Erasmus Mundus Action 2 (EMA 2): Open Calls for Outgoing and Incoming Mobilities Project name ALRAKIS II Website Deadline Who can apply? 30.01.2015 Outgoings Incomings Undergraduate, Master, Doctorate, Undergraduate, Master, Doctorate, Postdoc, Staff Postdoc, Staff All fields of study All fields of study Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, EU Ukraine Germany Armenia GEORG‐AUGUST‐UNIVERSITÄT EURASIA INTERNATIONAL GÖTTINGEN UNIVERSITY Polen YEREVAN STATE MEDICAL WARSAW UNIVERSITY OF LIFE UNIVERSITY SCIENCES Azerbaijan Spain AZERBAIJAN UNIVERSITY OF UNIVERSITY OF SANTIAGO DE LANGUAGES COMPOSTELA BAKU STATE UNIVERSITY Estonia QAFQAZ UNIVERSITY TALLINN UNIVERSITY Georgia Italy AKAKI TSERETELI STATE UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DELLA UNIVERSITY TUSCIA ILIA STATE UNIVERSITY TBILISI SATE MEDICAL UNIVERSITY Netherlands UNIVERSITY OF GRONINGEN Ukraine France NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF KYIV UNIVERSITE PARIS‐EST CRÉTEIL (UPEC) MOHYLA ACADEMY Czech Republic NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF LIFE MASARYK UNIVERSITY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES OF UKRAINE ODESSA NATIONAL MARITIME UNIVERSITY Vitali Altholz Email: [email protected]‐; Tel: 0551‐3921321 Fields of study Countries targeted Partner Universities Contact person at Göttingen International As of December 3, 2014 1 Project name AREAS+ Website Deadline Who can apply? 16.12.2014 Outgoings Incomings Undergraduate, Master, Doctorate, Undergraduate, Master, Doctorate, Postdoc, Staff Postdoc, Staff All fields of study All fields of study EU Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Mongolia, Sri Lanka, Thailand, The Philippines, Vietnam Italy Vietnam HANOI UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND POLITECNICO DI TORINO UNIVERSITY OF TRENTO TECHNOLOGY England HO CHI MINH CITY UNIVERSITY OF CITY UNIVERSITY LONDON TECHNOLOGY Germany Indonesia GEORG‐AUGUST‐UNIVERSITÄT GADJAH MADA UNIVERSITY GÖTTINGEN India France INDIAN SCHOOL OF MINES INSTITUT POLYTECHNIQUE DE DHANBAD GRENOBLE Laos Belgium NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF LAOS UNIVERSITY OF LEUVEN (KU LEUVEN) Mongolia Sweden NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF ROYAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY MONGOLIA Estonia Thailand TALLINN UNIVERSITY OF THAMMASAT UNIVERSITY TECHNOLOGY Cambodia Portugal THE PANNASATRA UNIVERSITY OF UNIVERSIDADE DO MINHO CAMBODIA Spain Malaysia UNIVERSITI KUALA LUMPUR UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE Sri Lanka CATALUNYA UNIVERSITY OF PEREDENIYA Czech Republic The Philippines MASARYK UNIVERSITY VISAYAS STATE UNIVERSITY Vitali Altholz Email: [email protected]‐; Tel: 0551‐3921321 Fields of study Countries targeted Partner Universities Contact person at Göttingen International As of December 3, 2014 2 Project name ALFABET Website Deadline Who can apply? https://www.alfabet‐ 30.12.2014 Outgoings Incomings Undergraduate, Master, Undergraduate, Master, Doctorate, Doctorate, Postdoc, Staff Postdoc, Staff Life Sciences, Food, Agriculture, Life Sciences, Food, Agriculture, Biology, Environment and Technology Biology, Environment and Technology EU Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Mongolia, Thailand, The Philippines, Vietnam Czech Republic Indonesia CZECH UNIVERSITY OF LIFE SCIENCES UNIVERSITY OF TADULAKO PRAGUE BOGOR AGRICULTURAL Austria UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY OF NATURAL RESOURCES Cambodia AND LIFE SCIENCES VIENNA ROYAL UNIVERSITY OF Germany AGRICULTURE GEORG‐AUGUST‐UNIVERSITÄT CHEA SIM UNIVERSITY OF