2014 Annual Report The industry super fund for rural and regional Australia Committed to rural and regional communities and industries AustSafe Super Annual Report 2014 Contents AustSafe Super has achieved the highest possible AAA rating in SelectingSuper’s analysis of superannuation fund quality. The rating is a detailed analysis of 330 areas of a superannuation fund’s operation and management and is designed to offer both employers and members an easy-to-use reference for the overall quality of superannuation funds. Local isn’t our perception, it’s reality. We pride ourselves on understanding and responding to the local issues of our members and employers. This superannuation fund rating service covers industry funds, master trusts and multi-employer funds in the corporate and retail sectors. In the 2014/15 financial year, AustSafe Super’s MySuper (Balanced) Investment Option has been judged as “outstanding” and has been awarded the highest rating with 5 Quality Stars. Craig Stevens, CEO We are MySuper authorised! AustSafe Super launched its MySuper product on 1 January 2014. We are an Industry SuperFund. Look for this symbol when selecting a super fund. Choosing a fund that carries this symbol could make a significant difference to your retirement because it represents funds that have low fees, do not pay commissions to financial advisers and are run only to benefit members. If you want a quality super fund that puts you first, all you have to do is look for this symbol. Contents 02 About AustSafe Super 12 Our Board of Directors 25 Investment Options 04 Welcome from the Chair and Chief Executive Officer 14 Managing the Fund’s Operations 30 How Your Money Is Invested 08 Fund Changes 15 Local Regional Managers 32 Abridged Financial Statements 10 Corporate Governance 18 Investment Overview 34 Other Information 11 Education 20 Investment Objectives and Strategies This Annual Report was published by Austsafe Pty Ltd, the Trustee of AustSafe Super in August 2014. All care has been taken to ensure the information in this report is correct, however, neither the Trustee nor its representatives or advisers accept responsibility for any error or misprint or for the consequences of any person acting on this information. Opinions expressed by individuals quoted in this report are personal views and not necessarily those of the AustSafe Super Trustee. The general information provided in the Annual Report does not constitute financial or legal advice and does not take into account your personal situation and financial circumstances. Before making a decision to invest in an AustSafe Super product, you should read the relevant Product Disclosure Statement available at austsafe.com.au. Austsafe Pty Ltd holds an Australian Financial Services License (AFSL 314183) and is licensed to provide general financial advice on superannuation products. Issued by Austsafe Pty Ltd ABN 96 010 528 597 AFSL 314183 RSE Licence L0002035 as Trustee of AustSafe Super ABN 92 398 191 503 RN R1005509 MySuper UI 92398191503985 1 2 AustSafe Super Annual Report 2014 AustSafe Super Annual Report 2014 About Us About Us About AustSafe Super Our Vision Our Mission AustSafe Super is the industry super fund for rural and regional Australia. To be the super fund of choice for rural and regional Australia. As an industry super fund, we exist for our members. We seek to provide competitive benefits and services to members and their employers, which are simple and efficient and deliver strong investment outcomes. For over 25 years, AustSafe Super has been committed to looking after members’ super throughout their working lives and into retirement as well as helping employers understand super and meet their obligations. AustSafe Super is run only to benefit members which means low fees# and a history of strong long-term investment performance*. #SuperRatings Fundamentals Assessment – Fee Comparison result better than average – 30 June 2014. *SuperRatings Fund Crediting Rate Survey – Balanced (60-76) Index result above median on rolling 10 year return for AustSafe Super - MySuper (Balanced) – June 2014. Past performance is not an indicator of future performance. Fees may vary in the future. We aim to respond to local issues and needs and continuously improve the quality of products and services to customers (members, their families and employers). Our Values Hardworking Reliable Honest Local Workers from Rehbeun Family Ginger meeting after a ginger harvest in Bundaberg, QLD. 3 4 AustSafe Super Annual Report 2014 AustSafe Super Annual Report 2014 Welcome Welcome Message from the Chair and Chief Executive Officer Henry Smerdon AM Chair The last year has been a very busy one for superannuation funds with a significant amount of change occurring from the introduction of Government initiatives. In this environment, AustSafe Super has thrived and demonstrated a strong connection to our values, to our members and our employers in rural and regional Australia. We’re proud to present the 2014 AustSafe Super Annual Report. In April 2013, we welcomed the members of the Canegrowers Retirement Fund (CRF) to AustSafe Super. Since the merger, former CRF members have enjoyed strong investment returns with the CRF Capital Stable Investment Option ranked in the top 10 best performing^ Capital Stable Investment Options over the financial year. We’ve also met with many of the former CRF members directly and through our seminar program in the past year. Our local team of Regional Managers During the year, we added to our team of local Regional Managers with the appointment of Anthony Brick in Townsville and Jamie Woods in Mackay. Stacey Watson in Bundaberg was also recognised as a winner in the 2013 Queensland Rural, Regional & Remote Women’s Network (QRRRWN) Strong Women Leadership Awards and as a finalist in the 2014 Women in Horticulture Awards. We have a strong team of dedicated Regional Managers in local regional areas to support members and employers. Investments Employer solutions – Clearing House The Fund has continued to deliver strong investment outcomes with a return of 12.62% for the MySuper (Balanced) Investment Option for the year to 30 June 2014. This strong performance has also been demonstrated over the long term with average returns of 9.55% p.a. over 3 years, 9.56% p.a. over 5 years and 9.40% p.a. over the 26 years since the Fund began. This is a true testament to the hardworking nature of AustSafe Super and its commitment to delivering strong investment outcomes for members. This year we introduced a new Clearing House service to help employers manage their superannuation obligations to comply with SuperStream requirements. Our Clearing House, QuickSuper, enables employers to make one simple payment for all their superannuation contributions, saving time and money and it’s free to all employers using AustSafe Super as their default fund. MySuper and insurance Craig Stevens Chief Executive Officer Canegrowers Retirement Fund During the year, we introduced the AustSafe Super MySuper product and delivered significant improvements in the level and value of insurance cover for members. The MySuper (Balanced) Investment Option proudly stands amongst the best performing* and value for money# superannuation options for Australians, and is run only for the benefit of members. Board and Governance Once again, the Board and team of AustSafe Super have been working hard to deliver strong retirement outcomes for members. We continue to focus on strategies and services to meet the unique needs of our members and employers in rural and regional Australia. The Board farewelled two long serving Directors in 2013. Ian Ballantyne, a representative of CANEGROWERS since 1991 and Bob Boscacci, a founding Director representing the Australian Workers Union. The Board would like to sincerely thank Ian and Bob for their outstanding contributions to the success of AustSafe Super and wish them the very best. Three new Directors also joined the Board. We have a strong team of dedicated Regional Managers in local regional areas to support members and employers. We welcomed Charis Mullen, Campaign Co-ordinator of the Australian Workers’ Union, Queensland in October 2013. Also, Tracey Sharpe, South Western District Secretary of the Australian Workers Union of Employees, Queensland and Brendan Stewart, an experienced executive and Director and the current CEO of CANEGROWERS joined in February 2014. The past year also saw a significant review of the Fund’s governance frameworks to support the new Prudential Standards for superannuation funds and the introduction of maximum terms for Directors. As the Government works to review and secure retirement policy for Australians, there is no doubting the amount of change across the superannuation landscape. We strongly believe that AustSafe Super is well positioned to leverage this change for the benefit of members and employers, and to strengthen our already strong relationship with rural and regional Australia. Our commitment to strive for strong retirement outcomes for our members is unwavering and is the reason AustSafe Super exists. Henry Smerdon AM Craig Stevens Chair Chief Executive Officer *SuperRatings Fund Crediting Rate Survey – Balanced (60-76) Index result above median on rolling 10 year return for AustSafe Super - MySuper (Balanced) – June 2014 # SuperRatings Fundamentals Assessment – fee comparison result better than average – 30 June 2014. ^ SuperRatings Fund Crediting Rate Survey – Capital Stable (20-40) Index - June 2014 Past performance is not an indicator of future performance. Fees may vary in the future. James Howe with his dog Parliament in Walkamin, QLD. 5 6 AustSafe Super Annual Report 2014 AustSafe Super Annual Report 2014 Fund Growth 1988 New members welcomed during 2013/2014 Fund Growth 2014 New contributing employers during 2013/2014 23,158 4,231 Super is a long-term investment and can become one of your most important assets. For that reason, focus on the medium and long-term results of your super fund to measure and assess performance. When compared against retail funds and industry super funds, AustSafe Super has outperformed over the medium to long-term. Craig Stevens, CEO Funds under management as at 30 June 2014 1.7 billion $ Strong long-term performance Median Fund AustSafe Super 3 years 9.06% 9.55% 5 years 9.21% 9.56% 10 years 6.78% 6.97% According to data released by independent ratings agency, SuperRatings for the year ending 30 June 2014, AustSafe Super has outperformed retail funds and industry super funds over three, five and ten year periods. Source: SuperRatings Fund Crediting Rate Survey – SR50 Balanced (60-76) Index - June 2014. 