Preliminary Agenda: NCTSN All‐Network Conference | Monday, March 3, 2014 Time 8:00 am ‐ 5:00 pm 9:00 am ‐ 3:00 pm 9:00 am ‐ 12:00 pm Event Conference Registration Open NCTSN Steering Committee (Open to SC and NCTSN Advisory Board members only) Pre‐Meeting Institutes Room Assignment Coatroom / Registration Desk 10th Floor Boardroom Preparing for Family, Youth and Provider Partnerships: Knowing Why and Learning How * Sarah Gardner, Shannon Crossbear, Angela Moreland, Chaney Stokes, Emma Mullendore Salon 6 Multiple Perspectives: Four Model Developers Address Complex Case Material and Real World Implementation Issues (Part 1) Adam Brown, Glenn Saxe, Julian Ford, Margaret Blaustein, Tony Mannarino Salon 2 The Application of TF‐CBT for Youth with Complex Trauma Jessica Griffin, Judith Cohen, Matt Kliethermes, Tony Mannarino Salon 3 Partnering to Serve Those Who Served: How Federal Partners and the NCTSN Can Collaborate to Meet the Needs of Service Members, Veterans, and their Families Cicely Burrows‐McElwain, Eileen Zeller, Janet Kemp, Judith Dekle, Theresa Buchanan Salon 1 Innovations in Healthcare Delivery: Integrating Mental Health Services and Primary Care * Larry Wissow, Moira Szilagyi, Family / youth presenter, Doug Tynan, Heather Forkey Salon 7 12:00 pm ‐ 1:00 pm 1:00 pm ‐ 4:00 pm Using Restorative Justice Practices to Support Evidence‐based Trauma Treatment (Part 1) * Cindy Hill‐Ford, Erna Olafson, Ixayanne Baez, Javier Arango, Ricardo Pena Lunch (on your own) Pre‐Meeting Institutes Taking Your Show on the Road: Gaining Traction on Family, Youth and Provider Partnership Goals * Angela Moreland, Candace Aylor, Chaney Stokes, Chris Foreman, Tiffany Conroy Multiple Perspectives: Four Model Developers Address Complex Case Material and Real World Implementation Issues (Part 2) Adam Brown, Glenn Saxe, Julian Ford, Margaret Blaustein, Tony Mannarino Fostering Media Partnerships: Working with Media Before, During and After a Community Crisis or Disaster Brian Houston, Melissa Brymer, Robin Gurwitch, Vicky Mieseler Salon 8 Salon 6 Salon 2 Salon 3 3:45 pm ‐ 5:45 pm 4:30 pm ‐ 6:00 pm 5:00 pm ‐ 7:00 pm 6:00 pm ‐ 7:30 pm Focusing the Military Cultural Lens: Adaptation of Evidence‐based Practice to Address Child Traumatic Stress in Military and Veteran Families Greg Leskin, Jo Sornborger, Judith Cohen, Robin Gurwitch, Ruth Paris Integrated Surveillance, Screening, and Service Planning Barry Sarvet, Jenny Crawford, Kate Farinholt, Marian Earls, Mark Rains Using Restorative Justice Practices to Support Evidence‐based Trauma Treatment (Part 2) * Cindy Hill‐Ford, Erna Olafson, Ixayanne Baez, Javier Arango, Ricardo Pena Category II Meeting (Invitation Only) Affiliate Advisory Group (Open to AAG members only) Set‐up for NetworkingFair Welcoming Reception * * Family and youth are encouraged to attend Salon 1 Salon 7 Salon 8 Arlington/Great Falls 10th Floor Boardroom Salons 1234 Tickets Lounge Preliminary Agenda: NCTSN All‐Network Conference | Tuesday, March 4, 2014 Time 7:00 am ‐ 8:30 am 8:00 am ‐ 5:00 pm 8:00 am ‐ 8:30 am Event Set‐up for Networking Fair Conference Registration Open Family and Youth Orientation to the ANC * Welcoming Remarks 9:00 am ‐ 9:40 am Robert Pynoos, John Fairbank, National Center for Child Traumatic Stress Paolo del Vecchio, Director, Center for Mental Health Services