File: BEC-SMOS-0001-PD.pdf , version 1.3 Title: SMOS-BEC Ocean and Land Products Description. Authors: SMOS-BEC Team. Contact: [email protected] Date: 19/09/2014 File: BEC-SMOS-0001-PD.pdf Version: 1.3 Date: 19/09/2014 Page: 1 of 20 SMOS-BEC OCEAN AND LAND PRODUCTS DESCRIPTION Abstract: This technical note describes the products distributed by the SMOS-BEC team through its data visualization and distribution service CP34-BEC File: BEC-SMOS-0001-PD.pdf Version: 1.3 Date: 19/09/2014 Page: 2 of 20 Title: SMOS-BEC Ocean and Land Products Description. Contents 1 Introduction 4 2 Ocean Products 5 2.1 SMOS ocean salinity data filtering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2.1.1 Geophysical filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2.1.2 Retrieval filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2.1.3 Geometrical filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Ocean salinity Level 3 products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 2.2.1 Binned products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 2.2.2 Optimal interpolation products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Ocean salinity Level 4 products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 2.3.1 Fused products using singularity analysis techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 2.4 Ocean salinity reprocessing campaign . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 2.5 Ocean auxiliary data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 2.5.1 Singularity exponents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 2.6 Ocean files structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 2.7 Ocean products list . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 2.2 2.3 3 Land Products 3.1 3.2 3.3 Soil moisture Level 3 products 13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 3.1.1 Soil moisture data filtering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 3.1.2 ISEA land product . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 3.1.3 Binned land products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Soil moisture Level 4 products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 3.2.1 High resolution soil moisture: delayed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 3.2.2 High resolution soil moisture: near real-time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Land files structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 File: BEC-SMOS-0001-PD.pdf Version: 1.3 Date: 19/09/2014 Page: 3 of 20 Title: SMOS-BEC Ocean and Land Products Description. 3.4 Land products list . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 File: BEC-SMOS-0001-PD.pdf Version: 1.3 Date: 19/09/2014 Page: 4 of 20 Title: SMOS-BEC Ocean and Land Products Description. 1 INTRODUCTION The ESA’s Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) mission is an innovative Earth Observation satellite launched on November 2009 to remotely sense soil moisture over the land surfaces and sea surface salinity over the oceans ([Kerr et al., 2010], [Font et al., 2010]). The SMOS single payload is the Microwave Imaging Radiometer using Aperture Synthesis (MIRAS), a L-band 2D synthetic aperture radiometer with multiangular and full polarimetric capabilities. It is a completely new type of instrument, a technological challenge that has required the development of dedicated calibration and image reconstruction algorithms ([McMullan et al., 2008]). The SMOS Barcelona Expert Center (BEC) is an ESA Expert Support Laboratory dedicated to developing and testing new algorithms to improve the baseline SMOS Level 2 products. Also the BEC aims at generating higher added-value products of interest for a broad range of users. The SMOS-BEC products for sea surface salinity and soil moisture are generated and distributed through the Production Center of Level 3 and 4 (CP34) since the beginning of the mission in an operational way. In the near future, the inclusion of complementary remotely sensed products is envisaged. This document describes the products currently created and distributed by the BEC through the CP34. File: BEC-SMOS-0001-PD.pdf Version: 1.3 Date: 19/09/2014 Page: 5 of 20 Title: SMOS-BEC Ocean and Land Products Description. 