Vet-Med-Labor Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory Network bo Ve t Me r The demand for proficiency d - La Central Lab Phone: (+36 1) 422 09 44, (+36 1) 422 09 45 Central Lab FAX: (+36 1) 422 09 44 Budapest, Stefánia út 61. Hungary - 1143 Address: Mailing address: Vet-Med-Labor Budapest, Pf. 679. Hungary - 1593 E-mail:[email protected] Homepage: Állatorvosi Diagnosztikai Laboratórium Sample delivery: Opening hours:, (+36 1) 422 09 44 Monday-Friday 9.00-20.00 Saturday 10.00-13.00 Panel tests Price of panel tests is without complete blood count. The average turnaround time is 3-6 hours. From 1 ml native blood we can measure about 20-25 biochemical parameters. cap colour red yellow green reagens serum (clot activator) gel separation heparin tests biochemistry, endocrinology, serology, allergy biochemistry, endocrinology, serology, allergy biochemistry, haematology, endocrinology, serology purple/ K2-/K3-EDTA lavender haematology, PCR, molecular genetics light blue citrate (9NC) coagulation only grey fluoride (and EDTA) blood glucose only black citrate (ESR) erythrocyte sedimentation rate only separated serum – biochemistry (glucose as well), endocrinology, serology Basic routine AST, ALT, ALKP, GGT, total bilirubin, direct bilirubin, total protein, albumin, albumin/globulin ratio, glucose, fructosamine, cholesterol, triglyceridess, urea, creatinine, phosphorus, CK, LDH, Na, K, Na/K ratio, Ca, Mg, iron, serum index 10,37 € General routine (canine) Basic routine + GLDH, bile acid, amylase, lipase, CRP 14,30 € General routine (feline) Basic routine + amylase, pancreasamylase, FeLV (Ag-ELISA), FIV (Ab-ELISA) 24,80 € General routine (equine) Basic routine + bile acid 17,85 € General routine (ruminant) Basic routine + NEFA, BHB 14,30 € General routine (avian) AST, total protein, albumin, bile acid, triglycerides, cholesterol, uric acid, phosphorus, Ca, Na, K, CK, LDH 14,17 € General routine (reptile) AST, ALKP, GLDH, GGT, total protein, albumin, urea, creatinine, phosphorus, uric acid, Na, K, Ca, Mg, CK General routine (rabbit and rodents) ALT, ALKP, bile acid, total protein, albumin, urea, creatinine, glucose, Na, K, Ca, Cl, CK 7,87 € 13,91 € General routine (ferret) AST, GGT, total protein, albumin, glucose, fructosamine, triglycerides, urea, creatinine, uric acid, Ca, CK, LDH 7,87 € Electrolyte panel Na, K, Na/K ratio, Cl, HCO3, Ca, Mg, phosphorus 4,20 € Pre-operation routine I. ALT, ALKP, GGT, total protein, albumin, urea, creatinine, glucose 5,51 € Pre-operation routine II. Keep frozen! Pre-operation routine I. + APTI, PTI 8,27 € Geriatrics panel Basic routine + GLDH, amylase, total T4 2 Valid from 1th April. 2014. Energy panel package (ruminant) Includes 20 pcs Energy panel (ruminant) 236,22 € Energy panel (ruminant) Keep frozen! BHB, NEFA, Ca, Mg, phosphorus, urea, beta carotene 12,47 € Symptom-specific test panels General test panels What kind of tube should be sent to the lab? Organ-specific test panels General test panels (cont.) 17,06 € Prices does not include VAT. Anemia panel (feline) Reticulocyte count and ratio, total protein, albumin, iron, iron binding capacity, urea, creatinine, phosphorus, CK, LDH, FeLV (Ag-ELISA), FIV(Ab-ELISA), FIP (Ab-ELISA) 39,37 € Anemia panel (canine) Reticulocyte count and ratio, total protein, albumin, GGT, iron, iron binding capacity, urea, creatinine, phosphorus, CK, LDH, Coomb’s test, osmotic resistance 39,37 € Ascites/Oedema panel Body cavity effusion analysis, total protein, albumin, cholesterol, urea, creatinine, AST, ALT, GGT, CK, CK-MB 26,25 € Chronic diarrhoea (canine) ALT, ALKP, GGT, total bilirubin, total protein, albumin, albumin/globulin ratio, amylase, lipase, cholesterol, triglycerides, urea, creatinine, phosphorus, TLI 16,54 € Chronic fever panel Keep frozen! Blood culture, total protein, albumin, fibrinogen 52,49 € Icterus panel (feline) AST, ALT, GGT, total