Training Schedule - 1 January to 31 August 2015 Highlighted classes are only available to participants / authorized students. Jan-15 USCG Duration Ref Course Name (Req'd by ALL management level Deck & Engine officers by 1 Jan 2017) ECDIS (Req'd by ALL Engine officers by 1 Jan 2017) Includes Leadership & Teamworking Management of Electrical, Electronic Control Equipment GAP CLOSING ONLY! (Req'd by ALL management level Engine officers 1 Jan 2017) 5-Jan by Leadership & Teamworking ENGINE (Only req'd by those opoerational level Engineers who completed older ERM class at STAR Center) Basic Training & Adv. F/F Revalidation Req'd by first credential renewal AFTER 1 Jan 2017 EFA (Scheduled with BT Revalidation BUT NOT REQUIRED for STCW 2010 ) Professional Development ONLY! May-15 Jun-15 Jul-15 Aug-15 Individual Group Rate Rate NOTE: New price schedule eff. 1/1/15 Required by ALL existing STCW credentialed officers by 1 Jan 2017 12-Jan 2-Feb 9-Feb 2-Mar 9-Mar 6-Apr 13-Apr 4-May 11-May 1-Jun 8-Jun 6-Jul 13-Jul 3-Aug 10-Aug STRCTR5 days $1,650 751 19-Jan 26-Jan 16-Feb 23-Feb 16-Mar 23-Mar 20-Apr 27-Apr 18-May 15-Jun 22-Jun 29-Jun 20-Jul 27-Jul 17-Aug 24-Aug STRCTR5 days 179 STRCTR5 days 5-Jan 188 Req'd by all deck officers under STCW by 1 Jan 2017 Engine Room Resource Management (Classroom) Mar-15 Apr-15 Cost does not apply to students who are AMO S&E Plan participants STCW 2010 Gap Closing Courses Leadership & Management Feb-15 9-Feb 9-Mar 20-Apr 11-May STRCTR5 days 12-Jan 26-Jan 9-Feb 23-Feb 9-Mar 23-Mar 13-Apr 27-Apr 11-May 177 STRCTR1 day 768 STRCTR718 & 2 days STRCTR777 STRCTR1 day 183 6-Jul 19-Jan 2-Feb 16-Feb 2-Mar 16-Mar 6-Apr 20-Apr 4-May 18-May 1-Jun 22-Jan 23-Jan 30-Mar 31-Mar 6/15 6/29 28-May 29-May $1,295 $1,165 10-Aug 13-Jul 27-Jul 10-Aug 24-Aug 8-Jun 22-Jun 6-Jul 20-Jul 3-Aug 8/17 8/31 23-Jul 24-Jul 12-Jan 2-Feb 6-Apr 27-Apr 8-Jun 22-Jun 13-Jul 17-Aug 15-Jan 5-Feb 9-Apr 30-Apr 11-Jun 25-Jun 16-Jul 20-Aug 14-Jan 4-Feb 8-Apr 29-Apr 10-Jun 24-Jun 15-Jul 19-Aug $1,485 $995 $895 $995 $895 $210 $190 $295/ $295 $295/ $295 $225 $205 General Courses ABS NS5 Fleet Management Software (Maint; Purch; Crew Mgmt) BASIC 3 days Course Advanced Fire Fighting Basic Safety Training Note : 20-Jan New! STRCTR5 days 125 3-Aug 9-Feb 9-Mar 18-May $1,250 $1,125 31-Aug $850 $850 10-Aug 24-Aug $995 $895 26-Aug $880 $790 31-Aug $1,050 $945 $495 $495 $200 $180 $200 $180 All 4 modules MUST be completed within 12 months 1. Personal Survival Techniques: 1½ days (usually Mon/Tues) $405 2. Personal Safety & Social Responsibility:½-day (usually Tues pm) $150 3. Elementary First Aid:1-day (usually Wednesday) $225 4. Fire Fighting & Fire Prevention: 2-days (usually Thurs/Fri). Note: Not req'd if Adv. F/F completed in previous 1 year $445 STRCTR5 days 26-Jan 65 STRCTR3 days 28-Jan 68 STRCTR5 days 714 2 days STRCTR1 day 142 STRCTR1 day 138 STRCTR5 days 5-Jan 179 STRCTR3 days 710 STRCTR4 days 5-Jan 193 Basic Safety Training - Refresher Chemical Safety - Advanced - New! Confined Space Entry - New! (NFPA) Crowd Management Crisis Management & Human Behavior ECDIS Environmental Awareness Fast Rescue Boat