7 AustSafe Super Annual Report 2014 AustSafe Super Annual Report 2014 Fund Changes On track with obligations Insurance All employers are now required to make Superannuation Guarantee (SG) contributions into a superannuation fund that offers a MySuper product on behalf of any employees who have not chosen a specific fund themselves. As part of the introduction of the MySuper product, a number of changes were made by AustSafe Super to its insurance offering, effective from 6 December 2013. This included providing more members with the benefit of Death and Total & Permanent Disablement (TPD) cover. This was provided on an opt-out basis, and the Fund wrote to members at the time advising the changes, giving them the choice whether to retain the insurance cover or not. AustSafe Super received its MySuper Authorisation from the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority on 23 August 2013. On 1 January 2014, AustSafe Super launched its MySuper product under the name, MySuper (Balanced) Investment Option, having renamed its default product, Balanced Investment Option. As a result, AustSafe Super can now accept all SG contributions from employers. SuperStream SuperStream is the name given by the Government to cover the changes to be made to improve data quality and to direct the use of technology to improve processing efficiency. The concept also covers improvements to the way rollovers are processed and the way that contributions are made. AustSafe Super successfully implemented a number of the Government prescribed SuperStream data and payment standards to provide for a more timely and efficient processing of superannuation rollovers from fund to fund. AustSafe Super is also preparing for the employer-related SuperStream standards that will come into effect during the 2014/2015 financial year. Employers making SG contributions on behalf of their employees will need to comply with the new data and payment standards of SuperStream, which aims to provide employers with a consistent, reliable electronic method for making contributions and sending information to super funds. Medium to large employers (20 or more employees) have until 30 June 2015 to meet the SuperStream requirements when sending superannuation contributions on behalf of employees. Small employers (less than 20 employees) have until 30 June 2016 to meet these requirements. AustSafe Super has already introduced its Clearing House facility, QuickSuper, to allow employers to comply with these new requirements and to pay employees’ super electronically to AustSafe Super and other funds in one transaction and has been providing assistance to any employers wanting to use the service. QuickSuper does all the hard work for you electronically! Fund 4 Fund 5 MySuper (Balanced) Investment Option The MySuper (Balanced) Investment Option is now AustSafe Super’s default option for Industry Super and Personal Super members. When establishing the MySuper product, there was no change to the way in which this option was invested, or to the fees charged to members. The AustSafe Super Pension product was not affected by the MySuper changes and the relevant investment option is still known as the Balanced Investment Option. Bank Cash Investment Option The Bank Cash Investment Option was closed to all members on 6 December 2013 and any existing members’ investments were transferred to the AustSafe Super Cash Investment Option. This option was structured to similarly achieve constant stable returns with low volatility and a lower investment management cost. Fund 6 The CRF Capital Stable Investment Option, a conservative investment strategy which expects stable but moderate returns, will be available to all members from 17 November 2014. The AustSafe Super Investment Choice Guide provides details of the CRF Capital Stable Investment Option, including its investment objective, timeframe and target asset allocation. “To meet the SuperStream obligations, we wanted a resource to simplify our processes. Using multiple online super systems and payment methods such as cheque, EFT and direct debit was very time consuming.” With the help of local Regional Manager, Bruce Waltisbuhl and the staff at AustSafe Super, Michelle found the transition to QuickSuper easy and straight forward. “The authorisation and payment process is simplified – all we need to do is make one transaction to authorise and pay super to employees.” “Bruce is always ready to help with any super questions either from myself or employees, and if he hasn’t been able to answer my questions, he goes out of his way to ensure someone at AustSafe Super can assist me.” Name: Location: Michelle Toowoomba Michelle’s local Regional Manager, Bruce Waltisbuhl I found the transition to QuickSuper, easy & straight forward. “It’s good to know that Stahmann Farms is now compliant with SuperStream’s data and payment standards.” AustSafe Super is Stahmann Farm’s default fund for any new or existing employees who don’t select their own super fund. “We chose AustSafe Super as our default fund as it’s the Industry based fund for agriculture and has a history of looking after its members.” dustry Sup In Au Fund • er Employer makes one simple transaction Fund 3 Investments Canegrowers Retirement Fund (CRF) Capital Stable Investment Option How QuickSuper works Fund 2 The AustSafe Super Insurance Guide provides details of the insurance AustSafe Super offers and includes important information about obtaining insurance cover through the fund, including Income Protection insurance. Michelle Porter is the Company Accountant at Stahmann Farms. For 15 years, Michelle has processed super for company employees. With the help of AustSafe Super’s Clearing House – QuickSuper, Stahmann Farms is now meeting the SuperStream requirements when sending superannuation contributions on behalf of employees. r MySuper AustSafe Super Member Profile pe Fund Changes AustSafe Super 9 Employer Profile our Loca l •Y 8 stS afe Su 10 AustSafe Super Annual Report 2014 AustSafe Super Annual Report 2014 Corporate Governance Education Corporate Governance Education is our commitment The Trustee Board Charter and Committees Austsafe Pty Ltd is the Trustee of AustSafe Super (the Fund) and operates in accordance with the Trust Deed and superannuation law. The Fund is a Registrable Superannuation Entity (RSE) and the Trustee is an RSE Licensee. Austsafe Pty Ltd also has an Australian Financial Services Licence (AFSL). The Trustee Board takes its prudential and governance responsibilities very seriously and has in place a Board Charter which clearly sets out its role and responsibilities. AustSafe Super is committed to educating our members, employers and industry associations on all matters relating to super. The Trustee Board is responsible for the strategic direction of the Fund and oversees the ongoing operations in the best interests of the Fund’s members and other beneficiaries. Appointment of Directors Our Board of Directors is appointed in accordance with the provisions of the Austsafe Pty Ltd Constitution and is made up of three Member Directors and three Employer Directors who are nominated by our four shareholders – the Australian Workers Union of Employees Queensland (AWU) representing members, and Queensland Fruit and Vegetable Growers Ltd (Growcom), Queensland Industrial Union of Employers (AgForce) and Queensland Cane Growers Organisation Ltd (CANEGROWERS) representing employers from rural and regional industries. Each Director is appointed for a four year term. The Constitution allows for the appointment of one or more independent Directors and also allows for the appointment of an additional Member Representative in circumstances where Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) has formally approved the appointment. All Directors are non-executive. The AWU appoints Member Directors. Agforce, CANEGROWERS and Growcom each appoint one Employer Director. Changes to the Board The Trustee has also established Board Committees to assist with the oversight of specific areas of the Fund’s operations. All are governed by their own Charters and Delegations of Authority, as approved by the Board. These Committees review matters on behalf of the Board and either make recommendations for consideration by the Board, or make decisions as a delegate of the Board. These committees are: §§ Risk, Audit & Compliance Committee §§ Investment Committee §§ Insurance Management & Claims Committee, and §§ Nomination and Remuneration Committee. Trustee Liability Insurance The Trustee continues to maintain Superannuation Fund Trustee Liability Insurance to protect itself and the Fund from the financial impact of legal action against the Fund which may involve claims for damages or compensation. Trust Deed Austsafe Super’s Trust Deed was not amended during the 2013/14 financial year. A copy of the Trust Deed is available from our website or by contacting AustSafe Super. Constitution Charis Mullen was appointed as a Member Representative Director on 31 October 2013 to replace Ben Swan who resigned on 30 August 2013. Tracey Sharpe was appointed as Member Representative Director on 13 February 2014 to replace Robert Boscacci who resigned on 12 December 2013. Mr Brendan Stewart was appointed as Employer Representative Director on 13 February 2014 to replace Ian Ballantyne who resigned on 12 December 2013. Austsafe Super’s Constitution was not amended during the 2013/14 financial year. A copy of the Constitution is available from our website or by contacting AustSafe Super. For employers: For members: We work with over 14,000 employers across rural and regional areas in Australia. We’re dedicated to our members in rural and regional communities and industries. §§ We aim to make super easier to understand and administer, through a range of publications, phone, face-to-face support and our secure online Clearing House – QuickSuper to help employers make contributions anywhere, anytime. §§ Specialised Regional Managers, who live and work in local areas and are on hand to help with employer obligations or visit the workplace to speak to employees. §§ Regular