Full Value Beef—The full value of a true partnership

The full value of a true partnership
With its ups and downs, the beef industry is ever changing
and as demanding as ever. As producers, you face industry
challenges such as low cattle inventories, rising capital
requirements and market volatility. So, when you told us
that doing business today is different, we decided we were
going to do what we’ve always done — be different.
Full Value Beef™ is about building a meaningful partnership
with you, our customer. By better understanding
your needs, we’ll work together to discover profitable
opportunities that impact your bottom line.
Solutions for your specific needs
Since Full Value Beef is not a one-size-fits-all approach,
what it means and what it can do depends on your
operation and your needs. That means building
partnerships and discovering solutions that may come in
many different forms.
Whether it’s connecting you with additional resources that
can help you meet your goals, using our data and analytic
capabilities to uncover hidden opportunities, or providing
product and service solutions that give you the return you
need to compete in a break-even business, Full Value
Beef is all about meeting the challenges that affect your
business and your livelihood.
Greg Sinner
Full Value Beef Expert,
trusted friend and valued
business partner
The full value difference
While many of our customers are already receiving the benefits of a Full Value Beef partnership, others
are just getting started learning more about how Elanco capabilities can have a positive impact on their
operation. We suggest starting the Full Value Beef conversation with your Elanco sales representative by
discussing your needs and determining if one or more of the following Elanco capabilities can address
your objectives and challenges.
Identify, quantify and r educe the
total impact o f disease/parasites
on your production systems
Maximize saleable o utput
for your production system
Optimize nutritional and/or
forage-based programs to
maximize returns
Enable access to markets and
technologies; build assurance
in your brand
Learn more about
what drives our experts
and the full value of a
true partnership
Elanco, Full Value Beef and the diagonal bar are
trademarks owned or licensed by Eli Lily and
Company, its subsidiaries or affiliates.
© 2013 Elanco Animal Health.
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