GÖTTINGEN KAMCHAYMEAR France China MONTPELLIER SUP AGRO NANJING AGRICULTURAL Netherlands UNIVERSITY WAGENINGEN UNIVERSITY Laos Poland THE NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF WARSAW UNIVERSITY OF LIFE LAOS SCIENCES Malaysia Portugal THE NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF UNIVERSITY OF PORTO MALAYSIA Mongolia MONGOLIAN UNIVERSITY OF LIFE SCIENCES The Philippines MINDANAO STATE UNIVERSITY Thailand KASETSART UNIVERSITY Vietnam HUE UNIVERSITY VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE Vitali Altholz Email: [email protected]‐; Tel: 0551‐3921321 Fields of study Countries targeted Partner Universities Contact person at Göttingen International As of December 3, 2014 3 Project name EMAIL II Website Deadline Who can apply? 31.01.2015 Incomings (Israel) Doctorate, Postdoc, Staff All fields of study EU Germany GEORG‐AUGUST‐UNIVERSITÄT GÖTTINGEN Austria KALR‐FRANZENS‐UNIVERSITÄT GRAZ France SCIENCES PO Belgium UNIVERSITY OF LEUVEN (KU LEUVEN) Sweden LUND UNIVERSITY Czech Republic MASARYK UNIVERSITY Spain UNIVERSITY OF GRANADA Italy POLITECNICO DI TORINO Israel BEN‐GURION UNIVERSITY OF THE NEGEV BEZALEL ACADEMY OF ARTS AND DESIGN HEBREW UNIVERSITY OF JERUSALEM INTERDISCIPLINARY CENTER (ICD) HERZLIYA UNIVERSITY OF HAIFA WESTERN GALILEE COLLEGE Vitali Altholz Email: [email protected]‐; Tel: 0551‐3921321 Fields of study Countries targeted Partner Universities Contact person at Göttingen International As of December 3, 2014 4 Project name EXPERTS SUSTAIN Website Deadline Who can apply? 30.01.2015 Outgoings Incomings Undergraduate, Master, Doctorate, Undergraduate, Master, Doctorate, Postdoc, Staff Postdoc, Staff Agricultural Sciences, Architecture, Agricultural Sciences, Architecture, Urban and Regional Planning, Urban and Regional Planning, Business Studies and Management Business Studies and Management Sciences, Education, Teacher Sciences, Education, Teacher Training, Training, Engineering, Technology, Engineering, Technology, Geography, Geography, Geology, Law, Medical Geology, Law, Medical Sciences, Sciences, Natural Sciences, Social Natural Sciences, Social Sciences: Sciences: Sociology, EU Studies, Sociology, EU Studies, Political Political Sciences, Social Work Sciences, Social Work EU Asia (Indonesia, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, Pakistan, China, India, Maldives, Sri Lanka, Thailand, The Philippines) Indonesia Germany BOGOR AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY OF GOETTINGEN UNIVERSITY Portugal UNIVERSITY OF SYIAH KULA INSTITUTO SUPERIOR TÉCNICO (IST) Afghanistan Sweden UNIVERSITY OF KABUL UPPSALA UNIVERSITY Bangladesh Czech Republic KHULNA UNIVERSITY MASARYK UNIVERSITY Bhutan Croatia ROYAL UNIVERSITY OF BHUTAN UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB Nepal Finland POKHARA UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY OF TURKU Pakistan UNIVERSITY OF THE PUNJAB China NANJING UNIVERSITY India PUNE UNIVERSITY Maldives THE MALADIVES NATIONAL UNIVERSITY Sri Lanka UNIVERSITY OF PEREDENIYA Thailand KASETSART UNIVERSITY The Philippines VISAYAS STATE UNIVERSITY Agnieszka Buelens Email: [email protected]‐; Tel: 0551‐3921326 Fields of study Countries targeted Partner Universities Contact person at Göttingen International As of December 3, 2014 5 Project name EU‐SATURN Website Deadline Who can apply?