communications through our Employer Updates sent automatically to employers via email or post. §§ Employer seminars, held in rural and regional areas, to provide further education and support about legislative changes impacting business obligations. §§ Regular editorials in industry associations to provide education regarding superannuation developments that may affect employers. We are dedicated to over 133,000 members in rural and regional communities and industries. §§ We run workplace and retirement seminars to provide updates on legislative changes and resources for retirement planning. §§ Regular communications through our Member Newsletters keeps our members informed about the latest super updates and tips to manage their super. Retirement Seminars §§ Specialised Regional Managers, who live and work in local areas and are on hand to help with member enquiries. §§ Regular editorials through industry associations to provide further education regarding the latest superannuation developments that may affect members. §§ Access to AustSafe Super Financial Planners* to help members make the most of their super and plan for retirement. *AustSafe Super financial planning services are provided by Industry Fund Services Limited (AFSL 232514, ABN 54 007 016 195). For associations: Employer Brochures As a super fund established specifically for the rural and regional industries and communities, we hold memberships and sponsorship arrangements with various industry and community associations and take pride in supporting these industries and communities. §§ We contribute to regular editorials through industry associations. §§ Regional Managers attend local industry association events and further educate members and employers regarding changes in superannuation. Member Newsletters 11 12 AustSafe Super Annual Report 2014 AustSafe Super Annual Report 2014 Our Board of Directors Our Board of Directors AustSafe Super’s Board of Directors meet regularly to discuss a range of issues relating to the strategic direction of AustSafe Super and the investment of members’ money. Our Board of Directors Chair and Independent Director Member Representative Directors Mr Henry Smerdon AM Mr Keith Ballin Mr Alfio (Alf) Cristaudo Ms Charis Mullen Ms Tracey Sharpe Mr John Bishop Mr Charles Burke Mr Brendan Stewart Henry is the Chair of the Austsafe Pty Ltd Board of Directors and was appointed to this position on 8 December 2011. He is an Independent Director and Chair of both the Investment Committee and the Nomination & Remuneration Committee. Keith was appointed to the Austsafe Pty Ltd Board as a Member Representative Director on 1 July 2009. He is a member of the Investment Committee and the Insurance Management & Claims Committee. Charis was appointed to the Board as a Member Representative Director on 31 October 2013. She is currently a member of the Insurance Management & Claims Committee. Tracey was appointed to the Austsafe Pty Ltd Board as a Member Representative Director on 13 February 2014 and is a member of the Risk, Audit & Compliance Committee. Keith has worked with the Australian Workers’ Union of Employees (AWU) for more than 25 years and is currently the District Secretary for Central Queensland. Charis is the Campaign Coordinator in the Australian Workers’ Union (Queensland Branch). Charis has over 20 years’ experience in both government and the corporate sector providing strategic advice and on-the-ground support in government affairs, public policy and advocacy, stakeholder engagement and communication strategy. She has worked across a number of industries including development, transport, infrastructure, mining, gaming and tourism as well as telecommunications. Tracey has been associated with the Australian Workers’ Union (AWU) for over 25 years in various representative positions. She is currently the AWU District Secretary for South Western Queensland and is also a member of the AWU National Executive. John is the Deputy Chair of the Austsafe Pty Ltd Board and was appointed as an Employer Representative Director on 20 February 2003. He is the Chair of the Risk, Audit & Compliance Committee and a member of both the Investment Committee and the Nomination & Remuneration Committee. Charles was appointed to the Austsafe Pty Ltd Board as an Employer Representative Director on 18 December 2007. He is currently the Chair of the Insurance Management & Claims Committee and a member of the Risk, Audit & Compliance Committee and the Nomination & Remuneration Committee. Brendan was appointed to the Austsafe Pty Ltd Board as an Employer Representative Director on 13 February 2014 and is a member of the Investment Committee. Henry has more than 45 years experience in the public and private sector, including five years as the Under Treasurer and Under Secretary of the Queensland Treasury Department as well as four years as CEO of the Queensland Investment Corporation and Chair of Q-Invest Ltd. Henry was also Chair of the Government Superannuation Funds for a number of years. He is currently Deputy Chancellor of Griffith University, Chair of Flagship Investments Ltd, Chair of Queensland Education leadership Institute Ltd, a member of the Public Trust Office Investment Board, a board member of National Trust Australia (Qld) Ltd and Chair of the Trust’s Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary Committee. His current directorships also include the Public Trust Office Investment Board. Alf was appointed to the Austsafe Pty Ltd Board on 4 June 2013 as an additional Member Representative Director for a limited term (with regulatory approval), to support the merger between the Canegrowers Retirement Fund and AustSafe Super which took place in April 2013. He is a member of the Risk, Audit & Compliance Committee. John was the Chairman of Growcom and is the owner/ manager of Bishop Farms and a director of Bishop Gardens. He is a member of the Queensland Farmers’ Federation (QFF) Water Committee and of the Community and Industry Advisory Group for the Moreton Bay Waterways and Catchments Partnership. Charles is the CEO of AgForce and has held a number of positions with the National Farmers Federation (NFF), including Vice President and Director of NFF Limited. Henry was awarded the centenary Medal in 2001, and in 2010 was made a Member of the Order of Australia. Henry is also a Fellow of the Australian Society of Certified Practising Accountants (FCPA) and a member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (MAICD). Keith has held various positions on other Boards and Committees including the Rural Workplace Health and Safety Sub Committee and Emerald Agricultural College Board. Currently, Alf is on the boards of Australian Farmers’ Fighting Fund, Australian Made Campaign Limited and Ravensdown Fertiliser Australia. He is the former Chair of the Australian Sugar Industry Alliance, Australian Canegrowers Council and National Farmers Federation among others. Past directorships have included Queensland Canegrowers Organisation Limited. Employer Representative Directors Charis was previously the Senior Policy Advisor for the Office of the Minister for Environment, Local Government and Planning (Queensland). Tracey is a former Director of the Rural Industry Sector Standing Committee and has held a number of positions with the Australian Workers’ Union. Brendan is the Chief Executive Officer of CANEGROWERS. Originally from a family farm in Chinchilla, Brendan has had a long, high-profile career in Australian agriculture, including appointments as Chairman of AWB, Chairman of the Grains Council of Australia and Vice President of the National Farmers’ Federation. 13 14 AustSafe Super Annual Report 2014 AustSafe Super Annual Report 2014 Managing the Fund’s Operations Our Regional Managers Managing the Fund’s Operations Local Regional Managers Implementation of the Fund’s strategy and day to day management of the operations of the Fund has been formally delegated to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and is regularly reviewed by the Board. A dedicated team of specialist Regional Managers are located in regional centres, on hand to help employers and members. The Fund CEO is Mr Craig Stevens and he is supported by a strong Executive Management team covering the areas of Investment, Finance and Governance, Member and Employer Services, and Marketing and Business Development. Director and Executive Management Remuneration Helping locals with their super is important to us. Cape York AustSafe Super Directors are paid a fee for preparing for and attending Board and Board Committee meetings. Directors are paid a base fee as a Board Director, and an additional fee for each Committee to which they are appointed. Directors are also reimbursed for expenses incurred while attending meetings and other AustSafe Super organised events. Far North Queensland With regard to Executive Management, AustSafe Super operates a remuneration strategy that recognises its position in the industry fund sector and ensures staff are recognised for their individual contribution to the organisation. Details of remuneration for Directors and Executive Management are available on AustSafe Super’s website. There is also a range of other information about the Fund and its Management, including the qualifications and experience of the Directors and Executive Management, a record of Directors’ attendance at Board meetings, information about our conflict of interest management policy and our proxy voting arrangements and details of significant event notices issued in the past two years. Anthony Brick Based in Townsville North Queensland Townsville Jamie Woods Based in Mackay Executive Management Team Mr Craig Stevens CEO Mr Simon Mather Head of Investments Vacant Position Head of Finance and Governance Mr Wayne Oxenford Acting Head of Member and Employer Services Noosa Mr Matthew Hogno Head of Marketing and Business Development Gold Coast Central Queensland Rockhampton Stacey Watson Based in Bundaberg Southern Queensland Bruce Waltisbuhl Based in Brisbane Northern NSW Newcastle Paul Meredith Based in Newcastle Southern NSW & Victoria Michael Wynne Based in Wagga Wagga Portland Melbourne 15 AustSafe Super Annual Report 2014 AustSafe Super Annual Report 2014 Member Profile Member Profile Choice is important Born and raised in Bundaberg, Shaun and his wife recently moved back to Bundaberg to set up base with