STRCTR10 days 210 STRCTR8 days 508 GMDSS Requires after hours work! LNG Tankerman PIC 2-Mar 13-Apr New! 4-May New! 4-Mar 1-Jun 3-Jun 9-Feb New! 9-Feb 9-Mar 20-Apr 11-May 6-Jul 10-Aug $1,295 $1,165 $795 26-May 17-Feb 16-Mar 29-Jun 9-Feb New! 9-Mar New! 1-Jun 13-Jul $715 3-Aug $1,295 $1,165 24-Aug $1,690 $1,520 11-Mar $2,950 $2,655 23-Mar $1,950 $1,755 LNG Simulator Training Enrollment priority in the LNG simulator course is given to qualified STRCTRmember candidates for employment and/or observation opportunities with AMO contracted LNG companies. In all cases successful completion of the Tankerman LNG PIC classroom course is a 256 prerequisite. Proficiency in Survival Craft (Lifeboat) Safety Officer Course Tankerman PIC DL - Classroom STRCTR10 days 26-Jan 503 STRCTR10 days 594 Tankerman PIC DL - Simulator Tankerman PIC DL - Acc'd Program Train The Trainer 5 days STRCTR4 days 20-Jan 372 2 days STRCTR5 days 12-Jan 502 5 days Note: Requires after hours homework! Train The Trainer - Simulator Instructors Requires after hours work! Vessel/Company Security Officer (includes Anti-Piracy) 23-Mar $995 $895 $695 $625 17-Aug $1,050 $945 3-Aug $4,500 $4,050 17-Aug $1,600 $1,440 26-May 12-Mar 13-Apr 23-Feb 27-Apr 20-Jul 11-May 15-Jun Please call 12-Jan 9-Mar 4-May 20-Jul 9-Mar 27-May 27-Jul 2/23 19-Jan 26-Jan STRCTR9-Mar 9-Feb 5 days (EVE) New! New! 12 20-Apr 27-Apr 11-May 1-Jun 15-Jun 27-Jul STRCTR5 days 463 STRCTR3 days 572 $1,950 $1,755 $925 $835 Deck Courses Advanced BRM Meets the STCW 2010 Gap Closing training requirement for Leadership & Management Advanced Shiphandling for Masters equivalency) Must have sailed as Chief Mate Unlimited Adv. Shiphandling for 3rd Mates (No (60 days seatime equivalency for 3rds) 5 days STRCTR10 days 5-Jan 23 Adv. and Emerg. Shiphandling - First Class Pilots, Great Lakes 5 days BRM for Pilots 2 days Dynamic Positioning - BASIC 5 days Dynamic Positioning - ADVANCED 5 days Integrated Bridge System (IBS) / Podded Propulsion Trg 5 days TOAR (Towing Officer Assessment Record) *3rd Mate (Unl or GL) or 5 days 19-Jan 1600T Master License req'd AND OICNW req'd 5 days Tug Training - ASD Assist (Azimuthing Stern Drive) Visual Communications (Flashing Light) - Test only! 2-Mar STRCTR542 1 day 3-Aug 31-Aug $5,750 17-Aug 2-Mar 3-Aug 24-Aug $7,950 11-May $7,155 $5,950 $5,355 $825 2-Feb 9-Mar 4-May 18-May $745 $2,500 $2,250 27-Jul 31-Aug $2,500 $2,250 $5,950 $5,355 20-Apr 23-Mar 1-Jun 22-Jun 17-Aug $5,750 $5,175 $5,750 $5,175 $275 1 of 5 STAR Center admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin or sex. $5,175 $5,950 $5,355 $250 Highlighted classes are only available to participants / authorized students. Course Name Jan-15 Feb-15 Mar-15 Apr-15 May-15 Jun-15 Jul-15 Aug-15 Individual Group Rate Rate USCG Duration Ref 2 of 5 STAR Center admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin or sex. Highlighted classes are only available to participants / authorized students. Course Name Jan-15 Feb-15 Mar-15 Apr-15 May-15 Jun-15 Jul-15 Aug-15 Individual Group Rate Rate USCG Duration Ref Engineering Courses STRCTR24 STRCTR52 STRCTR158 STRCTR726 STRCTR208 