2 OCEAN PRODUCTS 2.1 SMOS ocean salinity data filtering The SMOS data used to compute the Ocean products described in section 2.2 (and in addition to their derivatives of Level 4) come from Level 2 Ocean Salinity User Data Product (UDP) and Ocean Salinity Data Analysis Product (DAP). These UDP and DAP files are generated by ESA and include geophysical parameters, a theoretical estimate of their accuracy, flags, and descriptors for the product quality for three different roughness models (see [DPG, 2012, section] for a detailed description of this product). All products developed at BEC are based on the third roughness model [Guimbard et al., 2012]. The quality flags and descriptors from UDP and DAP files allow discarding unreliable Sea Surface Salinity values. In order to create Level 3 and Level 4 products, three categories of filters are applied to ocean Level 2 data: geophysical filters, retrieval filters and geometrical filters. Each filtering process is coded using a 7 characters string that appears in the name of the resulting products (string EEEEEEE in section 2.6). The current filtering process, coded as 2013001, follows the rules described in sections 2.1.1, 2.1.2 and 2.1.3 2.1.1 Geophysical filters These filters are related to the geophysical conditions present in the area (grid point) and the time of measurement [DPG, 2012, tables 4-19 to 4-21]. Retrieved salinity in a given gridpoint is discarded if any of the following conditions is accomplished: • Suspect ice presence (more than 50% of measures having a positive test ice) • Rain (rain rate larger than 0.01 mm/h) • High number of outliers (more than 20% of measures) • Too many measures flagged for sunglint or moonglint (10%) • Salinity is retrieved using a too low number of valid measures (less than 30 brightness temperature valid measures) • Wind speed is larger then a given threshold (set to 12 m/s) • Grid point is suspected of being contaminated by RFI (more than 33% of RFI outlier) 2.1.2 Retrieval filters The iterative retrieval scheme implemented in the L2 processor provides information about its own reliability. This information is summarized in some retrieval flags stored in Level 2 UDP files. The conditions used to discard a SSS value in the filtering process are: • Iterative scheme returns an error • Retrieved value is outside range (SSS must be positive and lower than 42 psu) • High retrieval value of sigma (theoretical uncertainty computed for SSS larger than 5 psu) File: BEC-SMOS-0001-PD.pdf Version: 1.3 Date: 19/09/2014 Page: 6 of 20 Title: SMOS-BEC Ocean and Land Products Description. • Normalised cost function at the last iteration is below the significance level (5%) • Maximum number of iteration (20) reached before convergence using forward model • Iterative loop ends because Marquardt increment reaches a given threshold (100) • The total number of available measures is too low (16) 2.1.3 Geometrical filters It is known that the external parts of the swath provide lower quality data [Zine et al., 2007]. Thus, only measures taken up to 360 km from the satellite track are considered to generate Ocean Salinity products. 2.2 Ocean salinity Level 3 products According to the direction of the SMOS orbit passes, SMOS products can be classified in ascending, descending and both products. These products are created in a variety of averaging periods: 3 days and 9 days generated every 3 days, monthly, seasonal (quaterly) and annual. The spatial averaging is computed by default in a regular lat-lon grid of 0.25o × 0.25o 2.2.1 Binned products The binned maps are constructed by simple weighted averaging of the filtered L2 SSS values. The weight average of Sea Surface Salinity in the cell k is given by the expression [Boutin et al., 2012]: N SSS k = wi SSSi , where wi = 1 Ri2 σi2 N i=1 j=1 , (1) 1 Rj2 σj2 σi is the theoretical uncertainty computed for SSS at a grid point i, Ri is the equivalent footprint size (diameter of the equivalent circle) centered on the grid point i and N is the number of grid points contained in the cell k. Each netCDF file contains: • Sea Surface Salinity • Number of L2 grid points averaged in each cell • Variance of these SSS values • SSS anomaly with WOA 2009 The WOA 2009 used to compute anomaly is linear interpolated to the center of the averaging period of each product. 