their two children, following a career working in the mines as an auto electrician. Shaun is a hard-working employee of Donovan Family Investments, dedicated to growing and distributing avocados, with their central packing house located in Bundaberg. Shaun spends his days at Donovans looking after the maintenance and repairs of the equipment. “I really enjoy working at Donovans, it’s a really good place to work with lots of job satisfaction.” AustSafe Super Member Profile Name: Location: Shaun Bundaberg Even though retirement is still a long way away, Shaun knows the importance of retirement savings and made a choice when it came to his super fund. “When I started out in the agriculture industry, AustSafe Super was the default fund for most of my previous workplaces. After a few jobs, I recognised the strong performance of the Fund, so from then, I decided to stay with AustSafe Super.” AustSafe Super just seemed the right fit for me. “Another reason for staying is that they are the Industry SuperFund for the agriculture industry and with my background, it just seemed the right fit for me.” Local Regional Manager: Stacey Watson “Stacey, my local Regional Manager helped me roll over other super accounts I had into my AustSafe Super account and improve my current insurance cover. With Stacey’s help, this process was easy.” Away from the workplace, Shaun enjoys water-skiing and cricket, along with a variety of other sports. s Indu try S al tS afe S u pe r A us un er F d • up • Your Loc 16 After a few jobs, I recognised the strong performance of the Fund, so from then, I decided to stay with AustSafe Super. 17 18 AustSafe Super Annual Report 2014 AustSafe Super Annual Report 2014 Investment Overview Investment Overview Investment Overview Simon Mather Head of Investment’s Commentary The global markets continued to gradually recover over the 2013/14 financial year, with strong returns from most asset classes. The Australian and International Equity markets delivered double digit returns, for the second year in a row. This strong performance from equities benefited the AustSafe Super MySuper (Balanced) Investment Option, which returned 12.62% for Accumulation members and the Balanced Investment Option, which returned 13.17% for Pension members. During the financial year, the Trustee of AustSafe Super continued to feel there was better value in International Equities as growth, although gradual, in the global economies continued. The Trustee maintained the Fund’s increased allocation to International Equities and decreased allocation to Australian Equities. This helped the Fund’s overall performance as growth in the global economy helped International Equities outperform Australian Equities during the financial year. The Fund’s allocation to fixed interest and infrastructure also contributed to the strong performance of the Fund and helped reduce overall volatility. The fall in the Australian dollar during the first six months of the financial year against the US dollar made a positive contribution to performance of the Fund. However, during the last six months of the financial year, the strength in the Australia dollar moderately impacted performance of overseas assets. Cash rates in Australia The Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) lowered the official cash rate during the financial year by 0.25% (to 2.50%), due to concerns of below trend growth, higher unemployment and the effect of inflationary pressures on the economy. In a continued environment of low interest rates, equities paying higher levels of income were once again sought after by investors during the financial year. The sectors which performed strongly were technology, materials, energy and financials. Global events Globally, markets experienced strong returns for the year with a number of key events impacting the global recovery both positively and negatively: §§ In July 2013, global bond markets were impacted by comments from the US Federal Reserve, stating tapering of monetary stimulus was likely to happen sooner than expected. §§ In October 2013, the US Government went into partial shutdown for 16 days as Congress failed to reach an agreement to approve Government spending. §§ In January 2014, the US Government started tapering its monthly stimulus by $US10 billion to $US75 billion. §§ In February 2014, concerns intensified about China’s shadow banking system after the Chinese Government allowed a default by one of its lenders raising worries of more to follow. §§ In March 2014, the Reserve Bank of New Zealand became the first developed economy to raise its official interest rate since the Global Financial Crisis (GFC). §§ In June 2014, the European Central Bank introduced negative deposit rates in a bid to make it less attractive for people to save and more attractive to borrow. At the same time the Bank of England signalled the likelihood of an interest rate rise later in 2014. Events likely to affect ongoing investor sentiment and confidence The outlook for the global economy is of continued improvement over the 2014/15 financial year, led by stronger growth in the advanced economies. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) forecasts global economic growth to average around 3.4% in 2014 and 4.0% in 2015. As conditions continue to recover in the global economy, more central banks are expected to start to increase interest rates, although only gradually. The US Federal Reserve is expected to keep rates unchanged during 2014, with the first increase expected late 2015 and its monthly stimulus program may cease as early as the end of 2014. The rally in global equity markets over the past financial year has pushed a number of these above their estimated fair value. Consequently, moderate returns are expected in 2014/15, and are dependent on the recovery in global economies, a catalyst to improving company earnings. In Australia, the RBA forecasts that growth will pick up in 2014, however, the slowdown in mining investment could weigh on prospects for growth during 2014/15. Lower interest rates will likely continue to fuel housing market activity and household debt, however, consumer spending is likely to be constrained by softer labour market conditions. For the Australian economy to continue to improve and transition away from a mining led economy an improvement is required in non-mining business sectors. AustSafe Super’s long term view Despite expectations that there will likely be periods of uncertainty in the Australian and global economies, AustSafe Super continues to focus on managing investments for the longer-term, while looking for any short-term opportunities that will potentially add value for members. Accordingly the Trustee is currently looking beyond traditional asset classes for opportunities to support investment returns for members. Local economy is not all it seems The Trustee has considered for some time that there have been headwinds facing the Australian economy. These headwinds include the reduction in mining related investment, Australia’s competitiveness with the rest of the world and the high Australian dollar. China, Australia’s biggest export market, has shown some signs of slowdown in growth particularly in Fixed Asset Investment (FAI) such as infrastructure and property. Australia’s two biggest exports, iron ore and coal, have been the main beneficiaries of China’s FAI but as China starts to move more towards a consumer driven growth story, this is likely to put further downward pressure on the local economy. For the Australian economy to continue to grow the transition away from the mining investment boom will require a significant pick-up in non-mining business sectors. There are some early indicators the outlook is improving, but improvement in competitiveness, profitability and a sustained period of low interest rates will be essential for the recovery to gain hold. The Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) has left interest rates at 2.5% since August 2013, when rates decreased by 0.25% following concerns of below trend growth and rising unemployment. The RBA has stated their desire, on more than one occasion that the Australian dollar needs to weaken from current levels. However, the longer the US Federal Reserve pacifies the market with expectations that rates in the US will stay lower for longer makes it harder for the RBA to manage. The strong Australian dollar has been led by the strong demand from overseas investors for higher yielding Australian assets such as, fixed interest and higher yielding shares. The Australian Federal Budget released in May 2014 included tough measures to reduce Australia’s deficit, estimated to be $29.8 billion, or 1.8% of gross domestic product (GDP). While this seems a significant deficit, it’s an improvement on the $49.9 billion, or 3.1% of GDP estimated for the 2013/14 financial year. The impact on the economy from deficit reduction measures is estimated at around 0.5% for both 2014/15 and 2015/16 financial years. While this reduction in growth is not insignificant, it’s unlikely to be enough to alter the RBA’s views on current monetary policy. Future environment for members The Trustee’s expectation is that economic growth may be subdued, and going forward this will likely lead to a reduction in the significant returns experienced from asset classes over the last two years. In a low growth low return environment, the Trustee is conscious not to purchase assets outside of the Fund’s risk appetite and to actively manage the current allocation of assets, while looking for new assets at attractive valuations. This article has been prepared and issued by Austsafe Pty Ltd the Trustee of AustSafe Super. While it has been prepared with all reasonable care, no responsibility or liability is accepted for any errors, omissions or misstatements however caused. All forecasts and estimates are based on assumptions. If those assumptions change, our forecasts and estimates may also change. The opinions in this article are those of Simon Mather, Head of Investments. AustSafe Super’s commitment to members The Trustee believes the best way to deal with uncertainties in the local and global economies is to maintain a diversified portfolio of assets for members. Over the last 18 months, the Trustee has maintained the Fund’s aggregate allocation to equities. However, given the ongoing concerns surrounding the local economy, an increased allocation of International Equities and lower allocation of Australian Equities has been maintained. The Fund also invests, through a number of Investment Managers, in infrastructure and property. These assets provide two sources of return, growth and income. The income yield combined with the unlisted nature of the investments reduces volatility, and can provide a more stable return profile than listed equities. Currently, there are limited opportunities to purchase property assets at reasonable valuations and vacancy rates are forecast to increase. This has meant that the Fund has a lower allocation to property opposed to its long-term asset allocation. 