bilirubin, urea, LDH, LDH-1, FeLV (Ag-ELISA), FIV (Ab-ELISA) 23,62 € Icterus panel (feline) ALT, ALKP, GGT, total bilirubin, urea, LDH, LDH-1, osmotic resistance 5,77 € Polyuria/Polydipsia panel AST, ALT, GGT, ALKP, SIAP, glucose, urea, creatinine, phosphorus, total protein, albumin, cholesterol, fructosamine, physical and chemical examination of urine, urine sediment analysis, urine cortisol/creatinine ratio 17,59 € Vomitus panel AST, ALT, ALKP, GGT, amylase, lipase, urea, creatinine, phosphorus, parasitological examination of faeces Endocrine panel TSH, total T4, TT4/TSH ratio, cortisol, estradiol, testosterone 46,72 € Pancreatic function (canine) Amylase, lypase, glucose, fructosamine, TLI, serum index 13,52 € Pancreatic function (feline) Amylase, lypase, glucose, fructosamine, fPL, serum index 22,57 € Liver function (basic) AST, ALT, ALKP, GGT, total bilirubin, serum index Liver function (complete) AST, ALT, ALKP, GGT, GLDH, total bilirubin, direct bilirubin, bile acid, total protein, albumin, urea, serum index Myocardial panel Keep frozen! urea, creatinine, Na, K, Ca, Mg, CK, CK-MB, LDH, LDH-1, troponin Kidney function urea, creatinine, phosphorus, Na, K, Na/K ratio, serum index 12,47 € 14,44 € 3,28 € Disease specific test panels FIP screen AST, ALT, total bilirubin, direct bilirubin, total protein, albumin, albumin/globulin ratio, FIP Ab titer, ELFO* (*7-10 days) 48,56 € Thyroid gland panel TSH, total T4, TT4/TSH ratio, free T4, cholesterol, triglycerides 31,50 € Cushing/Addison test Na, K, Na/K ratio, cortisol, ALKP, SIAP, glucose, urea, creatinine 14,30 € Epilepsy panel AST, ALT, ALKP, GGT, total bilirubin, phenobarbital concentratio 7,22 € Symptom-specific PCR test panels Reproduction PCR panel (real-time PCR) Blood: Herpes Ab-titers, Vaginal swab: Mycloplasma PCR 57,74 € Eye PCR panel (real-time PCR) Blood: Herpes Ab-titers; eye swab: Herpes PCR, Chlamydophila PCR, Mycloplasma PCR 78,74 € Export panel tests 6,69 € EPI panel TLI, B12, folic acid (1-2 days) 31,50 € South-Africa panel Blood parasites from smear, Microfilaria analysis (Knott method), Brucella canis (Ab-ELISA), Babesia gibsoni (IFAT), Leishmania (Ab-ELISA), Heartworm (Ag-ELISA), Trypanosoma evansi (Agglut.) Tick and mosquito panel Lyme + Anaplasma + Ehrlichia + heartworm (Ab-ELISA), Microfilaria analysis (Knott method) 25,85 € Australia panel Brucella canis (agglut.), Ehrlichia canis (IF), Leishmaniosis (ELISA), Leptosira (agglut.) Valid from 1th April. 2014. 4,72 € Prices does not include VAT. Horse USA panel Babesia caballi (IF), Theileria equi (IF) 129,92 € 101,05 € 49,87 € 3 Biochemistry Ions HCO3 1,31 € Ca 1,25 € K 1,25 € 1,25 € Cl 1,25 € 1,25 € Mg 1,25 € AST 1,25 € Na 1,25 € Direct bilirubin 1,25 € Macro- and microelements Bile acid 8,66 € Zink 1,25 € Ferritin (1-2 days) 12,40 € 1,25 € Copper (1-2 days) 9,71 € or Liver ALKP ALT GGT GLDH 4,46 € SIAP 3,94 € 19,74 € Selenium (7-10 days) Total transferrin (1-2 days) 9,19 € Proteins Iron 1,25 € Albumin 1,25 € Iron binding capacity 1,44 € 2,10 € Muscle specific tests 1,25 € Total bilirubin CRP CK 1,25 € CK-MB 2,49 € Pancreas LDH 1,25 € Amylase 1,25 € LDH-1 1,31 € Fructoseamine 1,25 € Pro-BNP (canine, feline) (7-10 days) 1,25 € Troponin Lipase 1,25 € Serum index Pancreas-amylase 1,25 € Protein electrophoresis (ELFO) (7-10 days) 17,48 € 1,25 € Total protein Glucose Keep frozen! Complete blood count • WBC, Ne, Ly, Mo, Eo, Ba, RBC, HGB, HCT, MCV, MCH, MCHC, RDW, PLT (measured by Cell-Dyn 3500) 3,67 € Smear analysis • Blood parasites (Babesia, Haemobartonella, Anaplasma, Erlichia, Trypanosoma, microfilaria) • Morphologic analysis of blood cells 2,62 € Microfilaria analysis (Knott method) 3,67 € Osmotic resistance 1,31 € Reticulocyte count and ratio with Cell-dyn 3500 7,35 € 33,07 € Blood-group determination (molecular genetics, feline) 58,79 € Coagulation Keep frozen! APTI 2,10 € PTI 2,62 € 11,02 € Fibrinogen fPL (feline) 17,59 € APTI + PTI + fibrinogen B12 + folic acid (1-2 days) 20,67 € Keep frozen! Protect from light! 