2.2.2 Optimal interpolation products SMOS Level 2 SSS data are optimally interpolated (Objective Analysis) to produce maps of higher consistency and fewer gaps as compared to the L3 binned products. To reduce the computational File: BEC-SMOS-0001-PD.pdf Version: 1.3 Date: 19/09/2014 Page: 7 of 20 Title: SMOS-BEC Ocean and Land Products Description. (a) Binned product (b) Optimal Interpolated product corresponding to the above binned product Figure 1: Example of distributed Level 3 products cost, 0.25o × 0.25o grid binned L2 data are used to feed the OI algorithm. The OI is performed using monthly WOA 2009 data as background field. L3 products, as well as L4 products, are validated with near-surface measurements provided by Argo profilers, which allow us to define several quality metrics. We have found that the implementation of objective analysis significantly improve data accuracy with respect to binned maps. The resulting product contains: • Sea Surface Salinity analysis • SSS anomaly with WOA 2009 • Background field File: BEC-SMOS-0001-PD.pdf Version: 1.3 Date: 19/09/2014 Page: 8 of 20 Title: SMOS-BEC Ocean and Land Products Description. The WOA 2009 used to compute anomaly is linear interpolated to the center of the averaging period of each product. 2.3 2.3.1 Ocean salinity Level 4 products Fused products using singularity analysis techniques These products are obtained with a singularity analysis based fusion technique. A template variable of good quality (Sea surface temperature, SST, in our case, see section 2.5.1) is used as template to restore the multifractal structure of singularity fronts in a noisy variable (SSS in our case). Further information on the multifractal structure of ocean scalars can be found in [Turiel et al., 2009]. Singularity analysis based fusion can be used not only to improve the signal level, but also to increase the spatial and time resolution of fused maps, provided that the template (SST for us) has the target space and time resolutions following the local relationship SSS = a × SST + b (2) where a and b are known as the local slope and intercept coeficients respectively. The resulting product contains: • Sea Surface Salinity analysis • SSS anomaly with WOA 2009 • Local slope coeficient (a from equation 2) • Local intercept coeficient (b from equation 2) • Local regression coeficiet The WOA 2009 used to compute anomaly is linear interpolated to the center of the averaging period of each product. 2.4 Ocean salinity reprocessing campaign The ESA reprocessing campaign covers all the SMOS data available from January 2010 until December 2013 up to L2. The processors used are: L1 Operational Processor L1OP v5.04 and L2 Operational Processor L2OSOP v5.50, which are the ones used in the SMOS DPGS operational chain, from December 2011 to date. As a part operational chain, Level 1 data (brightness temperature at antenna level) bias is corrected by applying an Ocean Target Transformation (OTT) [Tenerelli and Reul, 2010]. During the reprocessing campaign, the method to ingest the OTT into the processing chain was different from the DPGS operation chain: • In the DPGS operational chain the OTT is computed once per month, using 6 days of filtered data from the equatorial Pacific. Then the OTT is used to process data few weeks after its computation. • In the reprocessing campaign the OTT is computed every 2 weeks in the same region, but the computation period coincides with the period in which the OTT is applied. This is possible since reprocessing is pbviously perfored in delayed mode. File: BEC-SMOS-0001-PD.pdf Version: 1.3 Date: 19/09/2014 Page: 9 of 20 Title: SMOS-BEC Ocean and Land Products Description. Figure 2: Fused product from the binned one shown in figure 1(a) This modification on the OTT validity time (shift backward) leads to more consistent L2 SMOS SSS data than the DPGS data. In particular, temporal inconsistencies (biases) are much reduced, as shown in figure 3. So the reprocessed L2 data set is more stable and of higher quality than the DPGS operational chain data. The L3/L4 reprocessing campaign (coded as 2013001) was performed at SMOS-BEC by filtering Level 2 data as described in section 2.1. The maps are built for ascending, descending and both (ascending+descending) orbits. The products described in sections 2.2 and 2.3 have been also generated with L2 reprocessed data. It is worth noting that SMOS commissioning phase ended on May 20, 2010. Therefore, it is recommended to avoid the use of SMOS data prior to June 2010. Note also that, due to technical problems, SMOS have not acquired reliable measures from December 27, 2010 to January 10, 2011. 