NPB 2014-2016 Depth Course Choices - Choose enough courses to total 12 units Course Code Course # Title Units Prerequisites Quarter Offered NPB 100L Neurobiology Lab 3 NPB 100 (may be concurrent) S NPB NPB 103 104L Cellular Physiology/Neurobiology Cellular Physiology/Neurobiology Lab 3 4 BIS 103 or 105, 104, (PHY 7C recommended) NPB 101 and 101L. BIS 103 or 105. Irreg. W NPB NPB NPB NPB NPB NPB NPB NPB NPB 105 106 107 111L 112 113 114 117 121 Intro to Computer Models Experiments in NPB Cell Signaling in Health & Disease Advanced Systemic Physiology Lab Neuroscience Cardio, Respiratory & Renal Physiology Gastrointestinal Physiology Avian Physiology Physiology of Reproduction 4 3 3 4 3 4 3 3 4 MATH 16C, PHY 7C, CHE 2C, NPB 100 or 101 NPB 100 or 101 or 102, 199, CI BIS 102 or 105 NPB 101, 101L NPB 100 or 101 NPB 101, CHE 8B, (PHY 7BC rec.) NPB 101 (BIS 103 or 105 recommended) BIS 2A, 2B, CHE 2B, NPB 101 NPB 101 Irreg. FWS W/Irreg. W W/Irreg. NPB NPB NPB NPB NPB NPB NPB NPB NPB NPB 121L 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 1 3 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 4 (NPB 121 recommended. Can be concurrent) NPB 101 BIS 2A, 2B PSC 101 or NPB 100 or 101 NPB 101 NPB 100 or 101 NPB 101 NPB 101 NPB 101 NPB 101 W Irreg. W W Irreg. Irreg. Irreg. W Irreg. F NPB NPB NPB 132 139 140 Physiology of Reproduction Lab Developmental Endocrinology Comparative Vertebrate Organology Comparative Neuroanatomy Neurointegrative Mechanisms Comparative Physiology: Sensory Systems Comparative Physiology: Circulation Comparative Physiology: Endocrinology Comparative Physiology: Respiration Physiology of Endocrine Glands Nature v. Nurture: Physiological Interaction Among Genes, Nutrients & Health Frontiers in Physiology Principles of Environmental Physiology 3 3 3 BIS 1A or 2A or CI NPB 100, 101, (102 may be concurrent) NPB 101, (BIS 102 recommended) F Irreg. W NPB 141 3 Upper division standing, CI, Residence at BML S NPB NPB NPB NPB NPB NPB NPB NPB NPB NPB NPB 141P 150 152 159 160 160L 161 162 164 165 166 Physiological Adaptation of Marine Organisms Adv. Topics in Physio. Adaptation of Marine Organisms Advanced Animal Behavior Hormones and Behavior Frontiers in Behavior Molecular & Cellualar Neurobiology Adv. Cellular Neurobiology Lab Developmental Neurobiology Neural Mechanisms of Behavior Mammalian Vision Neurobiology of Speech Perception Math Tools for Neuroscience 5 4 3 3 3 4 3 3 4 3 4 NPB 141 concurrently. Residence at BML NPB 102 or PSC 101 NPB 101, NPB 102 or PSC 101 NPB 100, 101, 102 NPB 100, BIS 101 and consent of instructor NPB 160, (PHY 7C recommended) NPB 100 or 101 NPB 100 or 101 NPB 100, 112, or PSC 101 NPB 100 or 101 NPB 100 or CI, MAT 16C, PHY 7C S W S Irreg. Irreg. Irreg. S S W Irreg. Irreg. NPB NPB 167 168 Computational Neuroscience Neurobiology of Addictive Drugs 5 4 NPB 100 or CI, MAT 17C, (PHY 7C strong rec.) NPB 100 or 101 Irreg. S NPB ANT 169 154A Frontiers in Neurobiology Evolution of Primate Behavior 3 5 ANT ENT EXB 154BN 104 101 5 3 4 NPB 100, 101, (NPB 102 may be concurrent) Irreg. ANT 001 ANT 001 or intro course in evolutionary biology or ecology Intro bio or zoology W NPB 101 F 4 3 PSC 1 rec. EXB 101 or CI Primate Evolutionary Ecology Behavioral Ecology of Insects Exercise Physiology Into to Motor Learning & Psychology of Sport & EXB 102 Exercise EXB 111 Environmental Effects on Physical Performance NPB 192, 197T and 199 may NOT be used to satisfy depth requirements F S W FW W
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