2009 BAM Meeting Minutes - Bass Anglers of Michigan

2013 BAM Meeting Minutes
January 19, 2014
The meeting was called to order at 12:00 PM by President Geoff Henricks.
No other member’s were seeking an officer position and the remaining 2013 officers will
have the same duties in 2014.
2013 BAM Officers
Geoff Henricks
Vice President:
Wade Shelton
Gary Olsen
Jeff Arends
Tournament Director: John Cunningham
1) Club Finances: After all payouts and trophies for 2013 there is about $260 left
in the Club fund.
2) All fees for 2014 are the same as 2013. Club Membership fee of $35, and $25
per tournament. Total payment required is $235 and is due by May 1st.
3) Geoff then discussed the BAM By-Laws and Tournament Rules. There were
several motions that were brought up and voted on. There were a few
amendments made to the By-Laws and Rules.
The “courtesy bump” has been eliminated. Any fish presented in the tub will be measured
and weighed. If the fish is short on the club rule, it will be ruled a short fish.
The penalty for a short fish has been changed. The 20 point penalty has been eliminated.
The penalty for a short fish starting in 2014 is you lose the short fish and your big fish.
Non-Boat owners that qualify for the Classic will not be able to select a lake for the
Starting in 2014 new BAM members will not be able to vote on lakes or submit conflict
dates. After their first year in the Club they will have all voting rights.
The Oakland County Airport was selected as the “base” for BAM. No single day or team
tournament can be held more than 1 ½ hours from the base.
If a current member brings in a new member that is a non-boater, the current member is
responsible to make sure the non-boater has a boater and makes the appropriate
accommodations. This pertains only to the Regular Season, not the Classic.
Members voted in that all tournaments will be scored with a (1) point differential. The (2)
point differential for the team tournaments has been eliminated.
4) All members in attendance signed the Release of Liability at the January 19th meeting.
5) All members that will be using a boat must have proof of insurance documentation to
Wade Shelton prior to the first tournament. A minimum of $100,000 of liability insurance
is required.
6) The tournament format that was agreed to for 2014.
(2) Two Day
(1) Team
(3) Single
There will be (8) total fishing days.
7) The following schedule for 2013 was voted in by the attending members.
5/31 Charlevoix
6/1 Intermediate
6/14 Fenton (Team) Backup is Erie
7/19 St. Clair (Single)
8/17 Erie (Single)
8/23 Lobdell (Single)
9/13 Long
9/14 Grand
For the single tournaments the first backup lake is Woodland. If a second backup is
required it will be Pontiac.
11) The Classic dates were also voted on by the Club. The lakes will be determined by
draw and selection after the last tournament.
9/28 Day #1 of Classic
9/29 Day #2 of Classic
Next Meeting is Sunday, March 2nd at 12:00 PM, White Lake Inn.
Note: For those interested the Hasler Invite will be on Saturday, June 28th.