2.5 2.5.1 Ocean auxiliary data Singularity exponents For any given ocean scalar (SST, SSS, SSH, Chlorophyll Concentration and even Water Leaving Radiances) singularity exponents can be calculated. Singularity exponents are dimensionless measures of the degree of regularity or irregularity of a function at each of its domain points. They extend the concept of Holder exponents, such that positive exponents imply that the function is continuous and has a given number of derivatives, while negative exponents imply that the function is irregular and therefore experiences transitions, jumps and eventually divergences to infinity. For obtaining singularity exponents we follow the theory explained in [Turiel et al., 2008a] and [Turiel et al., 2008b]. The modulus of the gradient of the scalar is evaluated at each point in the domain. The resulting field is projected on a given wavelet at different resolution scales, such that the dependence of the projection on the resolution scale can be assessed by means of a log-log regression, the slope of which is the singularity exponent. Singularity exponents derived from regular scalars such as SSS, SST or SSH are lower-bounded at -1, File: BEC-SMOS-0001-PD.pdf Version: 1.3 Date: 19/09/2014 Page: 10 of 20 Title: SMOS-BEC Ocean and Land Products Description. (a) Mean (ascending case) (c) Standard deviation (ascending case) (b) Mean (descending case) (d) Standard deviation (descending case) Figure 3: Differences between SMOS and ARGO for the reprocessed L3 binned maps in the latitude range 60o N-60o S. Each point stands for a 9-days map at 0.25 x 0.25 lat-lon resolution since they are finite variation functions (see [Turiel and Parga, 2000]). They have no upper bound, although values beyond 2 are rare. It has been verified ([Turiel et al., 2005]; [Isern-Fontanet et al., 2007]; [Turiel et al., 2009]) that singularity exponents derived from SST maps track with remarkable precision the streamlines of the general circulation of the ocean. In fact, there is some evidence ( [Isern-Fontanet et al., 2007]; [Nieves et al., 2007]) that different ocean scalars have the same singularity exponents – what should be expected if singularity exponents are the result of flow advection, regardless of the specific process of any particular ocean scalar. This correspondence of singularity exponents can be exploited to reduce the effects of noise and artefacts on a given scalar map using the information conveyed by the singularity exponents derived from a different, higher-quality map. We have implemented a numerical algorithm capable of using the singularity exponents of one scalar field to improve the quality of a different scalar field. The singularity exponent product distributed has been generated from the daily OSTIA SST product (downloadable at MyOcean webpage The algorithm described above together with the OSTIA SST product are used to derive our L4 product, which outperforms the SMOS SSS L3 products. The resolution of the product has been degraded to one fourth of degree to match that of SSS L3 maps used to generate the L4 product. Singularity exponent maps are also useful for front identification, eddy tracking and assessing mesoscale activity. For such reason we distribute them here along with the other products (for instance, to produce the SMOS L4 SSS products descibed in 2.3.1 using OSTIA SST products as template). File: BEC-SMOS-0001-PD.pdf Version: 1.3 Date: 19/09/2014 Page: 11 of 20 Title: SMOS-BEC Ocean and Land Products Description. Figure 4: Singularity exponents derived from OSTIA SST maps at 0.25o resolution 2.6 Ocean files structure The resulting Level 3 and Level 4 products are distributed in netCDF format and the name of each file follows the layout: Where each field of the filename is as follows: • AAAAAA: is the product’s name: – BINNED: Binned product – OI : Optimal Interpolation product – L4 SST: Fused product using singularity analysis techniques derived from SST – EXPSST: Singularity Exponents • B: Indicates the orbit composition of the product. – A for products composed by ascending orbits – D for products composed by descending orbits – B for products composed by both types of orbits • CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC: Starting UTC time (YYYYMMDDThhmmss) of the first L2 product used to create the L3/L4 product. This is an inherited value in products not derived directly from Level 2 orbits. • DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD: Ending UTC time (YYYYMMDDThhmmss) of the last L2 product used to create the L3/L4 product. This is an inherited value in products not derived directly from Level 2 orbits (Optimal Interpolation and L4 products). File: BEC-SMOS-0001-PD.pdf Version: 1.3 Date: 19/09/2014 Page: 12 of 20 Title: SMOS-BEC Ocean and Land Products Description. Spatial resolution Type Generation Rate Averaging Period Product 3 days binned 3 days 9 days optimal interpolated fused using singularity analysis binned monthly 0.25 degrees 1 natural month Reprocessed / Near