Supporting Friends Group in the Baw Baw Shire

Project Category:
Funding Partners:
Baw Baw Shire Council – Natural Environment Friends Groups
Warragul, VIC
Landcare Community Action Grant
Be Natural
Many communities within Baw Baw Shire were affected by the Bunyip Ridge Bushfires on Black Saturday 2009. The
communities of Jindivick, Labertouche, Longwarry and Drouin West were all affected and each community
developed a recovery plan. Within each of these recovery plans, restoration of the natural environment &
reconnecting the community with nature were of high priorities. Fire recovery projects have been delivered for
each of the communities and emerging from these projects many residents have formed “Friends of Groups” to
help council manage and improve these reserves into the future. This grant has supported the Friends of Bushland
Reserves Groups in the Baw Baw Shire region with approximately 3000 plants and materials, such as tree stakes,
weed mats and tree guards to help regenerate the bushland reserves.
Baw Baw Shire Council supported the groups by organising a number of community planting days at the various
reserves, plus hosting of regular working bees. The Council supported site preparation for planting activities,
advertising of activities and project management. Each planting event was advertised locally and new community
members attended each planting day. Over 60 volunteers participated, contributing over 500 hours towards the
project. Each event achieved a part of their expected environmental outcomes, e.g. an amount of new plants
planted in the reserve or an area planted out to support water quality improvement or revegetation targets.
Environmental outcomes achieved through this project included protection of 5ha of habitat to support native
fauna such as the Southern Brown Bandicoot, Growling Grass Frog, Giant Gippsland Earthworm, and the Gippsland
and Warragul Burrowing Cray. The new plantings helped increase biodiversity, improve water quality, and control
“Big thank you for the funding to support our planting projects on behalf of the various Friends Groups and
volunteers” – Lucas Paull, Baw Baw Shire Council Bushland Reserves Project Officer
The facts:
 2727 native plants planted
 5ha of vegetation protected
 Fauna species protected include the Eucalyptus Strzelecki.
 Fauna species protected include the Southern Brown Bandicoot, Growling Grass Frog, Giant Gippsland
Earthworm, and the Gippsland and Warragul Burrowing Cray.
 60 volunteers participated, donating 500 hours to the project