0.00 0 0 0 Q 0 $0.00 $0.00 QvE;Jr the counter degosit 0 0 0 0 0 $0.00 $0.QQ Quick degosits 0 2 0 2 0 $0.00 $0.00 0 2 .. 0 2 0 $0.00 $0.00 Q 6 0 6 0 12 2~ Che9 degosit in Total ( Ac;:c;:ot,Jnt Fee \ Deposits qt,~ick deposit box $0.00 $0.00 $Q,QO 3 S? 593.902.2.2 ;!2.258R3 0303 Ml).R3.S151.0 02S,L VQ4.QO,QQ _, Conmonwealth Bank Oommorwvealtl! Ban~ of Australia ABN 48 123 123 124 AFSL 234945 '''''''''"''~'~ 1111,,'1'1''1 ,, St;;Jtement 20 (Pc;tge 1 of 2) Statement begins 26 J<;muary 2013 St<;~tement 25 April 2013 ends ! ,,,,, INDUSTRY 2020 LIMITeD Closing balance $129,708.22 CR 72 SPRINGLAKE AVE CAROLINe SPRINGS VIC 3023 Enquiries 13 2221 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week) Business Transaction Account t, Aooount number 06 3158 10275088 Name: INDUSTRY 2020 LIMITED Branch: 51 -53 Errol Street North Melbourne VIC B~mk, St;;Jte & Branch number (BSB) 06 3158. Note: Proceeos of cheqt,Jes are not available until ole;;Jred. Please check thet tht;l entries listed on this statement are oorrec;:t. If there are any errors, please contact the Bank immediately on 13 2221 or call your Relationship Manetger. Further Information about your aooot,Jnt, including details of benefits or fees and charges, is avail!'.lble by telephoning the enquiry number listed c;tbove. If you have a complaint, infQrmation about our dispute resolution process Is available from the same enquiry number. -- iiiiiiiiiiiii ~ Date Transaction Debit Credit 26 Jan 2013 OPENING BALANCE $117,6713.07 CR 29 ,Jan Chq Dep Branch North Melbourne 5,500.00 $123,178.07 CR 1,500,00 $124,678.07 CR 04 Feb Direct Credit 399146 SPOTLI;$$ FACILIT SPOTLeSS SPOTL!:!S$ FACILIT 12 Feb TAX OFFICE PAYMENTS NetBank SPAY 75556 161314944277360 Bas Dec 2012 27 Feb V~NTRAIP GROUP Net6ank 10,884.00 $113,794.07 CR 17.85 $113,776.22 CR SPAY !)9~407 11987781 20 fvlar Oirec;:t Credit 314496 ACI GLASS Al,JST ACI OP~f'{ATION$ P/L ACI GLASS AUST 11,000.00 17 Apr Direct Credit 128594 cesar expences relmberse cesar 4,932.00 $129,708.22 CR 25 Apr 2013 CLOSING BALANCE $129,708.22 CR Opening balance TotS~I (lep!t:;; $117,678.07 CR $10,901.85 + Total credits $22,932.00 = Closing t;Jalance $129.706.22 CR QQ3· 0034 270807 (SAL1) Australian credit licence 234945 92] .1'f50.1.1 ZZ25!lR3 OqQ~ V04.01 .00 SL. ~~.S 001 ,0116.0 358 20 (Page Account number 06 3158 10275088 Transaction Summary during 1st January 2013 to 31st March Tr~nsaction Type ( \. ' 2 of 2) Stc;~tement 01 Mar ~013 free Chargeable Unit PriQe Fee Charged 01 Jan to 31 .Jan 01 Feb to 28 Feb 311\11~r Staff assisted withdrawals 0 0 0 0 0 $0.00 $0.00 q hegues written 0 0 0 0 $0.00 $0.00 !0.00 $0.00 tQ Chegue deeosit 1 0 0 1 0 0 Over the counter depo~it 1 0 1 0 $0.00 $0.00-- Quipk deEosit~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $0.00 $0.00 0 0 0 0 $0.00 $0.00 2 0 $().00 $0.00 ~heg deposit in guick_deposit box Total 2 Account Fee Deposits 0 - 0 $0.