BHS Emergency Management: BBH EMERGENCY PROCEDURES! 94444 BALLARAT BASE HOSPITAL EM ERGENCY NUM BER R Remove persons f rom immediat e danger If saf e t o do so A Alert by dialling emergency number or act ivat e M anual Call Point & Report t o Team Leader (Area Warden) C Cont ain/conf ine t he area E Ext inguish t he f ire If saf e t o do so RESPOND RED Fire/Smoke RESPOND ORANGE Evacuat ion RESPOND BLACK Armed Violence/Hold Up RESPOND BLUE Cardiorespirat ory Arrest RESPOND BROWN Ext ernal Emergency RESPOND GREY Unarmed Violence RESPOND GREY DURESS Duress Alarm Act ivat ion RESPOND PURPLE Bomb/Arson t hreat RESPOND YELLOW Int ernal Emergency (e.g. Chemical Spill, Services Failure, et c) 1. Follow Evacuat ion Procedures as laid dow n in the Emergency Procedures M anual 2. Be aw are of your Congregat ion Point, Evacuat ion Rout e and Assembly Area 3. Follow Inst ruct ions of Team Leader (Area Warden) If directly involved; 1. Do not provoke/conf ront the person, t ry t o dif f use sit uat ion 2. Follow t he persons inst ruct ions, be deliberat e in your act ions 3. If saf e t o do so, move sit uat ion aw ay f rom other persons If not directly involved; 1. St ay out of danger, commence lock dow n 2. Dial Emergency number st at ing - Code Black (& t ype of w eapon/emergency) & Locat ion 3. Ensure t raf f ic cont rol so that other persons do not ent er t he area 4. Observe t he person not ing height , clot hing, speech et c 1. Alert by pressing ‘Pat ient Assist ’or “Emergency Buzzer” and/or call f or help 2. Dial Emergency number st at ing: - Code Blue & Locat ion (building/floor number/room number) 3. Commence Basic Lif e Support unt il advanced lif e support t eam arrives t o t ake over 1. Aw ait inst ruct ions f rom t he Incident Commander (Chief Warden) 2. Follow inst ruct ions of Team Leader (Area Warden) 1. Do not provoke/conf ront the person, t ry t o dif f use sit uat ion 2. Dial Emergency number st at ing - Code Grey & Locat ion 1. Est ablish if duress alarm activat ion is a genuine emergency 2. If duress act ivat ion a conf irmed incident follow Code Grey or Black procedure If a suspicious article is found; 1. Do not touch or t amper w it h it 2. Remove persons t o saf et y 3. Report to Team Leader (Area Warden) If a threatening phone call is received; 1. At t empt t o keep the caller t alking (use checklist if available) 2. Dial Emergency number 3. Report to Team Leader !Turn off mobile phones, two way radios and pages 1. Remove persons t o saf et y 2. Dial t he Emergency number st at ing: - Code Yellow (& t ype of emergency) & Locat ion 3. Inst igat e t raf f ic cont rol BHS EMERGENCY PROCEDURES CHART Date Chart Checked: Signature: Author: Don Garlick (BHS Manager: EM) BHS Emergency Management: BBH EMERGENCY PROCEDURES! BALLARAT BASE HOSPITAL EM ERGENCY NUM BER 1. Alert by pressing ‘Pat ient Assist ’or “Emergency Buzzer” and/or call f or help 2. Dial Emergency number st at ing: - M ET Response & Locat ion (building/floor number/room number) 3. M anage pat ient unt il advanced lif e support t eam arrives M ET RESPONSE M edical Emergency CAESAREAN RESPONSE Immediat e Caesarean Sect ion NEONATAL RESPONSE Neonat al Cardiorespirat ory Arrest PAEDIATRIC RESPONSE Paediat ric M edical Emergency OBSTETRIC RESPONSE Obst et ric Emergency TRAUM A RESPONSE Trauma Relat ed Emergency 94444 1. Dial Emergency number st at ing; Caesarean Response & Locat ion 2. Follow response procedures 1. Dial Emergency number st at ing; Neonat al Response & Locat ion 2. Follow response procedures 1. Dial Emergency number st at ing; Paediat ric Response & Locat ion 2. Follow response procedures 1. Dial Emergency number st at ing; Obst et ric Response & Locat ion 2. Follow response procedures 1. Dial Emergency number st at ing; Trauma Response, Locat ion & Expect ed time of arrival 2. Follow response procedures FIRE ORDERS ALL STAFF DISCOVERING SM OKE/FIRE SHOULD R Remove: Any person in immediat e danger if safe to do so & isolat e f ire by closing t he door A Alert : Dial BBH Emergency Not if icat ion Number St at e Code Red Conf irmed & Your Locat ion Alert : Act ivat e M anual Call Point Alert : Report smoke/f ire t o Team Leader C E Cont ain: The f ire if safe to do so by closing room doors &/or f ire/smoke doors Ext inguish: The f ire if safe to do so ALL STAFF HEARING A FIRE ALARM SHOULD 1 2 3 Attend your congregation point: On t he w ay look f or evidence of f ire, smoke or act ivat ed det ect ors Follow inst ruct ions of your Team Leader & prepare t o evacuat e if required Account f or all people & do not ret urn t o normal act ivit y unt il ‘All Clear’is given BHS EMERGENCY PROCEDURES CHART Date Chart Checked: Signature: Author: Don Garlick (BHS Manager: EM)
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