114, Motijheel Commercial Area Dhaka-1000 Bangladesh NRB Commercial Bank Limited ………………………………………….. Financial Statements for the period ended 30 September 2014 NRB COMT,IERCIAL BAiIK LIMITED tu at Balance Sheet 30 S€otember 2014 Particulars t-.,l@ lll:t ffi PROPERTY AiID ASSETS Cash: ln Hand (lncluding Foreign Currencies) Balance with Bangladoch Bank and its agent bank (s) (including foreign currencies) Balance with other banks lnd financial institutions 3 3.1 3.2 4 In Bangladesh Outside Bangladesh oney at call and shoft notice InYestments 6 Eills purchased and discounted Flxed asrets including premises, furniture and fixtures Other assets 2,s8,79,03,2t7 I I rr,og,sz,orz || 4,r9,5r,9,66s z,og,ss,tto I I 5 Government Others Loans, advances and lease /investments Loans, cash credits, overdrafts etc./ investments I I 7 8 I I I I 3,77,61,11,922 I I t,zg.:t,qs,osg U.32.44.539 9,32,44,s39 I I 1t. II sr,eo,qq,qra I | 10,69,7r.99.236 3.)1.7r.45.44\ :,:o,ss,zo: 9 26,43,51,455 14,51,49,166 10 75,02,6,755 s0,9s,08,218 I I Non - banking assets @ Total assets LIAEILITIES Li.bilitics A @ D CAPITAL Borrowings from other banks, financial institutions and ag€nts t1 Deposits and othea accounts t2 t=j9-.30^8-te36l 4,90,99,55,503 Current accounts and other accounts Eills payable Savings bank deposib Special nohce deposits Fixed deposits Other deposits 77,53,45,t54 r3,68,15,121 43,96,34,48 23,02,00,340 !0,63,61.,07,327 3,18,61,689 7,55,40,097 3,68,38,153 4,05,48,59,292 Other liabilities t Total liabilities : -----fi7tBid::r ------5],:.f4fr.s,; Total Shar€holders' Equlty Paid -up capital Statutory reserve Other res€rve Retained eamings Totnl Li.bilities and Shareholders' Equity 14 15 16 1) 1E,%,6e,46s1 l--------n6,st,4111 NRB COM]i{ERCIAL BANK UMITED Balance Sheet As at 30 September 2014 Particulars OFF . EALANCE SHEET Contingent EXPOSURES liabilities l8 Acceptances and endorsements Letters of guarantee Irrevocable letters of credit 3.69.S7.84.710 1.08.3r.05.798 51,72,90,4t0 lt,57,34,254 1,43,22,08,767 64,54,04,000 12,u,95,1_93 Bills for colledion 45,03,28,034 Other contingent liabilities Other commitments Documentiry credits and short term trade -related transactions Forwad asseb purchased and forward deposits placed Undrawn note issuance and revolving underwriting facilities Undrawn formal standby facilities , credit lines and other commitments Liabilities against forward purchase and sale Total Off-Balance Sheetexposures including conungent liabilities ________1J!.119t298 Other memorandum items Value of travellers cheques Value of savings certificates (sanchaya patra) These Fanancial Statements should be read in coniunction with annexed notes (l to 45) -Muiibur Rahman Chief Fianacial Officer Dhaka, 23 October 2014 NRB COI.IMERCIAL BANK LIMITED Profit and Loss Account For the Period ended 30 September 2014 Particulars OPERATING INCOME lnterest income [ess: lnterest paid on deposits and borrowings, etc. Net interest inaome lnvestment income Commission, exchante and brokeraEe Other operatinS income Total operatlnS lncome (A) I E f ',;;-':,'l t''',';*-l I"Tf ill tE,,,,;:;ilI rs f 20 | r-1a%s3,73t'lfrr-r4j1p1, gs.z:.so,o:a ll 15,18,57.701 zt ,, f 23 || ro.:o,ss,geq I J II 21,94,05,056 4t666sEil l--jr-rx81.11t1 aq,ae,Btlz ll t,gq;tpe I (79,48,14s) 10,95.09.919 ztE,nji.nilt 3r/rEl l--- nlqrqsu ll----rt.-rr.4 6,is,is,663ll sr,ro,ser ll z,zt,zetza | | rr.zs.zoz 1,62,7s,4o8ll 10,14,613 s6,s2,ss1 7,01,700 B-_l | | I ll 60,84,84,945 22,95,03,991 22,7 1,67 ,7 61 50,14,365 8,36,96,794 3,40,97,L43 20,780 27,96,620 61,12,745 48,50,000 35,92,7 42 6,08,623 8,01,129 95,76,4L7 ,,rr,rr,rro | 11,35,03,739 OPERATING EXPENSES Salary and allowances Rent, taxes, insurance, electricity, etc. Legal expenses 24 18,44,69,214 5,51,53,982 25 9,66,6t,122 26 Postate, stamps, telecommunication, etc. Stationery printin& advertisement, etc. 27 Chief Executive's salary and fees Directors' fees & meeting expenses 29 L,30,376 71,02,62A 2,36,94,551 73,25,000 22,25,450 6,77,62,202 30,225 Auditors' fees CharSes on loan losses 31 Depreaiation and repairs of Bank's assets Other expenses Total operating expenses (B) 33 28 30 6,85,57,956 35 36 37 Total provision {D) Profit before taxation (C-D) Provision for taxation Current tax 0eferred tax Net profit after taxation 38 39 | I| I I I I I I I I 45,82,05,031 t5,o2.19,94 6,75,04,294 4,04,97,919 7,2s,2o,879 ra,oa.or: 2.16,53,s09 ll llll 2,20,74.s80 I I ||| 41.29,802 | r.oe.os.rzs I o,.rr,,.o1l 28.44,s66 I I t.re.oru B.qt )so I I I 7,88,90,318 3,46,11,421 r.ze.ss.sas 8,53,513 ta8.6t-r[ -- r"%os,s63l f]1,r3ptzg5i ll 4,75,73,986 r,sg,zg,rz: (ro,sz,sooll 2,37,47,449 I [l r,ar,so,zcz ll 2,33,sO,a46 I I I 2,19,24,436 2,42,04,359 I so.sr.sog 5,46,86,914 1,75,52,463 I ,o,rr.rr, 1,26,88,986 4,12,99,912 I zs.g:.rso o.rg.ser ll Appropriationsi 93,17,885 r8jrtl (ar.ro,srz)l 1,26,06,55t ['--T[*--'f[:11[3 Statutory reserve Generalreserve Dividends, etc. 3,66,36,603 t,54,87,467 Retained surplus l{et profit attrlbutabl. to the shareholders: Earnints per ihare (EPS) 40 0.1070 These Financial Statements should be read in conjunction with annexed notes 0.0534 (l 1,85,09,974 0.0525 to 45) D€iVAn Hujibur Rahman Dhaka, 23 October 2014 I ztvtl 9,55,93,001 2,62,04,382 1,62,87,580 71,12,928 1 z.ze.ss.grs tl| I 16,19,99,697 18,66,75,822 34 Profit before provision (C = A-B) Provision a8ainst loans and advances Provision for diminution in value of investments Other provisions 11,82,183 fr-Jrlrss4 82,21,664 0.0283 NRB COT,IMERCIAL BANK LIMITED Statement of Cash Flows A. Cash flows from operating