‐ 16.03.2015 Incomings (South Africa) Master, Doctorate, Staff All fields of study EU The Netherlands RIJKSUNIVERSITEIT GRONINGEN Germany GEORG‐AUGUST‐UNIVERSITÄT GÖTTINGEN England NEWCASTLE UNIVERSITY Poland WROCLAW UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Belgium GHENT UNIVERSITY Sweden UPPSALA UNIVERSITY Spain UNIVERSITAT DE VALENCI South Africa UNIVERSITY OF THE FREE STATE (UFS) STELLENBOSCH UNIVERSITY (SUN) TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY (TUT) UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN (UCT) UNIVERSITY OF FORT HARE (UFH) UNIVERSITY OF JOHANNESBURG (UJ) UNIVERSITY OF LIMPOPO (UL) UNIVERSITY OF THE WESTERN CAPE (UWC) UNIVERSITY OF THE WITWATERSRAND (Wits) Vitali Altholz Email: [email protected]‐; Tel: 0551‐3921321 Fields of study Countries targeted Partner Universities Contact person at Göttingen International As of December 3, 2014 6 Project name LOTUS+ Website Deadline Who can apply? 01.03.2015 Outgoings Incomings Undergraduate, Master, Doctorate, Undergraduate, Master, Doctorate, Postdoc, Staff Postdoc, Staff All fields of study All fields of study Asia (Cambodia, Myanmar, Vietnam, EU China, Indonesia, North Korea, Thailand) China Sweden SICHUAN UNIVERSITY UPPSALA UNIVERSITY NANJING UNIVERSITY Belgium PEKING UNIVERSITY GHENT UNIVERSITY Indonesia VRIJE UNIVERSITEIT BRUSSEL UNIVERSITY GADJAH MADA Germany Cambodia GEORG‐AUGUST‐UNIVERSITÄT ROYAL UNIVERSITY OF GÖTTINGEN AGRICULTURE Ireland ROYAL UNIVERSITY OF PHNOMH UNIVERSITY OF LIMERICK PENH The Netherlands Myanmar RIJKSUNIVERSITEIT GRONINGEN YEZIN AGRICULTURE UNIVERSITY Portugal North Korea UNIVERSITY OF PORTO PYONGYANG UNIVERSITY OF United Kingdom SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY UNIVERSITY OF KENT Thailand THAMMASAT UNIVERSITY Vietnam HANOI UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY Netra Bhandari Email: [email protected]‐; Tel: 0551‐3921323 Fields of study Countries targeted Partner Universities Contact person at Göttingen International As of December 3, 2014 7 Project name TIMUR Website Deadline Who can apply?‐ 10.01.2015 Incomings (Uzbekistan) Undergraduate, Master, Doctorate, Postdoc, Staff Agricultural Science, Climate Change, Sustainable Energy, Natural Science, Social Science, Geography, Business studies & Management Sciences, Engineering & Technology and Mathematics & Informatics & Communication EU The Netherlands WAGENINGEN UNIVERSITY Sweden THE SWEDISH UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES AUSTRIA UNIVERSITÄT FÜR BONDENKULTUR WIEN Germany GEORG‐AUGUST‐UNIVERSITÄT GÖTTINGEN UNIVERSITY OF HOHENHEIM Czech Republic CZECK UNIVERSITY OF LIFE SCIENCES Slovak Republic SLOVAK UNIVERSITY OF AGRUCULTURE France MONTPELLIER UNIVERSITY ‐SUPAGRO Spain UNIVERSITY OF LAS PALMAS DE GRAN CANARIA Hungary SZENT ISTVÁN EGYETEM Slovenia UNIVERSITY OF LJUBLJANA Italy POLITECNICO DI TORINO Poland ADAM MICKIEWICZ UNIVERSITY Uzbekistan GULLISTAN UNIVERSITY KARAKALPAK STATE UNIVERSITY KARSHI ENGINEERING ECONOMIC INSTITUTE KOKAND STATE PEDAGOGICAL INSTITUTE TESHKENT INSTITUTE OF IRRIGATION AND MELIORATION NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF UZBEKISTAN NAMANGAN ENGINEERING PEDAGOGICAL INSTITUTE Vitali Altholz Email: [email protected]‐; Tel: 0551‐3921321 Fields of study Countries targeted Partner Universities Contact person at Göttingen International As of December 3, 2014 8 Project name INSPIRE Website Deadline Who can apply? 