THE INSIDERS’ GUIDE TO GETTING RICH PL ON OT H SCHI LD • BUFFETT • B OG THE LE •L YN CH • K HN EE • GR BEST INVESTMENT ICA BS •R S• SHARPE • GRANTHAM !) • •B A ON ET NE •T M EY E SPECIAL ISSUE N • SCHUMPETER ADVICE R I N •Z EL L• GUN D L AC H • MUNNELL • PR I L LY LS GE AM EN •H STOCKS! BONDS! REAL ESTATE! RETIREMENT! TAXES! THE SMARTEST PLAYS FROM THE WORLD’S BEST MARKET MINDS O LT EA PE (R • TE P OF ALL TIME CE •S OR OS • THE 2014 INVESTMENT GUIDE II JUNE 30, 2014 JUNE 30 • 2014 EDITION THE INVESTMENT GUIDE STOCKS, BONDS AND FUNDS BET AGAINST HUMAN NATURE Behavioral finance has identified the many ways investors defeat themselves. But can it make you money? BY JOHN F. WASIK CONTRIBUTOR Asset Management, which manages more than $2 billion by using insights from the study of investor behavior to identify “mispriced” stocks. Behavioral pioneers such as the 68-year-old Thaler, president-elect of the American Economics Association, have spent decades studying how investors often engage in self-defeating behaviors and attempting to explain why our brains may be hardwired to make the wrong moves. When the market is up, individual investors buy. When stocks are down and they should be buying, they run from the market, as if fleeing a bear or saber-toothed tiger. In short, they follow the herd, even when the herd is heading off a cliff. The stunning result of this buy-atthe-top and sell-at-the-bottom behavior: PRINTED COPY FOR PERSONAL READING ONLY. NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION JUNE 30, 2014 FORBES ANDY GOODWIN FOR FORBES H ere’s a compelling question: Can you profit from others’ irrational investment mistakes? Richard H. Thaler, a professor of behavioral science and economics at the University of Chicago and coauthor of the bestseller Nudge, thinks so. He’s also a principal in San Mateo, Calif.-based Fuller & Thaler More than academic: Chicago prof Richard Thaler turns research into market-beating returns. FORBES THE INVESTMENT GUIDE Over the 30 years ended Dec. 31, 2013 stock-fund investors posted an annual return of 3.69%, compared with more than 11% for the S&P 500, according to Dalbar, a Boston-based financial research firm. Much has been written about how to get investors to stop making such mistakes, although, as Dalbar grimly concludes, “attempts to correct irrational investor behavior through education have proved to be futile.” But what about the opportunities to exploit these pervasive mistakes? Behavioral finance flies in the face of the efficient market hypothesis, for which Thaler’s longtime colleague and sometime golfing buddy Eugene Fama won the Nobel in economics last year. That theory holds that stock prices incorporate all known information, which should make it impossible to beat the market with stock picking. By contrast, Thaler and the behaviorists believe human error not only leads to booms and busts but also to inefficient pricing of individual stocks— hence their search for undervalued companies. Are these guys just reinventing the wheel? After all, legendary investors such as John Maynard Keynes, Benjamin Graham and Warren Buffett have been keenly aware of the need to rise above what Keynes described as “animal spirits” and Graham dubbed “the mood swings of Mr. Market.” Great value investors take the long view, examining a company’s fundamentals and prospects and looking at book value, long-term trends, cash flow and dividends. They buy when more emotional investors are selling and hold on when they see future growth, even if a stock is out of favor with the masses. What makes the behavioral managers different, however, is that they screen for behavior first and try to identify value second. One way the Fuller & Thaler money managers spot potentially mispriced stocks is by tracking “under- and overreaction.” Turns out that some popular companies that may be overpriced are not punished by investors for missing earnings targets. Yet others, which may be underpriced, see their stock prices drop after they hit their targets. Here’s another striking contrast. Whereas Buffett looks for strong management when deciding whether to buy a stock or a whole company, the analysts at Fuller & Thaler don’t make company visits. They keep their distance as part of the firm’s efforts to inoculate itself against the emotional mistakes even professional investors make—a key one being holding on to a pet stock too long. “We don’t visit companies because that’s a recipe for falling in love with them,” Thaler explains. “We don’t think we can create emotionless automatons, but we can create a discipline where the most obvious biases are eliminated.” Not that Fuller & Thaler ignores management’s behavior. It closely tracks insider stock activity, Thaler says, with “an explicit sell discipline that looks for executive stock sales that may tell us to sell that bugger.” As for insider buys, they’re often a tip-off that a company’s fortunes are about to turn up. Fuller & Thaler has time to act on such tips since the general investing public (behavioral economists have found) tends to underreact to new positive news about an out-offavor company, while remembering the old negative news. While behavioral screens provide the leads, Fuller & Thaler’s actual buy-andsell decisions are based on more indepth analysis by a team of four veteran analysts who can “dig into the data [in a way] that’s hard for a computer to do,” says Raife Giovinazzo, a Ph.D. economist who heads up research. “We’re not quants,” adds Giovinazzo, who studied under both Thaler and Daniel Kahneman, who won the Nobel