19 20 AustSafe Super Annual Report 2014 AustSafe Super Annual Report 2014 Investment Objectives and Strategies Investment Objectives and Strategies Investment Objectives and Strategies Investment strategy Investment options In formulating, reviewing and giving effect to the investment strategy, the Trustee considers the whole of the Fund and each investment option with the target to maximise benefits available to members and to comply with all applicable legislative requirements. The Fund’s investments are managed having regard to the risks involved in making, holding and realising investments, and the extent to which the composition of the Fund’s investments provides diversity. They are also managed with a view to ensuring that there is sufficient liquidity to meet expected cash flow requirements and the ability to meet existing and prospective liabilities. The Trustee also has regards to the availability of reliable valuation information in relation to the investments covered by its strategy, the costs that might be incurred and other relevant matters. AustSafe Super offers nine investment options, across a range of investment types in order to provide choices to best suit members’ needs with differing return and risk tolerances and preferences. The Trustee engages JANA Investment Advisers Pty Ltd to assist in setting investment objectives and managing investments to meet them, while remaining within the agreed asset allocation ranges. Investment objectives for each investment option are available on pages 26-29. How investments are managed In order to achieve specified return and risk targets the Trustee sets and continually monitors the strategic asset allocation for each of the Fund’s ready-made options in line with their long term objectives and determines acceptable ranges for each of the options. The Trustee utilises investments in Australian Equities, International Equities, Property, Infrastructure, Growth Alternatives and Defensive Alternatives, Fixed Interest and Cash in constructing investment options. The Fund internally manages the placement of funds in Term Deposits with Approved Deposittaking Institutions (the Cash asset class). The Trustee does not require its appointed Investment Managers to consider labour standards or environmental, social and ethical investment considerations when choosing how to invest your Super. Investment specialists that assist AustSafe Super The Trustee retains the services of a professional investment consultant JANA Investment Advisers Pty Ltd, to provide guidance in the selection of Investment Managers who then invest the assets of the Fund within specified limits. The Fund employs Investment Managers with the objective of actively seeking investment returns to at least meet each option’s return objective within agreed risk parameters. The Fund may employ specialist Investment Managers for specific asset sectors and may also undertake tactical asset allocation management. The Fund may also employ passive Investment Managers in those asset classes where the expected return after fees from active management is not sufficient to justify the risks taken or where a core return, supplemented by active management, is required. The Standard Risk Measure is not a complete assessment of all forms of investment risk. For instance, it does not detail what the size of a negative return could be, or the potential for a positive return to be less than you may require to meet your objectives. Also, it does not take into account the impact of administration fees and tax on the likelihood of a negative return. You need to ensure you are comfortable with the risks and potential losses associated with your chosen investment option/s. Reserving Over the past three years, AustSafe Super’s reserve has been: Year ending Balance of Reserve Percentage of total net assets 30 June 2014 $24,463,721 1.442%* 30 June 2013 $24,029,398 1.610% 30 June 2012 $13,972,041 1.181% Derivatives The Standard Risk Measure used for each of our investment options on pages 26-29 of this Annual Report have been calculated by JANA Investment Advisers Pty Ltd and reviewed and adopted by AustSafe Super. The Fund does not directly invest in derivatives (eg. Futures and Options). However, Investment Managers are permitted to use Futures, Options and other derivative instruments to assist with the effective management of the Fund’s assets. How investment earnings are applied to members’ account The investment strategy for reserves is the strategy for the MySuper (Balanced) Investment Option, which is reviewed as part of the annual review of the Fund’s investment strategy. About earning rates When a member leaves the Fund The Trustee expects, over the long term, the use of these instruments to enhance the returns and manage risks on the Fund’s assets. However, over the short term, the effect on investment returns is expected to vary. The Trustee is satisfied that each Investment Manager’s derivative risk statement is consistent with the requirements of AustSafe Super’s investment policy. How we measure risk AustSafe Super uses a Standard Risk Measure to describe the risk that applies to each of our investment options. The Standard Risk Measure is based on industry guidance to allow you to compare investment options that are expected to have a similar risk of negative annual returns over any 20 year period. Each investment option is given a risk label as outlined in the table below. For example, the Standard Risk Measure for the MySuper (Balanced) Investment Option detailed on page 26, is ‘High’ as the estimated likelihood of a negative annual return is currently 4.1 years in every 20 years. Risk band Risk label 1 2 The Trustee calculates the earnings (or returns) on the assets that make up each of the Fund’s investment options each week. As part of the calculations, the fees and taxes that apply to the investments are deducted to obtain the net earnings. At the same time, the Fund also takes out the 0.09% p.a. member administration fee. The final result each week is called the ‘weekly earning rate’ and one is produced for each investment option. A weekly earning rate for an investment option can be positive or negative, depending on how the investments that make up each option’s portfolio have performed for that week. Investment earnings are added (or deducted if earnings are negative) to members’ account as at 30 June each year or when members exit the Fund. Members’ earnings are calculated by applying the weekly earning rates to members’ daily account balance. Members’ account balances will have administration fees and if applicable, any taxes and insurance premiums deducted from it. The Fund’s weekly earning rates are available at austsafe.com.au. If members receive a benefit payment Estimated number of negative annual returns over a 20 year period The investment earnings applied to a member’s account balance when the Fund pays a benefit, covers the period from the latest 1 July to when the benefit is paid. Very low Less than 0.5 Low 0.5 to less than 1 1 to less than 2 It takes around 10 days for the weekly earning rates for each investment option to be calculated as information needs to be obtained and collated from many sources. For this reason, there are two steps to calculating members’ earnings when benefits are paid. 3 Low to medium 4 Medium 2 to less than 3 5 Medium to high 3 to less than 4 6 High 4 to less than 6 7 Very high 6 or greater First, the Fund uses the weekly earning rates for a member’s investment option/s for each full week of earnings the Fund has. Second, for the remaining days (between the end of the week that the Fund has final earning rates for and the day the Fund pays your benefit) the Fund uses an interim rate. This interim rate is fixed each quarter and based on the interest rate of the Fund’s operating bank account. *Subject to audit confirmation When a member leaves the Fund during the financial year, earnings are applied to their account for the period they were a member of the Fund. Earnings are applied using the earning rate for each complete week and an interim earning rate for the period from the last earning rate to the day of exit. 21 AustSafe Super Annual Report 2014 AustSafe Super Annual Report 2014 Pension Profile Pension Profile On track for the future When it comes to planning a successful retirement, Ian Waters has his future sorted out. AustSafe Super Pension Profile Name: Location: Ian Bundaberg Born in Wondai, Ian has had a widespread career, setting up his own businesses as a butcher in the 1960s in Nanango, Kingeroy and Bundaberg. Following this, Ian started up his own herb and seedling nursery business in the 1970s. Ian then set up his current base at Hinkler Park Macadamia Plantation, where he has worked for the past 18 years. Hinkler Park Plantation produces and distributes macadamias to niche companies, market leading manufacturers and exports to overseas markets. “I love my job, and I guess the true testament to this is the fact that I’ve only had about ten days off since I’ve been here – the team is great.” When he’s not at Hinkler Park working on the new development and expansion, Ian is a member and the President of Bundaberg Drum Corps. Ian plays the tenor drum and has marched in Toowoomba, Stanthorpe, and Brisbane at Anzac Day parades. Local Regional Manager: Stacey Watson While retirement is still a few years away, Ian is on track having set up a Transition to Retirement Pension, and is well placed for whatever the future might bring. AustSafe Super helped me to understand how it all works. “AustSafe Super helped me to understand how it all works.” “Stacey, my local Regional Manager, has been helping me with my super – she’s