Department of Business Administration Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) Class Routine Fall -2014 BBA (Batch-1) Day Time Course Code & Title Monday-Wednesday 9:30-11:00am GED 113 Sunday-Tuesday 9:30-11:00am BUS 121 : Principles of Management 603 Sunday-Tuesday 11:00- 12:30pm BUS 123 : Principles of Microeconomics 603 BUS 123 : Principles of Accounting 703 Monday-Wednesday Teachers Name : Introduction to Demography Room No. 703 BBA (Batch- 2 & 3) Day Time Course Code & Title Teachers Name Room No. Sunday-Tuesday 11 :00-12:30pm ENG 101 : Fundamental English Israt Jahan 601 Monday-Wednesday 11:00-12:30pm GED 105 : Fundamental of Psychology Prof. Dr. Nesar Ahmed 603 Monday-Wednesday 9:30-11:00am GED 113 : Introduction to Demography Sunday-Tuesday 9:30-11:00am BUS 121 Principles of Management Prof. Dr. Neasr Ahmed Professor, FIU 703 603 Department of Business Administration Master of Business Administration (MBA) & Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA) Class Routine Fall -2014 MBA (Batch-1 & 2nd ) Day Time Course Code & Title Friday Friday Thursday Saturday 9:30 am to 12:00pm 2:30pm to 5:30pm 6:00pm to 9:00pm 6:00pm to 9:00pm MKT 601 : Brand Management Mathematics for Business Introduction to Business MUS 635 : Strategic Management Prof. Dr. Neasr Ahmed Professor, FIU Teachers Name Room No. Prof. Dr. Nesar Ahmed Prof. Dr. Nesar Ahmed 602 602 601 602 Department of Business Administration Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) Evening Class Routine Fall -2014 Day Time Course Code & Title Teachers Name Room No. Friday 9:00-12:00pm ENG 101 : Fundamental English Israt Jahan 601 Friday 3:00-5:00PM BUS 123 : Principles of Accounting 601 Saturday 6:00-9:00pm BUS 121 : Principles of Management 601 Prof. Dr. Neasr Ahmed Professor, FIU Fareast International University Department of Law & Justice Fall-2014 Class Schedule-LLB(Hon’s) 1st ,2nd & 3rd Batch Day/Time 8.00-9.30 9.30-11.00 11.00-12.30 12.30-2.00 2.30-4.00 Sat Law 132 SMK 602 Sun Eng 101 IJ 601 Law 222 SY 603 Law 211 SY 603 Eng 101 IJ 601 Law 222 SY 602 Law 211 SY 602 4.00-5.30 Mon Tues Wed Law 111 MRK 602 Law 111 MRK 602 Law 132 SMK 602 Thurs Courses Teachers Law 111 The Jurisprudence of Legal Concepts SMK Sheikh Mosfeq Kabir Law 132 Muslim Family Law and Reforms MRK M.R.K. Rumi Law 211 Constitutional Law of Bangladesh SY Sabina Yesmin Law 222 Law of Transfer of Property Prepared by: Sabina Yesmin, Lecturer, Department of Law & Justice Fareast International University Department of Law & Justice Fall-2014 Class Schedule-LLB(Pass Course) 1st & 2nd Batch Day/Time 9.00-10.30 10.30-12.00 Fri Law 222 SY 601 Law 211 SY 601 Sat Law 132 SMK 602 Law 132 SMK 602 Courses Law 111 The Jurisprudence of Legal Concepts Law 132 Muslim Family Law and Reforms Law 211 Constitutional Law of Bangladesh Law 222 Law of Transfer of Property Prepared by Sabina Yesmin Lecturer Department of Law & Justice 12.00-1.30 1.30-3.00 3.00-4.30 4.30-6.00 Law 222 SY 602 Law 211 SY 602 Law 111 MRK 602 Law 111 MRK 602 Teachers SMK Sheikh Mosfeq Kabir MRK M.R.K. Rumi SY Sabina Yesmin Fareast International University Department of English Fall 2014 Class Schedule Time Day Saturday Sun 8.15-9.30 Monday Tues Wed 9.30-10.45 11.00-12.15 12.30-1.45 Eng 509 (NR) 601 Eng 106 NR 602 Eng 508 IJ 601 Eng101 IJ 601 Eng 107 IJ 602 ENG101 IJ 601 Eng 102(NR) 602 Eng 201 NR 601 Eng 106 NR 601 Eng 107 IJ 602 CSE 101 GDB (701) Eng 201 NR 601 CSE 101 GDB (701) Thurs Fri Courses Eng 101 Fundamental English Eng 102 Composition and Communication Skills Eng 106 Studies in English History Eng 107 European History (Renaissance