BOARD CONTEXT The Education Stakeholder Survey (MYP) and the School Climate Survey for students indicated a need for stronger engagement of students in their learning and in personalized learning activities as they progress through school. In the 2011-2012 School and Workplace Climate Survey for staff, teachers indicated the following as high priority professional learning needs: -Designing questions and activities that engage students in higher-order thinking -Creating experiential learning opportunities for students that are relevant, culturally responsive, current and connected to real-life situations -Explicitly teaching the skills that students need to engage in inquiry-based learning -Supporting every student to succeed in a culture of high expectations for learning Through the School and Workplace Climate Survey, administrators identified “using new and emerging technologies to support digital literacy and instruction” as a high priority learning need. Based on the performance of students in the YRDSB using multiple sources of data (EQAO assessments/OSSLT, report cards, among others) the following literacy and numeracy program areas have been identified as requiring intentional focus over the next two years: • Primary reading • Junior mathematics • Grade 9 applied mathematics • Literacy achievement in Grade 9 and 10 Applied programming Specific sub-groups of students requiring intentional focus based on EQAO, Report Card, IEP, Early Development Instrument (EDI) and School and Workplace Climate Survey data include: • Students with special education needs/exceptionalities There is a need to build teacher capacity in their understanding and use of: • assistive technology as an integral part of teaching and learning, • assistive technology in the instruction & assessment of mathematics, • intentional implementation of IEPs across grade/subjects, • alignment of Individual targets and success criteria with IEP goals/learning expectations, • a student’s IEP and how to intentionally plan and program for the student maintaining alignment with success criteria and individual targets • Children who may become/are vulnerable in their early years There is the need to: o work with community partners to decrease percentage of young children who are vulnerable in one or more of the five domains of the EDI: Physical health and well-being; Social competence; Emotional maturity; Language and cognitive development; Communication skills and general knowledge. o focus on oral language development and phonological awareness for students detected as vulnerable in the early years. • Students who are credit deficient and are at significantly higher risk of leaving secondary school without an OSSD. There is a need to: o build a K-12 awareness, understanding and implementation of all program and pathway opportunities including an increase in SHSM opportunities. YRDSB studies have shown that students who are identified as vulnerable on the EDI perform less well on EQAO assessments in subsequent years than students who were not identified as vulnerable. Data to support goal renewal: Building Leadership Capacity and Succession Planning o Retirement projections o Workplace climate survey o Board Leadership Development Strategy (BLDS) survey o Ministry operational review o External audit of our Leadership Development/succession planning processes Learning and Teaching Theory of Action: If we consistently implement instructional practices that are: • equitable and inclusive; • informed by ongoing classroom assessment data; • differentiated to build on strengths and interests in order to meet the needs of every learner; • designed to provide specific, timely and tiered interventions, supported by a team approach that responds to individual student learning needs including persistent learning difficulties; • focused on students as engaged critical thinkers and active participants in authentic, meaningful and innovative learning experiences; and, • based on a growth mindset and foster an inquiry approach to learning, then each student will experience increased achievement. System Strategy, Plans and Actions: Equity and Inclusive Education Strategy: Building capacity in understanding, developing and implementing instructional practices that provide strong foundations for an equitable and inclusive learning environment Learning Disabilities Action Plan: Building awareness and developing strategies throughout the system to stop stigma and pursue potential for students with learning disabilities. Early Years Strategy: Collaboratively building capacity and continuity among partners to ensure that children are at the centre of responsive decision-making. Reading Recovery: Training teachers to provide an effective, early intervention program for the lowest-achieving grade one literacy learners. Math Strategy: Building capacity to empower students to participate actively in understanding the mathematical ideas, skills, and thinking processes needed for complex problem-solving; in articulating their understanding in different ways; and in developing the characteristics of perseverance, resilience and imaginative thinking. A Framework for French as a Second Language – 3 Year Plan: Supporting educators in deepening their knowledge and skills related to comprehensive FSL programming. Student