JPL Program Booklet - Jewish Public Library

A note from the Executive Director,
Michael Crelinsten
Un commentaire du directeur général,
Michael Crelinsten
This year the Jewish Public Library is
100 years old. One of our 100th initiatives is a special edition of the Journal
of the Association for Canadian Jewish Studies which
will focus exclusively on the history of the JPL. The
erudite Professor Ira Robinson (JPL President, 19961998) has written an exceptional article for the ACJS
publication entitled Ninety-Nine Meetings: The Jewish
Public Library in its First Century.
From the article we learn that the founding principle
of the JPL was that it “…is of the people and for the
people”. Our founders were dedicated to bringing the
wide public closer to Jewish cultural life. These values
continue to this day. We also learn that, throughout our
history, the JPL has faced, and overcome, significant
obstacles. The First Annual Report, translated from
Yiddish by Pierre Anctil, refers to a “tag” day for the
Library that saw more than 100 young women secure
gifts ranging from a high of $50 to a youngster’s
charming single penny, for a total of some $630. In
1917/18 the Library’s total revenue was $996.94.
It was only in 1943 “… that the JPL annual budget
exceeded $10,000.” The years that followed are a
litany of budget cuts. This might lead one
to lament, “Plus ça change…”, but, as
our Vice-President, Rivka Augenfeld, has
pointed out, it is also a story of continually rising to
the challenge and sustaining the Library’s viability and
excellence. Our Archives are world class, our children’s
library a recognized gem and our rare books collection
a priceless heirloom. We continue to work to keep
pace with evolving technologies and changing demographics. Yiddish came to co-exist with English, then
French and now with Hebrew and Russian as well. We
remain “...of the people and for the people”.
Our budgetary challenges remain and, in this anniversary year, we are launching a 100th Anniversary
Campaign so as to enable the JPL to continue to
serve and innovate. We invite you, as we have for
a century, to browse our periodicals, explore our
Archives, read with your kids, borrow a book and
come to our exceptional cultural programmes. And
we invite you to contribute to our Campaign and
help us to continue on into our second century, and
beyond… and thank you, very much, from all of us
at your Library.
La Bibliothèque publique juive fête ses 100 ans
cette année. Un des événements organisés pour
l’occasion sera une édition spéciale du « Journal of
the Association for Canadian Jewish Studies » qui se
concentrera exclusivement sur l'histoire de la BPJ. Le
professeur et érudit Ira Robinson, président de la BPJ
de 1996 à 1998, a écrit un article exceptionnel pour
ce journal intitulé « Ninety-Nine Meetings: The Jewish
Public Library in its First Century » (Quatre-vingt dixneuf réunions: le premier siècle de la Bibliothèque
publique juive).
Nous apprendrons ainsi que le principe fondamental
de la BPJ était qu'elle « ... est du peuple et pour le
peuple ». Ses fondateurs se sont consacrés à mettre
l’emphase sur la vie culturelle juive et ce sont ces
mêmes valeurs qui dominent toujours à ce jour.
Nous apprendrons aussi que la BPJ a fait face, tout
au cours de son histoire, à des obstacles de taille et
qu’elle les a toujours surmontés. Le premier rapport
annuel, traduit du yiddish par Pierre Anctil, fait allusion à une journée de collecte de la bibliothèque
où plus de 100 jeunes femmes recueillirent des
cadeaux, allant de 50 $ au charmant centime d'un
enfant, totalisant environ 630$. En 1917-18, le
revenu total de la bibliothèque était de 996,94$ et il
faudra attendre jusqu’en 1943 « ... pour que le bud-
get annuel de la BPJ dépasse 10 000$. » Les années
qui suivent ne sont qu’une litanie de compressions
budgétaires, pouvant inciter quiconque à se lamenter.
« Plus ça change ... », mais c’est aussi, selon notre
vice-président, Rivka Augenfeld, une histoire de défis
continuels et de luttes pour maintenir la viabilité et
l'excellence de la Bibliothèque. Nos archives sont
de classe mondiale, la bibliothèque des enfants est
un joyau précieux et notre fonds de livres rares un
héritage inestimable. Nous poursuivons nos efforts
pour nous adapter aux nouvelles technologies et au
changement démographique. Le yiddish a d’abord
coexisté avec l'anglais, puis avec le français et, maintenant, avec l'hébreu et le russe. Nous demeurons «
... du peuple et pour le peuple ».
Nous faisons continuellement face à des défis budgétaires et, en cette année anniversaire, nous lançons
une campagne financière qui permettra à la BPJ de
continuer à servir et à innover. Nous vous invitons, tout
comme par le passé, depuis un siècle, à parcourir nos
périodiques, à explorer nos archives, à lire avec vos
enfants, à emprunter un livre et à assister à des programmes culturels exceptionnels. Nous vous invitons
à participer à notre campagne et à entamer notre
deuxième siècle, et au-delà, avec nous, ... et mille fois
merci, de nous tous à votre bibliothèque.
table of contents
Children's Library/
Bibliothèque pour
enfants Events/
Book Discussions/
Critiques de livres
Legacy for Learning
About the Jewish Public Library/ À propos de la Bibliothèque 6
The Norman Berman Children’s Library/
Bibliothèque pour enfants Norman Berman 7
The Archives/Les archives
The Jonathan & Elyce Joy Berman Multimedia Centre/
Le Centre de multimédia Jonathan & Elyce Joy Berman
Opening Hours, Directions, Parking/
Heures d'ouverture, directions, stationnement
Pre-School Programmes
Pre-K and Kindergarten Programmes
Special Events
Mother Daughter Book Discussion Group
Cultural Programmes and Events
Yiddish Café “Hidden Treasures: Celebrating 100 years of
Yiddish Song and Montreal Poets at the JPL” 20
The Antiquarian Collection of the JPL
“A Roomful of Dwellings: the Antiquarian Books of the JPL”24
1er Salon du livre juif de Montréal25
100th Anniversary Exhibit
“Stories Told: 100 Years of the JPL in Montreal”26
“Orchestra of Exiles” by Josh Aronson
(Documentary in English)
“Rochale is Getting Married” by Savyon Liebrecht
(Hebrew with English supertitles)
Afternoon Book Review Series:
Claire Holden Rothman reviews “Dear Life” by Alice Munro
Rabbi Lisa Grushcow reviews
“A Guide for the Plerplexed” by Dara Horn
Lorraine Levinson reviews “I am Forbidden” by Anouk Markovits
“Conversations” with author and public lecture
“Through the Door of Life: A Jewish Journey Between Genders”
with Joy Ladin
table of contents
Conférence « Les Juifs du Liban : Cent ans d'histoire » (en francais)18
Ron Leshem “The Amateur Revolutionary” (in Hebrew)19
Ron Leshem “Israel and Hollywood” (in English)19
Myra Giberovitch “Recovering from Genocidal Trauma” (in English)21
Prof. Ronit Meroz “Kabbalah in Safed” (in English)23
Martin Fletcher “From Fact to Fiction” (in English)23
Ronald Balson “Once We Were Brothers” (in English)25
Bloomsday Montréal Keynote Event “Joyce, Ulysses, and the Jews” 26
Lectures &
Book Launches/
Conférences &
Lancements de
An Evening in Honour of Sholem Aleichem 25
Yiddish Café
Patricia Burns “Life on the Home Front: Montreal 1939-1945” 17
Linda Spalding “The Purchase”21
Author Readings/
Lectures par les
Intermediate Yiddish
Advanced Yiddish29
Jewish Culture “Treasures of Yiddish Song” (in English)
Creative Writing “In Your Own Voice” (in English)
Sunday Morning Family Tree Workshops
Lecture with Elaine Steinberg “The Little Known and Fascinating
History of the Jews in the Hudson-Vaudreuil-Soulange Region”
Lecture with Alan Greenberg “What's new on Ancestry and Search
Techniques for finding ‘invisible’ records about your Ancestors”21
Lecture with Dr. Simon Kreindler “From Galicia to Barbados,
Guatemala, Montreal and Toronto – a Genealogist’s Journey”
Lecture with Evey Silver, David Kimmel and Dr. Julius Erdstein
Annual “Three Presenters Programme”26
Lecture with Jo Ann Goldwater “How I planned my genealogical
trip and found the places where my family lived in Riga (Latvia)
and Zagara (Lithuania) 28
Jewish Genealogical
Society of Montreal/
Société généalogique juive de
For 100 years, the Jewish Public Library has been a celebrated fixture
of the Montreal community and cultural life. The JPL promotes academic and cultural excellence in a warm and accessible space where
knowledge and information are shared in multiple formats. Through
our Main Library, our Children’s Library, our world renowned
Archives, our Cultural Programming for adults and children, and our
Multimedia Centre, we connect every demographic of our diverse
community to the world…while bringing the world to our community.
The Main Library
The Norman Berman Children’s Library
The JPL is a unique fusion of a neighbourhood library and
a specialized Judaica collection. At any given time, scholars,
students and friendly neighbours just stopping by to read
the daily newspaper, can all be found in the JPL’s warm and
inviting reading, study and reference spaces. Our varied collection of more than 165,000 items in circulation includes the
latest fiction and non-fiction bestsellers, first-run DVDs, major
newspapers, magazines, and music and audiobook CDs – in
English, French, Hebrew, Yiddish and Russian. The JPL is proud
to be the municipally mandated community library in one of
the most ethnically diverse neighbourhoods in Canada.
