Recent Resource Consent Applications Received 1 - 25 July 2014 Hokianga Community 3000450-LGAEWK LGAEWK 11-Jul-14 SUSP Number of Applications for Hokianga Community LGAEWK earthworks for level building platform Far North Holdings Ltd RMACOC Construct a new BNZ building in Kaikohe mainstreet BNZ Branch Properties Limited LGA327 John Howard Davies 29 State Highway 12 Opononi 1 Kaikohe Community 2150009-RMACOC RMACOC 14-Jul-14 SUSP Number of Applications for Kaikohe Community 128 Broadway Kaikohe 1 Kawakawa Community 3000447-LGA327 LGA327 2150016-RMALUC 2150024-RMALUC RMALUC 2150008-RMASUB 2150004-RMASUB RMASUB 4-Jul-14 CURR cancel building line restriction 15-Jul-14 CURR RMALUC undertake alterations and additions to existing Whare Nui and Ngatiwai associated Trust Board earthworks 21-Jul-14 AWAITP RMALUC construct 2 dwellings and associated earthworks and vegetation Denis Whooley clearance 8-Jul-14 CURR 2-Jul-14 SUSP Number of Applications for Kawakawa Community 44 Matauwhi Road 1,549 Rawhiti Road 0 Waikare Road Russell Russell Kawakawa RMASUB Proposed boundary adjustment between Lot 1 DP 326016David and Lots Laing 2 and Smythe 3 DP 340149 64 Oneroa Road Russell RMASUB Proposal to undertake a subdivision in the Russell Township Hiwi zone Kamlade to create two lots (1 additional) each with 78 an Florance existing Avenue residential unit.Russell 5 Kerikeri Community 3000455-LGA348 LGA348 3000453-LGAEWK 3000452-LGAEWK 3000449-LGAEWK LGAEWK 3000448-LIQCOC LIQCOC 2150012-RMACLD RMACLD 2150017-RMACOM RMACOM 2150019-RMALUC 2150020-RMALUC 2150015-RMALUC 2150011-RMALUC 2150005-RMALUC RMALUC 2150007-RMAOUT RMAOUT 2150010-RMASUB 2150023-RMASUB RMASUB 2110105-RMAVAR/B 2080711-RMAVAR/A 2090191-RMAVAR/A 2090008-RMAVAR/A 2071006-RMAVAR/A RMAVAR Number of Applications for Kerikeri Community 17-Jul-14 AWAITP LGA348 16-Jul-14 DEC 10-Jul-14 CURR 8-Jul-14 CURR creation of right of way easement LGAEWK earthworks to create a level building platform LGAEWK earthworks associated with building platform LGAEWK earthworks and fill to form a driveway 4-Jul-14 ABLDIN LIQCOC On-Licence Restaurant - Plan B Bar Limited Murray Ronald Forsyth and Fay Roseleen Forsyth 9 Rainbow Falls Road Kerikeri Duncan Muggeridge Marlene Louise Burge Paul Hannaby Kerikeri Kerikeri Haruru Plan B Bar Ltd 0 Access Road 48 Amokura Drive 10 Falls View Road 3 Homestead Road Kerikeri 16-Jul-14 CURR RMACLD Combined Discharge and Landuse Consent to construct aDuncan residential Muggeridge unit in the Rural Living Zone that breaches 0 Access permitted Road activity rule Kerikeri 'Impermeable Surfaces' o 15-Jul-14 CURR RMACOM subdivision consent to create two Lots and land use consent Leslie for dispensation Reinhold Wistrand for setback and Valerie from boundary Joy Wistrand 249 for Puketotara existing house Road on Lot 1 18-Jul-14 18-Jul-14 14-Jul-14 10-Jul-14 3-Jul-14 RMALUC RMALUC RMALUC RMALUC RMALUC AWAITP AWAITP AWAITP SUSP DEC 8-Jul-14 DEC Kerikeri new residential unit in the Rural Living zone Alexander Marinus Dick Rennes 13 Maraenui Drive Kerikeri retrospective resource consent for addition to existing shedGeraldine and new Marian driveway Brown in theand Coastal Robert Living McGlashan zone 44Currie Kingfisher Drive Kerikeri increase hours of operation of the Madly Indian RestaurantNaresh (10.00 Kumar a.m. to 12.00 p.m.) 342 Kerikeri Road Kerikeri backpackers: Haka Tourism - maximum occupancy 50 people Ryan Sanders 76 Marsden Road Paihia Retrospective consent to construct a garage 6m from the southern Jennifer Mary boundary Anderson and 3m from the western boundary 45 Wiroa breaching Road the setbackKerikeri rule in the Rural Production Zone RMAOUT outline plan for Telecom - site upgrade at Paihia Telephone Telecom exchange New Zealand Limited 43 Williams Road Paihia 9-Jul-14 CURR RMASUB To carry out a subdivision by way of a boundary adjustment Darrel and amalgamation Jay Robb and in Lisa thePatricia Rural Production Pieri and 1,220 Terence ZoneWaiare - no John additional Road Brocx allotments to Kerikeri be created. 