. '* * . " fn.-rf'k f &o~t.t\~ ~ If''tlt.fLffl! tTl1lttl to~6-A ",;J l,p ,;JJl.1I] FEDERAL NEGARIT GAZETA OF THE FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA h/»t-- (ail"'~ ~ODT cJr'J'C c]j~ h-'til Mil '?')(I-}-l1U.,.') IUrm '}.9". 00.Tr-*'f t..~~t'\ce -'tquhklLfce 6T11t\.h r"'1111 +attr-T 9"hC f1.T mfl~'1T r(J)lTl CONTENTS OIJ(J}o6l>}. . 13th Year No. 37 ADDISABABA 1ST June 2007 rllll.1z.il-rC'f 9"hC f1.T ~ 111 ckrrC iirrB?;Lli1r'ii1 r~~~ (J)~1I n?A'1ftuT 1:C~T UIIcJ:cJ:~f r~'l.fI TC'f SJ'IhC f1.T ~ 111 'W Ei'i.?;rrBii Council Of Ministers Regulations No. 136/2007 Dry Port Administration Enterprise Establishment Council of Ministers Regulations. , Page 3631 r6ll.1z.il"'~C'T9"hC f1.T ~ 111 ckrrC iirlJJ?;/Ii1r1v r~~~ CD~1In?l\'1ftuT 1:C~T1 fltPJcJ:cJ:9" rCDt11 r~ 'l.flTC'T 9"hC f1.T ~ 111 COUNCIL OF MINISTERS REGULATIONS No. 136/2007 COUNCIL OF MINISTERS REGULATIONS TO EST ABLISH THE DRY PORT SERVICE ENTERPRISE r~ 'l.ilTC'T 9"hC f1.T r 0.Tr-*,f t..~~t'\ce These Regulations are issued by the Council of Ministers. -'tquh~lLfce 6T1Illh nflL~~ nl]t'\T1 p'At111'i pursuant to Article 5 of the Definition of Powers and rf''1f1C hooCD"1 OCDt11m-ntp~ ckrrC gr(fii/li1r'i~ n1~K' l; h'i O001'1P'T rAUIIT 1:C~.y.T ntp~ ckrrC t;l;/Ii1ritg n1~W !9~(ii) (V) oolPlT f,V1 . ~111 nCDrr:tA:: ii. n6fl'C Duties of the Executive Organs of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Proclamation No. 471/2006 and Article 47(1) (a) of the Public Enterprise Proclamation No. 25/1992. 1. ClIfI These Regulations may be cited as the "Dry Port Administration Enterprise Establishment Council of Ministers Regulations No. 13612007." ~V ~111 ."r~~p (J)~1I n'lA'1ftuT f:C~T UIIcJ:cJ:~f r~ 'l.flTC'T 9"hC f1.T ~ 111 ckrrC . iiflJJ?;/Ii1r'ii1" +1Iftu llm~fI I. E. f,Tt'\A:: 2. 00cJ:cJ:9" ii. r~~p CD~1In'lA'1ftuT f:C~T (httv 01.t'\ "f:C~T" hr+flfI r~m~m-) r001'1P'T rAUII"'~ f:C~T U'C:>ottv ~111 +cJ:ckDJ,A:: I. f:C~~ O001"7P'T rAUIIT f:C~.y.T ntp~ ckrrC t;l;/Ii1ritg oolP~T f,+~~~A:: +eft11t116 flflp'At111 f1~ ~;J Umt Pnce 2.30 +ef Establishment 1. The Dry Port Service Enterprise (hereinafter the "Enterprise") is hereby established as Public Enterprise. 2. 3. f"'~~r}flTCT'i 00'l'ir; ~ 'l.fl1;C r f:C~~ t11lT16flflP'At111 f,U''iA:: Short Title The Enterprise shall be governed by the public Enterprise Proclamation No. 25/1992. Supervising Authority The Ministry of Transport and Communications shall be the supervising authority of the Enterprise. '1;J6T ;JtLt11 T.Uf.ck iti'i.ii Negarit Gazeta P.O.box 80,001 1~' Eo.