for his work in behavioral economics. (Kahneman is on the board of Fuller & Thaler.) Giovinazzo offers this example of how behavioral finance can inform stock picking. Academic research shows that people like to sell their winners—they’re four times more likely to sell a stock that has risen 60% than one that has been flat. But they often sell too early because they’re psychologically “anchored” to the old price and not taking account of new information that may justify a new higher price. In 2010 Home Depot’s stock rose 21% but its earnings went up 37%, and it was consistently beating consensus earnings forecasts. After studying the chain’s improving same-store sales, cost-cutting and worker retraining, Fuller & Thaler concluded investors had anchored on old, less positive news. The firm overweighted Home Depot (relative to its weight in the S&P 500) in its large-cap behavioral strategy. Good call. Home Depot returned almost 50% in 2012, compared with 16% for the S&P. That’s one big win. How well does behavioral investing work overall? Since Fuller & Thaler is a subadvisor to mutual funds, compliance rules preclude it from commenting directly on the performance of funds it advises. (In an interview Thaler made clear he was speaking about the firm’s strategies in general, not an individual fund.) But there’s nothing stopping FORBES from taking a look. Fuller & Thaler advises JPMorgan’s Undiscovered Managers Behavioral Value Fund, which is sold to institutional investors with a $3 million minimum investment and to individual investors (UBVAX) with a $1,000 minimum, a 5.25% frontend load. Morningstar considers it a small-cap value fund. While Fuller & Thaler is unusual, it’s not the only firm that brands itself as a behavioral money manager. So does AthenaInvest, a firm based in Greenwood Village, Colo. and founded by C. Thomas Howard, a retired University of Denver professor and author of Behavioral Portfolio Management (Harriman House, 2014). Like Thaler, Howard eschews efficient market theory and what he considers “emotional” measures of the market such as standard deviation, PRINTED COPY FOR PERSONAL READING ONLY. NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION FORBES JUNE 30, 2014 FORBES THE INVESTMENT GUIDE correlation, drawdown and Sharpe ratio. But he takes a more quantitative approach, using what he says are proprietary algorithms based on behavioral data to run $160 million in three different portfolios. Howard has received some notice recently for the performance of his Athena Pure Valuation Profitability Portfolio, which had a 67.6% return in 2013, making it the next-to-top performer among the separately managed small-cap-value accounts that Morningstar tracks. (With separately managed accounts, each investor owns stocks directly. While such accounts can be more tax efficient than a mutual fund, Athena’s accounts require a $100,000 minimum investment.) Another Athena portfolio, the Global Tactical ETF, places sector bets; it returned 54.5% last year. For a third portfolio, Dividend Income Equity, Howard takes the unusual approach of crunching data about the behavior of mutual fund managers (including their consistency and conviction based on relative portfolio weights) to cherry-pick their best ideas for high-yielding stocks. By looking at such fund manager signals, along with dividends, company leverage and sell-side analyst opinions, Howard claims, he can spot out-offavor stocks that offer above-average price gains in the future. That portfolio returned 36.7% last year, according to Morningstar. “We don’t try to outsmart anyone. We just try to identify price distortions,” Howard says. F John F. Wasik is a speaker, journalist and the author of Keynes’s Way to Wealth: Timeless Investment Lessons from the Great Economist and 13 other books. He writes regularly on personal finance and investing for Reuters, The New York Times and John Wasik, Contributor Bio: I speak and write about investor protection, money management, health economics, ecology and social issues. My latest book is “Keynes’s Way to Wealth,” a revealing look inside the successful portfolios of the world’s most famous economist. All told, I’ve written 13 books including The Cul-de-Sac Syndrome and iMoney: Profitable ETF Strategies for Every Investor and write a column for I speak across the U.S. and my writing also appears in the New York Times, and other national publications. This blog delves into financial and social deceptions. From the Forbes Contributor Network and not necessarily the opinion of Forbes Media LLC. (#82108) Excerpted and adapted with permission of Forbes Media LLC. Copyright 2014. To subscribe, please visit or call (800) 888-9896. For more information about reprints from Forbes, visit PARS International Corp. at NOT FDIC INSURED | NO BANK GUARANTEE | MAY LOSE VALUE This article has been printed with permission from Forbes. The article is to be used for informational purposes only. It is not to be relied upon for legal, investment or tax advice please speak to a financial professional for more detailed explanations. PRINTED COPY FOR PERSONAL READING ONLY. This article must be distributed with the J.P. Morgan performance and disclosure pages. NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION REP-BehVALUE NOT FDIC INSURED | NO BANK GUARANTEE | MAY LOSE VALUE Data as of June 30, 2014 J.P. Morgan Asset Management Undiscovered Managers Behavioral Value Fund Performance at NAV (%) A Shares1 Institutional Shares Russell 2000 Value Index Lipper Small-Cap Value Funds Index With sales charges (%) A Shares