Advanced Slow Speed Diesel Basic Electricity Diesel Crossover Electronics New! Gas Turbine Endorsement 10 days 2-Feb 4 weeks 9-Feb 8-Jun Hydraulics / Pneumatics - New! 5 days $1,995 $1,795 $4,600 $4,140 13-Apr 23-Feb 31-Aug 2-Mar STRCTR10 days 5-Jan 230 6 days Ocean Ranger Program $4,100 $3,690 $7,995 $7,195 18-May 10 days 3 days 10-Aug 27-Jul 5 days High Voltage Safety Course (Classroom) Instrumentation (Mgmt) - New! $5,500 $4,950 16-Mar 10 days $925 $835 $2,600 $2,340 6-Jul $4,100 $3,690 Please call 6-Apr 5 days Refrigeration (Operational Level) 5 days 16-Mar 13-Jul $2,600 $2,340 Refrigeration (Management Level) 5 days 23-Mar 20-Jul $2,600 $2,340 STRCTR4 weeks 477 AMOSIU30 months 686 Steam Endorsement TECH Program Welding & Metallurgy Skills & Practices Priority is afforded to engineers, but the course is open to eligible Chief Mates and Masters on a space available basis. Interested participants should apply and will be confirmed 2 weeks prior to the start date. 16-Feb 24-Aug $1,995 $1,795 Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) 12-Jan $7,995 $7,195 1-Jun See STRCTR2 weeks 551 9-Feb $2,600 $2,340 4-May Engine STCW / Original Engineer Training Routes . Engine STCW training routes are aimed at Great Lakes members wishing to transition to Deep Sea. Original Engineer training is available to members, applicants and sponsored students seeking original license. STRCTR125 STRCTR65 STRCTR183 STRCTR372 STRCTR52 Advanced Fire Fighting Basic Safety Training EFA/MCP Proficiency in Survival Craft (Lifeboat) Basic Electricity (Original Engineers only) 5 days 12-Jan 4 days See above 1-Jun 6-Jan 12-May 4 days 20-Jan 26-May 10 days See above 18-May 5 days 26-Jan 2-Feb See above See above See above 8-Jun A/R Original 3A/E Preparation and Exams $150 per day MSC Training Program Afloat Environmental Protection Coordinator Anti-Terrorism Level 1 Crew Endurance Management CD N/A N/A Online N/A N/A N/A N/A CD Basic CBR Defense (with Marine Environmental Programs) 1 day CMEO for Junior Engineers 5 days Damage Control 1 day Heat Stress Afloat / Hearing Conservation Afloat 1 day Helicopter Fire Fighting 1-day Marine Environmental Programs - NEW! (With CBRD) ½-day Marine Sanitation Devices ½-day Medical PIC Refresher Note: MSC approved. MSC Readiness Refresher Must have completed full CBRD & DC once in career. MSC Watchstander - BASIC grand fathered. MSC Watchstander - ADVANCED SRF members. Once in career, SST grads Annual. Required for all 27-Feb 17-Apr 15-May $460 31-Jul $1,850 26-Feb 27-Jan 16-Apr 14-May 3-Mar 27-Feb 30-Jul 2-Jun 17-Apr 15-May 25-Aug 31-Jul 29-May 3 days 5 days 26-Jan 2 days 1 day 15-Jan 2-Mar 12-Feb 26-Mar 16-Feb 12-Mar 30-Mar 30-Apr 17-Feb 31-Mar 1-Jun 18-Jun 29-May 22-Jun 2-Jul $415 $1,665 $795 $715 $270 $240 $450 $405 $115 $105 $135 $120 $925 $835 24-Aug $2,050 $1,845 13-Aug $750 $675 16-Jul 17-Aug $375 $340 MSC Ship Reaction Force Required every 3 years for SRF members. Must have completed BASIC and ADV Security courses and be Small Arms (9mm and Shotgun) qualified . $2,050 $1,845 Open to members and applicants eligible for employment through AMO (within 1 year) on MSC or MARAD contracted vessels. STCW Endorsement Req'd. Remedial shoot may be afforded on Day 4 (when possible) if passing score not attained. 