第 1 期英語教學(WORKSHOP)課程簡介 教師 課程名稱/課程代碼 課程介紹 外語課程設計 A 由閔慧慈教授授課 6 小時 外語課程設計 A:This course is to familiarize students with different kinds of English teaching pedagogies and their basic philosophies. The students are strongly encouraged to develop an eclectic view of teaching methodologies and create a unique teaching approach that suits their teaching philosophy and their students’ needs. 閔慧慈 劉繼仁 高實玫 外語課程設計 B 由劉繼仁副教授授課 6 小時 外語課程設計 B:Instructional Design for Blended Language Learning:Participants will learn the nature and practice of blended language learning (BLL), and learn how to apply the know-how to design a BLL lesson. Please figure out the advantages of face-to-face learning context and of online learning environment (LiveABC in our workshop), and try to use them when designing a blended language learning lesson. Please specify the English proficiency level of the target learners for using your lesson on LiveABC. Please design and develop a lesson with a series of English learning activities with LiveABC Please focus on one aspect of English learning. For example, you may focus on one of the following to design and develop a lesson: reading, listening, pronunciation, culture, written 外語課程設計 A.B.C. communication, speaking practices, or translation. In addition, / you may try one ELT method or technique to fit your lesson needs: Foreign Language project-based, content-based, CLT approach, Whole Language, Course Design/FLD etc. The LiveABC-based lesson should last 30-40 minutes. Please design and develop the LiveABC-based lesson with 6-10 open-ended questions . Designing a lesson on English learning activities with LiveABC, you need to provide the following sections: Introduction, Relevant studies of this research Design with a lesson plan on LiveABC Results Discussions Limitations Conclusions 外語課程設計 C 由高實玫副教授授課 6 小時 外語課程設計 C:The purpose of this session is to introduce the priciples and theories in assessing different aspects of language for different levels and needs of students. Examples about evaluting listening, speaking, reading, writing, vocabulary, grammnar, and young kids will be used to illustrate how valid and reliable tests are critical in language evaluation. The participants will also work together to create a sample test for a designated group of learners. 第 1 頁,共 3 頁 第 1 期英語教學(WORKSHOP)課程簡介 Textbooks:講義及繪本 Course Objective:The purpose of this workshop is to introduce how language should be learned from the very beginning. The materials, strategies and instruction related to early literacy development will be introudced, discussed and practiced. Participatnts will be able to understand the related thoeries and skills for material selctions, guided reading, storytelling and Readers Theater. Course Description: 1. Emergent Literacy Skills 2. Teaching phonics and phonological awareness 3. Literature-based instruction in the early years 4. The texts of beginning reading instruction 5. Guided reading 6. Storytelling 7. Readers Theater. Teaching Approach(es):繪本介紹、引導討論與實作 References: 1. Tsou, W. (2012).The Effects of Storytelling on Adult English Learning. 英語教學期刊 ELT,36(2),1-34. [THCI Core] (NSC 94-2411-H-024-005) 2. Tsou, W. (2012).The Relationship between Oral Classroom Participation and Speaking. 英語語言與文學學刊 Studies in English Language and Literature,29, 51-64。[THCI] (NSC 92–2411-H-024 –002) 3. Tsou, W. (2011). The Application of Readers Theater to FLES (Foreign Language in the Elementary Schools) Reading and Writing. 說故事與語言教學 Foreign Language Annals, 44(4), 727-748. [SSCI] (NSC 鄒文莉 Storytelling and language 95-2411-H-006-029) learning/SLL 4. 鄒文莉(2007)。讀者劇場對兒童英語閱讀之效益分析。教育研究月 刊,第 163 期,頁 100-111。(NSC 95-2411-H-006-029)。 5. 鄒文莉*、鄒美雲 (2006)。國小六年級學童中、英文閱讀之研究— 以誤讀分析(miscue analysis)為例。英語教學期刊 ELT,Special Issue (1): 81-101. [THCI Core](NSC 95-2411-H-006-029) 6. Tsou*, W., Wang, W. & Tzeng, Y. (2006). Applying a Multimedia Storytelling Website in Foreign Language Learning. Computers & Education, 47(1), 17-28. [SSCI] (NSC 94-2411-H-024-005) 7. 鄒文莉*、林佩芬、曾文賢 (2005)。以英語為外語學習的兒童閱讀 歷程。教育研究月刊,第 138 期,113-138。(NSC 94-2411-H-024-005) 8. 鄒文莉 (2003)。說故事英語教學與國小英語學習。師大學報,48 (1),55-70。[THCI] (NSC 91–2411-H-024 –007) 9. 鄒文莉 (2003)。 Storytelling 教師工作坊:為說故事英語教學紮根。 南師學報,37 (2),67 -84。[THCI] (NSC 91–2411-H-024 –007) 10. 鄒文莉 (2004)。Guided Reading. English Works, 18, 83-87. 11. 鄒文莉、許美華 (2009)。讀者劇場-最佳的英語補教教學法。台 北:三民書局。 12. 鄒文莉 (2009)。兒童英語教學 13 堂課。台北:三民書局。 13. 鄒文莉 (2006)。教室裡的迷你劇場 --- 增進孩子英語讀寫能力的 讀者劇場教學資源。 14. 台北:東西出版事業股份有限公司。 15. Tsou, Wenli (2005). The effects of storytelling instruction on adult and child learners of English as a foreign language. Tainan: The English Language Publication of Taichen Printing House. 16. 鄒文莉 (2005)。說故事與英語教學 ─ 訓練英語的聽、說、讀、寫。 台北:東西出版事業股份有限公司。鄒文莉 (2001)。兒童英文中 國文化故事創意教學。台北:東西出版事業有限公司。 第 2 頁,共 3 頁 第 1 期英語教學(WORKSHOP)課程簡介 This course introduces graduate students to digital language learning, as well as the use and study of the computer and the Internet in the development of the target language. Graduate students will (a) learn about the historical and cross-disciplinary foundations of computer assisted language learning (CALL); (b) study current materials on CALL books and selected websites to gain an understanding of practices and issues; (c) share findings with the class in the classroom and on the Internet; and (d) learn how to apply, design, and evaluate digitalized language learning in courseware and on the websites. In addition, students will be engaged in the learning activities of two pair-based projects, which focus on the identification of current progress and possible solutions of selected topics in CALL. The activities in this course—learning digital English, studying the materials, and developing a digitalized English lesson—will strengthen 電腦輔助語言學習:理 students’ knowledge of the issues associated with use of the computer and the Internet in language learning, and will guide them to identify potential 論、設計和評量 areas for further study. Computer Assisted 劉繼仁 Teaching Approach : Lecturing ; classroom-based and online discussions ; Language Learning English learning experiences through selected websites ; hands-on /CALL) workshops for creating and developing digitalized English lessons Theory, Design, and Textbooks: Selected book chapters from the three books : Evaluation Betty, K. (2010). Teaching and Researching Computer Assisted Language Learning (2nd ed.). Egbert, J. L. & Petrie, G. M. (eds.) (2005). CALL Research Perspectives. Lawrence Erbaum Associates, Inc. Levy, M. & Stockwell, G. (2006). CALL Dimensions : Options and issues in Computer Assisted Language Learning. Lawrence Erbaum Associates, Inc. Major journal papers selected from the following SSCI journals: Computers & Education British Journal of Educational Technology ReCALL Journal Computer Assisted Language Learning Language Learning & Technology 第 3 頁,共 3 頁
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