Opening Plenary: Adolescent Development and Trauma Informed Care: Essential Considerations in Juvenile Justice Reform 9:40 am ‐ 11:00 am Robert Listenbee, Jr., Administrator, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, US Department of Justice 11:00 am ‐ 11:30 am Break 11:30 am ‐ 1:00 pm Concurrent Workshops Social Media Boot Camp: Leveraging Your Center’s Visibility and Maximizing Your Effectiveness (Technology Track) * Cathryn Chiesa, Doug Walker, Brad Stolbach, Brian Houston, Gil Reyes Supporting Child Trauma‐Informed Public Policies: Lessons from the NCTSN and Key Partners (Emerging Issues Track) Diane Elmore, Teresa Huizar, Steven Berkowitz Engaging Families in Family‐Oriented Trauma Intervention (Engaging Families Track) * Carla Stover, Candace Aylor, Laurel Kiser, Marianne Celano Best Practices for Developing Services to Military and Veteran Families (Special Populations Track) * Erica Trejo, Mary Ellen Salzano, Mayer Bellehsen, Phil Stepka, Carole Campbell Swiecicki Developing Strategies to Partner with Probation (Partnerships Track) Erna Olafson, Judge Michael Howard, Robin Tener, Chris Bray, Tim Wires Multi‐pronged Evidence‐based Mental Health Treatment Approach to Large‐scale Community Traumas (Implementation Track) Carrie Epstein, Judith Cohen, Steven Marans, Marlene Wong “I’m not telling you nothing”: The Role of Assessment in Creating Openings for Engagement and Integrating a Client‐Driven Approach in the Treatment of Complex PTSD (Screening & Assessment Track) Richard Kagan, Margaret Blaustein, Mandy Habib Room Assignment Salons 1234 Registration Desk Langley Salons 5678 Salons 5678 1:00 pm ‐ 2:30 pm 1:00 pm ‐ 2:30 pm 2:30 pm ‐ 3:45 pm 3:45 pm ‐ 4:00 pm 4:00 pm ‐ 5:45 pm 6:00 pm ‐ 7:00 pm Pushing the Work Forward: When Professional Values and Personal Reactions Conflict (Resilience & Leadership Track) * Erika Tullberg, Liz Sharda, Emma Mullendore, Steven Grilli, Chris Foreman An Introduction to the New Data Collection Efforts in the NCTSN: Using Technology to Improve Trauma Care (Technology Track & Data Track) Ernestine Briggs‐King, Carrie Purbeck, Lisa Richardson, Meghan Gurlitz, John Fairbank Healing the Hurt: A Documentary Showing and Conversation with the Producers (Emerging Issues Track) * Cindy Hill‐Ford, Jaleel Abdul‐Adil, Javier Arango, Rachel Wax, Adriana Molina, Llew Smith, Annie Stompford Lunch (on your own) Salons 1234 Set‐up for Networking Fair Collaborative Group Meetings Child Sexual Abuse Translations Review Committee Justice Consortium Policy Partnering With Youth and Families * Family Systems Implementation Task Force Child Welfare Practice Labs * Trauma Symptoms and Assessment Subcommittee Secondary Traumatic Stress Break Salons 1234 Networking Fair * Falls Church Documentary Screening: "Healing the Hurt" * * Family and youth are encouraged to attend. Preliminary Agenda: NCTSN All‐Network Conference | Wednesday, March 5, 2014 Time 8:00 am ‐ 5:00 pm 9:00 am ‐ 10:15am Event Conference Registration Open Collaborative Group Meetings Child Traumatic Grief Zero To Six Parent Trauma Coordinating Group * Community Violence * Child Welfare Schools Military and Veteran Families * 10:15 am ‐ 10:30 am Break 10:30 am ‐ 12:00 pm Concurrent Workshops Telehealth Partnerships to Provide TF‐CBT to Rural Youth (Technology Track) Marianne