ANS Lab and Specializations Courses and Prerequisites LAB COURSES: Course ANG 111 ANS 106 ANS 136A +ANS 137 ANS 136B +ANS 137 ANS 139 ANS 198 (135) Prerequisites BIS 2C, BIS 101, ABI 103. ANS 104 or NPB 102 ANS 2; ABI 102 Units 4 2 2 2 Qtr I, IV III I I Title Molecular Biology Laboratory Techniques Domestic Animal Behavior Laboratory Techniques and Practices of Fish Culture Animal Biochemistry Laboratory **Recommended for aquatics students Techniques and Practices of Avian Culture Animal Biochemistry Laboratory **Recommended for avian or poultry students Animal Physiology Production Animal Laboratory ANS 2; ABI 102 2 2 III III ABI 102, BIS 101 ABI 102, ABI 103, NPB 101/ANS 100, STA 100 (recommended) MCB ABI 103 (conc ok) 120L (Pass 1 open to MCB, MIC Majors only) MCB BIS 101 ( Pass 1 open to 160L Genetics Majors only) NPB 101L NPB 101 (ANS 100 not acceptable, Pass 1 open to NPB, BIS Majors only) PMI 126L PMI 126 (conc ok) and ABI 102 3 3 III I 6 All Molecular Biology and Biochemistry Laboratory 5 All Principles of Genetics Laboratory 3 All Systemic Physiology Laboratory 2 II Immunology Laboratory Prerequisite Sequences Course: Required Preparation: ABI 102 Organic Chemistry ABI 103 ABI 102 ANG 107 BIS 101 ANS 123 ABI 103 ANS 124 ANS 100/NPB 101/ABI 103 Concurrently Ok BIS 101 BIS 2A, 2B, and 2C plus Organic Chemistry NPB 101 BIS 2A; CHE 2B; Physics recommended ANS 100 BIS 2A; CHE 2B NPB 121 NPB 101/ANS 100 NPB 121L NPB 101/ANS 100 I, II, III, IV: Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer Conc. Ok : Concurrent Enrollment ok Rec.: Recommended Updated 9/15/14 SPECIALIZATIONS: (Students interested in the Disciplinary Focus Specializations, please contact the Advising Center at [email protected] for more information) LIVESTOCK AND DAIRY Course ANS 143 ANS 144 ANS 145 ANS 146 NUT 115 NUT 122 Prerequisites NUT 115, NPB 101/ANS 100 ANS 41, ANG 107, NUT 115 ANS 143 or ANS 144 or 146 or consent ANG 107, ANS 124, NUT 115, or consent CHE 8B, ANS 41 ABI 103, (NPB 101/ANS 100, BIS 2C and MAT 16B rec) Units 4 4 4 Title Pig and Poultry Care and Management Beef Cattle and Sheep Production Meat Processing and Marketing 5 Qtr I odd III II even III 4 4 II III Animal Feeds and Nutrition Ruminant Nutrition and Digestive Physiology Dairy Cattle Production EQUINE SCIENCE Course ANS 15 ANS 115 Units 3 4 Qtr II I Title Introductory Horse Husbandry Advanced Horse Production ANS 125 Prerequisites ANS 2 rec ANS 15, BIS 101, NUT 115, and NPB 101/ANS 100 NPB 101/ANS 100 3 Equine Exercise Biology ANS 126 ANS 15, NUT 115 3 ANS 127 ANS 141 NPB 101/ANS 100, ANS 115 ANS 115, (ECN 1AB rec) 3 4 III odd III even III II odd NUT 115 CHE 8B, ANS 41 4 II Animal Nutrition ANG 105 ANS 15, BIS 101 2 III Horse Genetics Equine Nutrition Advanced Equine Reproduction Equine Enterprise Management LABORATORY ANIMALS Course ANS 42 Prerequisites None Units 4 Qtr II Title Introductory Companion Animal Biology ANS 103 ANS 104 ANS 104 or NPB 102 or equiv ANS 2, BIS 2B 4 4 I II ANS 140 NPB 102 NPB 101/ANS 100 BIS 2ABC 4 3 I All Animal Welfare Principles and Applications of Domestic Animal Behavior Management of Laboratory Animals Animal Behavior NPB 123 NUT 123 NUT 123L BIS 2AB ABI 103 ABI 103, NUT 123 (conc okay) 4 3 1 II III III Comparative Vertebrate Organology Comparative Animal Nutrition Comparative Animal Nutrition Laboratory I, II, III, IV: Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer Conc. Ok : Concurrent Enrollment ok Rec.: Recommended Updated 9/15/14 COMPANION AND CAPTIVE ANIMALS Course ANS 42 ANS 142 Units Qtr 4 II 4 I NUT 123 Prerequisites None ANS 42, BIS 101, NPB 101/ANS 100, (ABI 103 rec) Writing course BIS 2AB BIS 2AB ABI 103, (BIS 2C, MAT 16B, and NPB 101/ANS 100 rec) ABI 103 NUT 123L NUT 123 (conc ok) and ABI 103 ANS 170 AVS 100 AVS 103 NUT 122 4 3 3 4 III III I III 3 III Title Introductory Companion Animal Biology Companion Animal Care and Management Ethics of Animal Use Avian Biology Avian Development and Genetics Ruminant Nutrition and Digestive Physiology Comparative Animal Nutrition 1 III Comparative Animal Nutrition Laboratory AQUATIC ANIMALS Integrated Animal Biology Courses (can be used to replace ANS 124, ANS 123, NPB 121+L with approval of student’s faculty advisor) Course BIS 104 EVE 112 WFC 120 WFC 121 Prerequisites BIS 101, ABI 102 BIS 2BC (systematics, and EVE courses rec.) BIS 2B Units Qtr 3 All 3 II even 3 I Title Cell Biology Biology of Invertebrates Upper Div. NUT or physiology course 4 Physiology of Fishes II Biology and Conservation of Fishes **These courses cannot be used to satisfy both the integrated animal biology