to WWII) Eng 201 Old & Middle English literature in Translation Eng 508 20th Century Drama Eng 509 20th Century Poetry CSE 101 Fundamentals of Computer Science Eng 101 Fundamental English (Evening Batch) Eng101(Eve) IJ 601 Teachers IJ Israt Jahan NR Nahin Rahman GDB Golam Dastoger Bashar 2.30-3.45 Eng 508 IJ 601 Eng 102 (NR) 602 Fareast International University Department of Computer Science and Engineering B. Sc. in CSE (Day) Semester: FALL 2014 Class Routine Day Sat Room 701 Sun 601 Mon 701 11.00-11.50 11.50-12.40 12.40-1.30 PHY 111 (D) SA Batch-2 ENG 101(D) IJ Batch-2 PHY 121 (D) SA Batch-1 ENG 101(D) IJ Batch-2 PHY 121 (D) SA Batch-1 ENG 102 NR Batch-1 (12.40-2.00) EEE 111 (D) SS Batch-2 EEE 111 (D) SS Batch-2 Tue 601 Thu 701 CSE 101 (D) GDB Batch-2 CSE 101 (D) GDB Batch-2 EEE 112 (D) SS Batch-2 MAT 120 (D) TBA (11.00-12.40) Batch-1 T. Code GDB IJ SS SA NR NMU TBA C. Code CSE 101 CSE 102 601 701 CSE 102 (D) GDB Batch-2 ENG 101(D) IJ Batch-2 702 703 Wed MAT 120 (D) TBA (2.30-3.20) Batch-1 CSE 101 (D) GDB Batch-2 703 2.30-5.00 PHY 111 (D) SA Batch-2 CSE 106 (D) GDB Batch-1 CSE 105 (D) GDB Batch-1 ENG 102 NR (2.30-4.00 p.m.) Batch-1 EEE 111 (D) SS Batch-2 2.30-3.20 PHY 111 PHY 121 (D) (D) SA SA Batch-2 3.20-4.10 2.30-3.20 Batch-1 CSE 105 CSE 106 CSE 209 ENG 101 ENG 102 MAT 120 PHY 111 MAT 121 EEE 111 EEE 112 EEE 211 EEE 212 Teacher Name Golam Dastoger Bashar Israt Jahan Sanjida Shawkat Shamsun Alam Nahin Rahman Naim Uddin To Be Announced Course Title Fundamentals of Computer Science Fundamentals of Computer Science Lab Structural Programming Structural Programming (Lab) Discrete Mathematics Fundamental English Composition & Communication Skills Mathematics I Physics I Mathematics II Electrical Circuit I Electrical Circuit I Sessional Electronic I Electronic I Lab Fareast International University Department of Computer Science and Engineering B. Sc. in CSE (Eve) Semester: FALL 2014 Class Routine Day Room Mon 703 Thu 703 Fri 703 9.00a.m.-12.00p.m. 2.30p.m.-5.00p.m. CSE 209 GDB (E) Eve Batch-1 6.00p.m.-9.00p.m. CSE 101 (E) TBA Eve Batch-2 MAT 121 (E) TBA Eve Batch-1 & 2 ENG 101(E) IJ Eve Batch-2 EEE 211 (E) NMU Eve Batch-1 & 2 EEE 212 (E) NMU 6.00-7.30, Eve Batch-1&2 T. Code GDB IJ NMU TBA C. Code CSE 101 CSE 209 ENG 101 MAT 121 EEE 211 EEE 212 Teacher Name Golam Dastoger Bashar Israt Jahan Naim Uddin To Be Announced Course Title Fundamentals of Computer Science Discrete Mathematics Fundamental English Mathematics II Electronic I Electronic I Lab Fareast International University Class Schedule of Fall, 2014 (Department of CE) Day/ 8.00-8.50 8.50-9.40 Time Monday 9.40-10.30 10.3011.00 Thursday Friday Saturday 12.40-1.30 1.302.30 MAT 103(D) (TBA) MAT 105 (D) (TBA) ENG101(E)(IJ)R:601 MAT 125 (D) (TBA) B R E A K 2.30-3.20 3.20-4.10 4.10-5.00 CE 1305 (D) (SN+AAM) R: 702 CE 1307(D) (AAM + SN) R:702 ENG101(D) (IJ) R:601 CE 1102(D) (SN+AAM) R:702 MAT 125 (D) (TBA) CE 1203(D) MAT 103(D) PHY111(D) (SN+AAM) (TBA) (SA)R:601 R: 702 ENG101(E)(IJ) NAMAZ BREAK R:601 PHY 111(D) PHY121(D) (SA)R:601 (SA)R:601 CSE 105 (GDB) (D+E) R- 601 B R E A K 6.00-6.50 6.50-7.40 7.40-8.30 MAT 125 (E) (TBA) PHY121(E) (SA) R:601 MAT 103(E) (TBA) CE 1307(D) (AAM + SN) R:702 MAT 105 (E) (TBA) PHY111(D) PHY121(D) (SA)R:601 (SA)R:601 CE 1307(E) (AAM + SN) R:702 PHY111(E)(SA)R:601 MAT 105(D) (TBA) ENG101(D) (IJ) R:601 Sunday C. Code CE1102 CE 1203 CE 1305 CE 1307 CSE 105 ENG 101 PHY 111 PHY 121 MAT 103 MAT 105 MAT 125 11.50-12.40 CE 1203(D)(SN+AAM) R: 702 Tuesday Wedday 11.00-11.50 Course Title Civil Engineering Drawing Surveying I Surveying II Introduction to Civil Engineering Structural