Giggles and happy squeals will never be shushed at the
Norman Berman Children’s Library! From our library mascot
– Shelley the Turtle – welcoming families from her aquarium,
to a giant dollhouse in our main reading area, to a colourful
banner by Quebec illustrator Marie-Louise Gay hanging at
the entrance, the NBCL is a magical and trusted hangout for
kids and families from all neighbourhoods and backgrounds.
Home to North America’s largest circulating Judaica collection, the JPL is an internationally recognized research
institution. The JPL’s distinctive Rare Book Collection
includes approximately 1,200 titles dating from the late
5th century, including works on religion, history, philosophy,
philology, and ethics. The Rare Book Collection will be on
exhibit throughout this centennial year.
If you can’t visit us, let us visit you: our friendly Books-onWheels volunteers can bring the Library to your door*. Our
members can also use our Interlibrary Loan service to obtain
books from elsewhere, often for free or a minimal charge.
* Call (514) 345-2627, ext. 3003 for more information.
Discover more about us online, where you can browse our
catalogue and New Items list, as well as reserve books and
track your library account.
The NBCL holds a collection of 40,000 books, magazines
CDs and DVDs - in English, French and Hebrew - and
makes over 68,000 loans to young patrons each year. Our
impressive Judaic collection is used by traditionally observant families and also serves as a main source of Jewish
learning for many non-affiliated Jewish children. We also
supplement school curriculum with extensive collections
that meet the project needs of young students.
We offer year-round, high quality children’s music and storytelling programs for babies, toddlers and children up to
14 years of age. Pre-school story times and music sessions,
author visits, and mother daughter book review clubs are
just a sample of what’s happening at any given time.
You will find a detailed listing of all children’s programmes
on pages 30-32.
A book for your child – every month, for
free! PJ Library® in partnership with the
Jewish Public Library
As part of the community wide GEN J Initiative, PJ Library®
(“PJ” for pajama) is a programme seeking to engage Jewish
families in Jewish life. Each participating child receives an
age-appropriate Jewish book or CD every month in the
mail, free of charge. The aim is to help families explore core
values of Judaism and pass them on to their children. Book
topics include a wide array of themes such as Jewish holidays, folktales and Jewish family life.
Montreal's programme, for children between 6 months
and 5½ years old, was the first pilot project in Canada. It
About the Jewish Public Library
About the Jewish Public Library
now reaches over 1,800 children – and the JPL is proud
to have been an instrumental partner since the beginning!
About the Jewish Public Library
PJ Library is a program of the Harold Grinspoon
Foundation in the United States and is funded locally by
the Marlene and Joel King Family Foundation and is a program in memory of Helen and Sam Steinberg.
Information: 514-624-5005 ext. 233 (Shirley Dayan) or log
on to
JPL Archives
The JPL’s world-class Archives collection documents
Montreal’s rich and diverse history and is at the forefront
of web accessible materials with growing digitized collections. With partner institutions, the JPL-A provides access to
its collections through one of North America’s first mobile
archival sites. Our users – local, national and international –
regard us as a vital educational resource. Not just for use by
academics and media, our doors are also open for school
tours and lectures. Get to know your past, present and
future via our online exhibits and finding aids.
Archives: 514-345-2627, ext. 3015 or e-mail archives@
Cultural Programming
Since our founding in 1914, the JPL has been a cultural
hub, offering exceptional adult programming in five languages and hosting some of the world’s foremost authors
and thinkers. Whatever your tastes may be, our lectures,
films, courses, plays, book readings and other special
events such as monthly genealogical workshops, give you
countless opportunities to be informed and entertained
all year round.
Library members get a discount on admission when purchasing tickets in advance. For more information, please
consult page 16.
The Jonathan & Elyce Joy Berman
Multimedia Centre
The Jonathan & Elyce Joy Berman Multimedia Centre at the
JPL provides a comfortable environment with eight computer stations featuring high-speed Internet access and Microsoft
Office software. Access to high-quality colour and black and
white laser printing, as well as scanning and CD burning, is
also available for a nominal fee. For laptop users, the Library
also features free Wi-Fi access. See page 35 for more details.
Depuis 100 ans, la Bibliothèque publique juive fait partie intégrante
de la communauté et de la vie culturelle de Montréal. Elle promeut
l'excellence universitaire et culturelle dans un environnement chaleureux et accessible, où savoir et information sont offerts en formats
différents. Grâce à notre bibliothèque principale, à notre bibliothèque
des enfants, à nos archives de renommée mondiale, à nos programmes
culturels pour les adultes et les enfants et à notre Centre de multimédia, nous pouvons brancher toutes les diverses démographies de notre
communauté sur le monde ... tout en apportant le monde à notre communautéParmi les nombreuses collections spéciales de la Bibliothèque
(Yizkor, périodiques yiddish, Judaïque allemand, Canadiana juive) sont
les livres antiquaires. Comprenant 1200 volumes datant de 1481 au
début du 19e siècle, la collection se compose de textes bibliques, traités
cabalistiques, la grammaire hébraïque et autres ouvrages ésotériques.
Une exposition sera à l’affiche et un catalogue sera imprimé dans le
cadre des célébrations du 100e anniversaire de la Bibliothèque en 2014.
La Bibliothèque principale
La BPJ est la fusion exceptionnelle d'une bibliothèque de
quartier et d’un fonds spécialisé de Judaïca. À tout moment,
chercheurs, étudiants et habitants du quartier, qui s’arrêtent
pour lire le journal, se retrouvent dans les salles chaleureuses et accueillantes de lecture, d'études et de référence
de la BPJ. Notre fonds, avec plus de 165 000 articles en
circulation, inclut les romans et les documentaires les plus
récents, les tout derniers DVD, des journaux importants,
des magazines et de la musique et des livres audio sur
CD - en anglais, français, hébreu, yiddish et russe . La BPJ
est fière d'être la bibliothèque communautaire sous mandat
municipal d’un des quartiers les plus ethniques du Canada.
Foyer du plus grand fonds de Judaïca circulant en Amérique
du Nord, la BPJ est un centre de recherche reconnu internationalement. Le Fonds de Livres rares, qui est une des caractéristiques de la BPJ, comprend environ 1200 titres datant de la
fin du 5ème siècle, dont des oeuvres sur la religion, l'histoire, la
philosophie, la philologie et l'éthique. Le Fonds de Livres rares
sera exposé tout au long de l’année du centenaire.
Si vous ne pouvez pas venir chez nous, laissez-nous aller chez
vous: les bénévoles des Livres mobiles apporteront la bibliothèque à votre porte *. Nos membres peuvent également
utiliser notre service de prêt entre bibliothèques pour obtenir des livres, souvent gratuitement ou pour un coût minime.
*Pour plus de détails : le (514) 345-2627, poste 3003.
Pour en apprendre davantage sur nous, allez en ligne à, où vous pourrez parcourir
notre catalogue et notre liste de nouveaux articles, réserver
des livres et vérifier votre compte.
À propos de la Bibliothèque publique juive
À propos de la Bibliothèque publique juive
Bibliothèque pour enfants Norman Berman
Rires et cris de joie résonneront toujours à la Bibliothèque
pour enfants Norman Berman! De notre mascotte Shelley
la tortue – qui, de son aquarium, souhaite la bienvenue aux
familles, à la maison de poupée géante qui se dresse dans la
salle de lecture principale, à une bannière colorée créée par
l'illustratrice québécoise Marie- Louise Gay et accrochée à
l'entrée, c’est un lieu magique pour les enfants et les familles
de tous les quartiers et milieux.
La Bibliothèque des enfants a en sa possession un fonds de
40 000 livres, magazines, CD et DVD - en anglais, français
et hébreu - et fait plus de 68.000 prêts à ses jeunes clients
chaque année. Son fonds judaïque impressionnant est utilisé
par les familles proches des traditions juives et est la source
principale de nombreux enfants juifs non - affiliés pour leurs
études juives. Nous offrons également un vaste programme
scolaire qui répond aux besoins des jeunes étudiants.
Nous offrons à l’année longue des programmes de musique
et de contes de haute qualité pour les bébés, les tout-petits
et les enfants jusqu'à 14 ans. Les séances de l'heure du conte
et de musique pour les enfants de la préscolaire, les visites
d'auteurs et les clubs de critiques de livre mère/fille ne sont
que des exemples de ce qui se passe à tout moment.
Vous trouverez la liste détaillée de tous les programmes
aux pages 30-32.
Un livre pour votre enfant – chaque mois,
gratuitement ! La « PJ Library »® en partenariat avec la Bibliothèque publique juive
Dans le cadre de l’initiative de GEN J qui vise la communauté entière, la « PJ Library »® (PJ pour pyjama) est un
programme axé à éveiller l’intérêt des familles juives pour
la vie juive. Chaque enfant participant reçoit tous les mois
un livre juif ou un CD adapté à son âge par la poste, sans
frais. L'objectif est d'aider les familles à explorer les valeurs
fondamentales du judaïsme et de les transmette à leurs
enfants. Un large éventail de sujets comme les fêtes juives,
le folklore et la vie de famille juive est offert.