4,20 € NEFA 4,20 € Cholesterol 1,25 € Triglycerides 1,25 € 8,82 € Free T4 (fT4) (dog, cat) 17,19 € TSH 10,76 € TSH, TT4, TT4/TSH ratio 16,80 € TSH, fT4, fT4/TSH ratio 24,93 € 9,37 € TRH stimulation (2 TT4 measurement) 17,59 € TRH stimulation (3 TT4 measurement) 26,25 € Thyreoglobulin antibody 22,05 € Sex hormones 2 testosterone measurement 33,07 € 3 testosterone measurement 49,61 € Sex hormones 11,02 € PMSG (7-10 days) 30,71 € Progesterone 10,24 € Relaxin 22,81 € Testosterone 16,80 € Adrenal glands hormones Cortisol (from blood / from urine) 9,37 € 4,33 € Cortisol/creatinine ratio (from urine) 9,71 € 8,92 € During a provocation test: D-dimer concentration (1-2 days) 14,76 € 2 cortisol measurement 18,73 € Factor VIII analysis (1-2 days) 34,65 € 3 cortisol measurement 28,08 € 4 cortisol measurement 37,45 € 5,25 € BHB Total T4 (TT4) hCG-stimulation test: 7,61 € 1,25 € Thyroid gland hormones K-factor Blood-group determination (serology, canine, feline) TLI (canine) Beta carotene Endocrinology 55,91 € Fats Pregnancy diagnostic Immunology Kidney 4 Haematology Acetylcholine receptor antibody (7-10 days) 44,55 € ANA-test (IF) (2-4 days) 14,41 € PMSG (horse, between 40 and 100 days) (7-10 days) 30,71 € Progesterone (horse, from day 18) 10,24 € Relaxin (dog, cat, from day 25) 22,81 € 43,65 € Phosphorus 1,25 € Coomb’s test (4 °C, 37 °C) (1-3 days) 12,40 € Estrone sulfate (horse, from day 70) (7-10 days) Uric acid 1,25 € Circulatory immune complex (2-4 day) 14,06 € Reagents (for stimulation test) Urea 1,25 € Rheuma-factor (Aggl.) (2-4 days) 14,41 € ACTH 6,56 € Creatinine 1,25 € SAA (Serum amyloid A) (7-10 days) 25,20 € TRH 6,56 € Valid from 1th April. 2014. Prices does not include VAT. Valid from 1th April. 2014. Prices does not include VAT. 5 Physical and chemical examination of the urine, urine sediment analysis Microbiology Microbiological analysis of faeces 17,85 € • Aerob culture • Microaerophil culture • Salmonella enrichment • Selective enrichment of Campylobacter • Selective enrichment of Yersinia • Micological culture • Species detection • Antibiogram for 14 antibiotics • Detection of Clostridium toxin Complete faeces analysis • Blood, bilirubin, UBG, ketone, protein, nitrite, glucose, pH and white blood cell with urine strip • Consistency with refractometer • Protein, creatinine, urine protein/creatinine ratio • Urine sediment analysis with microscope Other tests 27,56 € Urolith analysis 11,81 € Citological examination of vaginal discharge 11,81 € Parasitological examination (Breza’s flotation) 3,94 € Digesting capacity (carnivores) 3,67 € Larvae isolation 3,67 € 2,62 € Urine cortisol/creatinine ratio 9,71 € Eye secretion culture 17,85 € Culture of throut/nasal discharge 17,85 € Culture of discharge from lower respiratory tract 17,85 € Vaginal discharge culture 17,85 € Milk sample culture 17,85 € Pancreas elastase 32,91 € Cytological examination of faeces 11,81 € 14,30 € • Microscopic analysis of skin scraping (KOH method) • Micological culture • Species detection • Antimycogram for 7 antimycotics Urine culture • Aerob culture • Microaerophil culture • Micological culture • Species detection • CFU determination • Antibiogram for 14 antibiotics 6 Aerob culture Microaerophil culture Micological culture Species detection Antibiogram for 14 antibiotics Antibiogram for 7 antimycotics Ear secretion complex analysis 17,85 € • Basic skin scraping analysis + Aerob culture + Antibiogram for 14 antibiotics Microscopic analysis of skin scraping (KOH method) (searching for parasites, eggs and fungi) • • • • • • 3,94 € 17,06 € 6,56 € • Salmonella enrichment • Rezisztencia 14 antibiotikumra Aerob culture 17,06 € • Aerob culture • Species detection • Antibiogram for 7-14 antibiotics Anaerob culture 17,85 € Middle ear analysis 22,57 € Wound secretion analysis 22,57 € • Aerob