AF BARNUM I FROM THE BAR SÆLGÆTI & SNAKK SWEETS & SNACKS Economy Comfort MATSEÐILL I MENU Economy Class MATSEÐILL I MENU Dökkt eða ljóst Síríus súkkulaði Icelandic chocolate, dark or milk ISK 500 I EUR 3 I POINTS 800 Enjoy this very tasty Icelandic treat. Choose either dark or milk chocolate and enjoy it with your coffee. It includes lovely photos of Iceland to bring back home. Hvítvín, rauðvín og freyðivín White wine, red wine and sparkling wine ISK 750 I EUR 5 I POINTS 1300 Kampavín Champagne ISK 2000 I EUR 13 POINTS 3300 BJÖRK & BIRKIR eru áfengir drykkir unnir úr íslensku birki, framleiddir af Foss distillery. Birkið sem notað er í drykkina er fengið úr Hallormsstaðaskógi. BJÖRK & BIRKIR are handcrafted Icelandic alcoholic beverages made from Icelandic birch, produced by Foss distillery. The birch used comes from the unspoiled wilderness of Hallormsstaður forest in East Iceland. ISK 900 I EUR 6 I POINTS 1500 Sælgæti I Sweets ISK 300 I EUR 2 I POINTS 500 Millimál I Snack ISK 450 I EUR 3 I POINTS 800 A selection of Iceland’s most popular sweets and more. A great mix of raisins, almonds and seeds for the road. TILBOÐ! SPECIAL OFFER! Bjór og Pringles Beer & Pringles ISK 900 I EUR 6 POINTS 1500 Bjór I íslenskur bjór, bruggaðar úr kristaltæru íslensku vatni. Beer I Icelandic beer brewed from crystal-clear Icelandic water. ISK 700 I EUR 5 I POINTS 1200 TILBOÐ! SPECIAL OFFER! + Ein flaska af léttvíni (187ml) + dökkt eða ljóst, íslenskt súkkulaði One bottle of wine (187ml) + Icelandic dark or milk chocolate ISK 1000 I EUR 7 POINTS 1700 Sterkir drykkir I Spirits Bacardi Rum I Brennivín I Gordon’s Gin I Reyka Vodka I Grand Marnier Baileys I Liqueur I Johnnie Walker I Black Label I Camus Cognac ISK 900 I EUR 6 I POINTS 1500 Ólífur I Olives ISK 350 I EUR 2 POINTS 600 Snakk I Crisps ISK 400 I EUR 3 POINTS 700 Olives, the healthy, versatile gem of the Mediterranean. What turns gin and vermouth into a martini. Also good for snacking. These tasty crisps stack easily, which is probably what you look for in a box of crisps. Kartöfluflögur fyrir sælkera Gourmet crisps ISK 550 I EUR 4 POINTS 900 Hand-cooked and salted gourmet crisps. Served in a box you can reuse for Christmas presents. Í BOÐI HÚSSINS I ON THE HOUSE Gosdrykkir í leiguflugi: Soft drinks on charter flights: ISK 150 I EUR 1 POINTS 250 Vatn I Pepsi I Pepsi Max I 7up I Appelsín I Kolsýrt vatn I Tónik Kryddaður tómatsafi I Engiferöl I Kaffi I Te I Eplasafi I Appelsínusafi Still water I Pepsi I Pepsi Max I 7up I Orange Soda I Sparkling water Tonic Water I Bloody Mary Juice I Ginger Ale I Coffee I Tea I Apple Juice Orange Juice ECONOMY COMFORT MENU Í BOÐI HÚSSINS Á ECONOMY COMFORT ON THE HOUSE ON ECONOMY COMFORT Innifalið á Economy Comfort eru heitir og kaldir réttir af matseðlinum. Einnig er gos, léttvín, sterkt vín, bjór og líkkjör í boði hússins, ásamt heyrnatólum. Kampavín: ISK 2000 I EUR 13 I POINTS 3300 Economy Comfort passengers can choose any food they want from this menu. Soft drinks, spirits, beer, wine and headphones are also complimentary. Champagne: ISK 2000 I EUR 13 I POINTS 3300 Þar sem geymslurými um borð er takmarkað getur átt sér stað að sumar af vörunum séu uppseldar. Við biðjumst velvirðingar á því. Vinsamlegast hafið greiðslu tilbúna og helst sem nemur uppgefnu verði ef hægt er. Við tökum ekki við smærri mynt en 1 USD og 1 EUR. Við tökum ekki við smámynt í öðrum gjaldmiðlum en USD og EUR. Við hvetjum farþega til að greiða með greiðslukortum. Ath. að verð getur breyst án fyrirvara vegna gengisbreytinga. Skv. alþjóðlegum reglum er farþegum óheimilt að neyta sinna eigin áfengu drykkja um borð. Vinsamlegast athugið að áhöfn er heimilt að takmarka neyslu áfengis við tvo drykki á farþega. Athugið að aldurstakmark við kaup og neyslu á áfengum drykkjum er 20 ára. Due to limited storage space on board, please accept our apologies if some of the sale items are not available. Cabin crew would appreciate exact payment if possible. We do not accept change smaller than USD 1 and EUR 1. We only accept bills in other currencies than USD and EUR. We encourage passengers to pay with credit cards. We can’t accept online-only and prepaid cards. We reserve the right to give you change in ISK, USD or