Real Time optimal interpolated fused using singularity analysis binned quaterly seasonal optimal interpolated fused using singularity analysis binned annual annual optimal interpolated fused using singularity analysis Orbit passes ascending descending both ascending descending both ascending descending both ascending descending both ascending descending both ascending descending both ascending descending both ascending descending both ascending descending both ascending descending both ascending descending both ascending descending both ascending descending both Code XXXBIN003D025A XXXBIN003D025D XXXBIN003D025B XXXBIN009D025A XXXBIN009D025D XXXBIN009D025B XXXOI 009D025A XXXOI 009D025D XXXOI 009D025B XXXFUT009D025A XXXFUT009D025D XXXFUT009D025B XXXBIN001M025A XXXBIN001M025D XXXBIN001M025B XXXOI 001M025A XXXOI 001M025D XXXOI 001M025B XXXFUT001M025A XXXFUT001M025D XXXFUT001M025B XXXBIN003M025A XXXBIN003M025D XXXBIN003M025B XXXOI 003M025A XXXOI 003M025D XXXOI 003M025B XXXFUT003M025A XXXFUT003M025D XXXFUT003M025B XXXBIN001Y025A XXXBIN001Y025D XXXBIN001Y025B XXXOI 001Y025A XXXOI 001Y025D XXXOI 001Y025B XXXFUT001Y025A XXXFUT001Y025D XXXFUT001Y025B Table 1: Ocean products distributed by BEC. Three first letters of the code indicated as XXX are NRT for near real time products and REP for reprocessed products. Code string is necessary to automatically download a given product using getBEC tool • EEEEEEE: Internal code that designates the filtering applied. This is an inherited value in products not derived directly from Level 2 orbits. • FFF: Grid size of the product in a lat-lon grid multiplied by 100 • GGG: Version number of the file starting at 001 2.7 Ocean products list The list of ocean products distributed by CP34 is summarized in table 1 In order to automatically download a given type of product, a Linux-based tool named getBEC is offered to users. Registered users can download this tool from bec-tools/ File: BEC-SMOS-0001-PD.pdf Version: 1.3 Date: 19/09/2014 Page: 13 of 20 Title: SMOS-BEC Ocean and Land Products Description. 3 LAND PRODUCTS Two different kinds of land products are generated and distributed by the BEC: • Soil Moisture Level 3 products: The SMOS data used to compute Level 3 products is the Level 2 Soil Moisture User Data Product (UDP). The UDP files are operationally generated by ESA and they are received at the BEC in near real time. They include geophysucal parameters, a theoretical estimate of their accuracy, flags and descriptors for the product. • Soil Moisture Level 4 products: Level 4 products combine the SMOS Level 1 C brightness temperature measurements from ESA, with Terra/Aqua MODIS Land Surface Temperatur (LST) and NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) data. 3.1 Soil moisture Level 3 products In order to generate Soil Moisture Level 3 products, Level 2 soil moisture UDP are first filtered. Then they are combined into maps where the spatial resolution is the same than the daily Level 2 SMOS product (ISEA product) or into spatial averaged regular lat-lon grid of 25 km (binned products). Figure 5: SMOS soil moisture L3 binned map corresponding to the annual mean of 2012 for ascending (left) and descending (right) orbits. 3.1.1 Soil moisture data filtering The quality flags and descriptors from UDP files allow discarding unreliable Soil Moisture values. The following filters have been applied to create Level 3 products: • Grid points with soil moisture negative values are discarded • Grid points with Data Quality Index (DQX) values greater than 0.07 are discarded. • Grid points with the no product flag raised are discarded. It indicates that the retrieval has failed either due to retrieved geophysical data is not of an acceptable quality or other factors. • Grid points with the probability of RFI flag set to high are discarded. • Grid points with the out-range flag raised are discarded. It indicates that the retrieved geophysical data are outside the extended range. File: BEC-SMOS-0001-PD.pdf Version: 1.3 Date: 19/09/2014 Page: 14 of 20 Title: SMOS-BEC Ocean and Land Products Description. 