15.03.2015 Outgoings Master, Doctorate, Postdoc, Staff All fields of study South Africa South Africa UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN CAPE CAPE PENINSULA UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY CENTRAL UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY DURBAN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY NORTH‐WEST UNIVERSITY STELLENBOSCH UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN UNIVERSITY OF FORT HARE UNIVERSITY OF JOHANNESBURG UNIVERSITY OF KWAZULU‐NATAL Fields of study Countries targeted Partner Universities Contact person at Göttingen International Incomings Master, Doctorate, Postdoc, Staff All fields of study EU Sweden UPPSALA UNIVERSITY Belgium GHENT UNIVERSITY Czech Republic MASARYK UNIVERSITY France BRETAGNE TELECOM Germany GEORG‐AUGUST‐UNIVERSITÄT GÖTTINGEN Hungary EÖTVÖS LORÁND UNVERSITY The Netherlands RIJKSUNIVERSITEIT GRONINGEN Spain UNIVERSIDAD DE VALLADOLID Vitali Altholz Email: [email protected]‐; Tel: 0551‐3921321 As of December 3, 2014 9 Project name SmartLINK Website Deadline Who can apply? http://smartlink‐ TBA Outgoings Incomings Undergraduate, Master, Doctorate, Undergraduate, Master, Postdoc, Staff Doctorate, Postdoc, Staff Agricultural Sciences, Architecture, Urban All fields of study and Regional Planning, Business Studies and Management Science, Education and Teacher training, Engineering, Technology, Geography, Geology, Medical Sciences, Natural Sciences, Other Area of Study EU Asia (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Indonesia, Maldives, Nepal, North Korea, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Thailand) AFGHANISTAN Germany INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION GEORG‐AUGUST‐UNIVERSITÄT TECHNOLOGY INSTITUTE (ICTI) GÖTTINGEN Bangladesh Portugal UNITED INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY (UIU) UNIVERSITY OF PORTO DAFFODIL INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY United Kingdom (DIU) NORTHUMBRIA UNIVERSITY AT Bhutan NEWCASTLE ROYAL UNIVERSITY OF BHUTAN UNIVERSITY OF WEST India SCOTLAND (UWS) JADAVPUR UNIVERSITY (JU) Poland Indonesia LODZ UNIVERSITY OF BINUS UNIVERSITY (BU) TECHNOLOGY (TUL) Maldives Cyprus VILLA COLLEGE (VC) UNIVERSITY OF NICOSIA Nepal France AGRICULTURE AND FORESTRY UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITÉ LUMIERE LYON 2 (AFU) (ULL) North Korea Bulgaria PYONGYANG UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE & BURGAS FREE UNIVERSITY TECHNOLOGY (BFU) Pakistan Greece MOHAMMAD ALI JINNAH UNIVERSITY HELLENIC OPEN UNIVERSITY (MAJU) (HOU) Sri Lanka CHIANG MAI UNIVERSITY (CMU) Thailand THAMMASAT UNIVERSITY Vitali Altholz Email: [email protected]‐; Tel: 0551‐3921321 Fields of study Countries targeted Partner Universities Contact person at Göttingen International As of December 3, 2014 10 Project name ASSUR Website Deadline Who can apply? 10.02.2015 Incomings (Syria) Undergraduate, Master, Doctorate, Postdoc, Staff All fields of study; priority to those considered fundamental in Country Development Strategy EU Italia UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DELL’AQUILA Greece ALEXANDER TECHNOLOGICAL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE OF THESSALONIKI Belgium ARTESIS PLANTJIN HOGESCHOOL ANTWERPEN Hungary BUDAPESTI CORVENIUS EGYETEM Germany CARL VON OSSIETZKY UNIVERSITÄT OLDENBURG GEORG‐AUGUST‐UNIVERSITÄT GÖTTINGEN Estonia TALLINN UNIVERSITY Austria UNIVERISTÄT LINZ Spain UNIVERSITAT POLITECNICA DE VALENCIA France UNIVERSITE PIERRE ET MARIE CURIE – PARIS 6 Romania UNIVERSITY STEFAN CEL MARE SUCEAVA Syria ARAB INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY AL BAATH UNIVERSITY ALEPPO UNIVERSITY DAMASCUS UNIVERSITY IUST TISHREEN UNIVERSITY YARMOUK PRIVATE UNIVERSITY Vitali Altholz Email: [email protected]‐; Tel: 0551‐3921321 Fields of study Countries targeted Partner Universities Contact person at Göttingen International As of December 3, 2014 11 Project name MayaNet Website Deadline Who can apply? 