activities tnterest receipts in tnterert paid Dividend cash incarh receipts cash Recoveries on loans previously written off Paymenrs to emptoyees Paymenrs to supptiers lncome ta(es paid Receipts kom other operating activities Payments for other operatinS activities Fee and commission receiptr in Ope..ting proft b€rorr chanSes in op€rating asseti & lncrease/decrease ln operating assets and llabilitles llabllltles l| I I I | II 41 | 42 | Purcahsed of Trading Security Loans and advances to Other Loans and advances to other assetr Bank(s) customers I | 43 I I | I 44 | bank(s) oeposits trom customers rrading liabilities (short-term borrowints) Other liabilirip( Oeposits trom other liabilities (A) ttl€t increase/(decrease) ln op€,atlng l{et.ash from opcratlnt activitiej g. cash f,owsfrom lnvestlnt activities (Purchase)/ sate of sovernment {Pu.chase)/sale of Non-tradrnS (Purcahse)/Sale of securiries security | I f,owi f.om financinS actlvitles Bank Eorrowing from other Bank(r)/ BanStadesh lncrease/(decrease) in lonS-term borrowinSs/ Loan capitat & Debt Receipl kom issue of Dividend paid Ordinaryshares (C) Money at call and on shon Reverse Repo Balance notice ti::f, bank(s) institutions with Bangladesh Bank and its agent Balance with other banks and financial I I I I I I I (t,SS,AO,Se,f:f)l (rz.gs.sa.osstl I (r,Zr,OZ,fS,z:Stl I II $,co,ls,es,szgl I II eS,Sg,qe,Slr | | tso.zo.ss.szotl I z,sz,ag.i.qzs I I 3,32,5A,66,2A4 t,OZ,U,eZe L,25,tg,OZ,7gf 3,66,13,Of,r26 L,25,16,6,@s I Tl-r-1-rrr.768il II I I (rs,zg,ge,esz)l | l4,St,72,gl,2&tl {r,ZS,:r,+S,OSS)l 76,52,94,124 (A+B+c) E. Eftects ofexchange rate changes on cash and cash.quivatents F. Cash and cash equivalents at the beginnin8 ofthe year Cashandcashequivalentsattheendoftheyear[D+E+FI n::**' I I (to,sg,er,qm)l pi"ez"B6,2ag) l--69,30"84,94 TIJ_-,OOoOom I I I I I I,zz,OSpA I I c,zs,rs,gs,ooz I I Capitat Net caih from/(used) in financlng activlties D.Net increase/(de.rcase) in cash and cash equtvatents Cash and cash equlvalents: a-,o,46ii1 I {s,og,gg,zgttl r,:S,ZOOll els.ls,A1Z I I 51.34.941 II (o,zz,oa,aoa)l {zo,+,rz,s:r1l | tz,ss,rr,srall | {ss,rs,rr1l II ,r,rr,or.rr, I I 49.63.99s (re,r:,go,zza)l I tS,Og,Os,71otl 33,54,35,44f 2j6,789 177,37,99,9@ll 4s f--dfriii^ I Share/Securitier (Pur.hasel/ sale ol prope(y, plant and equipment Net caih trom/(used) ln Investint activities(B) C. Cash t,14r4r4psrl 4,44,La,Ag,O47 l---(r,o6rs,d;ll f5_l-?_-4?"58-gor] I ll I I a,SZ,Ze ,el,@a I 4,43,19,51,566 ll 5 =-1 I 3s,oo,oo,o@ I 3.2 | 4 | Thes€ Financial Statements should be read in coniunction with annexed notes 5,17,47,68,801 (t 1,OS,29,OO,O73 Z,SS,AA,A,ZZS 4,43,19,51,566 5,77,47,68,803 to 45) Oewan Mujibur Rahman l,lanaging Director & CEO Dhaka, 23 October 2014 NRB COMMERCIAL BANK LIMITED Statement of Changes in Equity For the Period ended 30 September 2014 Particulars Balance at 31 December 2013 Paid-up capital 4,37,38,49,812 Statutory reserve General reserve 76,62,052 - Foreign exchange revaluation reserve on investment in foreign operation - Investment revaluation reserve 33,07,486 Retained earnings 1,43,66,346 Total 4,39,91,85,696 Effects of changes in accounting policy - Net profit after taxation for the year Addition/(Adjustment) made during the year 7,22,09,188 1,09,37,383 6,15,73,805 4,75,73,986 4,75,73,986 (1,09,37,383) 13,37,82,993 Foreign exchange fluctuation - Balance at 30 September 2014 4,44,60,59,000 1,85,99,434 - - 6,48,81,291 5,10,02,949 4,58,05,42,675 Balance at 31 December 2013 4,37,38,49,812 76,62,052 - - 33,07,486 1,43,66,346 4,39,91,85,696 These Financial Statements should be read in conjunction with annexed notes (1 to 45) Harunur Rashid Chief Fianacial Officer Dewan Mujibur Rahman Managing Director & CEO Dhaka, 23 October 2014 5 NRB COMMERCIAL BANK LIMITED Liquidity Statement Assets and Liability Maturity Analysis As of 30 September 2014 Particulars Up to 1 month Assets Cash in hand and with banks Balance with other banks and financial institutions Money at call and on short notice Investments Loans and advances Fixed assets including premises, furniture and fixtures Other assets Non-banking assets Total Assets (A) Liabilities Borrowings from Bangladesh Bank, other banks, financial institutions and agents Deposits and other accounts Provision and other liabilities Capital & Reserve Total Liabilities (B) Net Liquidity Excess/(Shortage) (A-B) 36,49,32,298 88,77,19,811 35,00,00,000 7,02,00,789 92,92,03,598 1,58,01,406 2,61,78,57,901 1-3 months 19,54,63,738 85,66,19,117 10,85,01,220 2,15,01,08,325 3,66,03,257 3,34,72,95,655 (53,00,00,000) (3,18,71,46,905) (6,50,31,343) (3,78,21,78,248) (1,16,43,20,347) 3-12 months (3,68,84,54,282) (8,95,66,090) (3,77,80,20,372) (43,07,24,717) 95,45,21,302 14,86,01,670 3,87,55,15,005 6,21,05,526 5,04,07,43,503 (16,30,84,936) (6,24,06,91,843) (80,31,12,586) (7,20,68,89,365) (2,16,61,45,863) 1-5 years Total Above 5 years 1,30,77,14,699 2,74,59,10,631 58,81,52,331 4,64,17,77,662 (1,58,94,23,391) (16,49,16,918) (1,75,43,40,309) 2,88,74,37,353 82,25,47,401 3,43,42,38,602 1,57,45,06,096 26,43,51,455 4,76,04,236 6,14,32,47,790 1,38,29,43,437 2,69,88,60,229 35,00,00,000 5,06,92,56,981 11,27,52,43,654 26,43,51,455 75,02,66,755 21,79,09,22,511 (61,22,09,010) (7,67,42,532) (4,58,05,42,674) (5,26,94,94,216) 87,37,53,574 (69,30,84,936) (15,31,79,25,432) (1,19,93,69,469) (4,58,05,42,674) (21,79,09,22,511) 0 These Financial Statements should be read in conjunction with annexed notes (1 to 45) Harunur Rashid Chief Fianacial Officer Dewan Mujibur Rahman Managing Director & CEO Dhaka, 