~ft!jIt..F..t.t:\ !'t 'PC; ooFl,f ~;Jt-}. ;JtLflJ ~'f'C c1ii ""(I.}. 3'g.,., lOrD 1."'. 4. I1.r f1:C~~ 'PC; ooFl,f I1.r Oh-'lilhOq 0'«;' h11.hilLI\'l."1~ OD'JC;rm-?" F~&- /:"C1651~ t\.~ lm- ,e TI\A: : (;. l}I\D'J Federal NegaritGazeta_No. 37 June 1"12007 Page 3632 Head Office The Enterprise shall have its head office in Addis Ababa and may have branch Office elsewhere, as . may be necessary. 5. 1:C~~ f1-**ooqrml}I\D'JJDT f1.l:" (1)1.11 F&-JDT1 "OIJtJ'l.1:C; fD'J.h1-ft-r1 h1A'11t.y.T "ooilmr "1m-:: Purposes The Purposes for which the Enterprise is established are to operate dry pohs and: . f(l)(J;1,.C; 1n. tJ~JDT1 fOO6511ifD'J&-1~c; fD'JhD'Jrr h1A'1lt-r tnJilmr i ii. I. - f(l)(J;1,.C; 1n. tJ~JDT1 E. 2. rtJ1-t,e~C ooilmr i ooilmr~i D'Jil1-C;11fC;D'JhD'J~ h1A'1lt-r l}I\trym-1 h'1(1- "D'J1:lil 1-"'D'J~ 1. to provide the s~rvices of loading and unloading and storage of imponed and export goodsj 2. to' provide the 8'rvices of stowing and unpaCking of containerized export and imported goods. 3. to provide contaiher depot services; OtJ1-t,e"1C fD'Ji'i'1c; htJ11;,e"1C fD'Jm-ll)r h1AaJlt-r F&-JDT1 fD'J.l"l- lblt-T 4. D'JtJ1£1::: 6. ~. tJT:t'A . %. ~. cash and in kind. 7. 1:C~~ tJ"m- m:"I\I\ 111lr h,e0'1?": : 1:C~~ fD'J.f,eOr 1:C~~ I\A+(I)(}"1 1.tL ,effA:: I1. 1.1(1- fD'J.aC;Or ,e U 1.111 8. 9. ;JtLll) h(l)ll)Or +1 ~?"C' faC; ,eU'C;A:: h-'lil hOq l\"l. t;~ +1III1f:w oo"il tLC;lf f h.rf't,f l,Tl1t\.h Liabilit) , Duration The Enterprise is ~stablished for an indefinite. duration. 'l.tL O&..Fo&-A "1;Jl,r (Ten Mil1iQ.nBirr) is paid up in . The Enterprise shall not be liable beyond its total assets. 'Ol\,e OtJ~ 1-mf~ 'l.H. Capital bin: 10,000,000 Ol},e"1r 1-h~I)..A:: ~I\~"1r to engage in othbr related activities conducive to the achievemeht of its purposes. The authorized capital of the Enterprise is Bitt 500,000,000 (Pive Hundred Million Birr) of which "1:C~~ 'fi'L+1."r tJT:t'A l1C (;fD'J.ft.f'1 (h?"ilr oo.y. D'J.t\.f'1 l1C) t\0'1 httu tD-il1' I D'J.t\.f'1(hilC D'J.t\.f'1 l1C) 01'&. 11"11'1 *' . &..Fo&-I\lf-'lCJOh&-t\f'l! m:"I\,e D'J."LilrC :t'rCJO . Effective Date These Regulations shall enter into. force on the date of their publication in the Federal Negarit Gazeta. Done at Addis Ababa, this 5thday of July 2007 MELES ZENAWI Prime Minister of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
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