Le programme de Montréal, destiné aux enfants de 6 mois
à 5 ans et demi, a été le premier projet pilote au Canada. Il
inclut maintenant plus de 1800 enfants - et la BPJ est fière
d'avoir été un partenaire important dès le tout début !
La « PJ Library » est un programme de « The Harold
Grinspoon Foundation » aux États-Unis. Elle est financée localement par la Fondation de la Famille Marlene et Joel King et est
un programme à la mémoire d’Helen et de Sam Steinberg.
Pour plus de détails, composez le 514-624-5005, poste 233
(Shirley Dayan) ou branchez-vous sur
Les Archives
Les Archives de classe mondiale de la BPJ illustrent l’histoire
riche et diversifiée de Montréal et sont au premier plan des
documents accessibles par site web grâce à des fonds de plus
en plus numérisés. En partenariat avec d’autres institutions, les
Archives permettent l’accès aux fonds grâce à un des premiers
sites d'archives mobiles en Amérique du Nord. Pour nos membres - aux niveaux local, national et international – les Archives
sont une ressource pédagogique essentielle. Les Archives ne
sont pas limitées aux universitaires et aux médias ; visites et
conférences scolaires sont également possibles. Apprenez à
connaître votre passé, votre présent et votre avenir grâce à
nos expositions en ligne et l’aide d’instruments de recherche.
Archives : 514-345-2627, poste 3015 ou par courriel
[email protected]
Les programmes culturels
Depuis sa fondation en 1914, la BPJ a toujours été un
centre culturel, offrant aux adultes des programmes exceptionnels en cinq langues et accueillant certains des auteurs
et penseurs les plus fameux du monde. Quels que soient
vos goûts, nos conférences, nos films, nos cours, nos pièces
de théâtre, nos lectures de livres et autres événements
spéciaux tels que nos ateliers généalogiques mensuels, vous
offrent une multitude d’opportunités de vous informer et
de vous divertir tout au long de l’année.
Les membres de la bibliothèque bénéficient d'une réduction sur le coût des billets s’ils les achètent à l'avance. Pour
plus de détails, veuillez consulter la page 16.
Le Centre de Multimédia Jonathan et
Elyce Joy Berman
Le Centre de multimédia Jonathan et Elyce Joy Berman
de la JPL offre un environnement confortable avec huit
ordinateurs munis d'une connexion Internet haut débit et
des logiciels Microsoft Office. L’impression en couleur de
haute qualité ainsi que l’impression au laser en noir et blanc
sont disponibles.. La numérisation et la gravure de CD sont
également disponibles pour une somme modique. Pour les
usagers d'ordinateurs portables, la bibliothèque dispose
également d’une connexion Wi-Fi gratuite. Pour plus de
détails, veuillez consulter la page 35.
7:30 p.m.
The Jewish Genealogical
Society: Lecture with
Elaine Steinberg
“The Little Known and
Fascinating History of
Jews in the HudsonVaudreuil-Soulange
10:00 a.m.
The Jewish Genealogical
Society Sunday Morning
Family Tree Workshop
JPL closes at 2 p.m.
Erev Pessach
10:00 a.m.
The Jewish Genealogical
Society Sunday Morning
Family Tree Workshop
7:00 p.m.
Yiddish Café presents
“Hidden Treasures:
Celebrating 100 years of
Yiddish song and Montreal
Poets at the JPL”
NBCL 7:00 p.m.
Mother Daughter Book
Discussion Group
“Wonder” by
16 R.J. Palacio
7:30 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
An Evening in Hebrew with An Evening in English with
Ron Leshem “The
Ron Leshem “Israel and
18 h
Vernissage de l’exposition
« Les Juifs du Liban :
Cent ans d’histoire »
5:30 p.m.
Canada Council Reading
with Wine Reception
“The Purchase” with
author Linda Spalding
19 h 30
« Les Juifs du Liban :
Cent ans d’histoire »
7:00 p.m.
Start of course in Jewish
Culture “Treasures of
Yiddish Song”
7:30 p.m.
The Jewish Genealogical
Society: Lecture with
Alan Greenberg
“What’s new on Ancestry
and Search Techniques
for Finding ‘Invisible’
Records about your
5:30 p.m.
Canada Council Reading
with Wine Reception
“Life on the Home Front:
Montreal 1939-1945”
with author Patricia Burns
7:30 p.m.
Documentary in English,
85 min.
“Orchestra of Exiles”
by Josh Aronson
7:30 p.m.
Lecture in English by Joy
Ladin“Through the Door
of Life: A Journey
Between Genders” 24
6:00 p.m.
“Conversation” Group
Dinner with author Joy
7:00 p.m.
Community Book Launch
Event “Recovering from
Genocidal Trauma”
by Myra Giberovitch
2:00 p.m.
Afternoon Book Review
Series: Claire Holden
Rothman reviews
“Dear Life”
by Alice Munro
Good Friday
Erev Purim
2:30 + 8:00 p.m.
JPL’s Hebrew Theatre
“Rochale is Getting
Married” by Savyon
Liebrecht, directed
by Rachelle Glait 29
10:00 a.m.
The Jewish Genealogical
Society Sunday Morning
Family Tree Workshop
Lag B’Omer
Victoria Day
Fête nationale
7:30 p.m.
The Jewish Genealogical
Society: Lecture with Evey
Silver, David Kimmel and
Dr. Julius Erdstein
Annual “Three
100th Anniversary Exhibit
“Stories Told: 100 Years
of the JPL in Montreal”
Runs through July 27 at
the Grande Bibliothèque
JPL closes at 2 p.m.
Erev Shavuot
13 h à 18 h
1er Salon du livre juif de
2:00 p.m.
Afternoon Book Review
Series: Lorraine Levinson
reviews “I am Forbidden”
by Anouk Markovits
7:30 p.m.
Lecture in English by
Ronald Balson
“Once We Were Brothers”
7:30 p.m.
The Antiquarian Collection
of the JPL
“A Roomful of Dwellings”
10:30 a.m.
Start of Creative Writing
Wokshop with
Ami Sands Brodoff
7:30 p.m.
The Jewish Genealogical
Society: Lecture with Dr.
Simon Kreindler
“From Galicia to
Barbados, Guatemala,
Montreal and Toronto –
a Genealogist’s
11:00 a.m.
Lire Montréal Festival
“Shtetl, Baby!”
with Urban Shtetl
7:30 p.m.
Lecture in English with
Martin Fletcher
“From Fact to Fiction”
7:30 p.m.
Lecture in English with
Prof. Ronit Meroz
“Kabbalah in Safed:
Masters, Disciples and
Spiritual Practice”
10:00 a.m.
The Jewish Genealogical
Society Sunday Morning
Family Tree Workshop
8:00 p.m.
JPL’s Hebrew Theatre
“Rochale is Getting
Married” by Savyon
Liebrecht, directed
by Rachelle Glait 26
7:30 p.m.
Bloomsday Montréal
Keynote Event
“Joyce, Ulysses,
and the Jews” with
Marilyn Reizbaum
7:30 p.m.
Yiddish Café presents
An Evening in Honour
of Sholem Aleichem
2:00 p.m.
Afternoon Book Review
Series: Rabbi Lisa
Grushcow reviews
“A Guide for the
Perplexed” by
Dara Horn
JPL member prices apply only to tickets purchased in
advance. Tickets sold at the door are at the regular rate.
Students pay the JPL member rate at all times*.
Tickets may also be purchased by telephone with a credit card during
library hours at (514) 345-6416 and will be held for you at the event.
In the event that no one is available to take your call, please leave a message
and someone will get back to you. We reserve the right to limit the number of
tickets distributed to free events.
Reserved seats are available only for the Library’s ‘Friends’ category and
conveners and patrons with special needs. Reservations are required.
Reserved seats will be held up to 10 minutes prior to the event.
All tickets are non-refundable except for cancelled or rescheduled
* Tickets at the member rate can be purchased as follows:
Mondays – Wednesdays
pour l'achat
des billets
30 min. before programme starts
30 min. before programme starts or until 5:45 p.m.
until 12:45 p.m. (for Saturday or Sunday events)
30 min. before programme starts or until 4:45 p.m.
Le tarif réduit offert aux membres ne s’applique qu’aux billets
achetés à l’avance. Tout billet vendu à l’entrée le sera au prix
régulier. Les étudiants bénéficient du tarif réduit en tout temps.
Vous pouvez aussi obtenir vos billets par téléphone au (514) 345-6416
durant les heures d’ouverture de la bibliothèque. Une carte de crédit est
nécessaire. Les billets seront mis de côté pour vous.
Si vous n’obtenez pas de réponse, laissez-nous un message et nous retournerons votre appel. Nous nous réservons le droit de limiter le nombre de billets
distribués aux programmes gratuits.
Aucune réservation n’est acceptée sauf pour la catégorie « Ami », pour les
présidents des comités et pour les clients nécessitant des soins spéciaux.