23 October 2014 6 NRB COMMERCIAL BANK LIMITED Selective Notes to the Financial Statements For the Period ended 30 September 2014 1 Accounting Policies: Accounting policies have been followed in preparing these financial statements are same as applied in financial statements of the Bank of preceding financial year. 2 Provision and Others: a. Loans & Advances: Provisions for loans and advances has been made as per directives of Bangladesh Bank issued from time to time. b. Investment: Provisions for diminution in value of investment is made for loss arising on diminution value of investment in quoted shares and is given effect in the accounts on quarterly basis. c. Taxation: Provision for income tax has been made on taxable income after necessary add back in accordance with the provisions of Finance Act 2014, the Income Tax Ordinance 1984 and other relevant legislation as applicable. d. Others: Figures relating to previous year/period included in this report have been rearranged, wherever considered necessary. 7 Amount in Taka 30-Sep-14 31-Dec-13 3 Cash: Cash In Hand Balance with Bangladesh Bank and its agent bank(s) (Note: 3.1) (Note: 3.2) 3.1 Cash In Hand In local currency In foreign currency (Note: 3.1.1) 33,00,43,364 1,05,29,00,073 1,38,29,43,437 6,90,48,955 23,73,45,909 30,63,94,864 32,59,70,079 40,73,285 33,00,43,364 6,53,18,124 37,30,831 6,90,48,955 32,25,44,079 34,26,000 32,59,70,079 6,48,73,124 4,45,000 6,53,18,124 85,73,42,766 19,55,57,307 1,05,29,00,073 23,31,50,463 41,95,446 23,73,45,909 1,05,29,00,073 23,73,45,909 3.1.1 Cash In Hand: Cash in Hand-Vault Cash in ATM 3.2 Balance with Bangladesh Bank and its agent bank(s) In local currency (LCY) In foreign currency (FCY) (Note: 3.2.1) Sonali Bank Ltd. (as an agent bank of Bangladesh Bank) - local currency - 3.2.1 Balance with Bangladesh Bank and its agent bank(s)-LCY Bangladesh Bank, Dhaka Office Bangladesh Bank, Chittagong Office 4 85,68,42,966 4,99,800 85,73,42,766 23,31,50,463 23,31,50,463 Balance with other banks and financial institutions (Note: 4.1) (Note: 4.2) In Bangladesh Outside Bangladesh 2,58,79,03,217 11,09,57,012 2,69,88,60,229 4,19,51,94,665 2,09,55,776 4,21,61,50,441 252 88,149 88,401 1,000 5,00,000 5,01,000 53,17,413 1,18,910 5,000 1,02,64,636 32,41,156 76,30,036 9,236 17,14,926 13,33,795 2,96,35,109 78,45,40,698 1,000 23,01,79,310 3,23,78,937 42,97,336 89,316 10,274 1,12,793 1,05,16,09,665 4.1 In Bangladesh Current Deposits: Bank Asia Ltd, Ruhitpur Br. Standard Bank Ltd, Principal Br. Special Notice Deposits Mercantile Bank Ltd, Main Br. Mercantile Bank Ltd., Agrabad Br. Mercantile Bank Ltd., Sylhet Br. Mercantile Bank Ltd., Barisal Br. Southeast Bank Ltd., Principal Br. NCC Bank Ltd., Motihjeel Br. Eastern Bank Ltd., Principal Br. Jamuna Bank Ltd., FEX Br. Agrani Bank Ltd., Principal Br. Trust Bank Ltd for Q-cash Settlement Fixed Deposits Receipt (FDRs) FDR lending with Banks FDR lending with NBFIs 52,30,84,000 2,03,00,00,000 2,55,30,84,000 8 1,17,30,84,000 1,97,00,00,000 3,14,30,84,000 Amount in Taka 30-Sep-14 31-Dec-13 Balance with Brokerage Houses Trading A/C. MBL Securities Ltd IIDFC Securities Ltd 1,649 50,94,059 50,95,707 - 4.2 Outside Bangladesh Current Deposits: Habib American Bank NY, USD Mashreq Bank PSC NY, USD AB Bank Ltd Mumbai, Acu Dollar Mashreq Bank PSC London GBP United Bank Of India, Kolkata, Acu Dollar Mashreq Bank PSC London EURO Mashreq Bank Mumbai Acu Dollar National Bank Of Pakistan, Tokyo, Jpy Habib Metro Bank Limited Acu Dollar 5 42,61,754 9,79,44,587 23,26,991 10,34,416 15,00,651 10,35,036 13,95,499 10,38,393 4,19,686 11,09,57,012 Money at call and short notice 35,00,00,000 In Bangladesh Outside Bangladesh - 35,00,00,000 6 1,19,06,053 76,83,819 5,04,986 1,57,522 7,03,397 2,09,55,776 - Investments Nature wise: Held for Trading Held to Maturity Others Claim wise: Government securities Other investments (Note: 6.1) (Note: 6.2) 2,72,78,76,024 1,04,80,87,998 1,47,900 3,77,61,11,922 35,47,64,401 28,83,78,438 1,01,700 64,32,44,539 3,77,61,11,922 1,29,31,45,059 5,06,92,56,981 64,32,44,539 3,77,59,64,022 1,47,900 3,77,61,11,922 64,31,42,839 1,01,700 64,32,44,539 - 64,32,44,539 6.1 Government securities (Note: 6.1.1) Treasury bills Prize Bond 6.1.1 Treasury bills: Held for Trading 28 Days Treasury Bills 30 Days Treasury Bills 91 Days Treasury Bills 182 Days Treasury Bills 364 Days Treasury Bills 5 Year T-Bond 10 Year T-Bond 15 Year T-Bond 3,93,54,427 8,81,06,918 10,99,53,770 1,87,09,20,342 61,95,40,567 2,72,78,76,024 Held to Maturity 9 - 98,24,803 2,47,08,589 32,02,31,008 35,47,64,401 Amount in Taka 30-Sep-14 31-Dec-13 3,93,18,700 6,60,60,672 1,00,07,120 25,85,17,762 10,06,04,142 27,87,67,727 11,17,57,669 37,53,50,405 8,61,26,284 99,55,956 1,04,80,87,998 28,83,78,438 28 Days Treasury Bills 30 Days Treasury Bills 91 Days Treasury Bills 182 Days Treasury Bills 364 Days Treasury Bills 2 Year T-Bond 5 Year T-Bond 10 Year T-Bond 15 Year T-Bond 20 Year T-Bond 6.2 Other investments Maturity Share (Quoted) Preference Share- Regent Energy and Power Ltd. BSRM Convertible Bond Mercantile Bank Subordinated Bond Trust Bank Subordinated Bond AB Bank Subordinated Bond 6 5 7 7 7 yrs yrs yrs yrs yrs 10 Div./Intt Rate 12.00% 13.00% 12.5-15% 12.50% 11-13% 4,31,45,059 10,00,00,000 45,00,00,000 45,00,00,000 15,00,00,000 10,00,00,000 1,29,31,45,059 - - - Amount in Taka 30-Sep-14 31-Dec-13 7 7.2 Loans, advances and lease /investments Outside Bangladesh 7,82,03,16,615 1,76,55,50,424 1,11,13,32,198 10,69,71,99,236 10,69,71,99,236 2,96,53,01,258 47,35,54,637 24,44,00,347 3,68,32,56,241 