()0 3 359 Conmonwealth Bank Commonwealth Sank of Austr<~lie ABN 48 123 12:3 124 AFSL 234945 Statement J," I111111111'I,,,,,,...,IIIIII,,, I I INDUSTRY 2020 LIMITED 13 GLENMAGGIE CH CAROLINE SPRINGS VIC 3023 21 (P?Jge 1 of 2) Statt?ment begins 26 Apri1201 3 Statement ~nds 14 May 2013 Closing balance Nil 13 2221 Enquiriel5 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week) Business Transaction Account LIM IT~D Name: INDUSTRY 2020 Branch; 51 ~ 53 Errol Street North Melbourne VIC Bank. State & Branch number (BSB) 06 3158. Note: Proceeds of cheques are not available until cleared. Please check that the entri~s listed on this statement are correct. If thr:;we Qre any errors, please contQQt the Bank immedh'lte!y on 13 2221 or call yol)r R~lationsh lp Manager. ' ( \ Account number 06 3158 10275088 Further information about your account, incJI,J<;Jing details of benefits or ff;les and charges, is available by telephoning the enquiry number listed above. If you have a complaint, inforrn?JtiQn about our dispute resolution process is av9ilable from the same enquiry number. ==- iiiiiiiiii ----:a ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Date Trans~c;tion Debit Credit 26 Apr 201 3 OI"~NING BALANCE 6~1ance $1.29,708,2.2 CR :30 Apr Transfer to xx9137 NetBank master card 3,235.08 $126,473.14 CR 34, 1 2~.23 01 May Transfer from N~tBan k $160,596.37 CR 13 May Tr~nsfe r to other Bank NetBank progressive soci91 10,000.00 $150,596.37 CR 13 May Transfer to other Bank Net6~ nk 20,000.00 13 M9Y lr~msfer to CBA Ale NetBank 11 ,990.00 $130,596.37 CR $118.936,37 OR 4$,21;)4 .84 $7S.e51.53 CR 6,202.40 $69,449. 13CR 1~ May TAX OFF I C~ PAYMENTS Ne!Bank BPAY 75~!;i6 191314944277360 varioivs t9x bills 13 May Transfer to otn~r B~ nk NetBank 14 May Transfer to CBA Nc Net6ank don nation 14 May Transfer to CBA Nc Net69nk donnation 20,000.00 $49.449.13 CR 30,000.00 14 May Wd! Sr~mc;;h North Melbourne 10,000,00 $19,449.13 CR $9,449,1$CR 14 May Wdl Branch North Melbourne 5,?10.00 $$,939.13 CR 3,939,00 $0.1 3 CR .. 14 MaY Wdl Branch North Melbourne 14 May Transfer In Branch North Melbourne 0.11 14 May Closed Account Branch North Melbourne · 0.24 14 MaY 201 3 CLOS IN<3 f;!ALANCE 003- 0034 $Q,24CR $0.00 Nil Opening balance Total debits $129,708.22 CR $163,831.5.6 + Total credits Clo!?ing balance $34,123.34 Nil ??0?07 (SAL1) Australian credit licence 234945 360 ?Z2 ~t:lR3 0 50~ MlJ.R:3,$ 1S1.1;.J134.L ¥04.01.00 21 (Page 2 of 2) Statement 06 3158 10275088 Transaction Summary during 1st April 2013 to 14th May 2013 Transaction Type ~ Staff assisted withd r~wal s 01 May 01 Apr to 30Apr 14 M~y 0 3 Fr~e Chargeable Unit Price Fee Chargecf to 3 0 $0.00 $0,00 $0.00 $0.00 ~heques written 0 0 0 0 Chegue deEOSit 0 0 0 0 $0.00 $0.00 Over the counter cleEosit 0 1 1 0 $0.00 $0.00 fluick deE9$i(s 0 0 0 $0,QQ $0,0() Cheg deeosit in guick deEosit box 0 0 00 0 $0.00 $0.00 Total 0 4 4 Q $0.00 $0.00 . $0.QQ Account f:ee De osits . - 2 ( 361
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