Les réservations sont alors nécessaires et les sièges seront gardés jusqu’à
10 minutes avant le début du programme.
Aucun remboursement ne sera fait sauf dans le cas d’annulation ou de
changement de date.
* Les billets au tarif réduit peuvent être obtenus
du lundi au mercredi
les jeudis
les vendredis
les dimaches
30 minutes avant le début du programme
30 minutes avant le début du programme
ou jusqu’à 17 h 45
jusqu’à 12 h 45 (pour les programmes des
samedis et des dimanches)
30 minutes avant le début du programme
ou jusqu’à 16 h 45.
tickets: 514. 345.6416
The Jewish Genealogical Society of Montreal
Sunday Morning Family Tree Workshop
The popular Sunday Morning Family Tree workshop (formerly Scholar-inResidence) is an opportunity for beginners to get ‘one-on-one’ help with
family history questions. Jewish family history does not have to be a mystery. We all leave a paper trail that can unravel the story of our families for
many generations, across the ocean and into the smallest of ‘shtetls’. Join with other Montrealers in the fascinating quest for your roots.
Visit the JGS website at For further information, please call: Stanley
Diamond, President (514) 484-0100; Merle Kastner, Programming (514) 735-4739; Jerry Zell,
Membership (514) 486-2171.
The Jewish Genealogical Society of Montreal
Lecture Meeting with Elaine Steinberg
“The Little Known and Fascinating History of the Jews in
the Hudson-Vaudreuil-Soulange Region (1819- 1905)”
Come and hear about the history and how these people later became
well known Montreal citizens. Elaine Steinberg is a historian who has done
extensive research and will tell us about her fascinating findings.
Canada Council Reading with Wine Reception
“Life on the Home Front: Montreal 1939-1945”
with author Patricia Burns
Life on the Home Front: Montreal 1939-1945 paints a poignant portrait of
a city coping with the demands of war: rationing and recycling, the loss of
young soldiers, labour unrest, and women entering the work force for the
first time. This was a time when young Jewish servicemen passing through
town could attend a dance, get a meal, or take a shower at the YMHA.
Patricia Burns is also the author of The Shamrock and the Shield: An
Oral History of the Irish in Montreal and They Were So Young: Montrealers
Remember World War II.
Introduced by Simon Dardick, co-publisher of Véhicule Press.
Book sale and signing.
With the assistance of the Canada Council for the Arts and the Department of Canadian Heritage
through the Interdepartmental Partnership with Official Language Communities (IPOLC).
March 9
10:00 a.m. – noon
and on the following
Sundays: April 6, May 4,
June 8, 2014
Jewish Public Library
5151 Côte-Ste-Catherine
Info: JGS of Montreal
Hotline (514) 484-0969
March 10
7:30 p.m.
Jewish Public Library
5151 Côte-Ste-Catherine
Free, donation requested
Info: JGS of Montreal
Hotline (514) 484-0969
March 12
5:30 p.m.
Jewish Public Library
5151 Côte-Ste-Catherine
Free, registration required
Max. 4 tickets per person
Limited seating
Registration + Info:
(514) 345-6416
5:30-6:00 p.m.
Wine Reception
Doors do not open
before 5:30 p.m.
Exposition :
mois de mars
Vernissage :
17 mars
18 h 00
vin et fromages
Conférence :
19 mars
19 h 30
Bibliothèque publique
juive 5151, chemin de la
(Métro Côte-Ste-Catherine,
autobus 129)
Membres*/étudiants 10$
Admission 15$
Billets et info :
(514) 345-6416
Exposition et conférence
Jewish Public Library
5151 Côte-Ste-Catherine
Admission – one session:
Members*/students 5$
General admission 10$
Admission – all 3 sessions:
Members*/students 10$
General admission 20$
Tickets + Info:
(514) 345-6416
Mini Lecture Series with Israeli writer Ron Leshem
« Les Juifs du Liban : Cent ans d’histoire »
Le Comité culturel francophone de la BPJ
propose une exposition de photographies
anciennes racontant l’histoire peu commune des Juifs du Liban. Les photographies
couvrent un siècle d’une histoire secouée
de soubresauts politiques et sociaux. Des
objets et des artefacts accompagneront
cette exposition dans le hall de la Fédération CJA. L’exposition se
déroulera tout au long du mois de mars et son vernissage officiel aura
lieu le 17 mars.
Le mercredi 19 mars, un panel sur le thème Les Juifs du Liban d’hier à
aujourd’hui regroupera des personnalités libanaises : Lucienne Namer,
professeure, Gabrielle Elia (auteur de Funambules, Chronique des Juifs
du Liban de 1925 à 1975), Gabriel Politis, éditeur, et Maurice Elia,
romancier (Dernier Tango à Beyrouth).
Ventes et signatures des livres.
* sur réservation à
l’avance seulement
March 20
2:00 p.m.
tickets: 514. 345.6416
Afternoon Book Review Series
Claire Holden Rothman reviews
“Dear Life” by Alice Munro
Even before she won the 2013 Nobel Prize for Literature, Alice Munro was
a star, admired by fellow writers and a wide reading public at home and
around the world. Dear Life, her most recent book and possibly her last,
shines as brilliantly as any of Munro’s earlier works. In ten stories and four
autobiographical sketches, she focuses on life itself. This is her gift to us –
life, dear life, in all its strangeness and beauty.
Claire Holden Rothman is the author of the best-selling novel The Heart
Specialist, long-listed in 2009 for the Scotia-Bank Giller prize. Her latest
novel, My October, will be published by Penguin Canada in 2014.
Book lovers and bargain hunters
Come discover our treasure trove of lightly read, nearly new books, priced to sell
from one to five dollars each! Literary classics, mysteries, novels, Judaica,
cookbooks, pictorials, holy books and hundreds of other treasures.
Proceeds are used to purchase current publications for our Library patrons.
March 23
7:00 p.m.
Jewish Public Library
5151 Côte-Ste-Catherine
Members*/students $10
General admission $15
Tickets + Info:
(514) 345-6416
* Advance tickets only
An Evening with writer Ron Leshem (in Hebrew)
“The Amateur Revolutionary”
Ron Leshem’s second novel centers on a young Iranian man who abandons
the port town where he grew up and falls in love with the fast pace and
bright lights of the big city of Tehran. Love leads him to underground parties
downtown, filled with illegal drugs, banned music and clandestine passion.
The Amateur Revolutionary is a bold creation that daringly lifts the niqab
to reveal captivating characters, charming scenes, beauty and pain, an
insider’s perceptions and an outsider’s reflections. This novel portrays
modern Iran in all its multiple contradictions.
Introduced by Amit Assis (Post-Doc), McGill University, Jewish Studies.
Book sale and signing.
The Mervin (Mesh) Butovsky Memorial Lecture presents
Ron Leshem on “Israel and Hollywood” (in English)
Ron Leshem will speak about Israel’s growing relationship with Hollywood
over the past 19 years, and about his own award-winning novel Beaufort,
which was the basis for the Oscar-nominated film of the same title. Leshem
will also discuss shows like In Treatment and Homeland, both adapted
from Israeli television, and how these shows are paving the way for Israel’s
young TV industry to expand worldwide. As an executive for one of Israel’s
main TV networks, Leshem oversaw the development of Homeland and
many other hit shows and is currently developing adaptations for his own
shows as a writer for NBC Universal. He will share his views on what makes
a format universal, how to transfer a show to a foreign audience, and what
everyone is looking for as “the next big hit.”
Ron Leshem is an Academy Award-nominated screenwriter, and a winner
of the Sapir Prize – Israel’s top literary award.
Introduced by Glen Rotchin, Montreal novelist and book reviewer.
March 24
7:30 p.m.
Jewish Public Library
5151 Côte-Ste-Catherine
Free, registration required
Max. 4 tickets per person
Limited seating
Registration + Info:
(514) 345-6416
March 30
7:00 p.m.
tickets: 514. 345.6416
The Jewish Genealogical Society of Montreal
Lecture Meeting with Alan Greenberg
“What’s new on Ancestry and Search Techniques for
Finding ‘Invisible’ Records about your Ancestors.”
Jewish Public Library
5151 Côte-Ste-Catherine
Members*/students $7
General admission $12
Tickets + Info:
(514) 345-6416
April 8
7:30 p.m.
Jewish Public Library
5151 Côte-Ste-Catherine
Free, donation requested
Info: JGS of Montreal
Hotline (514) 484-0969
* Advance tickets only
Canada Council Reading with Wine Reception
“The Purchase” with author Linda Spalding
Yiddish Café presents
Hidden Treasures: Celebrating 100 Years of Yiddish Song
and Montreal Poets at the Jewish Public Library
For over 100 years, Montreal has been home to many prominent
Yiddish poets and writers – the Jewish Public Library became
their spiritual home and a place that has honoured their creativity
and unique contribution to Jewish culture.
Join us for a very special celebration of our rich Yiddish literary
heritage as expressed in music, song and poetry by a diverse
group of talented local artists.
Narrated in English. Translations will be provided.