3 days 12-Jan 26-Jan 9-Feb 23-Feb 9-Mar 23-Mar 13-Apr 27-Apr 11-May 26-May 15-Jun 29-Jun 13-Jul 27-Jul 10-Aug 31-Aug $1,695 $1,525 Water Sanitation Alfoat ½-day 3 days 23-Jun 18-Aug Small Arms - Initial & Sustainment (Refresher) Training 29-May $135 3 of 5 STAR Center admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin or sex. $120 Highlighted classes are only available to participants / authorized students. Course Name Jan-15 Feb-15 Mar-15 Apr-15 May-15 Jun-15 Jul-15 Aug-15 Individual Group Rate Rate USCG Duration Ref Medical Courses Heat Stress Afloat / Hearing Conservation Afloat Elementary First Aid within preceding 12 months. Note : Prerequisite for MCP 1 day STRCTR183 $270 $240 1 day 6-Jan 24-Feb 7-Apr 12-May 29-Jun 28-Jul $225 $205 Medical Care Provider Note : Prerequisite for MPIC within preceding 12 months. Please fax EFA certificate when registering STRCTR3 days 310 7-Jan 25-Feb 8-Apr 13-May 30-Jun 29-Jul $760 $685 Medical PIC STRCTR5 days 12-Jan 307 13-Apr 18-May Note: Please fax MCP certificate when registering 2-Mar 6-Jul 3-Aug $1,350 $1,215 $890 $890 $1,900 $1,900 $2,100 $2,100 Medical Combinations: EFA & MCP MCP & MPIC EFA/MCP/MPIC Urinalysis Collector Training 1 day 10-Aug $400 $360 Breath Alcohol Test (BAT) - Alco Sensors 3 and 4 only! 1 day 10-Mar 11-Aug $400 $360 Saliva Screening Test - QEDs only! ½-day 11-Mar 12-Aug $400 $360 Medical PIC Refresher 3 days $925 $835 $225 $205 Note: MSC approved. 23-Feb 9-Mar 11-May 27-Jul Radar Courses Radar Recertification Radar Recertification at Toledo Maritime Academy (Non Resident Training - apply to Student Services, Dania Beach) STRCTR402 1 day TMA 1 day Course STRCTR4 days 37 5 days STRCTR5 days 399 22-Jan 23-Jan 7-Jan New! 30-Mar 31-Mar 28-May 29-May 23-Jul 24-Jul 4-Feb New! $225 $825 $745 $825 $745 $825 $745 CD N/A N/A Online N/A N/A Crew Endurance Management CD N/A N/A DoT - Hazardous Materials Transportation Trg CD N/A N/A EPA Universal Refrigerant Certification Examination Self Study N/A N/A Prudent Mariner's Guide to Right Whale Protection CD N/A N/A Vessel General Permit - EPA CD N/A N/A $200 $180 $675 $610 $1,050 $945 ARPA Radar Recertification & ARPA Original Radar Observer Unlimited Self-Study CDs & Online Programs Afloat Environmental Protection Coordinator Anti-Terrorism Level 1 Available for use when attending other approved classroom courses. Original License Courses Marlin Spike RFPNW Assessments 40hr Able Seaman STRCTR1 day Please call 280 STRCTR1 day Please call 412 STRCTR5 days Please call 1 PleaseCall! Officer In Charge of a Navigation Watch (OICNW) Successful completion of this program will satisfy the training requirements for STCW certification as Master or Chief Mate on vessels of 500 or more gross tonnage (ITC). This program will complete ALL 53 Control Sheet assessments. Celestial Navigation Ship Construction & Stability Magnetic & Gyro Compass Cargo Handling & Stowage Emergency Procedures and SAR Meteorology Electronic Navigation Terrestrial Navigation Watchkeeping Basic Shiphandling at the Operational Level STRCTR114 STRCTR449 STRCTR262 STRCTR100 STRCTR184 STRCTR316 STRCTR181 STRCTR512 STRCTR548 STRCTR71 $1,805 $1,625 10 days 5 days 3 days 5 days 4 days 5 days 5 days 10 days 10 days Please Call! 5 days Notes: 1. All 10 courses booked simultaneously - 15% discount applied to individual rate of $13 380 - $11 375 2. 