Success Program: Building school capacity to provide innovative and experiential learning, timely interventions, and career and life planning opportunities to ensure all students in grades develop the skills and knowledge they need to transition successfully from elementary to secondary school and on to their initial post-secondary destination. First Nations, Métis and Inuit Education Strategic Plan: Building awareness and capacity throughout the system to close the achievement gap for First Nations, Métis and Inuit students, in alignment with the Ministry’s Education Framework. New Ways to Work and Learn: Fostering a new culture of learning and working at all levels in the system through the acquisition of the knowledge, skills and attitudes that enable achievement, personal well-being and full participation in an interconnected and changing world community. Resources: Professional Learning: Professional learning in YRDSB is designed based on research and context. It is intended to impact the knowledge, • A Frame for Effective Instruction in • Inclusive School and Community Services page on the skills, and practice of educators which leads to improved student learning and well-being. Our approaches to Mathematics K-12 BWW learning acknowledge that there are a variety of ways in which professionals engage in learning based on need and • Consultation with Advisory Committees: • Mathematical Literacy K-12 intended outcome: PEAC, SEAC, EIAC Rounds: Engaging staff in the Rounds process, as part of network learning, to refine teaching practice within and • Curriculum & Instructional Services page on • Paying Attention to Mathematics K-12 (Ministry) across schools. the BWW Learning Networks • Early Years page on the BWW • School Effectiveness Framework (Ministry) Learning and Training page on the BWW (educator selected workshops and training sessions) • EduGAINS • Social, Emotional and Academic Learning (SEAL) page Learning@Schools (observation/ demonstration classroom) on the BWW Teacher Collaborative Inquiry (EduGAINS) (job-embedded professional learning) • English Language Learners page on the BWW • Student Services page on the BWW • YRDSB 4Cs Protocol • Equity Strategy (Ministry) • Student Success page on the BWW • • • First Nations, Métis and Inuit page on the BWW Growing Success page on the BWW Growth Mindset • Reading Recovery page on the BWW • Understanding Learning Disabilities Professional On-line Learning Communities Summer Learning Institutes and Learning Camps Experiential Learning AQ Courses Targets and Monitoring: 2014/2015 BIP Targets Literacy EQAO Literacy Assessments Primary Reading: All Students Female Students Male Students Students with Learning Disabilities English Language Learners OSSLT (FTE): Applied English All Students Students with Learning Disabilities Numeracy Change +/- 77% - 79% 82% - 84% 72% - 75% 50% - 53% 72% - 74% +2 +2 +3 +3 +2 55% - 65% 52% - 65% +10 +13 **Graduation Rate will be updated in December 2014. Note: Although achievement in Junior Reading for ELLs no longer has a BIP target, it will continue to be monitored informally. EQAO Math Assessments Junior Mathematics: All Students Students with Learning Disabilities Grade 9 Applied Mathematics: All Students Students with Learning Disabilities Student Success Change +/- 68% - 78% 26% - 40% +10 +14 57% - 65% 50% - 60% +8 +10 Credit Accumulation Grade 9 students with 8 Credits All Students Female Students Male Students Grade 10 students with 16 credits All students Female Students Male Students Grade 11 students with 23 credits All Students Female Students Male Students Graduating with an OSSD** All Students SHSM Enrolment Grade 11 and 12 students Change +/- 93% - 96% 95% - 97% 91% - 95% +3 +2 +4 88% - 90% 90% - 92% 85% - 88% +2 +2 +3 89% - 91% 91% - 92% 86% - 89% Change 91% - 93% +2 +1 +3 +/+2 Change 11% - 13% +/+2 Environment, Engagement, and Well-Being Theory of Action: If we create and sustain learning and workplace environments that promote healthy relationships and are: • committed to social, emotional, and physical well being, • equitable and inclusive, • respectful of self and others, • safe, healthy and environmentally responsible, then students and staff members will become more actively engaged, resilient, self-regulatory, and caring citizens who positively impact our families, and local and global communities. System Strategy, Plans and Actions: Caring and Safe Schools and Workplaces: Developing and implementing strategies to address cyberbullying and substance misuse in schools and workplaces Environment: Advancing each school and workplace through Ontario EcoSchools or the YRDSB EcoWorkplace certification levels Healthy Schools and Workplaces: Ensuring each school and workplace has a Healthy Schools and Workplace Action Plan Mental Health Strategy: Mobilizing Phase One of the Mental Health Strategy Positive Climates for Learning and Working: Engaging each PC4L team member in understanding their roles and responsibilities Resources: Professional Learning: Connect2Learn Examples: • Caring and Safe Schools in Ontario • Healthy Schools and Workplaces Action Plan • Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) • Centre for Addiction and Mental Health – Talking About mental • Healthy Schools and Workplaces Framework • Healthy Schools and