Sponsored by the Augenfeld Family Endowment, Heritage Canada and the
borough of CDN-NDG.
April 1
7:30 p.m.
Jewish Public Library
5151 Côte-Ste-Catherine
Members*/students $10
General admission $15
Tickets + Info:
(514) 345-6416
Vin d’honneur
* Advance tickets only
Linda Spalding will discuss her award-winning novel The Purchase.
Inspired by her own ancestors, the novel follows the story of Daniel
Dickinson, a young Quaker father and widower who leaves his home in
Pennsylvania to establish a new life. When Daniel suddenly trades a horse
for a young slave, it sets in motion a struggle that will taint his life, and the
lives of his wife and children, forever.
Linda Spalding’s novel won the 2012 Governor General’s Award for
Fiction and was short-listed for the Rogers Writers’ Trust Fiction Prize. She
is the author of three previous novels and two acclaimed works of nonfiction. She was born in Kansas and lived in Hawaii before immigrating to
Toronto where she lives with her husband, Michael Ondaatje.
Introduced by Trudis Goldsmith-Reber, Co-chair, English Programming
Book Sale and signing.
April 9
5:30 p.m.
Jewish Public Library
5151 Côte-Ste-Catherine
Free, registration required
Max. 4 tickets per person
Limited seating
Registration + Info:
(514) 345-6416
5:30-6:00 p.m.
Wine Reception
Doors do not open
before 5:30 p.m.
With the assistance of the Canada Council for the Arts and the Department of Canadian Heritage
through the Interdepartmental Partnership with Official Language Communities (IPOLC).
Documentary in English, 85 min.
“Orchestra of Exiles” by Josh Aronson (USA/Israel, 2012)
Featuring Itzhak Perlman, Zubin Mehta, Pinchas Zukerman, Joshua Bell
and others, Orchestra of Exiles is the suspenseful chronicle of how one
man helped save Europe’s premiere Jewish musicians from obliteration
by the Nazis during WWII.
In the early 1930’s Hitler began firing Jewish musicians across Europe.
Overcoming extraordinary obstacles, violinist Bronislaw Huberman moved
these great musicians to Palestine and formed a symphony that would become
the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra. With courage, resourcefulness and an entourage of allies including Arturo Toscanini and Albert Einstein, Huberman saved
close to 1000 Jews – along with the musical heritage of Europe.
Introduced by Dr. Joseph Gilbert, a semi-retired physician, neuropathologist, and a “fan” of classical music.
In conjunction with the Montreal Holocaust Memorial Centre.
Thank you to Adriana and the late Haim Kotler for their
generosity in sponsoring this program.
In partnership with the Cummings Jewish Centre for Seniors, the Montreal
Holocaust Memorial Centre and the Jewish Public Library
Community Book Launch Event
Recovering from Genocidal Trauma by Myra Giberovitch is an essential
tool for anyone who studies, interacts, lives or works with survivors of
mass atrocity. It is a comprehensive guide to understanding Holocaust
survivors and responding to their needs. Myra Giberovitch documents
twenty-five years of working with Holocaust survivors as a professional
social worker, researcher, educator, community leader, and daughter of
Auschwitz survivors.
Myra Giberovitch, M.S.W., P.S.W. is the founder of Services for Holocaust
Survivors at the Cummings Jewish Centre for Seniors. She is also an
adjunct teaching professor and field placement supervisor in the School
of Social Work at McGill University.
Book sale and signing.
April 17
7:00 p.m.
Jewish Public Library
5151 Côte-Ste-Catherine
Free admission
April 24
6:00 to 7:00 p.m.
Dinner with the
Conversation Group
Jewish Public Library
5151 Côte-Ste-Catherine
Members*/students $25
General admission $35
Limited seating, advance
registration required.
Admission includes ticket
to the public lecture.
Pre-registration + Info:
(514) 345-6416
The Helen Bassel Endowment of the JPL presents
The Azrieli Institute of Isreal Studies in collaboration with the JPL presents
“Conversations” –
A Jewish Women's Literary Circle
“Kabbalah in Safed:
Masters, Disciples and Spiritual Practice”
Legacy for Learning Series in co-operation with the Hadassah-Brandeis Institute presents
“Conversations” – A Jewish Women’s Literary Circle
A special invitation for an intimate dinnertime with author
Joy Ladin about “A Jewish Journey Between Genders”
Joy Ladin’s return to Yeshiva University as a woman after receiving
tenure as a man made her the first openly transgender employee of
an Orthodox Jewish institution and made page-3 news in the New York
Post. Her memoir of gender transition, Through the Door of Life: A Jewish
Journey Between Genders, was a finalist for a 2012 National Jewish
Book Award, winner of a Forward Fives award, and she was named to the
2012 Forward 50 list of influential or courageous American Jews. Join
the Conversation group for an intimate talk and find out how Joy Ladin’s
transition has also affected her as a person and in public life.
Sponsored by the Helen Bassel Endowment.
“Conversations” – A Public Lecture
April 24
7:30 p.m.
Public Lecture
Jewish Public Library
5151 Côte-Ste-Catherine
Members*/students $10
General admisison $15
Tickets + Info:
(514) 345-6416
* Advance tickets only
tickets: 514. 345.6416
“Through the Door of Life: A Jewish Journey Between
Genders” with author Joy Ladin
In her talk, Joy Ladin will focus on Judaism and transgender identity, the
effects of gender transition on family and other relationships, the effects of
her gender identity and transition on her relationship with God and Jewish
community, and how her Orthodox Jewish school has responded to her
Introduced by Cindy Bassel-Brown, member of the JPL Board, English
Programming Committee and a representative of the Helen Bassel Family
Book sale and signing. Sponsored by the Helen Bassel Endowment.
Membership at the Jewish Public Library has its privileges
Present your Library Card and get discounts on programmes and courses
from the following organizations:
5% on new
15% on up to 2 tickets per show for the
2013-14 mainstage theatre productions
In the sixteenth century, leading kabbalists and their disciples taught
and practiced Kabbalah in small circles in the Galilean hilltown of Safed.
These fraternities were strictly hierarchical and were often modeled on the
stories found in the Zohar. Among the mystical associates in Safed there
were those who focused on repentance while others emphasized the creation of new kabbalistic rituals. In this lecture, Professor Ronit Meroz will
examine the ways in which the Safed kabbalists reinterpreted the rituals
of the Zohar, blending the received wisdom with new customs against the
background of material circumstances and social conflicts.
The Max Margles Memorial Fund of the JPL presents
“From Fact to Fiction” with author Martin Fletcher
Fletcher will talk about his latest novel, Jacob’s Oath; Set in Germany in
1945, it tells the story of how two Holocaust survivors confront their past
and begin their future. The Christian Science Monitor calls Jacob’s Oath
“emotional and riveting.”
Television Reporter Martin Fletcher journeyed from multi-award winning
NBC Mideast correspondent to award-winning author of fiction and nonfiction but his core subjects remain the same – how Jews survive and
how Israel thrives.
Introduced by Paola Samuel, Anchor/Reporter, Global News Montreal.
Book sale and signing.
Sponsored by the Max Margles Memorial Fund of the JPL.
May 5
7:30 p.m.
Jewish Public Library
5151 Côte-Ste-Catherine
Free, registration required
(514) 848-2424 ext. 8721
May 7
7:30 p.m.
Jewish Public Library
5151 Côte-Ste-Catherine
Members*/students $10
General admission $15
Tickets + Info:
(514) 345-6416
* Advance registration only
© Martin Akko Chelsea Dee
The Jewish Genealogical Society of Montreal
Lecture Meeting with Dr. Simon Kreindler
“From Galicia to Barbados, Guatemala, Montreal and
Toronto – a Genealogist’s Journey”
Simon Kreindler grew up in Barbados, studied medicine in Montreal and
since 1971, has practiced psychiatry in Toronto. He has been researching
his family’s Galician roots for many years and has been able to trace his
paternal and maternal lines back to the late 1700s. In 1995, his serendipitous discovery of a first cousin in Winnipeg, previously thought to have been
lost along with his entire family in the Shoah, infused his search with new
energy. After visiting Czernowitz and his family’s shtetls of Okna, Zablotov,
Ilince and Solotwina (in present-day Ukraine) he embarked on writing a
memoir for his children and grandchildren.
May 12
7:30 p.m.
Jewish Public Library
5151 Côte-Ste-Catherine
Free, donation requested
Info: JGS of Montreal
Hotline (514) 484-0969
Wednesday Vernissage: The Antiquarian Collection of the JPL
May 14
“A Roomful of Dwellings: the Antiquarian Books of the
7:30 p.m.
Jewish Public Library
5151 Côte-Ste-Catherine
Members*/students $5
General admission $10
Tickets + Info:
(514) 345-6416
Wine reception
* Advance tickets only
May 15
2:00 p.m.
Jewish Public Library
5151 Côte-Ste-Catherine
Admission – one session:
Members*/students 5$
General admission 10$
Admission – all 3 sessions:
Members*/students 10$
General admission 20$
Tickets + Info:
(514) 345-6416
Jewish Public Library.”