5 courses booked simultaneously - 10% discount (Group Rate) will apply. Discount to $11,375 will apply on 8th, 9th and/or 10th course as appropriate, after paying for and As Req'd Self-Study License Exam Preparation $850 $765 $670 $605 $850 $765 $850 $765 $850 $765 $960 $865 $1,995 $1,795 $2,050 $1,845 $2,500 $2,250 $750 / 5 days 4 of 5 STAR Center admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin or sex. Highlighted classes are only available to participants / authorized students. Course Name Jan-15 Feb-15 Mar-15 Apr-15 May-15 Jun-15 Jul-15 Aug-15 Individual Group Rate Rate USCG Duration Ref Deck Upgrade - STCW 2010 - Management Level IAW NEW 46 CFR 11.305 and 11.307 and NVIC 10-14 If sea service or training towards management level (Chief Mate/Master) upgrade started ON OR AFTER 24 March 2014 you must adhere to this new program of training. Completion of both required and optional courses listed below will include all Task Assessments required by NVIC 10-14 , providing ECDIS, GMDSS and ARPA have been previously completed. By completing the Upgrade: Shiphandling at the Management Level Upgrade: Advanced Meteorology NOTE: Requires after hours homework! Advanced Stability Search & Rescue Management of Medical Care Leadership & Management Advanced Cargo (Optional for task sign-off) Marine Propulsion Plants (Optional for task sign-off) Advanced Celestial (Optional for task sign-off) Advanced Navigation (Optional for task sign-off) STRCTR459 STRCTR18 STRCTR** STRCTR445 STRCTR788 STRCTR751 STRCTR** STRCTR272 STRCTR110 STRCTR475 5-Jan 6-Apr 13-Jul 5 days 19-Jan 20-Apr 27-Jul 5 days 27-Apr 10 days 26-Jan 2.5 days 0.5 days $5,000 $4,500 $995 $895 3-Aug $1,130 $1,015 $1,495 $1,345 2-Feb 4-May 10-Aug 4-Feb 6-May 12-Aug 5 days 9-Feb 11-May 17-Aug $1,650 $1,485 5 days 16-Feb 18-May 24-Aug $1,050 5 days 23-Feb 31-Aug $2,055 $1,850 1-Jun 5 days 2-Mar 5 days 9-Mar $195 $175 $945 $1,130 $1,015 25-May $1,275 $1,150 8-Jun Deck Upgrade at the Management Level IAW POLICY LTR 04-02 THIS PROGRAM EXPIRES 31 DECEMBER 2016 This upgrade program is for those who started sea service or training towards management level (Chief Mate/Master) upgrade BEFORE 24 March 2014. Failure to complete by 31 December 2016 will most likely result in significant delays and additional training or assessment requirements. Successful completion of this program will satisfy the training requirements for STCW certification as Master or Chief Mate on vessels of 500 or more gross tonnage (ITC) under previous. This program will complete ALL 53 Control Sheet assessments of the training requirements for STCW under policy letter 04-02. Course completion certificates and control sheets expire 12/31/16. Anyone using the