3,68,32,56,241 1,76,55,50,424 1,11,13,32,198 1,86,57,09,664 2,50,78,36,808 1,08,93,237.99 28,68,37,920 6,52,79,831 51,75,68,032 85,45,92,481 16,42,47,088 13,02,50,777 1,99,51,45,193 11,27,52,43,654 37,18,90,531 24,44,00,347 33,99,17,146 1,47,05,75,271 6,09,80,412 4,02,07,516 25,29,74,067 20,90,04,576 6,18,37,416 66,53,58,163 3,71,71,45,445 Product wise Loans and Advances: Overdraft Cash Credit Time loan Term loan Payment Against Document Loans against Trust Receipt Packing Credit EDF Loan Lease Fiance & Hire Purchase Consumer Loan Staff Loan Other Loans and Advances 7.4 3,71,71,45,445 Broad category-wise breakup In Bangladesh Loans Overdrafts Cash Credit 7.3 11,27,52,43,654 Classification of loans, advances and lease/investments Unclassified Standard Special Mention Account (SMA) 11,27,50,84,030 1,59,624 11,27,52,43,654 3,71,71,45,445 - Classified Substandard Doubtful Bad/Loss 8 - - Bills purchased and discounted: 57,80,44,418 Repayable in Bangladesh Repayable outside Bangladesh 57,80,44,418 11 3,38,89,203 3,38,89,203 9 Amount in Taka 30-Sep-14 31-Dec-13 Fixed assets including premises, furniture and fixtures of the Bank Land, Building and Construction Furniture and fixures Equipment and Machinery Motor Vehicles Professionals and Reference Books Leased Assets: Motor Vehicle Less: Accumulated Depreciation Book Value 4,35,74,813 22,70,87,439 1,65,00,000 23,100 2,71,06,624 31,42,91,976 4,99,40,522 26,43,51,455 8,01,517 12,20,24,565 1,15,00,000 5,91,441 34,56,334 8,16,78,212 4,66,060 36,64,37,812 8,09,95,100 87,500 7,81,19,620 1,03,32,880 11,17,780 6,86,58,233 23,11,500 1,73,70,770 2,80,30,630 40,43,182 65,69,700 75,02,66,755 2,84,485 18,38,952 7,72,04,006 1,03,970 25,50,28,389 7,42,35,424 91,03,844 26,65,447 8,44,325 3,29,25,394 23,11,500 1,05,10,953 2,71,06,624 16,14,32,706 1,62,83,540 14,51,49,166 A schedule of fixed assets is given in Annexure- A. 10 Other assets Advance Security Deposit Stock of Stationery and printing items [Note -10.1] Suspense Account [Note -10.2] Stamps in Hand Advance Office Rent Interest Receivable on Balance with Other Banks & FIs Interest Receivable on Call Loan Interest Receivable on Treasury Bonds Interest Receivable on Treasury Bills Interest Receivable on Zero Coupon Bond Prepaid Insurance Premium Adjustment Account Clearing Advance Income Tax [Note -10.3] Membership with Visa Worldwide PLC Ltd Pre-paid Expense House Furnishing and LFA Inter Branch General Account Balance (Note 10.4) Preliminary Expenses Pre Operating Expenses/Formation Expenses 1,61,72,727 2,62,78,801 50,95,08,218 10.1 Stock of Stationery and printing items Printing Stationery Security Papers Security Stationery - CARD 16,61,773 9,75,086 8,19,476 34,56,334 10,03,516 6,09,260 2,26,176 18,38,952 10.2 Suspense Account: Advance against New Branches Advance against Interior Decorations Advance against Supplier Advance against TA/DA Petty Cash Interest Paid on Savings Certificate Suspense Account Bank POS Suspense Others Western Union Money Transfer 66,500 7,80,00,000 1,50,000 5,000 35,140 2,58,200 30,18,285 1,45,087 8,16,78,212 1,00,88,500 6,68,30,000 - 3,29,25,394 3,57,32,839 6,86,58,233 6,86,58,233 3,29,25,394 3,29,25,394 3,29,25,394 24,235 2,61,271 7,72,04,006 10.3 Advance Income Tax Opening Balance Add: Paid during the year Add: Withhloding Tax during the year [Tax on interest and vehicle] (10.3a) Less: Settlement during the year 12 Amount in Taka 10.3a Withhloding Tax at source TDS @10% & 15% on Interest Income from Balance with Banks TDS@10% on FDR Interest Income with FIs TDS @ 20% on Cash Divident received from Quoted Share Unfront @ 5% on Interest of T-Bills Advance Tax to Dhaka South City Corporation Advance Tax for Bank's Pool Vehicles 10.4 Inter Branch General Account Balance 3,19,36,906 3,01,55,507.43 2,80,65,991 46,64,403 27,940 62,01,879.00 1,000 3,35,000 6,86,58,233 1,95,000 3,29,25,394 No. of Entry Inter Branch General Account Debit Balance Inter Branch General Account Credit Balance 7 4 Note: Aging of Outstanding amount of Inter Branch General account Balance is less than 01 month 13 2,82,70,340 2,39,710 2,80,30,630 - Amount in Taka 30-Sep-14 31-Dec-13 11 Borrowings from other Banks, Fiancial Institutions and Agents 69,30,84,936 69,30,84,936 In Bangladesh Outside Bangladesh 12 - Deposits and other accounts 5,00,00,000 15,26,79,25,432 15,31,79,25,432 Deposit from Inter Bank (note-12.1) Deposit from Customers (Note-12.2) 12.1 Deposits from Inter Bank 4,90,99,55,503 4,90,99,55,503 5,00,00,000 12.2 Deposits and other accounts i. Current accounts and other accounts Current Deposit Foreign Currency Deposit Deposit Under Q-Cash Sundry Deposit Note: 12.1 ii. Bills Payable Pay Order iii. Savings Bank Deposit iv. Term Deposit/Fixed Deposit Fixed Deposit Short Term Deposit Deposit Under Schemes 44,57,38,645 3,62,56,203 1,12,161 29,32,38,145 77,53,45,154 15,08,03,355 2,89,19,723 8,64,96,553 26,62,19,631 13,68,15,121 3,18,61,689 43,96,34,648 7,55,40,097 10,58,61,07,327 23,02,00,340 3,09,98,22,840 13,91,61,30,508 4,05,48,59,292 3,68,38,153 44,46,36,641 4,53,63,34,086 12.1 Sundry Depsoit Margin on Letter of Guarantee Margin on L/C Margin on Bills Sale Proceeds of Govt. Savings Certificates Security Deposits Risk Fund on Loans and Advances Provident Fund Employees Welfare Fund VAT, Excise Duty and Withholding Tax Value Added Tax - VAT on Utility Bills Collection Sundry Creditors Proceed From Lottery Sale Other Sundry Deposits 2,06,07,988 15,60,46,026 54,00,805 1,41,86,077 14,91,472 14,10,015 2,40,36,989 14,54,628 5,46,58,391 300 1,39,45,454 29,32,38,145 