Programming Fundamental English Physics I Physics II Calculus of One variable Linear Algebra I Differential Equation I T. Code AAM SN IJ SA GDB TBA Teacher Name Dr. Abdullah Al Mamun Shamima Nasrin Ishrat Jahan Shamsun Alam Golam Dastoger Bashar To be announced Dr. Abdullah Al Mamun Head, Department of Civil Engineering Fareast International University Fareast International University Class Schedule of Fall, 2014 (Department of EEE) Day/ Time 8.00-8.50 8.50-9.40 9.40-10.30 10.3011.00 11.00-11.50 11.50-12.40 12.40-1.30 EEE121(D) (SS) R:701 CHEM131(D) ACC101(TBA) (SM)R:601 ENG101(D) EEE121(D) (IJ) R:601 (SS) R:701 EEE112(D)(SS) ACC101(TBA) EEE223(D) (SS)R:701 PHY111(D) (SA)R:601 MAT 120(D) TBA ENG101(E)(IJ) NAMAZ BREAK R:601 PHY 111(D) PHY121(D) (SA)R:601 (SA)R:601 ENG101(D) (IJ) R:601 1.302.30 MAT121 (D) TBA Tuesday Wedday MAT121 (D)TBA Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday C.CODE EEE 111 EEE 112 EEE121 EEE 223 EEE 211 EEE 212 MAT 120 MAT 121 MAT 122 PHY 111 PHY 121 ACC 101 ENG 101 CHEM 131 CHEM 132 ENG101(E)(IJ)R:601 B R E A K COURSE TITLE Electrical Circuits I Electrical Circuits I Sessional Electrical Circuits II Energy Conversion Electronic Circuits I Electronic Circuits I Sessional Mathematics I Mathematics II Mathematics III Physics I Physics II Principles of Accounting Fundamentals of English Chemistry I Chemistry Sessional I 3.20-4.10 4.10-5.00 MAT 120(D) TBA EEE111(D) (SS) R:701 Monday 2.30-3.20 6.00-6.50 6.50-7.40 7.408.30 MAT122(E) TBA CHEM131(D)(SM)R:601 B R E A K EEE223(D) (SS)R:701 EEE111(D) (SS) R:701 PHY111(D) PHY121(D) (SA)R:601 (SA)R:601 PHY111(E)(SA)R:601 EEE211 (E) (MNU) R: 701 PHY121(E) (SA) R:601 EEE223(E) (MNU)R:701 EEE212 (E) (MNU) MAT120 (E) TBA T. Code SS MNU SA IJ SM TBA Teacher Name Shanjida Shawkat Mohammad Naim Uddin Shamsun Alam Ishrat Jahan Shoma Mitra To be announced FAREAST INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY Class Routine - Department of Architecture Fall-2014 Period Day 8.00-8.50 9.40-10.30 10.30 Mon Arch-111 Design Studio-I Tues Arch 114 Art & Architecture-I Wed Arch.112 Architectural Graphic Thrs Fri Sat Arch 115 Design Theory-I Arch 114 Art & Architecture-I Arch 115 Design Theory-I HSS.116 Sociology 11.00-11.50 11.50-12.40 12.40-1.30 2.30-3.20 B B R R E E A A K K Arch.111 Design Studio-I 3.20-4.40 Arch.111 Design Studio-I 4.40-5.00 5.00-5.50 Phy.113 Physics Sun DAY OFF Dr. Faruque A. U. Khan Head, Department of Architecture Fareast International University Fareast International University (FIU) Department of Islamic Studies Class Routine for Fall Semester-2014 Day/Time Program 03.00-4.30PM Batch BA (Hon’s) 04:30-06.00PM 06:00-07.30PM IST 211- Islamic History III IST212-Islamic Civilization 1st BA (Hon’s) Friday Credit Transfer IST412- Islamic Personal Law MA (Preli) IS 506 Islamic Dawah its Methodology) 1st MA (Final) IS 508-Biography of Prophet IS 607-Islam and Tasawuf 1st Introduction to Science of the Qu’ran and Hadith (MH) Elective II BA (Hon’s) 1st BA (Hon’s) Credit Transfer MA (Preli) 1st MA (Final) 1st SC413-Political Science Saturday IS 609 -Roles of Research Methodology IST213- Islamic Dawah its Methodology Elective VI IS 509-Islamic History -I IS610-Islamization of Knowledge IST411- Arabic Literature IS 510-Islamic History –II IS 608 -Foundation for Political Science in the Quran and the Sunnaah MH- Prof. Dr. Mahmodul Hasan IH-Dr. Imam Hossein | QK- Mr. Khod | FP- Farida Parvin (Prof. Dr. Mahmodul Hasan) Dean Faculty of Liberal Arts & Social Science, Head of the Department Department of Islamic Studies, FIU
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