PILOT HADLEIGH STEERING GROUP NOTES / ACTIONS OF MEETING, MONDAY 4th AUGUST 2PM – 4PM In Attendance Pilot Steering Group Members: Brian Riley (BR) SCC/BDC Ward Member Kathryn Grandon (KG) BDC Ward Member Jan Byrne HTC Jane Snowdon (JS) (Hadleigh Community Forum) Mark Wincer (MW) Wincer Kievenaar LLP Tony Addison (TA) Chamber of Commerce Mary Munson (MM) HTC/BDC Anne Gower (AG) SCC/St Eds – Item 4 Clair Harvey (CH) SCC – Item 4 Advisory/Support Officers. Dave Benham (DB) BDC/MSDC Sue Dawes (SD) - BDC/MSDC Mike Evans (ME) BDC/MSDC Tom Barker (TB) – BDC/MSDC 1. Welcome and introductions BR welcomed all to the meeting followed by round the table introductions. 2. Apologies Kelvin Avis, (Avis Newsagents) Mark David (The Cooking Experience) Jessica Nevard (HTC); Jim Wilding (Porch Project) Andrew Macmillan (The Ram) Tracey Loynds (South Suffolk Leisure) Carol Bailey (HTC) Sandra Scott (SS) (BDC) 3. Note of Meeting 9 June 2014 SD advised a very limited response had been received from the Tourism Questionnaire circulated amongst the businesses, SS to provide updated position at a future meeting. AM and JS have put down some thoughts on the Vision (statements) for Hadleigh. No update available for this meeting. Action: SS to liaise with AM/JS to take this forward for a future meeting Notes were agreed. 4. Presentation on Haverhill One Project by Ann Gower/Clair Harvey (AG/CH) BR welcomed Ann and Clair to the meeting. ME provided a brief description of some earlier works BDC/MSDC had undertaken to support the Strategic Plan and Transformation Enquiry Groups (TEGs) through this work AG had provided a presentation to the TEGs on the “One Haverhill” project. ME felt through sharing this experience, common themes and lessons learned from the “One Haverhill” project could help the journey forward for Hadleigh. AG outlined the initial vision was to cut through the obstacles that three tiers of authority bring, to have a “single conversation” to drive things forward. Close working with members/officers on perspective and relationships was important. “One Haverhill” had been selected as one of 12 national pilot areas for testing neighbourhood community budgets. Securing £125k DCLG funding, the money used for community engagement, concept H1 “One Haverhill” branding and PR/Comms and project management. The “One Haverhill” Community Budget Plan was tabled Haverhill One Presentation and a discussion took place around the vision, rationale, collaboration, governance, impact and the future, questions were received from the steering group and answered by AG/CH Main points for noting included: Getting the vision right Transparency being paramount Formation of a good cross section of representatives to sit on Board, each body with one vote, with elected members/officers in the minority. Task and finish representative sits on the board. Avoid piggy backing off other meetings, this leads to confusion Leadership role is important but politics should be kept out Long process Not duplicating and ensuring everyone buys in to the vision Accountability lies with those around the table who collectively make decisions, although as an un-constituted body, the final rubber stamping sits with SCC who is the accountable body for the DCLG funding. Hadleigh needs to do it their way, engaging with the community, feedback will inform where you go Take bite sized approach Other items discussed: Hadleigh Neighbourhood Plan, JB advised the town council has agreed to undertake a neighbourhood plan and need to buy in professional help to support this. The town council has identified a small amount of money to set the ball rolling. JB questioned the differing advice received from BDC to that at a recent RTPI conference in respect of prior questionnaire with the community requirements being undertaken prior to submission of notification to BDC. TB to clarify the position. TB advised, community engagement is not just a questionnaire, a feeling/sense check of understanding would be needed to test the towns desire for a neighbourhood plan. Action: TB to clarify the requirements for Neighbourhood Plans specifically the prior community engagement questionnaire with Jonathan Free. Action: SS Item for next agenda - Hadleigh Neighbourhood Plan update Action: ME to liaise with Sue Roper and Steve Emmerson, SCC to identify the level of SCC spend in Hadleigh on highways, children and young persons and public realm. To be reported at the next meeting. Action: SS to include the above on next agenda Action: ME to liaise with Rich Cooke Spatial Planning on Hadleigh allocations and provide feedback to the HSG. BR thanked AG/CH for sharing their experiences with the Steering Group, AG/CH left the meeting after this item . 5. The Wool Towns LEADER project (European funding Initiative) DB circulated the LEADER strategy to the HSG this followed the successful first round bid. 2 workshop sessions were held in June which helped identify themes/activities for inclusion within the strategy. This will be a five year programme, based on three themes, Economic, Social and Environment. Invitations to seek representatives to sit on a Local Area Group (LAG) for the LEADER project had been sent, this group will form governance of the programme, monitoring and funding. SCC has been put forward as accountable body for the funding. Likely timescale: 18th August 2014 - LEADER steering group to review the draft strategy and revisions leading to initially sign off. 5th September 2014 - The finalised singed bid will be submitted to Government on November 2014 - Successfully schemes notified Promotion of scheme If successful bid January 2015 – early running of scheme (employment of facilitator and admin) with potential to accept projects at this time. April/June 2015 – funding for fist batch of projects Action: HSG Revisit vision, look at the LEADER programme and what you want to achieve and put forward as a bid for funding. Action: SS to confirm whether Andrew Macmillan is still able to be a representative on the LAG. Action: JB to send details of projects to DB and Gavin Talbot. JS showed an expression of interest for an indicative project to be included. ‘Hadleigh Year of the Sheep’ Action: JS to forward electronically the project to Gavin Talbot. Action: HSG to co-ordinate workshop session for LEADER if successful – November onwards. Future agenda item. 6. Any other business KG advised that no item was included in the community news for September to provide the public with an update on what the steering group is dong. BR to ensure cover in future items in releases as previously agreed. 7. Items for future meetings September 15th 2014 Hadleigh Neighbourhood Plan update Hadleigh One, follow up from Haverhill presentation SCC spend in Hadleigh, Highways, CYP and public realm – September 15th meeting Children and Young People Services Hadleigh – Discussion and consultation response BR to provide HSG members a link to the consultation document Future meetings Babergh Headquarters accommodation review – earliest October meeting LEADER workshop session – November onwards
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