previous regulations to upgrade in this manner must complete all requirements ,including USCG testing, by 12/31/16. Deck Management Level gap closing training must also be completed by 12/31/16 in order for the new credential to valid after this date. Celestial Navigation NOTE: Requires after hours homework! Upgrade: Advanced Meteorology - Requires after hours homework! Cargo Operations Marine Propulsion Plants Upgrade: Stability Watchkeeping 1 - BRM Watchkeeping 2 - COLREGS Upgrade: Shiphandling at the Management Level Shipboard Management Upgrade: Advanced Navigation (Includes Simulator) ECDIS STRCTR110 STRCTR18 STRCTR98 STRCTR272 STRCTR476 STRCTR80 STRCTR547 STRCTR459 STRCTR454 STRCTR475 STRCTR179 5 days 2-Mar 5 days 19-Jan 9 days 2-Feb 5 days 5 days $1,130 $1,015 25-May 20-Apr 4-May 23-Feb 1-Jun 26-Jan 27-Apr 3 days 23-Mar 17-Jun 5 days 26-Mar 22-Jun 10 days 5-Jan 5 days 6-Apr 16-Feb $995 27-Jul $895 10-Aug $2,055 $1,850 31-Aug $2,055 $1,850 3-Aug $1,130 $1,015 $1,675 $1,510 $2,160 $1,945 $5,000 $4,500 13-Jul 18-May 24-Aug $1,495 $1,345 5 days 9-Mar 8-Jun $1,275 $1,150 5 days 16-Mar 15-Jun $1,295 $1,165 Notes: 1. All 10 courses booked simultaneously (excluding Celestial Navigation) - 20% discount applied to individual rate - $15,190 2. 5 courses booked simultaneously - 10% discount (Group Rate) will apply. Discount to $15,190 will apply on 8th and/or 9th course as appropriate, after paying for and completing the first 5 courses. All 9 courses MUST be taken at STAR Center. Self-Study License Exam Preparation As Req'd $750 / 5 days Room and Board Onsite accommodation is available for all students attending scheduled STAR Center courses. Our check in desk is located 100 yards west of the main 4-story building on West Dixie at: 900 SW 2nd Avenue Dania Beach, FL 33004 Tel: (954) 921 7254 Ext. 7999 It is manned 24/7, except on Thanksgiving, Christmas Day and New Year's Day. Check-in is after 3pm the day prior to class start. Departure is to be no later than 10:00am the day after course completion unless express permission has been obtained prior to arrival. All rooms are single occupancy with ensuite facilities. The cost for non-sponsored guests is $135 per night plus all applicable taxes (currently 6% Florida Sales Tax applied to Room & Board and 5% Broward County Room Tax ($148.25 total)). This fee includes full galley access, which includes 3 cooked meals daily Monday to Friday and self-help at all other times, 24/7. AMO Members/Plan Participants, their spouse and certain immediate family members are accommodated at no charge. Other authorized guests of attendees may be accommodated for a facilities fee of $32 per person per day, plus 6% Florida Sales Tax, when sharing the same accommodation unit. AMO members and their family/guests are welcome to arrive early or stay after their completes if space permits. However, in accordance with Department of Labor requirements, all additional nights must be charged at the appropriate rate. 5 of 5 STAR Center admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin or sex.
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