culture • Microaerophil culture • Anaerob culture • Micological culture • Species detection • Antibiogram for 14 antibiotics • Antibiogram for 7 antimycotic Prices does not include VAT. 22,31 € • Anaerob culture • Species detection • Antibiogram for 7 antibiotics 10,50 € • Micological culture • Species detection • Antibiogram for 7 antimycotics 108,66 € Sarcoptes (IgG) 32,94 € Staphylococcus (IgG) 24,02 € Food allergy (22 allergens) Barley, Soy, Beef, Chicken, Corn, Cow’s milk, Deer meat, Duck, Egg, Horse meat, Lamb, Oat, Pork, Potato, Rabbit meat, Rice, Tomato, Tuna, Turkey meat, Wheat, Wild boar meat, Yeast 44,62 € Polycheck (31 allergens) Flea, Tyrophagus, Acarus siro, Sorrel, Mugwort, English plantain, Lambsquarter, Stinging nettle, 6 types of grass mixtures, Common rye, Parietaria, Plantane, Willow, Polar, Birch, Alder, Hazel, Ambrosia, Alternaria tenuis, Cladosporium, Herbarum, Aspergillus fumigatus, Penicilium notatum, Lepidoglyphus destructor, Malassezia pachydermatis, Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus, Dermatophagoides farinae 49,08 € Insect panel Simulium, Culex, Tabanus, Stomoxys calcitrans, cockroach Canine allergy tests 108,66 € Equine allergy tests Polycheck (31 allergens) Flea, Tyrophagus, Acarus siro, Sorrel, Mugwort, English plantain, Lambsquarter, Stinging nettle, 6 types of grass mixtures, Common rye, Parietaria, Plantane, Willow, Polar, Birch, Alder, Hazel, Ambrosia, Alternaria tenuis, Cladosporium, Herbarum, Aspergillus fumigatus, Penicilium notatum, Lepidoglyphus destructor, Malassezia pachydermatis, Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus, Dermatophagoides farinae 49,08 € Food allergy (22 allergens) Barley, Soy, Beef, Chicken, Corn, Cow’s milk, Deer meat, Duck, Egg, Horse meat, Lamb, Oat, Pork, Potato, Rabbit meat, Rice, Tomato, Tuna, Turkey meat, Wheat, Wild boar meat, Yeast 17 000 Ft Valid from 1th April. 2014. Insect panel Simulium, Culex, Tabanus, Stomoxys calcitrans, cockroach Feline allergy tests Allergy tests • Microscopic analysis of ear sample (KOH method) • Aerob culture • Mikroaerofil culture • Micological culture • Species detection • Antibiogram for 7 antibiotics • Antibiogram for 7 antimycotics Valid from 1th April. 2014. Salmonella culture Micological culture Urine protein/creatinine ratio Other faeces tests Complete skin scraping analysis 3,94 € Urine sediment analysis • Basic faeces analysis + Parasitological examination (Breza’s flotation) + Giardia (Ag-ELISA) + Digesting capacity Basic skin scraping analysis 4,46 € Prices does not include VAT. Polycheck (31 allergens) Flea, Tyrophagus, Acarus siro, Sorrel, Mugwort, English plantain, Lambsquarter, Stinging nettle, 6 types of grass mixtures, Common rye, Parietaria, Plantane, Willow, Polar, Birch, Alder, Hazel, Ambrosia, Alternaria tenuis, Cladosporium, Herbarum, Aspergillus fumigatus, Penicilium notatum, Lepidoglyphus destructor, Malassezia pachydermatis, Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus, Dermatophagoides farinae Insect panel Simulium, Culex, Culicoides, Tabanus, Musca 66,40 € 108,66 € 7 Feline serology Serology Canine serology Anaplasma + Ehrlichia + Lyme + heartworm (Dirofilaria immitis) (ELISA) 19,55 € Anaplasma (Ab-ELISA) 18,27 € Babesia canis (Ab-IF) 31,50 € Babesia gibsoni (Ab-IF) 31,50 € Brucella canis (Ab-ELISA) 17,59 € Chlamydophyla (Ag-ELISA) 13,73 € Coronavirus (fecal Ag-ELISA) 13,73 € Cryptosporidium (fecal Ag-ELISA) 13,73 € Cryptosporidium + Giardia (fecal Ag-ELISA) 15,64 € Ehrlichia canis (Ab-ELISA) FeLV + FIV + FIP (ELISA) 26,12 € Lyme (Ab-ELISA) 21,29 € Chlamydophyla (Ag-ELISA) 13,73 € Rotavirus (fecal Ag-ELISA) 10,70 € Coronavírus (fecal Ag-ELISA) 13,73 € Theileria equi (Ab-IF) 26,25 € Cryptosporidium (fecal Ag-ELISA) 13,73 € Cryptosporidium + Giardia (fecal Ag-ELISA) 15,64 € 7,87 € FeLV (Ag-ELISA) FIV (Ab-ELISA) 10,24 € FeLV + FIV (ELISA) 16,54 € FIP (Ab-ELISA) 10,50 € Rabbit