Celano, Tanisha Grimes, Michael de Arellano, Caroline Bonham The Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children: Strategies for Provider Response and System Collaboration (Emerging Issues Track) Kelly Kinnish, Jordan Greenbaum, Susana Rivera, Esther Deblinger, Judith Cohen Family Shared Meaning of Trauma: Partnering with Families to Develop and Apply Narrative Practice Principles in Family Trauma Work (Engaging Families Track) * Kathryn Collins, Rosemary Creeden, Frederick Strieder, Pamela Clarkson Freeman Clinical Considerations for Children Who Have Complex Histories: The Interplay Between Prenatal Alcohol Exposure and Post‐natal Trauma (Special Populations Track) * Christine Schmidt, Liza Suarez, Youth and Parent Consumers Trauma and Adoption: Let's Get the Conversation Started (Partnerships Track) Sarah Kelly‐Palmer, Anthony Mannarino, Darlene Allen, Douglas Goldsmith Life in the Fast Lane: Addressing the Real World Challenges of Implementing EBTs (Implementation Track) Jessica Burroughs, Rebecca Hoffman Frances, Susan Erstling, Kay Connors Partnerships with Family Members: A Key to Enhancing Our Assessment Practices (Screening & Assessment Track) * Cassandra Kisiel, Nicole St. Jean, Jeremy Harvey, Mandy Taylor, Shannon CrossBear The Challenge of Leadership in Partnering for Change: Operationalizing the Principles of Nelson Mandela (Resilience & Leadership) * Jim Henry, Jacob Ham, Richard Kagan Room Assignment Registration Desk 12:00 pm ‐ 1:30 pm 1:30 pm ‐ 3:00 pm An Examination of the Many Facets of Relational Trauma Using Findings From the NCTSN Core Data Set (Data Track) Tracy Bethel, Robert Lee, Katelyn Donish, Rebecca Vivrette, Laurel Kiser Looking for a Way, Not a Way Out: Partnerships for Building STS Resilience in Organizations (Resilience & Leadership Track) Ginny Sprang, Leslie Anne Ross, Kathleen Guarino, Kimberly Blackshear, Brian Miller Lunch (on your own) Concurrent Workshops Using Technology to Support Training and Consultation Across the Network: An Implementation Perspective (Technology Track) Tripp Ake, Jessica Burroughs, Robin Gurwitch, Robert Murphy, Margaret Stuber, Amy Foster‐ Wolferman Engaging Caregivers at Risk for Physical Abuse: Strategies to Overcome Challenging Behaviors (Engaging Families Track) David Kolko, Beverly Funderburk, Esther Deblinger Supporting Children with Traumatic Grief (Special Populations Track) * Judith Cohen, Robin Goodman, Matthew Kliethermes, Bonnie Carroll, Alicia Lieberman How Do We Engage Traditionally Underserved Communities in Meaningful Ways to Facilitate Mental Health Services? (Special Populations Track) Alisa Miller, Marilyn Bruguier Zimmerman, Jennifer Bobo, Bibhuti Sar, Emma Sterrett Effective Dissemination...It's a Two‐Way Street (Implementation Track) Jenifer Goldman Fraser, Beth Barto, Jessica Griffin, Rebecca Hoffman Frances, Kelly Sullivan Making a Connection Through Joint Missions: Best Practices and Services for Children and Families Across the Country (Partnerships Track) Kimberly Blackshear, Theron Pride, Jr., Bethany Case Screening and Assessing Trauma in Infants and Young Children (Screening & Assessment Track) Ruth Paris, Kate Rosenblum, Carmen Rosa Norona, Jennifer Grady Living Through Trauma and Making It Better: Youth Perspectives on Recovery and Resiliency (Resilience & Leadership