82,87,069 5,09,12,005 7,12,000 6,00,000 56,30,349 7,36,172 670 4,88,135 80,63,098 1,02,68,602 44,57,38,645 3,95,67,118 29,32,38,145 3,62,56,203 1,12,161 13,68,15,121 95,17,27,394 15,08,03,355 67,98,609 8,64,96,553 2,89,19,723 40,00,67,530 23,02,00,340 10,58,61,07,327 3,14,98,22,840 14,36,61,98,038 15,31,79,25,432 6,87,41,488 3,68,38,153 4,05,48,59,292 44,46,36,641 4,60,50,75,574 4,90,99,55,503 7,98,453 8,64,96,553 12.5 Demand and Time Deposits A. Demand Deposits Current Accounts and Other Accounts Savings Deposits (9%) Sundry Deposit Foreign Currency Deposit Deposit Under Q-Cash Bills Payable B. Time Deposits Savings Deposits (91%) Short Notice Deposits Fixed Deposits Deposit Under Schemes 14 3,18,61,689 30,48,79,929 13 Amount in Taka 30-Sep-14 31-Dec-13 Other Liabilities Provision against Loans and Advances Provision for Off Balance Sheet items Provision for Gratuity Accrued Interest (Note 13.1) Current Income Tax Payable (Note 13.2) Deferred Tax Liabilities (Note 39) Provision against Expenses-Rent Provision for Incentive Bonus Provision for Telephone Bill-Office Provision for Telephone Bill-Residence Provision for Power and Electricity Expense Provision for Wasa, Gas and Sewerage Bill Provision for Plant Maintenance Provision for Value Adjustment of Shares and Others FC Held Against BTB Bills, EDF Loan and Others Provision for Depreciation Provision for Other Expenses Provision for Audit Fees Provision for CSR Interest Suspense A/C Lease Payable for Lease Hold Property 11,59,19,639 3,24,94,567 39,00,000 31,55,13,143 41,80,362 1,92,14,424 2,12,06,397 26,41,500 13,620 3,000 3,78,585 5,000 14,08,613 65,85,66,346 4,984 1,75,459 2,079 2,37,41,750 1,19,93,69,469 4,33,98,760 1,08,31,058 39,00,000 9,19,17,069 1,30,40,607 32,41,252 2,45,18,531 84,00,000 25,000 3,73,500 16,600 5,000 39,583 7,500 2,00,000 21,75,459 2,63,61,555 22,84,51,474 13.1 Accrued Interest Interest Interest Interest Interest Interest Interest Interest Interest Interest Interest Payable Payable Payable Payable Payable Payable Payable Payable Payable Payable of FDR-Day basis of FDR-1 month of FDR-3 months of FDR-6 months of FDR-12 months & above of Saving Account of Current Account of SND Account on Deposit Under Scheme on borrowing from Bank & FIs 1,36,18,507 8,44,781 6,84,51,572 5,03,18,723 12,89,76,647 28,89,075 10,19,199 25,51,905 4,67,24,958 1,17,778 31,55,13,143 1,71,68,056 5,21,428 2,92,67,137 1,29,84,699 3,19,75,750 9,19,17,069 1,30,40,607 (88,60,245) 41,80,362 1,30,40,607 1,30,40,607 13.2 Current Income Tax Payable Opening Balance Add: Provision during the Period Less: Payment Note: 38 15 Amount in Taka 30-Sep-14 31-Dec-13 14 Share Capital 14.1 Authorized Capital 100,00,00,000 ordinary shares of Taka 10 each 10,00,00,00,000 10,00,00,00,000 4,44,60,59,000 4,37,38,49,812 14.2 Issued, Subscribed and Paid-up-Capital 44,46,05,900 ordinary shares of Taka 10 each issued for cash 14.3 Capital Adequacy Ratio - as per BASEL II In terms of section 13(2) of Banking Companies Act, 1991 and Bangladesh Bank BRPD Circular No. 24 & 35 dated Augsust 3 and December 29, 2010 respectively, required capital based on RWA of the Bank at the close of business on 30 September 2013 is Taka 1,379.46 crore as against available core capital of Taka 451.57 crore and supplementary capital of Taka 18.09 crore that is, a total of Taka 469.65 crore thereby showing surplus capital/equity of Taka 331.67 crore at that date. Details are shown below: 14.4 Core Capital (Tier I) Amt in Crore Fully Paid-up-Capital Statutory Reserve General Reserve Retained Earnings Minority Interest in Subsidiaries Non-Cumulative irredeemable Preferences Shares Dividend Equalization Account Amt in Crore 444.61 1.86 5.10 - 437.38 0.77 1.44 - 451.57 439.59 11.59 3.25 - 4.34 1.08 3.24 - 0.17 - - - Deductions from Tier-1 (Core Capital ) Book Value of Goodwill Shortfall in provisions required against Classified Assets Shortfall in provisions required against Investment in Shares Remaining deficit on account of revaluation of investments in securities after netting off from any other surplus on the securities. Any investment exceeding the approved limit under section 26(2) of Banking Companies Act, 1991, Others if any Total Eligible Tier-I Capital Supplementary Capital (Tier II) General Provision for Unclassified Loans General Provision for off Balance Sheet exposure Assets Revaluation Reserves up to 50% Revaluation Reserves of Securities Up to 50% Revaluation Reserve for equity instruments up to 10% all other preference shares All other Preference share Balance of Exchange Equalisation Fund Perpetual Subordinated Debt Total Supplementary capital 18.09 5.59 - - Capital eligible for Market Risk (Tier-III) Short-term Subordinated Debt Total Eligible Capital 469.65 16 445.18 Amount in Taka 30-Sep-14 31-Dec-13 2,549.07 1,062.07 A. Total Assets including off-Balance Sheet items B. Total Risk-Weighted Assets (RWA) 1,379.86 553.50 C. Required capital based on Risk Weighted Assets (10% of Total RWA) 137.99 55.35 D. Capital Surplus / (Shortfall) [A-C] 331.67 389.83 34.04% 80.43% Capital Adequacy Ratio (%) Percentage of Capital on Risk-Weighted Assets Capital Requirement Core Capital (Tier - I) Supplementary Capital (Tier II) 30-Jun-14 Required Held 5.00% 32.73% 1.31% Required 5.00% 2013 Held 79.42% 1.01% Capital Adequacy Ratio has been calculated as per Basel -II, BRPD Circular No.20 dated December 29, 2009 15 Statutory Reserve Opening Balance at the beginning of the period Add: Addition during the year * Add./less Adjustment for Foreign Exchange