serology Encephalitozoon cuniculi IgG (Ab-IF) (7-10 days) 29,13 € Encephalitozoon cuniculi IgG+IgM (Ab-IF) (7-10 days) 40,31 € Abbreviations: IF: immunfluorecence assay Ab: antibody detection test Ag: antigen detection test fecal-Ag.: antigen detection from feces VN: virus neutralization assay Agglut: agglutination test Cytology of smear or punctatum (2-3 days) 11,81 € Complete analysis of body cavity effusion 5,91 € Complete analysis of body cavity effusion • WBC, RBC, HGB, HTC, PLT, total protein, albumin, creatinine • Examination of cellular components 15,75 € Analysis of organ sample fixed in formalin (10-20 days) 14,44 € Analysis of organ sample fixed in formalin (URGENT) (3-5 days) 17,59 € Multiple samples from the same patient 8,66 € FIP (Ab-IF) 18,37 € Giardia (fecal Ag-ELISA) 11,55 € Helicobacter (fecal Ag-ELISA) (7-10 days) 30,64 € Helicobacter (Ab-ELISA) (7-10 days) 29,13 € 19,55 € Herpesvirus (Ab-IF) 31,50 € Giardia (fecal Ag-ELISA) 11,55 € Leptospira (Agglut) (7-10 days) 36,75 € Helicobacter (fecal Ag-ELISA) (7-10 days) 30,64 € Panleucopenia (Parvovirus) (fecal Ag-ELISA) 10,71 € Helicobacter (Ab-ELISA) (7-10 day) 29,13 € Panleucopenia (Parvovirus) (Ab-ELISA) 13,73 € Hepatitis contagiosa canis (HCC) (Ab-IF) (7-10 days) 28,87 € Rotavirus (fecal Ag-ELISA) 10,70 € Herpesvirus (Ab-IF) 31,50 € Heartworm (Dirofilaria immitis) (Ag-ELISA) 13,12 € CEA (7-10 days) 27,56 € Bromide (7-10 days) 32,94 € Leishmania (Ab-ELISA) 21,00 € Toxoplasma gondii (Ab-ELISA) 18,27 € AFP (7-10 days) 27,56 € Digoxin (1-2 days) 14,76 € Leptospira (Agglut) (7-10 days) 36,75 € Rabies-titer (VN) (accredited) (2-3 weeks) 66,40 € Lyme (Ab-ELISA) 13,12 € Lyme (Immunoblot) 27,56 € Parvovirus (Ab-ELISA) 13,73 € Parvovirus (fecal Ag-ELISA) 10,71 € Parvovirus + Coronavirus (fecal Ag-ELISA) Parvovirus + Coronavirus + Giardia (fecal Ag-ELISA) 7,87 € 12,86 € Equine serology Anaplasma (Ab-ELISA) 18,27 € Babesia caballi (Ab-IF) 26,25 € Babesia caballi + Theileria equi (Ab-IF) 49,87 € Chlamydophyla (Ag-ELISA) 13,73 € Cryptosporidium (fecal Ag-ELISA) 13,73 € 15,64 € 39,11 € Rotavirus (fecal Ag-ELISA) 10,70 € Cryptosporidium + Giardia (fecal Ag-ELISA) Heartworm (Dirofilaria immitis) (Ag-ELISA) 13,12 € Distemper-virus (Ag-ELISA) 13,73 € Equine viral arteritis (VN) (accredited) (1-2 week) Distemper-virus (Ab-ELISA) 13,73 € Distemper + Adenovirus antigen (Ag-ELISA) 8 Cytology and Histology Equine serology (cont.) 9,71 € Equine infectious anemia (Coggins) (accredited) (1-2 weeks) 37,60 € Equine infectious anemia (ELISA) (accredited) (1-2 weeks) 39,11 € Tumor markers Hyposensitization solutions Starting hyposensitization solution (for 28 weeks) Between 1-6 allergens 68,90 € Between 7-12 allergens 132,28 € Maintenance solution (for 28 weeks) 55,12 € Between 1-6 allergens Carbamazepine (1-2 days) 7,22 € 19,88 € Vitamins Vitamin B12 + Folic acid (1-2 days) 20,67 € Vitamin E (7-10 days) 29,00 € Vitamin D3 (7-10 days) 59,83 € 104,72 € Between 7-12 allergens Toxicology Autovaccines 18,27 € Giardia (fecal Ag-ELISA) 11,55 € Trypanosoma evansi (Agglut) (7-10 days) 54,23 € Herpesvirus EHV 1+4 (Ab-IF) 49,13 € Papilloma autovaccine 2 portion Rabies-titer (VN) (accredited) (2-3 weeks) 66,40 € Leptospira (Agglut) (7-10 days) 36,75 € Papilloma autovaccine 3 portion Prices does not include VAT. Drug levels Phenobarbital Toxoplasma gondii (Ab-ELISA) Valid from 1th April. 2014. 26,25 € Necropsy Valid from 1th April. 2014. 