a local around here which is important to me when it comes to my super.” “I chose AustSafe Super as my super fund because it’s the industry super fund for the agriculture industry, and they’re all about the locals.” When he does retire, Ian is looking forward to devoting more time to repairing his vintage 1948 Morris Z Ute. try Su dus pe In Au pe r und • rF ur Local Yo AustSafe Super is my super fund because it’s the Industry SuperFund for the agriculture industry, and they’re all about the locals. • 22 u stS afe S 23 24 AustSafe Super Annual Report 2014 AustSafe Super Annual Report 2014 Investment Options AustSafe Super Member Mark Wooldridge works at the local golf course in Bundaberg, Queensland. Investment Options Investment Options as at 30 June 2014 AustSafe Super offers nine investment options across a range of investment types. These options include Ready-Made and Single Asset Class options. Our investment options Ready-Made Options These options are made up of more than one investment type and are pre-mixed to provide diversification. §§ MySuper (Balanced) – default option for Industry Super and Personal Super members §§ Balanced – available for Pension members only §§ Super Growth §§ Capital Stable §§ CRF Capital Stable* *The CRF Capital Stable Investment Option will be open to all members from 17 November 2014. Single Asset Class Options These options invest in one single asset class and can be mixed to build your own investment strategy based on your individual needs and objectives. §§ Australian Equities §§ International Equities §§ Property §§ Fixed Interest §§ Cash §§ Bank Cash# # As an industry super fund, we always put our members first. This is supported by our low fees, consistent long-term performance, flexibility of default level insurance and access to a range of member benefits. The Bank Cash Option was closed on 6 December 2013. 25 26 AustSafe Super Annual Report 2014 AustSafe Super Annual Report 2014 Investment Options Investment Options Ready-Made Options These options are diversified across a range of asset classes. MySuper (Balanced) Balanced (Default option for Industry and Personal Super members) (Option available for Pension members only) This option is designed for members who want diversification across a range of asset classes with a balance of risk and return. This option is designed for members who want diversification across a range of asset classes with a balance of risk and return. Investment Objective Ready-Made Options Super Growth Capital Stable CRF Capital Stable This option invests mostly in growth assets allowing members to maximise their returns in the longer term. This option has a stable pattern of returns and at the same time a conservative strategy which aims to provide moderate returns. This option has a conservative investment strategy which expects stable, but moderate returns. Investment Objective Investment Objective Investment Objective Investment Objective To achieve high returns over the longer term, but with moderate to high risk. The objective is for earnings to exceed inflation (CPI) by at least 3% p.a. averaged over rolling 10 year periods. To achieve high returns over the longer term, but with moderate to high risk. The objective is for earnings to exceed inflation (CPI) by at least 3% p.a. averaged over rolling 10 year periods. To achieve high returns over the longer term. The objective is for earnings to exceed inflation (CPI) by at least 5% averaged over rolling 7 year periods. To achieve attractive but stable returns on a consistent basis with low volatility. The objective is for earnings to exceed inflation (CPI) by at least 2% averaged over rolling 5 year periods. To achieve attractive but stable returns on a consistent basis with low volatility. The objective is for earnings to exceed inflation (CPI) by at least 2% averaged over rolling 5 year periods. The current rolling 10 year performance is 6.97% against and objective of 5.77%. The current rolling 10 year performance is 7.59% against and objective of 5.77%. The current rolling 10 year performance for Accumulation is 7.16% against and objective of 7.77%. The current rolling 5 year performance for Accumulation is 7.46% against and objective of 4.65%. The current rolling 10 year performance for Pension is 7.71% against and objective of 7.77%. The current rolling 5 year performance for Pension is 8.45% against and objective of 4.65%. Standard Risk Measure Standard Risk Measure Standard Risk Measure Standard Risk Measure Standard Risk Measure The estimated likelihood of a negative annual return is 4.1 years in every 20 years. The estimated likelihood of a negative annual return is 4.1 years in every 20 years. The estimated likelihood of delivering a negative return is 4.9 years in every 20 years. The estimated likelihood of a negative return is 1.5 years in every 20 years. The estimated likelihood of a negative return is 2.1 years in every 20 years. Risk Band And Level Risk Band And Level Risk Band And Level Risk Band And Level Risk Band And Level 6, High 6, High 6, High 3, Low to Medium 4, Medium This option suits This option suits This option suits This option suits This option suits Members who are prepared to accept short term movements in investment market returns to obtain reasonable medium term returns. Members who are prepared to accept short term movements in investment market returns to obtain reasonable medium term returns. Members who can withstand high short term volatility in the pursuit of higher returns over the long term. Members who are prepared to accept short term market volatility to obtain reasonable medium term returns. Members who are prepared to accept short term market volatility to obtain reasonable medium term returns. Target Asset Allocation Target Asset Allocation Target Asset Allocation Target Asset Allocation Target Asset Allocation Asset Class Target Asset Allocation (%) Australian Equities International Equities Growth Alternatives Infrastructure Property Defensive Alternatives Fixed Interest Cash 30% 27% 4% 9% 10% 2% 13% 5% Range (%) 20-50 15-35 0-12 2-20 2-20 0-10 5-25 0-10 Asset Class Target Asset Allocation (%) Australian Equities International Equities Growth Alternatives Infrastructure Property Defensive Alternatives Fixed Interest Cash 30% 27% 4% 9% 10% 2% 13% 5% Range (%) 20-50 15-35 0-12 2-20 2-20 0-10 5-25 0-10 Asset Class Target Asset Allocation (%) Australian Equities International Equities Growth Alternatives Infrastructure Property Defensive Alternatives Fixed Interest Cash 38% 36% 9% 6% 10% 0% 0% 1% Range (%) 30-60 20-50 5-25 2-20 5-25 0-5 0-5 0-15 Asset Class Target Asset Allocation (%) Australian Equities International Equities Growth Alternatives Infrastructure Property Defensive Alternatives Fixed Interest Cash 15% 10% 2% 3% 10% 5% 15% 40% Range (%) 0-20 0-20 0-10 0-10 0-20 0-10 10-40 0-50 Investment Timeframe Investment Timeframe Investment Timeframe Investment Timeframe At least 5 years. At least 5 years. 5 – 7 years or more. 1 – 3 years. Performance Performance Performance Performance Year Accumulation ending return# 30/06/1412.62% 30/06/1316.15% 30/06/120.51% 30/06/118.94% 30/06/1010.22% 5 year average (p.a.) 9.56% Average since inception (p.a.)* 9.40% Year Pension ending return 30/06/1413.17% 30/06/1317.95% 30/06/120.08% 30/06/1110.02% 30/06/1011.28% 5 year average (p.a.) 10.34% Average since inception (p.a.)* 7.50% Year Accumulation Pension ending return#return 30/06/14 14.88%15.38% 30/06/13 19.35%21.11% 30/06/12 -1.44%-1.51% 30/06/11 9.02%9.86% 30/06/10 11.56%12.60% 5 year average (p.a.) 10.45% 11.23% Average since inception (p.a.)* 6.86% 7.41% Year Accumulation Pension ending return#return 30/06/14 7.72%8.16% 30/06/13 9.29%10.69% 30/06/12 3.28%3.78% 30/06/11 7.77%8.98% 30/06/10 9.37%10.82% 5 year average (p.a.) 7.46% 8.45% Average since inception (p.a.)* 5.86% 6.52% Past performance is not an indication of future performance. ‘Average’ means the compound average of the net earning rates applied to members. Asset allocation ranges and targets are current as at 30 June 2014. *Inception for MySuper (Balanced) Accumulation option, previously known as the Balanced Investment option was 31 August 1988. Inception for Balanced Pension option was 1 July 2002. Inception for Super Growth Accumulation and Pension options was 1 July 1999 and 1 July 2002 respectively. # Accumulation Return relates to the return achieved on AustSafe Super Industry Super and Personal Super options. Asset Class Target Asset Allocation (%) Australian Equities International Equities Growth Alternatives Infrastructure Property Defensive Alternatives Fixed Interest Cash 20% 10% 0% 5% 10% 0% 40% 15% Range (%) 15-25 5-15 0-5 0-10 5-15 0-5 15-45 5-25 Investment Timeframe At least 5 years. Performance Year Accumulation Pension ending return#return 30/06/14 9.37%10.85% 30/06/13 0.03%-0.04% 30/06/12 n/an/a 30/06/11 n/an/a 30/06/10 n/an/a 5 year average (p.a.) n/a n/a Average since inception (p.a.)* n/a n/a The Fund has continued to deliver strong investment outcomes with a return of 12.62% for the MySuper (Balanced) Investment Option for the year to 30 June 2014. Craig Stevens, CEO Note: The CRF Capital Stable Investment Option will be open to all members from 17 November 2014. Past performance is not an indication of future performance. ‘Average’ means the compound average of the net earning rates applied to members. Asset allocation ranges and targets are current as at 30 June 2014. *Inception for Capital Stable and CRF Capital Stable Accumulation options was 1 July 1999 and 1 April 2013 respectively. Inception for Capital Stable and CRF Capital Stable Pension options was 1 July 2002 and 1 April 2013 respectively. # Accumulation Return relates to the return achieved on AustSafe Super Industry Super and Personal Super options. 