Rate Fluctuation Closing Balance at the end of the period 76,62,052 1,09,37,383 1,85,99,434 76,62,052 76,62,052 * As per Section-24 of Banking Companies Act 1991, 20% of Pre Tax Profit has been transferred to statutory Account 16 Other Reserve: General Reserve (Note 16.1) Assets Revaluation Reserve (Note 16.2) Investment Revaluation Reserve (Note 16.3) Foreign Currency Translation Gain/ (Loss) (Note 16.4) 6,48,81,291 6,48,81,291 33,07,486 33,07,486 16.1 General Reserve Opening Balance at the beginning of the period Add: Addition during the year Closing Balance at the end of the period (+) - As per rule, Bonus Share/ Cash Dividend may be issued out of surplus of the profit of the year. If there is any short fall, that may be covered from General Reserve Account as per approval of Board of Directors of the Bank. 16.2 Assets Revaluation Reserve Opening Balance at the beginning of the period Add: Addition during the year Less : Adjustment during the year Closing Balance at the end of the period (+) (-) - 16.3 Investment Revaluation Reserve: Revaluation Reserve for HFT Securities Opening Balance at the beginning of the period Add: Addition during the year Less : Adjustment during the year Closing Balance at the end of the period (+) (-) 17 27,51,202 6,21,29,975 27,51,202 6,48,81,177 27,51,202 Amount in Taka 30-Sep-14 31-Dec-13 Revaluation Reserve for HTM Securities Opening Balance at the beginning of the period Add: Addition during the year Less : Adjustment during the year Closing Balance at the end of the period (+) (-) 5,56,284 5,56,170 114 5,56,284 5,56,284 Revaluation Reserve of HTM and HFT Securities transferred to Revaluation Reserve Account as per Bangladesh Bank DOS Circular No. 05 dated 26 May 2008 of which 50% of Revaluation Reserve is treated as Supplementary Capital. 16.4 Foreign Currency Translation Gain/ (Loss) Opening Balance at the beginning of the period Add: Addition during the year Closing Balance at the end of the period 17 (+) Retained Earnings/Movement of Profit and Loss Account Opening Balance Add: Post-Tax Profit during the period Less: Transfer to Statutory Reserve Less: Transfer to General Reserve Add/(Less): Foreign Exchange Translation Loss 18 - (+) (-) (-) Contingent liabilities 1,43,66,346 4,75,73,986 1,09,37,383 5,10,02,949 2,20,28,397 76,62,052 3,69,97,84,710 1,08,31,05,798 8,16,93,358 14,70,53,408 2,54,69,370 1,04,57,41,364 1,29,99,57,500 6,87,44,352 9,98,37,000 1,25,21,000 2,03,70,000 20,14,72,352 51,72,90,410 51,72,90,410 11,57,34,254 11,57,34,254 3,25,089 27,10,91,000 21,92,89,321 2,51,00,000 14,85,000 51,72,90,410 1,16,70,000 48,95,000 8,89,72,754 1,01,96,500 11,57,34,254 1,43,22,08,767 64,54,04,000 45,03,28,034 12,04,95,193 1,43,66,346 18.1 Acceptances and Endorsements Accepted Accepted Accepted Accepted Bills Bills Bills Bills Against Against Against Against BTBLC - Local BTB LC - Foreign BTBLC EPZ LC Cash 18.2 Letters of Guarantee Money for which the Bank is in contingently liable in respect of guarantees issued in favour of: Directors Government Banks and other Financial Institutions Others (Note 18.2a) 18.2a Letters of Guarantee -Others Shipping Guarantee Against Cash LC-Sight Bid Bond Local Performance Guarantee Local Advance Payment Guarantee Local Performance Guarantee Foreign 18.3 Irrevocable Letters of Credit 18.4 Bills For Collection 18 Amount in Taka Jan'14-Sep'14 Jan'13-Sep'13 19 Interest Income Interest on Loans and Advances: Loans and Advances Bills Purchased and Discounted 84,74,41,985 18,21,440 84,92,63,425 4,58,77,788 4,58,77,788 Interest on: Balance with Bangladesh Bank Balance with foreign banks Balance With Banks and Fis 20 29,99,90,309 29,99,90,309 27,65,83,231 27,65,83,231 1,14,92,53,734 32,24,61,019 83,77,52,250 15,96,43,784 99,73,96,034 10,06,07,061 24,48,903 10,30,55,964 24,12,284 52,46,352 46,91,197 66,01,58,970 16,52,43,446 83,77,52,250 4,98,837 8,73,802 12,86,107 8,89,03,348 90,44,966 10,06,07,061 Interest Paid on Deposits and Borrowings, etc. Interest Paid on Deposits (Note 20.1) Interest Paid on Borrowings (Note 20.2) 20.1 Interest Paid On Deposits Current Account Savings Account [Customer and Staff] Special Notice Deposits Fixed Deposit Receipts Deposit under Schemes and Others 20.2 Interest Paid on Borrowings Interest Interest Interest Interest Interest Interest 21 Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid on on on on on on Borrowing from Bangladesh Bank Call money borrowing REPO Borrow from Other Bank and FI Other Bank Deposit Secondary Security Purchased SWAP Transaction 18,869.86 1,69,28,812 45,85,680 6,31,944 13,74,01,077 77,400 15,96,43,784 24,48,903 Investment Income Interest on Treasury Bill Interest Income Money at Call Interest on Treasury Line Interest on Treasury Bond Interest on Bond Interest on Zero Coupon Bond Dividend Income Gain on Sale of Shares and Debentures Gain on Sale Of Approve Securities Interest on Bangladesh Bank Bill 22 24,48,903 - 2,34,62,810 1,61,12,938 26,55,89,310 1,14,42,469 1,62,50,000 1,39,700 48,17,743 3,49,57,204 37,27,72,173 39,27,577 21,806 - 1,70,67,058 53,64,700 2,78,500 82,81,346 16,092 3,12,613 19,361 1,100 20,500 3,62,14,394 6,75,75,663 20,22,425 29,61,477 1,000 5,898 10,060 8,036 39,49,382 Commission, Exchange and Brokerage Commission on L/C Commission on Bank Guarantee Commission on Export Bills Commission on Accepted Bills Commission on Clean Bill Commission on Remittance Commission on Sale of FC Cash Commission from Other Services Underwriting Commission Exhange gain 1,26,044 51,34,941 Commission income arises on service provided by the bank recognized on a cash basis. Commission charged the Customer on Letter of Credit and letter of Guarantee are credited to income at the time of effecting the transaction. 