88,71 € 23,49 € Detection of kumarin/warfarin poison (vomit, EDTA blood, food) (10-20 days) 32,15 € Lead (7-10 days) 32,94 € Prices does not include VAT. 9 PCR tests (real-time PCR) Feline PCR Canine PCR Adenovirus (DNA) 44,41 € Anaplasma phagocytophilum (DNA) 26,25 € Babesia (tick, blood) (DNA) 26,25 € Borrelia (DNA) 26,25 € Chlamydophila (DNA) Dirofilaria immitis + D. repens (DNA) 26,25 € 31,50 € Juvenile dilated cardiomyopathy (JDCM) Canine genetics (cont.) Anaplasma phagocytophilum (DNA) 26,25 € Babesia (DNA) 26,25 € Bartonella henselae (DNA) 44,41 € Borrelia (DNA) 26,25 € Calicivirus (RNA) 35,96 € Chlamydophila (DNA) 26,25 € Erlichia (DNA) 26,25 € FeLV provirus (DNA) 26,25 € FIP (Coronavirus) (RNA) 35,96 € FIV antigen (DNA) 26,25 € Hemobartonella (DNA) 26,25 € Canine leukocyte adhesion deficiency (CLAD) 58,79 € Centronuclear myopathy (CNM, HMLR) 58,79 € 187,40 € Collie eye anomaly (CEA) Congenital hypothyreosis (CHG) 58,79 € Congenital stationary night blindness (CSNB) 58,79 € Copper toxicosis (CT) 58,79 € Cystinuria 58,79 € Degenerative myelopathy (DM) (all breed) 75,59 € Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) 74,80 € Dry eye curly coat syndrome (CCS) 58,79 € Episodic falling (EF) 58,79 € 75,59 € Erlichia canis (tick, blood) (DNA) 26,25 € Hemobartonella (DNA) 26,25 € Herpesvirus (DNA) 26,25 € Hepatozoon canis (blood) (DNA) 44,41 € Mycoplasma felis (DNA) 26,25 € Herpesvirus (DNA) 26,25 € Panleucopenia antigen (DNA) 26,25 € Dry eye curly coat syndrome + Episodic falling Canine circovirus (DNA) 26,25 € Salmonella (DNA) 26,25 € Exercise induced collapse (EIC) 75,59 € Canine coronavirus (RNA) 35,96 € Factor VII deficiency 58,79 € Canine parainfluenza (RNA) 44,41 € 75,59 € Leishmania (skin) (DNA) 26,25 € Familial nephropathy (FN) (english cocker spaniel) Leptospira (DNA) 26,25 € Familial nephropathy (FN) (english springer spaniel, samojede) 58,79 € Mycoplasma canis (DNA) 26,25 € Fucosidosis 58,79 € Neospora canis (blood) (DNA) 44,41 € Gangliosidosis (GM1) 58,79 € Parvovirus (DNA) 26,25 € Globoid cell leukodystrophy (Krabbe disease) 58,79 € Salmonella (DNA) 26,25 € 58,79 € Distemper (RNA) 35,96 € Glycogen storage disease type II (Pompe disease) (GSDII) Glycogen storage disease type IIIa (GSDIIIa) 58,79 € Grey collie syndrome (canine cyclic neutropenia) 58,79 € Haemophilia A (factor VIII defi ciency) 75,59 € Haemophilia B (factor IX defi ciency) 75,59 € Hereditary cataract (HSF4) 58,79 € Equine PCR Anaplasma phagocytophilum (DNA) 26,25 € Babesia caballi + Theileria equi (DNA) 31,50 € Borrelia (DNA) 26,25 € Herpesvirus (DNA) 26,25 € Rhodococcus equi (DNA) 44,41 € Salmonella (DNA) 26,25 € Molecular genetic test (hereditary diseases) If the quantity of epithelial cells in the cytobrush sample is not enough for DNA extraction, the test has to be repeated! Kutya genetika Hereditary nasal parakeratosis (HNPK) Canine genetics Hereditary diseases (about examined breeds ask by e-mail) Avian PCR Chlamydophila (DNA) 26,25 € Pigeon circovirus (DNA) 44,41 € PBFD (DNA) 44,62 € Polyomavirus (DNA) 44,41 € 10 Alaskan malamute polyneuropathy (AMPN) 58,79 € Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC) 74,80 € Brachyuria (congenital short tail) 58,79 € Brittle bone disease (osteogenesis imperfecta) 58,79 € Valid from 1th April. 2014. Prices does not include VAT. Juvenile renal dysplasia (JRD) 98,95 € 187,40 € L-2-hydroxyglutaric aciduria (L-2-HGA) 75,59 € Late onset ataxia (LOA) 58,79 € Maligant hyperthermia (MH) (all breed) 58,79 € MDR1-gene defect (Ivermectin hypersensitivity) 58,79 € Mucopolysaccharidosis type VII (MPS) 58,79 € Muscular dystrophy (MD) 58,79 € Musladin-Lueke syndrome (MLS) 58,79 € Myostatin mutation (bully-gene) 58,79 € Myotonia congenita 58,79 € Narcolepsy 58,79 € Necrotizing meningoencephalitis / Pug dog encephalitis (NME, PDE) 58,79 € Neonatal cortical cerebellar abiotrophy (NCCD) 58,79 € Neonatal encephalopathy with seizures (NEWS) 58,79 € Neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis (NCL) 58,79 € Phosphofructokinase defi ciency (PFKD) 58,79 € Pituitary dwarfi sm (hipofi zer törpe) 98,95 € Polycystic kidney disease (BTPKD) 58,79 € Primary ciliary dykinesia (PCD) 58,79 € Primary lens luxation (PLL) 58,79 € Primary open angle glaukoma (POAG) 58,79 € 126,77 € Hereditary necrotizing myelopathy (ENM) 96,59 € Hereditary polyneuropathy (HN) 75,59 € Hyperuricosuria – Hyperuricemia (HUU, SLC) (all breed) 58,79 € Ichthyosis 75,59 € Imerslund-Gräsbeck syndrome (IGS) 58,79 € Junctional epidermolysis bullosa (JEB) 58,79 € Valid from 1th April. 