3.1.2 ISEA land product Daily maps of soil moisture, optical thickness and dialectric constant (real and imaginary part) are constructed from level 2 UDP products with neither spatial nor temporal averaging. Ascending and descending orbits are processed separately. The resulting product contains: • Latitude • Longitude • Grid point ID (ISEA grid point identifier) • Soil Moisture value (m3 /m3 ) • Data Qualiyty Index value for the soil moisture estimate. It is a measure of the standard deviation error in the estimate (m3 /m3 ) • Optical thickness at the nadir direction (N p) • Data Qualiyty Index value for the optical thickness estimate (N p) • Real part of retrieved dielectric constant • Data Quality Index value for the real part of retrieved dielectric constant • Imaginary part of retrieved dielectric constant • Data Qualiyty Index value for the imaginary part of retrieved dielectric constant 3.1.3 Binned land products Daily soil moisture maps in EASE-ML 25km grid are constructed by DQX-weighted averaging. The averaging of soil moisture in the cell k is computed following the expression: 1 DQXi2 N SM k = wi SMi , where wi = N i=1 j=1 . (3) 1 DQXj2 The averaging of the associatd DQX ( DQX k ) is computed as: 1 DQX N 2 k = i=1 1 . DQXi2 (4) The averaged spatial variance of the soil moisture estimates (V ark ) is computed as: N V ark = i=1 N i=1 1 DQXi2 2 1 DQXi2 N N − i=1 1 DQXi4 i=1 SMi2 − SM DQXi2 N 2 k i=1 1 DQXi2 (5) Ascending and descending orbits are processed separately. These products are created in a variety of generation rates and averaging periods: 1 and 3 days -generated daily-, 9 days -generated every 3 days-, monthly, seasonal (quaterly) and annual (see Table 2). The fields given per grid cell are: File: BEC-SMOS-0001-PD.pdf Version: 1.3 Date: 19/09/2014 Page: 15 of 20 Title: SMOS-BEC Ocean and Land Products Description. Figure 6: SMOS soil moisture L3 3-days binned maps. The plots show the soil moisture evolution during the Colorado in September 2013. Heavy rain was received from 11 to 16 of September. Figure 7: SMOS soil moisture L3 monthly binned maps. The plots show the mean values of September for the four years of the mission in the same region where inundation happened. File: BEC-SMOS-0001-PD.pdf Version: 1.3 Date: 19/09/2014 Page: 16 of 20 Title: SMOS-BEC Ocean and Land Products Description. • Soil Moisture ( SM • DQX ( DQX k k of equation 3) of equation 4) • Variance of SM averaged in each cell (V ark of equation 5) • Number of L2 soil moisture estimates used in the computation (N of equation 3) 3.2 Soil moisture Level 4 products Soil moisture is a key state variable that links the Earth’s water, energy and carbon cycles, and its variations affect the evolution of weather and climate over continental regions. The ESA SMOS is the first satellite mission ever designed to measuring this variable, and its accurate observations of soil moisture are helping to improve our understanding of water and energy fluxes interactions between the atmosphere, the soil surface and subsurface at a global scale. However, its spatial resolution (on the order of 40 km) prevents SMOS data from being applied in small scale applications, such as on-farm water management, flood prediction or meso-scale weather forecasting. Figure 8: Disaggregated SMOS soil moisture map at 1 km spatial resolution over the Iberian Peninsula, from July 7, 2012 (6 A.M.) using the proposed algorithm. Empty areas in the image correspond to clouds masking MODIS observations or quality-filtered SMOS TB. One key research line at SMOS-BEC is the development of data fusion algorithms to provide downscaled SMOS-based soil moisture information resolving the dynamics within 100 m to 1 km catchments. Accurate knowledge of the soil moisture status at these scales is essential to understand how to manage and utilise soil water -one of the Earth’s scarcest and most valuable natural resource- to its maximum potential. An innovative downscaling approach for SMOS has been developed, which combines MODIS Visible/Infrared data with SMOS brightness temperatures into high-resolution soil moisture maps. To File: BEC-SMOS-0001-PD.pdf Version: 1.3 Date: 19/09/2014 Page: 17 of 20 Title: SMOS-BEC Ocean and Land Products Description. date, validation results from comparison with in situ data over a selected suite of representative sites support the use of this technique; high resolution soil moisture maps are shown to nicely reproduce soil moisture dynamics at 1 km without a significant degradation of the root-mean-squared error with respect to the SMOS L2 product [Piles et al., 2011], [Sanchez-Ruiz et al., 2014], [Piles et al., 2014]. This algorithm has been implemented at SMOS-BEC facilities and high resolution soil moisture maps over the Iberian Peninsula are being distributed: maps from the first three years of SMOS in orbit are available (delayed mode) and two near real-time maps are daily generated corresponding to ascending and descending overpasses with a delay of less than 12 hours. These maps are already being used as supporting information for forest brigades within the Catalonia region. 