19 Amount in Taka Jan'14-Sep'14 Jan'13-Sep'13 23 Other Operating Income Service Charges and Fees Income from Card Services Charges On Trade Finance Miscellaneous Earnings 24 23,926 1,06,450 1,30,376 3,600 26,625 30,225 43,416 3,08,038 22,21,199 45,29,974 71,02,628 21,600 1,52,130 3,91,789 6,16,664 11,82,183 51,60,607 1,74,66,321 10,67,623.00 2,36,94,551 16,66,500 31,74,310 1,73,555 50,14,365 Chief Executive's salary and fees Basic Salary Festival Bonus Other Allowance 30 6,43,44,085 5,11,111 29,07,006 6,77,62,202 Stationery, Printing, Advertisement, etc Stationary and Printing Expenses Publicity, Advertisement, etc Computer Expenses 29 8,49,46,490 31,48,058 85,66,574 9,66,61,122 Postage, Stamps, Telecommunication, etc Stamps and Cartridge Cost Postage & Courier Charges Telephone Charges SWIFT, FAX, Internet, WAN, Radio Link & DDN Charges 28 2,18,11,333 35,43,800 19,75,436 2,78,23,413 5,51,53,982 Legal expenses Notary Public and Other Charge Legal and Consultancy fees 27 7,99,03,554 1,76,26,680 61,99,806 8,07,39,174 18,44,69,214 Rent, Taxes, Insurance, Electricity, etc. Rent, Rate and Taxes Insurance Expenses Electricity and Other Utility Expenses 26 9,22,249 501 58,702 33,161 10,14,613 Salaries and Allowances Basic Salary Festival Bonus Bank Contribution To Provident Fund Allowances 25 62,69,178 17,89,230 58,39,564 23,81,436 1,62,79,408 39,50,000 9,00,000 24,75,000 73,25,000 24,00,000 8,00,000 16,50,000 48,50,000 14,26,000 7,99,450 22,25,450 4,77,250 1,31,373 6,08,623 Directors' Fees & Meeting Expenses Directors' Fees Travelling and Haltage Board Meeting Expenses Each Director is paid Tk.5,000.00 per meeting per attendance exclusive VAT as per BRPD Circular #03 dated January 18, 2010. There were no other financial benefits provided to the Directors of the Bank. 20 Amount in Taka Jan'14-Sep'14 Jan'13-Sep'13 31 Auditors' Fees Statutory Others 32 - - - Charges on Loan Losses Loan-written off Interest waived 33 - Depreciation and Repairs of Bank's Assets Depreciation of Bank's Assets-Own Assets (a): Land, Building and Construction Furniture & Fixtures Equipment and Machinery Vehicle Books 16,82,134 2,55,15,348 23,91,667 1,840 2,95,90,988 2,18,025 85,70,882 87,88,907 Depreciation of Bank's Assets-Leased Assets (b): Land, Building and Construction Furniture & Fixtures Equipment and Machinery Vehicle 40,65,994 40,65,994 - Depreciation has been charged from the month of purhased Repair, Renovation & Maintenance of Bank's Assets ©: Repair of Land, Building and Construction Repair of Furniture and Fixtures Office Equipment and Machinery Repair Rented Property Electronics Repair and Replacement Repair and servicing of Computer Repair, Repacement and Servicing of Motor Vehicle Plant Maintenance 1,20,940 40,555 3,85,173 90,483 16,21,149 24,840 7,12,038 67,150 30,62,328 1,50,740 7,800 90,460 43,800 34,090 11,175 4,39,445 10,000 7,87,510 Amortization of Assets (d) Amortization of of Preliminary Expenses Amortization of Pre-Operating Expenses/Formation Expense of the Bank Total [a+b+c+d] 21 1,21,29,545 1,97,09,101 3,18,38,646 6,85,57,956 95,76,417 Amount in Taka Jan'14-Sep'14 Jan'13-Sep'13 34 Other Expenses Bank Charges Contractual Staff Expense Car Expenses Discount and Commission Paid Training and Internship Security and Cleaning Exgratia of Security and Cleaning Services Staff Subscription Entertainment and other Expenses Travelling Expenses Conveyance, Carriage and Freight Development and Publicity Liveries and Uniforms Medical Expenses Newspaper, Magazine and Periodicals Loss on Sale of Securities Interest Expense on Leased Properties Card Division Charges and Expenses CSR Gratuity LFA & Furniture Allowance Miscellaneous Expenses Loss On Revaluation Of Govt. Securities:Treasury Bills 35 3,11,436 32,14,155 18,89,784 5,93,062 17,53,908 1,85,44,992 17,75,160 27,37,726 26,61,205 11,43,535 7,97,452 9,01,532 1,53,740 1,27,536 1,55,525 5,78,700 25,74,699 32,93,463 10,00,000 1,51,21,660 71,02,778 16,06,688 6,80,38,734 7,981 7,25,12,898 7,25,20,879 2,20,74,579.67 2,20,74,579.67 Provision for Diminution in Value of Investments Adjsutment of Quoted Company Share Value Others 37 39,00,000 50,57,073 7,62,035 80,001 1,78,21,701 Provision against loans and advances Provision for Bad and Doubtful Debts Loan and Advances Provision for SMA Loans and Advances Provision for Unclassified Loans and Advances 36 1,10,094 8,24,048 72,850 31,53,533 2,24,400 14,86,941 4,17,150 94,377 15,41,729 15,040 41,280 41,150 - 14,08,613 14,08,613 - Other Provisions Provision required on Off-Balance Sheet Exposures Others 2,16,63,509 2,16,63,509 22 41,29,802 41,29,802 38 Provision for Current Tax Payable/Credit SL 1 2 Amount in Taka Jan'14-Sep'14 Jan'13-Sep'13 Particulars Net Income Before Tax Less: Bank Income where tax rate is lesser/Zero Gain on Sale of Approved Securities [Nil Tax U/S 32 (7)] Dividend Income [20% Tax as per Paripatra 2013-14] Gain on Sale of Shares and Debentures [10% Tax as per SRO no.269/2010] 3 Net Income Before Tax after Considering extra ordinery items [1-2] 4 Add: Provision for Gratuity Payment for Corporate Social Responsibilty Depreciation for Accounting Purpose Total 5 Less: Depreciation for Tax Purpose Total 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 39 Taxable Income [3+4-5] Current Tax Payable @42.50% before considering oxtra ordinery items Less: 10% Tax exemption/rebate