2014. Juvenile epilepsy 308,40 € Prices does not include VAT. 11 PRA tests: Coat colors/length (all breed *) Hereditary diseases (cont.) Coat colors, length (all breed) • crd-PRA (dachshund) 75,59 € A-locus (agouti) 58,79 € • dominant-PRA (english mastiff, bullmastiff ) 58,79 € B-locus (brown) 58,79 € D-locus (dilution) 58,79 € • generalized-PRA (schapendoes) 58,79 € E-locus (yellow/lemon/red/cream/apricot) 58,79 € EG-locus * (domino, grizzle: afghan hound, saluki) 58,79 € EH-locus * (sable: cocker spaniel) 58,79 € EM-locus (melanistic mask) 58,79 € K-locus (single color) 58,79 € K-locus (brindle) 74,80 € Coat colors, length (all breed *) Merle-factor 74,80 € Agouti 58,79 € S-locus (white spotted) 74,80 € Amber * (norwegian forest cat) 58,79 € Coat length (short/long) 58,79 € Brown Curly coat 58,79 € Furnishing / inproper coat in portugese waterdog 58,79 € Hailessness * (chinese, mexican, peruan hairless dog) 75,59 € • GR-PRA1 (golden retriever) 110,24 € • prcd-PRA (american cocker spaniel, american eskimo dog, australian cattle dog, australian shepherd, australian stumpy tail cattle dog, chesapeake bay retriever, chinese crested, english cocker spaniel, dwarf poodle, entlebucher mountain dog, finnish lapphund, golden retriever, kuvasz, lapponian herder, labrador retriever, labradoodle, markiesje, norwegian elkhound, nova scotia duck tolling retriever, portuguese water dog, poodle, silky terrier, spanish water dog, swedish lapphund, toy poodle, yorkshire terrier) 75,59 € • r cd1-PRA (irish setter) 58,79 € • rcd1a-PRA (sloughi) 58,79 € • r cd2-PRA (collie) 202,49 € • r cd3-PRA (welsh corgi) 58,79 € • rcd4-PRA (australian cattle dog, english setter, gordon setter, irish setter, irish red and white setter, polish lowland sheepdog, small munsterlander, tibetian terrier) 58,79 € Pyruvate dehydrogenase phosphatase 1 deficiency (PDP1) Feline genetics Progressive retinal atrophy (rdAc-PRA) (abyssinian, american curl/wirehair, balinese, bengal, colorpoint shorthair, cornish rex, javanese, munchkin, ocicat, oriental short-haired, peterbald, siamese, singapura, somali and tonkinese) 58,79 € Pyruvate kinase deficiency (PK-deficiency) (abyssinian, bengal, domestic longhair and shorthair, egyptian mau, la perm, maine coon, norwegian forest cat, ocicat, savannah, siberian, singapura, somali) 58,79 € Agouti 58,79 € Champagne 58,79 € Cream 58,79 € Dominant white 74,80 € Dun 74,80 € Greying 75,59 € Leopard complex 58,79 € Pearl 74,80 € Red 58,79 € Roan 74,80 € 58,79 € Sabino 58,79 € Chocolate 58,79 € Silver 58,79 € Cinnamon 58,79 € Dilution 58,79 € Splashed white (variable white spotting pattern) 74,80 € Siam (point) 58,79 € Coat length 75,59 € Tobiano 58,79 € Horse genetics Hereditary diseases Hereditary diseases Gangliosidosis (burmese) 75,59 € CA-Test (Cerebellar abiotrophy) (arabian) 58,79 € Gangliosidosis GM1/GM2 (korat, oriental shorthair, siam) 58,79 € Congenital myotonia (new forest pony) 58,79 € Glycogen storage disease type IV (GSD IV) (norwegian forest cat) Equine malignant hyperthermia (all breed) 58,79 € 58,79 € 58,79 € 58,79 € Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) (ragdoll) GBED (Glycogen branching enzyme deficiency) (quarter horse) 58,79 € Pyruvate kinase deficiency (PK) 58,79 € Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM-M1) (maine coon) 40,68 € HERDA (Hereditary equine regional dermal asthenia) (quarter horse) Retinal dysplasia (OSD) 58,79 € Hypokalemia (burmese) 74,80 € Sensory ataxic neuropathy 75,59 € Skeletal dysplasia 2 (SD 2) (dwarfism) 75,59 € Polycystic kidney disease (PKD) (persian and related breeds) 58,79 € Spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA) 58,79 € Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) (maine coon) 58,79 € Startle