Monday 17 March 2014 Current and Future Steel Market

CRU Steel Workshop – Monday 17 March 2014
Current and Future Steel Market Dynamics: The Winners and Losers
John Kovacs, Principal Consultant, Steel, CRU
 Assessing the rationale for analysing the steel market from economic, steel demand and
trade, cost competiveness and technology perspectives.
 What will this approach tell us about the competiveness of different countries, regions
through the forecast period?
The economic perspective:
Hussain Mehdi, Applied Economist, CRU
Exploring regional economic growth, FX developments and inflation expectations.
Identifying the winners and losers from the perspective of economic growth and steel
The cost perspective:
Paul Butterworth, Research Manager, Steel Raw Materials & Steel Costs, CRU
How the cost competitiveness of different regions is expected to change over the next 5
years and how this is likely to affect steel company profitability in the different regions?
Raw material price movements and the relative competitiveness of the EAF vs BOF
The trade perspectives:
Kevin Bai, Consultant, Steel, CRU
Given our expectations for economic growth, steel demand and cost competitiveness by
region, this presentation will set out CRU’s view of trade patterns in the medium-term.
What role will China play in terms of export strategy?
The technology perspective:
Josh Spoores, Principal Consultant, Steel, CRU
What are CRU’s expectations for the EAF/BOF mix?
Assessing scrap availability (particularly in China)
Exploring China’s switch to EAF
Is shale gas DRI likely to be a game-changer?
Analysing the availability of bulk raw materials to support expected production through
the BOF route.
Discussion and debate
Conclusions: Chris Houlden, Research Manager, Semi Finished & Finished Steel, CRU
Policy and its impact on competiveness
The EC’s steel plan and policy - the challenges and opportunities for European steel.
Gordon Moffat, Director General, Eurofer
Carbon pricing and its effect on integrated steel works
Christopher Beauman, Senior Adviser, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Renewables policy and its implications for the steel industry
Tom Burke, Environmental Policy Adviser, Rio Tinto
Regional Perspectives
Perspectives from Salzgitter Flachstahl GmbH
Dr. Sebastian Bross, Managing Director, Salzgitter Flachstahl GmbH
German steel market – developments and trends
Jörg Feger, Head of Research Department BDS AG, Bundesverband Deutscher Stahlhandel,
German Association of Steel Distribution
Assessment of the steel production capacity surplus in Russia
Igor Sapozhnikov, Markets analyst, Magnitogorsk Iron & Steel Works
Turkish long product and scrap outlook
Serhat Babac, Area Sales Manager, Izmir Demir Çelik Sanayi A.Ş.
Turkish flat products outlook
Ersun Ozdemirel, Export Manager, Borcelik Celik Sanayii A.S
The Chinese steel outlook
Kevin Bai, Consultant, Steel, CRU
Demand prospects and product innovation
An offshore wind farm developer's view on the steel market 2014-2024
Nikolaj Ager Hamann, Business Analyst, Procurement Excellence, DONG Energy
Finished and semi-finished steel outlook
Chris Houlden, Research Manager, Semi Finished & Finished Steel, CRU
The advantages and disadvantages of steel vs. aluminium vs. magnesium
Gregory E. Peterson, Sr. Technical Specialist, LOTUS ENGINEERING
The outlook on processes and products in the steel sector
Jean- Pierre Birat, Secretary General, ESTEP
European economic outlook
Hussain Mehdi, Applied Economist, CRU
Strategy: Raw materials, production and freight and costs
Raw materials: Steel making cost and competiveness outlook
Paul Butterworth, Research Manager, Steel Raw Materials & Steel Costs, CRU
Shipping costs and Iron and steel trade expectations
Rahul Sharan, Senior Research Analyst, Drewry
Outlining the strategic sources of competitiveness for EAF and BOF mills
Marcel Gernet, President Director General, La Place Conseil