requirement and the specialization coursework. Aquatic Animals Specialization Courses: Course ANS 18 ETX 120 Prerequisites None BIS 2A, CHE 8B Title Introductory Aquaculture Perspectives in Aquatic Toxicology BIS 2AB Units Qtr 4 I 4 II odd 4 II odd 4 II EVE 115 BIS 2B NPB 123 MCB 150 BIS 101 4 Developmental Biology I Marine Ecology Comparative Vertebrate Organology **Students interested in fulfilling the Aquatic Animals specialization through the Bodega Bay Marine Laboratory may visit their undergraduate course website for more information: I, II, III, IV: Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer Conc. Ok : Concurrent Enrollment ok Rec.: Recommended Updated 9/15/14 AVIAN SCIENCES Integrated Animal Biology Courses (can be used to replace ANS 124, ANS 123, NPB 121+L with approval of student’s faculty advisor) Course AVS 103 AVS 121 NPB 117 Prerequisites BIS 2AB BIS 2AB BIS 2AB, CHE 2Bn (NPB 101 rec) Units 3 2 3 Qtr I NCO III Title Avian Development and Genomics Avian Reproduction Avian Physiology **These courses cannot be used to satisfy both the integrated animal biology requirement and the specialization coursework. Avian Sciences Specialization Courses: Course Prerequisites Units Qtr Title AVS 13 AVS 100 AVS 103 AVS 115 NPB 102 NUT 123 NUT 123L WFC 111 WFC 136 None BIS 2AB BIS 2AB BIS 2A BIS 2ABC ABI 103 ABI 103, NUT 123 (conc ok) 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 I III I IV II, III III III BIS 2ABC, EVE 101 WFC 111, WFC 111L 3 4 I II even Birds, Humans, and the Environment Avian Biology Avian Development and Genetics Raptor Biology Animal Behavior Comparative Animal Nutrition Comparative Animal Nutrition Laboratory Biology and Conservation of Wild Birds Ecology of Waterfowl and Game Birds POULTRY Integrated Animal Biology Courses (can be used to replace ANS 124, ANS 123, NPB 121+L with approval of student’s faculty advisor) Course AVS 103 AVS 121 NPB 117 Prerequisites BIS 2AB BIS 2AB BIS 2AB, CHE 2B,(NPB 101/ANS 100 rec) Units 3 2 3 Qtr I NCO III Title Avian Development and Genomics Avian Reproduction Avian Physiology **These courses cannot be used to satisfy both the integrated animal biology requirement and the specialization coursework. Poultry Specialization Courses: Course AVS 13 AVS 100 ANS 143 ANS 145 NUT 123 Prerequisites None BIS 2AB NUT 115, NPB 101/ANS 100 ANS 143 or ANS 144 or 146 or consent ABI 103 I, II, III, IV: Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer Conc. Ok : Concurrent Enrollment ok Rec.: Recommended Units 3 3 4 4 Qtr I I I odd II even Title Birds, Humans, and the Environment Avian Biology Pig and Poultry Care and Management Meat Processing and Marketing 3 III Comparative Animal Nutrition Updated 9/15/14 NUT ABI 103, NUT 123 (conc okay) 123L WFC 136 WFC 111, WFC 111L 1 4 III Comparative Animal Nutrition Laboratory II even Ecology of Waterfowl and Game Birds OTHER COURSES THAT CAN BE USED TOWARDS ANY SPECIALIZATION Course ABT 121 Prerequisites ANS 1 or 2 Units 2 4 Qtr II even I Title Animal Housing and Environment Management Animal Welfare ANS 103 ANS 104 or NPB 102 or equiv ANS 104 ANS 2, BIS 2B 4 II BIS 2B, (STA 100 or PLS 120 rec) Upper Div. Standing, PLS 21 3 III Principles and Applications of Domestic Animal Behavior Sustainable Animal Agriculture ANS 112 4 II BIS 2ABC, CHE 2AB, CHE 8AB ABI 102, BIS 101 3 3 II odd III Agricultural Applications of Linear Programming Environmental Stewardship in Animal Production Systems Animal Physiology ANS 148 ANS 141 or 145 or 147 or consent 4 III Enterprise Analysis in Animal Industries ANS 198 (150) None (ANS 2 rec) 4 III ANS 170 Writing course 4 III Health and Disease Issues in Animals (Will be listed as Independent Group Study) Ethics of Animal Use AVS 100 AVS 103 NPB 102 BIS 2AB BIS 2AB BIS 2ABC 3 3 3 NPB 130 NPB 152 NUT 122 NPB 101/ANS 100 NPB 101/ANS 100, 102 ABI 103, (BIS 2C, MAT 16B, NPB 101/ANS 100 rec) ABI 103 ABI 103 and NUT 123 (conc ok) Upper Div. Standing 4 3 4 III I II, III I III III 3 1 III III 2 II ANS 128 ANS 129 ANS 139 NUT 123 NUT 123L PHR 106 Avian Biology Avian Development and Genetics Animal Behavior Physiology of the Endocrine Glands Hormones and Behavior Ruminant Nutrition and Digestive Physiology Comparative Animal Nutrition Comparative Animal Nutrition Laboratory Human-Animal Interactions: Benefits and Issues **If students use any of these substitutions, it must be approved by their faculty advisor I, II, III, IV: Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer Conc. Ok : Concurrent Enrollment ok Rec.: Recommended Updated 9/15/14
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