The JPL’s collection includes over a thousand books dating between the
fifteenth and eighteenth centuries. In 2012, Dr. Michael Paul, an associate
professor of medicine at Memorial University and an antiquarian book collector, discovered this collection through the JPL website and as a former
Montrealer, decided the collection needed to be shared publicly with the
community in which he grew up. His support translated into the production
of a printed catalogue and this exhibit.
The launch of this exhibit and catalogue will feature a discussion of the
collection’s history and provenance, as well as the depth of importance the
JPL places on the printed book.
Eddie Paul, Head of Bibliographic & Information Services who oversaw this
initiative will discuss the project and give a presentation showing images
from the collection.
A catalogue of the exhibition will be on sale at the event.
Sponsored by Dr. Michael Paul and Heritage Canada.
Afternoon Book Review Series
Rabbi Lisa Grushcow reviews
“A Guide for the Perplexed” by Dara Horn
The incomparable Dara Horn returns with a spellbinding novel of how
technology changes memory, and how memory shapes the soul. Software
prodigy Josie Ashkenazi has invented an application that records everything done by its users. When an Egyptian library invites her to visit as
a consultant in the midst of Egypt’s post-revolutionary chaos, Josie is
abducted and her talent for preserving memories becomes a surprising test of her empathy and her only means of escape. A Guide for
the Perplexed is an engrossing adventure that intertwines stories from
Genesis, medieval philosophy, and the digital frontier.
Rabbi Lisa Grushcow is the Senior Rabbi at Temple Emanu-El-Beth
Sholom. She received her B.A. from McGill University in 1996. She was
named a Rhodes Scholar and obtained her master’s and doctoral degrees
from Oxford University. Rabbi Grushcow is a Wexner Graduate Fellow,
the author of Writing the Wayward Wife, and the editor of The Sacred
Encounter (forthcoming).
tickets: 514. 345.6416
1er Salon du livre juif de Montréal
Dans le cadre des célébrations entourant le Centenaire de la Bibliothèque
publique juive, le comité culturel francophone de la BPJ organise une
grande foire du livre rassemblant les écrivains locaux. Cet événement sera
l’occasion pour le public de parler avec tous ces auteurs talentueux qui
s’intéressent de près ou de loin au judaïsme, d’acquérir leurs ouvrages et
d’écouter leurs entrevues réalisées en direct par le journaliste Normand
The Miriam Schachter Vineberg Foundation of the JPL presents
“Once We Were Brothers” with author Ronald Balson
Before leaving his house to attend the opening night gala of the opera, Ben
Solomon tucks a German Luger pistol in his cummerbund. It is from this
point that Ronald Balson begins Once We Were Brothers. The story follows
Solomon as he accuses wealthy Chicago philanthropist Elliot Rosenzweig
of being his foster brother and former SS Officer Otto Piatek “the Butcher
of Zamosc.” The narrative shifts back and forth in time from modern day
Chicago to WWII Poland as Solomon works with his lawyer, Catherine
Lockhart, to build his case. Described as emotional, heart wrenching and
haunting, Ronald Balson’s first novel is difficult to put down and stays with
the reader long after the last page is turned.
Ronald Balson is a practising lawyer in Chicago and an adjunct professor of
business law at the University of Chicago. The inspiration for this book came
from a number of business trips he took to Poland representing his firm.
Introduced by Robert Adams, renowned book-reviewer and author of A
Love of Reading.
Sponsored by the Miriam Schachter Vineberg Foundation.
Book sale and signing.
18 mai
13 h à 18 h
Bibliothèque publique juive
5151, chemin de la
Membres/étudiants 5$
Admission 10$
Billets et info :
(514) 345-6416
May 21
7:30 p.m.
Jewish Public Library
5151 Côte-Ste-Catherine
Free, registration required
Max. 4 tickets per person
Limited seating
Registration + Info:
(514) 345-6416
May 22
7:30 p.m.
Yiddish Café presents
An Evening in Honour of Sholem Aleichem
To respect Sholem Aleichem’s final wishes, a group of talented Montrealers
offers a program of stories and songs in Yiddish and English. Refreshments
will be served.
Sponsored by the Chana Gonshor and Etta Michtom Miransky Funds.
Jewish Public Library
5151 Côte-Ste-Catherine
Members*/students $7
General Admission $12
Tickets + Info:
(514) 345-6416
* Advance registration only
June 10
July 27
During library hours
tickets: 514. 345.6416
100th Anniversary Exhibit
Afternoon Book Review Series
“Stories Told: 100 Years of the Jewish Public Library in
Lorraine Levinson reviews
“I am Forbidden” by Anouk Markovits
Bibliothèque et Archives
nationales du Québec
475 Boulevard de
Maisonneuve Est
Collection nationale
1st level
This centennial exhibit celebrates the JPL’s proud past and promising future.
As an in-depth history of the Library, it showcases the JPL’s contributions to
Montreal city life over the past century. Original photos and artifacts from the
JPL’s holdings help highlight the library’s long-standing role as a cultural hub
at the centre of Montreal’s Jewish community. Following the presentation at
the BAnQ, the exhibit will be on display at the Cummings House from August
15 to September 23, 2014.
A novel spanning four decades, from pre-World War II Transylvania to contemporary New York, I Am Forbidden brings to life four generations of one
Satmar family. Markovits looks at the cause and effect of both belief and
non-belief within the Jewish religion in a tale that focuses on the relationship of two sisters within this Hasidic sect.
Lorraine Levinson, dedicated member of the JPL’s English Programming
Committee, studied math and science before discovering her passion
for art and literature. An avid reader and stone sculptor, she has worked
closely with the JPL for many years.
June 10
7:30 p.m.
The Jewish Genealogical Society of Montreal
Jewish Public Library
5151 Côte-Ste-Catherine
Free, donation requested
Info: JGS of Montreal
Hotline (514) 484-0969
June 18
2:00 p.m.
Jewish Public Library
5151 Côte-Ste-Catherine
Admission – one session:
Members*/students 5$
General admission 10$
Admission – all 3 sessions:
Members*/students 10$
General admission 20$
Tickets + Info:
(514) 345-6416
Evey Silver, David Kimmel and Dr. Julius Erdstein
Annual “Three Presenters Programme”
June 26
8:00 p.m.
Three JGS of Montreal members will discuss their starts and subsequent
research in Jewish genealogical pursuits. Come and hear them recount their
research experiences, sharing their individual brick walls, frustrations, successes and tips.
June 12
7:30 p.m.
The JPL, in partnership with Bloomsday Montréal,
presents the Keynote Event for Bloomsday 2014
Jewish Public Library
5151 Côte-Ste-Catherine
Members*/students $10
General admisison $15
Tickets + Info:
(514) 345-6416
Irish style reception
Marilyn Reizbaum’s talk will be of interest to those
who are Ulysses aficionados as well as newcomers to Joyce. Everyone, whether Jewish, Irish, or
Quebecois, will enjoy exploring this classical literary work of Ireland’s most cherished intellectual
novelist to discover its cultural themes and Jewish
heart. Reizbaum’s topic is inspired by her recently
completed book, Unfit: Jewish Degeneration and Modernism. Her next book
project is on Muriel Spark’s Ridiculous Style.
Marilyn Reizbaum is the Harrison King McCann Professor of English at
Bowdoin College, as well as the accomplished author of many books
including James Joyce's Judaic Other. She has written several essays
and other works and her academic specialties are in the areas of British
Modernisms, contemporary Scottish and Irish literatures and film, and
Jewish cultural theory.
Introduced by Howard Krosnick, marketing and communications executive
and Joyce enthusiast.
Sponsored by The Joseph Kage Cultural Endowment Fund of the JPL, and
also in partnership with McGill University (MCLL), Concordia University
Canadian School of Irish Studies, McCord Museum, and local libraries.
* Advance tickets only
June 29
2:30 + 8:00 p.m.
“Joyce, Ulysses, and the Jews”
The JPL Hebrew Theatre, under the chairmanship of Nitza Parry,
presents its 13th production
“Rochale is Getting Married” by Savyon Liebrecht,
directed by Rachelle Glait
In Hebrew with English supertitles
With her 40th birthday rapidly approaching, a beautiful, talented and
smart Rochale has finally found true love. Her widowed father Shloime
is both relieved and excited. What could go wrong? Plenty. There are
skeletons in the family closet and Rochale’s engagement causes them to
come tumbling out. Savyon Liebrecht's intense, lyrical, and emotionally
complex drama – currently on stage at Beit Lessin theatre in Israel – is
based on her own story, Rochele’s Perfect Groom, from the collection A
Love Story Needs an Ending.
Rochale is Getting Married received the following prizes: Best Play, Best Original Play
and a prize to playwright Savyon Liebrecht.
Segal Centre for
Performing Arts
5170 Côte-Ste-Catherine
Evening 8:00 p.m.
Members*/students $20
General admission $25
Matinée 2:30 p.m.
Members*/students $15
General admission $20
Segal Centre Box office
(514) 739-7944 or at
* Advance tickets only
August 18
7:30 p.m.