disease 75,59 € Trapped neutrophil syndrome (TNS) 71,13 € von Willebrand disease (Kooikerhondje) 75,59 € von Willebrand disease type 1 (vWD 1) (eg. doberman) 58,79 € H-JEB (Herlitz junctional epidermolysis bullosa) (belgian draft horse) 58,79 € Hyperkalaemic periodic paralysis (HYPP ) (quarter horse) 58,79 € Lavender foal syndrom (LFS) (arabian) 58,79 € Lethal white foal syndrome (OLWS) (paint horse) 58,79 € 98,95 € PSSM (Polysaccharid storage myopathy type I) (quarter horse) 58,79 € von Willebrand disease type 2 75,59 € 58,79 € von Willebrand disease type 3 98,95 € Severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) (arabian) X-linked severe combined immunodeficiency (X-SCID) 58,79 € Warmblood fragile foal syndrom (WFFS) (all warmblood horses and related breeds) 98,95 € 12 Valid from 1th April. 2014. Prices does not include VAT. Valid from 1th April. 2014. Prices does not include VAT. Sex determination Bird (1-2 weeks) 34,65 € Spotted hyena (1-2 weeks) 41,99 € Parentage tests (dog, cat, horse) DNA profil (parents) 58,79 € DNA profil (offspring) + parentage testing 96,59 € 13 Our staff Laboratory products Vacutainer blood tubes, 100 pcs • serum (4 ml) • serum with gel separation (3,5 ml) • heparin (2 ml) • EDTA (3 ml) • citrate (1,8 ml) • fluoride (blood glucose) (2 ml) Veterinarians: Dr. Hegedűs György-Tamás chief of laboratory 06-30/755-2945 [email protected] 13,12 € 13,12 € 13,12 € 13,12 € 13,12 € 13,12 € Blood collection needles (for closed sampling), 100 pcs 9,19 € Vacutainer holder 0,79 € Tourniquet 0,79 € Transport swab with transport medium (with or without charcoal) 0,79 € Sabouraud soup (for skin scraping) 0,52 € Blood culture bottles (aerob + anaerob) Dr. Bókony Brigitta assistant chief of laboratory [email protected] Dr. Szabó Nikoletta assistant chief of laboratory [email protected] Lab assistants: Marián Anna lab assistant [email protected] 9,19 € Kolmann Gabriella lab assistant [email protected] Urine collecting jar 0,79 € Földiné Salánky Ágnes lab assistant [email protected] Jar with formalin (8%) 1,97 € [email protected] 1 litre formalin (8%) 7,87 € Sipos Nóra lab assistant Bálint Edina assistant specialized in microbiology Administration costs E-mail, hungarian or english Printed reports by mail Sample delivery: Mailing address: (+36 1) 422 0944 Budapest, Pf. 679. Hungary - 1593 (+36 1) 422 0945 Pálos Ildikó purchasing manager/ 30/755-2943 foreign relations [email protected] [email protected] Kulasák Andrea financial colleague free 3,00 € [email protected] Buthi Gábor [email protected] Sample delivery Almási Tiborcourier You can send us your samples by mail (we suggest properly packed sample in padded Contact envelope) or by courier company (DHL, TNT, GLS, FedEx, etc.). (+36 1) 422 09 44, (+36 1) 422 09 45 Central Lab FAX: (+36 1) 422 09 44 A completely filled request form is Address: recommanded particularly your name and Mailing address: of sample (eg. name of owner and animal, or clinic ID) and EU VAT No. (if you have). 14 Valid from 1th April. 2014. Prices does not include VAT. Me bo address (to get your results), identification data Ve t address, billing name and address, e-mail r Central Lab Phone: d - La Vet-Med-Labor Valid from 1th April. 2014. Budapest, Stefánia út 61. Hungary - 1143 Budapest, Pf. 679. Hungary - 1593 E-mail:[email protected] Sample delivery: (+36 1) 422 09 44 Opening hours: Monday-Friday 9.00-20.00 Saturday 10.00-13.00 Prices does not include VAT. 15 r bo Ve t Me d - La Vet-Med-Labor Central Lab Phone: (+36 1) 422 09 44, (+36 1) 422 09 45 Állatorvosi Diagnosztikai Laboratórium Central Lab FAX: (+36 1) 422 09 44 Budapest, Stefánia út 61. Hungary - 1143 Address: Mailing address: Budapest, Pf. 679. Hungary - 1593 E-mail:[email protected] Homepage:, Sample delivery: (+36 1) 422 09 44 Opening hours: Monday-Friday 9.00-20.00 Saturday 10.00-13.00
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