Workplace Network illness: Teacher's resource • Positive Workplace and Well-being • Children’s Mental Health Ontario – Resources for Teachers • Ministry of Child and Youth Services • Safe, Caring and Supportive Schools Webcasts 1,2,3 • Consultation with EIAC, SEAC, PEAC, and other community • Ministry of Education – Environment, Engagement and Well-Being School and CEC based Learning Examples: organizations Curriculum Resources • Job embedded school based proposals • Environmental Policy & Procedures • Ministry of Education - Positive Climates for Learning • Networks • Environment BWW • Ministry of Education’s Supporting Minds • Rounds • EcoWorkplaces Collaboration Space (For EcoWorkplace Reps) • Ontario eco-schools • Healthy Schools and Workplaces Policy and Procedures • Healthy Schools and Workplaces BWW Targets and Monitoring: 2014/2015 BIP Targets Well-Being School and Workplace Climate* Schools participating in survey of students (2-year cycle) Elementary students indicating a positive/supportive environment Secondary students indicating a positive/supportive environment • • Elementary students indicating a safe environment Secondary students indicating a safe environment Board implementing survey of staff and parents (2-year cycle) Plant Services - Environment and Energy Positive Climates for Learning BWW Change 100% participation 84% to 87% 80% to 83% +/- 82% to 86% 76% to 81% 100% participation +4 +5 +3 +3 Eco-Initiatives Schools and outdoor education centres are Eco-School certified Service departments and education centres are Eco-Workplace certified Change 75% to 80% 75% to 85% +/+5 +10 Healthy Schools Schools and workplaces will have completed an annual Healthy Schools and Workplaces action plan and received support Change 59% to 61% +/+2 Results of Student Survey* Learning experiences are personalized Affective engagement Behavioural engagement Cognitive engagement Engagement Elementary Change +/79% to 82% +3 80% to 83% +3 78% to 82% +4 86% to 88% +2 *2014/15 Targets will be updated in the future. Secondary Change +/70% to 78% +8 76% to 79% +3 73% to 78% +5 78% to 82% +4 Equity and Inclusivity Theory of Action: If we identify and develop practices that: • are consistent with the Ontario Human Rights Code, • meet individual needs, • eliminate barriers, • create a sense of belonging, • include the broader community, • provide leadership, training, and resources to support the implementation of equitable and inclusive practices, then we will have safe, welcome, inclusive school and workplace environments where students, staff, parents, and community partners come together as active and engaged participants. System Strategy, Plans and Actions: Inclusive Schools and Community Services Unit– the work of the Teacher Liaison, Community Resource and Reception Centre teams are strategically positioned to support our student populations, families, schools and communities of greatest need. Equity Strategy Steering and Action Committee: • Human Resources (Equitable Hiring Strategy/Modules): Developing the professional knowledge of Human Resources Services to build the capacity of system leaders to engage in equitable and inclusive hiring practices. • Human Rights Policy: To develop a Human Rights Policy and Procedure to ensure that our schools and workplaces are aligned with the provincial Human Rights code. • Curriculum Resource Development: Collaboratively developing tools to support equitable and inclusive classroom practices. • Professional Learning Work Group: Providing opportunities for all staff to build their understanding and proficiency in the area of equity and inclusive practices. • Positive Space Work Group: Building the capacity of schools and workplaces to support and respond to the needs of LGBTQ students and staff. Equity Designates - Building system capacity in each school and workplace to embed equitable practices across the system. School/Department Improvement Planning – All SIP/DIPs will include an explicit or embedded equity goal. Equity Course (Anti Oppression Framework) - To develop and implement an AOP course to be delivered to all staff/at all levels throughout the system. Parent Engagement Project (Student Asset Coaches) – Engaging in research practices that address family path and redefine parent engagement through an assets based approach. Positive Climates for Learning and Working- Collaborative work with ESSAC and ISCS to ensure explicit and embedded approaches to the work of PC4L teams in schools and workplaces. Resources: Professional Learning: Equity Symposium-annual system conference for all staff • AODA Policy and Procedures (Modules) • First Nations, Métis and Inuit page on the BWW Learning Networks – ISCS staff to be included in planning and delivery of network learning • Engaged in Equity Newsletter • Inclusive School and Community Services Equity Designate training – ongoing learning for EDs in schools /workplaces Learning and Training page on the BWW o Reception Centre Team • English Language Learners page on the BWW Equitable and Inclusive Hiring Support -Learning and Training page on the BWW (Hiring and Interviewing Webcasts) o Teacher Liaison Team • Equity and Inclusivity Advisory Committee Fostering Inclusive Schoolsselect schools with high needs have identified this support to focus on mindsets around