with 5.25% max. sales charge1 Calendar-year returns (%) A Shares at NAV1 Russell 2000 Value Index Lipper Small-Cap Value Funds Index Total returns Latest QTR YTD 2.99 5.21 3.08 5.40 2.38 4.20 2.82 4.74 -2.42 1 yr 23.92 24.42 22.54 24.17 Average annual total returns 3 yrs 5 yrs 18.31 24.01 18.65 24.32 14.65 19.88 14.25 20.02 10 yrs 9.66 9.92 8.24 8.95 -0.32 17.42 16.20 22.68 9.07 2009 41.26 20.58 33.00 2010 31.72 24.50 25.74 2011 -1.71 -5.50 -4.82 2012 23.28 18.05 15.56 2013 37.10 34.52 35.26 The performance quoted is past performance and is not a guarantee of future results. Mutual funds are subject to certain market risks. Investment returns and principal value of an investment will fluctuate so that an investor's shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than original cost. Current performance may be higher or lower than the performance data shown. For performance current to the most recent month-end, please call 1-800-480-4111. Annual operating expenses Expense cap expiration date Expense cap (%) Total annual Fund operating expenses (%) Fee waivers and/or expense reimbursements (%)2 Net expenses (%)2 A Shares 12/31/2014 1.30 2.03 (0.59) 1.44 Institutional Shares 12/31/2014 0.90 1.63 (0.59) 1.04 2The Investment Advisor, Administrator and Distributor (the "Service Providers") have contractually agreed to waive fees and/or reimburse expenses to the extent that Total Annual Operating Expenses (excluding Acquired Fund Fees and Expenses, dividend expenses relating to short sales, interest, taxes, expenses related to litigation and potential litigation, extraordinary expenses and expenses related to the Board of Trustees’ deferred compensation plan) exceed the expense cap of the average daily net assets through the expense cap expiration date. This contract continues through that date, at which time the Service Providers will determine whether or not to renew or revise it. Portfolio statistics Inception date Investment minimum Fund number CUSIP A Shares 6/4/2004 $1,000 1390 904504586 Institutional Shares 12/28/1998 $3M 1368 904504842 Contact JPMorgan Distribution Services, Inc. at 1-800-480-4111 for a fund prospectus. You can also visit us at Investors should carefully consider the investment objectives and risks as well as charges and expenses of the mutual fund before investing. The prospectus contains this and other information about the mutual fund. Read the prospectus carefully before investing. RISKS ASSOCIATED WITH INVESTING IN THE FUND: The Fund may invest a portion of its securities in small-cap stocks. Small-capitalization funds typically carry more risk than stock funds investing in well-established "blue-chip" companies since smaller companies generally have a higher risk of failure. Historically, smaller companies' stock has experienced a greater degree of market volatility than the average stock. RETURNS: 1The quoted performance of the Fund includes performance of a predecessor fund/share class prior to the Fund's commencement of operations. Please refer to the current prospectus for further information. PRINTED COPY FOR PERSONAL READING ONLY. NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION From the commencement of operations of the Fund's Institutional Class until January 30, 2004, the Fund's investment adviser was Undiscovered Managers, LLC. Effective January 31, 2004, J.P. Morgan Investment Management, Inc. (JPMIM) became the Fund's investment advisor. Fuller & Thaler Asset Management, Inc. serves as the Fund's sub-advisor. The Fund is currently waiving fees. Please note the removal of this waiver would reduce returns. 1 INDEXES DEFINED: The Russell 2000 Value Index is an unmanaged index, which measures the performance of those Russell 2000 companies with lower priceto-book ratios and lower forecasted growth values. The performance of the index does not reflect the deduction of expenses associated with a fund, such as investment management fees. By contrast, the performance of the Fund reflects the deduction of the fund expenses, including sales charges if applicable. Investors can not invest directly in an index. The performance of the Lipper Small-Cap Value Funds Index includes expenses associated with a mutual fund, such as investment management fees. These expenses are not identical to the expenses charged by the Fund. Total return assumes reinvestment of dividends and capital gains distributions and reflects the deduction of any sales charges, where applicable. Performance may reflect the waiver of a portion of the Fund's advisory or administrative fees for certain periods since the inception date. If fees had not been waived, performance would have been less favorable. J.P. Morgan Asset Management is the marketing name for the asset management businesses of JPMorgan Chase & Co. Those businesses include, but are not limited to, JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A., J.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc., Security Capital Research & Management Incorporated and J.P. Morgan Alternative Asset Management, Inc. J.P. Morgan Funds are distributed by JPMorgan Distribution Services, Inc., which is an affiliate of JPMorgan Chase & Co. Affiliates of JPMorgan Chase & Co. receive fees for providing various services to the funds. JPMorgan Distribution Services, Inc. is a member of FINRA/SIPC. ©JPMorgan Chase & Co., July 2014 PS-UMBV PRINTED COPY FOR PERSONAL READING ONLY. NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION NOT FDIC INSURED | NO BANK GUARANTEE | MAY LOSE VALUE
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