EUR. All prices are subject to change without notice due to changes in exchange rates. International regulations prohibit passengers from consuming their own alcoholic beverages during the flight. Please note that cabin crew memebers are authorised to limit alcoholic drinks to two per person. Please note that alcoholic beverages are not to be sold or served to passengers under 20 years. ÍSLENSK A SI A .IS ICE 68111 05/14 Tveir bjórar Two beers ISK 1100 EUR 7 POINTS 1800 EUROPE 1 MENU TO & FROM NORTH AMERICA MENU TO & FROM EUROPE 2 MENU TO & FROM EUROPE 1 MENU TO & FROM NORTH AMERICA MENU TO & FROM Langloka I Baguette ISK 900 I EUR 6 I POINTS 1500 ósu rikkus ce b a F › Me Sau actor y With F usósu abrikk Me› F tor y Sauce ac With F EUROPE 2 MENU TO & FROM Langloka I Baguette ISK 900 I EUR 6 I POINTS 1500 HEITT WARM TILBOÐ! SPECIAL OFFER! HEITT WARM Fabrikkusmáborgarar 3 smáborgarar með Fabrikkusósu® Hamburger Factory mini burgers 3 mini burgers with Factory Sauce® ISK 1550 I EUR 10 I POINTS 2600 HEITT WARM Langloka með skinku og osti + Pringles Baguette with ham & cheese + Pringles ISK 1150 I EUR 8 I POINTS 1900 Long bread is more fun than shortbread. You can use it in many fun ways if you want. You could try balancing it on your nose or head, or even use it to poke your neighbour (only if you know them!). Or you can just eat it. Miniature versions of Iceland’s most popular burgers. Mini hamburgers are like breakfast in bed. They make everyone happy. HEITT WARM Fabrikkusmáborgarar 3 smáborgarar með Fabrikkusósu® Hamburger Factory mini burgers 3 mini burgers with Factory Sauce® ISK 1550 I EUR 10 I POINTS 2600 Ekki í boði frá ANC/DEN/SEA/SFB/YVR Not available from ANC/DEN/SEA/SFB/YVR Miniature versions of Iceland’s most popular burgers. Mini hamburgers are like breakfast in bed. They make everyone happy. TILBOÐ! SPECIAL OFFER! HEITT WARM HEITT Hafragrautur með þurrkuðum ávöxtum og hnetum Oatmeal with dried fruit and nuts ISK 600 I EUR 4 I POINTS 1000 If you’re bored during your flight we recommend eating your yoghurt with a fork. That will take up some of your time. This is a tasty yoghurt from one of Iceland’s 700 family-run dairy farms. Filling and tasty for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Ávöxtur I Fruit ISK 300 I EUR 2 I POINTS 500 Saga Shop Kitchen samloka Saga Shop Kitchen sandwich ISK 900 I EUR 6 I POINTS 1500 HEITT Ask about today’s special. Snakkbox I Snackbox ISK 1200 I EUR 8 POINTS 2000 Enjoy some light snacks on your way to your destination. Very handy, tasty and healthy. TILBOÐ! SPECIAL OFFER! Snakkbox + vín I Snackbox + wine ISK 1600 I EUR 11 I POINTS 2700 Long bread is more fun than shortbread. You can use it in many fun ways if you want. You could try balancing it on your nose or head, or even use it to poke your neighbour (only if you know them!). Or you can just eat it. Feeling green? This fresh salad brings you the highlights of Iceland’s most recent crops. Straight from Iceland’s tiny piece of green land. Snakkbox I Snackbox ISK 1200 I EUR 8 POINTS 2000 Kleina is an Icelandic version of a doughnut. Need we say more? It is what Icelanders have chewed on throughout every family gathering since the settlement. Enjoy some light snacks on your way to your destination. Very handy, tasty and healthy. Hjónabandssæla I Happy marriage cake ISK 450 I EUR 3 I POINTS 800 TILBOÐ! SPECIAL OFFER! Traditional Icelandic pastry, made with oats and jam. Hjónabandssæla means “wedded bliss,” which makes perfect sense. Snakkbox + vín I Snackbox + wine ISK 1600 I EUR 11 I POINTS 2700 Verð í evrum eru til viðmiðunar. The EUR prices are for guidance. Enjoy some light snacks on your way to your destination. Very handy, tasty and healthy. HEITT Hafragrautur með þurrkuðum ávöxtum og hnetum Oatmeal with dried fruit and nuts ISK 600 I EUR 4 I POINTS 1000 Snakkbox + vín I Snackbox + wine ISK 1600 I EUR 11 I POINTS 2700 WARM If you’re bored during your flight we recommend eating your yoghurt with a fork. That will take up some of your time. This is a tasty yoghurt from one of Iceland’s 700 family-run dairy farms. Kleina I Twisted doughnut ISK 350 I EUR 2 I POINTS 600 Kleina is an Icelandic version of a doughnut. N eed we say more? It is what