27 28 AustSafe Super Annual Report 2014 AustSafe Super Annual Report 2014 Investment Options Investment Options Single Asset Class Options hese options invest in one single asset class and can be mixed to build a member’s T own investment strategy based on their individual needs and objectives. Single Asset Class Options hese options invest in one single asset class and can be mixed to build a member’s T own investment strategy based on their individual needs and objectives. Australian Equities International Equities Property Fixed Interest Cash Bank Cash This option invests only in Australian Shares and is expected to experience a moderate to high level of volatility. This option invests only in shares outside Australia and will experience a moderate to high level of volatility. This option invests only in property, directly and through property trusts, and is expected to experience moderate to high level of volatility. This option invests solely in fixed interest instruments such as Government and corporate bonds and bank loans. It has a lower risk than shares or property but can provide a higher long-term return than cash. This option invests in cash only and is generally a secure investment with a very low risk profile. Returns may be lower over the longer term. This option invests in deposits with major domestic banks. There is some risk that returns may not keep up with inflation. Investment Objective Investment Objective Investment Objective Investment Objective Investment Objective Investment Objective To achieve a return, before tax and fees that exceeds the S&P/ASX300 Accumulation Index over rolling 3 year periods. To achieve a return, before tax and fees that exceeds 50% MSCI World ex-Australia Index and 50% MSCI World ex-Australia (Hedged) over rolling 3 year periods. To achieve a return before tax and fees that exceeds the Mercer Australian Unlisted Property Index over rolling 3 year periods. To achieve a return, before tax and fees that exceeds the 50% UBS Composite Bond Index (total) and 50% Citigroup G5 Bond Index (hedged) over rolling 3 year periods. To achieve consistent stable returns with low volatility. Earnings should exceed inflation (as measured by the Consumer Price Index) over rolling annual periods. The Bank Cash Investment Option was closed on 6 December 2013. The current rolling 3 year performance for Accumulation is 7.09% against and objective of 7.42%. The current rolling annual performance for Accumulation is 3.02% against and objective of 2.68%. The current rolling 3 year performance for Pension is 8.33% against and objective of 7.42%. The current rolling annual performance for Pension is 3.62% against and objective of 2.68%. The current rolling 3 year performance for Accumulation is 7.96% against and objective of 9.95%. The current rolling 3 year performance for Pension is 8.35% against and objective of 9.95%. The current rolling 3 year performance for Accumulation is 13.87% against and objective of 16.80%. The current rolling 3 year performance for Pension is 15.03% against and objective of 16.80%. The current rolling 3 year performance for Accumulation is 7.10% against and objective of 7.27%. The current rolling 3 year performance for Pension is 7.50% against and objective of 7.27%. Standard Risk Measure Standard Risk Measure Standard Risk Measure Standard Risk Measure Standard Risk Measure Standard Risk Measure The estimated likelihood of a negative return is 6.2 years in every 20 years. The estimated likelihood of a negative return is 5.8 years in every 20 years. The estimated likelihood of a negative return is 3.7 years in every 20 years. The estimated likelihood of a negative return is 2.2 years in every 20 years. The estimated likelihood of a negative return is nil in every 20 years. The estimated likelihood of a negative return is nil in every 20 years. Risk Band And Level Risk Band And Level Risk Band And Level Risk Band And Level Risk Band And Level Risk Band And Level 7, Very High 7, Very High 5, Medium to high 4, Medium 1, Very low 1, Very Low This option suits This option suits This option suits This option suits This option suits This option suits Members who are seeking high returns over the long term from Australian shares only and can tolerate the short term volatility, or are building their own mix of investments by combining this option with others. Members who are seeking high returns over the long term from International shares only and can tolerate the short term volatility, or are building their own mix of investments by combining this option with others. Members who are seeking lower volatility, steady income returns from Property only, or are building their own mix of investments by combining this option with others. Members who prefer low volatility in pursuit of moderate returns over a short to medium term, or are building their own mix of investments by combining this option with others. Members seeking to minimise their investment risk over the short term, or are building their own mix of investments by combining this option with others. Members seeking the security of bank deposits, or are building their own mix of investments by combining this option with others. Target Asset Allocation Target Asset Allocation Target Asset Allocation Target Asset Allocation Target Asset Allocation Target Asset Allocation Asset Class Australian Equities Cash Target Asset Allocation (%) 100% 0% Range (%) 95-100 0-5 Asset Class Target Asset Allocation (%) International Equities Cash 100% 0% Range (%) 95-100 0-5 Asset Class Target Asset Allocation (%) Property Cash 100% 0% Range (%) 95-100 0-5 Asset Class Fixed Interest Cash Target Asset Allocation (%) 100% 0% Range (%) 95-100 0-5 Asset Class Target Asset Allocation (%) Cash 100% Range (%) 100 Asset Class Target Asset Allocation (%) Bank Deposits 100% Range (%) 100 Investment Timeframe Investment Timeframe Investment Timeframe Investment Timeframe Investment Timeframe Investment Timeframe 5 – 7 years or more. 5 – 7 years or more. At least 5 Years. 1 – 3 years. No minimum timeframe. No minimum timeframe. Performance Performance Performance Performance Performance Performance Year Accumulation Pension ending return#return 30/06/14 16.35%16.82% 30/06/13 16.81%18.17% 30/06/12 -7.41%-7.86% 30/06/11 10.93%11.80% 30/06/10 13.58%14.54% 5 year average (p.a.) 9.66% 10.25% Average since inception (p.a.)* 3.77% 4.07% Year Accumulation Pension ending return#return 30/06/14 18.73%19.85% 30/06/13 27.57%30.63% 30/06/12 -2.51%-2.79% 30/06/11 6.44%7.27% 30/06/10 12.83%14.25% 5 year average (p.a.) 12.14% 13.28% Average since inception (p.a.)* 2.04% 2.13% Year Accumulation Pension ending return#return 30/06/14 4.03%3.73% 30/06/13 9.24%10.07% 30/06/12 8.10%8.81% 30/06/11 9.58%10.43% 30/06/10 0.22%0.29% 5 year average (p.a.) 6.17% 6.59% Average since inception (p.a.)* 3.51% 3.97% Year Accumulation Pension ending return#return 30/06/14 6.65%7.87% 30/06/13 6.73%7.92% 30/06/12 7.88%9.22% 30/06/11 7.96%9.43% 30/06/10 14.29%17.00% 5 year average (p.a.) 8.67% 10.24% Average since inception (p.a.)* 7.14% 8.43% Year Accumulation Pension ending return#return 30/06/14 3.02%3.62% 30/06/13 3.85%4.58% 30/06/12 4.55%5.37% 30/06/11 4.98%5.91% 30/06/10 3.75%4.42% 5 year average (p.a.) 4.03% 4.78% Average since inception (p.a.)* 4.59% 5.47% Year Accumulation Pension ending return#return 30/06/14 1.25%1.51% 30/06/13 3.55%4.28% 30/06/12 4.25%5.07% 30/06/11 4.68%5.61% 30/06/10 3.48%4.11% 5 year average (p.a.) n/a n/a Average since inception (p.a.)* n/a n/a Past performance is not an indication of future performance. ‘Average’ means the compound average of the net earning rates applied to members. Asset allocation ranges and targets are current as at 30 June 2014. *Inception for Australian Equities, International Equities and Property Accumulation and Pension options was 1 January 2007. # Accumulation Return relates to the return achieved on AustSafe Super Industry Super and Personal Super options. Past performance is not an indication of future performance. ‘Average’ means the compound average of the net earning rates applied to members. Asset allocation ranges and targets are current as at 30 June 2013. *Inception for Fixed Interest, Cash and Bank Cash Accumulation and Pension options was 1 January 2007, 1 July 2004 and 1 February 2009 respectively. # Accumulation Return relates to the return achieved on AustSafe Super Industry Super and Personal Super options. 29 30 AustSafe Super Annual Report 2014 AustSafe Super Annual Report 2014 How Your Money Is Invested How Your Money Is Invested 30-Jun-14 30-Jun-13 $ Market Value % of Total Investment $ Market Value % of Total Investment HarbourVest - Dover Street VII LP 41,734,611 2.51% 51,574,109 3.52% HarbourVest - Dover Street VIII LP 12,015,143 0.72% 1,384,636 0.09% Investment Manager Growth Alternatives How Your Money Is Invested We engage the expertise of professional investment consultants JANA Investment Advisers Pty Ltd (JANA) to assist us in reviewing the investment objectives, strategy and asset allocations for the Fund. JANA provides analysis of the performance of the Fund’s Investment Managers and assist us in finding new investment managers or investment products, which meet our objectives in delivering strong long-term superannuation returns for our members. We may appoint a particular investment manager during the financial year to improve performance or for greater investment diversification. The AustSafe Super Investment Committee reviews all recommendations from JANA and under the Board’s delegated authority, appoints and terminates Investment Managers having regard to the Fund’s investment objectives. ING Private Capital Fund No.2 233,000 0.01% 333,600 0.02% LaSalle TLET Fund 391,500 0.02% 1,703,268 0.12% Siguler Guff Small Buyout Opportunities Fund 5,873,910 0.35% - 0.00% The Private Capital Group Private Capital Units III 5,460,134 0.33% 7,396,470 0.50% Wilshire Private Markets Australia No.2 Fund 2,492,125 0.15% 2,552,170 0.17% 68,200,423 4.09% 64,944,253 4.42% Property AM60 Pty Ltd 1,239,301 0.07% 25,836,917 1.76% 49,382,330 2.97% 46,375,642 3.16% 1,430,799 0.09% 3,749,063 0.26% LaSalle Australia Club Investments Trust - Home Hub Hills 26,232,008 1.58% 25,092,485 1.71% LaSalle Australia Core Plus Fund 31,711,810 1.91% 31,207,444 2.13% AMP Capital Investors Australian Core Property Portfolio AMP Capital Investors Property Income Fund Matisse Tower - Mary Street Brisbane 5,655,002 0.34% 6,647,276 0.45% 115,651,250 6.96% 138,908,827 9.47% AMP Capital Investors Infrastructure Equity Fund 41,550,260 2.50% 38,998,161 2.66% AMP Capital Investors Strategic Infrastructure Trust of Europe The Private Capital Group - The Infrastructure Fund The Private Capital Group - The Infrastructure Fund B 25,290,826 1.52% 23,093,222 1.57% 63,822,580 3.84% 56,076,754 3.82% 268,218 0.02% 239,676 0.02% 130,931,884 7.88% 118,407,813 8.07% The following Investment Managers have been appointed to manage members’ investments over the last year: 30-Jun-14 30-Jun-13 