Foretaksregisteret: NO 970 903 968 MVA TIL VÅRE KUNDER Oslo, 2. september 2014. BAF justering Vi viser til tidligere utsendt informasjon vedrørende validering av bunkerstillegget (BAF) den 1. august 2014. Som en følge av den siste tids prisutvikling på bunkersolje, vil vi i henhold til vedlagte skalering justere ned dagens bunkerstillegg, med virkning fra 15. september 2014. Tillegget er gjeldende frem til 15. oktober 2014. Bunkerstillegget vil som tidligere bli spesifisert på våre avregninger. BAF rate utvikling de siste seks måneder: Month/Leg NOK NOR-GER NOR-DEN NOR-SWE EUR NOR-GER NOR-DEN NOR-SWE March 2014 April 2014 May 2014 June 2014 July 2014 August 2014 59,00 56,00 10,00 57,00 54,00 10,00 57,00 54,00 10,00 57,00 54,00 10,00 61,00 58,00 10,00 61,00 58,00 10,00 7,10 6,70 1,20 6,90 6,50 1,20 6,90 6,50 1,20 7,00 6,70 1,20 7,30 6,90 1,20 7,20 6,90 1,20 Med vennlig hilsen Color Line AS Vedlegg. Color Line AS, P.O.Box 1422 Vika, N-0115 OSLO Foretaksregisteret: NO 970 903 968 MVA BAF (BUNKERS ADJUSTMENT FACTOR) Valid 2010 Color Line AS bases its BAF-scale on the average mixed ton rate during 1998. Factors: INDEX 100 MIXED TON = = NOK 626,00 IFO 180 (Intermediate fuel oil 92% and MGO (marine gas oil) 8%) Base factor = Platt’s oilgram in Rotterdam (Last but one workday figures) Rate of exchange (Latest workday figures) The factor is validated each month. Prices: th Calculation of the MIXTON price as per 29 of August 2014: Exchange rate USD 6,190 IFO 180 (NOK 3 676,86 x 92%) 3 382,71 NOK MGO (NOK 5 196,51 x 8%) 415,72 NOK MIXTON 29.08.14 3 798,43 NOK MIXTON SCALE (revised 01.03.06): BAF NOK/LMS DE DK SE Note: MIXTON NOK 0 0 0 525 – 724 +17 +14 +5 1625 – 1724 +43 +40 +10 2925 – 3024 +45 +42 +10 3025 – 3124 +47 +44 +10 3125 – 3224 +49 +46 +10 3225 – 3324 +51 +48 +10 3325 – 3424 +53 +50 +10 3425 – 3524 +55 +52 +10 3525 – 3624 +57 +54 +10 3625 – 3724 +59 +56 +10 3725 – 3824 +61 +58 +10 3825 – 3924 +63 +60 +10 3925 – 4024 +65 +62 +10 4025 – 4124 +67 +64 +10 4125 – 4224 +69 +66 +10 4225 – 4324 If MIXTON in NOK is less than NOK 525 or exceeding NOK 4124, the BAF scale will be extended accordingly both ways. As a consequence of the situation in the bunker oil market, our company has to give notice that we will revise downwards the BAF charge on our freight services the following period. This will be valid as from 15th of September 2014. The bunker adjustment fee will be charged and specified in our settlement for cargo as follows: Norway - Germany v.v. Norway - Denmark v.v. Norway - Sweden v.v. NOK NOK NOK 59,00 / LMS 56,00 / LMS 10,00 / LMS EUR 7,20 / LMS EUR 6,90 / LMS EUR 1,20 / LMS (1€ = NOK 8,150) For further information, please contact us. Kind regards Color Line CARGO Color Line AS, P.O.Box 1422 Vika, N-0115 OSLO
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