Jewish Public Library
5151 Côte-Ste-Catherine
Free, donation requested
Info: JGS of Montreal
Hotline (514) 484-0969
tickets: 514. 345.6416
The Jewish Genealogical Society of Montreal
Yiddish Classes taught by Sheila Witt
Lecture Meeting with Jo Ann Goldwater
Intermediate Yiddish
“How I planned my genealogical trip and found the
places where my family lived in Riga (Latvia) and Zagare
Last year, Jo Ann Goldwater carefully planned her genealogical trip to Riga,
Latvia, and Zagare, Lithuania. In July, 2013, she made her second trip to
those areas with new information and visited the places where her paternal
grandparents were born, and lived before coming to Montreal in 1893.
Students are expected to have knowledge of Yiddish grammar, reading
and writing.
$70 full-time students, $80 Library members, $95 non-members
Yiddish Classes taught by Lorna Smith
Advanced Yiddish
Students are expected to have knowledge of Yiddish grammar, reading,
and writing. The course includes conversation skills and Yiddish literature.
$100 full-time students, $125 Library members, $140 non-members
Tuesdays (8 classes)
Jan. 28
Feb. 4, 11, 18
Mar. 4, 11, 25
Apr. 1
7:00-8:45 p.m.
Mondays (and some
Tuesdays – 12 classes)
Feb. 10, 17, 24
Mar. 3, 10, 17, 24, 31
Apr. 7, 29 (Tue)
May 5, 12, 20 (Tue)
make-up class)
7:00-8:45 p.m.
Course in Jewish Culture taught by Janie Respitz (in English)
(4 sessions)
“Treasures of Yiddish Song”
Join Janie Respitz as she explores a selection of Yiddish songs from the
Haskalah until the twentieth century. Together you will examine and sing
the works of Warshavsky, Gebirtig, Manger and others.
Janie Respitz has an M.A. in Yiddish language and literature. She teaches
courses relating to Yiddish language and a variety of topics dealing with
Yiddish literature, Eastern European Jewish history and Yiddish folklore.
Course in creative writing taught by Ami Sands Brodoff
“In Your Own Voice”
Get your creative juices flowing in this two-session writing intensive workshop with novelist and short story author, Ami Sands Brodoff. Catalysts and
springboards will help you find your material. The leader will discuss elements of the craft, such as character building and story shaping.
Ami Sands Brodoff is an award-winning novelist and short story author
and experienced creative writing instructor. Her books include The White
Space Between, Winner of the Canadian Jewish Book Award for Fiction,
Bloodknots, a volume of stories and finalist for the Re-Lit Prize, and Can
You See Me? a Pushcart nominee. She has just finished a new novel, In
Many Waters.
All courses take place at the Jewish Public Library, 5151 Côte-Ste-Catherine
Info and registration (514) 345-2627 ext. 3006.
Courses are contingent upon registration.
Mar. 12, 19, 26
Apr. 2
7:00-8:45 p.m.
$35 full-time students
$40 Library members
$50 non-members
(2 sessions)
May 13 and 20
10:30 a.m. - Noon
$30 Library members
$40 non-members
Limited enrollment
registration: 514. 345.2627 ext. 3012
Norman Berman Children’s Library, 5151 Côte-Ste-Catherine Road
For registration and information call: (514) 345-2627 ext. 3012 or 3398. Registration required for all programmes unless
otherwise noted. All classes are contingent upon registration. Courses are non-refundable. Participation in our activities requires a
Library membership at an annual cost of $15.00. Children must reach the appropriate age by March 3, 2014.
Mother Goose and Music
For 6 month olds and up and their caregivers, with Linda Kravitz
Registration required.
Info: (514) 345-2627
ext. 3012 or 3398
9:45 - 10:30 a.m. or
10:45 - 11:30 a.m.
March 6 – June 12, 2014
$ 156 (13 weeks)
Pre-School Programmes
Rhythm, Rhyme & Story Time
Registration required.
Info: (514) 345-2627
ext. 3012 or 3398
For 6-24 month olds and their caregivers, with Linda Kravitz
10:00 - 11:00 a.m. - Story Time, Music & Movement
March 3 – June 9, 2014
$168 (12 weeks)
Stories, rhymes, and finger play with the added bonus of music time.
Shabbat and Me
For 15 month olds and up and their caregivers, with Linda Kravitz,
10:30 - 11:30 a.m.
March 7 – June 13, 2014
Registration required.
Info: (514) 345-2627
ext. 3012 or 3398
$ 224 (14 weeks)
Mother Goose & Music
Registration required.
Info: (514) 345-2627
ext. 3012 or 3398
For 6-14 month olds and their caregivers, with Linda Kravitz
10:45 - 11:30 a.m.
March 4 – June 10, 2014
$144 (12 weeks)
Shabbat themed books, songs, and crafts.
Children's programmes are supported by the "Alice and Joel Raby Endowment"
and the "R. Howard Webster Foundation"
Stories, rhymes, and finger play with the added bonus of music time.
Registration required.
Info: (514) 345-2627
ext. 3012 or 3398
Rhythm, Rhyme & Story Time
For 15-30 month olds and their caregivers,
with Selina Eisenberg-Smith + Linda Kravitz
3:30 - 4:30 p.m. – Story Time, Music & Movement
March 4 – June 10, 2014
$180 (12 weeks)
Drop-In Story Time
Info: (514) 345-2627
ext. 3012 or 3398
Join Janice Cohen as she tells exciting stories to 2-4 year olds
and their caregivers.
Pre-K and Kindergarten Programmes
Sunday Children's Story Time
Exciting programmes with stories, arts and crafts, Jewish holiday themes
and events.
For Children 3-6 years of age and their caregivers.
Mar. 9 thru
May 4, 2014
10:15 - 11:00 a.m.
Jewish Public Library
5151 Côte-Ste-Catherine
Free. No registration
required. Library
membership mandatory.
Info: (514) 345-2627
ext. 3012 or 3398
10:00 - 10:30 a.m.
March 5 – June 11, 2014
No charge, no registration required. (13 weeks)
Registration required.
Info: (514) 345-2627
ext. 3012 or 3398
Mostly Music
For 6-24 month olds and their caregivers, with Linda Kravitz
3:30 - 4:15 p.m.
March 5 – June 11, 2014
$156 (13 weeks)
The PJ Library books are NOW available at the
Children’s Library.
Come visit our PJ Library display where you and your child
can enjoy reading our wonderful collection
of past and present PJ Library Books!
Special Events
May 4
11:00 a.m.
Jewish Public Library
5151 Côte-Ste-Catherine
Free admission
Info: (514) 345-2627
ext. 3006 or 6416
Chartered Professional Accountants & Business Advisors
“Shtetl, Baby!” – A Musical Adventure with Fran Avni
Bring the kiddies for a special morning music time at the JPL. Through songs,
rhymes and finger games, acclaimed singer and songwriter Fran Avni will
help us share our Yiddish culture with a whole new generation.
Together with the group Urban Shtetl, the JPL is proud to be a part of the
4th Annual Lire Montréal Festival celebrating the literary culture of Côtedes-Neiges.
For children aged 1 to 5. No prior knowledge of Yiddish required.
All children must be accompanied by an adult.
Myer Spivak,CPA, CA
Yaffa Cohen, CPA, CA
Mother Daughter
Book Discussion Group
For girls in grades 5 and up and their Moms/Grandmoms
Led by Penny Fransblow, Head of the Children’s Library
March 17
7:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Jewish Public Library
5151 Côte-Ste-Catherine
Cost: $30 for the year
Registration and library
membership mandatory.
Info + registration:
(514) 345-2627
ext. 3012 or 3028
May 12
7:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Jewish Public Library
5151 Côte-Ste-Catherine
Cost: $30 for the year
Registration and library
membership mandatory.
Info + registration:
(514) 345-2627
ext. 3012 or 3028
Mother Daughter Book Discussion Group
“Wonder” by R.J. Palacio
Wonder is a beautifully told bestselling novel about friendship, kindness
and courage. August Pullman was born with a facial deformity that caused
him to be homeschooled until 5th grade. He wants to be treated like an
ordinary kid but his classmates cannot get past his face. In a world where
bullying among our youth is reaching epidemic numbers, R.J. Palacio has
written a novel of hope, compassion and acceptance. Readers come away
from it wanting to be a better person.
Mother Daughter Book Discussion Group
Member of global network
Explore, Experience, Enrich, Educate
The Canadian Jewish Heritage Network (CJHN) is a web presence
linking and showcasing the resources of the major organizations
involved in Canadian Jewish archival preservation, beginning
with two Montreal partners, Canadian Jewish Congress
Charities Committee National Archives (CJCCCNA) and
the Jewish Public Library Archives (JPL-A). Together these
two institutions preserve the memory of Quebec and
Montreal’s poets and politicians; artists and activists;
builders and teachers; families and philanthropists.
The CJHN is generously supported by the
Alex Dworkin Foundation for Jewish
“Scorpio Races” by Maggie Stiefvater
A heart stopping novel with cross appeal to lovers of fantasy, horse stories,
romance and action-adventure. New York Times bestselling author Maggie
Stiefvater turns to a world where a pair are swept up in a daring, dangerous
race with more than just their lives at stake should they lose. The race and
the seahorses are a cool concept that is appropriately explored by Stiefvater
with excellent imagery, a sense of danger that never lets up and a world that
fits the timeless, beautiful atmosphere of the story.