10.02.2015 Outgoings Incomings Undergraduate, Master, Doctorate, Undergraduate, Master, Doctorate, Postdoc, Staff Postdoc, Staff All fields of study All fields of study EU Latin America (Colombia, Cuba, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, and Nicaragua) Colombia Italia UNIVERSIDAD DEL MAGDALENA UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI El Salvador DELL’AQUILA UNIVERSIDAD CENTROAMERICANA Greece “JOSÉ SIMEÓN CANAS” ALEXANDER TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSIDAD TECNOLÓGICA DE EL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE OF SALVADOR THESSALONIKI Cuba Hungary UNIVERSIDAD DE MATANZAS BUDAPESTI CORVENIUS EGYETEM CAMILO CIENFUEGOS Germany Honduras CARL VON OSSIETZKY UNIVERSITÄT UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL OLDENBURG AUTÓNOMA DE HONDURAS GEORG‐AUGUST‐UNIVERSITÄT UNIVERSIDAD PEDAGÓGICA GÖTTINGEN NATIONAL FRANCISCO MORAZÁN Estonia Nicaragua TALLINN UNIVERSITY UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL Austria AUTÓNOMA DE NICARAGUA UNIVERISTÄT LINZ Guatemala Spain UNIVERSIDAD RAFAEL LANDIVAR UNIVERSITAT POLITECNICA DE Mexico VALENCIA UNIVERSIDAD VERACRUZANA France UNIVERSITE PIERRE ET MARIE CURIE – PARIS Poland UNIVERSYTET PRZYRODNICZY WE WROCLAWIU Vitali Altholz Email: [email protected]‐; Tel: 0551‐3921321 Fields of study Countries targeted Partner Universities Contact person at Göttingen International As of December 3, 2014 12 Project name INTERWEAVE Website Deadline Who can apply? http://www.interweave‐ 12.1.2015 – 13.3.2015 Incomings (Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Nepal, and Thailand) Undergraduate, Doctorate, Postdoc, Staff Architecture, Urban and Regional Planning, Engineering, Technology Geography, Geology, Natural Sciences EU Germany GEORG‐AUGUST‐UNIVERSITÄT GÖTTINGEN Estonia TALLINNA TEHNIKAÜLIKOOL Greece ARISTOTELEIO PANEPISTIMIO THESSALONIKIS Italy POLITECHNICO DI MILANO Latvia RIGA TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Poland POLITECHNIKA WARSZAWSKA Portugal UNIVERSIDADE DE PORTO Spain MONDRAGON UNIBERTSITATEA United Kingdom CARADIFF METROPOLITAN UNIVERSITY Bangladesh BANGLADESH UNIVERSITY OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY Bhutan ROYAL UNIVERSITY OF BHUTAN China TSINGHUA UNIVERSITY India INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY GUWAHATI VELLORE INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Indonesia INSTITUT TEKNOLOGI BANDUNG INSTITUT TEKNOLOGI SEPULUH NOPEMBER Malaysia UNIVERSITY OF MALAYA Nepal TRIBHUVAN UNIVERSITY Thailand FACULTY OF ENGINEERING, CHULALONGKORN UNIVERSITY Vitali Altholz Email: [email protected]‐; Tel: 0551‐3921321 Fields of study Countries targeted Partner Universities Contact person at Göttingen International As of December 3, 2014 13 Project name SALAM 2 Website Deadline Who can apply? TBA (December ‐ ?) Outgoings Incomings Doctorate, Postdoc, Staff Undergraduate, Master, Doctorate, Postdoc, Staff All fields of study All fields of study Iran, Iraq, Yemen EU Germany Iran GEORG‐AUGUST‐UNIVERSITÄT FERDOWSI UNIVERSITY OF GÖTTINGEN MASHHAD Portugal K.N.TOOSI UNIVERSITY OF UNIVERSITY OF ALGARVE TECHNOLOGY Spain UNIVERSITY OF TEHRAN UNIVERSITY OF DEUSTO Iraq Sweden SALAHADDIN UNIVERSITY‐ERBIL LUND UNIVERSITY THE UNIVERSITY OF BAGHDAD – COLLEGE OF SCIENCE The Netherlands UNIVERSITY OF DUHOK UNIVERSITY OF TWENTE – ITC Yemen United Kingdom IBB UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY OF ESSEX SANA´A UNIVERSITY THAMAR UNIVERSITY Vitali Altholz Email: [email protected]‐; Tel: 0551‐3921321 Fields of study Countries targeted Partner Universities Contact person at Göttingen International As of December 3, 2014 14
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