on actual expenditure of CSR [SRO 229/2011] Add: Dividend Income [20% Tax as per Paripatra 2013-14] Add: Gain on Sale of Shares and Debentures [10% Tax as per SRO no.269/2010] Current Tax Payable after considering oxtra ordinery items Defferred Tax Liability for the period Tax Expense for the Period Provision for Deferred Tax Liability Carrying Amt Tax Base Fixed Assets 26,43,51,455 21,52,41,045 Total Taxable Temporary Difference at Asset side Gratuity 39,00,000 Total Deductible Temporary Difference at Liabilty side Net Taxable Temporary Difference [i.e. Tax will be paid in future period] Tax Rate @42.50% i.e defferred Tax Liabilty 40 5,46,86,914 4,12,99,912 3,49,57,204 1,39,700 48,17,743 3,99,14,646 1,47,72,267 4,12,99,912 10,00,000 3,36,56,982 3,46,56,982 39,00,000 39,00,000 7,12,40,917 7,12,40,917 (2,18,11,668) (92,69,959) (1,00,000) 27,940 4,81,774 (88,60,245) 1,59,73,173 71,12,928 4,51,99,912 1,92,09,963 1,92,09,963 (16,57,500) 1,75,52,463 Temporary Difference 4,91,10,410 4,91,10,410 (39,00,000) (39,00,000) 4,52,10,410 1,92,14,424 (39,00,000) (39,00,000) (39,00,000) (16,57,500) 4,75,73,986 44,46,05,900 0.1070 2,37,47,449 44,46,05,900 0.0534 Earnings Per Share (EPS) Profit after Taxation Number of Ordinary Shares outstanding Earnings Per Share 23 Amount in Taka Jan'14-Sep'14 Jan'13-Sep'13 41 Receipts from Other Operating Activities Interest on Treasury Bill Interest on Money at call Interest on Treasury Bond 2,61,28,257 1,60,25,438 19,65,73,534 1,14,42,469 59,17,120 48,17,743 3,49,57,204 62,69,178 17,89,230 58,39,564 23,81,436 31,21,41,172 Interest on Bond Interest on Zero Coupon Bond Gain on Sale of Shares and Debentures Gain on Sale Of Approve Securities Service Charges and Fees Income from Card Services Charges on Trade Finance Miscellaneous Earnings 42 Payments for Other Operating Activities Rent, Taxes, Insurance, Electricity, etc 10,02,41,626 1,30,376 2,00,000 74,73,098 22,25,450 30,78,928 20,00,000 6,80,41,250 18,33,90,728 Legal expenses Audit Fees Postage, Stamps, Telecommunication, etc Directors' fees & Meeting Expenses Repair, Renovation & Maintenance of Bank's Assets Payment for CSR Other Expenses 43 Membership with Visa Worldwide PLC Ltd Inter Branch General Account Balance Suspense Account Advance Rent Advance Income Tax Preliminary Expenses Pre-operating/Formation Expenses 3,06,956 - 21,500 17,25,798 23,11,500 2,80,30,630 44,74,206 11,14,09,423 3,57,32,839 17,99,54,055 83,467 6,42,32,290 22,95,05,983 1,25,76,944 2,15,63,637 3,50,38,401 36,70,59,520 65,85,66,346 (26,19,805) 65,59,46,541 1,02,64,624 1,02,64,624 (Payment)/Received of Other Liabilities FC Held Against BTB Bills, EDF Loan and Others Adjustment Account Clearing Lease Payable for Lease Hold Property 45 2,55,59,938 30,225 12,08,813 6,08,623 95,76,417 1,39,21,701 5,09,05,716 Other Assets Advance Security Deposit Advance against TA/DA 44 39,27,577 21,806 9,22,249 501 58,702 33,161 49,63,995 (Purchase)/ Sale of Government Securities Treasury Bills-HFT Treasury Bills-HTM Less: Revaluation Gain on Treasury Bills which is non cash 2,37,31,11,624 75,97,09,559 (6,15,73,805) 3,07,12,47,377 24 25,52,78,519 15,68,91,710 (2,47,461) 41,19,22,768 Annexure-A NRB Commercial Bank Limited Schedule of Property, Plant & Equipment for Accounting Purpose As of 30.09.14 Sl NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Assets Properties & Assets Land, Building and Construction Furniture and fixures Equipment and Machinery Motor Vehicles Professionals and Reference Books Leased Assets: Motor Vehicle Total Opeing Balance 8,01,517 12,20,24,565 1,15,00,000 2,71,06,624 16,14,32,706 Addition during the year 4,27,73,296 10,50,62,874 50,00,000 23,100 15,28,59,270 Disposal during the year Depreciation Closing Balance 4,35,74,813 22,70,87,439 1,65,00,000 23,100 2,71,06,624 31,42,91,976 25 Rate of Depreciation 2.50% 10.00% 20.00% 20.00% 20.00% 20.00% Opeing Balance Addition during the year Disposal during the year - 1,39,845 1,42,08,320 16,82,134 2,55,15,348 4,33,333 15,02,042 1,62,83,540 23,91,667 1,840 40,65,994 3,36,56,982 - Closing Balance 18,21,979 3,97,23,668 28,25,000 1,840 55,68,035 4,99,40,522 Book Value 4,17,52,834 18,73,63,771 1,36,75,000 21,260 2,15,38,589 26,43,51,455 Annexure-B NRB Commercial Bank Limited Schedule of Property, Plant & Equipment for Tax Purpose As of 30.09.14 Sl NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Assets Properties & Assets Land, Building and Construction Furniture and fixures Office Equipment and Machinery Computer and Computer Equipment Bangladesh Made Computer Software Motor Vehicles Professionals and Reference Books Leased Assets: Motor Vehicle Total Opeing Balance 8,01,517 84,46,989 8,01,73,386 3,34,04,190 1,15,00,000 2,71,06,624 16,14,32,706 Addition during the year 4,27,73,296 5,44,95,738 5,01,54,636 4,12,500 50,00,000 23,100 15,28,59,270 Disposal during the year Depreciation Closing Balance 4,35,74,813 6,29,42,727 13,03,28,022 3,38,16,690 1,65,00,000 23,100 2,71,06,624 31,42,91,976 26 Rate of Depreciation 2.50% 10.00% 20.00% 30.00% 50.00% 20.00% 30.00% 20.00% Opeing Balance - 1,39,845 5,21,747 1,33,59,083 1,18,53,964 4,33,333 15,02,042 2,78,10,014 Addition during the year Disposal during the year - 43,43,497 1,24,84,196 3,50,90,682 1,09,81,363 32,13,333 6,930 51,20,916 7,12,40,917 - Closing Balance 44,83,342 1,30,05,943 4,84,49,765 2,28,35,327 36,46,667 6,930 66,22,958 9,90,50,932 Book Value 3,90,91,471 4,99,36,784 8,18,78,257 1,09,81,363 1,28,53,333 16,170 2,04,83,666 21,52,41,045
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