> More than 25,000 database records of archival
collections dating back to the 18th century currently on-line.
> Over 2000 digitized historic photographs and archival documents.
> Discover your family through more than 50,000 genealogical records with
over 5,000 associated images.
> Select, e-mail, print or order archival material directly from the web.
Get connected with
The Jonathan & Elyce Joy Berman Multimedia Centre
When Montreal
needs to know.
Jewish Public Library, 5151 Côte-Ste-Catherine Road. For information: (514) 345-2627 ext. 3001
Branchez-vous sur
Le Centre de multimédia Jonathan & Elyce Joy Berman
Photo: The Gazette
La Bibliothèque publique juive, 5151 chemin de la Côte-Ste-Catherine. Pour plus de détails : (514) 345-2627, poste 3001
Andrew Carter
Weekdays 5:30 - 9 AM
Free services for members include:
Microsoft Office 2010 including:
Word in both English and Hebrew,
Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher
Access to the Internet and the Library’s
extensive CD-ROM and database collection
Consumer Reports Online
Encyclopedia Judaica
On-site help and much more…
Moreover we offer the
following services at nominal fees:
• Laser Printing • Scanning
Les services gratuits aux membres incluent :
Accès aux Microsoft Office 2010 comprenant:
Word en anglais et en hébreu
Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher
Accès à l’internet et à la collection de CD-ROM
de la Bibliothèque et aux bases de données
Rapport du consommateur en ligne
Encyclopédie Judaïca
Aide sur place et bien plus…
Nous offrons également les
services suivants à coût minime :
• Impression laser • Numérisation
Rates / Coûts
Members / Membres
Non-Members / Non-membres
Microsoft Office software /
Logiciels Microsoft Office
free / gratuit
$2 per hour / 2$ de l’heure
Access to databases & CD-ROMs /
Accès aux bases de données
free / gratuit free / gratuit
Internet Access / Accès à l’internet
free / gratuit
$2 per hour / 2$ de l’heure
Laser Printing / Impression laser $0.10/page*
Colour Printing / Impression couleur
Scanning / Numérisation
Blank CD/DVD vierge
* Volume discounts available. / * Escompte sur volume disponible.
Membership has its Privileges
I wish to Join the
Jewish Public Library
Every member is entitled to:
(Tax receipts will be issued for the
portion of fees exceeding the first $50)
A free hour of a genealogical session with the Jewish Genealogical Society
5% off a new membership at the YM-YWHA
15% off a new subscription at the Segal Centre for Permorming Arts
Free DVD rentals
Free DVD rentals
Free DVD rentals and no fines
Free DVD rentals, no fines, and up to 2 free tickets per programme.
Reserved seating available, see page 16.
Federation CJA
(employees only)
2 Golden Age (60+)
5% de réduction sur une nouvelle adhésion à la YM-YWHA
15% de réduction sur un nouvel abonnement au Centre Segal des arts
de la scène
Les catégories suivantes bénéficieront aussi des avantages :
Location gratuite de DVDs
Location gratuite de DVDs
Location gratuite de DVDs, aucune amende
Location gratuite de DVDs, aucune amende, jusqu’à 2 billets gratuits par
programme. Sièges réservés disponible, voir page 16.
Catégories d’abonnement
Fédération CJA
(employés seulement)
2 Âge d'or (60+)
in the same household
Golden Age (60+)
Âge d'or (60+)
Children (up to 13 years)
Enfant (jusqu’ à 13 ans)
Chaque membre a droit à :
(inclut “Famille”)
Membership categories
L'adhésion a ses privilèges
Une session généalogique gratuite d’une heure avec la Société
généalogique juive
Niveaux de donateur
Donor levels
(Des reçus seront émis pour la portion
de l’abonnement en sus des premiers 50$)
(includes family membership)
The following categories receive additional benefits:
Je souhaite m'abonner à la
Bibliothèque publique juive
(up to 26 years with valid student ID)
par couple
(jusqu’ à 26 ans avec carte d’étudiant)
Cheque/Chèque Visa
Card#/Carte Nº:
To join or receive more information please call: / Pour vous abonner ou pour plus de détails :
(514) 345-2627 ext 3006
We work with
families to
ensure the
and emotional
well-being of
those in need by
providing holistic
care solutions
Proud to support Montreal’s
Jewish Public Library
Book lovers and bargain hunters
Come discover our treasure trove of lightly read, nearly new books, priced to sell
from one to five dollars each! Literary classics, mysteries, novels, Judaica, cookbooks, pictorials,
holy books and hundreds of other treasures.
Proceeds are used to purchase current publications for our Library patrons.
Now you can support the JPL by making donations online.
Check out our website for more information.
Vous pouvez soutenir la BPJ en faisant des donations en ligne.
Pour plus d'information, consultez notre site Web.
Attention members of book clubs,
groups and organizations
514.935.2600 or toll free: 1.877.935.2600
Looking for a programme? The JPL offers a unique outreach programme to groups.
Reserved seating can be arranged if reservations for ongoing programmes are made prior
to the event. It is also possible for our staff to tailor a programme specific to the group’s
interest and include a mini-tour of our facility and resources. This brochure, published
twice yearly, lists all events and rates.
If interested, please call (514) 345-2627 ext. 3006 for details.
general information
Jewish Public Library
Norman Berman Children’s Library
1 Cummings Square, Montreal, Qc H3W 1M6
(5151 Côte-Ste-Catherine Road)
Bibliothèque publique juive
Bibliothèque pour enfants Norman Berman
1, carré Cummings, Montréal (Qc) H3W 1M6
(5151, chemin de la Côte-Ste-Catherine)
Tel./Tél. (514) 345-2627
Fax/Télec. (514) 345-6477
Monday - Wednesday
10:00 - 21:00
10:00 - 18:00
10:00 - 13:00
10:00 - 17:00
The circulation desk closes
15 minutes prior to closing hours.
The Multimedia Centre closes
one hour prior to closing hours.
Programmes & Tickets
Lundi - Mercredi
Le comptoir des prêts ferme
15 minutes avant l’horaire régulier.
Le centre de multimedia ferme
une heure avant l’horaire régulier.
Programmes & Billets
Information : (514) 345-2627, poste 3017
Information: (514) 345-2627ext. 3017
Billets : (514) 345-6416
Tickets: (514) 345-6416
Télecopieur : (514) 345-6477
Fax (514) 345-6477
Monday - Thursday
9:00 - 17:00 Lundi - Jeudi
9:00 - 13:00 Vendredi
Tel./Tél. (514) 345-2627 ext./poste 3332
Fax/Télec. (514) 345-6477
Monday - Thursday
9:00 - 17:00 Lundi - Jeudi
9:00 - 13:00 Vendredi
Accommodates up to 1,000 guests
Ideal choice for business/personal events
State-of-the-art audiovisual equipment*
Fully equipped kitchen facilities
Valet parking
The Jewish Public Library
is accessible to wheelchair users.
An elevator is available to
all visitors.
* Now with upgraded sound system and HD projectors
Peut accueillir jusqu'à 1 000 personnes
Le choix idéal pour vos événements
d'affaires et personnels
Équipement audiovisuel de pointe*
Devora Neumark
V'al Ha'kol, 2000
Cuisine tout équipée
marble floor mosaics
Service voiturier
mosaïques de marbre au sol
* Maintenant avec système de son amélioré et projecteurs HD
Public transportation
The Jewish Public Library
can be reached by metro
(Côte-Ste-Catherine station)
and by number 129 bus (Côte-Ste-Catherine
and Westbury stop)
Free parking (outdoor only) for JPL events
available at the YM–YWHA.
La Bibliothèque publique juive est
accessible aux personnes en fauteuil roulant.
Un ascenseur est également
à la disposition de tous les visiteurs.
Transports en commun
Vous pouvez vous rendre à la
Bibliothèque publique juive par métro
(station Côte-Ste-Catherine) et par autobus
(le numéro 129, arrêt coin
Côte-Ste-Catherine et Westbury)
Stationnement gratuit (exterieur seulement) disponible
au YM–YWHA pour les événements de la BPJ.
2, Carré Cummings Square
(5151, ch. de la Côte-Sainte-Catherine Road)
Montréal (Québec) H3W 1M6
514. 345.6423
This brochure is made possible thanks to the generosity of:
Bench, CJAD 800, Equinoxe LifeCare, Doherty & Associates, Congregation Dorshei Emet, Fuller Landau,
Gelber Conference Centre, Reitmans, Castel Royal, Protech Chemicals, Bonder Bookstore, Hotel du Fort,
Manoir King David, and Bonnie Sandler.
Your Jewish Public Library
Votre Bibliothèque publique juive
English | Français | ‫ | יידיש | עברית‬Русскиӣ
Judaica/Judaïca | Bestsellers | DVDs and/et videos | Events/Événements |
Computer Centre d’informatique | Children’s Programmes pour enfants
1, Carré Cummings Square (5151 Côte-Ste-Catherine)
Montréal, Québec H3W 1M6