Track) * Liza Suarez, Vikki Rompala, Rachel Wax, Samantha Metke 3:00 pm ‐ 3:15 pm 3:15 pm ‐ 5:15 pm 5:30 pm ‐ 7:00 pm 5:30 pm ‐ 7:00 pm 5:30 pm ‐ 6:30 pm Polyvictimization and Complex Trauma: Unpacking Risk Factor Caravans Across Development (Data Track) Carrie Purbeck, Zachary Adams, Joseph Spinazzola, Cassandra Kisiel, Christopher Layne Break Steering Committee “Town Hall” Meeting * Affiliate Meeting (All NCTSN Affiliates are encouraged to attend) Core Curriculum Task Force Data Operations Advisory Committee * Family and youth are encouraged to attend. Salons 5678 Preliminary Agenda: NCTSN All‐Network Conference | Thursday, March 6, 2014 Time 8:00 am ‐ 1:00 pm 9:00 am ‐ 10:15 am 10:15 am ‐ 10:30 am 10:30 am ‐ 12:00 pm Event Room Assignment Registration Desk Conference Registration Open Collaborative Group Meetings Culture Consortium * Child Welfare Toolkit Implementers Subcommittee Complex Trauma * Domestic Violence Substance Abuse Resource Parent Curriculum Integrated Care Birth Parent Trauma Subcommittee * Terrorism and Disaster Break Concurrent Workshops Virtual Network Building: Connecting Trauma Experts Through Collaboration Tools (Technology Track) Nathalie Reid, Meghan Gurlitz On the Brink of Disruption: Strategies for Helping Adoptive Families Stay Intact (Engaging Families Track) * Kelly Sullivan, Kate Murray, Richard Kagan, Jeanne Preisler, Donna Burns Risk and Resiliency Factors for LGBTQ Youth (Special Populations Track) * Al Killen‐Harvey, Antonia Barba, Judith Cohen Partnering to Build Evidence for Learning Collaboratives: Compared to What? Where Should We Go Next in Large‐scale Dissemination and Implementation of EBTs? (Implementation Track) Lisa Amaya‐Jackson, Benjamin Saunders, Jerry Dunn, John Fairbank Partnering with Schools and Students to Prevent Bullying (Partnerships Track) * Sheryl Kataoka, Laura Danna, Julia Veronesi Enhancing Trauma‐Informed Systems Through Partnerships: Lessons Learned and Applications from Statewide Dissemination Efforts (Screening & Assessment) Cassandra Kisiel, Lisa Conradi, Gwendolyn Downing, Marisol Acosta, Nicole Maj Changes Since Newtown: Implications for School Systems from the Local, State, and National Levels (Emerging Issues Track) Melissa Brymer, Alice Forrester, Marleen Wong, Anthony Speier Preliminary Findings from the NCTSN Core Data Set: Trauma History Profiles and Risks for Polyvictimization, Juvenile Justice Involvement, and Commercial Sexual Exploitation (Data Track) Robert Lee, Damion Grasso, Carla Smith Stover, Ginny Sprang, Victor Labruna Where the Rubber Hits the Toad: Addressing Parent Trauma in Child Treatment Settings (Emerging Issues Track) * Erika Tullberg, Sarah Gardner, Maureen Murray, Nathalie Wilcox, Margaret Richardson 12:00 pm ‐ 12:15 pm Break 12:15 pm ‐ 12:30 pm Closing Remarks Pamela Hyde, Administrator, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration 12:30 pm ‐ 1:30 pm 1:30 pm Salons 5678 Closing Plenary * Building Community and Military Partnerships in the NCTSN to Support Families and Children: Inspirational Stories of Resiliency COL. Gregory Gadson, Kim Gadson, Gabriella Gadson, Patricia Barron, Nancy Kassam‐Adams, Salons 5678 Gregory Leskin, Cicely Burrows‐McElwain Conference Adjourns * Family and youth are encouraged to attend.
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