EMC’14/Tokyo 16P2-S1 Electromagnetic Interference Control Techniques for Spacecraft Harness A. Junge, J. Wolf P. Pelissou Electromagnetic Compatibility Section European Space Agency – ESTEC Noordwijk, The Netherlands [email protected] Electromagnetic Compatibility Section Astrium SAS Toulouse, France N. Mora, F. Rachidi Electromagnetic Compatibility Laboratory École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) Lausanne, Switzerland Abstract—The electrical harness is an essential part of all the spacecraft. The prime contractors of spacecraft are especially active in efforts to optimize harness size and mass. The shielding of the harness for Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) control is an important element in this optimization, because cable shields and especially connector backshells have a significant mass impact. We present results of a recently finished study of the European Space Agency (ESA) conducted by a consortium of Astrium SAS, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) and axon’ cable. First some basic principles of harness shielding are recalled, then important test and simulation results are presented, followed by a brief summary of the derived guidelines on EMI control techniques for spacecraft harness. These guidelines also consider a trade-off with mass increase and implementation constraints. and Earth observation satellites tend to be less constrained by the mass for the launch, but their performance demands are constantly increasing while their dimensions are being reduced in order to be launched by small launchers. Consequently the relative harness mass and volume compared to the other system elements can exceed 10% and can also create problems of layout. For this reason research and development efforts continue at spacecraft manufacturer level and also at harness manufacturer level to optimize the harness size and mass. Keywords—electromagnetic shielding; cable shielding; satellite; spacecraft In a recently finished study of the European Space Agency (ESA) conducted by a consortium of Astrium SAS, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) and axon’ cable [1], we first reviewed briefly basic principles of shielding and analyzed existing shielding and backshell implementations; then some promising new techniques have been identified. In an extensive test campaign, various implementations and techniques have been validated and compared with numerical simulations with the aim of defining selection criteria and guidelines [2]. These guidelines include a trade-off with other engineering requirements like cost, mass, volume, assembly, and integration. I. INTRODUCTION The harness is an essential part of all spacecraft. As a nonrecurring element that requires adaptation for each space mission, it is also a critical element in the development schedule. The reliability of the harness must be superior to guarantee that not one of the tens of thousands of connections fails. To minimize the complexity of the harness is thus a natural approach, which is just as important as the minimization of mass and volume. The prime contractors of telecommunication spacecraft are specially active in efforts to reduce harness mass. This is not only because each gram gained allows to increase fuel and thus lifetime, but also because of the tight schedule, which is on average just twice as short as that of Earth observation spacecraft for example. State-of-the-art harnesses account for only approximately 3% of the mass of telecommunication spacecraft, but the activities to improve the harness continue with the focus on integration and tests. Scientific spacecraft The shielding of the overall harness for Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) control is an important factor in this optimization, because the individual shielding elements like cable shields and especially connector backshells have a significant mass impact. In this paper we briefly recall some basic principles and performance parameters, present important test and simulation results, and then provide a brief summary of the derived guidelines. II. In general the efficiency of electromagnetic shielding methods significantly depends on the type of field. ESA Study on “Advanced Shielding Techniques for Spacecraft Harness”, Contract No. 4 000 102 505 Copyright 2014 IEICE BASIC PRINCIPLES 840 EMC’14/Tokyo 16P2-S1 Implementations of a Faraday cage using an electrically conductive material can be used to confine (quasi-)static electric fields in a volume or excluded them from a region in space. For (quasi-)static magnetic fields materials with high magnetic permeability become necessary to concentrate the magnetic field inside such materials. For time-dependent electromagnetic fields, the electric and magnetic field are coupled and will be attenuated again by electrically conductive materials. The efficiency will not only depend on the material thickness in relation to the wavelength of the electromagnetic field, but also on the continuity of the shield. This aspect is especially important for a harness, where this continuity needs to be provided not only by the cable shield but also the connector including its backshell and the contact to the socket at equipment side. To quantify the efficiency, suitable parameters need to be defined, which will differ depending on the considered frequency range. A. Shielding Effectiveness The shielding effectiveness (SE) is originally defined as the ratio of the electric or magnetic field strengths at both sides of a shield, i.e. the ratio of field strength of incident (outer) and the transmitted (inner) fields, Ei and Et. It is often expressed in decibels [4], e.g. for the electric field the shielding effectiveness can be expressed as [4] SE 20 log dB. (1) For a cable, this can also be defined as the voltage or current induced into the inner conductors of the cable with and without the shield in place. A number of disadvantages exist in the measurement and characterization of the shielding effectiveness, e.g. the influence by the test set-up. In modestirred reverberation chambers, the measurement of shielding effectiveness has limited sensitivity to the geometry of the test set-up due to the statistical nature of the method. Since the lowest usable frequency however is related to the geometric dimensions of a reverberation chamber, this method can be applied only for high frequencies. Thus shielding effectiveness is in best case usable above some 100 MHz, typically above 1 GHz. This measurement method is schematically depicted in Fig. 1. B. Transfer Impedance The transfer impedance Z’t is in contrast a parameter that is independent from the test results towards at low frequencies, such that it should be comparable with data obtained on the same cable in different test set-ups. The transfer impedance relates the voltage U’i induced per unit length on the inner conductor of the shield to the current Is injected into the shield: i = t s. (2) Note that to correctly characterize a shielded cable, we need to consider also the so-called transfer admittance which relates the inner current to the voltage applied to the shield. At low frequencies, the transfer admittance is usually small compared to the transfer admittance and can be disregarded. However, as the frequency increases, especially beyond 1 GHz, the transfer admittance should be taken into account [5]. At such frequencies the shielding effectiveness described in section II.A becomes a good parameter of shielding efficiency. Therefore the transfer impedance is typically used at low and medium frequencies up to some 100 MHz. With different transfer impedance measurements considering (i) only cable separately, (ii) only connectors, and (iii) the full harness assembly including terminations, the contribution of each element can be discriminated. For the measurement of the transfer impedance different test set-ups can be utilized, which will be briefly described in the following sub-sections. 1) Tri-axial Method The tri-axial method is especially suited for shielded cables. With an outer cylinder around the shielded cable an additional outer coaxial transmission line is formed. The general method is described in [6] and we have adopted the use of current probes for current injection and measurement as described in [7]. This general principle was adopted to perform measurements also on single connectors plus backshells in the set-up shown in Fig. 2. Current transformer Coaxial Connector (current injection) Flange Coaxial Connector (voltage measurement) Internal wire DUT Short circuit point Fastener Fig. 2. Triaxial-like fixture for measuring transfer impedance of connectors plus backshells. Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of a mode-stirred chamber with with the cable or harness as device under test (DUT). Copyright 2014 IEICE 2) Microstrip Method Moreover, in analogy to the triaxial method a set-up with a microstrip line on the exterior of the harness was used to perform measurements on the full harness assembly with the set-up shown in Fig. 3. 841 EMC’14/Tokyo 16P2-S1 5) Double-layer aluminium foil shield and standard backshell (AluPolamco) The overshielding is made with two layers of aluminium foil and grounded on the chimney of a standard backshell. Additional mass about 50 g. III. MEASUREMENTS In the frame of the study numerous measurements have been performed and compared with analytical formulas and numerical simulations. At low frequencies, formulas based on equivalent circuits and transmission line theory in CST Cable Studio were used to validate test results; at higher frequencies full-wave simulations using CST Microwave Studio have been performed. 1000 Shielding effectiveness (dB) Fig. 3. Triaxial fixture for measuring transfer impedance of connectors. B. Performance summary 30 kHz – 1 GHz Based on the transfer impedance measurements, the shielding effectiveness of different harness assemblies consisting of overshielding, shielding braid and terminations have been derived from transfer impedance measurements considering an injection of a common mode emission on the overshielding. Fig. 4 presents the different shielding effectiveness curves according to the technologies considered in this study. A. Test cases For this paper we present results from five different test cases in addition to a reference case. As a standard, Sub-D type backshell (Polamco BT series) was chosen. The shields were generally attached to the backshell with 360° contact by a band termination (axoclamp). The reference case was a braided cable shield grounded with pigtail on a haloring without backshell. 