Icelanders have chewed on throughout every family gathering since the settlement. Ávöxtur I Fruit ISK 300 I EUR 2 I POINTS 500 Fruit was something Icelanders could only get in stores around C hristmas time, not too long ago. Now we serve it on planes, v ery cosmopolitan. Hjónabandssæla I Happy marriage cake ISK 450 I EUR 3 I POINTS 800 Traditional Icelandic pastry, made with oats and jam. Hjónabandssæla means “wedded bliss,” which makes perfect sense. Lífræn jógúrt I BIO yoghurt ISK 600 I EUR 4 I POINTS 1000 If you’re bored during your flight we recommend eating your yoghurt with a fork. That will take up some of your time. This is a tasty yoghurt from one of Iceland’s 700 family-run dairy farms. Kleina I Twisted doughnut ISK 350 I EUR 2 I POINTS 600 Kleina is an Icelandic version of a doughnut. N eed we say more? It is what Icelanders have chewed on throughout every family gathering since the settlement. Ávöxtur I Fruit ISK 300 I EUR 2 I POINTS 500 Fruit was something Icelanders could only get in stores around C hristmas time, not too long ago. Now we serve it on planes, very cosmopolitan. Filling and tasty for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Lífræn jógúrt I BIO yoghurt ISK 600 I EUR 4 I POINTS 1000 Einnig fáanlegt sem grænmetiskostur Also available as a vegetarian option. Kleina I Twisted doughnut ISK 350 I EUR 2 I POINTS 600 Því miður geta komið upp tilfelli þar sem allur matur klárast um borð og biðjumst við velvirðingar á því. Unfortunately, we can occasionally run out of our full selection of food during the flight. If your preferred item is no longer available, please accept our apologies. Kjúklingur í grænu karríi og mangósalsa með hrísgrjónum Chicken with green curry and mango salsa with rice ISK 1950 I EUR 13 I POINTS 3300 Caesar salat með kjúkling Chicken Caesar salad ISK 1.850 I EUR 12 POINTS 3100 Fruit was something Icelanders could only get in stores around Christmas time, not too long ago. Now we serve it on planes, very cosmopolitan. Snakkbox I Snackbox ISK 1200 I EUR 8 POINTS 2000 TILBOÐ! SPECIAL OFFER! WARM WARM Langloka með skinku og osti + Pringles Baguette with ham & cheese + Pringles ISK 1150 I EUR 8 I POINTS 1900 Long bread is more fun than shortbread. You can use it in many fun ways if you want. You could try balancing it on your nose or head, or even use it to poke your neighbour (only if you know them!). Or you can just eat it. Langloka með skinku og osti + Pringles Baguette with ham & cheese + Pringles ISK 1150 I EUR 8 I POINTS 1900 Lífræn jógúrt I BIO yoghurt ISK 600 I EUR 4 I POINTS 1000 Langloka I Baguette ISK 900 I EUR 6 I POINTS 1500 TILBOÐ! SPECIAL OFFER! Hjónabandssæla I HEITT WARM Hafragrautur með þurrkuðum ávöxtum og hnetum Oatmeal with dried fruit and nuts ISK 600 I EUR 4 I POINTS 1000 Filling and tasty for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Happy marriage cake ISK 450 I EUR 3 I POINTS 800 Traditional Icelandic pastry, made with oats and jam. Hjónabandssæla means “wedded bliss,” which makes perfect sense. Í BOÐI Á ÖLLUM LEIÐUM I AVAILABLE ON ALL FLIGHTS VILDARBÖRN ICELANDAIR LÁTTU GOTT AF ÞÉR LEIÐA Þú getur styrkt Vildarbörn Icelandair um 900, 2.500 eða 5.000 krónur með kreditkortinu þínu sem Vildarbörn Icelandair njóta góðs af í næstu úthlutun. Við höfum úthlutað tvisvar á ári síðustu 10 árin og 456 fjölskyldur hafa komist í draumaferðina sína þökk sé framlögum frá góðhjörtuðum farþegum. ICELANDAIR SPECIAL CHILDREN TRAVEL FUND. PAY IT FORWARD Donate to the Icelandair Special Children Travel Fund by charging IKR 900, 2,500 or 5,000 to your credit card. Twice annually Icelandair sponsors dozens of families via the fund, making it possible for them to go on their dream holiday. Thanks to kind-hearted passengers, such as yourself, 456 families have benefited from the fund over the ten years it has operated. Icelandair poki i Icelandair bag ISK 900 I EUR 6 I POINTS 1800 Allur ágóði af sölu Icelandair pokans rennur til Vildarbarna Icelandair. All proceeds from the sales of the Icelandair bag go to the Special Children Travel Fund. Heyrnartól I Ef þú gleymdir þínum. Headphones I If you forgot your own. ISK 900 I EUR 6 I POINTS 1800
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