o Community Resource Facilitator • Equity Page poverty and classism (ETFO Poverty Series) • Ontario Human Rights Commission • Equity Policy and Procedure Positive Space Pilot Schools – select number of schools that will engage in professional learning with staff to support the • School Effectiveness Framework (Ministry) • Equity Scan development of inclusive schools, with a focus on LGBTQ students • Student Services page on the BWW • Equity Strategy Guidelines for EGALE Training – professional learning for staff regarding support for LGBTQ students and staff through an AOP framework Implementation Equity Course (DDSB/YRDSB Collaboration) – professional learning for all staff to deepen one’s understanding of equity • Equity Strategy (Ministry) and inclusivity and significance for student achievement and wellbeing and the impact on our working and learning • ESSAC Google Community environments Partnerships with Summer Learning Institutes and Conferences • E.g. - York Centre for Community and Education, CIRG Symposium, Anti-racism Multiculturalism Educators Network of Ontario (AMENO), Family Violence Conference Religious Accommodations – professional learning and training for all staff to ensure that our obligations regarding religious accommodations under the Ontario Human Rights Code are addressed Targets and Monitoring: 2014/2015 BIP Targets Equity and Inclusivity (students)* Students indicate they feel welcome and included in the school Students indicate satisfaction with the ways in which their schools respond to reports of discrimination Students indicate that schools rules are being applied in a fair way Equity and Inclusivity (staff)* Staff indicate they feel welcome and included in the workplace Elementary Change +/- Secondary Change +/- 77% to 84% +7 79% to 85% +6 n/a n/a 66% to 75% +9 65% to 75% +10 62% to 71% +9 Change +/- 77% to 84% +7 An equity and inclusivity goal and targets will be explicitly stated and/or specifically embedded within all school and workplace improvement plans. *2014/15 Targets will be updated in the future. Building Leadership Capacity and Succession Planning Theory of Action: If we inspire all staff members to see themselves as leaders by: • supporting all staff members in acquiring the attitudes, knowledge and skills required to successfully perform their role; • providing ongoing opportunities for professional learning, collaboration and sharing of effective practices; • encouraging, fostering and developing strategic leadership for individuals, teams, departments and schools; • implementing equitable and inclusive practices throughout the system; and • identifying, recruiting, hiring, promoting and retaining highly skilled staff members; then we will proactively build capacity, promote a positive professional culture aligned with the Board’s Mission, Vision and Values, and address the long-term sustainability of the organization. System Strategy, Plans and Actions: • Leadership Strategy – Developing and mobilizing leadership practices that support professionalism, encourage excellence and innovation, and inspire current and future leaders. • Recruitment and Selection practices – Ensuring that the hiring of all employee groups is aligned with current, and future, leadership and operational needs. • Equitable Hiring Strategy - Developing the capacity of system leaders to engage in equitable and inclusive hiring practices. • Targeted professional learning and support to ensure readiness for those who are aspiring to formal leadership roles, newly appointed, and experienced. • Induction programs to ensure that all employees have the knowledge, training and resources to be successful in their roles. • Coaching and Mentoring Strategy (link to be added when created) – Building awareness and developing competencies of staff members to support a culture of coaching throughout the system. • Career Pathing – Developing and making easily accessible clear career path options for academic and business staff members. Resources: Professional Learning: • Aspiring Leader (internship-type) Programs • BLDS - Ministry of Education • OLF - Research Foundations, Leithwood • Coaching • Career Planning Summaries (YRDSB) • Ontario Leadership Framework - School Level • Induction Programs Leadership • Online Learning Modules/Webinars • Connect2Learn – Individualized Learntracks • Performance Appraisal Processes • Required Role - Specific Training (YRDSB) • Support Programs for those in Administrative Hiring Pools • Leadership Development and Human Resource • Self-Assessment Tools • Workshops/Series Services websites • Leadership Framework for Managers (YRDSB) • School Effectiveness Framework • Learning and Training Framework 2013-2014 • 360 Feedback Tool (when available) • Networks/Committees (YRDSB) Targets and Monitoring: 2014/2015 BIP Targets • By June 2015, all schools and service department plans will include goals and/or strategies that foster and support leadership development in individuals, teams and departments that address the long term sustainability of the organization. • Robust hiring pools for key system positions/roles across the organization. • Leadership Strategy communicated to the system. • Increased participation of employees in professional learning programs.
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