100 10 Axo/Glenair Axo/Polamco Round-It/Polamco Sliding C12 tape (one layer) Double layer alu foil Reference case (shielding cable) 1 1,00E+04 1,00E+05 1,00E+06 1,00E+07 1,00E+08 1,00E+09 Frequency (Hz) 1) Braided shield and composite backshell (Axo/Glenair) The overshielding is made with a double-layer braided shield of silver-plated aluminium braid (axotresse) and grounded on the chimney of a Sub-D type backshell made from composite material (Glenair 557-186). Additional mass compared to reference case for 1 m harness bundle is about 65 g. 2) Braided shield and standard backshell (Axo/Polamco). The overshielding is made with a double-layer braided shield of silver-plated aluminium braid (axotresse) and grounded on the chimney of a standard backshell. Additional mass about 45 g. Fig. 4. Shielding effectiveness of different technologies in 30 kHz – 1 GHz. C. Performance summary in 500 MHz – 18 GHz The Sub-D connector and associated backshell are not designed for radio-frequency (RF) applications. Therefore the shielding effectiveness drops down with the frequency, as can be seen Fig. 5. The SE behaviour seems similar for all the tested cases; the double aluminium foil with backshell presents better results. The gain on SE with respect to the reference case is around +35dB at 1 GHz, +20dB at 2 GHz and 0dB at 4 GHz for the majority of tested cases. 3) Self-wrapping Nickel-Copper cladded polymer fabric and backshell with sliding lid (RoundIt/Polamco sliding; only up to 1 GHz) The overshielding is made of self-wrapping polymer (polyphenylene sulphide, PPS) sheets (FederalModul RoundIt EMI FMJ) and grounded on the chimney of a Sub-D type backshell with sliding lid (Polamco BT series). Additional mass about 105 g. 100 Shielding effectiveness (dB) Axo/Glenair Axo/Polamco C12/Polamco Alu/Polamco Reference case (shielding cable) Polynomial (Axo/Glenair) Polynomial (Alu/Polamco) Polynomial (C12/Polamco) Polynomial (Axo/Polamco) Polynomial (Reference case (shielding cable)) 4) Nickel-Copper C12 cladded polyester fabric and standard backshell (C12; C12/Polamco) The overshielding is wounded with a Nickel-Copper C12 cladded polymer fabric tape (Schlegel C12 EMI) and grounded on the chimney of a standard backshell. Additional mass about 75 g. 10 100000000 1000000000 10000000000 1E+11 Frequency (Hz) Fig. 5. Shielding effectiveness of different techniques in 500 MHz–18 GHz. Copyright 2014 IEICE 842 EMC’14/Tokyo 16P2-S1 In this frequency range, the mating contact between backshell and connectors and between fixed connectors at equipment side and mobile connectors of the harness have an influence on the EMC performances. Fig. 6 shows the SE measurements in reverberating chamber for two configurations: (i) with isolating Kapton and (ii) with aluminium tape having conductive adhesive (Cho-Foil) on connector shell. They simulate the two extremes of connector shell electrical contact. The results show a maximum difference of 15dB at 2GHz, which compensate the SE effect due to the overshield and the backshell. 80 C12/Polamco+Kapton C12/Polamco+Chofoil Polynomial (C12/Polamco+Chofoil) SE in dB 60 Polynomial (C12/Polamco+Kapton) 40 20 0 100 1000 Frequency in MHz 10000 100000 Fig. 6. Shielding effectiveness of different technologies in 500 MHz – 18 GHz, measured in a reverberation chamber. The results have demonstrated that the random electrical contact between fix connector, mobile connector, and backshell leaves slots in between both screw-locks. Moreover, these slot sizes are close to the half of the wavelength in the L- and Sband and so the shielding effectiveness of this assembly drops to low values with increasing frequency. Fig. 7 shows the three potential interfaces in the Sub-D connector assembly that leaves slots and therefore RF leakages: - between fix connector and unit chassis, between the fix and mobile connector, and between the backshell and the mobile connector. mainly performed through the screw-locks. The measurements show that the transfer impedance could vary with a factor of 4 following the connector mating contact (difference observed after three different connections). IV. The best compromise seems to be the braided shield of silver-plated aluminum with a standard backshell. It presents good EMC performances and a low additional mass. This solution however needs to be implemented at the harness design stage. When an overshielding solution needs to be implemented as an EMI mitigation at system level after the harness delivery, then aluminum foil or Nickel-Copper C12 cladded polyester fabric could be used; however with lower shielding efficiency. For shielding efficiency almost identical to braided shield of silver-plated aluminum, the self-wrapping Nickel-Copper cladded polymer fabric and backshell with sliding lid appears as an optimum solution but with a significant mass increase. To limit the RF leakages at Sub-D connector and backshell level, a possible solution is to cover completely the socket at equipment side with the backshell up to the unit chassis. In order to improve the reliability and repeatability of electrical contact, EMI gaskets for Sub-D connector and /or backshells could be used. An alternative option would be design modifications to the existing Sub-D connectors and backshells to ensure 360° contact with the socket at the equipment side. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors would like to thank P. Bisognin, J.-P. Bonzom and B. Theillaumas from Astrium SAS and L. Bernier, G. Rouchaud, and E. Streissel from axon’ cable for valuable discussions, test preparations and execution of tests. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] Fig. 7. Potential interfaces for EMI leackages. [6] Moreover the tests performed on Sub-D connectors have demonstrated that the electrical contact between male and female connector shells is random and the electrical contact is Copyright 2014 IEICE GUIDELINES The reference case showed degradation of the cable shielding effectiveness by the pigtail wire in high frequency. Moreover, reliability during the connector mating and demating is poor. 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