Infrastructure $ Market Value % of Total Investment $ Market Value - 0.00% 35,807,899 2.44% BlackRock Australian Equities Portfolio 103,240,413 6.21% - 0.00% Greencape Capital Australian Equity Portfolio 109,132,856 6.57% 92,467,223 6.30% Integrity Investment Management Australian Equities Portfolio 83,385,650 5.02% 71,850,711 4.90% - 0.00% 16,418,862 1.12% BlackRock Multi Opportunity Fund 20,615,910 1.24% - 0.00% QIC Global Fixed Interest Alpha Fund 35,767,396 2.15% 20,359,195 1.39% 56,383,306 3.39% 20,359,195 1.39% - 0.00% 67,349,462 4.59% 74,002,452 4.45% - 0.00% Investment Manager % of Total Investment Australian Equities Allan Gray Australia Equity Fund L1 Capital Australian Equities Fund Northward Capital Australian Equities Portfolio Defensive Alternatives - 0.00% 3,146 0.00% 9,313,187 0.56% - 0.00% Paradice Investment Management Large Companies Portfolio 89,441,362 5.38% 97,593,464 6.65% Paradice Investment Management Mid Cap Fund 38,960,345 2.34% 33,393,306 2.28% Bentham Wholesale Syndicated Loan Fund Legg Mason Brandywine Global Fixed Income Absolute Return Fund Ophir Opportunities Fund Paradice Investment Management Small Cap Fund - 0.00% 29,691,399 2.02% 433,473,813 26.08% 377,226,010 25.71% Aberdeen International Equities Portfolio Currency Hedge 623,897 0.04% (3,749,839) -0.26% Causeway Capital Management LLC Gobal Equity Portfolio 79,955,064 4.81% 65,020,590 4.43% Delaware Investments Emerging Markets Fund 48,082,179 2.89% 40,786,095 2.78% Investec Global Equities Portfolio 83,041,523 5.00% - 0.00% 101,815 0.01% 71,339,774 4.86% International Equities Ironbridge Capital Management Global Equities Portfolio 112,589,367 6.77% 100,270,820 6.84% Platinum Investment Management Limited International Fund PanAgora Dynamic Global Equity Fund 98,168,037 5.91% 85,732,318 5.84% T Rowe Price Asia Ex Japan Fund 31,771,090 1.91% 30,169,732 2.06% 454,332,972 27.34% 389,569,490 26.55% Fixed Interest Members Equity Super Loans Trust Perennial Australian Fixed Interest Trust 932,091 0.06% 1,339,661 0.09% 69,484,148 4.18% 64,977,296 4.43% Perennial Tactical Income Trust 46,969,547 2.83% 44,087,146 3.01% PIMCO Global Bond Fund 65,054,263 3.91% 61,726,237 4.21% 256,442,501 15.43% 239,479,802 16.33% 9,115,271 0.55% 8,880,884 0.61% Cash Aberdeen Australian Floating Rate Income Fund AMP Capital Guaranteed Fund Various Term Deposits with Australian Deposittaking Institutions Total ($000) 1,187,245 0.07% 1,169,812 0.08% 136,281,052 8.21% 108,056,354 7.37% 146,583,568 8.83% 118,107,050 8.06% 1,661,999,717 100.00% 1,467,002,440 100.00% 31 32 AustSafe Super Annual Report 2014 AustSafe Super Annual Report 2014 Abridged Financial Statements Abridged Financial Statements Abridged Financial Statements as at 30 June 2014 The abridged Financial Statements have been prepared prior to the completion of the audit. The figures are subject to change. Members are able to request a full copy of the audited Financial Statements after 1 November 2014. Operating Statement for the year ended 30 June 2014 $ $ 30 June 2014 30 June 2013 109,608,332 65,215,998 Movement in net market value of investments 90,388,907 144,035,896 Investment management fees (7,531,151) (4,361,179) Total Investment Revenue 192,466,088 204,890,715 Contributions Revenue Transfer from Canegrowers Retirement Fund – 93,412,471 Employer contributions 131,297,394 122,013,495 Member contributions 20,899,537 11,248,629 Transfers from other funds 36,720,812 24,447,052 188,917,743 251,121,647 Total Contributions Revenue Sundry Income Total Other Revenue Total Revenue 1,136,610 1,872,250 35,964 60,003 1,172,574 1,932,253 382,556,405 457,944,615 Operating Expenses No TFN Contribution Tax and Surcharge Contributions Tax Total Expenditure Operating Surplus for the Period Before Tax Less: Income Tax Expense Benefits Accrued As A Result Of Operations Australian Equities 433,473,813 377,226,010 Cash 146,583,568 118,107,050 Defensive Alternatives Fixed Interest Growth Alternatives 56,383,306 20,359,195 256,442,501 239,479,802 68,200,423 64,944,253 Infrastructure 130,931,884 118,407,813 International Equities 454,332,972 389,569,490 Property 115,651,250 138,908,827 1,661,999,717 1,467,002,440 5,664,765 4,330,711 55,204,521 35,412,328 483,218 523,137 61,352,504 40,266,176 1,723,352,221 1,507,268,616 2,671,205 3,241,871 Income Tax Payable 10,509,806 7,019,304 Deferred Tax Liabilities 14,012,944 4,838,308 Total Liabilities 27,193,955 15,099,483 Net Assets Available to Pay Benefits 1,696,158,266 1,492,169,133 1,656,109,937 1,455,931,253 15,737,878 12,208,482 1,671,847,815 1,468,139,735 24,310,451 24,029,398 1,696,158,266 1,492,169,133 Total Investments Other Assets Receivables Fixed Assets Total Other Assets Total Assets Liabilities Expenditure Group life insurance premiums $ 30 June 2013 Cash - Operating Account Other Revenue Group Life Insurance Proceeds $ 30 June 2014 Investments Investment Revenue Investment Income Statement of Financial Position as at 30 June 2014 9,605,846 2,743,457 11,880,717 10,600,460 (986,196) 880,643 20,500,367 14,224,560 362,056,038 443,720,055 37,426,181 30,396,487 324,629,857 413,323,568 Payables Represented by: Liability for Accrued Benefits Allocated to Members’ Accounts Not Yet Allocated Vested benefits Reserve Total 33 34 AustSafe Super Annual Report 2014 AustSafe Super Annual Report 2014 Other Information Other Information Other information A number of professional service providers assist us with our operations. If we contract a service provider to provide a business activity that is or could be undertaken by us in house (i.e. performed by Trustee Office staff), this is referred to as ‘outsourcing’. For outsourcing of any material business activity such as Administration, we must follow our Outsourcing Policy which requires the completion of due diligence on the proposed service provider and regular monitoring. The Trustee also has a responsibility to ensure that its arrangements with service providers and other associations do not influence the financial services we provide. We do not believe that our arrangements with any of the entities cited below or any other service providers we use influence in any way the financial services we provide to our members. Each service provider is selected on its ability to perform relevant activities and is monitored on a regular basis. Administration We contract Superpartners Pty Ltd (ABN 57 078 907 883) to provide administration and call centre services to our members. We pay Superpartners a fee for these services. Insurer AustSafe Super’s members’ insurance is provided by CommInsure (a registered business name of The Colonial Mutual Life Assurance Society Limited ABN 12 04 021 809). Financial Planning AustSafe Super has put in place an arrangement with Industry Fund Services Limited (AFSL 232514, ABN 54 007 016 195) so that personal financial planning advice can be provided to AustSafe Super members on our behalf. No commissions are paid to Industry Fund Services Limited by AustSafe Super. Other key service providers are: Auditor BDO Audit (QLD) Pty Ltd Tax Advisers BDO QLD Pty Ltd Ernst and Young Investment Consultant JANA Investment Advisers Pty Ltd Custodian National Asset Servicing (National Australia Bank Limited) Eligible Rollover Fund From time to time the Trustee may transfer inactive or low account balances to an Eligible Rollover Fund called Australian Unclaimed Superannuation Fund (AusFund). (As a guide, this might be an account balance under $1,000 or an account that has been inactive for over 12 months). If your account balance is transferred, you will not have access to any of AustSafe Super’s benefits such as insurance. If your current address is on our records, you will be contacted in writing before your balance is transferred. You can contact AusFund at: Phone Fax Web Email Mail 1300 361 798 1300 366 233 unclaimedsuper.com.au [email protected] PO Box 2468 Kent Town SA 5071 Enquiries and complaints If you have a question about your membership or AustSafe Super or superannuation in general, please contact us as per the details on the back of this Annual Report. If you have a complaint about any of the services provided to you, contact our Customer Service Centre first, on 1300 131 293, or to lodge a complaint write to: The Complaints Officer AustSafe Super GPO Box 2273 Brisbane Qld 4001 We will treat your complaint with urgency and do everything possible to resolve the issue as soon as possible. A response to your complaint must be provided to you within 90 days. If you are not satisfied with the way your complaint is handled, or if we have not responded within 90 days, you can contact the Superannuation Complaints Tribunal (SCT). The SCT is an independent body set up to assist members or their beneficiaries to resolve certain superannuation complaints. If your complaint relates to a declined Total and Permanent Disablement claim you have six years from the date it was declined to submit your complaint to the Superannuation Complaints Tribunal (SCT). To find out whether the SCT can handle your complaint and the type of information you need to provide, you can contact it by: Website Phone Address Locked sct.gov.au 1300 884 114 Superannuation Complaints Tribunal Bag 3060 Melbourne VIC 3001 If your complaint is outside the jurisdiction of the SCT, you may have the right to take your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) of which AustSafe Super is a member. Its contact details are as follows: Website Phone Address fos.org.au 1300 780 808 Financial Ombudsman Service GPO Box 3 Melbourne VIC 3001 Working hard at Withcott Seedlings in Withcott, Queensland. 35 36 AustSafe Super Annual Report 2014 Other Information AustSafe Super Annual Report 2014 Other Information A couple enjoying the sunrise in Bargara, Queensland. 37 For more information about AustSafe Super visit our website at austsafe.com.au or contact us through one of the options below. Industry Super and Personal Super Members Phone 1300 131 293 between 7am – 6pm Monday to Friday Fax 1300 882 138 Email [email protected] Visit Level 10, 120 Edward Street, Brisbane QLD 4000 Mail GPO Box 3113, Brisbane QLD 4001 Pension Members Phone 1800 701 145 Fax 1300 655 283 Email [email protected] between 8:30am and 5:30pm Monday to Friday Visit Level 10, 120 Edward Street, Brisbane QLD 4000 PUBAR 0814 V1.0 Mail Locked Bag 200, Carlton South VIC 3053
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