3.2.1 High resolution soil moisture: delayed A data set of soil moisture maps covering the Iberian Peninsula at 1km spatial resolution since January 2011 up to the most recent processing date is provided. It contains two maps per day, corresponding to SMOS ascending (6 A.M.) and descending (6 P.M.) passes. Maps are obtained using the downscaling algorithm in [Piles et al., 2014], which combines the brightness temperature measurements from ESA SMOS, with Land Surface Temperature and NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) data from Aqua MODIS day passes. The latest released SMOS data is available at SMOS-BEC facilities; MODIS version 5 MYD11A1 products are freely distributed by the U.S. Land Processed Distributed Active Archive Center ( 3.2.2 High resolution soil moisture: near real-time Soil moisture maps covering the Iberian Peninsula at 1km of spatial resolution are provided in near real time (delay <12 h). Two maps per day are generated, corresponding to SMOS ascending (6 A.M.) and descending (6 P.M.) passes. Maps are obtained using the downscaling algorithm in [Piles et al., 2011], which combines the brightness temperature measurements from ESA SMOS, with Land Surface Temperature and NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) data from Terra/Aqua MODIS day passes. The use of MODIS Terra LST is prefered. Nevertheless, downscaled maps using LST yield broadly consistent results in [Piles et al., 2014]. Hence, Aqua is used when Terra LST is not available (i.e. masked by clouds). SMOS latest released data in near-time time is available at SMOS-BEC facilities; MODIS data in near real-time is kindly provided by LATUV (, Valladolid University. 3.3 Land files structure SMOS BEC Land products are distributed in netCDF format with the following naming convention:, where each field of the filename is as follows: • AAAAAA: is the product’s name: – BIN SM: L3 Soil Moisture products – HDE SM: L4 high resolution delayed soil moisture products – HNR SM: L4 high resolution near real time soil moisture products File: BEC-SMOS-0001-PD.pdf Version: 1.3 Date: 19/09/2014 Page: 18 of 20 Title: SMOS-BEC Ocean and Land Products Description. • B: indicates the orbit composition of the product. – A for ascending orbits – D for descending orbits • CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC: starting UTC time (YYYYMMDD hhmmss) of the half-orbit used to create the product. • DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD: ending UTC time (YYYYMMDD hhmmss) of the half-orbit used to create the product. • EEEEEEE: internal code – NOMINAL: for L3 product indicates that the nominal filter (described in section 3.1.1) has been applied to L2 product – AQUA1 : for L4 product indicates that LST data at 1km spatial resolution from AQUA has been used – TERR1 : for L4 product indicates that LST data at 1km spatial resolution from TERRA has been used • FFF: grid indicator – 025: Indicates that EASE-ML grid of 25 km is considered – 4H9: ISEA grid resolution – IBE: Indicates that the product is provided for the Iberian Peninsula • GGG: version number of the file starting at 001 3.4 Land products list The list of land products is summarized in table 2. In order to automatically download a given type of product, a Linux-based tool named getBEC is offered to users. Registered users can download this tool from bec-tools/ File: BEC-SMOS-0001-PD.pdf Version: 1.3 Date: 19/09/2014 Page: 19 of 20 Title: SMOS-BEC Ocean and Land Products Description. Spatial resolution Type Product Generation Rate Averaging Period 1 days 1 days 3 days 0.25 degrees ISEA Reprocessed / Near Real Time binned 3 days 9 days monthly 1 natural month annual annual Reprocessed / Near Real Time single value 1 days 1 days Near Real Time High Resolution 1days 1days Delayed High Resolution 1days 1days 1km Orbit passes ascending descending ascending descending ascending descending ascending descending ascending descending ascending descending ascending descending ascending descending Code XXXSMB001D025A XXXSMB001D025D XXXSMB003D025A XXXSMB003D025D XXXSMB009D025A XXXSMB009D025D XXXSMB001M025A XXXSMB001M025D XXXSMB001Y025A XXXSMB001Y025D XXXSMB001D4H9A XXXSMB009D4H9D XXXSMH001DIBEA XXXSMH001DIBED XXXSMH001DIBEA XXXSMH001DIBED Table 2: Land products distributed by BEC. Three first letters of the code indicated as XXX are NRT for near real time products, DEL for delayed products and REP for reprocessed products. 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