22-Jul-14 AWAITP RMASUB subdivide to create one new Lot in the Rural Production zone Terry Robert Scott and Lois Christine Scott 72 Lodore Road Okaihau 14-Jul-14 8-Jul-14 1-Jul-14 9-Jul-14 10-Jul-14 CURR AWAITP DEC APPREJ DEC RMAVAR RMAVAR RMAVAR RMAVAR RMAVAR vary conditions of RC2110105-RMALUC (also varied under Michael RC 2110105-RMAVAR/A) Phillip Courtney and Sandra Kathleen Courtney 0 Awhitu Road Kerikeri variation to RC 2080711 Phillip Robert Taylor and Tracey Taylor 0 Wiroa Road Kerikeri 1. Variation of consent conditions to RC 2090191by removing Parrish the words Developers 'and constructed' Limited from Stage 1condition 125 Waipapa 3 andRoad Stage 2 condition Kerikeri 32. Extension of time to RC 2090 variation to RC 2090008 Metlifecare Ltd 51 Cobham Road Kerikeri amend condition 3(d)(iii) of RC 2071006 Murray James Wright and Julie Margaret Wright 483 Kerikeri Road Kerikeri 14-Jul-14 CURR LGA348 create easement over Lot 45 DP 53957 in favour of Lot 44John DP 53957 Terrence McMahon and Larraine Joy McMahon 47 Whatuwhiwhi and Joy Lynette Road Tallentire Karikari and others Peninsula 24-Jul-14 CURR 14-Jul-14 DEC LGAEWK earthworks to prepare a building platform Carrington Estate Jade LP LGAEWK earthworks - excavation of area and removal of soil from site Carrington Estate Jade LP 20 Northern Community 3000454-LGA348 LGA348 3000456-LGAEWK 3000451-LGAEWK LGAEWK 52 Banyan Road 33 Brooke Road Karikari Peninsula Karikari Peninsula 2150013-RMALUC 2150021-RMALUC 2150018-RMALUC RMALUC 2150022-RMASUB 2150025-RMASUB RMASUB 1970017-RMAVAR/A RMAVAR RMALUC To construct residential unit in General Coastal Zone and undertake Richard MacDonald 1720m³ ofBradley earthworks Beddek that and breaches Joanna permitted 0 Elisabeth State Highway activity Beddek rules 10 Mangonui 'Visual Amenity' and RMALUC new residential unit in the Residential zone Carrington Estate Jade LP 21 Banyan Road Karikari Peninsula RMALUC construct a dwelling in the residential zone that breaches the Carrington sunlight Estate rule Jade LP 19 Banyan Road Karikari Peninsula 15-Jul-14 SUSP 18-Jul-14 CURR 17-Jul-14 CURR 18-Jul-14 AWAITP RMASUB subdivision to create an additional lot Anthony John Hayward and Julie Marina Hayward 0 Bird Road 22-Jul-14 PRECHK RMASUB subdivision by way of boundary adjustment in the Rural Production John Redai zone 288 Kenana Road Awanui Mangonui 4-Jul-14 PRECHK RMAVAR cancellation of consent notice condition 3 (iii) D147096.3 Graeme Dennis Cramond and Vivienne Marie Cramond 0 Inland and Road Kenneth John Woods Karikari and Peninsula others Number of Applications for Northern Community 9 Whangaroa Community 2150002-RMAOUT RMAOUT 2150006-RMASUB RMASUB 2140295-RMAVAR/A RMAVAR 3-Jul-14 DEC RMAOUT outline plan for a temporary relocatable building at MatauriMatauri Bay School Bay Primary School 2-Jul-14 CURR RMASUB subdivision amalgamation in Rural Production zone 11-Jul-14 CURR Number of Applications for Whangaroa Community GRAND TOTAL Godfrey Trevor Evans and Noeleen Pamela Evans 0 Akatere Road RMAVAR variation to RC2140295 to create a Right of Way Easement Garry overStanley entrance Elliott drive within proposed Lot 2 310 Wainui Road 3 39 2,223 Wainui Road Kaeo Mangonui Kaeo
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